Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 22, 2000


Welcome - As is usual, all legal disclaimers apply. If the laws where you live prohibit the viewing of material of this nature, or if you are below the legal age to view this material, PLEASE leave now! If the subject of a homosexual relationship between two individuals in love offends you, please read no further. You won't like what you read.

The author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000. This is a true story. The names of some individuals and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy.

The Author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew van Ryan.

Thanks to all who have e-mailed us. Andy and I enjoy hearing from you! We hope continue reading our story.

Love to all, TJ and Andrew

Anything to Turn You On....

Part XI

by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved

We ate our dinner which was served to us in the formal dinning room by Anne, Polly's mother. She was a very polite middle aged woman who seemed very 'motherly' in the way she fussed over us. She thanked me for putting her daughter on staff, saying Polly had been looking for work for some time. "She's quite keen on working as Andrews assistant" she informed us. "Says your quite an unusual young man".

"Not really" Andy replied. "I'm just outspoken sometimes". Anne giggled and replied "Yes, she told me. At least you don't pretend to be something you're not. I say good for you!" She reached over and patted Andy on the shoulder. "I'll be in the kitchen if you boys want anything else" she said as she left us. I looked at Andy and raised my eyebrows, saying "Two down, two to go". Andy smiled and said "Three down. Pollys Dad has been driving us around all day. He acted very kind, even called me by name a few times". "Oh....." I said "Yes, I guess that was her Dad. He's a very quiet man. Seemed friendly though. OK, I guess the last one to worry about is the maid, whoever she is"

We finished dinner and went upstairs to get ready for going to the pub. Andy dressed in skin tight black jeans, burgundy T- shirt and a black leather motorcycle jacket he'd bought. "How's this?" he asked. "Looks cool" I said "With the little scar on your cheek it makes you look like a tough guy". "How did you get that scar anyway?" I asked. Andy sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at the floor. He was silent for a moment. Then he said softly "I was raped...".

I couldn't believe what my ears had just heard. "WHAT?!" I gasped. "I was raped" he repeated. "Eric did it. He raped me to get even with me for dating Linda". Andy was still staring at the floor, but I could tell he was crying. "Oh, Andy! I'm so sorry!" I said as I sat beside him. I put my arms around him and he fell over against me, sobbing. "Why is it that everything that has hurt you involves Linda?" I asked "Have you ever thought perhaps she was bad luck?" He nodded his head, which was tucked against my chest. "OK, look. We won't talk about it anymore unless you want to, OK?" I told him. Again he nodded. I heard him say "someday I'll tell you...." very quietly between his sniffles "maybe someday...".

I was finding it harder and harder to keep my anger inside each time I learned of something else involving Linda which had hurt Andrew. I made a silent vow never to let Linda hurt him again. "It's all right Andrew, That's all in the past now" I said as I rocked him in my arms "We're together now".

Once he composed himself I finished getting ready. Right at half seven, the red phone rang. "Hello?" I answered "Meet you in the kitchen" Polly advised. "Why the kitchen?" Andy inquired as we descended the stairs. "Don't know" was my simple reply. We joined 'Miss' Polly, as Andrew had begun referring to her, in the kitchen and she instructed "Follow me". Walking into the huge pantry and through a door in the back we were surprised to find a lift. "Where's this go?" I asked. "To the tunnel that leads next door to the delivery entrance" she informed us. Sure enough the old lift descended into a large tunnel that led beneath the rear garden of the house. This opened onto a small room next to the garage where the cars were parked. Exiting down the driveway, we found ourselves deposited on the street behind our house and in front of the house Polly's family occupied. "That's cool!" I remarked "Are there anymore secrets to the house I don't know about?" I asked her. "Were you aware of the offices and the vault in the basement?" Polly asked. "Nope!" I replied. "I'll show them to you tomorrow. The offices haven't been cleaned yet, so they're kind of dusty" Polly explained "The vaults open and empty. Needs cleaning too". "Where are we going?" Andy asked breaking his silence. "Just up this street here and into the alleyway. There's a pub called the Flask" she explained and within no more than a minute we arrived.

The Flask is a neighborhood pub, not a trendy place. So Its full of people who live in Hampstead Heath. Miss Polly seemed to know all of them and they seemed to know her. Andy had instructed her to introduce us as friends of hers, not as her employers which she did to nearly everyone in the pub. Andy loosened up a bit and I felt like 'one of the guys' as we chatted with the locals "So, do you live in Hampstead?" someone asked. "We were thinking about moving here" Andy replied. "Well, it's a lovely little place. If you live here, I'm sure you'll like it" added Paul, one of Pollys friends. Paul was nineteen, dark haired, dark eyed and dressed like he had come straight from his job as a bank teller. He really seemed to enjoy talking with us. He asked me about California and I told him my thoughts about it, never letting on that I was actually Italian. "Yeah, you look like a beach boy, too" he even remarked at one point. After we had each finished several pints everyone got to telling jokes and having a fun night of it.

Time passed quickly and soon it was closing time. As we stumbled slightly towards home Andy told Polly "That's the first time we've been out like 'regular' folks in over a year". She asked "How can you stand to be hidden away from everything? It can't be fun if you stay inside all the time". "Precisely the point, Miss Polly. I want you to help us keep part of our lives as normal as possible. We like being just part of the crowd". Polly promised she would, saying "I'll make it my goal".

Andy and I entered the house through the service tunnel and lift. "That's going to come in handy" I remarked. "Yeah, if no one sees us coming and going from the front of the house they'll never guess we live here" Andy replied. Up the stairs and into our room we tramped. "Lets see now" I said kneeling on the bed. "what do you want to do now?" Andy grinned at me and said "Tear your clothes off!"

I laughed and picked up one of the pillows. "Try and get me!" I shouted. "Ah, HA!" Andrew cried as he dove at me . I began beating him with the pillow but he kept his assault going, grasping my belt and struggling to get it loose. He managed to get it undone and had started to pull my pants down when I felt myself slipping from the bed. "Whoa!!" I shouted as I fell. Andys hand grip on my pants pulled him over on top of me and the two of us landed on the floor with a loud thump and bang.

That was the last thing I remember before hearing a distant voice calling "TJ?! TJ?! Are you all right?!" I groaned and opened my eyes. "Oh, Thank God you're alive!" Andy cried and hugged me. "What happened?" I asked. "You fell off the bed and hit your head" Andy said trembling "You got knocked out". "I did?" I asked rubbing the lump on the back of my head. "Are you OK?" he begged. "I guess. How long was I out for?" I quizzed him. "About fifteen seconds. Long enough to scare the crap out of me!" he replied looking into my eyes. "Oh, TJ! I thought I'd killed you!" he said as his eyes started to fill with tears.

"What?! I'm not going to die!" I protested. "Come on, Help me up" I said. Andy got up and offered me his hand. As he pulled me up from the floor my pants fell around my ankles. I looked down and began to giggle. "Well, looks like you won!" I remarked. Andys tears were all ready subsiding as he asked me "Are you mad?" "Of course not!" I replied. "Help me get the rest of my clothes off" I instructed. Andy complied with my request and soon I was naked and tucked into the bed. I watched him as he removed his clothes. "I think it's really sexy when you don't wear underwear" I mentioned. "The only time I do is when I'm wearing something wool, like our suits" he said and gave me a slight smile. "Are you sure you're all right, TJ?" he said dropping his pants. Looking at his naked body I replied "I will be soon!"

Andy grinned at me. He leapt into the bed and snuggled up against me. Kissing me gently he said "I'm so relieved you're not hurt". His hand reached beneath the covers and found my cock. I reached for his and we began kissing and playing with our hardening boy handles. I began moaning as he stroked me up and down. Breaking away he gazed into my eyes. "I've got something special for you" he whispered "Something I want you to have".

With that, he swung himself over me. Positioning his tight butt over my waiting rod, he lowered himself onto it. "Don't move. I gotta go slow or you'll hurt me. Just let me get you in, then we'll see if it hurts too much" he said while slowly putting more pressure on. Suddenly his tight ass hole opened up and the head of my cock slipped in, just a little. He paused, then started applying pressure again. My shaft started to enter him and he let out a small "uummm!"

"Are you alright?" I said looking at his face. His eyes were closed, but he said "Uh, huh. Just don't move." He slid it in a little bit further and suddenly his boy hole opened. My cock suddenly slid deep in his ass, with a smooth slow movement. "Oh, Oh!" Andy moaned and looked at the ceiling his eyes still closed. His beautiful butt cheeks bottomed out on my hips and he sighed "OK. Just let me sit here a second".

The feeling of his tight tunnel gripping my cock was beyond belief! I was wanting to fuck his ass right then, but he just sat there, perfectly still. After about a minute he said "OK, TJ. I'm going to fuck you now!" He started slowly sliding up and down on my hard pole and I could see my cock going in and out of him. The feeling was fantastic! He started slowly increasing the speed. "It doesn't hurt now. It's actually starting to feel good" he said opening his eyes. I started breathing deeply and he responded by sighing heavily. His speed kept increasing and he was riding all the way up and down my 7 inch member now. "Harder, Andy! Harder!" I cried. He responded by hammering down on my cock, then flying up to where only the tip remained in him. I felt my hips slamming against his bubble butt each time he descended on me. I was moaning as he started huffing deep breaths. Then I felt the tension start in the heels of my feet. It shot up the backs of my legs and I arched upward.

"Oh, fuck me Andy! I'm cumming! I'm cumming in your ass! Ahhh, FUCK!" I cried as my orgasm let fly the first jolt. It shot from my cock and Andrew shouted "I can feel it! I can feel you cumming! Cum in me! Cum in me! I Love you, TJ! Fill me with cum!"

Time disconnected. I was suspended in slow motion as my back arched and my hips thrust the full length of my cock into his tight ass. I held him by his thin waist as love pulsed from deep inside me. I stayed thrust into him as load after load of hot cum discharged from my balls up through my boy shaft and into my lover.

Andy squirmed about moaning, impaled on my throbbing cock. Then, just as suddenly, time reconnected and I collapsed with him falling on top of me. "Huhhh, Oh, GOD! I'm still cumming!" I cried. My cock gave two more heavy spurts into his ass, then began subsiding. He rested on top of me for a few minutes panting, then smoothly pulled up and let my cock slide out of him. "Oh, God TJ! Look!" he said. I looked down and saw rivulets of cum all over my flat belly. "I came too! It actually began feeling so good that you made me cum when you rammed me with your cock! Shit! I didn't know I could cum by getting butt fucked. How'd you like it? Did it feel good?" "Did it ever!" I said. "If we keep this up, I'm going to cum to death!" He smiled and said "Death by orgasm? What a way to go!"

Afterward we lay together in the bed talking softly. "TJ, I want to tell you something. That's the first time I ever let anyone do that to me" he confessed. "I've only been entered once before and I was unconscious at the time" he said. I knew he was referring to the rape and I said "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to". "No, no. I want to" he sighed "I need to tell you the whole story. Eric attacked me on the Fourth of July. It was the summer between Freshman and Sophomore year. I'd started dating Linda right after Easter vacation and he was jealous. Her Dad had Eric's ass beaten a few months earlier and he was pissed off that she would date me and not him.

That day, Eric and my brother drove up to our summer home in the mountains. I was staying there with my Mother and my Father who was working at the boy scout camp. My brother talked Mom into lending him some money and while he drove her to the bank, Eric snuck up on me as I was showering. He pulled me out by my hair and threw me down on the concrete floor. He jumped on me and I realized he was naked. I struggled trying to fight him off. Then he smashed my face into the floor and I blacked out. When I woke up he was dressed and waiting by the side door. He had a knife and threatened to kill me if I told. There was blood all over the floor from the cut on my cheek. I groaned and he slammed my face down again, knocking me out cold" Andy recalled. "To make a long story short, Mother found me after Eric and my brother left. Jesse and his Mother arrived soon afterward expecting the Fourth to be a holiday spent together. What they found was a nightmare. Jess's mom was a Doctor and they drove me down the mountain to the hospital, then later on to their house. Since I knew my brother must have helped Eric plan his attack, I refused to ever go home. Mother told my Dad Eric and I had a fight. She didn't tell him I'd been raped. In fact no one was told I was raped. It was kept secret. They just told everyone I was in a fight".

"Father took my brothers side, saying I must have done something to start the fight with Eric. I decided right then I would never go home as long as my brother was living there. I moved in permanently with Jesse and that's where I stayed until his Mother died" Andy related. He looked at me and continued on, saying "I never let Jesse do that to me. I was too afraid. You're the only one I've ever wanted to do that with. The only one I was brave enough to try doing it with" he whispered "I love you, TJ". "Oh, Andy!" I sniffled "I'm so sorry for what happened to you".

"It's all right TJ. It's in the past now and I'm glad I told you. I just wanted you to know you're the only one I've given myself to willingly in that fashion" he explained. "You're the only one I've done it with too" I said. "In fact, I've done almost nothing with anyone else" I confessed "I kept holding out for you". Andy wrapped me in his arms and said "I hope I was worth holding out for". I nodded my head against his chest as tears flowed from my eyes. "The wait was worth every second" I whispered.

In the morning we dressed casual and ate breakfast at the servants table in the kitchen. Polly joined us while we ate and outlined some of London's sights and places. "I'm sure you'll want to see the West End and Soho" she remarked "Tell me Andrew, what do you like to do?" she quizzed. "Music! Anything to do with music. Concerts, clubs, music stores, record shops. Anything!" he replied. "What about you, TJ? What's your thing?" she asked. "Art" I replied "I love modern art. In fact, I've been thinking about starting a collection". Andy raised his eyebrows. "Then you'll like what I have planned for that room upstairs!" he said excitedly. "I want to use its strange wall angles to display paintings. Modern Paintings!" he explained. "Well, then! Lets tell Anita we want to start collecting!" I said "Do you think I can start on the top floor room soon?" Andy asked. "I'll see to it you can!" I remarked "The house needs something new to liven it up!".

Anita rang about noon and we chatted about what she planned for the evening. "I've bought you memberships in a few private clubs around town. One is for socializing with business people you'll meet. It's right on Barkley Square. Another is for socializing with the other rich and famous in London. They call it 'Tramps'. The last is a 'gentlemen's' club. It's for meeting with anyone you don't want the world knowing you're meeting with, if you get my meaning" she said. "Is it a gay club?" I asked. "Well, you could say that" Anita replied. "We won't be going there" I informed her. "Andy and I are committed to each other, thank you. I'd feel like I was cheating on him just being in a place like that. He wouldn't like it nor would I". Anita turned to look at Andy and he agreed "I belong to Terry. We are a couple. I really don't care to meet other guys and especially in a place like that!" he informed her. Anita smiled and said "Good! I hadn't really bought a membership there yet. I wanted to see how you'd react to the idea.. Now I'm satisfied the two of you are truly committed to one another". I was a bit upset Anita had tested us, but Andy agreed with her, saying "If I was the one looking after you I'd want to be sure you were really in love, too". "OK, then" Anita said returning to business "So the two of you don't have to worry about carrying cash, here are your credit cards" she stated. "All the major ones like Visa, American Express, Diners Club, Carte Blanc and a few others. There's a British Airways Card as well as one for Air Italia. If you go to the Continent, use Air Italia. They're aware your Mother is the Ambassador, so you'll get super treatment".

Andy sat looking at the packet of cards and shook his head. "Anita, I can't take these" he said softly "It's not right". She glanced at him then stared at me. "Terrence, do you love Andrew with all your heart?" she asked. "Yes, Anita. I really do". She turned back to Andrew and said "Keep them, Andy. If you feel uncomfortable using them, simply don't. However, carry them at all times. In case an emergency should arise, OK dear?". He looked at them and slowly stuffed them into his jacket pocket. "I feel odd having them" he remarked.

Later when Andy excused himself to use the water closet, Anita remarked "He does love you so, Terrence. I was certain he did, but I needed to test him anyway. I'm sorry for having done so. Andrew is just so special. I hope he gets over feeling strange about the cards. He does know how wealthy you are doesn't he?" she asked. "Actually Anita, I'm not sure I know how wealthy I am. The statement I received was in Pounds. What am I worth in Dollars?" I asked. "A little over one and a half billion dollars" she replied calmly. "OVER?!" I blurted. "Um, hmm" she smiled. "So unless you and Andy decide to start buying major corporations en mass, you have more money than you could ever spend in your lifetime" she informed me. "We'd better tell Andy this. He needs to know just how much I'm worth and why we need to be careful. You worried me when you suggested someone might kidnap and hold him for ransom" I said. "Yes! Happened to the Getty's, didn't it?" she reminded me.

"I was wondering about the press, Anita. How long do you think it will be before they figure out who I am?" I asked her. "Well, unfortunately, you've already made the papers back in California" she informed me. "The newspapers reported that a man was questioned for making threats over the phone to you. The newspaper headline read 'Man questioned for threatening Boy Billionaire'. So it won't be long until some news gathering agency tracks down your whereabouts. I'm sure they already know you're in London. They just don't know where in London". "I told Andy when the press finds out about us it will hit the papers" I informed her. "He says he doesn't care if it does".

"I don't, either!" Andy stated as he entered from the hall. "If that's the price we pay to be together, so be it. I'm tired of hiding the fact that I'm in love with TJ" he continued "I don't want the press to make a big deal of our private lives, but if they do, Oh well". Sitting down he declared "I love Terrence and I'm not ashamed if the world knows it!" "Good, Andy! I don't think you should be ashamed for loving Terrence" Anita replied "How much of our conversation did you hear?" she asked. "From the 'Boy Billionaire' on" he replied. I filled him in on the rest. When I told him I was worth over a billion and a half dollars he blinked at me. "I don't think I can grasp how much money that is" he replied. Anita explained to him we didn't need to worry about how much money we spent.

"Only, please promise me the two of you won't become drug addicts or drunkards" Anita begged. "I should think not!" I retorted. "It often happens with the idle rich!" she warned "Don't become so free with your money that you begin supporting all the friends you make either. Once word gets out you'll find you have all the friends money can buy! Try to find things that interest your mind and occupy your days that way".

"I'll begin taking piano lessons again!" Andy said. "Good idea" Anita nodded. "I was thinking of starting an art collection with the goal of eventually opening a museum" I remarked. Anita smiled and said "That would be an excellent endeavor. The trust would fund purchases of art, you know" she informed me. "Modern Art?" Andy quizzed. "Yes, even modern art!" she giggled..............

.........Continued -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Soon, Andy gets us involved in some wild nights on the town! Plus we find another endeavor to occupy our days with, not to mention how we occupy our nights!!

Thank you for reading! -

TJ & Andy

Next: Chapter 12

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