Anything to Turn You On

By moc.loa@OBOZATALZ

Published on Jul 20, 2000


Welcome and hello - As is usual, all legal disclaimers apply. If the laws where you live forbid you to view material of this nature, or you are below the legal age to view it, PLEASE leave now. This story involves the relationship between two young homosexuals. If this subject offends you then please read no further. The Author reserves all rights. Copyright 2000.

This Story is true. The names of some individuals and some places have been changed for reasons of privacy. The author is Terrence 'TJ' Julian with additional input from Andrew van Ryan.

Love to all, TJ and Andy

Anything to Turn You On....

Part X

by Terrence 'TJ' Julian

Copyright 2000. All Rights Reserved.

Andy and I slept through the rest of the day and well into the night. I woke at one point to find him standing outside on the balcony contemplating the city lights beyond. London has very few places that offer a view of it. Hampstead Heath is one. I quietly slipped out to join him.

"London looks wonderful to me" he said as if he expected me to be there. I'm sure I hadn't made a sound. Maybe he did have some sort of unusual abilities I thought. "Yes, I think we'll spend some time here before going on" I said to him. He turned and glanced briefly at me. "I never want to go anywhere but where you are. When you want to go on, we'll go on. When you want to stay, we'll stay" he said to me. "My decision is to be where you are. You are my home".

I stepped up next to him, he put his arm around me and I leaned my head against his shoulder. We stood together blissfully staring off into the London nighttime. Eventually the cold of the air compelled us back inside. We snuggled down into the soft feather bed together and I rested my head against his chest. "Goodnight, Andy. I love you" I said softly. "Goodnight, TJ. I love me too, but I love you more than me!" he replied, finally sounding pleased with life once again.

I kept my promise to myself about waking Andy in a rude way! Rousing at about 8:30 I stretched a little. I was careful not to wake him yet! Once I felt aware enough I slipped my head beneath the covers and began inching my way down. I crawled to where I figured Andy's boy tool extended from his slender body. I carefully felt for where I was. I had estimated correctly and got a poke in the cheek when I moved towards him. I slowly gripped my hand around the base of his cock. Opening my mouth I took him in and slowly closed my lips. I lightly whirled my tongue over the swollen head and he flinched. "Uhmmm.." I heard him breath. I licked it a bit harder and he moved again. This time with a groan. Again I increased the pressure of my tongue against his flesh as I swirled it across the tip.

This time he woke and sighed "Oh, TJ! You naughty little boy!". He lifted the covers off to reveal me hard at work on him. 'MMmm..." he signed "You're so good at that". I felt his hand take hold of my rigid handle and begin stroking, softly at first. As he increased the speed ever so slightly he said "I love to look at your cock, TJ. It's so perfectly shaped. Even better than looking at it, I love to taste it". In one quick move he took me into his warm mouth and began to match the rhythm I had established already. The wetness of his mouth and the action of his tongue made a tension begin to mount deep inside me. This exchange of pleasure was driving each towards the goal of climaxing the other. I loved the idea of making Andy cum. It's the supreme act of giving to another that which they give to you. I wanted him to give and get! The tension in me was rising quickly and I began to work at him furiously. "Mmm...!" he uttered. My assault on the last sensory level between the here and the heaven was having the desired effect. His body began shaking. I could feel him tensing like a bow when the arrow is pulled back. Like an archer holding that bow I felt the release and the arrow flew into my throat. As his semen hit the back of my throat I felt the first shot fire from my pistol. I began shooting my boy cum into him as he fired into me. The room seemed to revolve and my head spun from the intense power my orgasm released. I sucked for every last drop of his white heat. Andy was quivering in deep rhythms as he received me. He swallowed as each spurt shot forth. I bucked my hips and sent my cock as far into his throat as I could. As the crest flowed over our trembling young bodies I felt as if time might stand still.

When It subsided I fell onto my back. Andy followed by only a second or two. He collapsed over and gasped "I saw angels!". My breathing was coming in deep panting gasps. When I could speak, I whispered to him "Time almost stood still". He smiled as he stared towards the ceiling.

"TJ? I've got to confess. The way you make love is ............ Well, there are no words to say it. It's beyond any language" he panted. "If that's the way you feel, I'm achieving my aim!" I revealed to him. Rolling onto his side to view my eyes he said "Keep aiming at my target, TJ. I love the way your gun fires!" I giggled rolling around to face him. "Lets kiss!" I begged "Please?!" "Your wish I shall satisfy" he said slow and softly. He pressed his lips to mine and I felt dizzy. "Oh, you!" I said breathing hard "I can't seem to kiss you enough!"

He said nothing. He was too busy satisfying my wish. He kissed me gently, then firmly. Softly and tenderhearted then deeply and passionately. Again and again Andy kissed my lips, my neck, my face and my soul. I became at long last satisfied.

We lay in the big feather bed chattering to one another about our love. The depth of it confirmed each was meant for the other to have as his own. "I could stay here all day" I said dreamily. "" Andy muttered "TJ?" he said "What day is it?" "Friday" I answered. "No, I meant what's today's date" he specified. "The 31st. Tomorrow is the 1st of April" I told him.

"OH! My Birthday is Tuesday!" he shouted. "It's my nineteenth birthday!" he repeated. He looked at me with his eyes twinkling "What should we do?" he asked excitedly. "Well, I think we should ask Anita about that!" I suggested. "Oh, yes! She'll know of something fun" he thought out loud. "Do you like Anita?" I asked. He glanced at me and said "Who wouldn't? She's wonderfully delightful and so........ bright" he said after pausing. "I know what you're saying. Bright describes her presence very well" I agreed. "What does she do at work?" he asked. "She's my personal secretary and Vice Chairman of the trust investment council. She began working there as my personal secretary when I was eight or nine. As she moved up the ladder she kept the secretary position in tandem with any new assignment. That's why she and I are so close" I explained "She says its because no one would do as good a job" I continued "I know it's because she thinks of me as her little brother".

Andy looked at me and one eyebrow rose. "Little brother?" he quizzed. "Anita was an orphan, Andy" I explained further. "She lost her family, including her own little brother in a house fire. She'd been ill and was in the hospital, just for a week, but during that week the house burned and her whole family died" Andy looked very sad as I told him of her loss. "Anita grew up, went to University and then came to work for the Trust. We were introduced and she was shocked by my resemblance to her own brother. She has never thought once of letting anyone else handle the job. So, I guess I'd have to say she's my big sister, in a way" I remarked.

"Well, she loves you like a sister, or perhaps even a Mother" Andy remarked "I think she feels a responsibility to keep your life fulfilled. She wants you to be happy because of the hurt her own loss created. She likes protecting you and what makes you happy makes her extremely happy" he stated. "In a way, being your personal secretary isn't really a job to her. She does it out of her love for you. It makes her feel like a guardian angel".

"You don't mean 'love' like 'in love' do you?" I asked. "No, I mean like 'I love the way I feel when I make him happy' kind of love" he replied. "You're right Andy! Anita told me last year that she was devastated when I was so sad about leaving California and my friends. When she made my arrangements to fly to you last November she was thrilled because I was thrilled". I looked at him and said "How do you do that?" He blinked "Do what?" I stared back at him. "Never mind" I remarked "Are you hungry?". "Oh, yes! Very!" he replied. "See that red phone on your night stand?" I asked. "Uh, huh" he replied swiveling to glimpse it. "Pick it up and ask for the cook" I instructed. "Cook?" he questioned "Do we have servants?" "Cook, Maid and Valet" I answered. He shook his head slightly as he smiled. "I hope they're well paid and happy" he said "Being servants for two teen aged faggots is certainly not the life these people dreamed for themselves as children".

I considered this for a quick second and announced "I'll make it a point to have their salaries raised". Andy grinned and said "Maybe they'll find we're not such terrible creatures after the initial shock wears off. Lets get it over with" and reached for the phone. "Here goes nothing" he said as he put the handset to his ear. The distinctive dual ring of the British telephone system clacked from the phone. After the second ringing a youthful voice came on the line saying "Hello?".

"Yes, this is Mr. van Ryan. Could Mr. Julian and myself get breakfast now?" Andy inquired. "Yes, sir. What would the two of you like?" the voice asked. "No taxes and world peace, but I don't see us getting it anytime soon" Andy stated.

There was a long pause on the phone followed by stifled laughter. "And what would you like for breakfast, Mr. van Ryan?" the voice giggled "Oh, just bring us whatever you had. Oh, and please call me Andy. OK?" "OK, Andy! I'll be serving you poached eggs, toast with jam and bacon. Would you like tea?" the voice asked. "That would be fine" he winked at me. "Oh, were still in bed this morning. Would you bring it up to us?. "Yes, sir!" the voice answered. "Andy. Say 'Yes, Andy'. None of this sir business, all right?" A very cheerful sounding voice replied "Yes, Andy. Thank you! In about fifteen minutes, tah!"

"How old is this person?" he asked me after hanging up. Shrugging my shoulders I replied "I don't know! I really know nothing about this place or the people who work here". "Well, that one sounded like they were OUR age" he said "I couldn't tell if it was a male or female I was speaking to, either" he continued saying and scratching his head.

"We'll find out soon enough" I advised "Lets put robes on at least. We shouldn't give them too big a shock all at once" I opened the closet door and discovered the closet was the size of a bedroom itself. There wasn't very much inside, but there were robes and bath towels. I tossed one to Andy and he put it on. I slipped mine on and rejoined him in the bed. We arranged the pillows so we could sit up and chat. The time passed quickly for suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Yes?" Andy called out. The door barely cracked and the voice called 'Your breakfast, Andy!" He smiled at me and shouted "Oh, please come in!" The door opened and a girl of about nineteen walked in with a huge tray balanced on her shoulder. She took two steps before she looked up and saw us lying in bed together. "Oh!" she said "I didn't know both of you were in here. Sorry!" she apologized. "About what?" he asked. She stopped at the end of the bed and repeated "About what?"

Andy returned with "Yes, that's what I said" nodding his head. "Ahh..." the girl intoned.

"Yes, you said sorry and I said about what" Andy stated. "Oh. I meant if you wanted privacy!" she replied nervously. "No, I wanted breakfast. Is that it?" he asked cheerful while trying to peek over the edge of the tray. "Yes, it is" she answered. "Good I'm starving!" he replied then asked her "So, you know my name. What's yours?". As the girl started to set the tray down she replied "Polly". "Polly this is TJ. It's his house. You knew that didn't you?" Andy quizzed.

"Yes, I knew the owners name was Terrence Julian. I didn't know you were so young, if I may say so" Polly explained as she set trays over our laps. "I'm just a free loader" Andy whispered when she placed his tray. Poor Polly couldn't take it any longer and began to laugh. "Ah there! See! She's not going to mind having us around" Andy remarked. "No, I think she's doing pretty well actually" I agreed.

"Are you two trying to make me laugh?" she asked. "Yeah!" we both said. "Sit down with us, Polly" Andy said pointing at a chair "We're new in town and really don't know anything about London". I agreed saying "Yeah, come on. We're really pretty normal". Polly eyed us up and down then remarked "Normal?" "Oh, well for homosexuals anyway" Andy said casually. This made Polly laugh again. "You're serious. right?" she questioned. "About......?" Andy asked darting his eyes back and forth. "About being homosexuals" she said. "Oh, yes!" he replied "We are! We thought it best not to hide the fact. After all we are going to be here awhile so if it bothers you we want to know now rather than later" Andy explained "We wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable. So, we figured we'd just be ourselves to find out how you feel".

Polly smiled and said "I don't care 'bout any of that. I think you're actually quite funny" Andy gave her another odd look and asked "Funny, ha ha or funny peculiar?" "Ha ha!" she retorted.

Looking at me she asked "Where did you meet him?" "In the Orchestras practice room" I answered truthfully. Andy was beginning to dive into his food and Polly started to get up. "Wait!" he cried "Where are you going?" "Oh, I thought you might like to eat in......" Andy cut her off saying "No, Polly. Please sit down. TJ and I will never get to know anyone here if you keep leaving us in private. We'd like everyone here to be happy and talk to us as friends, not employees" he explained. Then looking directly at her he pouted and whined "Please......"

She looked at him with both arms crossed in front of her. Then suddenly she sat down. "Oh, all right! Give me a piece of that bacon!" she said grabbing it off his plate. "Ha! We have a friend!" Andy shouted.

"May I ask you a question?" Polly said. I nodded. "I was told the owner was Italian and that his friend was American." she began. "Yes, that's right" I replied. "Well, it seems to me that you sound American and Andy sounds like he's from here" she remarked. "Simple" Andy said "TJ's been living in the US since he was twelve and I learned my accent out of necessity. I had a terrible lisp as a little boy. I discovered it went away if I spoke like this, so my Grandmother on my mothers side gave me diction lessons". Looking up from his plate Andy added "She's from Surrey". "Oh, all right. That explains it" she said "So, what do the two of you do?" "Care for each other" Andy remarked.

"I can see that!" Polly giggled. "What's fun to do in London?" I asked. "A million things" she replied. "Hmmm, OK What's fun tonight?" I quizzed. "Oh, God! There's so many things........." Andy interrupted, asking "What are you doing for fun tonight?". "Oh, I'm just going to the Pub to meet some friends" she answered. Andy froze, staring at her. "Why? Do you want to come along?" We both sat nodding our heads. She giggled and said "OK, then! It's a date! I'll be going out about half seven" she got up and began picking up the trays and things. "You're a good cook, Polly" Andy remarked. "I'm not the cook. My mothers the cook. My dads your valet" she informed us. "What's your job?" I asked. "I don't have one. I just help out" she answered. "NO!" I said "I'll have Anita put you on staff. If you're here doing this you should be paid". Pollys eyes went wide. "Really?!" she said excitedly. "Yes, really!" I replied. "Oh, Thank you!" she cried. "Oh, I have to tell my Mum!" she said and started for the door. "Half Seven?" Andy shouted. "Yes, Half Seven!" Polly exclaimed as she went out the door "See you!"

We looked at each other and nodded our heads. "That went well" I said "I hope the rest of the staff accept us as easily". Andy remarked "I feel more comfortable all ready. With just your Mother, Anita and Polly knowing I feel like a weight is slowly coming off my shoulders, TJ". I had to agree. Living in fear of discovery had been taking a toll on us back in California. The incident with Linda's Dad showed how dangerous it could be as well. Not that we'd be totally fearless now. Yet we could at least feel at home in our home.

Anita came 'round at noon and first on our agenda was buying clothes. "For something casual and trendy, we'll go down the King's Road and visit the shops, like the Chelsea Drugstore" Anita explained "For something more formal, there's a tailor on Saville Row who we'll see". Shopping consumed most of the day. We ate a late lunch over which Anita told me that she felt it necessary to hire a bodyguard for us.

"Oh, Anita! Do we have to?" I complained. "Yes!" she replied firmly. "Well, how about if you get us a few to choose from?" Andy suggested "That way we can at least get someone we feel comfortable with". "That would be fine. Thank you Andy!" Anita replied. "Well, if we must..." I whined. "You MUST!" Anita stated "I can't have the two of you wandering about London without some protection. How would you feel if someone kidnapped Andy and held him for ransom?" she asked me. The thought had never crossed my mind before. Suddenly the idea of a bodyguard made a great deal of sense to me. "I think I understand now" I replied solemnly. "Get a few candidates together and we'll pick one" I said

"Speaking of staff for the house, I want Polly added to the payroll". I said. Anita asked "Polly? As what?" I though for a moment and said "Make her Andy's personal assistant". He looked surprised and exclaimed "Oh, yes! I'd like having Polly as my assistant!". Anita giggled and said "Let's hope she's as thrilled as Andy is! I assume they met?" I laughed and repeated the story of breakfast to Anita. "Oh well then, it sounds like they're a good match. Consider it done" she grinned. "I'll inform her of her duties when we return home". "My own assistant! Miss Polly!" Andy remarked.

We ended our shopping with the Rolls Royce stuffed full of packages before returning home. I asked Anita if it wouldn't be better to have a less conspicuous car to be driven around in. "Good Idea, TJ. What would you like?" she asked. "Something nice but not so.... big" I reasoned. "How about a Jaguar sedan?" Anita suggested. Andy, who was staring out the car window at the passing people nodded, saying in a faraway tone "With wire wheels and knock off hubs...". Anita and I both looked at him, then at each other. "Jaguar!" we nodded together.

Polly was actually thrilled with the idea of being Andy's personal assistant. "He's quite unusual, yet very endearing, isn't he?" she had asked Anita. "I see he's worked his spell on you too!" Anita replied "As his assistant you're under his direction and mine. Come by my office Monday at ten and I'll outline your duties. As of now, however, you're on staff" Polly thanked her and ran to tell her 'Mum' again. "Polly and I will arrange something for Andy's birthday on Tuesday. Tomorrow night we're going out. I have a few places to take you two, OK?" she said. "Sounds fine!" I replied. "All right then, I'll ring you tomorrow. Good evening, you two! Oh, If you plan to go out, stay in the neighborhood Please?" she said. "Can we go to the Pub?" Andy asked. I flinched, thinking he'd give our plan away. Anita looked at him and said "Only if you have Polly accompany you. She might as well begin right now. Have her take my number along in case. Tah, boys!"

"Cool!" I said. "We're going to have fun tonight!"............

.................Continued -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks again for reading and for the emails! Soon you'll read how Andy gets us involved in the London nightlife and jet setting across the Continent. 'Till then, love to all........

Tj and Andy

Next: Chapter 11

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