Antony and Sam


Published on Aug 24, 2023


Antony and Sam - Old Friends Reunited - Part 7 - Gay Adult Friends, Urination

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This is part 7 of many of this story.

This series is a work of fiction. It will depict many different fetish themes over the subsequent chapters. If you are not interested in m/m kinky gay sex, this is not for you. If you are, get ready!

"Can we get back to the fun part?" he asks with his devilish grin back on his face, as he stares at me.

I smile warmly at him. I feel relief, not that we're moving on from the heavy topics, but that he seems to feel better and lighter than before.

"Of course!" I say, leaning my forehead against his, "Unless there's anything else you want to share."

He smiles, pecks me on the lips, and pulls away.

"Well there is one other little thing..."

"Oh?" I ask curiously.

"I sent you a message yesterday on Scruff."

I look at him confused and feel my body recoil from him for some reason.

"While I was waiting for you at the storage unit your profile came up. I thought 'he's pretty hot and normal looking and not the usual trolls from the area' so I said hey. That was before I realized who you were when we were out of the car or remembered who you are when I saw the St. Matthew's pennant. I mean the picture was only of your sexy furry body," he blushes and despite myself, I think his nervousness while explaining this new layer is kind of cute.

I can only continue to stare at him as I wonder where this is going.

"Then when I put two and two together after you drove off, I reread your profile and scrolled through your pics. I was turned on but decided it's better to not shit where you eat so I didn't follow up or say anything."

I laugh to myself remembering thinking the same thing, but for different reasons.

"So you already knew I was a kinky slut," I laugh, thinking about the bold answers on the app's profile and the risky `thirst trap' type photos I had posted.

"Well... I mean you're a hell of a lot raunchier than I thought," he says with a blank face.

I feel my cheeks flush and suddenly, terrifyingly awkward, I try to slip away from him but he holds me in place.

"Hey! Don't be embarrassed, I'm pretty sure you can tell I'm into it... a lot," he smiles, grinding his hard cock against me for emphasis.

That is true, but something feels off. Like I was set up.

`Does it really matter?' I think to myself, trying to swallow down the rising lump in my throat. Trying to convince my mind that it doesn't, that I didn't care. But there is a growing, sinking feeling in my gut that I had been played a fool of sorts. The rationale isn't there but the instincts, the fight or flight reaction, are.

I feel like I'm going to be sick.

I muster a smile back and give him a quick peck.

"We need more beer," I say pushing away from him to swim to the ledge and push myself out.

I make my way into the pool house, grab our beers from the mini fridge, and take a deep, heavy breath. I know he wasn't doing any of this to hurt me, how would he know that the intense desire and feelings of first love came flooding back to me in our raunchy game of cat and mouse? I was silly to think he was anything more than a curious straight dude. Or, well, bi? I mean he just came out as something, right? Sure, we got on well, but he was looking for a hookup anyway. He wanted to rip the bandaid off it seems.

Was the connection all in my head? Was I just his first-time experiment? Someone he doesn't find too scary to test the waters with?

Get it together.' I whisper to myself as my eyes start to burn. Don't let your emotions and feelings from high school get in your way. You still have him naked in the pool!' I remind myself, trying to look on the increasingly dimming bright side.

I press the cold beer bottles to my eyes when I feel a warm, strong hand on my shoulder. I turn to him and he laughs at me, still with bottles hiding my eyes. He takes them from me and my eyes follow them down to the counter. He gently lifts my chin and stares down at me with a warm caring, concerned look.

"What's wrong baby?" he asks sweetly.

Baby.' Baby?' What was he trying to do? Even just 'babe' would've been easier to hear.

I push away from him.

"Look, I get that you have a lot you're going through, and trust me... I have dreamed of you naked since high school, so I'm down to clown, just don't act like this is something that it isn't."

His look of concerned confusion turns into a goofy smile as he starts laughing.

"It's not funny! Stop laughing at me!" I spit back confused and hurt, feeling like the fat freshman I thought I had left behind.

"No... wait!" he gasps between laughs, "Just..."

He grabs my hand and holds it tenderly. Melting away some of my tense, embarrassed, and icy demeanor.

"Down to clown," he laughs.

I start to smile at the absurdity of everything that has transpired and the words I used in my defensive rant. He can't catch his breath. He's not laughing at me, he's laughing at those silly words. I begin to laugh too.

He calms down and pulls me closer.

"I'm sorry," he laughs and wipes his eyes.

"I wasn't laughing at you. Down to clown just hit me. Tickled me if you will..." he bounces his thick eyebrows suggestively over the twinkling green-blue orbs I keep getting lost in, "I didn't, I wasn't... I've wanted you since I saw you get out of your car yesterday. Was it first because you were a hot anonymous stranger on an app? Yes. Did I still want you when we were in person and I hadn't yet figured out it was your hairy headless torso I messaged? Yes. Did the memory of you doodling my initials in little hearts warm my heart? Also, yes. Was I turned on walking into the yard this morning finding you practically naked and thinking we might get off together? Hell yeah! But is everything I admitted to you and the connection I've felt growing with you since you woke up and smiled up at me true? Hell fucking yes! I'm sorry if you think I'm using you, but I want you Antony. All of you."

His face looked so soft and sweet, his eyes pleading for me to hear him. I can tell he's being sincere. His words are true. The scared and hurt inner child disappears and I confidently step toward the man I've desired for so long and kiss him, gently pressing our lips together.

Our kissing grows in intensity as our tongues battle their way into each other's mouths. His big strong arms wrap around me and mine cling to him tight. Both of our cocks are back to their fully engorged state, dripping as they grind into each other. He slips from my lips and I feel his tongue snaking down my neck, trailing down my chest and abs before...

"Holy shit!" I gasp.

His mouth awkwardly takes a rigid cock into it for the first time. It feels incredible, still. Warm and soft, my hands play with his soft, thick, brown hair. It takes every ounce of strength I have not to start forcing my shaft into his throat. He looks up at me with desire in his eyes, working my length further into his mouth as he gags.

It's too much, I need to taste him - it's only fair, I've been so good, so patient. I pull him up before pushing him back on the sofa. I take his pulsating, leaking head between my fingers and kiss the spongy tip. I snake my tongue into his gooey slit and lick up the delicious precum flowing from it. My lips wrap around the hard veiny shaft that is sticking straight out from his beautiful body and I swallow more and more, desperate to get him as far inside me as I can. I can barely savor the salty masculine taste of his cock, so eager for him. I swallow, breathe through my nose, and am rewarded when I feel his damp, musky pubes tickling my face.

"Oh fuck, baby!" he whimpers in bliss and this time I don't question his use of the sweet pet name.

His body is writhing in pleasure, his breathing turns into heavy moaning as his hips buck up toward my face. His hands gently hold my head, and our eyes meet, gaze locked into each other. I can feel his big heavy balls tighten against my chin when he pulls my mouth off him and up toward his lips. Our mouths are hungry for one another.

The pool house is filled with our musky, masculine sweat and testosterone. There is a passion in our actions, it feels more intense than any of our other more depraved kinky acts as we kiss.

I grip his wet cock, dripping in precum and saliva, and direct it toward my hungry hole while my cock glides between our slick bodies, leaving trails of precum smeared across the dark trail on his taught abs. I break our kiss for a brief second and my eyes meet his again.

"Can I?" I ask him.

My fist grips his cock firmly and I pulse my hole against his head to make sure there is absolutely no confusion in what I am asking him to do.

"Oh god, please Antony!"

Our lips find each other's again. His spongy head presses against my tight clenched muscle ring. His precum is flowing from the engorged tip - making it just slippery enough to force its way in. I can feel the initial burn of being spread open but Sam's deep groan in my mouth encourages me. Flexing and pushing out my hole in rhythm as I lower my weight, it slowly swallows the massive rod below it.

"Oh fuck!" We both moan deeply as I bottom out on his groin.

His thick bush is smashed against my furry cheeks and full balls as my inner rings stretch around his girth. I hold myself in place, adjusting to the cock attached to the first man I ever wanted, now inside me, opening me for the first time in a long while.

We both hold mostly still while we kiss, he patiently follows my lead. Gradually, I feel that great full feeling and the pain fades away.

I slowly start grinding.

"Are you, unghhh, ok?" Sam whispers between moans.

"Perfect, Sammy," I moan into his mouth, "Are you?"

"Oh, fuck, so good, baby."

We build up a rhythm. It's intense and passionate. Both our bodies get slick with sweat. His big hands grip my waist, my arms wrap around his neck, holding our mouths together. I start to slide up and down his length, feeling my dick smushed between us. His fingers crawl from my waist across my cheeks and feel around my tight ring, gripping his thickness that is gently pumping in and out of me with chivalrous restraint.

"Wow!" he moans into my mouth, feeling where I end and he begins.

We both increase our movements, a perfect rhythm of in and out but only briefly. His thick meat sliding against my prostate, not to mention the day-long edging session of our earlier antics, has my balls churning. Not wanting it to end I try to slow it down, even though I can feel a handsfree climax getting close. As if reading each other's minds our kiss breaks, both of us panting. Staring into each other's eyes with our sweaty foreheads pressed against one another.

"I'm gonna...I'm so close..." Sam whispers breathlessly - looking into me, as deep as he is inside me.

A look of pleasure, desire, and panic is in his eyes. I smile, work my inner muscles to take him over the edge, keeping his gaze, and all panic turns over to lust and bliss as he crushes his lips against mine. He grips my waist hard as I feel him start to pulse and shake and unload deep inside of me. His flexing shaft sends me over the edge. I can feel spurt after spurt of hot cum exploding between our slippery, furry torsos, every spurt causing my hole to clench around his erupting shaft, causing him to shout into my mouth. His body is quivering and shaking, I can feel his cock pulsing inside me. It seems like it's never going to end.

His dick stops twitching inside me but I hold still as his breathing and grunting eventually calms.

"Wow," he pants as a giant smile creeps onto his face.

"Yeah," I agree with a smile as big as his.

"That was..."

"Yeah, it was," I say with a soft kiss.

I gently pull him from inside of me, feeling his load trickle out of my well fucked hole onto my sack. His cum covered shaft, still hard and beating against my round muscle. I lay on his chest, savoring the silence and post-coital calm with the man I've wanted forever.

"Do you think you could get up..."

Fuck, his guilt is sinking in. I tense and push off him abruptly, but he grabs my arm and looks me in the eye.

"Relax babe, my leg was cramping."

I smile sheepishly. His hand slips down my bicep to my hand.

I stand and look down along my outstretched arm, connected to his own by our firm grip on one another's hands.

God, he is beautiful I think, smiling again.

"God you're beautiful," he says to me, reading my thoughts, making me blush.

Overwhelmed, spent but still wanting more I look him up and down. I admire his glistening cock, covered in his thick spent seed, my own heavy load smeared across his beautiful body, shimmering in the almost disappeared sunlight through the pool house windows.

Tempted to clean him off I lick my lips but opt against it. Ass to mouth might be too much for him after all that on his first time and not everyone is as insatiable as I am immediately after climax.

I'm about to open my mouth when I feel him tug at me. In one swift movement, his tongue is lapping at my gooey head as his tongue tastes my leftover cum.

I can't help it, feeling my dick swell to full firmness in his mouth.

"I like the way you taste," Sam says looking up at me.

I try to pull at his arm to get him to stand, but he shrugs me off.

"There's something else I want to try," he says with a devious grin as his hands move to my waist.

With an unexpected burst of force, he shoves my hips until his tongue is slipping around my cum filled hole, eagerly lapping at his own seed.

`I think I'm in love' I hear my mind yell with joy as I feel Sam's tongue crawl deeper inside my dripping cunt.

"My turn," I moan, pulling my ass away from his face, spinning around, and swallowing his softening cock into my mouth. Slobbering on his shaft till it's hard again in my mouth, his cum is delicious. Maybe because I'm obsessed with him or maybe it's his diet, but it's salty and sweet and I wanted another fresh load filling my mouth.

I pull off him reluctantly, not wanting to overdo it just yet, and smile at him sheepishly. He leans forward and kisses me hard, both our loads swapping between our sloppy mouths. Slowly our kiss softens and becomes less urgent.

"So what do we do now?" he asks with a goofy grin.

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