Antony and Sam


Published on Jun 20, 2023


Antony and Sam - Part 6 Gay Urination/Adult Friends

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This is part 6 of many of this ongoing story. This is based on actual events.

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I want to grab him and kiss him again but before I can gather my witts, he lunges toward me and we both fall back, landing in the pool.

Had I not been so caught off guard by the kiss and the fact that I'm now in the pool I wouldn't have wriggled away so quickly from his grasp.

I emerge from the water and rub my eyes while coughing and spitting out pool water.

He just looks at me with a cheeky grin.

God those dimples!

I splash him. He splashes back. I lunge towards him gripping his shoulders trying to dunk him. He's definitely stronger and bigger than me but his foot slips and I get him under.

As he swims back to the surface I swear I feel his tongue glide along my upright shaft.

He looks at me expectantly. Not sure what to do, and not brave enough to do what I want to, I raise an arm and sniff my pit.

"Still ripe and reek like piss," I admit as I lower my arm

"Good!" he chuckles before swimming over to the ledge and grabbing the glasses of tequila and handing me one.

"Never have I ever licked a dick?"

"Back to this?" I ask as I roll my eyes

"Never have I ever licked a dick?" he says again more sternly.

I exaggeratedly take a sip of my tequila and he slyly smiles as he takes a sip of his.

"I thought I felt something!"

I can't help the astonished look or giant smile on my face. He laughs in a sheepish way that is making my heart melt.

His back was against the ledge. I take a step closer so that we're only about a foot apart. This is my shot, if I ever had one, this was it.

My fear of rejection had me paralyzed at the idea of making the first move as I got closer. If it ended horribly, it wouldn't be the first time. I look him dead in his beautiful eyes and take a deep breath before I open my mouth.

"Never have I ever kissed a man on the lips?"

"You prick, you're trying to get me drunk!"

He rolls his eyes as we both take a sip of tequila.

"Never have I ever wanted to kiss a guy again?" He says flatly.

This is it, if he takes a sip, it's on! I know there is no reason for me to hesitate at this point but this is the final sign, the final consent that I'm gonna get Sammy Reynolds to fuck me tonight.

I can't help the obvious disappointment on my face as I start to lift my glass, alone. He's just staring at me, arm in place with no sign of lifting the glass he is holding.

Next thing I know, his hand is around my waist as I swallow and our lips are smashed against each other. I feel his tongue pushes into my mouth and I suck it in, his arms are holding my waist tight as mine wrap around his thick neck. I can feel the heat from his solid body against mine and our hard cocks smashed between us. To say I felt sparks would be an understated description of the electricity coursing between us.

I don't know if we made out for five seconds or five minutes but I do know when he loosens his grip and pulls his lips away from mine it feels entirely too soon.

He gives me a sheepish grin as he picks up his glass and finally takes his sip.

"You're the prick!" I say after I regain my composure with a shit-eating grin plastered on my face.

"So...remember when you asked 'Never have I ever had a crush on anyone at St Matthew's and I plead the fifth?" I ask him, feeling emboldened by our lip lock that he engaged.


"It was you."

"Oh, I know it was," he says matter of factly.

"WHAT? No, you didn't!"

"Yes, I did!"


"Well... remember how I told you I could always see your drawings and doodles."


"There was a time you drew a heart with your name and S. Rey. in it before immediately scribbling it out."

"Fuck I don't even remember that."

"I didn't either but when I remembered who you were yesterday at the storage unit, I remembered that plus how you would always blush when I said hi to you in the hallways or in class. That and how you wrote in my yearbook 'Sammy, you're a cool guy. See you in September' with a tiny scribbled-out heart over 'Antony'."

"So you've been thinking about me."

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," he admits with a chuckle.

There is a quiet moment as we both stare at each other.

"I think we should have more beer," he says finally breaking the silence.


I turn away towards the steps and he pulls my arm back and gives me a forceful peck on my lips, followed by a big smile. I smile back, giddy as a school girl, or should I say, closeted school boy.

"So... beer?" he asks again.

I splash him and walk back towards the stairs.

"Dat ass doe," he calls out at me as I ascend the stairs in that straight bro-y accent.

I arch my back and jiggle my ass at the top of the stairs looking back over my shoulder. He whistles like a construction worker at a girl in a short skirt and it makes me blush.

I go to the mini fridge in the outdoor bar and it's empty. I head into the pool house and grab two more Stella's and two bottles of water. I take a second to chug some water and take a deep breath of gratitude for what's happened today already. I'm kind of nervous to go back outside.

I finish the bottle of water, grab another and walk back to the pool. My dick has been leading the way all fucking day, to the point I forget it's just sticking straight out.

Sam is sitting at the edge of the pool smoking a cigarette. His broad hairy chest glistens in the reddened, setting sunlight. I hand him his beer and water and he smiles in appreciation. I sit next to him and take the cig out of his hand and take a drag. He opens his bottle of water and gulps it down as I watch his prominent Adam's Apple bounce.

A satisfied "Ahh" escapes his soft lips, the ones that were just kissing me earlier.

I feel his arm slide behind me as he places his hand on the warm stone just behind my ass. He takes a sip of beer and I feel his thumb lightly grazing the top of my crack.

"I appreciate you being chill about... well, you know.."

"What do you mean?"

"This, like, well..." His words are caught and I can't help but notice how cute he is in a vulnerable way I hadn't yet seen. I lay my hand on his thick, hairy thigh, hoping to calm him down.

I knew what he was trying to get at. Kissing another man is obviously very new to him let alone the raunchy acts we've been teasing each other with all day. We did things kind of backward. I stay quiet and stroke his thigh gently, knowing it's best to let him speak when he's ready.

"So there was this one time I met a guy at a bar next to a roadside motel I was going to crash at in Oklahoma as I was driving back across the country to take care of Dad just before the whole country went into lockdown."

His head hung heavy as he started to continue, "I knew he was hitting on me but didn't think too much of it as we shot the shit. It was right after my ex-wife made it obvious that my following her to California was not enough and we really had no hope to repair our troubled marriage. I was sitting there just drinking my pain away from the pending divorce and having to uproot my life to take care of my dying father. I remember thinking what a crappy start to the year since it was early January when he sat down next to me.

The guy was nice enough company and we got pretty tanked together on shots of cheap whiskey he kept buying. After last call, he asked if I wanted to have another at his place explaining he lived just across the street. He was easy to talk to, decent looking, and, since I wasn't really thinking straight, I agreed. He settled the tab and we stumbled across to his place.

Once we got in his door, I sat down on his couch, not really sure what to do or if I really wanted to be there. His apartment was a mess and the couch was dingy but I was too drunk to care. He went to the kitchen and poured us drinks, came back and handed me mine, and said he was going to use the bathroom.

I felt uncomfortable but didn't want to be rude so I waited, choking down the double pour of cheap, warm vodka from a mug. He came out a minute later fully naked, carrying a clear pipe, and sat right next to me. I didn't know what to do so I just tossed back the rest of my drink while he took a long drag from his pipe.

I had seen people smoking crack in movies so figured that's what he was heating up from the way he held the lighter and the smoke filled the glass. I don't even remember what he said after he exhaled, maybe he offered me a hit, but I jumped up, thanked him, and told him I forgot I had an early meeting to get to in the morning and flew out of there. I ran back across the street and locked myself in my motel room. I barely slept that night because I was so nervous he was going to try to get in or something!"

I squeezed his thigh, not sure what to say, as he sighed.

"I guess, well, I guess I have always been curious, hell, more than curious about fooling around with a guy... but I spent my entire life trying to be the guy everyone expected of me, especially my dad. I was in such a hopeless place that it didn't seem to matter if I finally gave in and finally tried it with a dude, but that... that felt wrong and really turned me off. I was so freaked out after that night I pushed all the thoughts of ever hooking up with a guy out of my mind again.

After Dad passed, I felt the pressure to take over his business and stay here on the other side of the country from my kids, but I started to feel relief too. His expectations of me and mine of myself died along with him. He was a great man but fuck, he was a hard ass. I found myself watching more bi-porn with two guys and a chick, and that lead to gay porn. I started reading articles about gay men and gay sex and I couldn't deny the desires I had anymore. Dad passed in March right before the start of quarantine and I spent the first few months of it alone and looking for a way to act on my urges. I even downloaded an app when things first started to open back up, but it was all so much. Everything felt so aggressive and overwhelming I didn't know what to do."

He took a deep breath before he continued.

"I think... well... I know... that I'm into dudes, but honestly, I'm terrified by how turned on I am, especially after today with you. And you've been awesome, really. I appreciate your patience. I'm scared, and intimidated... and..."

Sam starts weeping, tears streaming down his high cheekbones. They turn into a full-on, inconsolable cry as he holds his face in his hands. I have no idea what to say or do other than wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull him towards me. His hands squeeze my waist as he unleashes what I can only imagine years of built-up shame, guilt, grief, and frustration from admitting this out loud to someone. His body heaved against me as he let out loud cries of pain.

He finally calms down a bit and takes some deep breaths. I hold him tight and stroke his hair. My heart is so heavy from his words I can't help but feel my own eyes well up.

He takes a deep breath, lets out a sigh, and sits up abruptly. One of my hands slid across his shoulder and I hold it there, softly kneading his tense muscles under his warm flesh. He uses the back of his palm to wipe his eyes and nose.

"Sorry," he whispers.

"Nothing to be sorry for..." I say softly.

"Not even for the fact that I snotted all over your shoulder..."

"Well... I'm not that much of a pig but..."

He starts laughing and crying at the same time.

I lean back and grab the towel on the ground behind us and hand it to him. He smiles at me and wipes my shoulder before wiping his face and making a deep sighing groan into the towel.

Sam tosses the snotty towel aside, looks at me, smiles, then rolls his eyes, and dramatically slips into the pool. As his head submerges, I take a deep breath and wipe my own eyes.

So many thoughts explode in my brain.

No wonder he felt uncomfortable with me calling him "sir"', He's into guys!' 'He must be in so much pain.' I have a shot of riding that huge cock.' 'How can I help him?' 'Holy shit, did he just come out?' 'Do I want the pressure of being his first?' 'Am I still in love with him?' 'Are we just drunk?'

I felt like my head was going to combust from all the information, questions, mixed feelings, and new possibilities.

I watch him splash around. My heart is swollen with emotion for this man.

He swims over to face me. Looking up at me, his eyes are slightly red which just increases their intensity.

"You're gonna leave me alone in my time of need?"

I open my mouth to respond but before I can form my words he grabs my hand and pulls me into the pool on top of him.

When I get my balance I pull him into me and wrap my arms around his broad frame.

He responds with a tense hug but when he pulls away and I don't let go he stops resisting and melts into me.

I hold him. He lets me. His strong arms wrap around me and his embrace gets stronger.

After a few deep inhales he loosens up and I let go. He looks at me. I touch his face and look into his eyes with a warm smile.

"It'll be ok," I say softly.

He smiles and kisses me tenderly, not like the way he did earlier in our aggressively passionate makeout session. He leans his forehead against mine. I think this is the most intimate moment I've ever had with any man or even anyone, ever.

"It already is," he whispers before leaning in for another kiss.

This one is different, tender still, yet more intense at the same time. Our tongues wrestle as our hands grope and squeeze each other, pulling our bodies closer together. I can feel his dick grow to full mast again as it grinds into mine. His hands slide down and grip my ass as I wrap my legs around him.

He breaks the kiss but not his embrace as he pants.

I hold still, not sure what else to do. Keeping him close but not because of the same fears from before, I'm not worried he'll reject me, or worse, at the moment, but because I want him to feel safe. There will be time to make more moves soon enough, that I am sure of, but this is obviously not the time.

Somehow, in the last however many hours, plus the reignited feelings from freshman year, I feel intense... dare I say, love... for this man?

His face is cradled in my neck, I can feel his warm heavy breaths on it until he pulls away from me

"Can we get back to the fun part?" he asks with his devilish grin back on his face, staring back at me.

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Next: Chapter 7

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