Antony and Sam


Published on Jun 9, 2023


Antony and Sam - Part 5 Gay Urination/Adult Friends

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This is part 5 of many of this story. This is based on actual events.

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"Come over to the stairs," his voice is bold and commanding and sends a shiver down my spine.

I get up and walk to the stairs of the pool and take two steps down, holding his gaze.


I freeze. He's standing in front of me, his cock floating at the surface of the water. He looks up at me, our eyes locked on one another's and without even realizing his arms are reaching forward, he pulls my speedo down. My hard dick pops out and flaps up and down, the head grazes the tip of his nose before he leans down and helps me step out of the leg holes.

I stand frozen, unsure of what is going to happen next as he stands back up in front of me.

"Just wanted you to be naked too, level the playing fields" he admits with a dumb fucking grin across his soft, puffy lips.

Fuck! He's so hot.

I dive forward to dunk him, but his strength and height have me. Our wet bodies slide around each other, roughhousing with each other. Next thing I know he has me in a headlock with my face crushed against his chest and his hard cock poking into my back.

"Say Uncle!"

"Never!" I protest.

"Say it!

"Rather call you Daddy!"

Where did that come from Antony? Why would you say that to him?

His grip loosens around me. I swim away and turn towards him when I'm at a safe distance.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make it weird."

"So you like Daddies?"

"Well, sometimes. I like the control."


"Yeah, I like being dominated by a hot, manly guy. I don't want to be raped or forced into anything, but yeah..."

"So you want to be used?" Sam grabs his beer and looks at me genuinely curious.

"Kind of? Not exactly used, and definitely not humiliated... Had enough of that."

"I'm so sorry those guys were such assholes to you."

"I'm sorry your wife left you," I snap back.

My defensiveness from high school came bubbling out before I could catch myself.

Shit! Fuck! Shit!

Why did I say that?! Where the fuck did that even come from?

"Sorry, Sam. Really I didn't mean it. I just... I got defensive. I guess what I meant to say or should've said is bad things happen and you move on?"

"I should've stood up for you..."

"Hey," I say cutting him off, "you did more than anyone else."

It was true and I think somewhere inside he knew it was, too. We stood in silence. The shift in our playful mood was definitely now incredibly serious and awkward. His shoulders are heavy and he is looking down as my anxiety rises for potentially fucking everything up.

I can't think of anything to say to remedy the situation but the sweet voice of Rosey seems to whisper one of her favorite phrases in the back of my mind; 'Good food always makes you forget all your troubles.'

"Why don't we eat something? Been a lot of drinks and sun. You hungry big guy?"

He perks up and gives me a sweet smile that makes my heart melt and my nerves calm down.

"Go meet me in the kitchen, I'll grab our stuff."

"Ok," he replies in a tone that made him sound like a reprimanded child.

He sways as he steps out of the pool and grabs a towel before stumbling up the stone path toward the house.

I grab our clothes and go to collect the bottles but decide to leave them for later.

I grab Sam's t-shirt, shoes, and shorts and I can't help looking inside to see what kind of underwear he had on; white Calvin's. A bit worn and stretched and slightly yellow in the pouch. How many days has he had them on? Were they the same pair I saw peeking out of his shorts yesterday? I resist the urge to sniff them as I head toward the house but before I go in, I have to. I just have to! I find the lightly stained crotch and inhale.

Holy fuck!

I can smell his balls, cock, and a bit of piss and precum. So manly and so musky and so directly impacting my dick.

"Did you just sniff my underwear?" he asks looking at me as I step through the doorway.

"Umm," I stutter as my face flushes.


"Did they smell good?

"Well, yeah..." I sheepishly reply.

He grabs them from me and takes a sniff before I can stutter out some half-assed excuse.

"You really do love man stink don't you?" he asks with a warm, curious smile.

"I do," I admit, feeling my face boiling in embarrassment.

"Let me smell your balls."


"Let me smell your balls."

He pulls my towel off and my cock springs up. I watch as his head slowly lowers closer to my crotch. I hear him sniff. I can feel his breath on my balls as he exhales. He leans in closer his nose grazing my sack and I hear him take a deeper inhale with a heavy exhale across my hairy sack, sending shivers to my hole as my dick twitches and forms a fresh drop of jizz.

"Yeah, I kinda get it. We smell different but kinda the same," he says matter-of-factly before righting himself back up.

I stand still, stunned at the fact that this straight stud of my dreams just had his face in my crotch. Wait, did he just adjust himself?

"So what we eating?" he asks me with an expectant smirk.

He sits down at the kitchen island and sips his beer as I walk over to the fridge with my cock leading the way.

I guess this is just how straight guys hang with their bros? Had I known, maybe I would've tried to fit in more.

I pull out some of the containers Rosey had dropped off earlier and fix us heaping plates of my favorite mezza. I place them down and pour us both giant glasses of water. We don't talk much about anything other than the food while we eat. He asks about the different dishes he's devouring, raving at how good they are as I explain what each is and little about half of my heritage. It makes me smile when he admits he had never tried anything like this before but everything was delicious.

The light talk about food calms my embarrassment from being caught sniffing his briefs, but I can barely force any food down. I'm too horny and nervous and curious about what might happen. My mind is spinning off its axis with possibilities as I watch him eat.

"Man, I feel better!" Sam says as he chugs down the rest of his water.

I watch as some dribble from the corner of his mouth and trail down his square jaw and unconsciously lick my lips.

Oh to be that drop of water.

"Let's go back outside," he suggests with a smile.

Who am I to say no?

I follow him outside watching his body move through the yard towards the pool. He picks up the bottle of tequila and takes a swig then picks up the pack of cigarettes, lights one, and walks over to the outdoor shower.

As I'm about to sit down I hear him calling out to me.

"You coming?"

I practically sprint toward the shower to catch up. I see his towel on the grass outside. I take a deep breath, drop mine and walk into the shower. Sam was standing with his legs spread wide, facing me as I entered. He takes a drag of his cigarette and blows the smoke in my face. He holds it up to my lips and I lean forward to take a drag and savor the feeling of his fingers against them. This is like the beginning of a corny, seedy porn and I couldn't be happier.

"Sit," he says nodding towards the built-in bench.

Not sure where this is going but his tone is so stern I can't help but oblige.

I sit and look up at this stud as he looks down at me while taking another long drag. He grabs his semi-hard dick and gives it a tug before a short spurt of hot piss hits my chest. Then another, then, he lets it all go.

"Oh shit," he says as his eyes are transfixed at what's happening in front of him.

I puff up my chest to encourage him as his heavy stream beats across it, splashing my chin and running down my wet fur to my rapidly reinflating dick. He aims lower and sprays my cock directly making it bounce. I can't help but grab it and stroke it as his warm, thick jet soaks my crotch. Slowly it starts tapering off and it trickles across my thigh until it finally stops at my feet. He takes another drag and walks out.

Fuck me!

I take a second to collect myself. My own bladder is full and in need of release but decide to hold off to see what just happened and what might come of it.

When I leave the shower he has taken my towel. I walk back towards the pool, naked, hard, and dripping to find Sam on a chaise smoking a new cigarette with a beer in his hand.

"Well, that was unexpected," I say with a laugh trying to lighten the mood.

"Is that the kind of domination you like?" he asks without looking at me.

I take a seat next to him, grab the pack of smokes and the tequila bottle as I sit dripping in his piss.

"That was definitely very hot," I say and gesture toward my rock-hard cock as he finally looks over at me, "Did you enjoy it?"

"I think I did,"

"Cool," I say softly.

This must be difficult for him to make sense of so I'm just going to sit here quietly.

"Will you..." he whispers and then stops himself before taking another drag and then a big swig of tequila, "Will you do it to me?"

FUCK! YES! Does he even have to ask?!?

"I'll meet you there," I say with a smile.

Sam smiles too as he downs the rest of his beer and I can see behind his eyes he's giving himself a determined pep-talk. He hesitates briefly and then walks back toward the shower.

I walk in a few paces behind him and find him sitting on the bench with his head facing down and his dick pointing straight up.

It takes barely a second to start my flow. I aim and let my piss go right on his hard dick to start and I hear him let out a soft gasp of surprised delight. I lift my cock so it starts going up his happy trail toward his chest, he leans his head back and flexes his round pecs, making them bounce in the splatter.

"Lift your arms behind ur head," I suggest.

He looks up at me as his biceps bulge by his face, putting his furry pits on full display. I spray his left pit then cross his chest and hit his right pit. He's looking away, face turned up, making me assume he doesn't want it in his mouth or maybe he's not enjoying it.

I check his crotch and that's when I see the pre cum leaking from his head. I guess he does like it.

I cut my stream off and tell him to turn around, lean against the wall, and spread his legs. He obliges but I can tell he's fighting the urge to fight the urge as he moves slowly and deliberately. I step closer and aim my cock at his deep furry crack and let my stream go.

"Oh fuck!" he gasps.

I know that feeling well and from the way he spread his legs further he was enjoying the new sensation.

I run my stream up and down his crack, pausing every time I pass the virgin, straight, hairy, man hole, then down to his low-hanging balls. I repeat until my stream runs out.

"Sit down,'' I say sternly.

He slowly turns around and sits as if he is in a trance. His eyes are filled with lust and his cock is harder than I've seen it at this point.

"Im going to suck your cock now," I inform him as I lower to my knees in front of him.

He doesn't say anything just looks at me with desire on his face.

I crawl forward and start leaning in toward his dripping mushroom head and shaft soaked in my piss. This isn't exactly how I saw this happening but I'm not going to look a gift horse, or cock, in the mouth... or cock.

"Wait," he whispers.

I stop, about six inches away from his massive, throbbing meat.

Fuck! I went too far. What was I thinking? We're both completely still. My brain is short-circuiting at the moment and I can't move.

I finally start to pull my body back.


Damn his commanding voice is sexy

He aims his dick at me and a spurt of piss and precum shoots right in my face. He has a wicked smile on his face and I part my lips. He scoots forward and pushes out another spurt splashing my hair and forehead then aims for my open mouth. He forces another short burst right onto my tongue.


I do as we look right at each other.

"Thank you, Sir."

"Fuck man, who knew this would be so... hot?" he says in disbelief.

I smile at him.

"Turn around and spread your ass," he orders.

"Yes, Sir!"

I do as I'm told, licking my lips and savoring his flavor. I was never very big into drinking or even tasting piss but since it's his, I can't get enough of the salty, tangy liquid. I lean my head down, chest against the wall, waist arched back, ass up, my furry cheeks spread with both hands, exposing my tight, pink, hairy pucker.

"Fuck that's a great ass," he whispers in admiration.

I hear a soft grunt and then feel a hot stream at the top of my crack then running down right to my hole.

"Fuck!" I moan in pleasure.

This is probably one of the best feelings, ever, and the fact that it's Sammy Fucking Reynolds, I could cum right there.

He keeps his strong stream right on my hole and I can't help but start to pucker and flex it and sway my hips. He aims lower to my balls, just like I had done to him then aims at my back and the piss runs down, wetting down my hair as I feel it trickle off.

"Thank you, Sam."

I get back to my knees and turn around. Staring at the hottest man I've ever laid eyes on lightly stroking his cock, sitting back, covered in my drying piss.

"Do you like the taste?" he asks genuinely.

"Not usually but yours was good," I say with a cheeky giggle.

"So why did you drink it?"

"You told me too, and the whole situation was really hot as you got dominant."

"It was hot."

"Did you like being sprayed down?"

"Yeah, I really did! Was surprised at how good it felt on my ass."

"Next time try getting in the position you had me in."

"I think I might."

Oh shit, did he agree to a next time? I know we're pushing boundaries and all, and our tipsy asses are doing things with one another I never ever would have thought, but it's still just bro shit, right? Or is he going to let me go for it?

"Have to be honest, I might not be able to resist licking your hole if it's on display like that."

He laughs nervously.

"Can we get another drink?"


Shit! I guess my mouth won't get on his dick... or ass. So much for being direct.

He stands up and steadies himself on the slippery, piss-soaked floor and offers me his hand to help me up.

We get back to the chairs and Sam goes straight for the tequila. He pours more in both our glasses and sits back as he takes a sip from his.

"You know back in high school after practice, some of the guys would piss on each other as a joke in the showers, at least I think it was a joke. I never joined in, even though I wanted to. I would always feel myself chubbing up when it would happen so I would face toward the wall and turn the water to cold. Was always afraid if someone sprayed me I'd get hard."

"Why do you think I always had a note to get out of gym? I was too scared to have to change in the locker rooms. I would've been hard already but that would've really done me in."

"Ha, yeah that makes sense."

We sit in silence for a minute, the only sounds were of the ice clinking in our glasses as we both sipped our drinks and the starting of the cricket symphony in the late afternoon.

"I have never been with a guy," Sam blurts out.

I stay silent.

What do I say? That was obvious I thought but why did he feel the need to say it out loud?

"Ha well, you still haven't. You can write that off as locker room antics. We even did it in the shower room," I joke to try and lighten the mood.

"Yeah," he says softly, almost as if he's disappointed.

"Have you ever done something like this with a straight guy?" he asks as he looks over at me.

"Yeah, a couple of straight guys actually," I admit while looking back at me.

"At the same time?!" he looks at me shocked

"Ha, no, though that is kind of a fantasy."

"So you just... piss on each other?"

"It's not really a one-way-of-doing-things kind of activity," I say with a shrug as he looks at me with curiosity.

"One guy just comes over and hoses me down while I jerk off and leaves when he's done, sometimes he'll jerk a load on my chest too."

I can't believe I'm admitting this but at this point, I don't really have anything to lose or hide.

"Really? Thats it? That gets you off?"

"Yeah, when I'm in the mood. It's about his dominance, and he's hot and got a big dick. Not as big as yours though," I say with a laugh.

I look over and notice Sam slowly stroking his shaft as it starts to inflate again.

"I am the boss all day at work so it's hot and fun to give up control. I spent a lot of years feeling shame about being gay, liking men, having sex with men, being too feminine or not manly enough, and then, as my kinks started to emerge, about them too. It took a long time and a lot of experimentation but finally, I got to a place where I try not to judge myself and just enjoy what brings me pleasure. As long as there's mutual consent, it's safe, and everyone's enjoying what they're doing, well no one really has to know it happened if I don't talk about it.

I've denied being myself for too long and tried so hard to fit in for most of my life, so now I don't and allow myself to enjoy life more on my terms without worrying too much about judgment, and that includes understanding that being pissed on or pissing on someone, among other kinks, turns me on."

Sam sips his drink and looks at me.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. So much shame around sex," he agrees.

"Yeah, straight or gay sex, especially in our catholic upbringing. But way worse with gay sex."

Why am I still talking? This philosophical rant isn't really encouraging the sexual tension that had built in the shower.

"I..." I go to continue but finally cut myself off before I go further into religion and society and their effects on sex."

It's quiet for a minute.

"What about the other straight guys?"

"Oh, well, there's a married guy. It's actually a bit more than just pissing..." I trail off, not sure I want to admit everything.

"Like what?"

"You sure you want to hear about it?"

"Go for it!" he says as he sits up and faces me, eager to hear my story.

"Well, he's married to a woman, apparently a real bitch of a wife. They come from a lot of old money so they stay together for appearance's sake. He has a girlfriend on the side but when he calls he likes to be a sub pig."

"A sub...pig?"

"Hahaha yeah, It's a term for a submissive person who likes it raunchy."

"Are you a sub pig? Since you like to be dominated?"

"Ha listen to you! I like sex, sometimes being dominated, sometimes being dominant, sometimes I bottom, sometimes I top. I don't put too many labels on myself because then I get too in my head about it. I like what I like and try to find people to do it with who won't judge me for it or make one aspect of me my entire personality."

"So what do you do to him?"

"His favorite thing is to piss on my ass then lick it from my hole while I'm sitting on his face and pissing on his cock while calling him all kinds of names."


"Sorry - told you it was a lot..."

"No, it sounds hot actually."


Sam blushes and takes another sip.

"Yeah," he admits, "What else do you do to him?"

"Usually fuck his face, cum on it, and force him to leave still wet. I've fucked him before but usually he just wants to suck me off if he doesn't get off from the name-calling and wet stuff."

"Wow - he doesn't clean up at all?"

"No... he likes the humiliation of it," I say before pausing as I debate admitting anything else. "There's one other thing..."

"What?" Sam cuts me off eagerly, surprising them both.

I grab my phone and type a message and hold it up to Sam.

Dirty fucker. Send me $500. You have 30 seconds at 31 seconds you better make it $1000. Tack on $500 for every 15 seconds after that. If it's not in my account the next time I check my phone, I'll send your wife a pic of your smiling, dumb face with my big, fat cock resting on it.

"No Fucking way!!" Sam says with his face in awe as he looks back at me in disbelief.

"Hit send."

Sam presses send and I hear the swish.

"Time it," I say feeling happy to share this with someone for the first time and not feel judged.

Sam pulls out his phone and before the timer hits 18 seconds I get a notification from a cash-sending app that reads "GDP has deposited $1500 to your account."


"Open the message."

Sam opens the app and reads silently before looking at me wide-eyed and holding the phone up for me to see.

I read the message and laugh.

"Thank you sir for taking pity on a stupid pathetic pig like me. I am so honored that you even recognize I exist. "

"What the fuck was that?"

"He likes the humiliation and degradation of a gay man taking his money, and also gets a thrill at the idea of being caught."

"This guy HAS to be gay!"

"That's not for me to decide, I never yuck someone's yum."

"Ha I like that," Sam laughs at the phrase, "But how can he not be gay?"

"Maybe he's bi, maybe he is twisted, maybe he has childhood trauma, I don't know. I've hooked up with plenty of "straight guys." Some turn out to be gay, some don't, some can never admit it and some know it's just about sex yet they love women. Some are absolute sluts but pretend because the idea of it turns them on. I know some guys think it's just primal nature, male bonding, whatever. Gender norms, binary codes, and whatnot are stupid and limit too many people from experiencing so much of life. I just don't fuck around with the ones in total denial, they start desperate but can get angry once they bust a nut."

"It all sounds kind of serious... dom, sub, pig..."

"Ha, yeah, some guys take it all way too seriously. It doesn't have to be though, I mean not always. It all depends on who I'm with and what they're comfortable with. I enjoy playful sex the most, joking, laughing, and fucking while getting each other off. It should be fun! Well, I think so at least."

Sam sips his tequila and lights another cig as he contemplates all the things I just admitted to.

"God I sound like a fucking slut right now."

"No!" he says quickly with a reassuring smile, "well maybe a little..." he continues as his smile turns wicked and he punches my arm playfully, "Just sounds to me like you know what you like and how and where to get it."

"Yeah, I guess. Good thing the pandemic is still a thing. Post break up I would've gone crazy if it weren't for social distancing. Lockdown really makes it hard to rebound," I joke as I fish out a cigarette of my own.

He leans over and lights it for me and his smile flickers in the flame.

God, he is so fucking sexy.

"More people should be as confident and brave as you," he said genuinely.

"The world would be a better place!" I laugh in mocking agreeance.

It was one of the nicest things he could've said to me, why did I have to joke it off?

It's quiet for a few minutes as the sun slowly starts to lower.

"Do you have to piss again?" he asks as he stands up.

"A little?"

"Oh," he looks saddened by my reply before he turns around.

I watch him walk over to the pool house with my eyes glued to his perky rear. He returns with two new bottles of beer.

He hands me one and before taking a sip of his he slaps the bottom of his bottle on the mouth of mine and starts laughing.

"FUCK YOU!" I shout as the foam starts rising out of the bottle.

My instincts from my high school party days kick in and I start chugging down the frothy beer.

"Chug chug chug" Sam chants in my ear.

I can feel my eyes watering as I finish the beer and feel the air in my throat before I let out a huge burp.

He laughs at my pained face.

"Your turn."

He tosses his head back and gulps down the rest of his beer. A little dribble spills out the corner of his beautiful, full lips and is running down his chiseled, stubbly jaw to his neck where his Adam's Apple bounces while he swallows. God I want to lick that up off him. And that exposed pit, fuck it smells good, ripe and manly and like piss even from this distance. I'd go light-headed if I could bury my face in there.

"Done!" he exclaims as drops his arm, beaming with pride, "This is fun, feels like high school again."

Maybe for you, I think to myself.

This was a literal dream in high school but better than my young mind could've imagined. This stud, naked in my backyard, both of us sweaty, ripe, and covered in each other's drying piss. The only thing missing is me bouncing on his monster while making out with him.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you like being covered in dry piss?"

He thinks for a second.

"Yeah, actually," he admits, surprising both of us it seems.

He chooses his next words carefully.

"And the way my pits smell, all ripe and pissy is intoxicating. I sound like a total perv, but I always liked my pit smell and crotch smell, all manly after a workout or from not showering for a day or two. I never thought that much about it though and didn't realize smelling another guy's manly musk would turn me on, let alone the piss too, but you've opened my eyes!"

Did he just say he's turned on? By smelling me?

"Cool, and that doesn't make you think you're gay...right?"

I'm not sure why I asked that or whether that was supposed to be a joke or confirmation.

"No..." he says confidently, before following with "Not that..." almost inaudibly.

Say whatttttttttttt!? Did I hear that? Was he saying that... that...

I look at him curiously with my brows arched in desperate need of an answer.


"Nothing, you have to piss yet?"

"Um, yeah."

"Meet me in there bro."

God, he really must just be a curious, kinky, straight dude. Or wasted.

I watch his fat ass bounce as he saunters back to the shower with that confident strut I've envied since first seeing him walk into homeroom.

When I walk in I'm kind of shocked to see him in the same position I was in earlier, ass in the air, cheeks spread wide, and head down. God, I have never wanted to bury my face in an ass so bad. His hole looked so fucking delicious, all tight and light pink in the thick, dark fur of his crack.

"You said I'd like this position."

"Yeah, if you don't, it's cool. Just let me know."

"Let it rip!" he says wiggling his ass and giggling.

I grab my cock and force it down to aim my head at his hole. It is painfully hard in reaction to the display in front of me. I close my eyes and take a few breaths to force some out. The first spurt shoots a little further than I intended and splatters the back of his head and shoulders. He lets out a soft growl in response and backs his hips up.

I step forward so I'm practically standing over his hole with my cock pointed down directly at its target. I force another spurt.

"Oh fuck, man," he moans.

Finally, my stream starts flowing and I watch as my piss splashes against Sam Reynolds's tight, hairy, virgin, pink, asshole.

"Fuck you were right," he groans in delight and swivels his hips.

He's humping the air, my stream is soaking his ass, running down his thick thighs and down his spine.

"Fucckkk," he keeps moaning in pleasure as I hose him down.

As my river slows to a stream, I move back to get his big low-hanging nuts and for some reason, the idea to finish on his feet comes to mind.

We're both panting when I finish drenching him from head to toe.

"Lick my ass," Sam says softly, almost as if he is pleading for it.

Did I hear that correctly? Did he just ask me to do what I think he did?

"What was that?"

"Eat my ass!" he says again, louder, more commanding.

Before I can respond I'm on my knees behind him, my hands grab his round cheeks and I lightly spread them. I run my nose up his sweaty, piss-covered musky, hairy crack and take a deep inhale.

"Fuck," we both sigh in unison.

I follow with my tongue, up and down, before starting to circle his hole. Fuck it is almost sweet and so fucking tight. I can hear Sam moaning and I start to really go at it, pulling his cheeks further apart so I can get my face in there and slide my tongue inside him. He's tangy and salty but his velvety ring is sweet and smooth.

"Oh fuck dude! This feels incredible!"

He reaches down and I can feel him start stroking his cock while I continue my assault on his hole with my tongue. I feel him pushing back against my tongue, humping into my face as he grunts and growls. Squeezing his velvety, sweet hole as my tongue fucks in and out of him.

He stops moving and stroking and I slow down.

Uh oh!

"Everything ok?" I ask pulling my face away.

"Fuck yeah, I just gotta piss. "


Thank God!

We both struggle to our knees as he turns around.

"Where do you want me?"

"Lay down."

"Yes, Sir."

I do and he climbs over me to straddle my waist while looking down at me. His long cock dripping with precum, almost touching my stomach. What a fucking sight to look up at.

He stays there for a minute looking directly at me and then turns around to sit on my face, smothering me with his cheeks. Fuck if I die from this, I don't care!

"Get back to work," he commands sternly but I can hear a hint of doubt hidden in his tone.

"Ysh sir" I groan into his crack, my tongue finding its way back into his hole.

Diving in, in total bliss, I barely notice his piss spraying my chest, abs, cock, legs, and feet, soaking me down. I am so lost in his tight, sweet pucker as it clenches around my tongue.

"Fuck yeah, eat my ass."

I feel myself getting close to cumming as his stream splatters my cock. His commanding, deep voice, the tastes and smells, and the whole ongoing situation of today is driving me wild. His stream stops and I feel him jerking his cock rapidly, his heavy balls bouncing against my chin when all of a sudden I feel his cheeks clench tensely on my face before he goes still. He takes a deep breath and lifts himself off my face. I sigh in disappointment but stare up at him as he turns around and stands over me, his face is serious as I smile back at him. He gives a sheepish smile and leans out a hand.

He pulls me up to face him. We're both panting and dripping. I feel his hard cock head grazing my waist. He takes my head in both his big hands and leans forward.

Oh god! It's happening.

He sniffs around my mouth.

"Fuck that smells better than I thought it would," he says simply before letting my head go and stepping back.

"Yeah, to be honest, your hole actually tasted kind of sweet," I say trying to hide my disappointment.

"Really?" he smiles and puffs up his chest with pride.


" you liked it?"

"Ha, yes. Thank you, sir.

"That's my boy," he says seriously before busting out laughing.

He reaches around and slaps my ass hard before running out of the shower.

I take a deep breath and follow him back outside. He's drinking a beer and I take a seat on the chair next to where he is standing and feel the cushion absorbing the wet on my body.

I'm gonna have a lot of cleaning up to do tomorrow.

This is starting to be torture now, but I know if anything is going to happen, he'll have to make the move. And hell, if nothing else this is already one of the hottest days of my life. It's sweet somehow, he's trying to be dominant because I said I liked it but I can tell he's unsure about it.

Even though the sun is just starting to set now, the humidity feels worse than before.

"I think I'm gonna take a dip, it's hot out here."

"You mean you're going to rinse my piss off?" Sam says in mock offense.

"I'm sure you'll have more for me soon enough."

"You know it!" he laughs.

It's nice that he's playful again, his introspective moments are tense and awkward and send my mind reeling.

"Hold on a second. Lay down face down on the chair."


"Ok, what?" He barks in a playful tone, smacking my ass as I roll over to lie down.

"Ok, Sir!" I bark back.

I can feel his big hands spread my thighs before I sense his weight on the chair.

I turn my head to look back.

"Hey! No peeking!" he barks and slaps my butt again.

"Ey!" I yelp with his hand still on my cheek.

I can hear him giggle.

I feel his other hand on my other cheek and he pulls them gently apart. I can feel his hands tremble slightly as he exposes my hole.

Is... Is he going to...

I lay frozen with anticipation. I can hear him take an inhale and feel his breath as he exhales, lightly tickling the wet fur in my crack and sending shivers up my spine.

He does it again, but this time I really feel his breath on my hole, he must've gotten closer.

I feel his tongue tentatively dart against my hole and retract. I want to stop him and tell him he doesn't have to do this. His hands are trembling. Another quick lick, fuck, this is such a tease.

"Oh god!" I yell out of pleasure and surprise when I feel his tongue plunge into my hole.

He wiggles it around for a second then pulls out and swirls around my tight ring. He snakes his long tongue back in and out of me. He starts lapping at my hole and groaning as he gives into his hunger. It feels incredible for a first-timer. Holy shit!

"Fuck, it feels so good, Sir!" I whimper in pleasure.

He starts to lighten up. Dammit. He licks up and down my crack again then gives me a playful peck on my hole before he slaps both cheeks and pushes off them to stand up.

I turn back and see his cock pointing straight up. How I wish he would just stick it in me, now even more than ever before. I have never been so desperate to be fucked by anyone in my life. I lay defeated on the chair and huff in disappointment making him laugh.

"Thank you, Sir," I say as I crawl backward and stand up to face him, "You're a natural, bet all the girls are desperate for you to go down on them."

"Ha, thanks," he says sheepishly.

"Hey...can we chill with the 'sir' stuff? Feels a little weird."

"Yes, Sir!" I say with a smile and a salute as he rolls his eyes.

"Come here dummy," he requests.

I step up to him and he holds my head again. This time I think he's wanting me to smell his face.

"I liked yours better," I say my lips just an inch from his.

His hands still holding my head in place in front of his, he's looking into my eyes.

"I bet you did," he smiles then leans in and kisses me softly on the lips.

I feel electricity shooting between us as his lips press against mine. Time froze for those few seconds. There was no tongue, aggression, or force. It was just a gentle, passionate connection, one I had been longing for for over twenty-two years.

In an instant, it's over and I feel his hands slip from my face as he steps back. He smiles sweetly and then laughs at my dumbfounded, face as my jaw drops. I'm in total shock, the sparks I felt in that kiss have literally short-circuited my brain.

I want to grab him and kiss him again but before I can gather my witts, he lunges toward me and we both fall back, landing in the pool.

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Next: Chapter 6

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