Antony and Sam


Published on May 21, 2023


Antony And Sam - Part 4 - Gay Adult Friends/Urination

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"So, back to the game?" Sam asks, turning and walking back towards the pool. What in the fuck is happening? I wonder as I try to tuck my throbbing piss-soaked cock back into my speedo and can't help but lick my hand after. I just tasted Sam Reynolds's piss. When I get back to the pool, our glasses are freshly refilled with tequila. "Never have I ever pissed on someone?" he says with a smirk and takes a sip as I take a seat across from him. I take a sip too and smirk back at him. "Never have I ever...showered with a hockey team?" "Lame" Sam says, rolling his eyes as he sips his drink. "Never have I ever been fucked in the ass?" "Ok, dude... original," I say rolling my eyes as I take a sip and to my surprise, Sam swigs the beer. "Explain!" "Well, not fantasized... more curious about what all the fuss is about... Asked my wife to put a finger in there once and we slept in separate bedrooms for 3 nights. Then after that girl licked my butt, it got me curious. Don't think I want a dick in there, but I saw this porn where... never mind, your turn." "Never have I ever watched porn where a guy gets fucked by another guy?" I ask, looking at him with a cocked eyebrow. We both sip tequila. "Well..." I ask waiting for an explanation "You know how it goes, you start on something simple, and 2 hours later you're in a porn hole of things you never knew existed or ever thought about but they're getting you off." "Yeah, I get it. So watching..." I try to ask him if watching man-on-man porn got him off but he cuts me off. "Never have I ever had my dick sucked by a guy?" I take a sip of tequila and roll my eyes and then watch in awe as he picks up his beer and downs it. "Your turn," he says matter-of-factly as if his admission didn't warrant any follow-up. "Never have I ever wanted to say something to someone but didn't know how so I skirted around the subject and played a game from high school?" "That was specific," he says and reaches for his glass. We both pick up tequila. "Well?" we both ask at the same time, waiting for the other one to explain. We smile at each other and wait for one of us to break. There are so many things I want to admit to, from all the desires I wish to do and all the curiosities that have crept into my mind. I don't want to scare off the man of my dreams either and settle on something that isn't too big of an admission. Plus I can't wait to find out what is on his mind. "I want to sniff your pits, Sam. There, I said it." I can feel my face burning in embarrassment after the words left my mouth. His eyes go wide, not in shock but in amazement. "Really?" "Yeah, I got a little whiff yesterday and..." I start to explain before he eagerly cuts me off and lifts his arm. "Sure buddy, I mean they're super sweaty. I haven't been wearing deodorant lately and with this heat, they're pretty rank," he explains defensively. His words just make me more excited and I move to sit next to him and lift his bicep as he just watches me in awe. "Good, I like a natural man," I say with a smile. I lean in and take a deep whiff and sigh with my exhale. I move in closer so his damp hairs are tickling my nose during my next inhale. "Shit, dude," he sighs as I breathe him in. I push in further and take another deep inhale. He smells so fucking incredible, I can't stop my tongue from reaching out to lick and swirl the sweaty, ripe armpit fur. I can hear him moan softly as I continue, giving a light nibble to the slick, taught skin. His smell is all man with just a hint of salt water. Im about to go crazy attacking his pit but force myself to hold back. When I pull away I see his cock is not only at full mast but pointing straight up towards his abs. "Guess you liked that?" I say as I wipe a stray hair off my lips. I go to get up but he grabs my arm. "Can I smell yours?" he asks softly. I smile and lift my arm. He slowly leans in and breathes in, tentatively and then again deeper. "Wow," he whispers. He takes another inhale and sighs and then another and then I feel him give a hesitant lick in my musky pit. I see his cock twitch in response and a bead of precum emerges from the slit. "Smell good?" I ask in a whisper. He freezes in response with his face pressed against my pit before he pulls back. "Ummm yeah, sure. You smell like a man. You're almost as ripe as me but also... different?" As soon he says the words he tightens up and grabs his beer. I could've sworn he was going to say 'better' before deciding on 'different.' When he realizes the bottle is empty again from his last pleading of the 5th, he jumps up. "You need another one? I do," he asks as he heads towards the pool house. 'Play it cool Antony...' I say to myself... 'he's drunk and so are you. If he wants to do something you've made it clear you're interested. That is all you can do at this point.' He saunters back casually with a beer in each hand, his cock still hard and bouncing between his thick thighs. "So what was yours?" I ask and reach for the bottle he is holding out toward me. "My what bro?" he asks innocently "Your reason to skirt around the subject and...." "Oh! Yeah... I don't remember," he says cutting me off. "Liar!" I exclaim with a laugh. He looks shy as he takes a swig of his tequila and then chases it with a beer. "It's hot, I think I'm going to jump back in the pool." Sam stands up and bumps the table, clumsily walking toward the pool, pauses at the ledge to collect himself, and then gracefully dives in. Damn, that ass! Out of nowhere, I remember my mother's secret stash. Her carton of cigarettes that she kept hidden in the pool house. I watch Sam's body gliding under the water as I go to seek out the hidden treasure. I find the carton, grab a pack, and light one as I walk back outside. I pick up our beers and sit on the ledge with my legs dangling in the water. He finally emerges and looks at me as he wipes his eyes. He is SO. FUCKING. SEXY. I hand him his beer as I take another drag. "Shit, I haven't had a smoke in years... Can I get a drag?" I hold it out to him and he takes it between his thumb and forefinger like a total bro. He takes a couple of drags before handing it back to me. "So you gonna tell me what you've been skirting around or are you gonna toss that beer back? or was it tequila?" I ask with a pointed look. I take a last puff, turned on by the fact that both our lips were on the same filter, then dud it out. My inner freshman wanted to save the butt in a ziplock and keep it in a memory box. He takes a swig from the bottle and places it on the ledge by my thigh. I can tell his confidence is back by the wicked twinkle in his eyes. "Come over to the stairs," His voice is bold and commanding and sends a shiver down my spine. I get up and walk to the stairs of the pool and take two steps down, holding his gaze.

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Next: Chapter 5

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