Antony and Sam


Published on May 4, 2023


Antony And Sam - Part 3 - Gay Adult Friends/Urination

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This is part 2 of many of this story. To view other stories, visit my Patreon:

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"Ha, they're a little small." I turn to look and goddamn... his massive hairy thighs are pulling at the seem and his bulge looks like he put a balloon in there. His tan lines are so obviously those of a straight man... "God, those thighs are reflective - they need the sun." He looks shocked then laughs and runs toward me, I run and jump in the pool. He jumps in after me. As I'm underwater I instantly regret not letting him tackle me. I come to the surface and he splashes me. We both laugh and splash each other like kids. I'm still in awe that this is happening at all. After a few minutes of our childish antics, we calm down and lean against opposite sides of the pool. "Wow, this feels incredible!" he says laying his arms across the ledge and leaning his head back to look up at the sky. I can't help but stare at him. God, I would do anything to bury my face in those hairy pits of his. 'Chill Antony' I think to myself - 'He's straight, friendly, and working for your parents... don't make things weird.' "So you said you and your ex stopped having sex?" he asks, not picking his head up. "I did?" "Well, you said you guys were just best friends by the end." "Oh, yeah... I mean we still did, but it got very routine... It was always a little bland for my taste but... it really fizzled by the end." "Bland how?" He lifts his head and looks at me curiously... his bright eyes are making me weak. "Oh... I don't know... ummm.... well... it was kind of equal in the beginning but then got kind of...well, one-sided... and lazy... and... well, I wanted to try new things and he got less adventurous... and...well... like if...ummm..." How the fuck do I tell this straight man that my ex and I both realized we liked being fucked more than fucking? And that I developed a piss kink and a thing for subbing? And sometimes I wanted to be an absolute alpha dom? And that man musk makes me weak in the knees? "Hey, it's cool... I didn't mean to pry... but I get it... " he takes a moment before continuing. "My wife and I used to have sex all the time... then after the kids were born it was more routine, still fun, but not exciting, then after I got hurt, I tried to get her to try new things. My therapist says I was wanting more attention and love and "needed to feel wanted" now that I didn't have my hockey fans. I think it was just all the porn I was watching that showed me how much more there was out there. So I cheated with this freaky hot piece of ass I met at a bar one night. It was like fucking a pornstar. I experimented with stuff with her...It was wild." Holy shit, Sammy Reynolds is in my pool telling me about his sex life. "I don't know if it was worth losing my family for, but it was hot as hell the few times we got together." I can see his mind wandering back and notice his one arm had conveniently fallen between his thighs. "Do you still fool around with her?" I ask, hoping to get him to go further into detail about what he tried. "No, we stopped talking after the divorce. When I moved back I reached out but she had met someone else. Then with covid, how busy work has been, and the lack of single women who want an almost middle-aged, divorced dad of two in the suburbs... I haven't gotten my dick wet in over a year and a half." "I hear that." We both laugh. "Mind if we have another?" he asks looking at the bottle of tequila. "Sure!" I swim toward the steps and realize my cock is rock hard. I decide to push myself off the ledge instead, facing away from him, and as I get my footing with my ass in the air, I hear a catcall whistle followed by a laugh. That's when I realize half my speedo is up my asscrack exposing my hairy left cheek. At that moment, I feel emboldened... and as I go to fix it I pull the waist down and moon him, exposing my full fat, furry ass. "Dayum that's one big, furry peach!" he cackles. His macho bro accent as he continues his ribbing. "Full moon tonight!" comes out. I pour our drinks and grab them when I realize I can't turn around without my obvious boner showing. Fuck it, I whisper to myself... This is my house, I'm a successful, proud gay man, if he's uncomfortable, he can leave! I haven't done anything wrong... My therapist would be so proud. I turn around and to my surprise, Sam is right behind me, looking up with his dazzling smile. He reaches his big hand up toward one of the glasses I'm holding. I secretly switched them like a total loser, wanting to put my lips where his lips were. "Tony has a boner," he taunts at me. "What are you 12?" I try to play cool as I walk towards the stairs and make my way back into the pool. "You're just jealous I can still get it up, old man!" "WHAT! My junk works just fine!" and with that, he stands up in the shallow water and points to his thick cock head and at least 2 inches of the shaft sticking up between the waistband of the shorts and his tight abs. "These are definitely too small!" he laughs as he lowers back into the pool. "Yeah, they are!" I force a laugh back. Did that just happen? Did Sammy Reynolds, my straight high school crush, just show me his hard-on? I must be dreaming. Is this what straight guys do with each other? Ever since the trauma of freshman year, I have never known how to make friends with straight men. It's only been in the past few years that I felt more comfortable as all my girlfriends started getting into serious relationships or married... but this is not the same as having a beer at a barbeque! It goes awkwardly silent, we both avoid each other's gaze. "Mind if I take them off, actually? They're pretty restrictive... and I've always wanted to try skinny-dipping." My mouth goes dry... I don't know what to say... Do I mind?! NO! PLEASE! GET NAKED! "You do you," I manage to reply with a cracking voice and take a sip of tequila to wet my mouth. Luckily my total shock at his request subdued the excitement and eagerness of my answer. "If it makes you uncomfortable. I won't... I dunno guess kinda just reminded me of high school and locker rooms, I bet I've seen more cocks in person than you have." "What's that now?" I ask with a cocked eyebrow, trying not to stare at him, he must be drunk already. "From all the communal showers after games and practices..." "Oh... got ya. I really don't mind." "You gonna join me?" "Nah, I'm ok." "Your loss." Sam tosses back his drink, places the glass on the ledge, and wriggles out of my shorts underwater. "Hey, Tony... Antony, sorry. Did you see that?" "See what?" I tense up, instantly scared he saw something that screamed 'I'm in love with you!' "The bald humpback whale in your pool!" With that, he dives under the water and then his big white, round butt pops up from the surface and then goes back under. He's across the pool now and shakes his head as he comes up for air, fuck he's sexy! He has a goofy grin on his face as he treads water. "That was definitely not a bald whale, I'll tell you that. A white humpback, maybe." He splashes at me and then goes under again and starts doing laps. His body looks so graceful as it glides under the shimmering water. I can't help but squeeze my hard cock as I watch him. He swims back to the shallow end and leans against the ledge. "It feels so good to swim naked. I had no idea! and this jet on my but feels like I a tongue" he laughs. I instantly remember last night when I was at that same jet rubbing one out thinking about him. Oh to be that jet. "How would u know?" "I told you... that girl was a freak." I'm speechless and incredibly jealous, I can only stare at him with my mouth hanging open as he laughs at me. "Where can I use a bathroom? Gotta piss." "Just go in here" Did I just say that? "Ha, no for real..." "For real... it's a saltwater pool...and no one is ever in it." Where are these words coming from? How are they coming out so easily? "You sure?" he looks at me quizzically. "I mean, I am right now..." Antony, what the fuck are you doing? This is a dangerous game. I mean, I do have to piss but I am way too hard right now. "Me too," he says softly as his eyes meet mine. It is silent besides the small ripples of water meeting the tiled border of the pool and the soft rustling of a summer breeze in the trees. It's like a game of chicken in a weird way, who's going to break eye contact first? He gives me a wicked grin before finally looking away. I win! Or did I? What did I just do? "Man you do like it freaky!" he laughs as he grabs his glass and walks towards the steps. As he emerges from the pool, the water cascades down his strong back, down to his beautiful, deep trench. His semi-hard, thick cock bounces and his heavy, low-hanging balls are swinging. I dunk my head underwater and let out a sexually frustrated yet excited scream before reemerging and turn towards the chairs. He's sitting on a lounger checking his phone, his thick legs are spread wide, and that beautiful dick is hanging, dripping, between them. I swim to the other side of the pool and grab the shorts he was wearing and then climb up the stairs. I wring out the shorts and lay them across the chair and come over towards him and check my phone as well. Two missed calls from Mom and six texts. Irrationally urgent calls and texts from my mother definitely soften my cock and distract my desires for the man across from me. "Do you want another one?" I ask holding up the tequila bottle. He looks up from his phone slowly, obviously distracted. "Nah... thanks.." 'Well, that's that then,' I figure as I pour myself one more. "I'll take a beer though, if you have one." "Sure!" I reply almost too eagerly as my frown turns upside down. I put my glass down and head towards the pool house's fully stocked beverage fridge. I pull my phone out and text Mom back letting her know all is well and that Sam and I are catching up and I'll let her know if he's interested in dating Madison (my divorced sister Mom is constantly trying to set up.) No way in hell will I actually even suggest that to him... That would be absolute torture! I pull open the fridge and grab a beer for Sam. I look out through the glass at this stud laid out in the late afternoon sun, arms behind his head and his plump cock laying between thick, hairy thighs. It's almost like he knows what he's doing to me, how to tease me in the hottest ways to make my mouth water. And his big manly feet, for some reason, I just want them in my mouth. I check Scruff again 2 messages, one from an old fuck buddy in the city; "hey, looking to take my load on your face tonight?" Fuck, if only I were heading back tonight I think. Then the blank profile again, a question mark following last night's "hey." 'Come on dude, put some effort in,' I think as I close the app. Oh well, back to the moment to capture many more images for my spank bank. I walk up silently next to Sam, noticing his eyes are closed. I am about to put the beer down but his exposed armpits look so tempting with their damp, glistening thickets of hair. I know I can't touch him directly but I decide to place the cold bottle up against it. He jumps and his eyes shoot open. "You Dick!" he laughs, grabbing the beer from me and taking a big swig. "You deserved it." He looks at me, cocks an eyebrow then spits some of his mouthful of beer onto my chest. Oh if he only knew! He giggles, lays back down, and brings the bottle to his full lips for another sip. God that giggle is the same one that made me smile in freshman year. "So besides getting your salad tossed. What else did your side piece do to awaken your sexual prowess?" Maybe I'm drunk now that I just asked that so freely as I took a seat in the neighboring chair. "A lot. Not everything, but a lot," he replies casually "Gotcha," I say in comprehension, trying to hide my disappointment at the vague answer. Alright Antony, time to calm down. I try to relax my tense body in the quiet. "Besides bland sex, what were you wanting from your ex that he didn't give you?" "A lot, not everything, but a lot." "Ha, Touché." "I'll tell you if you tell me." "What is this truth or dare?" "Truth or dare is a whole other game... This is more, never have I ever." "Is this what happened at all the parties I wasn't invited to?" "Kind of. Go get a beer. We'll play." I look at him with a cocked eyebrow wondering if he is serious. "Get me another one too," he adds as he chugs down the rest of his. I come back with the two beers and hand him one. He sits up and swings his legs over and I take my place across from him so we are facing each other. He lays a towel across his lap and as disappointing as it is, it's also a relief to not have the distraction of what I assume is a delicious dick. "Alright - so you know how the game works..." "Obviously." "Alright - well additional rule." He pulls the side table with the ice bucket between us and pours two more glasses of tequila on the rocks. "If you've done it, you take a sip of tequila. If you've fantasized about it, a swig of beer, and if it's something that needs explanation, you need to explain. If you plead the fifth, you finish your drink, respectively." "Respectively?" "If you did it but plead the fifth u finish your tequila, if you want to do it and plead the fifth instead of explaining, you finish your beer." "Jesus.... alright..." I reply thinking I'm gonna be wasted soon. "Never have I ever sucked dick" Sam looks at me with a big grin as he knowingly waits for me to take a sip of tequila, I roll my eyes and take a sip and when I do, he takes a small sip. "Every guy has at least thought about sucking their own..." He explains before I can even ask for more information. "Never have I ever eaten pussy." He gives me a "got me there look" and takes a sip and his eyes go wide when I take a sip of tequila too. "No shit?" "No shit... I had a girlfriend in sophomore year. Can't say I liked it much but I did it a few times." "Never have I ever eaten an ass." We both take a sip, me with tequila and him with beer. "Guessing it was the girl who ate yours? "Yup... Never have I ever had a crush on someone at Saint Matthew's." We both sip tequila. "Who?" I ask, eyes wide. "Miss Bowen.... remember her?" "Oh yeah... she was cute..." damn... "You?" "Too many to name." "Give me your number one." Do I dare admit it? That I've had a crush on him since the first day of freshman year. I can't, not yet. I toss back my tequila instead. "Fifth pleaded." "Alright... I see you..." He says as he refills my glass. "Never have I ever been told I'm too big," I suggest. We both sip our tequila. "Yeah, I know I don't have the monster you do but, it can do some damage," I explain, unnecessarily, for some reason. "How would I know what you have? You're still in your speedo. " I roll my eyes dramatically. "Ask the next question...Perv." He gives me a devilish grin, "Never have I ever been... pissed on." He suggests with a flicker in his blue eyes. We both sip tequila. "Really?!" "Yeah that girl would sometimes keep me inside her and after she came from riding me she would let it go." I notice his hand grab at his towel-covered crotch. "Damn..." "You?" "I've been hosed down." "By your ex?" "A couple of times... others mostly." "Others ey?" "Others...Never have I ever pissed on someone." I say to cut off his inquiry. I sip tequila and to my surprise he sips beer. "Explain..." "Well, I thought it was hot when she would do it... was twisted and kinky but she never let me "hose her down." Is that the right term?" he laughs but I can tell he is actually curious. I glance down and can see Sam's cock is tenting the towel out straight between his thighs. I'm starting to feel lightheaded from the sun, heat, tequila, beer, and this intoxicating man across from me that I can't have. "Speaking of which... I'm gonna go take a piss." I walk around the side of the pool house to the outdoor shower, pull my cock out of the leg of my speedo and wait for it to soften enough to let the stream start. "Ahhh" I sigh as it finally starts spraying the floor and runs toward the drain. Next thing I know Sam had followed me in and stood beside me. Holding his heavy cock and looking forward as if this is completely normal like we're at a public restroom. I can't help but stare at his cock less than a foot away from mine as he lets his stream go. He aims down and the strong spray is bouncing off the floor, hitting both our feet. I look up at him and he's staring at me then whips his dick towards me and splashes my feet and legs and laughs. I do the same back to him and we both are laughing. I slowly finish when he turns to me and points his dick towards my cock soaking me from the waist down till his stream finishes. He has a curious, lustful look on his face as he watches his piss drip from my rigid dick. I stand in silence, frozen by nerves and beyond turned on. Sammy Reynolds and I just got into a pissing battle. We had literally just pissed on each other! "So, back to the game?" Sam asks and turns and walks back towards the pool.

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Next: Chapter 4

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