Antony and Sam


Published on Apr 26, 2023


Antony And Sam - Part 2 - Gay Adult Friends/Urination

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This is part 2 of many of this story. To view other stories, visit my Patreon:

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Next thing I know, my phone is ringing. It's my mother! The sun is streaming into the bedroom and I'm laying completely naked, rock hard, on top of the towel... guess the shower never happened! "Morning, Mom" "Hi, my darling boy! How did it go yesterday?" Morning wood is officially gone. "Fine... the guy offered to consolidate the remaining junk into one unit." "Antony! That is not JUNK! But that is very sweet of him. That Sam was so friendly on the phone... do you think he's single? Is he attractive? Do you think he might like your sister?" Just the mention of Sam's name made my dick twitch. "Umm, well, I don't know..." I feel a twinge of jealousy. My mother, always loving and accepting, presumes everyone is straight until proven otherwise. "Funny story though... I actually went to high school with him... "OH?" "at St Matthews." "Oh..." she suddenly falls quiet. "Don't worry, Ma, he never beat me up." "Ok...." awkward pause "You know you're... wonderful?" "Yes, Ma. Thank you." Awkwarder pause. "Rosey is stopping by today to drop some food off for you. She made your favorites." "Thank you." I know better than to protest or say that I can take care of myself. "So, today......" I zone out listening to her ramble on, explaining everything once again. "Antony?" "Yeah, Ma, I got it. He'll be here at two." "Yes, not Yeah." I roll my eyes. "Anyway, much to do up here. Call me when you've had your coffee. I can tell you're still in bed." "It's 7:30am on a Saturday..." I sigh. "Ok Mom, love you. Call you later." Exhausted, I roll over and fall back to sleep. I wake up an hour later to the phone ringing. "Hey, it's Mom. Rosey is there. She said you haven't even come down to make your coffee yet..?" "I'm going now. I was just, in the shower..." Shit... I never showered! "Mom, I'll call you back - Let me go say hi to Rosey" I hang up. This woman is impossible! I run to the bathroom, wet my hair down, brush my teeth, throw on clothes, and head downstairs, hoping Rosey won't notice that I smell like a urinal. "ANTONY!!!!! My little Ashta!" She runs towards the stairs and then immediately stops herself, pulling her mask on. "I want to kiss you so bad but don't come close. I'm too old to take risk! God will take me when I'm ready, not this Covid." Thank god for social distancing! Rosey has been our housekeeper since I was 3. She was the sweetest Lebanese woman, round everywhere, with a thick accent and a heart of gold. She was the Alice to our Brady bunch... but it was no secret I was her favorite. We catch up for a moment as she makes me eggs and coffee and then unpacks a cooler full of enough food for a family of six for a week. "Ok, my city boy... time for Rosey to go." "Rosey, I miss you! Come to the city, I'll take you out to meet a hot man." She lets out her infectious laugh, more of a cackle followed by a giggle. "You know the men love these zudras" she says, shaking her huge breasts. She walks toward me and then stops, grabbing a pillow.. "Pretend this is you." She squeezes the pillow and gives it many kisses. "Back at you, baby!" What a morning! Reminds me of when I would show up for family brunch with a load still in my ass or still drunk, covered in sweat, piss, and too much cologne after a wild night out. I head upstairs and turn on the shower. Stripping down, I check myself out, the smell of piss and cum filling my nostrils and my cock with blood. "Fuck it." I turn the shower off and grab my speedo from my bag. I head to the bar in the pool house and decide to make myself a margarita. As soon as I pull out the mix I hear 'Fat Tony! Fat Tony!' and I decide on a tequila on the rocks instead... no need for that extra sugar. I grab a glass, a bottle of casamigos, and an ice bucket and head back to the pool. Pouring a drink, I check my phone. Couple of texts and emails (which I decide to ignore.) Instead, I open up Scruff. Only one message... from a blank profile, of course. Close enough proximity but no picture or age or description. I don't bother responding to the generic 'hey' this mystery man has sent. Probably an old married neighbor. I learned early on not to "shit where I eat" so whenever I come home I always change my pic to a headless torso. This neighborhood sucks for anonymous cock anyway. I scroll through and it's all either blank, DL, married men or twinks home from college. Both seem like too much work at the moment. The hot sun feels good and the tequila goes down smooth. I have a chub in my tight speedo as I smell my piss and pits baking in the heat. Its about 12:30... plenty of time to get some sun, shower, and be ready for Sam at two. "Antony..." I hear my name being called softly by a deep manly voice. "Antony... Antony...?" I feel a tap on my shoulder, my eyes flutter and squint looking up at the silhouette of a tall figure. "Sorry to wake you.." "Huh?...OH shit!!! Sam! Sorry... I, uhhh... is it two already?!" I sit up, looking for my phone. "2:30..." "Sorry. I must've dozed off..." "It's ok... I buzzed the gate a few times but then I remembered you gave me the code yesterday. Tried the doorbell then heard the music coming from back here and..." As my eyes adjust, I take in the sight before me. Sam, staring down at me, sweaty brow and damp white t-shirt again. He's wearing mesh shorts this time (still way too baggy for a stud like him) and a pair of trainers. "I can hang in the car or come back... I don't have any plans after this." My grogginess lifts as I realize how this must look. A bottle of tequila on ice and me passed out in a skimpy speedo. "No..No..." I stretch and get a whiff of my piss-covered pits. Fuck! "Let me just take a quick plunge and wake myself up. I don't want to make you work all day on a Saturday..." I stand up, walk over to the bar, grab a glass, and hand it to him. "Here, have a drink! I'll be out in a second. " I dive in the pool and stay under for a minute. The cold water is refreshing and instantly wakes me up. I try to rub my body down, hoping it gets rid of the stench. Coming up for air, I see that Sam is looking around the yard, awkwardly sitting at the edge of the lounge chair next to mine, sipping his drink. Fuck, he is so hot. I pull myself out of the pool and wrap a towel around my waist. I can't help but notice his sizable bulge as I cross the deck and sit across from him... damn, he's wearing underwear! "Here." he says, handing me a refilled glass. "Cheers, to old friends!" "Cheers!" I take a sip and he tosses his back, then gives me a sheepish grin. "Sorry... I thought since there was no mixer we were taking shots." "All good." I toss mine back and grin. "That's smooth... never had this before." "Yeah, I love it. Want another? To sip, not shoot?" I laugh. Sam blushes with embarrassment...fuck this manly man, fantasy of my life is blushing...makes him even hotter.. "Sure," he replies. As I scoop more ice and pour the drinks, he adds, "This is a great backyard. That pool looks incredible!" "Yeah, Mom did a good job. It was fun to grow up here." "If I knew you had a pool, we would've been best friends in high school," Sam chuckles. "Did you want to take a dip?" "Nah, it's ok... thanks... but mind if I take my shirt off?" DO I MIND?! "Go for it," I respond, trying to sound casual. "It's hot out here. Make yourself comfortable." I can't help but stare in anticipation as he peels his damp white shirt off his broad, toned body. He's got a perfect furry chest with a light trail of hair leading down to the waistband of his shorts. And those hairy pits? Fuck! Sam tosses his shirt aside and kicks off his sneakers. Now, I'm not much into feet... but for some reason when I saw his? All I wanted to do was get on my knees and start sucking on them! "So Sam," I squeak out, playing it cool. "Like I said, I don't want to keep you. There's not too much here that needs to go, and--" "Nah" he cuts me off. "Don't worry, I'm in no rush - like I said I don't have anything planned today." "Cool." I take another sip of my drink. I can't believe this moment. This is a dream come true! Forget fantasies, just to hang out with Sammy Reynolds... my inner child is squealing! "So Antony - what do you do in the city?" "Creative director of an events company." "Oh wow, cool, that makes sense." Sam replies, taking a sip. "What do you mean `makes sense'?" I ask "I remember you'd always be drawing or doodling in your notebooks instead of taking notes..." "You remember that?" Wow... that was unexpected. "Yeah. It was fun to see what you'd come up with... you definitely drew a lot of dudes... but they were great drawings!" "Haha... yeah, I guess I did." Now I'm the one blushing. "Do you still, ummm...?" Shit! I was obsessed with him but twenty years is a long time and I blocked most of freshman year out from trauma. "Play hockey?" he laughs. "Yes! Hockey - the only Freshman to make varsity! How could I forget?" " I play in a local league for fun... but I actually went semi pro after college... almost made it pro but..." "What happened...?" He tosses the rest of his tequila back and looks sad for a moment. "Boring story... injury.... blah blah blah." He shrugs, laying down his glass. "Anyway... are you married?" I accept the subject change and move on. "No... I was engaged but we broke it off after the first six months of lockdown." "Sorry to hear that..." "Don't be! It was for the best," I sip my drink. "We kind of just morphed into best friends and the romance died, even before Covid... lockdown just made it all the more apparent. We still talk though. He's dating a twenty-four year old influencer now..." I roll my eyes and toss my drink back. "How about you?" "I was... married right out of college." he pauses and then grabs the bottle.

As he reaches for it, I see a pretty intense scar under his shoulder blade. He pours us each another few fingers.

"We had two girls. Then, after my injury I went into a dark place, cheated on her... she took the girls and moved back in with her parents in San Diego. I moved out there to try to make it work but she made it very clear she was done. Then my dad got sick so I moved back to help out and when he passed, I ended up taking over his company." Wow.... this guy is pouring his heart out...

It's a little awkward and out of nowhere but it's showing a sweet side of him I hadn't seen since the day I was thrown down the stairs and he punched the kid who did it and helped me up. Fuck... I think I'm in love with a straight man... It's high school all over again! "Shit... Sorry to hear that..." We sit in silence for a second. "Yeah... it's fine - plus like you said - we were just roommates and she definitely wasn't into what I am...hence the cheating. " Pause. "Anyway, we should prob do the assessment before I get too hammered!" he laughs. "Uhh, sure." We start to head inside. He grabs his clipboard but leaves his tee and shoes. "I'm gonna run upstairs and throw on some shorts," I say once we're indoors. Sam takes a seat at the kitchen island, looking around and making some notes. Upstairs, I throw my towel off and rummage through my bag. It's not long before I realize that all I have is a very short pair of running shorts. `It's this or my suit pants,' I justify as I slip them on. Grabbing a shirt I pause... and then throw it back down. If he doesn't have one on, neither will !I! I come back to the kitchen... and he's not there. "Sam?" "In here!" I find him measuring a sofa in the living room and making a note. Then he sees it; my freshman year photo on the shelf behind the sofa. "That's the Tony I remember!" he laughs. "You were such a butterball back then!" "Yeah..." I cringe. "Sorry - We were kids, we all had awkward phases..." "You didn't, you were always hot!" Did I just say that? Awkward... "You're too kind... but look at you now... you're buff! Bet all the guys like you." "Ha, thanks... anyway... so there're a couple more rooms.." He follows me through the house and makes notes and takes pictures and measurements as needed. It's all very professional but I can't help but think about blowing him in my childhood bedroom and finally living out the fantasy. If Scruff doesn't come through tonight, I might need to hire someone. "So, that's about it," I say. "Oh wait... there are a few things in the pool house" We head back outside and cross the yard and when we enter the pool house, holy shit is it hot in there! All those windows look great but they turn the place into an oven. By the time we finish up and walk back outside, both of us are dripping in sweat. I hear my phone ring and run to grab it. "Hi, Mom... yes, he's here... we're just finishing.... because we're just finishing..." I roll my eyes and pour a drink. Sam laughs "Yes.... No... Yes... No, I didn't ask! Hey, Mom, I'm getting a work call. I'll call you back." I hang up the phone and throw it down. Looking across the pool, I see Sam staring at the water. "You sure you don't want to take a dip?" He walks over to the chairs and takes his glass... "I would love to but I don't have a swimsuit with me. Thanks though." "I have these running shorts you could wear. Might be tight but I only just put them on." I must be feeling this tequila! "Ummm... yeah, sure, I guess." I slide them off, revealing my speedo again and I toss him the shorts. Sam tosses back his drink and, before I can tell him where the changing room is, he turns away, drops his shorts, and bends over to slide on mine. Holy... fucking... shit! Definitely hiring someone tonight! His ass is incredible. Light dusting on the round cheeks and a deep furry trench matted down with sweat. His big balls swing between his legs. As he stands back up and squeezes himself into the shorts, I turn away.

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Next: Chapter 3

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