Antony and Sam


Published on Sep 21, 2021


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This is part one of many of this story. To read the rest sooner or view other stories, visit my Patreon:

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Chapter 1.

My parents moved out to their beach house at the beginning of Covid and decided to stay permanently. They were planning to sell our family home when it was safer but weren't ready to leave their remote oasis. I mean... I don't blame them! It's a great house with five private acres right on the beach! My mom, never one to sit still, used the time during lockdown to renovate and expand the beach house. In no time, she transformed it from a simple cottage my grandparents built on the land to quite an estate! Once the addition was complete, she decided to move some things up there from our family home.

What does that have to do with me? Well... as the oldest son of five children, single, and childless, I was put in charge of overseeing the move from this end.

Now here I sit in traffic, leaving the city, too hot to put the top down, kicking myself for not changing out of my suit before leaving the office. I try to calm my frustrations down. There are so many things I could be doing this weekend instead of spending it alone in the suburbs. Who knows... maybe I'll find someone on Scruff and have him fuck me in my parents bed...? I chuckle.

Finally, I pull up to the unit and I see a pick-up truck parked outside. This must be the guy. I put my mask and sunglasses on and open the door of my car, cringing as I'm instantly hit with the intense humidity.

I see a figure sitting in the driver's side, masking up and grabbing a clip board. A tall, broad man gets out. Tight, white t-shirt, baggy "straight man" cargo shorts, and a pair of well-worn work boots. Quite the contradiction to my dress shirt, suit pants, and loafers!

"Hey, I'm Sam," he says, extending his muscular forearm and big hand. I take it and shake.

"Antony. Thanks for coming by this late on a Friday."

"Not a problem."

Very professional. He puts his sunglasses on top of his short brown hair to reveal in incredible set of bright, blue-green eyes. There's something familiar about him but I can't quite put my finger on it...

"Mind if I take my mask off?" he asks. "I'm fully vaccinated and get tested weekly."

"Sure - same here," I reply. We pull off our masks and give each other a curious look. Why does he look so familiar?

"So it's these two units," I continue, hesitantly. "Not everything will go but I can give you an idea... plus, I believe you were sent an itemized list, correct?"

"Yes, your mom is quite thorough."

"That she is!" I laugh as I lift the roll gate of the first unit.

We move into the locker full of wrapped furniture, boxes, and random paraphernalia from my childhood.

"Antony," he says once we're inside, "this sounds crazy but - did you go to St Matthews High School?"

"I did..." I look at him confused... and then I notice the school pennant sticking out of a cardboard box.

"Me too - no way! It's me, Sammy. Sammy Reynolds!"

"Sammy?" I finally realize, "SAMMY!"

"What a world! Took me a minute. The last name sounded familiar but it didn't hit me till I saw this pennant!" He plucks it out of the box. "You look a lot different then you did in freshman year! No more Fat Tony!" he laughs and I cringe.

"Ha yeah, thank god for that."

"This is too crazy! Haven't seen you in what? 20, 22 years?"

"Yeah. Private all boys school wasn't the right place for a fat, gay kid at that time so I transferred after freshman year." I blush slightly, feeling like I just admitted I was gay for the first time.

"Those kids were pretty cruel to you."

"Just boys being boys." I grin. Awkward pause.

"So, it's everything on this side; furniture, rugs, and those few boxes. Everything over here can stay."

Sammy snaps back to work mode and starts writing things down. "Got it, and what about in the other unit?" He pulls the door down. As he reaches up, I get a glimpse of his bulging bicep and hairy pit in his sweaty t-shirt and a slight peek at his tight stomach with a little treasure trail.

'He's hotter than ever,' I think to myself as he locks the unit and walks to the next. I watch him as he bends over and, damn, that is some fucking ass! Even in those baggy shorts you can tell he works out.

"So same idea here?" he asks looking around.

"Yup, everything here and there and not any of that." He takes some notes.

"You know, after we hall all this stuff out, I can have my guys consolidate the two units," he offers as he continues to make notes.

"That would be great, I'll check with the commander," I joke as he chuckles.

"So what time tomorrow should I come by to assess the house? I have something in the morning but can be there around two."

"Two works," I reply. "I'm out here for the weekend." I feel kind of giddy inside. My high school crush is finally coming over!

"Oh... you don't live around here?"

"Nope, moved to the city right after college. How about you?"

"I actually moved to this area about a year ago. I was on the west coast for a bit."

"Cool..." Another awkward silence.

"Great, so... I'll see you tomorrow, Tony!"

"Sounds good." I cringe.

We shake... and he suddenly pulls me into a big bro hug, clapping my back hard. I can feel his sweat and get a brief whiff of his musky pit. He releases me and then climbs into his pickup truck. I get in my car, sit for a minute, and chuckle. Half of me feels like that fat, fem kid all of a sudden and the other half only remembers how nice Sammy was. He even came to my defense a couple of times.

I drive back to the house thinking about how sexy Sam is now and how he used to be the fantasy of many, many high school night jerk offs. Back when I was a little chunk. By senior year, I finally grew taller instead of wider and became pretty active. Now I stand at 5'11 with brown curly hair, scruffy beard, green eyes, and I consider myself to look great for 37. I have a nice broad hairy chest, no 6 pack but a firm, flat stomach and (my favorite part) a big, furry, shelved out bubble butt. I'm fit and I have to remind myself I'm not 'Fat Tony' anymore as I grip the steering wheel.

It's almost dark when I finally pull up to the house. I grab my bag and head in. It's fucking hotter inside than it is outside! I should've asked a neighbor to turn on the AC. This massive house takes forever to cool down.

I walk through to the kitchen and check the fridge. Of course, no food... but there is beer! Cracking one open, I chug it down and look out back to the pool. Fuck it. I strip down, leaving my clothes on the floor, walk out the back door across the lawn, and dive into the cool water. I splash around for a few minutes before leaning against the edge. I can feel a jet running past my cheek and it reminds me of when I was younger and would purposefully stand in front of it...

I slide to my right and let the jet tickle my hairy hole, feeling my cock start to grow. I look around the private back yard as my hand drifts to my seven inch cock and my mind drifts back to Sam. The man Sam, not the hot boy Sammy. I think about that whiff of musk from his ripe pit and that big, sweaty chest against mine for just a second. I think about that round ass when he bent over and imagine burying my face in that sweaty crack. I feel my balls tighten, my hole clench, and spurt after spurt of my jizz shoots into the pool. Once I catch my breath, I dive under and splash around for another few minutes. Soon, I start to feel the beer catching up to my bladder and I hop out of the pool and head towards the pool house... when I remember the outdoor shower...

I go to it and lay on the ground, holding my cock. I immediately start hosing myself down, letting my piss spray my face, open mouth, chest, legs, wherever I can get the stream. My eyes are closed as I imagine it's Sam standing over me, drenching me down. My cock is soon hard again and I jerk another load on to my piss-soaked stomach. I go back to the yard and lay in the grass until I'm dry, gazing up at the stars and thinking back to days in high school and how crazy this whole day was. I wrap a towel around my waist, head inside, grab my bag, and make my way up to my childhood bedroom. Sitting down on the bed for a second, I inhale the sweet, musky scent of my ripe pits and piss-drenched body, savoring it before taking a shower.

Chapters 2 and 3 already posted on my Patreon.

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Next: Chapter 2

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