Anton's Story

By Anton Eckhoff

Published on Dec 31, 2009


The Story From David's Perspective

This is the same story as Anton's although I (David) am writing it to show my interpretation of the camping trip. The facts are real, as I really am an 18 year old deaf guy, although the story is only what I expect will happen when I finally do really meet My Anton.

Disclaimer: This story is a fantasy I have about my Anton. It involves a sexual relationship between two teenage boys: so if you're not supposed to read this or if you're under 18, please stop reading now.

This is my first attempt at writing something like this so please do not be critical. I would love to receive email from anyone that cares to make a comment.

Thank you for reading this, David

My name is David and I am an 18-year-old guy living in the Southwest part of the United States. I am in my first year of college but am still taking my core classes as I haven't declared my major yet. I guess I am a normal guy, playing sports, hanging out with friends etc., although there is one part of me that is very unique among the people I know. I am totally deaf, have been since birth which creates some uncertainties for me.

I am fortunate that I was always mainstreamed during most of my education, attending both hearing as well as specialized deaf schools. I have always been fascinated with words, languages, etc. My first language is ASL (American Sign Language), but I have always tried to learn English as well utilizing Signed English. In fact, I pretty much use Pidgin Signed English, which is a way a deaf person communicates with hearing people who know a little ASL or Signed English but communicate in the English word order.

I realize this is much more information than you ever wanted to know about deaf languages, but it will help you understand me a little better. I also hope that the reader might forgive some grammar or spelling mistakes as I still struggle with written English at times.

Though it is challenging, I think I do pretty well in communicating with most people in my own way, but recently I have been challenged more. I met a wonderful man on line from Scotland who is just the most amazing man I ever talked to. We have written so many times, told each other our histories and current life happenings, as well as our innermost secrets and desires.

I have known for a long time I am attracted to guys more than girls. I feel inside that I am a gay man although I never had the opportunity to act on that. I am rather shy and not very outgoing with my classmates, maybe because I am deaf, but nevertheless I have sought out like-minded fellows.

After talking to Anton (I just love his name) for so long, it was natural that we would arrange a meeting. I have had some problems understanding Anton's unique (to me) language when we write, but it is the slang words that pose the most problems.

He was so wonderful in sending me BSL (British Sign Language) videos. That shows how much he wants to communicate even better. My problem is there are differences in ASL and BSL, so I never quite got the whole messages. Because of all this, I was very nervous about our first meeting as I wanted to make such a good impression and was very concerned he would not understand me and vice versa. I never told Anton that I was quite concerned but got past that as I so desperately wanted to meet this wonderful man.

During all our talks, I told Anton of my love for the mountains in the Southwest United States and my special places I spend time hiking among. We decided that when he came to visit, we would hike together share my special places.

At long last, we were able to make plans for Anton to come here to visit me. While I was waiting to meet his plane, I must admit I was very nervous but also so excited I could hardly wait. When the passengers were disembarking, I watched with complete attention to everyone walking off. There was no doubt it was Anton when he emerged from the plane looking so handsome and his eyes filled with wonderment . Our eyes met from the distance, and we never broke our gaze until we were right in front of each other. I just continued to look into his eyes and leaned in and gave him our first hug, our first ever touch.

This first touch was electrifying to me, I had longed for it for so long. I must admit, from that moment I was in a fog as we picked up his luggage and made our way to the car. While driving along, we kept looking at each other. All at once I realized, we were communicating fine because we already knew each other so well. I never should have worried so about that.

The time finally came when we were hiking to my special place where I wanted to set up camp the first night. Anton was following me through all the rugged terrain as if he always did this.

We kept walking and my thoughts started returning to the reality of what we were doing as the fog from the newness of having this wonderful man here with me started lifting. I was thinking just how amazing he was to follow me to places completely unknown to him, and to have such trust in me. I am in my element out in the mountains, so sure of myself and in control of everything out here, but I was feeling an uncertainty about being with this amazing man, or any man for that matter, for the first time in my life.

I confess that I tend to be rather insecure with people at times, although I relate comfortably to the land and animals in a way that is hard to explain. When the feelings for Anton being there, alone with me, hit home, I stopped and turned around to look into his eyes. I stepped up to him and put my hands on his hips, drawing him in for our first kiss. I reached up and ran my fingers through his hair and just melted into him. I realized I better get the tent set up before I went too far with Anton.

As I was making camp, I assume he was doing the other necessary things such as collecting firewood etc. It was hot and I stripped off my backpack and was finishing making our shelter when I became aware of him at a distance watching me intently. I turned around and motioned him to me. As he approached, I couldn't help but be in amazement of this beautiful man. I had seen him in photos many times, but now he was actually here with me.

Once again I leaned up and kissed his sweet lips and hugged him so tight. During this closeness I became aware of other things about Anton. His light skin was glistening in the sun and was damp from the day's heat. I could smell his wonderful unique scent and feel the smoothness of his skin. I smiled and took off my boots and dropped my pants and underwear to the ground while he looked on with surprise. I stepped away from him and saw his questioning look. I walked into the water of the lake, which felt so fresh and cool. I looked back at Anton, who raced to remove his clothes and follow me into the water, naked as the day he was born.

This was the first time I saw Anton naked. It was impossible not to stare as he was so hot looking. I reached out and he took my hand as we walked into waist-deep water. I again looked into his beautiful eyes and leaned in for another kiss. I was already becoming very fond of kissing this man in my arms.

As we kissed, I felt his hardening member push against my naked leg. I was responding in the same way and felt my own rapidly growing manhood press against him as well. I pointed out my favorite spots on the other shore and turned him around and stood behind him while we looked. I came closer to him and felt his back and round buttocks slide against me. Feeling so close to him at that moment, I leaned over and nuzzled his neck, prompting him to back up even closer to me.

I felt my cock getting even bigger as I pushed against him. I felt Anton pulling apart his bum cheeks and letting my cock rub along the crack of his ass. We both sighed. He pushed back at the same time I pushed forward and we felt my cock enter the virgin territory I had only dreamed of before.

It seemed to take forever as I slowly slid all the way inside him. We stopped for a moment to enjoy this feeling so new to both of us. After a bit, I felt Anton slowly pull back and forth, and I knew he was ready for the first fucking of his life. We started bucking back and forth with such passion, all the while feeling with hands and just going crazy with lust.

All too soon I found myself building to such frenzy that my sperm suddenly flowed out of me and into Anton, joining us in the most special way there is. We stayed like that holding each other up, me kissing his back and neck, till my member shrank some and was able to slip out easier. I turned him around to face me and once again kissed this handsome man before me. I told him how wonderful it was for him to give himself so completely to me. I knew he had never been penetrated before and that I was rather large for him to take for his first time. I realized how much pain but pleasure as well he must have received. I kissed him again before taking him by the hand and leading him to the shore with me. I let go of his hand and went into the tent to get a blanket for us.

As I was crawling out of the tent, I looked over at Anton, still standing in the same position I left him in. Again I just couldn't believe my luck to have this virile, sexy man here with me. This was the first good look I had of his cock hanging so majestically between his firm legs. He surely had not been shorted in that area of his body. I remember thinking how it was rather unusual for him to be circumcised, since he is from Scotland, and for me to be uncircumcised but from the US. It seems we are both in the minority where we live.

His member was still partially inflated, and I assumed that he had injected his sperms into the lake when I deposited mine deep inside him. I went over to him and spread the blanket and sat down and patted his intended space next to me. He sat down, and I pushed him onto his back and kissed him. I laid my head on his chest and could feel him breathing and feel his heart beat.

We slowly drifted off to sleep like that in the warm afternoon sun. Sometime later, I awoke with a feeling of being watched. I opened my eyes and Anton was sitting beside me with his hand on my belly, but he was staring at my cock laying across my thigh. As I just watched, he slowly put his hand on my cock and explored my foreskin, pulling it back and forth watching it slide over the glans.

This felt wonderful, and once again blood raced into my flaccid member, making it expand to an ample erection. Anton was transfixed by this, but I wanted to do some exploring of my own. I pushed him back down on his back and put my knees on each side of his head and leaned over him bringing my face down to his cock, which I had yet to explore. I immediately felt Anton nibbling around my cock that was in his face. I leaned further and put my face right down on his flaccid penis. I moved so that I could feel it all over my face as well as smell and taste it.

He was starting to respond to my attention, and I quickly took the whole thing into my mouth so I could have it in there as it became its huge hard self. I got my wish as it grew quickly, and I had to let some out of my mouth as it was just too big to fit completely. I pulled the wet erection from my mouth and resumed rubbing it all over my face, totally experiencing it. This must have been too much for him as all at once I felt him swallow my big cock all the way down and really start sucking it. I couldn't help myself. I started pushing in and out of his mouth the same way I pushed in and out of his other orifice earlier. I swallowed all of his cock I could. It felt so good lying there with him, both of us hard as rocks, naked in the outdoors and each fucking the other's mouth.

Unfortunately, this couldn't last long. We were animals seeking each other for release. I had never thought about drinking down another man's sperm, but when he exploded in my mouth, I drank it down like a hungry baby drinking milk. At exactly the same time Anton shot off, so did I in his mouth, and I could feel his mouth and throat draw out every bit of my sperm and swallow it like I was doing to his. We lay there recovering after that, I with my face pressed against his wilting cock and my spent cock against his face.

After awhile I jumped up and took his hand and pulled him to his feet. I said let's get some dinner cooking as I was starved. As he walked by me, I couldn't help but pat his cute bubble butt that I became familiar with earlier. Together we made camp foods like hot dogs cooked right over the fire and baked beans I had brought. We never dressed the rest of the evening. We just ate and watched the scenery fade in the darkness. When bed time came, I led him into the tent and crawled into our single sleeping bag and pulled him in naked with me. We lay there face to face watching each other and lightly kissing.

I was experiencing so many senses right then. I felt his warm breath on my face and felt the warmth of his body against me in the sleeping bag. I again became aware of his unique masculine scent and reacted with yet another erection. I pushed it against Anton and was rewarded by his getting hard against me.

We each took hold of the other's hard cock and lay there looking deep into the other's soul as we stroked each other to another shuddering orgasm.

We didn't bother to clean up as I think we each wanted to sleep in the other's spunk. I was surprised when Anton pulled away and said to look at him. He put his thumb to his chest, then crossed his hands, then pointed to me. I was very much impressed he had bothered to learn some Sign Language, and I said, "I love you, too, my Anton."

I laid my head on his beautiful chest, and while I was feeling his heartbeat, I felt his hand tossling my hair as we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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