Anthony Calleas Gay Side

By jai bailey

Published on Sep 29, 2005


Anthony Callea's Gay Side By JaiZe


This is an entire work of fiction, i am not affiliated with the celebrities listed or know nothing of their personal lives...this story is not to suggest anything of their actual sexuality and that the story is meant for fantasy purposes only.

Anthony Callea's gay side...(2)

By JaiZe ( ************************************************************************

Anthony Callea's Gay Side... (2)

I awoke late the next day, the sun was shining through the window, like yellow lasers all pointing at me, I admit, I was a little pissed I came second, after-all, I don't mean to brag, but I did have the better voice out of the two of us.

I sat in bed staring at the ceiling. Great. I thought, on the ceiling was written FAG' just what I needed to wake me up. I went to the shower, got undressed, and got in. The water was just right. I kept thinking of Drew. Was he gay? All signs pointed to Yes!' but the little annoying voice, that one in your head, kept telling me to back off.

The phone started to ring. I quickly got out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and jogged to the phone, nearly falling over.

`Hello, Anthony speaking.'

`Um, hey, it's Drew'

`Oh! Hey, what can I do?'

`I was just wondering...' what's he wondering!


`if you needed a bodyguard for the interviews today' not exactly what I had in mind, but still not bad.

`oh...' I said, I hope he didn't hear the disappointment in my voice.

`is, something wrong?' yeah! i think your hot! I hope I didn't say that out loud...

`nah, nothing mate, um..yeah you know, that would be good'

`oh great! when should I come over?' right now!!! Wearing nothing!!!

`um, gimme like, an hour? You can pick me up then, you know where?'

`yeah, its not like you forget something that fast, its only been like 5 hours or something'

`oh yeah, hehe, well I'll see you then'

`cya Anthony'

With that, I hung up the phone. Oh crap! What to wear, I had to look good, not only for him, but for the fans! I quickly walked to the wardrobe, and found some hot clothes I hoped he would like (and the fans. Mainly him) . "!!BUZZ!!"

The doorbell! Ok Anthony, play it cool, be one with the...oh for gods sake, just be yourself!

`hold on, I'll buzz you in' I said through the door thing. What is that called anyway?

`yeah sure'

I pressed the button. A few minutes later, there was a knock on my slightly broken door, I just pulled it and it opened. I would really have to get that fixed!

`hehe, hey Anthony, you might want to get that fixed'

Can this guy read my mind!?

`yeah I know, so thanks for doing this, it means a lot to me...'

I looked away. Did I say too much? Without a doubt

`I'm sorry?'

`ah... I mean...that your gunna help me out today, keep all the screaming fans away, it mean a lot to my career'

`oh, yeah, that's okay, so um. Do you want help cleaning up a bit?'

I really did, would be rude to say yes

`nah man, I'll do it later'

`Are you sure, I don't mind'

`of course im sure, don't worry about me... I mean don't worry about helping me clean'

`no, you just said "don't worry about ME"'

`im still a bit tipsy from last night, and im really tired'

`oh...' I could tell by his tone he was disappointed

`ok, lets go, first things first, the Kyle and Jackie show'

`oh I love that show, okay, lets go'

After all 5 radio interviews, and 2 television interviews it was about 6:00 PM, damn, tomorrow I need to be in Melbourne!

`so...' he said to me

`listen Drew, thanks for today, does mean a lot to me, you're a great friend'



Oh great. Awkward moment at hand

`Drew, um... im going to Melbourne tomorrow, I was wondering, do you wanna come?

Oh god! Is that too big of a thing to ask?

`Yeah!, I mean, only if that definitely okay with you and your agent'

`of course, its not up to him, its my life'

This was great!

`oh..' I said with remorse.

whats "Oh"?

`my family lives there, and I was planning to stay there...'

`oh that's okay...'

`no its not!, I really want you there'

Oh crap! What've I done!

`um...Anthony, I think we need to talk'

`why? I thought we were friends?'

`we are, but...'

`but what? But nothing!' I was speaking WAY to fast

`listen I know, as much as you do, that us being friends is just not going to work, listen, im going to telll you something, and I hope you feel the same way'


Anthony, I watched Idol' the Whole way, you were always the best, and when I first saw you, I new I wanted to meet you, and now I have! And its great, better than I thought...but I have to admit to you..that I really, really...'


Hey, its jai here, If you like this story, I would LOVE your feedback, So write to me, or add me on MSN messenger!


Next: Chapter 3

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