Anthony Calleas Gay Side

By jai bailey

Published on Sep 28, 2005


DISCLAIMER: this is an entire work of fiction, i am not affiliated with the celebrities listed or know nothing of their personal lives...this story is not to suggest anything of their actual sexuality and that the story is meant for fantasy purposes only.

Anthony Callea's gay side...(1)

By JaiZe (

`An-thon-y! An-thon-y! An-thon-y!' I was so nervous, the crowd was calling my name over and over again, I new my family would be watching both at home, and in the audience, this was my chance for stardom! This was it, this one last performance could make, or break me. I was on Australian Idol, there was 2 of us left, myself, and a great girl called Casey Donovan. She was a great friend, and a great singer. She had already preformed, and got a really good reaction from the crowd and the judges.

I stepped onto the stage and the crowd screamed so loud, ear piercing sounds. It was so scary, yet at the same time absolutely amazing! In the front row was my mum, dad and older brother who probably unaware but I was wearing his shirt oh well, it looked good on me! The music started playing, it was `Andreá Bocelli's "The Prayer"'

After this performance the judges were amazed all the girls were screaming, not to mention the guys. I went backstage and last years `Australian Idol' Guy Sebastian came over to me in a bit of a jog

`Wow! Anthony! That was amazing!'

`Thank you, thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!'

I was so pleased I had done this, not only for myself, but for everyone who likes not only my voice, but who I am, what I enjoy, this is my time! And I was going to enjoy it, whether the fans did or not.

`Casey and Anthony have come so far' Marcia, one of the judges began to say

`and tonight, we are pleased to announce...'

"please, please, please let it be me!" I thought

`this years Australian Idol, for 2004... Is...'

"Why do they always have to pause! Hurry up!"

`Casey Donovan!'

I was crushed! But I couldn't show it, I put a smile on my face, and hugged a screaming Casey. I was honestly happy for her, she was only 16, so I was happy for her. Really I was...

After the partying it was about 3 AM, so I got in my car and started to drive home. All these cars were leaving the Sydney Opera House, I'd never seen so many cars leaving one place! I drove down the highway to my apartment in The Grove which was overlooking the ocean. I put my car in the garage, and headed to my place. I got out of the lift, and I remember seeing glass shattered on the ground outside my door, my door! I didn't need to get my keys out, I just pushed the door open, there was red spray paint everywhere on my walls, my T.V. cupboards everywhere. With one thing in common, They all read FAGGOT!' or IDOLS GAY LIKE U'

I called the cops. They sent an off guard policeman who lived near me to come and investigate. He obviously wasn't too happy to be woken this early in the morning.

The first thing I noticed about him, was that he couldn't have been more than 25, and had quite a good body, now im a very short man, and he was quite tall, a lot taller than me that's for sure.

`What seems to be the problem Mr. Callea?' He said looking down and not at me.

Wow, American accent... oh well, I was pissed!

`Someone has broken in, and done this! Or is it that obvious!?' I said angrily as I pointed to my walls, I was already very tired, and did not have time for games.

`Listen Mr. Callea, please don't take that tone with me, im very tired and I don't have time for games right now'

Where had I heard that before?

`Sorry officer, im tired as ...'

`Wait a second!, aren't you Anthony Callea!?' he said, totally interrupting me.

`yeah, I am' I loved it when people new me.

`well lets see what we got here' he said almost sexily, looking into my eyes, his eyes were...amazing, they were like a shade of Brown that I'd never seen before.

After he finished looking around the place, he came over to me, and properly introduced himself.

`My names Drew, Drew fuller'

`nice to mee..., wait, your that actor from Charmed, right?'

`yeah that's me'

`wicked! I love that show, but that's besides the point, I thought you lived in California?'

`I did, I just moved here, but I am going to move back there soon, you know, new season of charmed stuff like that'

`yeah, cool, well, why do you think someone broke into my house'

`im not sure, is everything here?'

`nothing seems to be missing?'

`cool, okay listen, Anthony, i'd just say this is a case of discrimination...I mean it's a big thing, I doubt its racial, just from the comments...but it could be um... sexual?' he said it so unsure, like as if he didn't want to say it.

`wow it takes a lot to figure that out doesn't it' I said very sarcasticly.

He stopped. And stared. He said nothing, but his look said it all.

`sorry, I just got a bit carried away...'

I blushed and looked away

`if you don't mind me asking, are.. are you gay?' he said a little nervous to ask I suppose.

But I didn't want to lie to him, he looked so innocent, but I also didn't want to tell him I was!

`listen im really tired, my insurance will prob..probably pay for most of the damage'

`that's cool, listen, ever need something, anything at all, or you get another break-in, just gimme' a shout'

`sounds good' I said as I smiled at him, and then he handed over his card.

Wow. He walked out the door, and I couldn't help but stare at his perfect body.

I went to my bedroom, got changed and went to bed.

Next: Chapter 2

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