
By J Forrester

Published on Nov 2, 2021



You are travelling into an alternate dimension. Do not adjust your connection to reality. Here we find a universe of infinitive possibilities, of extraordinary powers and incredible circumstances. Welcome to the Anthology...

Dedication: For Matt!

Anthology (IV) – Join the Team, part two

Jay started the day with a massive crush on his neighbour and by teatime had discovered Matt had the power to control the weather and he had the power to turn invisible. It couldn't possibly get more complicated or inventive. Could it?


Jay trotted, jogged, skipped, hopped and walked towards the back door of the house. He remained invisible the whole way but his skin was alive to every external stimulus. Jay could feel his nakedness and was secretly delighted by it – since he was so self-conscious, he felt liberated but the opportunity to be exposed but not revealed.

The rain finally (and very suddenly) stopped and Jay looked up at the sky with a mixture of gratitude and frustration.

"You couldn't have turned the rain off earlier?" Jay murmured bitterly.

Matt could have of course but where would the fun in that be?

It was only as Jay approached home that he asked himself what he'd do if dad and Milo still weren't home. What if the door was still locked? When Jay first found the door locked, he'd been soaked but at least he had running clothes on. Now, he was totally naked. Jay imagined that it had all been a cruel trap to get him naked outside and found himself getting excited by the idea of being mocked and ridiculed for his nudity, for being tricked out of his clothes.

The daydream hit close to home. Jay remembered telling his little brother about Will Striker – a boy at school who had been as gorgeous as he was arrogant. Striker was younger than Jay (he was also popular, gorgeous and the Head Master's son) but in the last months of high school, Striker had kissed Jay (in secret) a few times. Jay was never sure if Striker was gay, curious or just teasing Jay. Jay had once or twice worried it was a trap to mock or humiliate him – as if such a hot boy would want him.

"Don't sell yourself short, Jay," Milo had told him when Jay had shared his thoughts.

"Really?" Jay had asked.

"Yea. You're kinda alright looking," Milo said – damming with faint praise.

Milo had laughed so Jay had laughed.

Thankfully, there were lights on inside the house so his dad and brother must be home. Jay opened the back door and stepped inside. The backdoor opened into the kitchen where Jay's muddy bare feet left a sweet impression – the individual toes making little spots above a larger splat of mud.

Certain that his dad and brother were in another room, Jay became visible again.

Jay dunked a tea towel into warm water to clean his feet and specks that went all the way up his legs. He used a separate towel to dry his feet and legs and then scrubbed his hair until it was fluffy and dry. Well not dry, but less wet.

Jay had no clothes downstairs so he was about to turn invisible again to go upstairs when he realised the thrill he felt at still being naked but visible. Jay never expected he could feel that way about his body – he'd always been so reserved and modest. Jay crept thought the kitchen knowing that his dad or little brother might appear at any moment. He peeked into the hall and sneaked towards the living room where he could hear excited and competitive activity.

Jay stood naked outside the room for a moment. The door was open wide enough that he could squeeze into the room. Jay blinked and turned invisible and then slid into the room.

His dad and brother were close. So close. Jay was completely naked in the room with them. The house was warm and Jay's skin was no longer chilled – he was warm with excitement and central heating as he thought about his exposure to his family.

Jay's penis was small and flaccid again, humiliatingly compact if he were to become visible again. His bare butt felt aglow from the living room lights shining off it, like how the sun shines off the moon at night. Jay's full moon were globes of white flesh.

Jay's dad and his little brother Milo were sitting on the couch – almost cuddled together as they competed at FIFA. The game on the TV was getting intense and Milo was ahead. The table was covered with snack food and diabetes.

Both had changed after coming home – probably soaked from the rain as Jay had been. His dad was wearing long lounge pants and a grey t-shirt and Milo wore vest and underpants. Milo was much less inhibited than Jay. Nevertheless, a fourteen-year-old wearing little pale blue briefs and a vest so stretched it could have fitted their dad. Milo looked rather cute, actually. His skin was creamy and smooth – he didn't even have whisps on his legs as Jay did and his underarms had only a few curls of mousy brown hair. It caused Jay to wonder if his little brother even had pubes yet... and to wish he hadn't thought that.

Milo's friends might be more muscular or have more pubes, but Milo was tall for his age. He was already 5ft 10in, just an inch shorter than Jay, and properly skinny – a beanpole of a boy.

Emboldened by his new powers, and the excitement of exposure without consequences, Jay got hard without even touching himself. His cock rose and beat like a heart, jumping as it held itself horizontally. Being naked with his hot neighbour had been fun and naked in the mud and rain had been thrilling but he was in his living room with his dad and little brother!


Jay grabbed his cock for another furious wank! Not furious as in angry, furious as in energetic. Frantic even, because the idea of being caught by them didn't bear thinking about. They couldn't hear the wet stroking noises of his masturbation over the noise of the computer game and their spirited but companionable antagonism. Jay had never felt this way before - the risk of being caught was where the excitement lay as Jay continued to wank himself just a few paces away from his family. Actually, being caught would be a disaster but he was invisible and they would never know!

Jay's delight took him a single step closer but the sound of his own wet strokes sounded loud to his ears. Roger and Milo were too busy slagging each other off to hear the sound of jerking off. Jay looked and saw that Milo was winning the game and he was an exuberant winner as Jay knew all too well.

Jay tugged on his invisible balls. It was still so strange that even he could not see them but the feelings were intense.

Jay was so close to cumming that he closed his eyes.

"YES!!!" Milo shouted.

Jay nearly fucking shat himself, jumping back with fright. Milo had just beaten his dad and on screen the virtual football players raced around with jubilee as well. Jay's orgasm had been set back but he had maintained his invisibility. It was a relief that the shock hadn't caused Jay to reveal himself – naked and erect – in the family room.

"I won. I WON! Suck it, Roger!" Milo shouted in his dad's face because he was a subtle and gracious winner.

"Yea, alright Milo," his dad said but he was laughing because he was a subtle and gracious loser.

Jay watched as his skinny little brother danced around his dad and Jay jumped back just in time as Milo did a lap around the coffee table. His legs were skinny and silky, emphasised by the briefs he wore which had a small but cute lump in the front. Milo's bare feet skipped over the wooden floor as he celebrated in his usually over-the-top fashion. Milo's arms were also skinny and they windmilled as he theatrically celebrated like an overpaid sportsman.

Milo's baggy vest rippled around the skinny torso, the scoop under the arms revealed most of Milo's scrawny ribs. While Milo pumped the air, Jay watched his brother's armpits and its underdeveloped scrub of wiry hair.

Milo skidded onto his knees in front of the TV, where the game was done rubbing in the victory but Milo was not, pumping his arms in the air and then pulling off his vest to whirl it around his head while still hooting like a little beast.

"Are you done?" dad asked dryly.

"No, I've got a bit more," Milo said over his shoulder.

Jay's dick spat precum at the sight of his nearly-naked little brother – topless and wearing only his underpants in the living room in front of their dad. Milo kissed his non-existent biceps with barely a hint of fur in the pits as he continued to raise his arms in celebration. Milo's back was a silky slate of creamy skin with little bumps down the centre where his spine was. Milo's thighs were tucked under his butt but his smooth claves and bare feet stuck out behind him.

Best of all were Milo's tiny briefs which had slipped just enough to show off the crack of his ass.

Jay's dad just rolled his eyes at the fourteen-year-old's back. Jay would have died of embarrassment were he to be seen by their dad in just his briefs but Milo was nonchalant about it and Roger had long since given up trying to get Milo to be a little more modest.

Jay simply could not resist tormenting his little brother so he resumed jerking his cock with renewed focus and stood directly behind the boy. For a moment, Jay looked over his shoulder but his dad saw straight though him. Looking forward again, Jay was not reflected in the TV screen or the mirror on the wall – he was still totally invisible.

Milo was nearing the end of his hyperbolic celebration. Just in time, Jay reached his orgasm and had to hold back a cry of ecstasy – he might be invisible but he still made sound. Jay's cock erupted!


Jizz sprayed over Milo's back.

Hot and sticky, milky and wet, Jay's cum unloaded in a series of volleys against Milo's back and tricked down the silky flesh. Spunk trickled into Milo's ass crack and formed a damp spot on the back of Milo's pale blue briefs.

Milo looked over his shoulder with a perplexed face and Jay froze – his grip still tight on his cock. Milo saw nothing behind him but he reached around...

Who doesn't love a reach around? Anyway...

Milo reached around and his fingers found a damp spot on his bare back. He scooped and then sniffed at the goo on his back. Then tasted it. Jay's mouth gaped – his little brother had just eaten his cum!

"Milo? What's wrong?" dad asked.

Milo smirked as he reached around and scooped some more and ate it again! Oh fuck! Why did it make Jay hard to think of Milo tasting his spunk? Jay backed away, slipping past the ajar door as Milo replied.

"Nothing dad. I thought there was a leak in the roof or something... never mind..." Milo said.

Jay rushed upstairs, amused to have got his brother is such a disgusting way and gotten away with it. What must Milo be thinking? Jay had just turned visible again when he heard pounding on the stairs.

It really was easy to control his power now that he knew about it. Maybe being naked really did facilitate his invisibility?

Jay realised his brother was coming and only just turned invisible again before Milo rushed into his room, pushing the door with all the subtly of a bull in a China shop. Jay nearly shouted, "Get out of my room!" but he remained silent as his shirtless little brother in his briefs stood in the threshold. Jay carefully backed away from him, stopping just before hitting his chest of drawers.

"I could have sworn I heard Jay coming back," Milo said thoughtfully. "Oh well."

Milo shocked Jay by pushing down his briefs and stepping out of them so he was naked. Why was his little brother totally naked in his room? Worse, why couldn't Jay stop looking at him? Milo's little dick was cute and short – the two-inch stub was flaccid and looked not unlike Jay's softie so it was impossible to be judgemental. Inside the foreskin, Jay could see the bulge of Milo's glans, the ridge of his dick head looked good enough to suckle.

Fuck, Jay needed to get his mind out the gutter.

His brother lifted his short feet and peeled his briefs off them to examine a dark spot on the back of the waistband. Jay realised it was the spot where his cum had soaked in.

"Hmm..." Milo said.

Milo put the spot to his nose and sniffed.

He's not going to... Jay thought.

Then Milo licked his briefs and sucked on the damp spot, making a low noise like a cat purring with satisfaction.

"Yummy," Milo said.

Jay remained immobile – he had nowhere else to go! This was his room and... wait... why was Milo still in his room? Naked? Sucking cum out of his own undies?

Milo lifted his eyes and grinned. Jay could have sworn Milo could see him (Jay was so unsettled that he waved his hand in front of his face just to reassure himself that he was still invisible) but he was invisible so that wasn't possible, was it? Milo lifted his arm, showing off his fuzzy pit and lobbed his underwear into the room. They hit Jay in the face and then landed at his feet. The older brother stood still and shocked while Milo's face filled with happiness.

"Yes! That was a total guess," Milo sounded pleased with himself. "You might as well show yourself Jay!"

Jay covered his genitals and blinked back into sight. Milo's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets – Jay might be covering his penis and testicles but the rest of him was very much uncovered. Milo had spent years trying to see his big brother naked and only ever caught short glimpses that lasted seconds – now Jay was fully naked and the fleeting moment extended from seconds to minutes.

Jay was fucking hot!

Tall(ish), gangly but not skinny, lithe, tight with wisps of hair on his legs and chest. Above his dick, the bush of pubes was much bigger than Milo's however Jay was three and a half years older.

"Wow!" Milo said.

"Shut up," Jay said – feeling humiliated!

"I mean it. Fucking wow!" Milo repeated sincerely.

"How did you know I was here? Did you know I can..." Jay stumbled, not wanting to reveal anything Milo didn't already know.

But Milo must have known or guessed that Jay was there and if Jay was there but not visible, Milo must have known Jay could turn invisible.

"Matt finally told you, did he?" Milo asked.

"You know about Matt?" Jay asked.

"The Weatherman? Yes – and he told me about you," Milo said smugly.

They were both still naked but Milo sauntered into the room, not bothering to cover his dick or balls and Jay kept himself covered with tight hands.

"What has he told you exactly?" Jay asked guardedly.

Milo almost laughed and Jay suddenly remembered what Matt had said about not even looking for him. If Matt hadn't been looking for an invisible boy, who had he been looking for?

"Matt told me you'd need my support once you discovered your superpowers... I mean enhancement," Milo said.

"He told you I can turn invisible before he told me?" Jay asked – feeling a little put out – and Milo nodded. "He was looking for you, wasn't he?"

"Yes. Matt came out to me..." Milo paused and tilted his head, realising he could have chosen better words. "Matt told me he knew I was enhanced shortly after he moved in next door."

"Enhanced," Jay muttered uncertainly. "Enhanced how? In what way?"

Jay didn't mean to but he checked out his little brother physically as he asked it as if he expected wings or horns or something. All Jay saw was a skinny teenager and all Milo saw was his gay brother checking him out – which did give him the horn.

"I can copy, store and implant memories from one person to another," Milo said proudly. "I can even invent and manufacture false memories."

"Oh..." Jay said.

"Hey, remember last year when what's-his-name broke up with you? Xavier?" Milo asked.

"Thanks for the reminder," Jay said gloomily.

"Well, I could take that memory away or change it so you broke up with him," Milo suggested. "And, you know how memories feel... distant? Well, I can make you recall memories, even false one's, as if they are being newly experienced."

"How?" Jay asked.

"Matt called it Sensory Memory Augmentation and Cognitive Kinaesthesia," Milo replied.


"Sounds dirty the way you say it," Jay observed.

"Yea well, I call it a SMACK," Milo giggled.

"That doesn't make sense," Jay replied, rolling his eyes at the immaturity.

"It's something to do with entanglement and quantum penetration of my prostatic deepfuck... I might have misheard," Milo joked.

Jay chuckled and could not believe what he was hearing. It was so weird and even weirder – Jay had barely thought about the fact he was still naked and his brother was naked too. Today was a lot to process – Jay didn't even know about superpowers this morning and now he and Milo had them and so did their next-door neighbour.

"How does Matt know this?" Jay asked speculatively.

Milo really didn't understand what quantum entanglement was or how it was able to alter structures in someone's else's brain. Information in his brain communicating the same information to another brain... honestly, Milo wasn't sure that Matt hadn't just made it up.

"I dunno... experiments? Professor Mystique in the underground laboratory with the MRI imager?"

"Ok Milo, MRI imager is like saying Magnetic Resonance Imaging imager..." Jay admonished. "And you know how I feel about tautologies."

"You hate it when I u-s-e use them?" Milo replied.

"Stop it!" Jay snapped but he was laughing too. "Milo? Are you gay too?"

Jay had come out years ago and Milos had always been twinky and flirty but Jay had never thought about his little brother's sexuality. In light of Milo eating cum and calling it yummy, Jay was starting to wonder.

"Yea. I guess. More or less. I might be slightly bisexual," Milo said vaguely.

"How can you be slightly bisexual?" Jay asked.

"I'm like ninety-five percent into guys but I'm a tiny bit curious what it would be like for a girl to ride me while I play with her..." Milo was saying.

Milo punctuated his commentary by reaching out and grabbing Jay's pecs, his hands massaging Jay's nipples. Jay gasped and felt his penis respond with a half-inch push. His naked little brother playing with his nipples was making him hard, oh fuck!

"Stop," Jay gasped and stepped back.

"Sorry. Just thinking," Milo said.

Milo's penis was at least three inches now – was it reassuring or disgusting that he had also found their mutual contact exciting.

"Any more amazing revelations?" Jay asked.

Milo's eyes looked up thoughtfully as if searching his memory but in a highly facetious and piss taking way.

"Say, Jay..." Milo said conversationally. "Remember this morning when you were studying?"

"Yea..." Jay asked suspiciously.

"And do you remember watching Matt jerk off?" Milo asked.

"How do you know about that?" Jay demanded.

Jay was starting to worry his brother was a mind reader too.

"After you finished watching him, what happened?" Milo asked.

"I was studying," Jay answered.

"No, but... how?" Milo prompted. "You watched Matt and then... did you go to the toilet? Did you get a snack? Did you go straight to your room?"

"No, I was... just... studying..." Jay said.

Jay was very unsettled suddenly. He couldn't bridge the gap between watching Matt masturbate and studying. How did Milo know that?

"Matt says I can learn to develop my abilities. At the moment, when I implant a memory, it doesn't quite fit. I need to push other things out of the way to make room for a memory that wasn't there before," Milo said.

"What do you mean implant a memory?" Jay asked.

"I mean, you didn't watch Matt masturbating this morning," Milo informed him. "I put that memory there because I knew Matt planned to meet you today. I know how shy you were and that seeing him naked might make you more at ease."

Milo almost winked when he said " shy you were..." enjoying the past tense. Jay really was a sexy big brother. Milo had also helped Matt by locking the front door.

"That's... that's impossible... I remember it. I..." Jay replied but he doubted himself.

"Memory is like a jigsaw. All the pieces need to fit just right or you can find an edge and pull up the bit that doesn't belong," Milo explained. "With some practice, I'll be able to slot in new memories seamlessly."

"I didn't notice a thing until you pointed it out," Jay complimented him.

Jay realised that the memory had been a little odd. The springtime sunshine on a dreary November day and the fact the memory sat not in Jay's morning but in the middle of his studying session.

Deep down Jay was unsettled by the violation to his mind. Milo did it in a benign way but what if the enhancement were used for evil? Suddenly Jay understood by men like Matt were recruiting.

"Well, that was a bit different. The memory wasn't totally manufactured. It was mine," Milo admitted.

"It was yours? You watched Matt jerk off?" Jay asked jealously.

"Yup. A few days before he approached me to tell me about my enhancement," Milo replied.

"He knew you were watching him?" Jay asked.

"Yea. I guess he thought seducing a horny fourteen-year-old with some tasty masturbation might win me over," Milo inferred. "Don't worry, he really likes you. I remind him too much of... someone else."

His son. The one he spoke about in the past tense.

Jay was relieved that Matt didn't hit on every boy in the family. Frankly, Jay was too old for Milo to be naked with and yet both teenage boys were still intimately nude.

"How did you put the memory in my head?" Jay asked thoughtfully. "What, I was just studying and you popped it in there? Then I remembered it?"

Milo did say he could make people recall memories as if they were new. As if they were just happening.

"Why don't I just show you?" Milo asked.

Milo punctuated his question by putting his hands on his hips, calling attention to his stubby penis which was just weird. It was his brother! His little brother! Though Jay couldn't stop himself wondering how little (or big) Milo would be once he got hard.

"Will I show you?" Milo suggested. "I have a memory that I really love. You could watch if you want?"

"Umm... ok..." Jay replied.

Milo walked up to Jay and stood in front of him, their bodies not quite touching but Jay could feel the heat from Milo's chest and... other places. Milo, despite being more than three years younger, was almost as tall as his brother; they faced each other – nose to nose and dick to dick. Milo lifted his arm and taped a finger against Jay's forehead. Jay felt dizzy, like was falling and his vision grew bright in the centre and dark at the edges... he was remembering something that had happened last month.

For just a moment, Jay was aware of recalling the memory as if he had forgotten it and experiencing it as if it were happening at that very moment. Like a flashback. Jay remembered coming home from Uni and heard noises in Milo's room. He peeked in and saw...


Jay spilled and tumbled and found himself planted in the upstairs hallway – barefoot and wearing running shorts and a short-sleeved t-shirt. Jay felt his dick swinging free even though it wasn't like him to not wear underwear – especially in running short. What if his penis flopped out?

Jay approached Milo's bedroom door where the noises were coming from. He should have given his brother privacy but he felt himself drawn to take a peek. When Jay looked into the room, he was shocked by what he saw.

Milo was on his back on the bed, totally naked and his legs were being held up by a man pumping his ass. It took a few more seconds to realise that the man fucking Milo was Tony – their stepdad. Jay gasped with surprise but neither of the naked pair heard it over the grunting and squealing.

Tony was in his early thirties and had a solid, muscular ass. As Jay walked into the room, he could see Tony's chest was totally ripped and decorated with a fine dusting of chest hair that tapered onto a triangle that's point narrowed into a pool of bushy pubes above his cock.

Milo was tall for his age but also very skinny – he was physically dominated by the man more than twice his age. Tony was tall and broad shouldered; he totally dominated Milo whose legs were in the air while Tony held his ankles. Tony's big hands wrapped completely around the skinny boy's ankles.

Tony's cock was eight inches but it was hard to tell since most of it was inside Milo – the fourteen-year-old had reached behind him to grab the bedsheets, exposing his teenage pits. The twinky boy was as beautiful as an angel. The sound of Tony's cock sliding into Milo was beautifully grotesque; it was a wet, sucking noise that was complimented by the slaps of pelvis against petite ass.

"Oh, Milo," Tony said in his husky voice.

"Deeper! Oh my god, that's good. That's so good," Milo said.

Jay couldn't stop looking as Tony pushed deep. With his cock fully inside Milo, Tony's pubes sprayed against Milo's almost hairless balls.

Milo's much smaller cock, five inches or so, was shiny and wet and topped with only a small patch of hair – Milo's tummy and chest were hairless. Milo's dick jumped without needing a hand and the boy was clearly about to pop.

"Jay!?" Milo whispered but Tony didn't notice.

It was as if Jay weren't even there but not because of invisibility... had Jay been here? Jay felt muddled. Milo was having trouble integrating Jay into his memory – he hadn't had enough time to think about the variables necessary for a coitus interruptus scenario.

"It's so tight," Tony said.

"Deeper. Fuck me harder, daddy," Milo said teasingly

"You're a dirty little boy calling me that," Tony chuckled.

Tony's hands moved from holding Milo's skinny ankles to stroking his legs as they flirted towards a conclusion. Jay felt like an ethereal observer – as if he had been called to watch this own memory from afar. Was Jay remembering? How could he remember something that hadn't happened? But it did happen... didn't it?

"I am a dirty little fucker," Milo agreed. "And you're a dirty big fucker. Barebacking your teenage stepson."

"Do you ever stop talking?" Tony asked.

Jay almost laughed out loud – no, Milo never stopped talking!

"Oh daddy, I'm only fourteen. I'm sorry for making so much noise," Milo feigned apology.

Milo then groaned with pleasure as his stepdad pushed in again. The groan had a tinge of squealing – his little ass was being stretched by the massive cock after all.

"You want me to stop?" Tony asked with a note of concern.

"I want you to cum inside my ass," Milo replied.

Jay was captivated by the scene. All he'd done was come home from university for the day and now he was watching his stepdad and little brother having sex? Milo had seen him but Tony still hadn't noticed Jay was standing there.

Tony ejaculated powerfully inside Milo's hole. Milo could feel the spunk hot and salty; it trickling was out his sphincter even though Tony's eight inches were still buried inside the boy. His stepdad pulled back to push the overflow back in and the jizz lubricated his re-entry. After two or three thrusts, Tony pulled out and knocked out another three volleys of spunk across the teenager's hole.

Milo too had been sent over the edge – without even touching his cock, the excited boy shot creamy jizz up to his chin and then all down his chest and stomach. The cum against Milo's skin was nearly invisible and the boy juice dribbled over his skinny waist.

"That was great," Milo murmured happily.

"Even better than last time," Tony agreed.

Tony leaned over his stepson and kissed his lips. Tony's considerable chest against Milo's tiny torso made the scene look powerful and sinister. Yet it was clear Milo wanted this. But did it matter that Milo wanted it? Milo was a boy and Tony was a man.

"Milo, what is this?" Jay asked.

Toby straightened up and stepped back to Milo could stand up. They had just been caught fucking... was Tony not going to say anything?

"This is my favourite memory of daddy Tony," Milo replied to his brother.

"It feels so real..." Jay commented.

The sight and smell and sound were all so vivid. Jay could smell the ripeness of sweat, breath and cum. Tony's sweat mixed with his aftershave and deodorant to create a powerful musk while Milo's skin was shiny and his own odour was almost sweet.

"Memories are like a blanket. They're like something I can wrap you up in," Milo replied.

"But... he hasn't reacted to me?" Jay said.

"It's my memory. Give me time and I could fold you into it. It might be fun to have you catch Tony fucking me... I bet he'd do anything to get you to keep it a secret," Milo said salaciously.

"You're disgusting," Jay laughed but he was intrigued as well.

"I know," Milo agreed.

"Wait... this is your memory, Milo?" Jay realised.

Jay was talking within the memory and it was a meta moment in which Jay and Milo were aware of the disparity and their stepdad froze like an NPC in a computer game waiting to deliver a pre-programmed (or a Milo-programmed) line.

"Did Tony really do this to you?" Jay asked.

"Maybe," Milo said coyly.

"Milo, this is serious. If Tony really did this..." Jay started to say.

"Did Tony really fuck my fourteen-year-old ass?" Milo interrupted. "No, of course not! I invented it like a false memory. A fantasy."

Jay imagined such a power could be a fearsome weapon – in the right hands or the wrong hands.

"Oh... good. It seems so real," Jay whispered.

Jay was quiet for a moment – it was strange that Tony was still naked and just standing there with his sloppy dick flopping between his thighs. His stepdad was smoking hot! Not that Jay would ever say that out loud. Suddenly Jay thought about what had happened in a completely new way – Milo's favourite (false) memory was of having sex with a man.

It had never occurred to Jay to wonder about his little brother's sexuality but now he was very much wondering.

"I can understand why this is your favourite memory," Jay said and he was a little jealous of the ability Milo possessed. "I can't believe I didn't realise you're gay."

Milo laughed and Tony sniggered, participating again in the memory that wasn't real.

"Are you kidding, Jay?" Tony said. "Milo's always been a..."


The memory disintegrated like smoke gliding away in a fart. A wind.

Jay felt like he'd just come off a rollercoaster – his head spinning even when he was standing still. Except he wasn't standing because he'd fallen to his knees. When his vision stopped swimming, Jay saw a dick in his face. It was hard, five and a half inches long and topped with a small patch of short mousy brown hair.

Wait! Is Milo jerking in Jay's face?

"This is for cumming on my back," Milo scoffed.

Milo had obviously been masturbating the entire time Jay had been remembering... was he remembering? It was so strange – Jay had just lived a memory that had obviously (not) happened some weeks or months ago and already it was fading and integrating. Like remembering breaking up with someone; the lived experience more immersive and intense but just as real as reflecting on it later. Jay could still find the edges of the memory where it didn't quite fit.

The slurpy, slapping noise of Milo's dick was arousing and Jay felt guilty for enjoying watching his little brother masturbate. He had watched his little brother be fucked by their stepdad and liked that too. Jay was just wondering what this meant when he was hit in the face with a splash of cum.

"Fuck!" Jay muttered.

A second spurt blasted Jay's face, just above his eye and dripping onto his thigh.

"Oh fuck! Oh fuck!"

Another erupted against Jay's forehead and bounced off Jay's face like the rain had bounced off the ground earlier in the day. Jay was drenched by his own little brother. He'd never had so much cum on his face and Jay had once let two boys give him a facial backstage after a school play.

Milo was a big cummer.

Jay licked some cum off his lips – his brother's cum and this was no false memory, he was really doing this.

"Clean this off for me, would you?" Milo said.

Jay looked up at him with a mixture of fright and temptation.

"Go on," Milo goaded, wiggling his messy dick in Jay's face.

Jay opened his mouth and Milo pushed his cock into it. It was still hard but sloppy too and Jay could taste his little brother's cum straight from the source.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you actually did it," Milo said.

Jay pulled his head back so Milo's dick popped out but Milo put his hand under Jay's chin and then wiped his dick around Jay's mouth and pushed it back in. The fake memory of his stepdad barebacking his ass was amazing but he was actually putting his penis into his big brother's mouth.

"M-Milo," Jay said once he'd spat Milo's cock out again.

Jay had put his hands on Milo's smooth thighs to push Milo back a step as he stopped giving his brother a blowjob. Sucking it after Milo had shot his load was one thing but Jay wondered what it would have been like if the boy had gushed that incredible flood of spunk down his throat.

"I like seeing you naked, Jay," Milo said – dragging Jay back to reality.

Jay blushed and looked up but concentrated on not engaging his invisibility.

"I didn't want to say before because I thought you'd turn invisible if I did and I wanted to look at you," Milo commented.

"I probably would have," Jay agreed.

"Can you turn invisible while my spunk is still on your face?" Milo asked excitedly.

Jay exhaled and vanished. He stood up and Milo hooted with delight.

"I can literally see something face-shaped floating in mid-air because of my cum," Milo laughed.

Jay reappeared and removed the cum from his face with his hand and wiped jizz out of his eyes.

"Do you think Matt meant for us to find out about each other?" Jay asked.

"He told me about you," Milo replied. "He must have known you'd figure me out."

"Yea, I guess but..." Jay started to say.

Milo raised himself up on his toes and kissed Jay's chin which still had a splodge of cum on it. Jay was surprised but even more so when his brother kissed his lips and they exchanged cum and saliva. It was... very confusing.

"When Matt told me about my enhancement and I started playing with it, I was amazed how easy it was. I've got a lot to learn but it was like I'd been doing it for years," Milo confided.

"I feel the same way. I can turn it on and off like a light switch..." Jay started to say.

"You're talking about invisibility and not your dick, right?" Milo interjected.

"You really do never shut up," Jay admonished.

Milo just laughed.

"Yes, my invisibility. I've only known about it for a few hours and..." Jay said.

Jay turned invisible and then took a few steps and reappeared. Then repeated this a few times, vanishing reappearing like magic.

"Matt says our enhancements have always been there. That we've probably used them before without realising it," Milo reported.

Jay could just imagine Milo accidentally implanting a wet dream in the head of his friends or himself turning invisible in the school shower even though there were individual cubicles.

"I've been working on my ability for longer than you. I made a memory for your birthday but Matt wasn't ready to tell you. Do you want to see it?" Milo asked.

"You made a memory for my birthday?" Jay asked, delighted, impressed and touched.

"I imagined your origin story. It involves that jerk Striker and invisibility at school. You wanna see it?" Milo asked with excitement.

"When you insert a new memory... is it always as disorientating as the one you showed me of you and Tony?" Jay asked thoughtfully.

He still felt dizzy from the confused, voyeuristic memory Milo had scooped him into – of their stepdad fucking Milo.

"Not always. But often," Milo admitted. "You seemed fine with the memory of Matt masturbating."

"That's true," Jay agreed.

He hadn't even realised his mind had been altered. Once again Jay thought what a fearsome power Milo had and the uses that Matt and the DPD could put it to. Milo could pull out memories from an enemy and look for clues or he could implant memories of torture to get information without ever torturing someone.

What about Jay? His invisibility could be used for stealth and espionage or assassination. Jay had to wonder what Matt would ask of them.

"Here, I'll be gentle. Why don't you sit on the bed," Milo suggested and succeeded in sounding flirtatious.

Jay did as Milo suggested and his little brother stood in front of him, ready to give him a late birthday present. It was only as Milo was about to touch his head that Jay thought about his nudity again. Why the fuck was he still naked?

"Wait, maybe I should put on some..." was as far as Jay got.

Milo touched Jay's head. Jay didn't dizzy or like he was falling into the memory this time. His vision didn't bloom bright in the middle. This time, the transition was gentle. It was like falling asleep and straight into a dream. Jay remembered the day he discovered his enhancement like it was just a few hours ago...


Will Striker got away with being a jerk more than most jerks in Bishop & Groyne High School because his dad was Head Master and was also a jerk. They jerked together. Which is disgusting.


Jay felt himself pushed up against the wall of the shower room by Striker. It was a square room with no individual cubicles but rather a single open area where every boy could see every other boy. Jay would have liked to look at naked boys in the shower after PE but that would have meant being naked himself and he was too shy and self-conscious for that.

Besides, those days were gone. Jay was sitting his A-Levels and was only in school today because of an exam. He had finished it half an hour ago when Striker text and asked to meet him which was why...

Striker's mouth pressed over Jay's and a tongue flickered in and out. Jay returned the tonguing and the noise of wet and passionate snogging filled the echoey room. Although Jay didn't shower after PE, he did watch the boys who did as they emerged from the shower room. You couldn't actually see into the shower room from the changing area but you could watch the naked boys coming out.

Emerging. Not coming out.

Some of them wore towels around their wastes but every now and then a towel slipped or was tugged away in a jape or a really bold boy sauntered out with his big penis on show.

Striker's hands were on Jay's shoulders, pressing him even harder against the wall. The body weight of the muscular lad was heavy, assertive and powerful. Jay was hard and he felt an equally hard roll of cock pressing against his as Striker grinded their groins together.

Jay was so excited, he had to break the kissing to get his breath back. Jay turned his head away, drinking in the soiled shower and locker room air. Striker meanwhile moved his lips to Jay's neck, kissing above the collar of his shirt but also reaching for Jay's school tie and pulling it lose. Jay and Striker were in shirtsleeves, with Jay stroking Striker's back, feeling the muscles through the thin material. Jay had barely registered what Striker was doing until his school shirt was completely unbuttoned and Striker was pushing it off his shoulders.

"Wait! What are you..." Jay panted.

Jay was interrupted by Striker's lips on his. Striker's hands sat on Jay's thin hips like they were dancing intimately. Striker pressed his shirt-clad chest against Jay's bare chest and Jay felt the sleeves tugged and his shirt fell onto the shower room floor.

"You are so cute," Striker said.

"You think so?" Jay asked.

Jay was more than a year older than Striker and would be leaving the school before the month ended. Jay would quickly be forgotten but Striker was bigger, sexier and popular. He was, like, totally the hottest dude in school.

"Yea. You should take your top off more often, get a tan on you," Striker suggested.

"Maybe," Jay blushed.

He was a little embarrassed by the attention on his chest. Jay changed quickly when he was in the locker room and only while other boys were undressed too. He hated undue attention and was always quick to get dressed.

"You have a big dick too," Striker said.

Striker grabbed Jay's dick. In the months since the kissing had started with the hottest boy in school, Striker had always been cagy when it came to touching him... down there. Jay reached for Striker's shirt but the younger boy was stronger – he pulled Jay's hands away with an arrogant grin and pinned them against the wall. Jay felt his pits exposed but Striker put his face in one of them, kissing and sniffing it.

Jay found himself enjoying the body worship.

Jay was seventeen and horny and Striker was sixteen and gorgeous. When Striker reached for Jay's trousers, Jay let the lad pull them open and then grab his cock through his boxers. Jay's boxers were hipster style – boxers but tight and hugging his crotch, lean thighs and butt. Striker reached around the back and dipped his hands into the waistband, groping Jay's bare globes and then kissing Jay again full on the lips.

"Oh... fuck..." Jay said between breathes.

Jay felt Striker's hands move around the front and soon his fingers were brushing through Jay's pubic bush. Striker wasted no time in grabbing Jay's hard-on, squeezing and then stroking it while pressing his own throbbing erection against Jay's. Although Jay was less confident than the sixteen-year-old, he felt some pride that his cock seemed to be bigger than the arrogant boy's.

"Slide your shoes off," Striker said.

Jay gulped but obeyed. Jay stood on the shower room floor in his socks and when Striker started pushing his school trousers and underwear down, Jay did nothing to resist. He was embarrassed to have not only his penis but a full-blown erection exposed but also incredibly excited.

Incredibly! Excited!

Jay's cock leaked a blob of precum and Striker used his thumb to rub it all over the head of Jay's dick. When his trousers and boxers reached the floor, Striker stood on the centre.

"Pull your legs out, Jay," Striker demanded.

Jay did as he was told and as his feet slipped out, his socks came loose too. Striker looked down to see if the deed was done and was delighted to see Jay was totally naked. Striker was still in his full uniform; the younger lad checked out the nude Year 13 boy and his foot played with Jay's clothes and shoes. Striker groped Jay's right nipple with one hand and his left buttock with the other, planting another kiss on Jay's lips.

"I can't believe..." Striker said. "I can't believe you fell for this."

Jay's eyes shot open. He hadn't even realised he had closed his eyes to enjoy the snogging.

"What?" Jay replied.

Striker stooped down, his face accidentally on purpose brushing against Jay's hard cock. He scooped up all of Jay's clothes and shoes and dashed towards the exit of the shower room. Jay was aghast and too stunned to move. A second later, Striker tossed all of Jay's clothes out of the shower room and beyond Jay's view. Jay could hear laughing though.

"He did it! I can't fucking believe it."

"Is he really naked?"

"Striker... please..." Jay pleaded.

"This is going to be hilarious," Striker mocked. "You got your phone?"

Striker spoke to one of his mates just outside the shower room – they must have been waiting in the changing room.

"What do you mean no?!" Striker said angrily.

Striker stepped out of view and Jay was left alone and naked in the shower room.

"Fuck!" Jay said, close to tears.

He could hear inaudible murmurs except for Striker who remained loud and obnoxious.

"I don't fucking know! We'll sent the pics to the Sixth Form WhatsApp group of something," Striker suggested.

"No. Please no," Jay said to himself desperately.

He turned away from the entrance and faced the wall, wishing he could walk through it. But he couldn't. At least they'd only get pictures of his bare ass – until they came in and made him show his dick! Jay knew with certainty that the mean boys would get a full-frontal picture and Jay would be humiliated, ruined and devastated.

"One, two, three, ready or not, here we come," Striker announced.


Jay turned to see the sixteen-year-old step back into the shower room with his camera phone at the ready and aimed it towards Jay... well, almost towards Jay. Why wasn't Striker pointing the camera at him?

"Where the fuck is he?" Striker said.

Jay's brow knotted with confusion as another four boys pushed into the shower room. Adam, Barry, Charlie and Derek were Striker's best friends, fellow bullies and generally arrogant entourage.

"Where did he go?" asked Adam.

"Did you just pretend he was in here?" Derek teased.

"You saw him come in here!" Striker shot back.

"Maybe he pulled himself out of Strikers grip while we were talking?" Barry suggested.

"No-one pulls out on me," Striker replied.

"Oh, we know," Charlie laughed and the others laughed too.

"Fuck you!" Striker warned. "Where is that bitch Jay?"

Jay had remained totally quiet and bewildered as to why they couldn't see him. Jay lifted his hands and looked at them – except he didn't. Jay couldn't see his own hands. Was Jay, somehow, invisible?

"Must have gone out the window, right?" Adam offered pragmatically.

"Yea... must have," Striker said but he didn't sound convinced.

Jay shuffled his bare feet on the floor. It was so weird being naked in front of the four boys. Yet it felt amazing too – his willy was free to flop about and he didn't bother to cover up. Jay couldn't see his hands or his dick so it would have been pointless to cover an invisible thing with something invisible.

"If he climbed out the window, he must be outside," Charlie cackled.

"Oh yea," Striker said with a grin.

Now he was interested.

"Check the locker room. Make sure every door and cupboard is locked so if he comes back, he can't find clothes from somewhere else," Striker said.

"You're cruel," Barry said admiringly.

"I know," Striker agreed.

"We're gonna strand him in school totally naked?" Derek said.

"Yes," Striker said with a sneer and turned away from the almost empty shower room.

Jay heard the boys in there for a few minutes and then the sound of them leaving. Jay went to investigate but found no clothes anywhere. When the bell for class sounded, Jay realised he had a very small window of opportunity – he was invisible but not non-corporeal. If someone touched him, they'd feel him and when the class arrived for PE the changing room would be packed – there would be no room to avoid contact.

He had to leave!

Jay opened the door and then he did cover his bits. He waddled to the end of the corridor and darted out of the way just in time to avoid the incoming class of oud and spotty kids headed for the changing room.

Jay was naked in the school corridor!

Jay walked up the corridor and glanced in a glass cabinet that was reflecting the opposite wall. It should have been reflecting him. However, Jay could not see his long, thin, nude form in the glass. He was literally invisible!

Jay wasn't sure what to do and then he had an idea. Striker was a jerk who had used him, tricked him and stole his clothes. Striker was a closeted boy, though it sounded like his friends knew otherwise, who was homophobic and just maybe Jay could use his power to teach him a lesson.

So, in a way, Jay was going to use his superpower for good... right?

Jay knew where Striker was, he had mentioned when they met. Jay headed for the Media Studies classrooms. It was so strange being naked in school – barefoot and warm air on his skin. His bare bottom and legs and chest were fully exposed. Jay smiled as he moved his hands and exposed his penis for everyone to not see.

As Jay walked through the school, bare naked and bare arsed, he felt hot. His skin tingled from more than just the sun streaming through the windows. For a May day, it was unusually bright and hot. It reminded Jay of the summer of 2013.

Jay looked in each classroom until he spotted Striker. The room was open and the desks and chairs were set-up in a semi-circle that faced the front of the room where the teacher was preparing to show them a film. Jay walked towards the centre of the semi-circle and stood there totally nude.

If he were visible, he would be humiliated and even invisible, Jay burned with embarrassment and yet it was exciting too.

Jay grabbed his dick and started stroking it. He had no idea why. Jay was mortified by public nudity and exposure – except he was not exposed, was he? Jay got hard; the sound of his masturbation covered by the sound of music. Just to be clear, not The Sound of Music but the sound of music preceding whatever film the teacher was exhibiting.

Jay, was busy exhibiting himself.

Being hard and naked and jerking off in a classroom of your peers was not an experience Jay ever expected. Jay was seventeen and the boys in the class were all fifteen or sixteen – in school uniform. Jay needed no more stimulation yet he got it in the form of Striker who made himself comfortable by leaning back in his chair and spreading his rugby player thighs.

Jay could see the bulge of the boy's balls and his flaccid dick. Jay had intended to revenge himself by shooting invisibly into Striker's schoolbag or in his hair or something but another idea presented itself.

Jay walked towards him, dropped to his knees and put his hands on Striker's thighs.

Striker gasped and tensed and looked around with surprise. His reaction earned a few strange looks from people who assumed he was shocked by something on the screen at the front of the room. Jay slid his hands up and down Striker's thighs, caressing the inside of his thighs too and teasing towards the teenager's balls.

Striker liked people touching his balls. He liked boys touching his balls but only in secret – everyone assumed he as a shagger of women. Striker looked under his desk and saw nothing, over his desk and saw nothing. He could make no sense of being felt up (he didn't believe in ghosts – he was a dickhead but not an idiot) but he enjoyed it so didn't question it.

Jay fondled Striker's balls and when the sixteen-year-old was hard, Jay started to stroke the long lump inside boyish school trousers. Striker could not believe he was getting wanked off in class. It felt amazing – whoever's hands were doing this were absolutely amazing.

Being young and horny, Striker was ready to cum within minutes but Jay teased him for ten and then fifteen minutes. Edging the fucker was surprisingly satisfying. Occasionally, Jay took a break from rubbing Striker's thighs, balls and cock to rub his own cock but he'd have plenty of time for that later.

It was only as Jay started stroking Striker in a way that was going to take him over the edge that Striker realised that if he came it would be in his underpants. It was too late to save his undies and school trousers because cum shot into them – the jizz oozed into the fabric and caused a mostly dark wet stain but some of the creaminess was sifted through the fabric and left a spot of goo visible on Striker's trousers.

Jay stood up while Striker recovered from cumming and resumed masturbation. Jay was more excited and turned on and enthralled than he'd ever been before. Beating off in class with other boys all around him was like a fantasy or a dream or a false memory created by his little brother... which was a weird thought to have.

Jay gripped his balls as he was about to orgasm and then stepped as close to Striker as he could get. Jay's bare butt was facing Charlie but his cock was pointed at Striker who was still slouched in his chair and trying to understand how he was just wanked in class.

Jay pointed his cock at Striker's face and blasted him. Jay had power and range behind his orgasm – he hadn't cum in over a week. It fired hot and hard into Striker's face.

"Oh fuck!"

It was a mighty volume that spurt into Striker's eye. Dribbling off his face and onto his school shirt.

"Oh fuck!"

The second shot hit Striker on his upper lip with cum immediately dribbling into his mouth just in time for the third volley.


Cum from Striker's upper lip and dripped into his mouth but a final splat unloaded in his mouth.

Striker pushed his chair back and shot to his feet.

"Why are you swearing?" the teacher admonished strictly.

"It tastes like someone came in my mouth," Striker replied without thinking.

Striker was bewildered. The hot and sticky cum had come from nowhere. Literally out of thin air. How was that possible? But how were invisible hands wanking him possible? Invisible? Striker heard laughter at his response and too late he realised what he had just said.

"How do you know what cum tastes like?"

"Is that jizz on your face?"

"Oh my god, did you cum in your pants?"

The laughter resumed and redoubled until it rang cruel and mocking in Striker's ears. He tried to wipe the cum from his face and to explain... what? How? A ghost jerked him off and then came on his face? And invisible person? That would be ridiculous.

As Striker desperately and unsuccessfully tried to make himself heard – his pathetic excuses and explanations going unheeded and disbelieved – he saw the classroom door open of its own accord and then close.

Jay walked towards a small room beside the reception – he should have thought of it earlier. LOST PROPERTY. Jay opened the door, still excited by being so exposed and yet not exposed, and closed it behind him. Jay turned on the light – a weak power saving lightbulb activated. He looked at his hands – or rather, Jay did not look at his hands. With some effort, they reappeared. It was so strange. Now that he knew he could do it, it seemed easy. Jay turned himself on and off a few times. To be clear, he turned his invisibility on and off a few times – stop being dirty.

"I wondered when you'd think of this," said a voice.

Jay jumped with fright and turned towards the voice which was hidden in the corner. It was only then that he saw Matt – his next-door neighbour. Jay covered his dick and suddenly found himself too stunned to turn invisible which left him naked in front of his handsome neighbour on whom Jay had an enormous crush.

"Matt?" Jay said.

"Hello Jay. I've been waiting for you," Matt replied.

"In the lost property?" Jay asked.

"We can go somewhere else if you want," Matt suggested. "Have you noticed the unseasonable warmth?"

"I can't go outside naked!" Jay insisted. "What... what are you doing here? Are you a teacher?"

"Sometimes," Matt replied enigmatically.

Ohh, foreshadowing maybe.

"Why are you here?" Jay demanded.

He was blushing now and desperately groping... for clothes to put on. Matt watched Jay find a t-short that was three sizes too big for him. The neckline was so big it scooped around his neck and exposed his collarbones and half his sternum. It was long enough to cover his privates and his impressive bum – it was very nearly a dress.

"I came to meet you Jay," Matt said.

"What? Why?" Jay asked.

"We've known for a while what you can do. Probably before you knew it. I was going to approach you soon but we realised you had discovered your powers and..." Matt started to say but Jay interrupted.

"What are you talking about? How could you know?" Jay demanded frightfully.

"My department, Denego Potentia, have the ability to find specially enhanced people. Like you. I'm working to build a team," Matt claimed.

"You want an invisible boy?" Jay asked sceptically.

"Invisible Boy, Mnemonic, Weather Man... we're planning how to make contact with Betazoid and Apport. It's a very serious mission," Matt said but the man sounded more like a fourteen-year-old comic book fan just having fun naming people with powers.

"This is weird," Jay said. "How can I do what I do? How is it even possible?"

"It's to do with cellular... quantum... Predator cloaking... entanglement... stuff," Matt said.

"Ok," Jay said – extending the word to two or three syllables.

Matt suddenly stepped forward and kissed Jay. Jay was caught by surprise. It was an open secret at home that Jay had a hopeless crush on Matt but now his neighbour was kissing him and groping his arse. Jay felt himself harden and the t-shirt lifted because he still had nothing on underneath it.

Matt's hands moved from buttocks to cock and gave it several strokes with a firm grip from his manly hands.

"Turn around," Matt whispered.

Jay silently obeyed and felt the t-shirt being pushed up to expose his ass and half his back. Jay heard unzipping and then a hard cock press against his virgin hole. He gasped as the man pressed and his sphincter eased open.

"Oh my..." Jay gasped.

"I need you, Jay. We all need you," Matt said.

Jay felt his cock pulse as his neighbour began to fuck him and he trembled so hard, he felt his skin blink free of the visible wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.

"You're invisible Jay but I can still feel you... I can feel you so hard..."

The voice did not belong to Matt.

When Jay opened his eyes, he felt his stomach lurch like the sudden fall on a rollercoaster. The small room at school was replaced by his bedroom and Matt was gone. There was no cock in his ass and he wasn't bent over. Jay was lying on his bed and someone was sitting on his cock. The fucked had become the fucker.

Milo was sitting on Jay's cock.


Jay had to admit – the false memory felt so real that Jay actually doubted reality as he knew it. Jay understood what Milo meat about the difference made by having the time to develop a memory for implantation. This manufactured memory fit perfectly and Jay could only see the edges of where it had been pressed in because Milo had told him beforehand that it was not real.


And Milo was sitting on his cock?!

"Milo?" Jay breathed. "What are you doing?"

"I'm losing my virginity," Milo said.

Milo was squatted on the bed while lifting and lowering himself onto his big brother's cock. Both brothers were feeling magnificent sensations but Jay was disorientated by the transition from the false memory to reality. Milo might learn to control his ability to implant memory so that one does not live it as it was inserted but Jay reflected that the distraction of having one's mind altered was in itself an asset. In the time it took Jay to live the memory Milo had made for him, he had also started fucking himself on Jay's dick.

At the end of the memory, Jay had turned invisible while Matt fucked him and Jay realised he was invisible now in reality. Milo was bouncing up and down on nothing. Jay turned himself on (it wasn't difficult) and the two boys looked at each other.]

The naked brothers were having sex!

"You're a virgin?" Jay squeaked as he looked at Milo's sweet face.

"Of course I am. I'm only fourteen," Milo pointed out.

"Oh my god... Oh my god..." Jay said the sentence twice but with two different meanings.

The first time he said it as a protest to fucking his little brother.

The second time he said it because he was so sexually excited, he thought his cum might rocket Milo into space when he shot his load.

"You're a virgin too, right?" Milo asked.

Jay didn't answer right away. The first boy Jay ever had sex with was his own little brother. Jay wasn't even wearing a condom so his unwrapped cock was sliding into the little fuckers tight ass.

"Yes. I was a virgin," Jay said.

"Our first time... but hopefully not the last," Milo grinned manically.

"Oh Milo," Jay whimpered because it felt so good.

"Jay, this is amazing," Milo said.

"We shouldn't be doing this," Jay said.

Jay was unconvincing because he was bucking his hips and slapping his pelvis into Milo's petite butt cheeks.

"Turn invisible for a sec," Milo asked – ignoring Jay's comment.

Jay concentrated and vanished. Milo giggles as he fucked himself on the invisible penis. He loved his ability but Jay's was really cool too. Milo looked forward to discovering if Matt was right about Jay's ability having even more scope than his big brother had discovered already. If he could control it in one day, what extensions to that power could he make in weeks and months?

Milo was pumping himself up and down with short and long strokes on Jay's big dick. Finally, Milo came and caused a little fountain of watery sperm that sprayed out over his own and Jay's stomachs.


Jay came a moment later – filling his little brother's ass with spunk that leaked out the edges to flow down his shaft and into his lap. The jizz made the squelching noises that accompanied Jay's pounding of Milo's arse even more wet and grotesque.

Milo, fatigued, lowered himself and sat with Jay's cock all the way inside him. Milo played with puddles of cum on his big brother's skin and gave his dick a few tentative, lazy strokes. The brothers were totally exhausted – a combination of physical exertion from fucking and the mental exertion associated with Milo's especial ability.

"That memory of Striker, being naked in school... discovering my invisibility..." Jay tried to express himself.

"Way better origin story, right?" Milo enthused.

"Yes," Jay agreed. "It was an incredible memory. It felt so real."

"I take pride in my work... and play."

"Please get off me," Jay asked at last.

Milo rolled his eyes and then lifted himself and rolled onto his side beside his big brother. He cuddled in beside Jay and let him continue.

"It felt so real. You have to be careful with this," Jay warned.

"I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine," Milo said in a low voice.

Jay chuckled and gave up. There was no point trying to be serious with Milo was he was in a silly mood. Besides, they were both so tired and Jay had so much to think about. The things Matt had told him, the abilities Jay had learned, the enhancements Milo had demonstrated. If this was the scope of his new world in just one day, what would the future hold? What would Matt ask of them and if Matt was right about there being an enemy, what would they do to stop them?

Jay was scared for himself and Milo. They were just boys.

"So, are you going to join the team?" Milo asked sleepily.

Milo was almost drooling on Jay's chest. The younger teen was comfy and warm and Jay forgot how annoying Milo could be and how abnormal their new relationship was.

"What team?" Jay asked.

"The team. Matt's team," Milo repeated and then quoted their neighbour: "Specially Enhanced Xenogeny."

"Oh," Jay chuckled, rolling his eyes. "That team."

Jay offered a little smile – he was beguiled by how ludicrous the whole idea was.

"Yea. That team," Milo said with a smile of his own. "The SEX Men."

Matt, Jay and Milo will return in...


This story was dedicated to fellow Nifty author, Matt Smith; my correspondent, friend and confidant.

Part two will be posted in a few days. Check out my blog after part two has gone online for a list of easter eggs, some insight into how the story came about and my plans for the future of Anthology.

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Next: Chapter 10: Seasons Meetings 1

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