Another Weekend at the Cottage

By Master Andrew

Published on Jul 9, 2005


I looked back at Andy and Jeff. Noticing Jeff's hand moving towards Andy's crotch again. Given the chance these guys would fuck right here on the floor with Chris and I watching. But I wanted a lot more from them than that tonight so I had to slow them down.

"Wow you boys are pretty horny. I think I need to separate you two. Why don't you both come over here and sit on either side of me on the couch."

Jeff looked at me "I think you just wanna see the two of us fuck. Why don't we just get it over with now and let you watch?" I laughed, "Jeff, I might wanna see that but not right now. So like we agreed do what I say or head to your room right now alone."

Jeff looked at me, "Hey Luke, I'm rock hard here and I need a little relief. How about Andy and I both go to my room." I knew I was losing control of Jeff and Andy would definitely follow him if he thought he'd get off. I looked over at Chris. "Chris, come over here and stand in front of Jeff."

I watched as Chris obeyed. I think Jeff and Andy were a bit surprised and very curious. I know they both thought Chris was hot.

"Now Chris, grab both of Jeff's nipples and hold him tightly by them." Before Jeff could say anything Chris did as he was told. From the look on Jeff's face Chris must have been holding his nipples pretty hard.

I saw Chris twist slightly and Jeff wince again but said nothing. I was surprised. I wasn't even sure that Chris would do this but he seemed to be pretty eager about it. Jeff moaned loudly.

I stood up and walked over and got my weekend bag then walked over to Andy. Andy had his hand in his briefs and was stroking his cock. Jeff was still moaning as Chris pinched his tits through the thin fabric of the wifebeater.

I pulled out a pair of handcuffs and showed them to Andy, "How would you like to cuff Jeff's wrists behind him?"

Andy laughed pulling his hand out of his briefs and took the cuffs from me, "Yeah sounds hot."

Andy stepped behind Jeff rubbing his ass then drew Jeff's hands behind him and cuffed him.

"Hey what the fuck?", Jeff said.

I stepped in front of Jeff pushing Chris' hands away from his tits.

"Now Jeff. Do you want to go to your room right now or stay for the fun?", I asked.

"Take the cuffs off Luke. I wanna cum. This has been great but I'm horny.", he said.

I stroked the front of Jeff's shorts as I looked him in the eye, "I'm going to ask you one more time. Do you want to go to your room or stay for the main event?"

Jeff looked at the floor, pausing for a moment then slowly said, "Stay up, but......"

Before he could say anything more I turned to Andy, "Andy, take those briefs off and give em to me."

Andy quickly pulled them off and handed them to me. I suspect more because his cock was hard and he wanted to let it out of the tight briefs and not so much that he was ready to follow my orders.

I looked at Jeff, "I'm going to gag you with these. Then you can stay. Otherwise I'm going to have the boystake you to your room and leave you there."

Jeff looked at Chris and then and Andy who was standing naked next to him. I could see he was trying to find a way to make this work without being gagged.

I reached out and held Andy's hard fat cock, "Andy, if we have to put Jeff in his room I guess it will just be Chris and I all night long with you."

Andy moaned and I stroked his cock a bit more.

Stroking Andy's cock a bit faster, "I thought it would be hot to have Chris suck Jeff's cock but I bet you'd like it too."

Andy's back was arched slightly and he moaned, "Fuck yeah."

Jeff started talking, "Okay, okay..."

"Not good enough Jeff. I want to hear you say 'Please gag me with Andy's briefs.' or you go to your room.", as I stroked Andy a little faster.

Andy was getting pretty close. He had his hand on Jeff's ass and was stroking it as I worked his cock.

Jeff looked at the floor, "Please gag me with Andy's briefs."

I stopped stroking Andy and put the briefs to Jeff's mouth. Jeff opened his mouth and I stuffed em in. Andy had started stroking himself. His eyes were closed and his back arched. I knew he was going to cum soon.

I pushed Andy's hand away from his cock and held his cock tightly, "Chris, come over here and hold Andy's arms behind him."

Andy didn't resisted a bit but then I stroked his cock a bit more and he relaxed. Once Chris had his arms behind him I stopped stroking and let go of his cock. Andy almost didn't seem to notice for a second and was still moving his hips as if he was fucking. I pulled another pair of cuffs out of my bag. Andy looked at me and moaned.

"I gotta cum...I'm close.", he said as he struggled against Chris.

Chris was pretty strong and held Andy tightly as I cuffed him. As I cuffed him I could feel Jeff rubbing his crotch against my ass. A lot of guys dream about having two of their ex's handcuffed and hard. Definitely turns me on but I didn't plan on just leaving it there.

"Chris, grab two kitchen chairs and bring them in here.", I shoved Jeff back a bit and kept Andy from moving too much by holding the chain of the handcuffs and pulling them up a bit in the air. This forced Andy to bend at the waist with his ass raised slightly.

"Nice ass Andy" I said as I squeezed one of his cheeks.

Andy groaned and said, "Fuck me if you want, just let me cum."

Chris came back with the chairs. I motioned for him to put them down then took his hand and made him hold Andy's cuffs and still force his arm in the air. I took his other hand and guided it to Andy's ass. Chris started slowly rubbing Andy's ass. I patted Chris' ass to let him know he was doing what I wanted and of course I wanted to feel his ass.

I turned my attention to Jeff. I pulled a small knife from my pocket. I saw his eyes widen.

I put my hand on his shoulder, "Don't move Jeff, I don't want to cut you."

I slowly cut the wifebeater off him shredding it in strips. Then I carefully cut the bike shorts off him by cutting through the thin fabric on the outside of each thigh. The bike shorts dropped to the floor along with the shredded tee. I gently stroked Jeff's crotch and he tried to hump my hand. I let him as I put him in one of the wooden kitchen chairs that Chris had brought in. Then I reached into my bag and pulled out a short peice of rope and tied the cuffs to the back of the chair. Then I reached back in the bag and pulled out tit clamps. Jeff watched me nervously as I stood in front of him. Straddling his legs I sat on his legs and looked him in the eye.

"Jeff, I think you'll enjoy wearing these clamps for a while.", I said.

Jeff was shaking his head "No." but I knew it would drive those sensitive nipples of his crazy.

He squirmed and moaned under me and I stroked his cock. His precum was freely flowing now and I took some and rubbed it on his nipples. I rubbed in slow circles then licked each nipple clean. I clipped the clamps onto his nipples and he bucked under me and shuddered. I thought he had orgasmed from the clips but when I stood I could see that his cock was still hard and dripping precum.

Looking over at Chris and Andy I saw a sight that made me even harder than I already was in my shorts. Chris looked hot even though he was fully dressed in tee and jeans. I could see a big bulge in his jeans from this angle. Chris was still holding Andy's arms up behind him and Andy was bent over looking at the floor. Chris was slowly rubbing Andy's hole with one finger. This was going better than I could have hoped. My only problem now was I wanted to fuck them all but who should I start with?

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