Another time and things well placed

By day wolf

Published on Jan 11, 2002



As I pushed back on my rubber dildo with the suction end. I felt my breast and pushed all the way back on it. Til I felt my ass hit the door. I had stuck it to my frig door, But had to tape the door shut, as I would pull the door open if I clinched my ass to tight around it. I bent over and grab my ankles looking at my heels and pounded my ass lips on my rubber dick.

Wishing it was a real man. I raise my hands to my knees for a more rapid pace and start to rock my frig so it thumps on the floor.

I stand raise my skirt to release my own cock from my panties. Pushing back on the rubber ribbed member. I begin to pull on my own cock. My eyes closed remembering my first time with real meat.

I was nineteen and it was the 60's. Mini dresses were the rage. I loved them like you would not believe. I loved to watch women in those one piece dresses pantyhose and clogs. Long hair flowing and ass swaying looking sexy and smart.

I yearned to be one of them so bad. My older sister would dress in the same fashion, which was a plus for me. I was thinner then her and always kept my weight down. On the other hand my mother had vintage hi-heels garters and stockings. Both of which I explored. I would lock my door and dress. Then fondle myself which led to jacking off. But I always had the desire to go out in public. One night I did.

I put on a garter belt and hose then my panties and bra. A drooping neckline long sleeve mini dress and black 3 inch heels. I put on a lot of make up. Cause it made me feel more sexy and womenized. And that was the trend then. It was a trashy fuck me look. My legs looked so sexy in those sheer hose I had trouble keepin my cock from growing. I loved the way my thighs swished together and the whispy friction sound my stockings made. I was ready to step out and I did.

I was really scared but yet confident. I mean I looked like a girl but felt naked by all the skin I was exposing. The openness of a dress and the coolness of the wind up between my legs urged me on. The clicking of my heels on the pavement was a turn on in itself. I took a shoulder strap purse for my smokes and also to give me something to do with my hands. I went down the alley and back and was perspiring like you would not believe. My heart was pounding as I got back into my own yard. I sat down in one of the lawn chairs and lit a cigarette. I heard a rustling behind me and froze.

I slowly turned to look, Fearing the worst, but it was just a dog. I exhaled and relaxed. The dog, a black lab came over to me to tail wagging and started to sniff at me. I said, Hi puppy and started to pet him. As I did this he raised himself up and put his paws on my lap. I felt a hot wet sticky feeling on my calf and looked. He was horny and his pink cock head was sticking out. He lapped at my face and I reached down for his cock for some unkown reason. I pulled back his foreskin and more and more of his cock was exposed. A thought crossed my mind and I went with it.

I let go of his dick stood up and said come on puppy and he followed me to the door. As I pulled to open the door. His wet nose went up my dress and sniffed around and then up into my ass. He licked my ass! It was then I knew we were on the same wave lenght. And I led him to my bedroom and locked the door.

I sat down raised my hips and pulled my panties off. He went for my crotch and lapped my balls then tongue lashed the head of my cock. He was enjoying my precum. I laid back and enjoyed the sensation. My first head job was by a dog!

I put my hands under my thighs and raised then so he could lick my ass. His long tongue lapped at my ass crack. I got off the bed and knelt in front of him resting on my elbows as he licked my ass. Then I felt his paws encircle my waist. I started to raise up and he growled and nipped at my hair. He sensed my fear and knew he was in control. I went back down to my elbows and he started to thrust his cock around my ass. I thought, Oh my god this dog is going to fuck me! Then his dick found my glory hole.

He arched his back and stabbed his hot wet dick into my never abused openning. I closed my eyes as I felt him enter me. He didn't care he was there to fuck. And fuck he did. His hot meat spread my ass and half of his cock was in me before I could protest. They were rapid deep thrust. So deep I felt it hit a dead end and strecth for more room. I gave my ass to him, pushing my ass up higher to meet his onslaught. His paws gripped my waist tighter as he pushed more cock in me. I felt, what I thought were his balls pushing against my anus. Then he pulled on me harder driving himself deeper in me, and then bulge tore in to my ass.It felt like I shoved a baseball up my ass. It hurt like hell as he pulled his knot back. But my anus ring would not release him. He humped me a few more times pushed off with his paws and turned. I could feel the rotation of his meat as he spin around. Then he just stood there panting. I waited with him, and after a bit I could feel his fluid seep into my bowels. Then he released his grip on me. It was a total turn on and I wanted more cock after that.

My next foray was to seduce a man. I dressed in my fishnet back seamed thigh highs and a taunt aqua thong. A mid slip and pleated skirt a dark blue nylon bra and lacy halter top. I puffed and teased my hair to be noticed. Guys like hair and legs. I had both. I got in my car and went for a ride not knowing were I would go, but needing to be there where ever there was.

There was a strip bar. I had drank enough courage to feel relaxed enough to go into the bar. On the way in two guys were coming out and gave me the twice over. The bigger one held the door for me. I could feel his stare linger on my ass.As I entered the guys leered at me. I could tell they thought I was one of the pole swingers as I sat down at the bar. The bartender came over and said ladys drink for free. I told him I would have a lite. The girls dancing gave me the eye and talk to each other looking at me. They paid more attention to me then the guys did.

A black girl came over to me and said, Honey this ain't a trailer trash pick up place and we got all the girls we can use. I ran my hair threw my hair and smiled. She thought I was a female hooker or dancer looking for a job.

Then the bartender came over and said, Leave her alone she's bring in business not like you. He sat another beer in front of me and said, It's on that guy at the end of the bar. I turned to nod at him and she pushed me in the back as I took a drink. He said, Why don't you go to your break room and leave her alone. She said Fuck you Bill! we have enough bitches to contend with and don't need her sorry ass her. I finished the beer I bought and went for the door. As I was heading down the side walk a guy came out and said, Hey my beer aint good enough for you?

I said it's not that, I just have to go. He said wait a minute hold on I'll be right back. I stood there for a second and said, Fuck this I 'm going, and went to my car. I was looking at my keys when I heard him tap on my window. I rolled it down and said you seem really nice but you don't know a lot of things. He said, well tell me then. I said I can't it's to complicated. He flipped his hand over and opened his palm. He had some coke and let me at least get you high. I thought why not and told him to get in the car.We did a few lines and I started to get really hot for some reason. He said can I see your hand? I said what for! He said your nails and hands look nice. So I gave in. He felt my hand and turned my wrist to smell perfume. Our eyes met and he lowered my hand to his groin. Then squeezed my hand around his cock. He leaned toward me and gently kissed me and stroked my hair. My hand moved up under his shirt then down his belly and I pulled his zipper down. I reached in to his pants and felt his wet hard dick. His head went back and He said I really want you to suck me baby. I leaned over and took him in my mouth. I slid my head down and felt his cock in the back of my neck. I had a gag reflex and it brought tears to my eyes as I sucked his cock. I heard myself sucking and slurpping as I tasted my first cock. He reclined the seat and pulled it back. It was tight but I slid between his legs and sucked his cock like there was no tomorrow. He rubbed my ear lobes and massaged my head as I sucked him. Then he gently pulled my face to him and we kissed again. This guy was in love with me. His arms went around my waist and he pulled me up closer to shove more tongue in my mouth or tatse his own sprem.

To be continued. Hope you liked it so far.

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