Another One Gets It at the Jobsite

By Gunter Ragen

Published on Feb 5, 2011


He's been late to the job site so fuckin much that it makes me look bad. I like the boy, but the other guys on the crew are fast becoming resentful of his ass as they see him getting away with shit they know I don't allow. I run a tight crew and it was time to drop that hammer on him once and for all.

Bruce is a young guy about 23, married with a little kid on the way. I hired him a few months ago because he had the magic combination of rugged good looks and a resume that had good experience in construction. He was straight as an arrow, but I just love looking at his furry boyish mug and how his tight little ass is always packaged roundly in his faded jeans.

Most of my guys who work for me on the site know I'm gay. The common joke whenever someone seems to be getting away with shit or gets promoted is that they're sucking my dick or taking it up the ass. And, that reputation aint all smoke. They might be straight, but when push comes to shove some guys get pretty friendly when they want job security or an edge.

Problem with Bruce is he's been getting a lot of slack from me but he aint been putting out. I hit on the boy a few times since he'd been here but he wasn't biting, always making comments about his wife and her bun in the oven to make sure I backed off. But I knew that one day I'd have his balls tight in my grip and his heart would follow.

So he came in a half hour late and I immediately radioed his ass to my office. I knew why he was late. I've seen his bloodshot eyes and his nervous twitch, his constant need to disappear to the porta-potty several times day. When he got to my office trailer I pulled my favorite prop from my desk drawer and waved it in front of him as he sat nervously.

The small brown plastic urine sample cup with a blank label bouncing in my hand had his eyes as large as saucers. "You're up for a random drug test boy", I said with a stern tone. He immediately began apologizing and squirming in his seat. "Boss, I'm sorry I been late a lot. It aint drugs. I swear!" he plead. "My wife is due in a month and she keeps me awake all night. "

"Then you got nothing to worry about then", I said with a sarcastic grin. He was shitting his pants. "Please Boss. I......." He knew his shit was cooked. He knew that if he pissed positive for meth he was fired with a kid on the way and no good job reference from me. Seeing he was already at DefCon Ten, amping and nervously shaking in his chair I held up my hand simply motioning him to shut up.

I got up and walked around my desk behind him and locked the steel door to the office trailer. Coming back toward him I keyed up my radio and told my assistant foreman, "I'm having a private meeting, don't bug me for a bit". My right hand man knew what that meant and quickly replied, "Yes Sir, let me know of you need me."

Stepping in front of the boy I leaned back on my desk and looked down at the handsome butch stud, just rubbing my stubbled chin for a minute. His tail between his legs he just sat there staring at the piss test jar and back up at me. "Please Boss, I wont be late anymore. I promise."

"How much longer your wife got to go before the baby is due boy?" I asked. Still shaking he answered in a defeated tone, "About three or four weeks". I nodded and began slowly rubbing my cock over my bulging jeans. "Yeah? I bet you're up you're your ass in bills huh?" Seeing my hand aggressively groping at my stiffening package, he nodded.

"Bet you're glad you got health insurance to pay for all that", I said and looking him with a clear signal to him what I meant. The look in his eyes was fight or flight. In a split second I could see the wheels in his head running the script to determine what was his best next move. "Well what you want me to do then boy? What you willing to do to make me give you another chance?"

"I aint no fag. I got a wife and kids!" he said nervously, knowing well where I was headed to. I reached down and began unbuttoning my 501's, one by one as he sat there shaking like a leaf, knowing I didn't give a fuck about what he just said. "You aint a fag if yer are willing to do whatever it takes to feed your wife and kid. That makes you man in my book", I said reassuringly as I peeled my jeans away, letting my hairy nine-inch cock swing out into his face.

"Boss please......I can't..." he began. "Look boy I aint got all day! Unless you want to piss in that cup, you better do what you fuckin need to do!" I said gruffly and stepped closer to him, jacking my ripe dirty cock just inches from his face. Now hard and swelling, he looked at it and then up at me. "What do you want me to do?"

I grunted and sighed satisfied I had him where I wanted him. "Well you can start by wrapping your lips around my dick and showing my how good a cocksucker you can be". He gave me one more look as if to see if I was serious before he begrudgingly reached out and put his hand on my shaft. "Come on, lean down in there and get on it", I instructed.

Completely defeated, he put his mouth to my mushroom tip and carefully stuck his tongue out onto it as if he was dipping his toes in cold water. "Come on, the faster you get down on it the faster it'll be over boy. Just dive the fuck in!" I grunted. Putting my hand on the back of his skull I pulled his face deftly against my hard stinky cock, still coated with plenty of man fuck from my workout session earlier in the morning with my assistant foreman.

He opened his mouth and let my meat in and immediately gagged in recoil. Backing away, he looked up at me with tearing eyes, "Please Boss, I can't....." Grabbing his hairy scalp and yanking him back onto my dick I growled, "You can and you will boy! Or you can get the fuck out of here". Tears streaming down his cheeks he gave in and began bobbing slowly on my raunchy fuck stick, scraping me with his teeth just like a rookie.

It was awkward at first as I force fucked his face with him sitting on the chair in front of me, pushing my cock deep in his stiff mouth and banging the back of his throat. This wasnt about my pleasure yet anyway, it was about establishing control. I knew that after a few more times hed be better at it and might even be enthusiastic "Get down on the floor boy, it'll be easier", I ordered. He pulled off and slid down onto his knees in front of his boss like a good boy and I pulled his face back to me roughly.

"Watch your fuckin teeth!" I growled and slapped the back of his head as he bobbed and sucked amateurishly. He was still struggling and resisting his instinct to gag as he was probably realizing now that I had ass fuck all over my dick. But he manned up and kept at it. And after a few minutes of my cock in his mouth he seemed to be learning the game and relaxing a bit. They always do.

"Yeah that's getting better boy", I said while sliding my hand through his hair more gentle like. His hands now clasped my thighs for balance as he got into bobbing and sucking more fluidly. I could feel my cock getting all tingly and hard, knowing my sweet clear juice was now giving this straight buck a new taste. "Hmmm yeah boy, you're not so bad at this after all", I chided.

Suddenly I pulled my cock from his mouth and held his face with both my hands, looking down at him with a smile. "See that wasn't so bad was it?" He just looked blankly at my hard cock in wonder, knowing I hadn't cum yet. "Stand up boy", I ordered. He nervously stood and looked at me with defeated eyes. "Pull your pants down", I ordered.

Getting a pang of nerves he again looked like he was about to give it up and run but he didn't. "Please no Boss, I can't do that. Please......" he pleaded almost crying now. "Yes you can boy and you will. You're gonna be a man and do what you need to do. Now pull your fuckin pants down and let me see that ass!"

I had is balls over a barrel and he knew it. His soul was finally broken and was going to let me fuck him up the ass. He knew I was gonna make him mine and made the decision to let me. As he unbuckled his leather belt and peeled his jeans open I watched him, jacking my nine inch cock with a big grin on my face. He slid them down to his knees, bunching up over his leather work boots and pulled his tight white briefs down too.

His nice hairy round ass and cock now out in the open I admired him with my meat stiff in my palm. His cock was nice and plump and ass cheeks just as round and bubbled as I had imagined them. "Come over here close to me boy", I said. As he nervously stepped closer I reached down and put my hands around his cock and balls, giving them a nice massaging squeeze. Feeling his body heat radiating onto me and his shirt getting sweat marks under his arms I pulled him closer and pushed my cock against his.

Wrapping my arms around his back and cupping his ass cheeks I ground my cock into his and leaned into his neck with a kiss. His body was tense and rigid, resisting the urge to relax in this. But his cock was thinking on its own, I felt his tool swelling against mine as I slid it back and forth with him. I began making more passionate grunting and murmuring noises in his ear as my hands spread his ass cheeks apart and stretched his hole open to the air. I reveled in the moment smelling his body's fear, its sex, and its strength.

Knowing the emotions and guilt playing through him, feeling his tenseness I whispered in his ear, "Relax boy, just relax. You`re gonna be just fine". He said, "Please Boss I shouldn't do this. I've never cheated on my wife". I then pulled away and stepped back. "You aint cheating boy, you're saving your family's ass from your fuckin drug habit! Now bend over the desk and let me see that ass." Looking down at the floor he slowly shuffled over with his cock hanging at half mast and laid over the end of my metal desk.

I reached into my bottom drawer and pulled a bottle of lube out I kept hand for times like this. I don't usually lube up much with my regular fucks, but his virgin asshole was gonna need it today. "You don't need to take a shit do ya?" I asked sternly. "No", said and then asked. "Are you gonna use a condom?" "Nope", I said. "But don't worry I aint gonna send you home to your wife with AIDS boy. I might be a lot of things but I wouldn't do that to ya. I need you around here".

Squirting a healthy bit of lube on my hands I slipped my first finger into his hairy tight asshole. It felt so warm and pasty around my finger, just about made me want to bury my mouth in it. But he was a newbie to this and wasn't all that clean like my boys know I demand. "Maybe next time", I thought. And I just wanted to get my nut in him and get him on his way, we all had work to do.

I fingered his hole juicy and slick for a minute, getting it nice and softened up with my rough ringers, jacking my nine with the other hand. "Okay boy, I'm gonna bust that cherry of yours nice and easy since this is your first time", I said reassuringly. "It'll only hurt for a little while". I lied. It was gonna hurt bad the whole time, and for a couple days after. He was gonna be seeing red shit in his toilet when I was done. And with my fat nine inch tool it was going to be rough on him more than most. But I didn't give a fuck. They always got over it, and came back again for it.

As I pushed my thick swollen head up to his bunched up pucker I knew he was gonna scream out when I poked through. So I pushed slowly, letting his ring open up around it and stretch open. Then as his muscles forced open larger than they ever had the shockwave went through him like white lightning.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhheheeeeeee!" he howled and tried to pull away. Since he was already yelling I figured "what the fuck" and shoved my stick all the way in him in one deep slam, setting his soul afire. "OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW FUCK! Stop! Take it out! Take it out! Please! Stop!" he cried as I held my cock stiff up inside his burning ripped open cunt. "I cant take it! Please........"

I slapped him on the back of the head hard enough to make it ricochet off the desk. "Shut the fuck up boy! You want the rest of the crew to hear you crying in here?" I then pulled my dick back and shoved it back into him deeper and harder, slamming his body against the desk. Tears streaming from his face his body tensed up, fighting my fuck tool's intrusion. It was involuntary on his part, as he cried and sobbed into my desk mat. I pulled back and plugged him again, seeing his back muscles tense as his anal chute stretched in and out of his body with my shaft. Damn he was indeed a virgin. Score!

Pulling out I squirted more lube on my dick as he took a deep breath and pleaded, "It hurts. Please! I cant do this....." I pushed into his tight nest again and began bull fucking his tight ass hard and fast, figuring the rougher I banged his cunt the faster I'd get my load in him and be done. Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! Slap! I thrust and grinded into him, jack hammering his virgin pussy raw. Soon the smell of ass fuck was filling my small office trailer as I drilled him open. He whimpered and sobbed, gritting his teeth and clenching the edges of my desk. He was giving it all up for my cock, and fighting his urge to cry and whine.

"Please dont cum in me", he plead. I just grunted with a short laugh.. "Boy I'm gonna plant my man seed in your bitch cunt! Thats your fucking reward boy, you`re gonna learn to enjoy it", I taunted. "You're gonna be back in here on my desk begging me for my cum inside of ya some day. Mark my words bitch!"

Feeling the need to finish him off with an image he could remember, I pulled out of his hole and flipped him over on his back. I wanted him to see the pleasure on my hairy mug when I got my nuts off inside him. I wanted him to see what a man fucking him looked like. I wanted that image in his head every time he saw me from that day on! I wanted him to wake up in the middle of the night next to his little woman, the picture of me fucking him in his brain and his cock hard as a rock.

As I saddled up to his swollen puckered hole I noticed a trace of blood leaking out, his rosebud was torn and shredded from getting reamed out. I grinned and shoved my cock back in his red shitter and blasted his body with my rip snorting fuck for another few sweaty heart pounding minutes. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! I had to grab his body tight to keep it from sliding away from me he was so tight inside. Fuck yeah!

I could now see his face contorted in pain, panting and his jaw clenching each time I plunged my dick into him. His cock was now limp as my stomach banged against his balls. His shirt now stained with patches of sweat all over. He was breathing hard with his eyes shut as I power fucke him with all my might. His brain was telling him to lay still and take it while he hoped I'd hurry up and be done. As I began to feel my cock reaching its blast off point I reached down and pinched one of his nipples to jog him to. He shuddered and opened his eyes.

"Look at me boy! Look up at me like a man!" His eyes opened and looked up at his sweaty boss planting fuck into his body with lust and violence. The look in his eyes was something of anger, sadness and guilt. But he looked in to my eyes to see what was in there. "I'm gonna knock up that pussy of yours boy! Gonna breed you with my juice!", I taunted as I rose up on my tip toes and bucked his bleeding cunt a few last hard times.

The warm explosion of white slippery seed inside him went fast, me just shutting my eyes and rocking my head back in pleasure. The immediate effect of my cock losing friction inside him caused his body to relax and go limp as he knew I was finally done. But I kept pumping my deflating meat in and out of him, looking down into his eyes with a grin of satisfaction. Leaning down over him I slid my hand along the side of his face and patted him reassuringly. "You're my bitch now. Your ass belongs to me as long as you work here". I reinforced it, cuz I plan to have his ass back in here again and again.

After a moment of slow sloppy butt pumping I pulled out of his ass and backed away, letting him get up off the desk. "You did good stud. No go on in the back and use my bathroom to clean up", I told him. He pulled his pants and underwear up enough to walk stiffly down the hall to my private bathroom. While he was cleaning up the flow of blood and cum leaking from his rashed up hole, I packed my raunchy fuck stick back away in my 501's. I know a certain assistant foreman who'd be wanting to clean it up anyway.

When Bruce came back out from the bathroom a few minutes later I was on the phone with a subcontractor. I motioned him sit down and wait till I was done, but he instead chose to stand with his back to me looking out the window. When I hung up the phone he turned around, looking visibly defeated and distrought. I picked up the piss jar and waved in the air looking him in the eyes and made a show of putting it back in my desk drawer.

"You passed the drug test.....this time", I said. He just looked at the floor and shuffled, "Thanks Boss. I'm so sorry, I......" I interrupted. "Look you manned up and did the right thing. You got nothing to be ashamed of. You better still look me in the eyes as well as the rest of your crew. When you get home you give your little lady a big hug and know what you just did was for her and your kid." He just nodded and began to leave.

"One more thing," I said. "You got no worries anyone gonna hear about this. You aint the only one stud. Now you go get back to work and tomorrow we'll talk about grooming you for better things here". He just gave me a quick glance and said "Thank you Boss", before he unlocked the metal door and left. I leaned back in my chair and mused that he was gonna be a good fuck from now on.

I keyed up my assistant foreman on the radio and said, "Get over here".

Comments always welcum!

Next: Chapter 2

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