Another Night

By guido pancreas

Published on Nov 1, 2003


Another Night By Guido Pancreas

I opened the door to the Clawpit and went inside. I had just had a fight with my wife and needed a beer. I accused her of screwing around on me and she went crazy and started telling me how worthless I was in bed. She just didn't turn me on anymore...what could I say.

I went up to the bar and ordered a beer. This was my first time in the place. I found a pack of Clawpit matches in my wife's purse and thought I would check out the joint. I looked around and noticed that there was a mixed clientele. Mostly black couples with a few white women mixed in. There were some tables in the back that were empty so I got my beer and headed that way.

A few eyes glanced my way, but for the most part everyone left me alone. I sucked down the beer and waved for the waitress to come over. She came over and stood next to me. She was a gorgeous black girl with big boobs and long black hair. The boobs were straining to get loose and I was willing to set them free. She was also tall, at least 5'11''. She asked me what I wanted and she turned to go get me the beer. I noticed how she swung her butt when she went up to the bar. Her hot pants were skin tight and she had a butt to die for.

Couple of minutes went by and she came back with the beer. She put the beer down on the table and leaned over in front of me. I had an excellent view of her boobies and almost reached out to grab one. Then she stood up and said that will be two dollars. All I had was a five so I gave that too her. She stood up and said "Oh, I have change but it's in my pocket." She reached into her front pocket very slowly as I followed her hand with my eyes. She saw me looking at her crotch and said, "I need some help, these pants are so tight. Can you reach inside and pull out the change."

"Sure, anything to help," I replied. I reached into her pocket and she grabbed my hand. There was no bottom in the pocket. She moved my hand around and I felt a furry bush. This isn't too bad, the waitress was coming on to me and I was going to get laid. She smiled and said, "I'm going on break. Would you like to come into the break room with me?"

I didn't hesitate and followed her into the room taking my beer along. There was a couch and a recliner in the room and not much else. There was also a big mirror on the wall. She closed the door and locked it. "I don't like being disturbed when I am on break. What's your name honey?"

"Tom, what's yours?"

"Lisa. Let's relax, sit down and get comfortable. I sat down and sucked on my beer as Lisa took off her heels. Then she sat next to me and leaned over and gave me a big kiss. At the same time she grabbed my crotch and got me hard. "Somebody's getting excited," she said and then she took out my dick and started sucking on it. I reached down and undid her halter and her tits fell free. She sat up and stuck a boob in my mouth as she continued to stroke me.

"I'm going to cum," I warned her. She started sucking again and I came in her mouth. Instead of swallowing she sat up, grabbed my face, and kissed me. She transferred all my cum into my mouth and I swallowed it.

"So you like the taste of cum?" Now it's my turn. Lisa stood up and turned around. She wiggled her butt in my face and then slowly pulled her hot pants down. Then she turned around and I got the surprise of my life. There was at least a ten inch dick staring me in the face. She grabbed the back of my head and pulled me forward and before I knew what was happening I had at least six inches in my mouth. "Take your clothes off. After you get done sucking me I am going to fuck you."

"I removed her dick from my mouth and said, "I don't think so." She reached down and ripped my shirt off and twisted my nipples. "You are going to worship my dick or I am going to go out to the bar and let everyone know you are a cock sucking whore." With that she stuck her dick back in my mouth and started pumping away. After about three minutes she moaned and released a salty tasting torrent of hot cum into my mouth. She smile and sat back down in the recliner. "Come get me hard again so I can fuck you."

I started to resist but I found myself liking the taste of her dick and wanting more. I removed the rest of my clothes and got down in front of her and started licking her cock. She got rock hard in no time at all. She reached into her purse and came out with some kind of lubricant and rubbed it on her cock. Then she stuck a finger up my ass and then two. She had me turn around and sit on her cock. I slowly lowered myself onto her. The pain was intense and I was taking it slow. Too slow apparently, she grabbed my shoulders and forced me down, impaling me on her hard cock. I started riding her and she was stroking me and kissing the back of my neck. "You must like me, your cock is hard. Do you like getting fucked by me?"


"Do you want to enjoy this cock all the time, to feel me pumping my seed into your ass on a daily basis?"


"Good." I heard a key turn in the lock and the door opened. My wife came in followed by a huge black guy.

"You little cock sucker. That mirror is a two way mirror and we have been watching you since you came in. We also filmed you so you can't protest when I divorce you. Jim is my lover and in fact he just filled my pussy with his gorgeous dick. Would you like a taste, seeing as how you like cum?"

She lifted up her skirt and stuck her pussy in my face. Lisa told me to lick her clean. I did as told getting a huge was of goo as a reward. Then Lisa thrust hard a couple of time and came in my ass. At the same time I came into Lisa's hand. I got off of her and they had me bend over so they could get a picture of her cum leaking out of my ass. Then Lisa whispered something to Jim and he left the room. He came back ten minutes later and said he was ready. I was led to another room where there was a brazier full of hot coals with a piece of iron sticking in it. I was bent over a gymnastic style horse and tied down. Lisa came over with the hot iron. I saw now that it was a brand. She stuck her cock in my face and asked, "Do you love this?"

"Yes, I love your cock. I want to taste it everyday and I want you to fuck me every day."

"Then you belong to me. No one else will ever stick their dick in you unless you ask my permission. I am going to brand you as belonging to me." Then she showed me the brand. It said, "Lisa's cock only," and had a picture of a cock and balls. "This is going to go on your ass for the whole world to see." Before I could protest she walked behind me and seared her name and her cock into my ass. Jim took pictures as I screamed. "You'll feel better in a minute," Lisa said as she stuck her dick in my mouth. Then I felt someone tugging at my nipples and Jim pierced first the left and then the right nipple. Jim also put a bandage on my ass and then they released me. Lisa game up to my nipples and gave me two little chains with golden cocks dangling on them. "You will wear these at all times."

I passed out for a while and when I came too I was dressed in a skirt and nothing else. I was also wearing a wig. "You are my little slut now," Lisa said as she pulled me out of the chair by one of my piercings. Time to introduce you to the public." We went back to the bar and Lisa called everyone around. "This bitch is mine and no one is to touch her unless you pay me first. She pulled up my skirt and bent me over, and then she pulled the bandage off for all to see. "This hole is mine; I don't want to find any dick but mine in here. However his mouth is for sale. Tonight is freebie night, anyone wanting a blow job get in line."

Lisa took me into the back room again and I must have given ten blow jobs. Lisa watched the entire time and the last blow job of the night went to Jim, as my wife watched.

Finally Lisa looked at me and said, "Time to go home lover."

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Next: Chapter 2

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