Another Holiday Alone

By gt

Published on Jul 5, 2023


Copyright 2015 by the author. For private use.

DISCLAIMER: For adults only. Not for minors. Delete if illegal in your jurisdiction. This is a work of fiction. Just my fantasy that I am the subject of the abuse and humiliation of the brute and his friends.

*****Author's note: Comments and suggestions most welcome.

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What had begun as a bicycle ride on the fourth was turning into a life changing event for me. Age 50, broke, divorced and unemployed I now found myself captive of a brute of a Man. Or was I a willing captive? I had stripped naked at his command, sucked him to orgasm, swallowed his load, and no wearing pink satins short shorts and a dog collar I was in the back of his speeding pickup truck on the way to a bar to meet his friends.

We turned into the driveway of a bar off a lonely dirt road. We still seemed miles from anywhere. I had no idea where we were and what was going to happen to me. We skidded to a stop among motor cycles and pickup trucks. He got out of the truck and motioned me to climb out of the truck. I did as I was told, fearing more physical pain from him. "Get over here boy and let me attached my leash to your dog collar. I don't want you wandering off and sucking some other guys cock unless I let you. I know your type one sight of a hard cock and you are ready. In this bar are my friends, you better remember what can happen if you do not follow my instructions. Now down on all fours and crawl in like the dog you are." I just stood there. It was a gravel drive and I knew it would hurt terribly to crawl on my hands and knees the 50 feet to the door. I guess I hesitated too long because his booted foot quickly came up and kicked me in the balls. The pain was terrible and I fell to the ground. When I hit the ground he started dragging me by the leash. I had to get up on my hands and knees or face being dragged across the parking lot. When we reached the door he jerked me to my feet and pushed be through the door and I went sprawling on the floor.

Laying there I could hear the laughing and feel the stares. As I got up I saw I was surrounded by at least 20 guys all dressed in leathers like the brute. I tried to stand up but was pushed back down by a foot in my back. "Stay on the floor bitch, he growled. Now crawl to the booth over in the corner and sit at my feet where you belong." I did as I was told. There were three guys dressed like th brute in leather and engineer boots sitting in the booth drinking beer. One laughed and said "What you got there Bruce, kind of looks like an old queer to me." "Well he is. Found it on the road with a bicycle. But be nice he cries really easy. But I tell you he isn't too bad a cock sucker and seems to really enjoy eating cum." "I really like those shorts she is wearing, Bruce. Don't' see much of a bulge in them, you castrated him already." "Naw not yet. But he isn't got much to cut off. Not like the last queer I cut. But his time will come when I am done with him. I haven't even taken his cherry yet; I am saving that tilllater. You know I like to work on them for a while so they beg for the pain to stop and for me to fuck them." "Well let us know – we love to watch you work them over." "No problem I will be streaming it on the internet for all you perverts who like to see a fag suffer." "Bruce what do you call the fag?" "Just boy – he doesn't deserve anything else." "Well send boy to get us some more beer." I just sat there being talked about like I was a piece of meat or a mangy dog. "You heard him boy, get up and get us some beer." I stood up and walked towards the bar.

The bar tender was a woman. The only one in the bar. I had to squeeze in between two guys at the bar to get her attention. As I did it one of them grabbed my ass and made kissing sounds. The other just laughed. "Please Mam can I have four beers." "Well you're a pretty one sweetie. Just how you going to pay for those beers?" I stammered "I don't know they are for those guys at the booth." "Well they got no credit here so you will have to cover their bill." "But I don't have any money." "I can see there ain't nothing in those shorts. Tell you what my waitress didn't show up and I need someone to serve these guys and to clean the bathrooms. I will advance you four beers for two hours of work." Not knowing what to do I just shook my head. "Here are the beers. Take them to you boyfriends and then get in and clean the men's room. The girls don't need cleaning since only you and I would be using it, haha!" I took the tray of beers and walked over to the booth getting the beers out for the four guys. "Good work boy. I heard you will be working here so you better get going, she can be a mean one if you cross her." I went back to the bar and ask for the cleaning supplies and she handed me a tooth brush. "now get in there and start scrubbing on your hands and knees; I will be into check on you in a few minutes." I walked to the men's room. It stunk of piss. The floor was covered with dirt and piss. There was no way I would have it clean in a few minutes and I would have to be on my hands and knees in this filth. But I knew I had to. So I got down with a cup of water and the tooth brush and started scrubbing. It wasn't ten minutes and she came in. "You are worthless queer; you should be done by now. Maybe you need a ittlel coaxing to work harder. Put that pretty ass in the air with your head on the floor." I did as I was told. She grabbed the waste of my shorts and pulled them down around my ankles. Then I heard the swoosh of the belt and the seating pain as she whipped by ass. "Count them queer- you have got ten coming." One – two- Three-... I was sobbing the pain was terrible. "I can't hear you-maybe you want more?" By ten I was nearly passed out form the pain. "now get back to work and hurry. Here use this mop so you can get out there and serve. By the way better pull those pants up to hide that pathetic dick of yours. It was much quicker with the mop.

I was almost done when the brute and one of his buddies came in. "Good job boy. Cleanest this place has been. I may keep you as a maid after all, you cook? Now go kneel by that urinal boy, we both have to piss." I did as I was told. They both unzipped and took out their cocks. I was between the two urinals I guess they just wanted me to watch. But I was wrong. I was there urinal they both started pissing on me at the same time. It was rank smelling. They aimed for my mouth and face. I was covered by the time they finished. "Now clean us up boy." I knew what that meant. I opened my mouth for each and cleaned their massive cocks. "Better get out there now and start serving we need more beer." I got up covered in piss. I walked to the bar and told her I was ready. "No way fag you smell like a urinal. That would be a violation of the health laws. I am going to have to clean up out back." She grabbed the leash and pulled me out the back of the bar. "Stand there fag." She got a hose and turned it on full blast. The water was freezing. She spayed me all over. "Drop the shorts, bitch. They are soaked with piss." I hesitated and she grabbed them a ripped them off me. "whoops guess you got nothing to wear now. Bend over so I can clean that nasty crack and that tiny dick." I bent over and she shoved the end of the hose between my legs and almost up my ass. "This make quite an enema boy. But I will let Bruce take car of that later. He has some e special ways of giving enemas to queers. Ever had a hot sauce enema boy. I guarantee you won't like it. Now get in there and start taking orders. "But I have nothing to wear."

"Well I suppose you need something." With that she pulls up her leather skirt and takes off her panties. They were bright red. "Here boy. Let me see you sniff them first. I know you queer types like that." I held them a few inches form my face. She grabbed them and coved my face with them almost stuffing them in my mouth. "Now put them on boy and get in there and stop staring at my snatch. I know you wish you had one. Don't worry you do and it will be well used when Bruce and the boys are done with you." I slipped the panties on and went back in the bar. My humiliation was complete. I was wearing panties, working as a waitress in a biker bar, serving as a urinal on demand. Why didn't I just run. Surely I could get help. But a strange force was keeping me. I didn't care about the divorce my lost job or anything. I just seemed to want to please the brute and do what I was told. Maybe he was right I was made to serve my superiors. I was humiliated, scared but strangely excited and at peace.

I endured four hours of waitressing. Getting orders taking the orders to the tables. Being groped by the guys. They had all heard about my small dick and wanted to see it. Every time I refused one would grab me and pull my panties down to my ankles. Finally, the brute said it was time to go. "Now give the nice lady back he panties and get in the truck, boy. I walked across the bar, handed her the panties and walked all the way back naked. The guys all hooted and laughed. On grabbed my dick and balls. As he did I got hard. "Well, look at that I think he likes me." Now not only naked I was fully erect trying to walk out. I started to run and a guy stuck his foot out and I tripped and went sliding across the floor. I started to get up and felt something being stuck up my ass hole. It was a beer bottle. The brute just laughed. "Good idea to stretch him out for me so he doesn't bleed too bad later." The pain was terrible. He kept pushing it up me. "that's enough. Let me see you walk out without dropping the bottle. You drop it and I will make you pay big time. I hobbled to the truck as the brute watched and laughed. There was no way I could make it without the bottle slipping out. The bottle hit the parking lot and shattered. I stopped I knew I was in trouble. "that's I boy, now you must be punished. Get in the back of the truck and lie down on your back."

I made my ay to the truck and laid down. Brute climbed into the truck, took handcuffs out of a box. One on each arm, larger ones on each leg were clipped into eyebolts in the back of the truck. I was spread eagle in and shackled the back of the truck, naked and exposed, unable to move more than an inch or two. Brute walked back into the bar. Soon there was a line at the back of the truck of the guys from the bar. At the head of the line was the women bartender. She was first, she mounted the truck stood over my face and let go with a strong stream of urine. She covered my face and chest. When she was done she lowered her snatch until it was on my face. "Now, clean it up queer." I did, the taste was disgusting. She left the truck and one by one the guys in line mounted the truck unzipped and pissed on by body and face. A few held my mouth open as a target for the next guy- making bets on how much they could get in my mouth. The worse part was the more they abuse me the more excited and hard I got. My hard clit did not go without notice, Brute would grab it and jack me until I was about to cum then he would slap my exposed balls with a leather paddle until I screamed in pain.

Finally, Brute was the last. He shoved a funnel in my mouth, pissed into it, I had to swallow or drown. When he zipped up he unlocked me and made me stand in the truck. All the guys were still watching. "Ok slut you look excited, so you better relive that by jacking yourself while my buddies watch. You know you like it boy. All most as much as having a cock in you. I reached down grabbed my little dick and stroked it until I shot my load on the bed of the truck. "Don't waste that cum boy, clean it up." I knelt down and licked my cum up from the piss soaked truck bed. I guess you think that was your punishment, don't you boy. Well it's not that will be later, this was just for fun." He walked to the edge of the truck and announced to the crowd. "Ok men as I told you five bucks each tonight and you get to shoot our load into this slut mouth or boy cunt. Remember the money goes into the pot, whoever makes him scream the loudest wins the pot. I will have him stretched out and restrained for you." With that he pushed me down in the back of the truck and drove off towards his house.

Next: Chapter 3

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