Another Chance

By Zarek

Published on Jul 30, 2014


Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. All characters were made up and any similarities are just coincidental. This is gay erotica between teenage boys so if that offends you, please discontinue reading. Also, if it is illegal for you to read such material, you have been warned. Continual reading could cause a knock at your door. If you like this story, I also have the series "Josh: sex slave" continuing to run. And you can always contact me at with suggestions or concerns. Thoughts and suggestion are always welcomed and may or may not be implemented. Concerns will be considered and addressed as much as possible.

I hope you're enjoying it so far and that the story draws you in wanting more. Some people have noticed that this story was "inspired" by another story, a great story, here on Nifty. I hope I don't step on anyone's toes and you give this story a chance. While there may be some similarities, I believe there will be enough differences as well. The author of the story which is referenced in this one was given my rough draft before I made my first submission. He was flattered by the fact I like his story and wanted to refer to it. He's also flattered by those who wrote him to "warn" him about this one. All I can say is, I'm glad you are loyal to him and I hope any references I use do his story justice. If you feel that I let his story down in any way, shape or form, please call my attention to where I did. I have discussed the idea of some of his characters visiting, and this chapter brigs two to the ranch. Andrew Todd has been given the original draft, which I am glad, I had misspelled a couple of his character's names, slightly. They have been fixed and with his approval, I am posting the newest chapter.

AND, if you enjoy the stories on, please give a donation to help cover their expenses. While the site is currently free, only donations from loyal fans can help keep it that way. Any amount will help.

Another Chance

Chapter 16

It was the last day of school before Christmas break and Cheyenne was out of the hospital but wouldn't return to school until after the break. Dusty had spent every chance he could being with her. It was obvious to everyone how much he loved her. On this last day of school, a kid dressed in camouflage approached Dusty. "How's that slut fag loving girlfriend of yours?"

Dusty balled up his fist and looked at the kid. "What did you just say?"

"You heard me. I'm just sorry that she survived. All you fag lovers and fags should be stoned to death."

Jim put his hand on Dusty's shoulder. "He's just trying to provoke you. I got his picture and we can show it to Cheyenne to see if she recognizes him."

"Aww, isn't that cute, your little fag friend trying to keep you from fighting." The kid continued to taunt.

"At least I have a friend, where are yours? I bet your momma, or sister, whoever gave birth to you, had to put a steak around your neck just to get a neighbor dog to even consider getting close to you." Dusty said.

The kid took a swing at Dusty, but with his martial art training, Dusty was easily able to avoid getting hit. A teacher saw the whole thing and took the kid to the principal's office. He looked at Dusty and just gave him a warning. He said that since Dusty just moved out of the way, he wouldn't be in trouble, but he might want to stop by the principal's office to give his side and Jim should go as a witness. Dusty acknowledged that he would and Jim just nodded his head.

Classes went by quickly, most of the teachers didn't believe in giving homework over the holiday break and the ones that did gave class time to get it done. Classes after lunch were more like a party than a classroom. After their last class, Dusty and Jim met and went to the principal's office. The principal informed them that the police were called because the kid confessed to attacking Cheyenne. Dusty's jaw dropped and he started to cry. Jim immediately pulled Dusty to his shoulder and held him. "I also want to warn you, he said that if he gets bail, which I doubt, he's planning to finish the job and kill the two of you. He's definitely not all there." The principal advised.

"With him making comments like that, what are the chances that he'll be given bail?" Jim asked still holding Dusty.

"Not very likely. I know that you came to give your side of the story, but I don't think I need it. Just be careful, understood?"

"Thank you, sir." Jim said as he walked Dusty to his car.

Zac saw them walking out and ran over. "Is everything alright?"

Jim explained everything that went down to Zac and Zac asked Dusty if he were alright to drive. "Yeah, I think so. I want to go see Chey."

"I can drive you there, if you want, then one of them can drive you back to get your car." Zac offered.

"No, I'm good, but thanks. You and Jim go have some fun."

"If you don't mind, I'd like to go see Cheyenne with you." Jim stated. "I'm sure she'll be relieved hearing he confessed."

"And I'll follow so that Jim and I can leave and let the two of you be alone." Zac said.

"You two have been really good friends. I'm glad Jim met you, Zac."

"Yeah, so am I. After my dad left, he was the one who made me feel whole again. I think we were meant for each other."

"I have to agree. Since I met Zac, my life has done a complete turnaround. Well, between him and you practically forcing me to be friends." Jim said with a smile.

The boys drove over to see Cheyenne. Jim showed the kid's picture to her and she started to shake. "He's one of them, but I think there were three. My memory is still kinda foggy for that day, but I seriously believe there were two others with him."

Dusty moved beside her and held her. He whispered to her telling her that the others will be caught. They have one and hopefully, the police will get him to give up the other two. Jim and Zac took that as their cue to leave. They wished Cheyenne the best and headed out the door. Dusty whispered a thank you to them.

Zac drove to the ranch and Jackson was coming out of the office. Two guys were with him. "Boys, I'd like you to meet CJ and Danny. They own the ranch that I told you about."

"I've heard a lot about the two of you. Jackson talks about how great the two of you are all the time." Zac said as he shook their hands.

"I don't know what you heard, but about us being great, we just try to treat people like we would want them to treat us." CJ stated.

"Yea, I've not heard as many stories as Zac, but I've heard enough. Basically, Jackson describes you as generous, loyal and one who would have any of your friends' back if they needed it. To me, that is greatness."

"That's a nice definition, young man, Jim is it?" Danny said.

"I take it, Jackson's been telling you about us, too." Jim said smiling.

"Oh yea. He obviously thinks the world of you two. All the people he has working for him, we only know about the two of you. Think he'd adopt the you if he could." Jim and Zac smiled.

"What can I say? After my boyfriend, you four mean the most to me." Jackson confessed.

"If it's alright with your moms, would you boys like to have dinner with us? My treat, and they're welcome to come also if they like." CJ offered.

"Only if you promise to tell us about when Jackson was working for you." Zac said with a grin.

"Head into the office and call your moms, while I tell them what NOT to discuss." Jackson chuckled.

Zac pulled out his cell phone and said, "We can call right here. I have full bar and unlimited minutes."

"Looks like he has you right there." Danny said with a grin.

"Fine, you boys stay here, we'll go back in the office." Jackson said.

"No, I want to hear what their moms have to say." CJ said. "Besides, I'm getting hungry. It was a long drive bringing you that mare."

"Fine, but if you tell any embarrassing stories, I may do something."

"Embarrassing? Danny, were you ever embarrassed by anything Jackson did?"

"Nope, not at all, you?"

"Can't say I was, neither." CJ added.

"OK, we talked to our moms, and they have no problem with us going out. They trust Jackson whole heartedly, but they decided that they were going to go do something and won't be joining us." Zac informed.

"Good, let's go eat. Jackson, you drive and take us to the best steakhouse this side of the Mississippi." CJ tossed the keys to his SUV.

Dinner was going great, CJ and Danny were really friendly guys and Jim could see why Jackson thought the world of them. Jim couldn't eat his entire steak and asked for a box to take the remainder home. When everyone was done eating, CJ slipped something to Jackson. Jackson looked at it and his eyes went big. "I can't accept this? I'll never be able to pay it back."

"It's not a loan. Consider it a Christmas present or an investment. You're wanting to add a rescue ranch to your property, you have the land, this should help make it happen."

"CJ, you are too generous, I don't know what to say except thank you." Jackson was almost in tears.

Zac looked at CJ. "So, you haven't told us anything about Jackson, yet."

CJ looked at him and smiled, "There really isn't much I can tell you. He was a hard worker, but he did tend to flirt a lot. Aside from that, he's a really great guy that I am glad to have as a friend." Jackson started to blush.

Danny added, "Remember that guy Zak kept trying to hook you up with?"

"Yeap, he moved here with me. He's interning at a law office and we share a nice house." Jackson piped in.

"Yeah, other than Ace, Zak seemed fairly successful at matchmaking."

"Maybe that's `cause Ace is straight." Jackson chuckled.

"Or Ace is happy just being good at what he does."

"So, this was your last day of school for the holiday break?" Jackson asked looking at Jim and Zac.

"Yes, sir. We are free for two weeks." Jim said with a grin.

"Good, I've heard a lot about you and this palomino of yours. I'd love to see you ride him." Danny chirped.

"Well, from what I understand, you might be disappointed. I don't do dressage, I am strictly cowboy." Jim stated.

Danny and CJ looked at each other and simultaneously chimed, "Dusty would like him."

"Well, it's getting late, it may be only seven here, but I'm still on Eastern Time and it is nine there. And Danny and I still need a place to stay."

"We have a spare bedroom, I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind." Jim stated. Jim pulled out his cell phone and dialed his mom.

"I have a spare room at my house, too." Jackson threw out.

"Thanks, both of you, but..." CJ started.

"But nothing, my mom says that if you pay to stay somewhere, she'll break your legs. Either you're staying with Jackson, or us."

"I've seen their spare room, it's bigger than mine, but you're welcome to mine just the same."

"I don't want Jim's mom coming to break my legs, so I think we should stay there." Danny added to the conversation.

"Then, I guess we'll drop Jackson and Zac off back at the ranch and you can drive us to your place, you do have a license?" CJ asked.

"No, but Zac lives across the street from me. You can follow him. We live at the end of a cul-de-sac, and our yards actually touch."

They hopped in the SUV and drove back to the ranch. Jackson went in the office and Jim and Zac got in Zac's truck. As they pulled to the end of the cul-de-sac, Jim got out. Zac parked his truck in his drive and walked over. Jim showed CJ where to park. "Dude, you have a nice house." Danny and CJ said as they got out of the SUV. "This is only a three bedroom? They must be massive bedrooms." CJ added.

"They are, but I must warn you, the guest bedroom has 2 twin-size beds. We can move them together, or you can use my room and I'll sleep in the guest room. I have a king-size bed."

"No, dude, we're not putting you out of your room. We can sleep in the guest room." Danny stated.

They went into the house and were more impressed than they were outside. Mrs. Bolt's décor definitely had a western theme. Horse head lamps, holsters hanging on the wall with non-functional pistols, there is an old kiddy saddle in the corner on a stand. Pictures, rugs and other items that definitely made you think western were nicely placed. Above the fireplace was a picture of Jim's dad dressed ready to ride. A Winchester was mounted below the picture.

Jim led the two guests upstairs to the guest room. He was kind of surprised when he found another king-size bed as well as his old twin-size bed in there. He hadn't been in the room since they moved in, nor did he see the bed his mom had bought. "Well, guys, I guess we don't need to move the beds together. Mom told me she was getting another twin-size, but I guess she changed her mind."

"This is the guest room?" Danny asked. "This is bigger than many master bedrooms, I've seen."

"Yeah, when the house was built, I understand that the owner was wealthy and they had only a son, so they only wanted three bedrooms. Master bedroom was theirs, of course, and the room in the back of the house, which is now Jim's room, was their son's. Third room was the guest room. Each room has its bath, so you needn't worry about getting dressed or anything if you need to go during the night." Zac stated, almost like he was trying to sell the house. You could tell his mom is a realtor.

"So, how long are you staying?" Jim asked.

"Already trying to get rid of us?" CJ joked.

"No, but I'm sure Mom will want to know so she can get groceries and plan meals."

"We're only here for a couple days, we need to get back home so we can spend Christmas with Idgie." Danny said.

"Who's Iggy?" Zac asked.

"Idgie is our son. It's his nickname. We thought the trip would be too much for him, but now I wish we would have brought him along." CJ stated. "Christmas here would be awesome."

"Yeah, but Dusty and Zak offered to watch him, so I'm sure he's being spoiled while we're gone." Danny added.

"Well, I hope you guys visit often, and bring some of the gang next time. I'd love to meet your Zak and Dusty." Jim said.

"We'll see what we can do." CJ said. "I'm sure they'd love to come see Jackson and this place. Now, as for groceries, tell your mom not to worry about that. Least we can do is get the groceries. What do you like to eat?"

"Not much I won't eat except green beans or peas. I also don't care for instant mash potatoes, they need to be real. I really love asparagus, broccoli, or Brussel sprouts for veggies, and I love corn. As for meat, I'm good with any meat that I can think of."

"OK, so green beans, peas and instant mash potatoes, got it." CJ said with a smile. "We'll go grocery shopping after we leave the ranch tomorrow."

Jim heard his mom come home. He led the guys downstairs to meet her. "Mom, this is CJ and Danny. And you already know Zac."

"Well, I've only heard one or two stories about you guys. Jackson must really like you and Jackson is a really great guy. You're welcome to stay as long as you like." Mrs. Bolt said.

"Kinda got surprised with the beds in the guest room. Was expecting two twins." Jim stated.

"Was the plan, but when I got yours, there was a buy one get one special going, so I figured I might as well get a second king."

"That makes sense, and makes things easier, too." Jim said giving his approval.

After a little more light conversation, everyone decided it was time to go to bed. Zac spent the night so he wouldn't have to walk across the street. He and Jim had long quit wearing boxers to bed. Jim nestled against Zac and could feel Zac's cock pressed against his ass. "If you decide you want to, there is lube in the nightstand on your side." Jim whispered.

"Thanks for the invite, but for now, I'm good, maybe in the morning." Zac whispered back.

Morning arose and Zac grabbed the lube. He was feeling horny and Jim's ass was inviting. "Jim, are you awake?"

"If you're planning what I think you are, no, but I couldn't think of a better way to wake up." Jim responded.

"Well, then I guess, I need to wake you up then. I wasn't going to do it if you were asleep, but since you seem eager." Jim could tell from Zac's voice that he was smiling. Zac started pushing his cock up Jim's ass. They've only had sex a few times since they camped out, so Jim was still very tight and it still hurt some, but at the same time, Jim enjoyed feeling Zac cum inside him. Zac tried being as gentle as he could because he didn't want to hurt Jim any more than he had to.

"I think you're getting better at this, Zac. I want to have your baby." Jim said teasingly.

Zac sped up a little and asked Jim if he were alright. Jim stated that he was and Zac continued. Wasn't long before Zac shot his load deep into Jim's ass.

Next: Chapter 15

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