Another Chance

By James Anthony

Published on Jul 8, 2023


Disclaimer. This is a story about fictional characters. You are in the real world. Use protection. If you are not 18 WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE? to the rest of you enjoy!!!

Another Chance


James Anthony

Part two

" who the hell are you", Said the voice one the phone. "Why should I tell who this is when its my damn house." "Your house" he said and then started chuckling. "yes my house, you got a problem with that." I was getting angrier by the minute. Then my eyes went to Marcus. He was sitting up on the couch with his hands over his face. "Well guess what. I was over your so called house last night and you should know your man fucked me good and in your bed too." Then there was a dial tone. I snapped at the last comment and before I realize the phone came out of my hand and hit the t.v and shattered the glass. Tears started falling down my cheek.

"You got one minute to get out of my house". He got off the sofa and came to me with his arms open and put his huge arms around me. I was getting weak there in his embrace. Then two big succulent lips starts kissing all over my face, kissing away the tears and then down to my neck. He knew how to get to me. But I am a playa who doesn't get played. I broke from his embrace. " I guess you did not here me." I went to the kitchen and got the biggest knife i could get." I guess this should help you understand," and swung it at him. He looked me in the eyes. He knew i could not stab him. I loved him too much to hurt him even if i tried and we've been through a lot together. He turned around and went out the door, only to come back to get his stuff a week later. After he left that night i cried for hours and cried my self to sleep. I woke up the next morning and realize that the pain was not worth it. What's the point of being in love if it only brings your hope high enough to then let you fall from its grace. Leaving you naked out in the wilderness, vulnerable to all that pass. Breaking you down and tearing you apart and leaving you empty. I don't know love any more and it does not know me. Yes I am bitter, but I am better. Snapping back to the present i realize that someone was talking to me. "Are you finish." "Oh i am so sorry," and went on with the rest of my workout. My eyes settled onto the Latino again as he went to the showers. He glanced at me and gave me a smile. Damn he had a face the could melt ice and he was melting my cold heart. It's going to be hard to stay away from this one.

Before i went in to the shower i smiled at him and not knowing why I did it. There was nobody around when i went in the shower. This was a strangely designed gym. The locker room was at one end and the shower in a entire different room next to it. People have to walk out the locker room to get to the shower. But there was an advantage. You could show off you body. I turned on the hot water and it massage my aching bone. I lean up against the wall and started thinking about that man. I wondered how he looked naked and how he feels. How his lips felt against my brown skin. My hand started moving towards my cork which was stiff. I began stroking my self as i imagine him behind me and me resting my head against his broad shoulder. " Look like you are having a good time." I turned around to see the man i was fantasizing about looking at my naked body. I took my hand off my cock and turned on the cold water. He went to the shower on the other side. I sneak a glance at his ass and then to his cock. Damn he was huge. I had to get out of there before I embarrass my self again.

I went out the shower into the locker room and quickly got dressed. Walking outside, a bus passed me. The one that was going to take me home since my girlfriend had my car. Either wait an hour for the next one, walk for thirty minutes, or hail a cab, which i very unlikely seeing how late it is." Do you need a ride." I turned around and there he was again. I was beginning to think to my self that he was following me. "yeah, i do." " Okay i'll take you". I got into his car which was a 1999 Lexus. I guess he was rich. We introduce our selves. "Oh my name in Jose' Martinez." "Well Jose' Martinez, I am Jason Williams. And that was the end of the conversation. While he drove i noticed the bulge protruding from his tight Levi's jeans. It mesmerized me. I got back to the present when the car began to slow down and then stop. I looked him and said " what's wrong". He sighed and began to bang his head on the steering wheel. " I forgot to feel the tank and now its empty. My house is a block away from here we can go there." I was stranded and had no way to get home so i went with him.

The house was big as hell and he drove into the driveway. We walked into the house and he placed his gym bag on the floor and I did the same. As i looked around this gorgeous house i could tell that he had style. "Do you want a beer." " No i should be getting home." It's too late go home. Stay here." " I don't want to be a bother." " It's nothing. I got plenty of rooms. Plus i need the company." "Okay then, I Just need to call home. I located the phone in the living room and called Maria and told her everything. She understood and said she would see me in the morning. Jason had disappeared into one of the rooms and came back out wearing nothing but a red silk boxer and a big smile. " I dress like this all the time," and he went into the kitchen and got the beers. As he walked back and i looked at his more defined body. my cock started straining. He gave me the beer and went to sit in a chair. He spread open his legs, obviously not trying to contain his bulge. We talked a little about work and our past. Just small talk. I looked straight at me and i lost it.

I went over to him and dropped to my knees before him. I used my hand to caress his cock and went under his boxers's to pull his cock out. It was the most beautiful thing i ever saw. I had to put it into my mouth. It was already oozing precum and i pulled the skin back to reveal the big purple head. I move my head forward and was about to touch the head when he suddenly got up. " That for a later time. Tonight i am here for your pleasure. Let's head for the bedroom." He pointed to the bedroom and i went like a puppy who obeyed his master. Before he came he was in the kitchen getting something.

I stood there before him not know what to do, but knowing what i wanted. " Strip off your clothes and lay on the bed on your stomach. I did as he said. I laid there on the bed waiting for him. He gave me enough time so i could change my mind and i did. But too late. I felt him getting on the bed and moving towards me. Then some cold lips pressed against my back. I jumped but relaxed as i realized the he was using ice in between his lips to rub over my back. He then stopped and i felt something drop onto my body. I turned around only to see that he was spreading honey over my neck, back, ass and legs. He then started licking it off. "Oh that feels so good." He went lower and lower. Getting everything up and when he start lick my ass cheeks, I nearly came. He sensed this and move toward my leg and the to my toes. He sucked each one into his mouth. That was all it look. The energy came out his mouth into my toes and up my legs and ended at my cock. I spurted cum all over his sheets. He turned me around and licked up the remaining cum from my cock and then headed to my nipples. He went from nipple to nipple taking long wonderful minutes on each and then looking at me he asked "are you ready." I was on fire and my cock was rising again. I simply nodded.

He went a got some condom and K Y jelly from out of his drawer. He placed the lube on his dick and then my ass. He stuck a digit in me and then another and another. This was my first time, but i knew it was feeling good as he repeatedly hit my prostate. He began guiding his cock with his hands to my ass. I looked at the size of him then fear started to ease its way into me. I did not want this and started shaking my head. He looked at me and then stopped my head from shaking with his free hand. He gave me a deep, powerful, soulful kiss as the head came in to me.The pain was unbelievable and i was telling him to get out of me. " Just relax your body and get use to it." I did and the pain became pleasure. I felt so full, but i was greedy and wanted more. So i pushed my body against his dick. He got my point and started moving in and out of me slowly. He was hitting places in my body that i never knew i had. He kept telling how tight my ass was and how good it felt. I wanted all of him, needed all of him. "Please go faster." That was all he needed and began to faster and harder. I did not know how good this would feel. The sweat off his body started dropping onto me. By the way his face contorted I knew his was ready to cum. And he did over and over again. I looked into my eyes and i shot my second load onto my stomach and his chest. He collapsed on me.

We fell asleep like that until morning.

The sun woke me up from my slumber and i realize that Jason was still on top of me. Then what i did came into my head and i felt guilty. I had to get out of there. So i carefully rolled him over and got my clothes and gym bag and went out the door. But before i did i gave him a kiss on the lips and said my goodbyes. Hitching a ride i got home it was 9:00 and Maria was not awake yet. She was so beautiful and peaceful. I had made a mistake last night and i am going to make it up to her. I waked her up. Yawning. "Hey honey," and gave me a kiss stink breath and all. " I love you and you know that." "Yeah, what going on." "I know that i love you and don't want to loose you. All i am asking is will you marry me even though i don't have a ring right now." She screamed and hug me while saying yes. While in her embrace my mind went back to Jason.....

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 3

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