Anonymous Midwest Cock

By Jim

Published on Jun 11, 2008


Over my lunch hour I drove by my local adult book store, and the parking lot was pretty empty. I was horny enough that I figured if there was no action I could just get a quick wank in and then get on with my day.

I paid my admission, walked into the pitch black arcade, stepped into a booth, and watched a video for a few minutes. When I stepped back out, there was a guy standing outside my door. It was dark enough that I couldn't tell much about him, so I walked across the hallway into another booth. He followed and stood outside. This video was a bit brighter, and as he leaned in a bit, I could tell he was a good looking guy in his mid-thirties.

I motioned him into the booth, and he locked the door behind him.

I knelt and he loosened the button and fly on his tight jeans. He pulled his cock out the top band of his underwear, and my eyes widened. He had a thick, uncut cock maybe seven inches long. It stood straight up and had a tight upward curve at the big head.

The shape and angle made it a bit challenging to find the right way to start sucking him off, but by coming down on it from the top, I was able to get him softly groaning in no time. The pronounced rim around the edge of his wide head popped in and out of my lips, making loud slurping sounds.

Without warning, he pulled out and came hard against the black painted wall of the video-lit booth. As the thick cum dripped down the wall, I wiped my mouth and moved on.

I had heard the arcade door open a few times while I was sucking the curved cock, so I poked around the booths, seeing who was where. I came across an older married man, maybe in his late fifties, sitting on the bench. He was stroking his cock and watching a straight flick. He was in good shape for a man his age. I suspect that he was a farmer, like many of the men of his generation who frequent this Midwestern ABS.

I closed and locked the door and got to my knees. He sighed a bit and said, "I don't know that it will do much good."

"But will you like it?"


"Well then, just relax, enjoy the movie, and don't worry about it."

I didn't know what would happen, but he had a beautiful cock, so I took it in my mouth. Worst case scenario is that I suck him for a few minutes and then see who else was cruising.

He wasn't very hard at first, but that changed after a few minutes. He never got rock hard, but he was hard enough, and he was certainly enjoying my service. I kept at it, but was never pushy. Before I knew it, he lifted his ass off the bench to thrust in my mouth, and he started to have an orgasm while I continued to suck him. He never really ejaculated, but he pulsed and groaned and collapsed back onto the bench. He caught his breath and said, "Thank you. I don't know how you did that, but I haven't been able to do that in a long time."

He zipped up and I stepped out of the booth.

There was only one other guy in the arcade, and as I wandered around, he followed me around a bit, keeping an appropriate distance. It was so dark in there that I couldn't really tell too much about him, other than he was slim and of average height.

I slipped into a booth, hoping I'd get to see more of him if he leaned in a bit in the video light. He didn't. He stood outside of the booth, just out of the light. I took a chance and motioned him in. A good looking, dark skinned black man in his early thirties stepped into the flickering video light. This could get interesting.

I made my intentions known by immediately taking off my glasses and getting on a knee. He got comfortable by taking off every stitch of clothing. He was thin and hardly had an ounce of fat on him. I normally don't care too much about men's bodies except for their cocks, but he was beautiful. As he raised his left leg out of his boxers, his limp cock flopped out and fell halfway down his thigh.

My God, it was huge.

Now, I'm not getting all stereotypical on you here. I've sucked off black guys before, and their cocks have been average and above average, but none like this.

It hung in front of my face, and I think I gasped, and he seemed a bit embarrassed. I picked it up with two hands, put the head in my mouth, and started making him hard. As he stiffened, he groaned in appreciation, hunched over me, grabbed my head, and started trying to fuck my throat.

I tried, I really did. I wanted nothing more than to take every inch of that monster cock, but it just couldn't happen. I pulled off of it, laughing, but with tears in my eyes from the effort. I told him I just couldn't do it like that. He smiled broadly and sweetly said, "No problem."

He sat down on the bench and propped his legs up against the walls, exposing his cock, balls, and ass to me. I dove in, making love to that magnificent piece of meat. I needed to know how big it was, so I figured a way to discreetly measure as I pleasured him. I held the base of his cock with my right hand, stacked my left hand on top, and extended my thumb. It was exactly that length. I measured when I got home. Eleven inches. Eleven fucking inches of the most beautiful black meat I have ever seen, attached to a hot body, and all owned by a guy I was realizing--as we exchanged a few words--was really nice and sweet.

He was vocal, and I loved it. He spoke in full voice instead of the hushed whispers I'm used to in ABSs. He told me how much he loved what I was doing. I worked that cock like I have no other, sucking and pumping for over twenty minutes. I tried every trick I knew, because I wanted to taste his cum. I wondered how that cock would feel in my virgin ass. My knees, thighs, and ass ached from holding that posture for so long. My lips numbed.

If I wanted to make this a great story, I'd tell you about how he came down my hot throat, and how I swallowed every drop. But this is a factual retelling. For the second time, I pulled my mouth of that cock, laughing. I told him I just couldn't go any longer, and that I really needed to get back to work.

As expected, he was great about it. I stood up and adjusted my clothes. He gave me a sweet hug and a peck on the cheek. His cock brushed up against my hard cock in my dress pants. I shuddered. We both said we hoped we'd meet up again some time soon.

I left the arcade and reentered the bright light of midday. No cum swallowed, but three great cocks sucked.

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