Anonymity Nowhere

By post modern sleaze

Published on Nov 23, 2005


This story is pure fiction and property of the above named authors. All feedback can be sent to Enjoy.

Anonymity Nowhere By DeadCaffeineJunkie & Keishi

Despite a hangover (treated with water and paracetamol) and having trudged back home at x am in the night, and despite being soundly scolded by Mrs. Weatherman (who'd he'd just about managed not to snap back at) he still managed to get to school early. He was good now wasn't he... and he cursed himself out for getting drunk last night and tried to pretend he didn't ache for another drink. He leant heavily on the boys bathroom sink counter, avoiding his gaze in the mirror. His head throbbed and his stomach rebelled but most of all he was regretting last night. He tries and tries to get out of the rut, but he keeps sliding back in. And what he did to Alerio was unforgivable. He hated himself more than ever. Now if only he could find the strength of will to stand up...

Alerio drew a breath. He'd seen Iki trudge his way into the bathroom and now he stood in front of the door leading into it, trying to figure out what the hell he was even doing there. He remembered last night well; having not drank nearly as much as Iki apparently had. It was all burned into his retinas-- the talking, the theatre, the kissing and sucking and licking. The way Iki looked when he came. The way his eyes glazed over, the way his tongue stud stroked him just right. He stood there and remembered and pressed a hand to the door, head bowed. Gathering his courage, he pushed it open and walked inside.

Iki didn't move to see who it was, `cause moving hurt, but when he saw it was Alerio in the mirror's reflection he turned round, leaning back against the sinks. "Oh..." He looked down at the tiled floor, too ashamed to look at the other boy. "Hi." He said, which was nothing like the apologies he wanted to say.

Alerio stood just inside the door, trying to get his feet to move closer but they seemed stuck quite permanently to the tile. "Hey," he said, whispered, schooling his face to appear neutral. He shrugged, the side of his mouth quirking upwards. "Now you've seen me around."

Iki tried to smile back but it didn't quite make it. "Yea..." He played with his thumb ring then bit the bullet. "Look Alerio." He looked him in the eye quickly, but flicked back down. "I'm sorry. For yesterday. I really am, it was a cruel thing for me to do, I shouldn't have led you on like that."

Alerio's eyes widened, but they didn't leave their spot on floor. "You're sorry?"

Iki winced. "I know it doesn't make up for it, but I am. It wasn't my intention to hurt you, at all, I just, I'm not good at morning-afters... or even minutes afters... " he fidgeted. "But still, I'm sorry."

Alerio's smile widened, darkened into a smirk. "You're sorry," he stated flatly. Suddenly, the anger that now fueled him unglued his shoes from the tiled floor, and he walked over to Iki, invading his personal space as much he could. "Well, I have only one thing to say to that: Fuck you." As he spoke, he grabbed Iki's wrist and shoved him closer, their bodies flush against each other. He crushed his mouth to Iki's violently, shoving his tongue down his throat.

Iki drew a startled breath as Alerio gripped his wrists and gave him an angry kiss that was more of a smother. It was the least thing that Iki would have expected Alerio to do, but he figured that Alerio was getting his own back for Iki using him last night, so he submitted and let himself be kissed, body held tightly, trying not to fight back like it wanted to. If Alerio wanted to take this from him as his penance he could.

His lips bruised as Alerio kissed Iki, shoving his hips roughly against the sinks as he covered his tiny body with his own. He transferred Iki's wrists to one hand, the other trailing up his back to fist in his hair, wrenching it backwards as he licked along his throat.

Iki winced as the sharp bones of his hips (damn his high metabolism and lack of body fat ANYWHERE, cushioning would be nice, really..) collided with the sink, but Alerio's sudden voracity in just taking Iki made the slight pain necessary, the faux bondage of his skinny wrists in Alerio's hand and his hand in his hair proved that, and Iki felt his knees grow weak, his hangover forgotten as he keened as Alerio licked up his throat, struggling to stay standing against the back bent position he was in.

Alerio paused when he heard Iki's moan, high and wanting. He looked hard into Iki's eyes, the pressure of his fingers bruising. "You fucking liked that, didn't you?"

Iki swallowed, his mouth dry. He couldn't speak in case he cried, for what number of myriad reasons he couldn't tell, so he just tried to get his breath back and nodded marginally, staring at Alerio for once.

Alerio searched his face, his grip lessening significantly. He pressed his mouth one last time to Iki's, close-lipped and soft. "I can't do this," he whispered. "I care too much." He let Iki go and began to walk out of the bathroom.

Iki gripped the sink counter for support. "No, you don't have to go..." he said breathlessly. "It's okay, you can... you can do what you like, I don't mind, I won't say anything..." I deserve it.

"You don't fucking GET it, do you?" Alerio roared, turning on Iki and screaming in his face. "You fucking WHORE, you'd let me do anything I wanted, wouldn't you?!" He stepped back, chest heaving, and gave Iki a sad, heartbreaking look. "Except one thing, and that's the one thing I want. You won't let anyone get close to you, isn't that right? What is so scary inside your head that you won't let anyone see it? Why the fuck are you hiding behind all this fucking and running?"

Iki's legs gave up on him when Alerio suddenly turned round and screamed at him, and he sat down hard on the tiled floor. He closed his eyes and turned his head away, because Alerio was right. Everything, he'd pulled him out and had him pinned. And he wanted to tell Alerio and explain to someone finally, why he needed to be punished but desperately at the same time needed to be wanted, not even loved, but they were in the middle of a school and their first lesson was due to start any minute. He was hungover, and kiss-bruised and Alerio had just turned his inner mind inside out and he couldn't say anything, but looked back at Alerio with eyes that wanted to cry and a face as white as a sheet.

Alerio watched Iki for a long time, his eyes never leaving his face. They stayed like that for a temporary forever, Iki on the floor and Alerio standing not ten feet away. Finally, Alerio knelt, kneeling on his knees where he was, not getting any closer. "You're not the only one with shit to deal with, you know," he said meekly, all of his anger drained.

"I know." Iki said softly, and when his head moved down the damned tears tipped out and slid down his face faster than he could stop them. "I'm sorry." again.

"Stop fucking saying that." Despite the implied venom, the words came out tired and soft. Alerio scooted closer, reached out a hand and tipped Iki's face upward. He brushed his face with a thumb and held it up. "Your face is raining again," he said with a bemused expression, a smile playing on his lips.

Iki opened his mouth to apologize again, but stopped himself in time. He just watched Alerio with defeated misery.

Alerio backed away, his attempt to make Iki smile failing miserably. Instead, he hugged his knees to his chest and rested his head on his knees, never once taking his eyes off Iki. "I want in," he stated seriously. "Think of it as a way to make up for last night, since you seem so damn regretful about it. You let me in, to see what's inside of you, and we'll call it even. I'll never bother you again, if that's what you want."

Iki felt sick. He'd wanted to keep it covered but... Alerio already hated him (and rightly so). And he deserved it, for what he'd done to Alerio. And some part of him wanted it, badly. It would be like confessing... "Okay." He finally decided. "I'll, I'll tell you...anything and everything you wanna know, I'll tell you."

Fingers fiddled with the ties to his boots as Alerio bit his bottom lip, in thought. "Last night, you said I should wait for someone that deserved me... wait, deserved to be LOVED by me," he corrected. "Why don't you think you deserve to be loved?" 'And why not by me?' he added silently.

Iki winced... it was one thing to bare himself so intimately to Alerio here but anyone could be listening. He looked round. "We have to do this now?" He asked, pleading silently not to.

"Fuck yes, we do," Alerio said, adamant. "How do I know you won't ignore me like you've always done before?"

"I didn't ignore you!" He protested. "I didn't pay you any more or less attention than anyone else in those corridors who isn't my friend..." His voice dropped low again. "But please... I promise, you can come with me, if we can please go somewhere else... you can pick, just not here..."

"I don't care where. But it has to be now," Alerio stated, voice guarded.

Iki chewed his lip worriedly. "Off grounds? We can go to the railway bridge, no one else'll be round there..."

Alerio nodded. "At least I can smoke there," he said as he got up quickly from the floor. He held out a hand for Iki.

Iki took it like he was expecting to be thrown into the wall straight after and picked his bag up at the same time.

Alerio hoisted Iki to his feet and just resisted kissing him again. It seemed it was going to be hard to keep his hands off of him, but he was determined to try. He wanted to show Iki he was interested in more than what his body had to offer, though he was still fuzzy on the details. "Do you skate?" he asked as an afterthought.

Iki wavered on his feet, his head making a protest. "Uhm, no I don't."

The grin on Alerio's face flashed quick. "Ever wanted to learn?"

Iki eyed him with equal amounts of wariness and fear. "I'm hungover...." He warned. "Walking nearly makes me puke."

"Pfft, come on," Alerio said, tugging on his hand to propel him out of the bathroom. "Let's go before people get suspicious." He led them out of the bathroom, out of the school, still with Iki's hand firmly in his. He led them over to the side of the building and retrieved his skateboard from some bushes. "Come on," he said. "You lead."

Oddly, holding Alerio's hand made him want to cry. Few people had ever held his hand and he wished that he'd done things right, because maybe this hand holding could have meant something if he hadn't done what he'd did. "Okay, this way..." he said, turning and waiting for Alerio to release his hand so he could lead them towards the bridge.

Alerio never let go, however, though he could tell Iki wanted him to. He let his thumb brush over the delicate skin between Iki's own thumb and forefinger, and looked at his face out of the corner of his eye. His skateboard smacked against his left leg rhythmically as they walked.

Iki wondered what Alerio was doing, then decided he must be keeping a hold of him so he wouldn't run off. But it felt so nice... this was almost more painful than his head. He looked down as he walked, and didn't notice they were approaching the hill until he realized it was harder to walk.

Alerio stopped at the top of the hill, his grip on Iki's hand causing him to halt as well. Releasing Iki's hand, he set down his board and motioned Iki forward, keeping the board in place on the blacktop with his foot. "Sit," he commanded.

Iki raised an eyebrow, but he was doing what Alerio wanted today, so he did as he was told. "What's going on?" he asked warily.

"Just watch," Alerio replied, amused. He climbed on the board behind Iki, pressing his back firmly against him, wrapping his arms about his slight chest. "Pull up your legs a bit so your shoes don't get scuffed," he ordered.

Iki leant back into Alerio slightly, feeling something inside him jump when the other's boys hands crossed over his chest, but he did as he was told and pulled his feet up. "Alerio, I don't know..." He said hesitantly.

"Hey," Alerio raised a hand and turned Iki's face to him. "Trust me, okay?" His large brown eyes were earnest. "I won't hurt you."

Iki was confused but nodded, trusting Alerio. Besides, the other boy wouldn't kill him if he wanted him alive to talk to him, now would he. "Kay."

"Alright." Alerio smiled briefly, then pushed off with his feet. Instantly the board began rolling slowly forward, gaining speed until they were hurtling down the blacktop hill. At the bottom, Alerio's boots slowed their movements until they stopped, both breathing heavily. Alerio's smile was wide at the surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. "What did ya think?" he asked Iki, still cradling him to his chest.

Iki had never been more terrified in his life and he thought he was going to throw up. "It was great." he grinned back, and he looked his age suddenly, or younger, from a simple experience that he'd never had. Of course, then he'd stood up, run to a tree and thrown up, nothing but liquor.

Alerio couldn't help but laugh at Iki as he hoarked his guts up, but he went over and held Iki's forehead for him as he vomited. When Iki was done, Alerio silently fished out a half-full water bottle from his backpack and handed it over. "You okay?"

Iki spat and thankfully took a drink, swilling his mouth before spitting again and then drinking properly. "I've been better, but I've been worse." he admitted. "I'll be okay."

"I'm not sorry, you know," Alerio said as they began to walk again.

Iki wondered if he'd missed something. "For what?"

"For a lot of things," Alerio said, vaguely. "What I meant at that moment, however, was that I wasn't sorry for making you throw up. You needed to get that liquor out of your system. I bet you feel better already," he stated matter-of-factly, looking at Iki out of the corner of his eye.

Iki made a face. "You're right," he said. "Of course you're right. I just hate throwing up." He shuddered in revulsion. "But thanks," he said, and it was as much a thank you for the skateboard ride as it was for making him puke.

Alerio chuckled, staring at his feet and the way the skateboard swung out with his strides. Thinking, he stopped, throwing his hand out to stop Iki as well. "You know..." he said slowly, cocking his head to one side. "I wonder..."

Iki, who had been walking intensively with his eyes traced on the ground, mulling over how this conversation was going to go, jerked to a stop. He cocked his head at Alerio's slow musings. "What?"

Alerio stepped forward, closing the space between them, and pressed his mouth to Iki's. It was a short kiss, and when Alerio pulled away, he wrinkled up his nose, but there was a smile on his face nonetheless. He sighed, mumbled something to himself, and continued walking.

Iki would have been less stunned if Alerio had flashed him a pair of boobs, and this state of shock was becoming annoyingly frequent. He turned to follow Alerio. "Wh-what was that?" He asked, incredulous.

"Nothing," Alerio stated flippantly, though the grin on his face widened, his pointy canines visible. "How much longer `til we get there, anyway?"

Iki was going to protest, a damp spark of his usual fire igniting, but it flickered out when he remembered that Alerio was controlling this outing and just answered. "S'actually just round the bend." He said, pointing to the end of the road a few metres ahead of them.

Alerio raised an eyebrow, his grin turning somewhat feral. Without warning, he grabbed Iki and kissed him long and hard, holding him, practically carrying him, his tongue delving in and claiming that mouth, that hot, wet mouth that tasted like sour liquor and stomach acid, but Alerio didn't care-- in fact, he loved it, because of and in spite of that.

Iki made a muffled noise of startlement but let himself be kissed and grabbed and kissed hard at that. Iki held onto Alerio and enjoyed being plundered despite himself.

"Fuck, Iki," Alerio mumbled into his mouth, "I'm trying, I'm really fucking trying..." He trailed off, the temptation of Iki's tongue stud too much, as he drew out Iki's tongue and sucked on it. Their kisses were wet and sloppy, Alerio licking all around and inside Iki's mouth. The rest of him responded in kind, hands grabbing handfuls of Iki's ass and pressing his groin against his half-hard, encased cock.

Iki gasped back, and whimpered and didn't care about the words and just wanted more of hands on him right then. He played catch with Alerio's tongue and he shoved his hips down into Alerio's growing arousal, his own responding, like a weird game of follow-the-leader. He clutched Alerio's back just to stay grounded.

Alerio's hand wandered down Iki's side and caught his leg, bringing it up to wrap around him so he could find better friction between their groins. He twisted his lips off of Iki's and blazed a trail down his chin, throat, and collarbone, raking the neck of his shirt down to taste the skin there.

Iki clung to Alerio's hip with his leg cooperatively and still rubbed up against the other boy, tilting his chin up to let Alerio's mouth rake down to his neck and stammered pleas to not stop and pleas to go harder in a near frantic voice.

"You're-- fucking-- insatiable, you know that?" Alerio panted, practically carrying Iki. He stepped backwards, not exactly sure of his location-- and fell over, Iki riding him and landing on his knees. The skateboard skidded out from under his foot. "Oof!" All of Alerio's breath whooshed out of him, but still he laughed, soundlessly, as he cradled Iki to his upper body.

"Well, I am a whore after all." he said without bite, and wondered why he'd said it. He 'eeped' when they fell over and wondered if Alerio had hit his head when he started laughing. "Are you okay?" He asked, not moving cause... well, Alerio was pinning him down.

Alerio stopped laughing slowly, his breath coming back to him. He stroked Iki's sides soothingly, trying to dismiss his words but they wouldn't let go, niggling in the back of his mind. "Why do you always do that?" he asked solemnly.

Iki leant his head down sideways on Alerio's chest and was suddenly surprised to hear the other boy's heart beating. "Hmm, do what?" he asked softly, trying to listen.

Alerio continued stroking his sides, staring up at the cloudy sky. It was always cloudy here, he noted absently. "Why do you always refer to yourself in some debasing way?"

"I don't." he protested, still hypnotised by the beat and the rhythmic moving of Alerio's fingers.

"Yes, you do!" Alerio pushed Iki up, sitting up himself. "Just a second ago, you called yourself a whore, and that's not the first time you've talked down to or about yourself. What gives? Why do you feel the need to lower yourself like that?" He didn't realize it, but Alerio was gripping Iki's arm tightly, his nails digging in.

Iki winced but didn't move. "I'm not lowering myself... it's what everyone else says I am and it's the truth. Why should I make myself look egotistical pretending to be something I'm not."

"Fine." Alerio stood up, dusted off his pants. "You want to be that way? Then fine. I don't fucking give a damn." He began walking. "The bridge is this way, right? Let's go." He didn't even look back to see if Iki was following.

Iki was rapidly remembering that nothing in life was static. Dispirited and not knowing what he'd done to make Alerio suddenly so mad-- he'd told the truth after all-- he followed the other boy under the bridge.

Alerio climbed up and slouched next to one of the pillars. Taking out his nearly empty pack of cigs, he placed one between his bruised lips and lit it, puffing out the smoke dejectedly.

Iki followed and sat against the other pillar, next to Alerio, but at a distance. Seeing the other boy have a smoke made him want one, and he did the same, lighting up within minutes. Alerio looked down, took another drag, then settled himself to where he was facing Iki. "You ever gonna answer my question?"

Iki was calmer with a cigarette and didn't jump this time. "What question?" He asked, blowing smoke out at almost the same time.

"The one I asked in the bathroom," he deadpanned, not making it any easier for Iki. His cigarette dangled from his lips.

Iki sighed. "I don't deserve to be loved by YOU." he said. "You want someone... " He searched for the right word. "Cleaner." Perfect.

Alerio raised an eyebrow. "I want someone who smells like Lysol?"

Iki gave him a withering look. "You know what I mean." he accused.

"No," Alerio countered, giving back as good as he got, his scowl deepening. "I don't. But I'm not talking about me. I want to know why you don't think you deserve what every greeting card in the world tells us we all deserve. Why do you not want to be loved?"

Iki's eyes darkened. "I want to be loved." he said back, his voice no less insistent for its quietness. "Of course I want to be loved. But I don't want to keep thinking it will happen with people I happen to have sex with one night and I certainly don't think it will happen with you. You wouldn't WANT me, I told you. You need someone cleaner. And you know I don't mean literally."

"And you're suddenly an expert on all things me, huh?" Alerio spat back. He leaned forward, taking his cigarette out of his mouth. "If you know me so fucking well, then did you predict I'd do this?" He stuck the burning tip of his cigarette to the smooth, unblemished flesh of his lower arm, right in the middle. He squeezed his eyes shut and hissed out a pained breath, but there was a smile on his face as he let it burn.

Iki dived. It was beautiful really. Dived over and shoved his hand out to knock the cigarette off Alerio's arm, mildly singing his fingertips in the process. "You moron." He scolded. "That's not funny! And anyway, I'm only saying what you told me. You're the one who said you were getting attached, and I couldn't be expected to get it. You thought it meant more than I did. You called me a whore. Of course you want someone who EXPECTS to be kept around after being fucked, of course you want someone who hasn't been had by half the city, what the hell else was I supposed to think?"

Alerio covered his arm with his hand, his face screwed up with pain, but he gritted his teeth and ignored it the best he could. "Look, I'm fucking sorry I called you a whore, but I was only repeating your own little mantra back to you. I don't really think that, in case you were wondering. And I never said I wanted a relationship, but I also don't want to just dismiss what we did last night as if it were nothing at all. Now answer me honestly: do you feel anything for me? If you don't, after today I'll leave you alone. Forever. But if there's anything here..." he drew in a shaky breath, expectant.

Iki frowned and said nothing for some time before finally speaking... "I could... feel something for you." He said tentatively. "I don't know you yet. I like you, yea, but... I've had sex with a lot of people I've liked Rio, and I haven't had feelings for almost all of them. And I'm really... I'm not good for you to be with."

"Then how about you shut the fuck up and let me decide for myself? Who are you, my fucking mother?" Alerio was sullen, looking down at his arm, at the perfect, circular spot of searing pain and burnt flesh. The pain sobered him, brought him back down to this flipped reality.

"I could let you find out, and I could love you and then you'd realize I'm not right for you and dump me and we'd be exactly the same only you wouldn't be trying to like me and I'd have my heart broken." Iki looked down at the burn and then quickly licked over it, then blew.

Alerio's eyes followed Iki as he tended to his wound. The feel of his tongue against the rough skin made him groan and lower his eyelids, and he let his head fall back to rest against the pillar. "Ha-- you think I could break your heart?" he asked, voice thick.

Iki looked back up at him with suddenly broken eyes. "I know you would break my heart," he said. "It's easy to break."

Alerio watched Iki, then let out the faintest growl, like prey trying to become predator. He snaked an arm out, grabbing the back of Iki's head and lurching him forward, leaning himself to meet in the middle and capture Iki's mouth in a breathstealing kiss. He paused long enough to mutter, "You could break mine, too," before they were kissing again, frantic and drinking and desperate.

Iki kissed back before realizing, it was happening again. He pushed away from Alerio. "No, no, stop!" He said wildly.

Alerio tried to grab fruitlessly at Iki's hand as he pushed away. "What?"

"I can't keep doing this." Iki said, nearly physically wincing with how girly he sounded. "Either you fuck me here and now and I tell you what you wanna know and you leave me alone or you stop fucking with my head, cause I can't TAKE it." he said, shaking despite himself.

Alerio's eyes narrowed. "Would you like that? For me to fuck you silly in the middle of nowhere? Me, who wouldn't know the first fucking thing about sex." He snorted, his fingers playing with the button of his pants because he was itching for a cigarette but only had two left. Had to save them until the next day, when he could buy more. "Fine, I'll try to leave you alone. But no promises."

It was the way he spoke, Iki thought, that got to him so bad and turned him into such a slut, because now, he did kinda want Alerio to pin him up against a pillar and fuck him through it until he was senseless, and all this from one sentence. And he didn't want Alerio to leave him alone... damn, he just wanted to be a normal boy and have a normal gay relationship and not be mindfucked and not be too trashy for anyone who might be good for him. But he didn't say this. "So, what do you want to know then." He sighed. Alerio wasn't going to fuck him (he didn't think) but he still had to keep his promise and get his forgiveness.

Alerio rubbed his eyes, suddenly very tired. He blinked, bringing Iki's face back into focus. "Uh, okay." He waved vaguely at Iki's face. "Why all the piercings? You some kinda masochist?"

Iki clicked his tongue stud against his teeth before he answered. "Hmm, yes and no... I got the piercings because... well, let's say I was going through my 'rebellious phase'" he made air quotation marks. "and I like the jewelry. I always like eyebrow piercings, and they grow out so fast that they're not permanent, and the mouth jewelry's half something for me to play with half something for OTHER'S to play with." He sucked on his lip ring in emphasis. "But I do have masochistic tendencies.... as you know." He was being utterly frank. Alerio wanted in, and that's what he was getting.

Alerio scratched at his burn, then winced. "Ah, fuck." Hissing, he then focused back on Iki. "Where's your family? You mentioned living in a foster home before."

Iki's expression shuttered. He might have to tell Alerio everything, but he wouldn't necessarily know how he felt about it all. "You know as much as me about where my dad is." he said uncomfortably. "He got my mum pregnant when she was 14 and then left when he found out. And I don't know where my mum is either, I haven't heard from her since I was thirteen. I don't have any siblings, as far as I know... I could have countless half-siblings, but who knows? And my mum's only family was her dad- my granddad obviously- and he died when I was six."

"So you've been in foster care since you were 13?" Alerio couldn't imagine life without any family at all.... even though his own left much to be desired, still... to be all alone in the world. It seemed so... cold.

"Pretty much... the longest I've stayed in one foster home is six months... it's been a lot of to and fro-ing from house to centre to house again, you know how it is." he shrugged with one shoulder.

"Actually," Alerio said, shaking his head, "I haven't a clue. I mean, it's always been my mom and me, then Maria came along. As much as I wished I could free myself of my mother, I don't actually know what it would be like to be on my own." Shifting, he moved closer to Iki, but made no move to touch him. He knew the rules. "So, why do you think you're unclean? Did anything happen to you at any of these foster homes or something?"

Iki shuddered like someone had dragged a thumbnail down his spine. "Nothing... nothing like you're thinking." He said. "There were a few who were a bit gung-ho on corporal punishment, but I reported them within, like, a week. You get bad ones sometimes." He fidgeted with his thumb ring and stared down at his feet. "No, I'm just dirty cause... cause I'm only 16 and already a slut. There was a time I had sex with anything with legs. And I grew up around fucking drug dealers and shit, and that stuff rubs off on you." He bit at his thumbnail. "And there's the whole criminal record thing. And the alcoholism. And the drugs bit, but that wasn't so bad, I mean, I got out of THAT pretty quick..." He continued chewing at his nail like it was the most interesting thing on earth.

As Iki rambled on, Alerio's eyebrows inched slowly upward, until they'd disappeared underneath his haphazard bangs. "I see," he murmured, still fiddling with his burn. By now, he'd dug his fingernail into it, only a little bit at a time, the pain pleasant, rushing endorphins through his system. It was akin to being high on ecstasy, only without the chemical imbalance. "Why do you think you became such a nymphomaniac, you think?"

Iki shrugged again. "I dunno." he said. "Maybe `cause I didn't have anyone who, you know, I dunno, gave me any attention as a kid and suddenly there were all these people telling me I was pretty and wanting to touch me and stuff." and love me "And at the time I didn't really give a damn about much and, you know, I like sex."

Alerio leaned forward, arms cradled in his lap. "So, if I told you that you were pretty and touched you and paid attention to you... you'd what? Let me fuck you? Is there any way I can convince you that I'd like more-- that I want more?"

Iki crossed his arms over his torso and looked down now. "I probably would let you fuck me." he said quietly. He quirked an empty smile at Alerio. "Cause you're also really hot as well..." the smile dropped. "But... I don't know. I'd like to believe you wanted more... but I don't think you'd mean it, as much as you might think you did." He squirmed. "It's not you. I just, I don't trust things like that easily."

Alerio sighed, loudly. "Then how can I get you to trust me? I--" he shook his head. "Forget it. You know what? You've kept up your end, so I'll keep up mine." He got up, adjusted his shirt and flipped up his skateboard. "I'll leave you alone now," he said, face serious.

Iki got up and grabbed Alerio's shirt. "No!" he said desperately. "Don't leave." He composed himself a little. "Look, I've never stayed at one home for more than six months and living with my mother wasn't exactly the kind of life that inspires faith in people. I WANT to trust you, but I can't just flip a switch on and make it happen. I know I'm insecure and an emotional wreck and I won't let people get close cause it hurts when they just don't want you around later on and send you away again, to start all over again. But Alerio... I DO like you... as much as I can like someone who wasn't just a one night stand. And I. I'd like... what you want. I'd like attachment. Just, I don't know how you can fix me, but if you leave me now... it won't happen at all." He let go of Alerio's sleeve. "I just, I don't want to ruin your life."

Alerio looked at Iki, long and hard. His eyes were intense, a million things he wanted to say swimming in them, but his lips remained pursed, pensive. Slowly, very slowly, he lifted up one arm, the one with the burn mark. He showed it to Iki, making sure it was in plain sight. "I'd hurt myself to make you even notice me, imagine what I'd do to just have you as my own. Mine. If that doesn't tell you anything about who I am, then nothing will. You want it, I want it. I don't understand what's very hard about this." Leaning in, he pressed a wet, solid kiss to Iki's chin, then set his stuff down. Taking out a sheet of paper, he scribbled on it quickly with a stubby pencil and handed it over. "Your move." As Iki took the paper, he smiled faintly at him, almost with a strange kind of hope, and walked away.

Next: Chapter 4

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