Annual Physical

By Woody

Published on May 19, 2001




It was annual physical day and I wasn't really looking forward to the exam but I was looking forward to seeing my physician. Dr. Brooks was my age, probably about 45 years old and he was good looking, masculine and in a straight, unapproachable way, incredibly sexy. He also was egotistical, arrogant, cold and as self-centered as any man I had ever met. I didn't like the man but he sure was beautiful to look at. I was looking forward to checking him out while he was checking me over.

I had been seeing Dr. Brooks for about three years now and he had always provided competent medical care. He also made himself readily available for phone consults primarily because I had a professional friendship with his fiancee. Audrey, the woman he was suppose to marry in a few weeks, taught Biology at the University with me. Audrey was a good person who was next in line for Department Head duties. She had my endorsement because I both liked her and believed she was the most competent person for the job.

Audrey and I had shared office space and everyday I got to look at the photo on her desk of her fiancee, Dr. Glenn Brooks. The picture was from their vacation from one of the islands and he was standing at the wheel of a large sailboat, without a shirt, wearing sunglasses and raising a bottle of beer. It was a great picture and the sun behind his raised arm highlighted his armpit hair. The ample hair under his arm appeared golden because of the setting sun, but the hair on his chest was dark brown and incredibly sexy. He was tanned, smiling, and handsome and actually looked friendly and outgoing in the picture. So much for pictures.

Audrey started dating Brooks almost two years ago and they had become engaged almost six months from their first date. Audrey came from a very wealthy family and she had always been cautious about dating men, thinking they might be more interested in her financial assets than her personality. What she saw in Brooks beyond a hot, beefy, body was beyond me. I'll admit that I didn't actually know him that well. He came to few college functions and was neither well known or for that matter, well liked by Audrey's co-workers. I think that his absence bothered Audrey from time to time but she was always willing to make excuses for him, saying he was at the hospital, or had an emergency, or some other typical medical excuse.

My appointment was for one o'clock and I left work at noon and took a walk instead of eating lunch. When I got to the office, the phone was ringing off the hook and the waiting room was full. The receptionist was friendly but harried and wrote down my name and asked me to take a seat. About twenty minutes later, she called my name and I went back to the front desk. "We're running a little late but the Doctor will be with you in just a few minutes. If you would like to go into exam room three, I'll send Dr. Brooks along as soon as he is free."

I took my magazine and headed to the exam room knowing this was a stalling tactic to make me feel as if things were really moving along. When I opened the exam room door I was stunned. Standing with his back towards me, his pants around his ankles and his white lab coat covering his butt was Dr. Brooks. Kneeling in front of him was a young nurse or lab assistant. I just stood there. I don't know who was more stunned. It was embarrassing and shocking and the Doctor and I just stood there looking at each other. After a moment I got my composure and I backed out of the room and quietly shut the door. I wasn't sure what to do but went back to the receptionist and told her exam room three was occupied. She apologized, looked at her computer, clicked a few keys and asked me to take a seat in the lobby until she could figure out where to put me.

This was a very unusual situation and I was actually a little dazed. I wasn't sure what I should be feeling or thinking. Soon my thoughts turned to Audrey and I thought about all the social events at school Brooks had missed. Audrey had always defended him and always acted as if she trusted him completely. "What an asshole" I thought. Here he was getting his rocks off while his waiting room was full of people thinking the Doctor was running late because of some sort of emergency. I was lost in thought and when I heard my name called I looked up into Dr. Brooks red face. "I am ready to see you now," he stammered.

I followed him into exam room two and he closed the door behind us and turned and looked at me without making eye contact. "I am so humiliated," he started. "I don't know what to say or do. And most of all and quite frankly I am afraid that you'll tell Audrey about this incident." I just looked at him. "It was nothing, really. That girl meant absolutely nothing to me. I was horny and it was just getting my rocks off. I certainly do not have any kind of a relationship with her. It could have been anyone."

It was his callousness that surprised me most of all. At that moment I decided to teach the good doctor a lesson he wouldn't forget. "Whether or not I tell Audrey will depend on you. It could have been anyone huh? Lock the door Doctor. The price of my discretion will require you to do exactly as I tell you. Now lock the door!" I was as horny as the good doctor had been a few minutes ago. He used his nurse as a sex object and I was going to do the very same thing, with him.

His face turned white and he looked confused. He obviously wasn't use to taking orders and he seemed uncertain. I looked him in the eye and nodded my head towards the door. He got the message and reached over and clicked the lock shut. "Now Doctor turn around and put your hands up against the wall." He looked frightened, but he turned and did as I had told him. I let him stand there for a moment and when he asked what was going on I told him not to talk unless I asked him a question. "Do you understand?" I asked.

He turned to look at me and I told him to look at the wall. His arms were pressed over his head and against the wall and the white lab coat had been pulled over his chino-clad ass. After waiting a moment, to let the suspense build, I reached out and put my full hand on his rounded ass. "You fucking faggot." he snarled turning towards me in rage.

But I wasn't intimidated. "Listen to me because I am only going to say this once. Unless you do exactly what I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it, it's all over for you and Audrey. What I saw a few minutes ago wasn't very nice and one word to Audrey and your little game will be all over. Have I made myself completely clear doctor?" He just looked at me not seeing any way out yet madder than hell. "And yes, I am a fucking faggot. You'll know first hand before we're through. Do you see where this is headed doctor? You and I are going to have quite a bit more than just a little routine physical and there's not a thing you can do. Now get your hands up high against the wall. You can be thinking about what you did to Audrey or how you used your little candy striper and all I'm going to be thinking about is just getting my rocks off." His back was towards me and his head was hanging down. I put one hand back on his ass and the other hand on the inside of his thigh. "Let's spread these legs a little wider doctor," I said as I pushed against his thigh forcing him to widen his stance. Now just relax this isn't going to hurt. My cock had thickened and was now pressed uncomfortably against my jeans. I shift my dick a bit, aiming it straight up inside my shorts and smiled at the sight before me.

"I don't know who you think..." he started. But I didn't let him finish. I gripped the inside of his thigh a bit tighter and whispered "Sshhh" in his ear. He settled down nicely and I ran my hand up and down his muscular inner thigh.

"You can turn around now doctor, I need to take a closer look at you." He turned around reluctantly and looked like any fight was gone.

"You win faggot, let's get this over with"

"Oh, we've got plenty of time. Just put your hands at your sides and relax." I reached up and loosened his tie and then undid the knot and slipped it off from around his neck. I took his stethoscope out of his lab coat pocket and put it on the desk; I'd need it latter. I ran my hand down his chest, looking for a nipple beneath the fabric. I ran my hand in small circles against his muscular chest until I found what I was looking for. I rubbed my fingers over the nipple feeling it stiffened as I gently pulled on it, until it was erect and clearly outlined against his cotton shirt. What do you know; the little bastard was enjoying this.

I slowly undid the first four buttons of his shirt and slipped my hand inside again. His chest was warm, well defined, and as I knew from the picture on Audrey's desk, very, very hairy. With the shirt no longer protecting or hiding his chest, I made contact with his swollen nipple. I pinched it between my finger and my thumb and I heard him catch his breath. With my other hand, I pulled his shirt out from his trousers and slid the shirt and lab coat off his shoulders letting them drop to the floor. I undid his belt and then the button at the top of his chinos. He roughly pushed my hand away and started to say something but I cut him off. "Is our game over doctor?" When he didn't answer I took his hands and one by one put them behind his head. "There, that's more like it."

I slowly ran a finger on the inside of the waist of his pants and then slowly edged the zipper down and opened the front of his slacks. He was wearing light blue boxer shorts and I jerked the pants and shorts halfway down over his hips until the top of his thick, curly black bush was exposed. This was beyond my dreams and I hopped up on the exam table just to admire the view. The hair under his arms was silky and damp and he had begun to perspire. A beat of sweat started to trickle from his underarm down his side and I reached out and touched it, bring the salty wetness to my tongue. Again he reached out to push my hand away and again I simply moved it back behind his head. This time I ran my hand across his shoulders and gripped his biceps tightly. I ran my hand down his arm and into the thick hair that covered his forearm. Another bead of sweat was running down his side and I pushed my face into his armpit, feeling the dampness against my face and smelling the musky mixture of Mennen, perspiration, and testosterone. The scent went right to the tip of my cock and I needed to undo my own belt and unbutton my jeans to adjust my swollen dick to a more comfortable position. "What you do to me Doctor is really quite extraordinary."

I dropped to my knees and undid the laces of his docksiders and slid them off his feet. Then came the cotton, dark green socks. His bare feet were big and I wondered if the myth of big feet equals big dick was true. I brought his socks to my nose and smelled laundry detergent or fabric softener. I then reached up and slowly slid his pants down his thighs and off. Here he was, practically naked and waiting, probably worried about what was going to happen next. I looked down at my own cock, which was poking out of the top of my jeans. I noticed the tip was wet and I put a finger to the tip of my dick and then tasted my own juice before slowly moving my hands up the doctor's calves and thighs. His legs were like the rest of his body covered with dark curly hair. My hands were on the outside of his thighs and moved up under the legs of his shorts to the relatively smooth hips. Slowly, as my hands moved up and down his outer thighs, I notice that the fly of his shorts would open and close. As you would expect, I saw a wild, tangled, thick bush of pubic hair hiding his penis.

I gently moved my hands to the inner thighs and gently forced his legs apart. As he adjusted to the wider stance and I heard him mutter under his breath, "Fucking faggot." My fingers inched up under the leg openings of his boxer shorts where the hair grew thicker. I felt the little finger on my right hand nudge up against his balls, and I pulled the leg opening up and away from his body so that his scrotum came into few. His ballsac was thickly covered by soft, curly, dark hair. His scrotum was darker than the rest of his body and his balls appeared to be average in size. The sac itself was hanging quite low and there was plenty of room to move his nuts around inside. I was moving his balls around and pulling on his scrotum when he voluntarily widened his stance and groaned. I looked up and his eyes were closed. This was getting interesting and not just for me. I moved a finger to the back of his furry sac and lifted it gently so that his balls separated to either side and then put finger and thumb together gripping the skin of his scrotum tightly and pulling his scrotum downward. His sack was beginning to draw upwards, in a self-protective manner and after each pull on his nuts; I could actually see them pull up tighter between his legs. Each time I pulled, the skin had thickened and become less and less elastic until finally his balls were pulled together with little room for play.

I stood up and put my arm around his shoulder, "Time to turn around doctor. Bend over and lean against your exam table. He was not resisting at all and he leaned forward against the table. I kneeled again, this time behind him, and in a deliberate and sudden move pulled his shorts to his ankles. He lifted his feet and step out of his shorts and I slowly slid my hand up the inside of his hairy, muscular thighs. I pushed his legs apart but he resisted and seemed determined not to cooperate. I stood and reached around to his lower belly and moved a hand up his stomach, to his chest searching for a nipple. It was erect and easy to find and I pinched it tightly and with my foot forced his legs apart. This time there was no resistance. I kneeled back down behind him and again slid my hands up his hairy legs to his smoother hips and onto his ass. Surprisingly his butt was covered only very lightly with hair but the dark, silky, hair thickened down his crack and was actually thickest in the space behind his balls. The back of his nutsac seemed darker and was pulled up tightly between his legs almost hidden by the dense, wiry hair that covered them. His heavy, cum filled pouch looked like a miniature boxing bag and fit nicely in the palm of my hand and it was difficult to distinguish by sight or touch, two separate balls

I buried my face between his legs and my nose bumped up against the back of his ballsac. It was musky, damp, warm and intoxicating. He shifted his legs and it felt as if he was making himself more available, more mine to do with as I pleased. I gently bit the back of his scrotum and moved my face up the hairy crevice and with a hand on each cheek opened him to the ultimate position of vulnerability. Wedging my hand in such a way as to get a clear view of his asshole was easy and I felt any remaining resistance disappear. With my thumb I moved thru the thick, black hair that protected his secret place. The puckered hole was small and tightly closed and as my thumb ran across this hidden, secret spot he shuddered and tensed. I touched the tip of a dry finger to his most private place, pushing gently but making no entry. I then put my finger to the tip of my leaking cock and brought the sticky wetness to his asshole. As I repeated this process, rubbing gently, circling the puckered opening, the hairs began sticking together and no longer hide or protected his treasure. I continued probing, bringing more of my juices to his hole, adding my spit, and finally seeing the pink skin within. Finally the ring of muscle relaxed and my finger slipped inside, up to my first knuckle, then deeper and finally completely inside of the good Doctor.

I wanted to taste him there and realized that this was the only chance I'd have. Without another thought, I touched the tip of my tongue to the very center of his anus; tasting the saltiness of my own juices and the musky bitterness of the Doctor was intoxicating. My tongue had less resistance than my finger had and as if I had no other choice, pushed deeper and deeper. His thighs were trembling slightly and he moaned for me to either stop or go deeper, I wasn't sure which. Slowly I stood up and stepped out of my jeans and pressed my full body against his naked back. I pushing my stiff and aching cock against his ass and wrapped my arm around his belly and chest.

"Time to turn around Doctor."

As he turned to me, his stiff cock pointing straight ahead, I realized then that I had interrupted his game with the nurse and he had come close but hadn't cum. As he turned, a thick sting of clear precum dripped from his reddened cock making a thick spider like web that ran unbroken, from the tip of his penis to a spot just above his knee. I bent to where the string of sticky man juice had landed and lifted it from his leg to my tongue. I moved my mouth upward taking the string with me all the way to the head of his cock. It was more than enough to fully taste his saltiness. When I reached the tip of his dick, I gently flicked my tongue around the tiny slit at the very head. I then put a fist around the thickest part of his cock and in a gentle but firm milking motion squeezed the sticky clear precum out so it oozed slowly onto the tip of my waiting tongue. As I milked his swollen cock, I gently squeezed his balls, forcing his lube to my waiting tongue. When it appeared that I had milked him completely, I looked down at my own cock, which was leaking just as generously and I covered the tip of my finger with my own juice and then brought it to the Doctors lips. At first, he clenched his lips tightly closed but soon my sticky finger was inside his mouth and he was tasting me.

His cock was fully erect and about average in length but thicker than most. It was actually a beautiful penis and the head was full, rounded and almost purple. It pointed slightly upward and the precum continued to leak from the swollen tip. "It's time to get up on the table Doctor," I whispered. "I need to finish the exam." As he sat on the exam table, I pushed him back until he was laying down and he just looked at me, daring me to take this any further. I stood naked at the side of the table and told him to pull his legs apart and towards his chest. With one hand I rubbed his chest, feeling the coarse dense chest hair that could no longer hide his dark brown and stiff little nipples. I moved my hand down his belly into the thick curly bush that surrounded his genitals and grabbed the base of his swollen cock. "Looks to me like you're liking this Doctor." Maybe you're a cock sucker too," I laughed.

I rubbed my thumb over the swollen wet head of his cock and saw that the piss hole had widened. His balls were tightly pulled against the base of his penis and I suspected that he would be easy to get off. It was then that I got an incredible idea. I took my hand off of his dick and put it on my own hardon. I was leaking too and there was enough precum to nicely lube my cock. I spit into the palm of my other hand and moved between his legs until I found his asshole. Wetting it down, I worked a finger deep inside of him, easily finding his prostate. As I pushed against it, his cock jerked and seemed to stiffen even more. His eyes were closed and he was uninhibitedly milking his cock. I took his hand off his cock and brought it to my balls. Surprisingly he cupped my nuts in his hand and gently squeezed them while I jerked my cock. Within seconds I was very close and the rhythm of my cock stroke was the same as the rhythm of my finger moving in and out of his asshole. The build up was incredible and my thighs began to shake as the cum moved from deep within my balls and shot out thru my cock, landing on his hardon and pubic hair. I gasped and he opened his eyes as he felt my hot, thick spunk splatter against him. Without missing a beat, I used my semen to cover his cock and using my cum as lube pumped him faster and faster. He was groaning now and he was very close. I pushed my finger deep inside and with two more strokes brought him to the edge and then over. He shot three thick wads of semen that landed on his chest and belly and I cover the tip of his still hard cock with my mouth and slow sucked the remaining seed from the head of his penis. Finally he sat up and gently lifted my head pulling his penis free of my mouth. And then, in a surprise move that left me speechless brought his face to mine and kissed me full on the mouth.

We never did get to my physical, at least not then.

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