
By Josh McCoy

Published on Aug 21, 2016


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I met Annette through a mutual friend, Amanda. Annette, Amanda, her girlfriend Sophie and I lived together, until Amanda and Sophie were taken from us in a terrible accident. We had their two daughters, Shannon and Shelley, and did our best to raise them. Shell went off to college, several hundred miles away, but Shannon stayed home while attending a local college.

The story of how I met Annette can be read about in "Annette." I wrote a bit about our relationship with Amanda in "Annette - Fun with Amanda." Amanda introduced us to Sophie in "Amanda Brings Home a Friend." "Sophie's Story" covers the brief time we had with her. "Shannon and Shelley" covers raising the girls until they are almost in high school. "Shannon Stays Home" is about the period up to when the girls begin college.

Typically, I woke up before the girls, the mornings now dark longer. I gently made love to Annette, then kissed her, touching her body lightly, slowly rising and getting out of bed. I walked around to the other side and leaned down to give Shannon a little kiss, reaching out to rub my hand lightly across one pert breast, then went into the bathroom for my morning ablutions. I quickly showered and went out to make coffee.

It was nearing Christmas, and we were soon going to have Shell back with us for a week of vacation. The house was all decorated, Annette loving to do such things, and the smell of the real fir tree filled the house. That was my contribution: I always insisted on a real tree because of the smell. Decorations did not fill me with Christmas spirit, smells did. Trees, spicy cookies or pies, stuff like that. I had grown up in a rural area, and we had always gone out and cut a tree to bring home. Whenever you entered the house, the first thing you noticed was the smell of the tree, and I've tried to have a real tree every year since I left home.

I poured a cup of coffee and sat at the dining room table, sipping. The mornings were cool now, and I would have had to dress to go out on the deck, so I just stayed inside. I enjoyed the quiet time in the morning, when I could let my mind wander to wherever it decided to go. Some mornings I would reminisce, thinking about the years with Amanda and Sophie, scenes from raising the girls, camping trips and bike rides.

More than anything, though, I would think about life with Annette. We had been together more than twenty years, married for nineteen of them, and if I tried real hard I could not remember a bad day with her. We were compatible to a degree rarely found, and our occasional disagreements never led to anything but a discussion. We each cared for the other, and wanted to make each other happy, so even the disagreements were rare.

I was on my second cup of coffee when I heard movement, and I looked up to see Shannon shuffling across the living room floor. Her blonde hair was tousled, she was wearing Annette's little smile and nothing else. She was the spitting image of Annette, and I watched her walk sleepily across to me, leaning down to give me a good morning kiss. I tipped my head up to kiss her, one hand reaching up to fondle a breast while the other went around to squeeze one of her firm buns. She rested a hand on my shoulder while the kiss went on, then she stood up. She was breathing heavier, her eyes bright now, and she said with a smile, "Your kisses wake me up much better than coffee, Dad."

I chuckled and said, "Good morning, honey. I'm sorry, I'd have poured you a cup of coffee, but watching you walk across the floor distracted me." She ran her fingers across my chest as she turned to the coffeepot, laughing lightly at me.

"It's OK, Dad," she said. "I'd rather have a kiss than a cup of coffee, anyway."

I watched her cute little behind while she poured, her hips tapering to a slim waist, the strong, lithe muscles of her back and legs, her fine blonde hair coming down to just below her shoulders. Shannon was very active, like her mother, Sophie. She joined Annette and I in our bike rides and workouts in the home gym, and attended a local health club for their rock climbing wall. She was a very good rock climber, and I only wished Sophie could have been her teacher. The climbing community is fairly small, and tight knit, so she had all the coaching she could take from climbers who remembered Sophie and wanted to help her daughter.

Shannon's strength and endurance made for a wildcat in bed, but neither Annette nor I minded. We did our best to keep up with her, and between the two of us we kept her satisfied. She said she wanted a baby, despite my talks to her about how young she was and how much it would limit her life afterward. She had heard too many stories from Annette and me about our lives raising her and Shell, and didn't see why she couldn't do it the same way. It was a hard argument to counter, so we never went too far with it. We weren't trying to make a baby, but I was happy to go through the motions, and Annette was actually eager to have another little one around the house.

Shannon came to join me at the table, and we talked desultorily while sipping our coffee. Her schooling was going well - she was pulling down good grades in the beginning courses of her civil engineering degree. She said a lot of it right now was just going over things she had learned in high school, and she was eager to get into the more advanced stuff. The local college she attended had a very good engineering reputation, and its graduates rarely had to look for work. Recruiters most often came to hire them before they had even received their degrees.

The bedroom door opened and Annette came out, fresh from the shower. Her hair was wet and tousled from the toweling it had received, and she positively glowed. Maybe it was just the way I saw her, but she always seemed to look that way when she got out of the shower. I watched her walk toward us, her little smile and sexy walk, tiny cock dangling between her legs, breasts jiggling with each footfall. She was still sexy, even as she approached fifty, and I found myself getting excited at the sight of her. That was nothing unusual, though, and she knew when she reached me there would be a hard cock hiding beneath the table.

She walked up to me and leaned down for a kiss, one hand reaching down to softly stroke me while we touched lips, first light and soft, little butterfly kisses and tongue tickles, then becoming more passionate as it went on. One of my hands went to a breast, the other to her soft cock, and we worked each other up for a while, until Annette gave me one last little soft kiss on my lips, then straightened up. She smiled at me and turned toward the coffee.

As with Shannon, I watched her as she poured. She looked exactly like Shannon from behind, her hair only slightly shorter, perhaps a little softer around the edges, but a beautiful lady, without question. She came to the table and sat down, and I looked to see Shannon smiling at us, slightly shaking her head.

When our eyes met she said, "You two. I sure am glad you're my parents. I can't imagine living with parents who didn't treat each other the way you two do." Annette and I smiled at each other, and she put one hand over mine, looking at Shannon and saying, "I hope you find somebody like Dad, dear. It might take a while, but it's well worth the wait."

Shannon smiled impishly at her and said, "I already have found somebody like Dad. He's sitting right there." She looked at me, then back to Annette and firmly said, "I have no interest in looking any further, thank you very much."

Annette laughed quietly and replied, "I'm happy to share him with you, honey." She squeezed my hand and I thought that, like me, she was probably remembering the day we met, when she and Amanda had agreed to share me. We looked at each other and smiled, and the faraway look in her eyes told me that my thoughts were correct. Our lives had come full circle, it seemed.

We chatted a bit longer, then Annette asked if anybody was up for breakfast. We all got up and chipped in, and in a short time were sitting down to eat. We spent a little time discussing today's climbing competition that Shannon was in. She had high hopes for a first place, and Jan was coming over soon to go along with us. Shannon would have her very own cheering section today.

Jan arrived as we were cleaning up, and gave each of us kisses and hugs, with lots of touching and fondling involved. Jan was Shannon's first climbing coach, and we felt Shannon's success was primarily due to Jan's early instruction. The small climbing community knew that Shannon was Sophie's daughter, and everybody had helped her over the years because of how they all felt about Sophie. She had received so much diverse instruction and assistance that she knew a lot of what each of the other good climbers knew, and it really showed in competitions. Shannon was as well thought of as Sophie had been, and Jan even said that Shannon had surpassed her years ago in ability.

When we were finished cleaning up after breakfast, we all got dressed and piled into our car together. Shannon's gear had already been packed, so all we had to do was leave.

We arrived early so Shannon could get checked in. She carried her bag and looked around expectantly, waving and greeting friends and competitors. As we headed for the stands to take our seats, I couldn't help watch her as she moved. She had such a graceful strength - it was like watching a cat walk. She was unintentionally sexy, and I noticed a lot of guys watching her. Many of them were her friends and climbing companions, and she greeted them with hugs. She looked so small out there, but I knew that didn't matter in her case.

Today's event was a speed climb, which is always fun to watch. The climbers go two at a time, racing against a clock and each other, to see who can get to the top first. The times scored in each round would determine the seedings for each successive round. Shannon had fifteen other competitors in her adult class, so she would have a total of four climbs if she made it to the championship round.

Her first opponent was another lithe, athletic climber, who was close to six feet in height. I thought to myself that it gave her a one foot head start against tiny five foot Shannon. The two of them stood back for a bit, mentally running their routes as they readied for the start signal. You could see their hands working as they studied the wall and rehearsed their moves. They received the prompt to approach the wall, then stood ready. When the bell rang, they began to climb.

The other girl was fast, but Shannon had a great lunge to start. She went from rock to rock so fast, her limbs appeared in a blur - it was more like watching a cat run up a wall. She hit the button well ahead of her opponent and sprang backward, the rope slowly lowering her to the deck. She unhitched herself from the rope and looked over at us with a big smile, happy with her time. She walked over to us while the rest of the competitors were running their races, and said, "That was a good one. I might be able to shave a little off of that, but not much. I'm feeling good today, I should make it to the championship round."

She looked at Annette and me with a sly little grin, saying soto voce, "You guys make me sleep good." Annette and I chuckled, and Jan laughed. Jan interjected, "It's the least they can do for keeping you up late." Shannon smiled at her and nodded, her eyes sparkling, then returned to stand by for her next climb.

As the competition went on, Shannon was at the top of her game, and made it to the championship round fairly easily. One of her strongest competitors had a little slip and was knocked out by someone normally not quite as good. Shannon went over to her and gave her a hug, and I watched them talk seriously for a few seconds. Shannon gave her another little hug and patted her on the back before they parted. All of the climbers got along with each other, cheered for each other and congratulated each other for a win. I never saw any hard feelings at any of the events I had attended.

In the championship race, Shannon again went up the wall like she had rockets in her britches, and the margin of victory wasn't really close. It was close for the first three quarters, but Shannon opened the gap quickly from there. A large cheer went up when Shannon hit the button, and she was lowered to the ground to a large round of congratulatory hugs and high fives, a big grin on her face. The first one she hugged was her opponent, and they both had big smiles on their faces as they talked to each other.

Shannon walked over to sit with us to watch the men compete, and she told us a little about the race. "I think she was just fatigued, her speed really dropped toward the end," she said. Trust Shannon to chalk the win up to an opponent's failing, not talking about how good she was. It was one of the things the other climbers liked about her. She was always humble, even though a focused and fierce competitor when the race began.

Shannon called to share the good news with Shell, and they talked briefly. The four of us then chatted while the men raced, Shannon telling us about each of the competitors: how good each was in comparison to others, their strong points, weak points and personalities. She knew each of them, and cheered for them equally. She usually cheered hardest for whoever was falling behind, encouraging them to go faster, although I doubt her single voice could be heard over the other cheers.

When the event had ended, the awards were handed out and Shannon stood on the podium to receive her first place trophy, one more to add to her collection. When the awards ceremony was ended, Shannon said goodbye to everybody she ran into, and we rode home, Shannon still on a high from climbing. Every time we were in the car like this after one of her events, I wished all the more that I had seen Sophie. All we had were some stories from Jan: I had never watched Sophie compete.

Shannon knew her real reward was still to come. We had made it a custom to give her extra special attention when we returned home after a victory. Of course, if she hadn't won, we'd still give her extra attention, but as long as she kept winning we could say it was her first place prize. We felt obligated to do our part to keep her relaxed.

When we got home Shannon unpacked her bag, put her climbing clothes in the hamper, and went in for a shower. Jan, Annette and I all started stripping out of our clothing while we talked.

"So, when is Shell due back?" Jan asked.

Annette smiled and replied excitedly, "Three more days!" Then she laughed, a little embarrassed. "I know it's only been a month, but we really miss her."

Jan touched her and said, "I know. You don't have to explain it to me. I'm looking forward to seeing her, too."

Annette put her arms around Jan's neck and began kissing her. Jan put her hands around Annette's waist, then moved them lightly up and down her back as the kiss went on. Jan was also still very sexy, and it was quite a turn-on to watch them as they pushed their bodies together and touched each other while they kissed.

Shannon came out of the bathroom, her skin shining, almost glowing, the way Annette looks after a shower. She saw Jan and Annette kissing and her face broke out in a wide smile, looking to me with a twinkle in her eye. I smiled back at her and enjoyed watching her walk across the floor toward us. She was incredibly sexy as she padded toward us, and I tried to take in the whole picture without focusing on any one part. She walked up to me and leaned up to give me a kiss, one hand dropping to slowly stroke my rigid cock as the other reached around my neck to pull me toward her.

I put my arms around her, feeling the softness of her skin beneath my fingertips as our tongues gently touched through our parted lips. I ran my fingertips down her back, across the little dimple at the top of her butt, then grabbed her tight cheeks and gave them a squeeze, pulling her into me. She let go of my cock and put that hand around my neck too, pulling herself against me, pinning my cock between us. I ran my fingernails back up along her spine, then down again and up the sensitive skin of her sides.

She moved her head back just far enough to say, "I love the way you touch me, Dad." I continued to move my hands slowly over her body and replied, "I love to touch you just as much, baby." We continued kissing until I felt a hand on my back, opening my eyes to see Annette and Jan watching us, smiles on their faces. I broke the kiss and said, "Excuse us. We're still giving congratulatory kisses. Line forms to the rear."

Jan laughed and Annette said, "And a nice rear it is, too," as she ran her hand down over my bum. I released Shannon, and she took turns giving Annette and Jan each a long, sensuous kiss. As Shannon was kissing Jan, Annette ran one fingertip lightly up the length of my twitching shaft, a little smile on her face. I leaned down to kiss her, and she tipped her head back to meet me. Our lips met, and I felt a sudden surge of emotion, not an uncommon occurrence when I touched this woman.

I pulled her close to me, kissing her softly but hungrily, and as if she felt my mind, she grasped me fiercely, holding me tight to herself as our tongues tangled with each other. My hands were roaming her back, down to her buns, lifting and pulling her cock against mine. We briefly became lost in the moment, unaware of anything else, before I heard Shannon and Jan giggling. Reluctantly I broke our kiss and looked at them with a smile and saying, "This is a congratulatory kiss, too. We're congratulating each other for raising Shannon and meeting Jan. That's all." I shrugged nonchalantly as Annette laughed.

Shannon looked at us fondly and replied, "Like I said this morning, I'm so glad you're my parents." Annette reached out an arm for Shannon, and she stepped right in, putting her arms around the two of us and resting her head on my chest. We held each other briefly before Annette said, "Let's move into the bedroom."

We all trooped in, Shannon eagerly climbing onto the bed and laying on her back, waiting with a smile. This was something we did often, and we basically just worked her over, each of us doing whatever we felt like while she lay back and enjoyed our attentions. She was in good enough shape that she could handle anything we could dish out, and if she wanted anything in particular, she just asked for it.

Annette climbed onto the bed next to Shannon, leaning over and kissing her while gently playing with one of her boobs. Jan slithered in between Shannon's legs and began slowly licking and teasing her pussy with a wet tongue. I hopped onto the other side from Annette and just gently touched her for a bit, running my fingertips all over her body. I leaned forward and took a breast into my mouth, suckling on the nipple, running my tongue back and forth over it while my hand traveled up and down her torso with a feather touch.

The full-body stimulation Shannon was receiving soon brought her to orgasm. She moaned in Annette's mouth, lifting her hips to Jan's mouth, pouring her sweet juices out onto Jan's lapping tongue. Jan finally lifted her head, her cheeks shiny with Shannon's slick nectar, and I smiled at her. We loved to take turns eating on Shannon, and she enjoyed it when we did. Annette broke the kiss, raising up to throw one leg over Shannon's torso and moving her stiff little cock in front of Shannon's face. Shannon lifted her head to get the twitching member into her mouth, then sucked it fully in, Annette leaning forward so that Shannon could lay her head back.

Annette began making short, easy thrusts into Shannon's mouth while Shannon's hands moved to Annette's butt cheeks, pulling her in as she sucked on Annette's hard little prick. Jan slipped back from between Shannon's legs and I quickly took the spot. I lowered my face to Shannon's dripping pussy, taking a big breath of her sweet musk as I opened my mouth to fully engulf her beautiful twat. I licked the length of her slick slot, flicking my tongue over her hard clit a few times when I got there, then moving back down to probe into her delectable snatch.

Her flavor was exquisite, the sort of thing I'd like to have for breakfast, lunch and supper. Actually, sometimes I did, but the thought is still the same. It was good at any time of the day or night, and I couldn't get enough of it. I worked my tongue eagerly all over her wet pussy, inside and out, taking time to work the sensitive clit until she was getting close to orgasm, then backing away and slowly lapping her juices. It drove her crazy when I did it that way, but with Annette's cock in her mouth she was unable to do anything about it.

Shannon's hips were rising up, wanting harder contact, trying to make me do what she wanted, but I kept it just out of reach, building her up. I heard Annette moan and knew she was coming in Shannon's warm mouth, feeding her a small dose of sweet semen. I chuckled while I was probing deeply into Shannon's pussy, turned on by the thought of Annette's delightful spunk. Annette got off of Shannon and lay back down beside her, leaning her head down to kiss again.

Shannon broke the kiss and said, "Dad, you'd better let me come or I'm going to put you in a thigh lock and pinch your head off." Annette and I both burst out in laughter, then I meekly replied, "One orgasm, coming up."

I focused on her clit, and when she lifted her hips to push into me, I pushed down against her the way she wanted. She came in a convulsive rush, her hard stomach tensing, legs stiff, and she almost did pinch my head off with her strong thighs. She had me captured there for a few moments while her orgasm ran its course, my tongue eagerly lapping up all of her tasty nectar.

Her legs finally relaxed, allowing the circulation to return to my brain, and I slowly licked and lapped her down. She would occasionally twitch as the last vestiges of her climax ran its course, and the lightest touch over her hard love button would cause her to jerk up.

As I was finishing, Shannon said, "Fuck me, Dad. Come inside me and make a baby."

I was ready for some relief myself, so I gladly positioned my hard cock at her entry and touched it to the moist opening. I ran the head a few times up and down over her slot, lubricating it, then slowly pushed in. I worked it in short, in and out movements, until I was finally buried inside of her. Shannon moaned, "Oh, Dad. That feels so good." I leaned forward until my face was above hers, resting on my elbows while my hips made short soft strokes into her.

I said quietly, "It feels just as good to me, honey. Let's see if we can make a baby." She put her hands on my back and her legs around my waist and we began moving against each other. I made long, slow strokes into her at the beginning, enjoying the tightness of her vaginal muscles as she pulled me into her. We kissed briefly, then I moved my head down to nuzzle her neck, licking softly and sucking on her earlobe.

Shannon was moaning as she worked herself on my plundering prong, her movements becoming more urgent, my long strokes growing faster. Soon we were slamming against each other, hard and rapid, and Shannon was quietly chanting, "Dad. Dad. Dad," with each impact. I was getting close, and she could feel the throbbing of my cock inside of her. She was pulling me hard with her legs, demanding, begging me to dump my load deep into her womb.

My orgasm hit, and I pushed hard into her, holding there while my cock pulsed and throbbed, blasting my hot spunk into her. I groaned in her ear, "Oh, baby," and she moaned in pleasure. I made a few short, hard thrusts, my body tensing and holding, then came to a quivering stop, laying on top of her, spent. I moved my lips to hers, kissing her gently, little lip touches and tongue tickles as our breathing returned to normal.

Her legs relaxed and fell back to the bed, allowing me to get off, but I wanted to enjoy this for a bit more. I slowly ground my hips against hers, and felt her pushing back the same way. My cock finally softened and slipped out, and I rolled off of her, leaning up for one more quick little kiss before falling to my back. Annette was quick to take my cock into her mouth, licking and sucking our combined juices off, while Jan got into a 69 with Shannon, ducking her head between Shannon's legs to clean her dripping snatch while Shannon began to eagerly lick Jan's hot cunt, soon bringing her to orgasm and lapping up her tasty juice.

When we had temporarily satisfied Shannon, we hopped into the shower together, touching and fondling each other as we got clean. Dinner that night was a quiet, relaxed affair, the conversation desultory, each of us basking in the enjoyment of the day.

Jan spent the night with us and helped with chores the next day. We had an enjoyable afternoon with her before she went home. Annette, Shannon and I had a quiet evening – Annette and I sitting on the couch reading and Shannon working on her course studies at the dining table. The silence was occasionally interspersed with a little bit of casual conversation and a few laughs, but it was very relaxing.

Shannon finished up her work, put her things in order for tomorrow and gave each of us good night kisses before heading into our room to go to bed. Sometime later Annette marked her book, put it down and snuggled up with me. I put my book on the arm of the couch and wrapped my arms around her, and we just sat there like that for a while. Sometimes we would fall asleep like this, to awaken early in the morning and stumble into bed. Tonight we did not, and later got up to join Shannon in bed

Annette spooned up to Shannon, waking her, and I snugged up to Annette, putting an arm over the both of them, my hand resting on Shannon's tummy. She grabbed my hand and held it tight against her, while Annette held one of Shannon's firm boobies. Annette whispered to Shannon, "Only two days until Shell's back." Shannon made a sleep little, "Mmm." We were silent after that, and quickly fell asleep in our warm, secure bundle.

Tuesday afternoon Shell drove up in her car and got settled in long before Shannon or I arrived home. Annette greeted her warmly, hugging her and giving her a long, wet kiss. The two of them hauled Shell's two-week supply of clothing in and got it situated in her old room, then sat and visited until Shannon arrived home a little while later.

The greeting between the two girls was unrestrained, from what Annette told me later, in fact giving a new definition to the word "unrestrained." After the initial squeals and greetings, they quickly removed each other's clothing and were making love on the couch within minutes of Shannon's return, Annette watching with amusement. Unrestrained, indeed.

I came home sometime later to see two beautiful naked girls running to greet me, a sight that would bring joy to most any man's heart, but mine more so because they were my daughters, and they were running because they were happy to greet me. Shell leapt into my arms, almost knocking me down, then smothering me with kisses. I was happy to see her, too, so I enthusiastically returned each one, reaching down to grab her naked buttocks and pulling her up so she could wrap her long legs around my waist. I saw Annette watching us with a big smile on her face.

Shell buried her head in my neck and said, "I'm so happy to see you, Dad."

I laughed and replied, "I can see that, but it's only been a month or so."

Shell mumbled, "Yeah, but you've got something that I haven't had for a month or so." She looked up at me and grinned.

"Barbecue?" I asked innocently. "We haven't barbecued since you left, so you haven't missed anything."

She laughed and planted another kiss on my lips, then unwrapped her legs from around me and stepped back, still smiling, giving a significant look at my crotch, which was showing my obvious physical excitement. Shannon then took her turn to greet me, and it was nearly as joyful as Shell's had been. While Shannon and I were kissing, Shell kept running her fingers along my arm, as if verifying that I was actually standing in front of her.

I put Shannon down and Shell grabbed my hand, smiling at me and pulling me further into the house. Shannon grabbed my other hand and the two of them drug me toward the couch.

Annette was laughing at the look on my face, and as I passed her I said, "Honey, could you grab my pack and helmet and take care of them? I'm being kidnapped." She kept laughing, nodding that she would take care of things.

"Girls," I said, "I really need to take a shower first. Can it wait five minutes?" Shell and Shannon looked at each other and in unison declared, "No!"

"Well, as a compromise, how about in the shower?" I asked. The girls looked at each other for a moment, then Shell nodded, a smile growing on her face.

"The shower will work fine. Let's go," she said, pulling me into the bedroom. Once there they stripped me out of my riding clothes and ushered me into the bathroom, touching me in all sorts of personal places and oohing and aahing over me. I was just going along with them; when they got into play mode, it was always the best strategy. As Shell was adjusting the water temperature, Annette came in, naked and smiling.

"I thought I might join you," she said.

Shannon smiled and said, "Oh, sure Mom. There's always room for you." Annette laughed at her and reached out to massage her breasts briefly, before standing back while they played their game.

We all got into the shower, and Shell was on me after the first rinse. She couldn't even wait for the soap procedure before taking my hard cock into her mouth and bobbing rapidly up and down on me. Annette had been trying to teach Shell how to deep throat me, but school kept the lessons few and far between. Shannon, living at home, had already mastered it, but Shell still had some work to do. It didn't stop us from enjoying what she did know, and she was as aggressive as Amanda when it came to getting what she wanted.

What she wanted right now was a tummy full of spunk, and she did what she knew to get it. Shannon was pressed against my back, tweaking and playing with my nipples while she made little nips on my shoulders. I was worked up from the greeting ceremony, and with Shell's attentive ministrations it wasn't long before I was jerking and twitching in her mouth, blasting a load of fresh come down her throat.

Shannon was cooing with delight as I emptied myself into her sister's mouth, feeling my trembling as she was pressed against me, and she gave me a hard squeeze before going back to lightly twiddling my nipples. I gave a couple of jerks into Shell's mouth, the last few drops squeezed out of me by her hands, then she stood up and wrapped her arms around Shannon and I and gave me another long, passionate kiss. I could taste my cum in her mouth as our tongues explored each other, then she stepped back and turned to Annette.

Shell smiled and said, "Your turn, Mom," then dropped to her knees again and took Annette's hard cock into her mouth, repeating everything until Annette moaned and squirted her little cumshot down Shell's throat. She stood and kissed Annette, then said in a satisfied tone, "NOW I'm home."

Shannon and I were standing together, her arms still around me, but her hands now running down to play with my soft cock as the water ran over us. I asked, "Is it OK if I get cleaned now?" Shannon gave me a squeeze while she chuckled and said, "OK, you can clean up, but we're not done with you. You can have dinner but then you're ours." Shell nodded emphatically in agreement.

Annette laughed and looked at her two wild daughters with fondness. "Don't use him up in one day, Shell. You're going to be here for a couple of weeks, so you want to spread it out a bit."

Shell scoffed, "Dad can take it. He's a randy old fart and he loves it. Besides," she went on, "I need to stock up for the next few months. I won't be back until spring."

I laughed and shrugged in surrender. "You can have whatever I've got, baby, but I'm not a spring chicken anymore."

Shell hugged me and said, "You're plenty for me, Dad. I'll go easy on you. Somewhat. Shannon and Mom can fill in the blanks."

Annette and I looked at each other and laughed. Shell was so much like her mother, Amanda. As our eyes held, I knew she was remembering Amanda, how she would keep us hopping with her bold manner and full speed ahead attitude. Amanda had always cared for us, and couldn't do enough to take care of us, but she also wanted whatever we were willing to give.

I was surprised that Shell hadn't found a boyfriend yet. She was certainly attractive and desirable, and I made a note to ask her how her love life was going at college. I wouldn't be surprised if she brought home a young man someday. Shannon had made it clear that she wasn't interested in another man, having everything she wanted here at home. Her first experience with men had turned her off and she knew what she would get here.

We cleaned up and dried off, then went out to make dinner. It took a little longer to prep tonight, with all the pauses for touching and kissing, but we eventually sat down to eat. The table talk was lively, the girls back together again, feeding off of each other. We laughed and carried on until we were full, then cleaned up together.

After dinner Shell insisted that it was time for me to fuck her. We only had anal sex because I didn't want to get her pregnant. She didn't like it, but she understood. She was constantly trying to talk me into it, but I stood firm. She was happy enough with anal, really only wanting to feel me inside of her, my body against hers, my arms wrapped around her.

We went to the bedroom where she climbed on in a reverse cowgirl, and Annette licked her pussy while teasing her G-spot briskly with two fingers. Shannon was sitting on my face, sliding her pussy back and forth on my mouth while she played with Shell's firm breasts, pinching and tweaking the nipples as Shell bounced up and down on my hard prick. I had my legs spread wide so Annette could fondle my balls and lick my exposed shaft while Shell was riding.

When I came inside of Shell in a shuddering gush, Shell cried out and came so hard she squirted on Annette. Annette squealed with delight as her face was splashed with Shell's discharge before she covered Shell's pussy and gulped the remainder straight from the source. Some of it ran down my cock to drip off my balls as she continued to pound herself onto me. It was the first time anything like that had happened, and we were all rather surprised.

Shannon was so turned on she almost smothered me as she came in a gush on my face. Fortunately she's small enough that I was able to lift her a bit so I could draw breath while continuing to lick and slurp at her tasty pussy, occasionally tickling her little asshole with my tongue.

The rest of the night went with occasional conversation interspersed with periods of sex. Sex on the couch, sex in bed, sex at the kitchen counter, wherever we happened to be when we got the urge. Annette and I eventually wore out and went to bed. The girls stayed up visiting and slept together in their old bedroom. This was not necessarily a bad thing, as it gave Annette and I some time alone, and we enjoyed snuggling and touching each other as we went to sleep.

When I awoke in the morning, I could hear the girls talking, so they were already up. I wondered briefly if they had gotten any sleep, then kissed and fondled Annette for a bit before getting up to engage in my morning drill. I came out of the shower clean and ready to face the day, heading out for my first cup of coffee. The girls greeted me from the dining room table, two visions of nubile beauty smiling at me as I walked across the room.

When I had poured coffee for Annette and me, I went to sit down. Shell grabbed my cock and pulled me toward her. She sucked me briefly, bringing me to immediate attention before letting me go. Shannon sat there smiling, understanding how Shell felt. I waited a moment to see if she wanted anything else, then sat down.

Shell looked at me apologetically, saying, "I'm sorry, Dad. I know you have to get ready for work, but I wanted to feel that one more time before you go."

I assured her that I had enough time for her to finish the job if she wanted and she nodded eagerly. I got up and went back to stand in front of her, running my hands through her hair as she took me into her mouth again. She licked, sucked and tickled, fondling my balls while working on my cock, and I soon blew a load into her mouth while she hummed with pleasure. She finished drinking my spunk and let me go with a pop, licking and smacking her lips with an impish smile.

I sat back down and asked how their night had gone. Shell said, "It was so good to sleep with my cuddlebug again," and reached out to touch Shannon.

I innocently asked, "Did you actually sleep?" They looked at each other and laughed, then Shannon said, "To be honest, not much, but we're rested enough for the day. I have one more day at school, then I get to take the rest of the time off with her. Mom will have to deal with her alone today, though."

Shell looked at me and said, "Don't worry, Dad. I'll go easy on her." I nodded as I took a sip of coffee and replied, "That's certainly reassuring. It would be nice to come home to a wife instead of a rag doll." Shell laughed and shrugged. "She's a turn-on, what can I say?"

I rolled my eyes and replied, "You're preaching to the choir, baby. All I have to do is think about her and I'm turned on."

While we were sitting there laughing and chatting, Annette came out of the bedroom. Again I couldn't help but watch as she walked across the floor toward us. Doggone, but that woman was sexy. She walked to me and we engaged in our usual long morning kiss, the girls waiting patiently for their turns.

Annette gave each of the girls a kiss, accompanied by much fondling, Shell saying, "I'll let you have a cup of coffee and let them get off before I have my way with you, Mom. You're safe for a little while." Annette laughed softly and touched Shell's cheek before sitting down next to me and picking up her coffee. We looked at each other as we sipped, occasionally reaching out to touch one another.

Shannon reached out to touch Shell, asking, "Aren't they beautiful?" Shell smiled and said, "Yes, they really are. I've never seen anybody like them. I doubt I ever will. If we're looking for that kind of partner, they've set an awful high bar."

Annette and I smiled at each other, really only knowing how we felt about each other and not comparing ourselves with anybody else. All these years and we still felt like we had hit the jackpot when we met. Amanda, I thought, if only you could see us today; not just us, but our two beautiful daughters. Thank you for introducing us. Thank you for giving us Shell to fill your shoes.

Later on I headed off to work, taking the car today for the special occasion of Shell being home. It allowed us more time together in the morning and evening, even just visiting, never mind the sex. It was good to have her home again, and I wanted to take advantage of it.

I kept my day brief, even leaving a little early to hurry home. When I walked through the door, the girls were sitting in the living room, visiting. Shannon had arrived home not long before and was sitting in Shell's lap, her arms around Shell's neck as they visited. They hadn't heard me arrive, but I laughed when I saw the girls sitting like that, and caused them all to start. Annette immediately jumped up, smiling, to greet me, and the girls rapidly followed.

The usual greetings ensued and they soon had me out of my clothes and on the couch, Annette on one side of me and Shannon on the other. I wasn't in need of a shower as badly as usual, since I hadn't ridden my bike, and Shell had me in her mouth in no time.

"So," I asked, trying for a casual tone while Shell sucked my hard cock, "What's happening today?" Annette smiled and smacked me on the arm.

I began running my hands through Shell's hair. I remembered what Annette had done with Amanda the first time we were all at Old Mill Pond, lifting her hair and dropping it in shimmering waves, and I tried to replicate that. Shell's hair lightly falling across my exposed skin was very sensual.

Shannon had snugged into me and was watching as I played with her sister's hair. After a bit she leaned over and began sucking and licking on one of my nipples, occasionally nipping on it. I moved one arm around her to play with one of her boobs while the other kept trickling Shell's hair over us.

Annette said, "The girls and I thought we could drive out to Old Mill Pond for a picnic this weekend. The weather isn't really good enough for a ride. Does that sound OK?"

I thought about it for a second and replied, "Sure, we can do that. The weather isn't supposed to be so bad we can't eat, and it's not like anybody's going to be jumping into the pond."

Shannon laughed around my nipple, then straightened up a bit and said, "I told Shell she had to behave or you'd throw her in."

Shell released my cock with a small pop and said, "I told her that if I went in, I'd make sure she was next, and then we'd gang up on you." Shell then returned to working my cock and balls, and I was getting close to blowing.

I said to Shannon, "It sounds like she doesn't want to behave. I think we ought to encourage her or it'll be a boring picnic." Shannon and Annette laughed, and Shell looked up at me with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Here it comes, baby," I said to Shell, and she doubled her efforts. I soon blew a load into her mouth, and she eagerly swallowed it down. When she had milked me dry she gave the head a little kiss, stood to kiss me and then snuggled in next to Shannon.

I pulled Annette close to me and she lay her head against my chest. I put my lips on the top of her head, kissing her, while one hand played gently with her boob. I lifted my other hand from around Shannon and drifted my fingers lightly down her tummy to fondle her little cock, pulling on her tight ball sack and stroking her slowly with two fingers. She squeezed me gently and spread her knees a little to make it easier for me.

After a little attention, she slowly began to grow. I just continued to play with her, and I noticed her breathing was growing a little heavier. I moved my hand from her little breast to her chin, giving a little pressure to encourage her to tip her head up. She did, and I leaned down to kiss her, tickling her soft lips with the tip of my tongue, flicking it across them a couple of times, then pressing my lips softly against hers. Our tongues touched, played with each other and then began tangling as we grew more excited. Her cock was becoming stiffer and I began to slowly stroke her while we kissed.

Shannon's strong little hand began playing with my cock and balls, and I spread my own legs a bit in encouragement. I was still soft, but was getting excited by Annette's body, and it probably wouldn't be long before I would be hard again.

Annette's cock was fully hard now, and I kissed my way down across her cute breasts, licking and sucking, then down her tummy, sliding off the couch while I worked my way down. She spread her legs and I knelt down between them, finally reaching her small, stiff treasure. I gently fondled her balls while I kissed the tip of her hard cock, her hands running through my hair.

I licked up the length of her cock, spending a little time on the head, flicking my tongue across the piss slit, then began slowly bobbing up and down, taking her full length into my mouth and running my tongue around it while I sucked. Her hips lifted each time I bobbed down, rising to greet me. I worked her cock and balls over with my tongue, slowly, sensuously, building her up until she was trembling, pushing herself up at me, craving release. I watched her face for a few moments - her eyes were closed, head back, lips slightly parted. Her chest was rising and falling rapidly, her little nipples erect, her head swinging from side to side in little arcs.

Finally I let her go. I swallowed her length, sucking hard, bobbing rapidly for a few short moments until she groaned and pushed up into my mouth, her sweet semen gushing out over my tongue. I savored her flavor and texture for a moment, then swallowed as I continued to suckle. She humped a couple of times, jerking as her orgasm ran its course, then relaxed back onto the couch, running her fingers gently through my hair as I kissed and licked her rapidly diminishing cocklette.

I pushed her thighs up, exposing her cute little butthole, and tickled it with my tongue. She grabbed herself behind the knees, pulling her legs up, giving me free access to her twitching anus. I licked and tongued her asshole, listening to her moan with pleasure. After a few minutes I was poking my tongue into her, her tight ring having loosened a little bit. I gave one last swipe with my tongue, then straightened up, my cock now hard and twitching in anticipation.

I felt a touch on my shoulder and looked to see Shell holding the bottle of lube out to me, a big smile on her face. I smiled back in thanks, then lubed Annette's ass and my cock, handing the bottle back to Shell. Shannon was kissing Annette softly, one hand holding a leg back and playing with Annette's boobs.

I rose up until I had my cock in position at Annette's asshole, then slowly began pushing in, rotating my hips as I applied pressure. I slowly sank in, her tight sphincter giving way, grasping me while I pushed, until I was up to my balls inside of her. She was moaning into Shannon's mouth as they kissed. I leaned forward and kissed Shannon's shoulder as I soaked my hard prick inside of Annette's tight ass.

Shannon sat back and smiled at me, gave me a little kiss, and I took over kissing on Annette, holding her knees back with my arms as our lips met. She put her arms around me, pulling me to her as I began to slowly rock in and out of her. Shannon ran her fingers lightly up and down my back as Annette and I made love. She ran one hand down across my buttocks to cup and fondle my balls as I was slowly moving in and out of Annette.

After a bit I put my knees against the couch and straightened up, pulling Annette up with me, still kissing, her legs now over my shoulders and my cock buried inside of her. I lifted her, turned around and sat on the couch, releasing her legs go so she could kneel over me and control the action. She put her hands on my cheeks while she kissed me, then straightened up and began to move up and down. I put my hands on her little boobs, massaging them and playing with the nipples.

Shannon stood to get behind Annette, and began running her hands over Annette's shoulders, up and down her neck, gentle touches intended to titillate. Shell moved over next to me, finally joining the action, and leaned over to kiss me, firmly and actively, her tongue running around inside my mouth, her arm around my neck pulling me to her the way Amanda used to.

Before long Annette was bouncing up and down with aggressively, pounding onto me, her little cock leaking semen. I was approaching orgasm, and was pushing back up into her as she descended. Shell realized it was getting harder for me to breathe while we kissed, so she backed off and ran her hand through my hair as she watched my groin meet Annette's behind. She reached over and grabbed Annette's flopping cock, squeezing and pulling on it, causing Annette to moan with pleasure.

I groaned and pushed hard up into Annette, lifting her up, my rigid rod pulsing as I fired my load into her bowels. I held her there briefly, then dropped back to the couch and lifted her again, the feeling of being deep inside of her so exquisite. Shannon was rubbing herself against Annette's back, her hands over mine on her mother's breasts, enjoying our trembling orgasm along with us. I finally let us back down, falling limp, spent for the moment and opened my eyes.

Annette opened her eyes just then too, and we looked at each other and smiled. I let my hands relax to drift lightly down her sides to her waist, my thumbs meeting near her navel, and just caressed her for a bit like that. Shannon had her head resting on Annette's shoulder, fondling her mother's boobs. Shell had snuggled in next to me and was lightly running her fingertips across my stomach.

Shannon let go of Annette and came to sit beside Shell, who had her head resting on my shoulder. Annette then leaned forward to lay her head on my chest, and I ran my hands up and down her back, enjoying the feel of her soft skin.

We sat like that for a bit, then Shannon quietly asked, "What's for supper?" I laughed quietly, and felt Annette doing the same on top of me. She lifted her head to look at me, her eyes sparkling with laughter and a big smile on her face. I smiled back at her and bent my head down for a kiss. We kissed briefly, then she sat up, still sitting on my now soft cock. She moved her hips languidly against me, a little smile on her face as our eyes met, then she looked over to Shannon and said, "Fix whatever you want. We'll join you when it's ready."

Shell laughed from her spot against me, and said to Shannon, "Yeah, fix us dinner. I burned some calories, too." I saw Shannon reach over and pinch the sensitive skin on the inside of Shell's thigh, causing Shell to shriek and jump. Shannon jumped up and ran around the end of the couch, laughing, as Shell got up to go after her. I watched Annette's eyes as they followed the girls' path, then she smiled and said quietly, "Shell caught her. They're kissing in the kitchen."

I laughed and said, "Sounds like what happens when I catch you." She looked back at me with her little smile and said softly, "Yes, but I try not to run too hard from you. I like it too much when you catch me." I sat up with her in my lap, and we shared another kiss, then I lifted her and laid her down on the couch, lifting her legs to clean her leaking butt. When I finished cleaning her, I straddled her chest and she cleaned my cock off.

After I was clean, I lay down on top of her, supported by my elbows, and we kissed for the next few minutes, her hands lightly running up and down my back.

I finally stood up, holding my hand out to her. She took it and I pulled her to her feet and into my arms. We hugged and touched each other for a bit, then went to the kitchen where the girls were preparing a meal. I walked up behind Shannon and put my arms around her, cupping her breasts in my hands and leaning my head down to nibble on her neck and shoulder. She leaned back against me and just enjoyed my attention for a bit before I let go and moved over to Shell, repeating the process.

When I finished with her I looked over her shoulder and asked, "What's for supper?" Shannon said, "You'll see when it's ready. We'll let you know when." I looked at Annette and said, "It sounds like we've been dismissed. Let's go cuddle." We went back to the couch and did just that.

That weekend we had a relaxing drive to the pond, and set up our dinner. It was cool but sunny, and there wasn't any wind, so the meal went well. Annette and I sat so that we could look over the pond and reminisce. We told stories about Amanda and Sophie, some of which we actually hadn't told before. The girls understood, and never stopped us to say they had heard them before.

I got up and walked to the pond, sticking my fingers in to check the temperature. It was pretty cold. I looked at Shell and smiled. She smiled back and pointed her finger at me, as if saying, "Watch yourself, buddy." Annette and Shannon laughed and I stood up, shaking the water off my hand and going back to the picnic table.

Shell eyeballed me the entire way back to the table, and I was reminded of Amanda at the lake. Annette caught it too, and smiled at me in her special way. We exchanged a look and smiles as we remembered Amanda that day. I sat down next to her, touching her gently, as I looked at Shell and innocently asked, "Are you sure you don't want to go for a dip? The water's nice."

Shell smiled sweetly, and firmly replied, "Not. On. Your. Life." Shannon burst out in peals of laughter, and Annette and I chuckled. We returned home that afternoon not having taken a dip in the pond. It was a bit disappointing, but self preservation sometimes leads to disappointing outcomes, and the water WAS very cold.

We returned home and put everything away, then went to sit in the living room. The girls went into their room and undressed, coming out without a stitch of clothing, and when Shell saw us on the couch with our clothes still on she loudly asked, "Why are you still dressed? Get out of those clothes, we have things to do." Annette looked at me laughing, and I held my arm up as though defending myself, and said, "OK, OK. We're going."

We went into our room and took our clothes off, putting everything into the laundry hamper and going back out to the living room. Shell nodded in satisfaction. "That's better," she said.

Annette and I took our seats on the couch and the girls snuggled in on either side of us. I turned to Shell and asked, "Shell, have you met any interesting guys at school? Been on any dates or anything?" She looked up at me and replied, "I've been on a couple of dates, but the guys weren't really all that interesting. I think they mostly just want my body."

The rest of us laughed and I said, "Well, I can certainly understand that, and I'm pretty sure Mom and Shannon agree with the sentiment." Shannon nodded vigorously, emphatically proclaiming, "Oh, yes!" Shell laughed at us and replied, "No, not like that. You guys like me first and my body second." Then she looked at me with exaggerated suspicion and said, "You do, right?" We laughed and I pulled her tight to me, agreeing, "Yes, honey. We knew what you meant."

Shell rubbed my arm lightly and said, "I'm going to do what Mom said and take my time. I'm going to be fussy and wait until I get the right guy." She looked over at us and went on, "And he'll have to be OK with what we're doing now. I don't want to have to stop with you guys."

Annette looked over at her and said, "That's sweet, honey, and I hope you find the right guy, but we're getting older and you need to think of the rest of your life. Don't ruin it on our account."

Shell shook her head and replied, "Oh, I wouldn't be ruining it. I've still got Shannon." Shannon laughed and agreed, "That's right!"

Annette asked, "Have you thought of a girlfriend instead of a guy? It worked for your mother." Shell nodded and answered, "I did, but you also told me that she had to share Dad. I know what she missed with a girl, even though Dad won't do me like I want." She looked over at Shannon and quickly said, "Nothing against you, Shannon." Shannon smiled and said, "I know, Shell. I know what Dad has that I don't. Not to brag, but he uses it on me almost every day."

She smiled brightly at me, and I had to laugh. Shell threw her a fake glower, then tugged on my arm and said, "Are you sure we can't do it, Dad?"

"No," I said firmly. "We can do anal, but I won't chance a baby with you."

Shell sighed, "OK. It's not like anal is bad, but I'd sure love to feel you in my pussy. Mom and I did it the other day, and it was great, but Mom said your cock would feel so much better."

I hugged her again and replied, "I know, baby. I'd really like to do it with you, too. You're tempting, no question, but I really don't want to make a baby. We could try it with condoms, if you'd like, but we don't have any here. We've never used them."

Shell brightened up and asked, "Really? Let's do that! I think I can deal with not having you come inside of me."

"Sure," I said. "We'll pick some condoms up tomorrow and have at it."

Shannon said, "Dad, why can't you start with her and finish with me? I want you to come inside of me, anyway." I looked at Annette. She smiled at me and smacked her forehead lightly, as if saying, "Why didn't we think of that."

I laughed and leaned over to give Shannon a high five. "Perfect, baby," I said.

For the rest of Shell's vacation, that was how we did it. I would make love with her, but as I was approaching my orgasm, I would quickly shift over to Shannon, who was usually being attended to by Annette, insert my throbbing prick and finish the job there. Shannon got all my spunk and Shell got to feel me inside of her. We were all pretty happy, although I felt a little guilty that Annette wasn't getting as much of me as she normally did. We still did our normal morning routine, where I would typically make love with her before getting out of bed, but with Shell there she was getting less of it during the day and night. Shannon didn't mind that much, since she really just wanted a baby anyway.

Christmas was a joyous affair, with the four of us opening gifts from each other and relaxing with hot spiced drinks in between meals and the occasional sexual foray. We went to bed that night satisfied, and slept like logs for the most part.

Shell spent the last night of her vacation with us in our bed, the four of us cuddled up together to share our last bit of time together until March, when Shell would return for a couple more weeks. We were all sad to see her go. Like Amanda, she brought a certain chutzpah to our days and things would be much quieter when she was gone. She had to leave early for the long drive back to campus and still get rest for school the next day. She gave me one last blowjob, "for the road" as she put it, then she left us. We waved at her and watched her until she was out of sight down the street, then went back inside.

A month or so later Shannon greeted me at the morning coffee with a big smile and hug and said, "Dad, I might be pregnant. I might have been pregnant when Shell was here, but until I missed another period I wasn't sure." I hugged her back and said, "That's great, honey. Have you run a pregnancy test yet?" She tweaked my nose and said, "Going there now. I'll let you and Mom know as soon as I find out."

Annette came out and we engaged in our morning kiss, only to be interrupted by a squeal from Shannon. Annette started and asked, "I wonder what that was all about?" I laughed and said, "I think we'll find out soon." Shannon came running out and leapt into my arms, giving me a big kiss, saying, "Thank you, Dad. Thank you." I looked at Annette matter-of-factly and said, "She's pregnant." Annette's face lit up with a big smile and she hugged the two of us.

"Oh, honey," she said. "That's great! You'd better call your sister and let her know."

Shannon ran to her room to call Shell, and the laughter and joy from the room made my heart feel so full. She was so much like Annette, wanting a baby so bad. I held Annette to me, softly rubbing her with my fingertips, and said, "Another little one for you, baby."

She looked up at me with shining eyes and said, "Oh, David. This is so great. My grandbaby. I'm going to have a grandbaby." I kissed her gently and quietly repeated, "Your grandbaby." She hugged me fiercely and we held each other while we listened to the happiness from Shannon's bedroom.

Shannon finally came out, her eyes sparkling. She looked so lovely, reminding me so much of Sophie when she learned she was pregnant.

"Guess what?" she asked with a big smile.

"I give up, what?" I replied.

"Shell missed her period this month. She might be pregnant, too," Shannon said, her smile becoming a big grin.

I turned to Annette with a worried look. Did I mess up, or was it hers? She knew what I was thinking, and had a pensive look on her face as well. Well, it was too late now to worry about it. We'd see what happened when the baby was born.

Shannon saw the worried looks and realized what was going through our minds. She quickly walked over to us and said, "Don't worry, guys. Everything will be fine, you'll see."

Well, right about the time school started the next year, we did see. Shannon had a beautiful baby boy, and a month later Shell had a baby girl. A baby girl with blonde hair. Apparently Annette had some mighty dominant genes. Annette could take care of Shannon's baby, but Shell took a year off of school to give her baby a proper start.

It was great to have both of our girls home, and the two little ones waking us up in the middle of the night, interrupting our sleep or our lovemaking, all of the things that a new little one brings, times two. We kept laughing at how similar the situation was to when Sophie and Amanda had the girls so close together. Annette and I were experienced with the whole scenario so it was no big deal.

One night as Annette and I were in bed, just the two of us this time, we talked quietly as we touched and snuggled. Annette said quietly, "It's like it's starting all over again." I gently fondled her breast and replied, "Yes, Amanda and Sophie will be with us a long time now." Annette grasped my hand tightly to her and softly said, "That was a magical day, the day we met. Look at where we've come to." I held her tightly until we fell asleep, and I saw Amanda that night in my dreams, smiling and laughing with us.


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