
By Josh McCoy

Published on Aug 21, 2016


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I met Annette through a mutual friend, Amanda. Annette, Amanda, her girlfriend Sophie and I lived together, until Amanda and Sophie were taken from us in a terrible accident. We had their two daughters, and did our best to raise them.

The story of how I met Annette can be read about in "Annette." I wrote a bit about our relationship with Amanda in "Annette - Fun with Amanda." Amanda introduced us to Sophie in "Amanda Brings Home a Friend." "Sophie's Story" covers the brief time we had with her. "Shannon and Shelley" covers raising the girls until they are almost in high school.

Shannon and Shelley stood on each side of Annette, everybody smiling at me as I snapped the pictures. We took some with our friend Jan in them, then Jan took some of the four of us. The girls were in their caps and gowns, having just graduated from high school and I was busy memorializing the event. They were both going to be going to college next year, Shannon looking at civil engineering and Shelley into English literature. Shannon wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps, although a different field of engineering, and Shelley was like her mother in that she was going her own way.

Neither of the girls had a steady boyfriend, but each had been out on dates over the years. Annette had talked to them about sex, and birth control if they were going to be active, but I have no idea if either of them had done anything along those lines.

The girls were still very close. When they entered high school and we offered them their own rooms, they declined. They liked sharing a room, and that was that. Unfortunately, the good engineering school was not the same school that Shelley was going to. Shelley said, "When you get a full scholarship, you want to take advantage of it," and Shelley had earned hers on merit. There was a college fund set up for each of them, but Shell wanted to save hers for continued education when the scholarship was depleted. Shannon would stay home with us and ride the city bus to school, but Shell would be living in a dorm on campus several hundred miles away.

When Shelley was 12 she had recited from memory Percy Bysshe Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" at their talent show. She spoke so sincerely, not as though she was repeating somebody else's words, but more as if she was pouring out her emotions, receiving a standing ovation from people who had no idea what she had just done. She made it sound so painful, yet hopeful, Annette and I were in tears. We were of course thinking of Amanda, and how Amanda had left Shelley behind to help us cope.

Shannon was petite, like both of her parents, but her enjoyment of rock climbing kept her strong. I saw in her a perfect combination of her parents. Each of the girls were athletic, but where Shannon was small and lithe, Shelley was more like Amanda. Shelley had her mother's build, with my hair and eyes but her mother's high cheekbones and beautiful figure.

Jan went home after the graduation ceremony, telling us we needed to have this weekend together alone. We took the girls out for a celebration dinner that evening, and the four of us had a grand time. They had always been great company, and seeing them now made my heart swell with happiness. Annette and I still often wished their mothers were here to see them, but we each believed they were out there watching over us.

When we finished dinner, we told the girls we had a special event planned for them. They looked at us, eyes bright, wondering what it could be, but we said nothing more about it. "Just wait," we said. When we arrived home we told them to dress in comfortable house clothes and we'd show them something we'd been waiting for the time to be right to show.

When everybody had changed, we took them into the office. I had upgraded Amanda's old computer many times over the years, but nothing had been lost. We no longer had three monitors hooked up, but the two that we had were good enough for this. We pulled chairs up for everybody and I began to open up Amanda's photo albums. As I started, I explained that Amanda had brought her camera everywhere we went, and took pictures constantly, so we had a good record of our time together. I looked at the Shell and said, "I'll start by showing you some of your mother's award winning photos. They're fairly erotic, so if either of you are uncomfortable, let us know and we can stop."

I pulled up the picture of Annette and I jumping into Old Mill Pond, and Shannon let out a little "Oh," moved by something she saw. Shell leaned forward and looked at it closely, then turned to us with a smile. "That's you," she said. "Now I know why you jumped into the pond that day. I always wondered what had come over you."

I laughed and told the story of how Annette and I would jump into the pond each time we arrived, about the time I had run into the water carrying Amanda, and how once she began biking with us, she would jump in also. I interrupted the order I wanted to show the pictures to show them one of the pictures I had taken of Amanda and Sophie jumping in. The girls were smiling, seeing the exuberance their mothers had in life.

Shell looked back at the picture and said, "I want to do it that way the next time we ride out there." She smiled at Shannon and asked, "What do you say?" Shannon smiled and nodded in agreement, and Annette and I looked at each other soberly.

I went to the picture of Annette and me walking out of the pond, and again the girls studied it. "Wow," said Shannon. "You're glowing." Shell nodded agreement, "Yeah." I told them that the light that day had apparently been rather unique, which we had never been able to recreate, and it was the reflections of the light off the water running from our bodies that made the picture so compelling.

I showed them the picture of Annette and I kissing by the lake, and Shannon said, "Dad, Mom. That is so cool. You look so . . . my goodness."

Shell said quietly, "That makes me so horny." Annette and I looked at her, startled, then looked at each other and burst out laughing. It was so much like something Amanda would have said, and we chuckled about the comment for a days afterward.

Shannon touched Shell softly, smiling at her, and said, "Yeah, that. I couldn't find the words, but that's pretty much it." She looked at Annette and me and said, "You've always shown each other so much love, and seeing you like that back then, how young you were. I'd like to find somebody I could love like that."

Annette smiled at her and reached out to touch her. "Maybe someday, honey. Dad was 27 when we met, and I was a few years younger. Don't rush it. I tried to rush it and had some unhappy experiences. Let love find you."

Shannon nodded, smiling back at her, then we went back to the pictures. The girls were mostly quiet as we went through them, Annette and me telling the stories behind them. We had told them most of the stories before, but the pictures gave the old stories new meaning.

When we finished, I closed the folder and sat back. Annette and I looked at the girls and they looked at us. Shannon got up and went around behind us, hugging Annette and I to her. She held us for a bit and then stood back. "Thanks," she said simply. Shell then got up and hugged us the same way, and thanked us also. I invited them to come look at the photos anytime they wanted, and showed them the shortcut on the desktop.

The girls were up late discussing the pictures, talking about their mothers, asking us questions occasionally, until finally Annette and I couldn't stay awake any longer. We kissed them good night and went to our room. We undressed and got into bed, snuggling and kissing lazily. Annette was laying on top of me and stopped to look at me. "That makes me horny," she mimicked Shell. We laughed and I said quietly, "Hot."

Annette smiled at me and said softly, "She's like Amanda reborn, isn't she?" I slowly ran the balls of my thumbs from the corners of her lips to her earlobes while we looked at each other, then we went back to kissing.

Annette was still sexy, even in her late 40s. Her lips were still soft, her breasts still rather firm, although a bit softer now from the gravitational effect of the years. She was still very active and her body had not softened appreciably. I'd wager that if Amanda were here she'd still want to follow us around with her camera.

The next morning we waited for Jan to arrive, as we had planned to ride out to Old Mill Pond together. The ride went well, our five person peloton unrolling the miles swiftly. When we arrived and had parked our bikes, Shell said to Shannon, "Are we going to jump into the pond?" Shannon gave her a big smile and replied, "Sure!"

I was startled when they began stripping off their clothes. Annette quickly asked, "What are you girls doing?" They looked at each other and laughed, then Shell said, "We're going to jump into the pond like you used to. Wanna join us?" We watched, rather stupefied, as two nubile naked bodies appeared before us. Shell was really an image of Amanda, with a striking figure, and Shannon now exhibited more than ever how much like Annette she looked.

Jan was laughing quietly, giggling at us while we watched our girls strip down. I looked at her and she shrugged, an offer in her eyes. I shook my head, a little smile growing on my face, and looked at Annette. I quietly asked, "Why not?" Annette smiled at me, as if asking, 'Seriously?'

Shell asked again, "Wanna join us?" then the two of them held hands and ran to the pond, jumping up to hit the water with a splash. Jan began taking off her cycling clothes, and Annette and I soon followed suit. Jan was finished first and dove into the water, then Annette and I. The girls were swimming around, laughing and carrying on. Annette and I kissed after surfacing, then swam back to shallow water and waded out. We wiped most of the water off with our sweaty riding gear, then hung the clothing over various branches and sat on the table to watch the girls. Jan was just a bit behind us, and joined us there.

The coolness of the water soon drove them out, and they were a vision to behold. I was sorry I didn't have a camera with me, but I don't think I'll soon forget that picture. When the girls approached, laughing and joking, Shannon saw Annette's cold, shrunken penis. She stopped abruptly, staring, then looked Annette in the eye, her eyes wide. "Mom?" she said in disbelief. Shell was a little longer seeing the issue, but then she too stared wide-eyed.

It was something we had previously discussed telling the girls, and it appeared that now was that time. When we looked at each other prior to getting out of our riding clothes, we had talked about it with our eyes, and agreed that we should do it now.

Shell recovered quicker, nudging Shannon and saying, "Guess what? Mom's your Dad." Annette and I both chuckled, watching Shannon closely. Shannon's eyes met Annette's and Annette nodded. It was quite a difficult fact to absorb easily, that the woman you called Mom was really your father. We had never discussed the girls' fathers, only their mothers, so it had never come up. I think everybody knew that Shell was mine, but the similarities between Annette and Shannon had never come up, at least among the girls.

Shell said, "Wow," and I looked to see her looking at Annette with a broad grin. "This is so neat. All these years and we never knew." She looked back to Shannon and said again, this time with excitement, "Mom's your Dad!" Shannon was still unable to speak, and Annette quickly interjected, "You can still call me Mom. In this family that's what I am."

Shannon was studying Annette, the sudden incongruity of the picture making her unable to speak what she was thinking. I remember how surprised I was when I first saw Annette's penis, so I knew a bit of what she was going through. However, I hadn't grown up thinking of Annette as my mother, so it was going to take Shannon a little more time to accept what she was seeing.

Annette got up and walked to Shannon, taking her into her arms. If you couldn't see Annette's little cock, they looked almost like twin sisters standing like that. Annette softly said, "I'm still your Mom, but yes, you are my daughter - mine and Sophie's." Shell sat down next to me and put her arm around me, pressing one breast against my upper arm. I was a bit surprised, looking at her to see she was watching Annette and Shannon with a big smile. She looked at me, her eyes sparkling, and said, "Dad, this is so cool." I smiled back at her and said, "It is, isn't it?" She seemed very casual about the contact between us, so I decided to play it the same way.

Annette just held Shannon, their breasts pressed together. Shannon's arms tentatively went around Annette, and I soon saw the hug grow tighter. Shannon said quietly, "Wow, that was kind of a shock. I guess it doesn't change who you are, though. You're still my Mom." Annette said, "That's right, honey. That's what matters."

Shell put her other arm around me, hugging me tightly, still smiling ear to ear. I now had two firm young breasts pressed against me, and felt a stirring in my groin. I mentally forced it to stop, and I think the effects of the cold water had a lot to do with my eventual success. I looked over at Jan, and she looked at me with a big smile. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head, smiling back at her.

Annette stepped back and came to sit back beside me. Shannon hesitated a couple of seconds, then sat down alongside her. Shell was looking around me at Shannon, smiling at her, and said, "Pretty cool, huh?" Shannon smiled back and said, "Yeah, pretty cool." She looked at Annette for a bit and then said, "I always wondered why I looked so much like you, but . . ." She shrugged. "I guess I just figured it was a coincidence."

Shell let go with the arm she had wrapped around the front of me, and her fingers brushed down my stomach and touched my pubic hair before returning to her side. Incidental contact? I looked over at Jan, who had seen it, and we widened our eyes at each other, then smiled.

Shannon hugged in next to Annette, her arm going across Annette's breasts, and looked at me asking, "Aren't we supposed to eat now?" I got up, Shell's arm falling from my shoulder and brushing my bum as it fell. I walked over to my bike and opened the pannier, retrieving our luncheon items and placing them on the picnic table.

As I was walking back to the table I noticed the girls checking out my package, and suppressed a smile. Jan got up to help put out the spread, and as I was putting items out Shell stepped up behind me, her breasts brushing my back and peeked around, ostensibly to see what we had to eat. It's not as though she couldn't have stood next to me instead, and again I was wondering about it. It wasn't unpleasant, just curious. I glanced at Annette, puzzled, and saw she was still being held by Shannon, whose arm was across her naked breasts and had her own little breasts pressed into Annette's arm. Annette was looking at me the same way, but had her little smile, as if asking, "What in the world . . .?"

We sat down to eat and everything returned to semi-normal, outside of the fact that we were all naked. Annette and I looked at each other, remembering how many other times we had sat here like this with Amanda and Sophie – eating, laughing, touching, carrying on. I put my arm around her and gave her a little squeeze, and she leaned into me.

I raised my eyes to take another bite of my sandwich and saw Shell and Shannon watching us, their eyes twinkling, and they exchanged a glance. I stopped before I had taken my bite and said, "What? All we did was hug. We do that in front of you all the time."

Shell grinned impishly and replied, "Not naked." Shannon giggled and laid her forehead on Shell's shoulder. Jan laughed too, and I had to chuckle. Annette was chewing and held her hand over her mouth as she tried to keep from laughing.

"Good point," I acknowledged, smiling. "But we've never been much for showing off."

Annette and I chatted and laughed, the girls nudging each other and smiling at us. We tried to get Jan involved in our chatter, but she was mostly smiling at everybody. We finally finished eating and got up to clean and pack. I looked at Shell at one point and said, "I once threw your mother into the pond. Don't tempt me." I was smiling at her when I said it, and everybody laughed. Our clothing was dry and we all got outfitted and ready to go.

When we got home and everything was put away, Annette and I went into our bedroom to shower and change. As we were getting out of our sweaty clothes, I asked Annette, "What was with all the incidental contact with the girls? Do you have any idea?" Annette smiled at me as she was stepping out of her panties and said, "All I could think of was that we raised them touchy-feely and they figured that since the clothes were off, they could touch and feel everything." She shrugged and gave me a `who knows?' look.

We showered and dressed in shorts and light shirts, then headed out to the living room. The girls were talking in their room; they had finished their showers and Jan was in the bathroom now. Annette went to grab her book and I was getting us a couple of glasses of water. As I was turning from the sink, Shell walked by stark naked and opened the refrigerator.

I stopped, staring, then looked over at Annette. She had her head in the book and hadn't noticed. I looked back to Shell and she was bent over, looking inside for something. Cute bottom, no doubt, but what the heck?

"Honey?" I asked.

Annette looked up and said, "Yes . . .?" She saw Shell. Her eyes went to mine and she shook her head, smiling. I shrugged and then walked up behind Shell, slowly tipping one of the water glasses until a bit of water trickled down between her ass cheeks. She squeaked and jumped up, spinning around with wide eyes. "Dad!" she yelled. I heard Annette laughing from the couch.

I looked at Shell and shrugged innocently, "It just looked so hot, I thought I'd cool it down a bit." She tried to be indignant, but she couldn't help smiling. Annette was still laughing from her place in the living room. I continued to look Shell in the eye and asked, "Why, pray tell, are you standing nekkid in the kitchen?"

I started to walk toward Annette, intending to deliver the water while we had this conversation, looking over my shoulder at Shell. I heard Shannon ask, "What's going on?" I looked over at her and she was standing naked in the doorway to their room. Exasperated, I looked back to Annette, and saw that she had seen Shannon too. I put our water down and sat on the couch next to her, looking over my shoulder at Shell.

Shell and Shannon were looking at each other with mischievous looks. "Shell, darling, please answer the question," I said. Shell flipped her head like it was no big deal and said, "Oh, Dad. We were just more comfortable without clothes and figured since you had already seen us it was no big deal."

I nodded judiciously as though considering her argument, then replied, "Well, as cute as you two are, please put some clothes on. Thank you."

Shell smiled at me, her eyes twinkling, and she said, "OK, Dad." I heard Shannon say from her doorway, "OK, Dad."

I sat down next to Annette and we looked at each other for a moment, her smile slowly growing, and then we both started giggling as quietly as we could. She leaned into me and we held each other while we choked back laughter. I finally asked, "What in the world has gotten into them?" She continued to laugh and just shook her head.

"I have no idea," she finally answered, but I think it's time I found out." She gave me a kiss and got up, going into the girls' room to get some answers. I figured I'd better clean up the little bit of water that ended up on the floor after rolling down Shell's legs, so I got a towel and wiped it up. I glanced toward the girls' room and saw them all in there talking – fully clothed, at least – and wondered how that was going. I went back to the couch and grabbed my book.

Jan came out of the bathroom, clean and wearing clothes, and stopped in the kitchen to grab a glass of iced tea. She sat down next to me and I said to her, "You missed some crazy stuff. Shades of Amanda."

Jan smiled and looked at me with interest. "What happened?" she asked.

I was just about to answer when Annette came and sat down on the other side of me, looking at me with a sparkle in her eye. I waited patiently for her to speak, and a little smile grew on her face. She sighed a little bit and said, "Would you believe it's our fault?"

I said, "Well, of course it is."

She laughed and said, "It's the pictures. They saw all those pictures of us naked all the time, everywhere we were, and liked the idea of doing it too, the way they saw in the pictures. They thought it was the neatest thing."

Jan laughed and asked, "What in the world happened?"

Annette gave her a rundown of what she had missed and Jan laughed uproariously.

I almost made a comment about consenting adults and remembered that the girls were technically adults, being over the age of 18. I looked at Annette and asked, "Well, any suggestions, comments or questions? I'm not sure what we do here, other than telling them that we were special and they're not. Also, they're our kids. That's got to count for something, right?"

Jan chuckled, and Annette was looking at me with a patient smile. She touched me gently and said, "Honey, let's just say OK. They probably won't be too bad about it, and Shell is leaving for school in a couple of months. We can deal with it that long, right?"

I shrugged and said, "OK, but you may need to pay me some extra attention at night with all the extra titillation I'll be getting." They both laughed at me and nodded at each other enthusiastically. "Perfect," Annette said with a smile.

Annette stood up and said, "I'll go give them the good news." She left and I looked at Jan, shaking my head. "I thought you were my friend," I whined. "You were no help at all." Jan laughed and scooted close to me, grabbing my face and giving me a big kiss.

"You'll be fine, you'll see," she said, smiling at me, then added slyly, "We won't let you go without relief."

I heard squeals from the room, and the girls soon came running out, sans clothing, and gave me hugs, saying "Thanks, Dad!" Egad, I was going to have to make sure I gave them good news more often now. This was a young man's wet dream.

Annette trailed them across the room, sitting down next to us, smiling at their happiness. The girls gave me kisses and got up to go back to whatever they had been doing. I gave Jan and Annette a look and said, "Remember the titillation thing. Don't leave me hanging, here."

Annette slyly said, "You won't be hanging for long with that going on. It'll be pointing straight up." Jan laughed delightedly, and I hugged Annette to me as I laughed along.

Later on Annette decided to take her clothes off in an effort to make the girls feel more comfortable, and Jan soon followed. I resisted a bit, feeling a little nervous about how my body would react with all that naked female flesh around. I pulled Annette aside and asked if she would mind talking to the girls about it. It was bound to happen, and I wanted to make sure they were ready for it. She smiled at me, her eyes laughing, and said she'd talk to them.

I woke up the next morning, made love to Annette, hugged and kissed on her for a bit, took my shower and sternly reminded myself not to put on clothes as I went out to start the coffee. When it was ready I got my first cup and sat down on the back deck, legs stretched out in front of me, enjoying the stillness of the morning.

Sometime later I heard movement in the kitchen and Shell soon came out to give me my morning kiss. Her breasts jiggled fetchingly as she stooped so we could kiss each other's cheeks, and the touch of her hand on my shoulder sent a tingle through my body. There was nothing different about the kiss, other than this time neither of us had a stitch of clothing on, so it was purely psychological, but there it was.

Shell noticed me shiver and I heard a little chuckle. She touched me again, running her fingers across my shoulder before going back into the house. A short time later Shannon came out and did the same thing, but I have a feeling Shell must have said something because Shannon ran her hand back and forth on my shoulder for a few seconds before leaving. I shook my head, thinking, "Amanda, see what you've created?"

I laughed to myself at the thought and heard Annette ask, "What are you smiling about?" I looked up and saw her standing there with her coffee, smiling and naked. I pulled a chair up next to me and she sat down, still looking at me with her smile. I told her what had happened and the thought that ran through my head, about Amanda's photos leading to this, and she chuckled as she smiled and sipped out of her cup.

"Her touch keeps showing up all over the place, doesn't it?" she asked softly. I nodded, agreeing, then said, "I hope it always does. I really enjoy our reminders of her." Annette reached out to touch my forearm, rubbing me lightly, and I switched the cup to my other hand and took hers. We held hands and sipped our coffee, listening to the birds and thinking.

Jan soon came out to join us, and we chatted a bit with her before Shell stuck her head out and said, "Breakfast's ready." I looked at Annette and raised my eyebrows. "Breakfast? What gives?"

Annette smiled and said, "I guess we'll find out." She stood up and held her hand out to me. I rose and took her hand and we walked into the house, trailed by Jan. We entered the dining room to see the table set for five, platters of pancakes and sausage, condiments, everything. Shell and Shannon were standing there smiling, two beautiful and naked young ladies. They showed us to our seats and took their own.

I looked from one to the other and asked, "What's the special occasion?"

Shannon said, "We love you guys and wanted to show it. We just graduated and thought we could show our appreciation for everything you've done to help us get here."

Shell chimed in, "And do it naked, too."

We laughed and Shannon poked her in the ribs.

Annette and I thanked the girls sincerely and we all dug in and enjoyed our breakfast. Naked.

The summer went far too quickly, and soon Shell would be leaving us. As with Amanda, when she was gone we anticipated a quieter, more relaxed existence. We would really miss her, because we weren't used to quiet and relaxed. By this time I was much more comfortable being naked around the girls, so that was working pretty well. Jan had been right: I was fine. Occasionally when I was extra titillated by something, the girls would give me a wolf whistle, but by and large it went pretty well.

We made many trips to Old Mill Pond, jumping naked into the pond each time. Annette and I missed the sex, but that would have been going just a little too far. At least, that's what we thought.

We all drove up with Shell, her and Shannon in one vehicle and Annette and I in another, and dropped her off at college. We were going to miss her, but I could see the excitement in her eyes at the prospect of being out on her own. We reminded her that she could call anytime, and we expected regular visits by phone, especially on weekends when there was no excuse not to.

Just before we left, Annette said, "Oh, and remember you can't run around here naked. This is not home." Shannon laughed gaily, and Shell grinned, promising to remember.

Shannon rode back with us, and was pretty quiet on the ride home. Annette and I usually ride along in silence, so we didn't think anything of it. The girls usually carried on in the back seat together, and with one of them gone there wasn't any carrying on. That's all there was to it. We stayed at a motel about halfway home that night, settled in and got our clothes off. Shannon was unusually quiet. Annette asked her if something was wrong.

Shannon said, "I miss her already. We've never been apart before. This is really new for me, and I feel like a part of me is missing." Annette and I sat on either side of her and hugged her, just holding her and comforting her. Annette said quietly, "We miss her too, honey. Just like you, she's a piece of us that's no longer here, but that's the way of the world. You'll leave us someday too, and we'll miss you just as much."

When we arrived home the next day, Shannon went to her room and called Shell. The two chatted for an hour or so, 'catching up' is what Shannon said, then rang off. Annette and I understood: they really had never been apart, and were very close besides. They had done pretty much everything together, even sharing friends. If you saw one, the other was somewhere nearby. I knew the next few days at least were going to be difficult for Shannon.

Dinner was a pretty quiet affair without Shell there for Shannon to chatter with. Annette and I usually just sat and listened to the two of them, smiling at their jokes, sometimes adding to their fun, but normally we just sat quietly.

When Annette and I sat down to read, music down low, I noticed Shannon wander out of her room, then around a little bit, then back in. The next time she came out, I said, "Shannon." She looked at me and I nodded my head at the couch. She came and sat down next to me, and I put my arm around her, hugging her to me. She hugged me back and we sat quietly like that, Annette occasionally looking over at us, our eyes meeting, understanding the emptiness Shannon was feeling right now.

That night Annette and I were spooned together in bed, almost asleep, when I heard a light knock at the door. "Yes?" I asked. The door opened a crack and I heard Shannon say, "Dad?"

"Yeah, honey. What is it?"

"Can I sleep with you and Mom tonight?" Shannon asked in a quiet voice.

Annette looked up and said, "Of course you can, honey. You come join us." Shannon got into bed and spooned up against my back, and the three of us went to sleep like that.

I woke up the next morning still spooned up against Annette, my hard cock stuck between her thighs, Shannon's pert breasts pushed against my back and her arm thrown over me. 'Uh, oh,' I thought. 'I hope Annette remembers Shannon's here before plugging me in.'

She did. Later on I felt her awaken and squeezed her, and she gently took my hand in hers, bringing it to her lips and kissing my palm. She put my hand on her breast and encouraged me, so I quietly played with her while we lay still, not wanting to disturb Shannon.

Fifteen minutes or so later I felt Shannon waking, and stopped moving my hand. Shannon's hand gently rubbed up and down my side, then onto my tummy and up to my chest. Her fingers lightly traced back and forth for a bit, then I heard her breathing change and her hand suddenly became still. I think she had been touching me subconsciously, not yet fully awake, and had just realized what she had been doing.

She removed her arm gently from me, then I felt her fingers lightly slide across my buttocks before she quietly got up and left the room. I said softly, "I think it's safe now." Annette chuckled lightly and we maneuvered until I was inside of her, then made slow, passionate love until we were both satisfied. I got up to take my morning shower, and Annette joined me before I was done. We kissed and touched while the spray washed over us, then I got out and toweled off.

When I walked out into the living room, there was no sign of Shannon. I figured she had climbed back into her bed to catch a few more winks. I started the coffee and while it was dripping stuck my head into her room. She was curled up on Shell's bed, holding one of Shell's big old stuffed animals in her arms, her eyes closed, hands lightly stroking the faux fur.

I padded in and sat down on the bed. Her eyes opened and we looked at each other. "Hey," I said quietly. She smiled a little and said, "Hi Dad."

"It'll be better soon, baby," I consoled her.

She shook her head and said, "I don't have anybody to cuddle with now."

I said, "You can cuddle with me and Mom, we don't mind."

She shook her head again and said, "Not the way me and Shell cuddle." She looked at me with her sad eyes and went on, "We always hold each other, the way you and Mom do, and we touch each other. I don't think you'll want me to do that."

I thought about it a moment, then asked, "What kind of touching are you talking about?"

She said, "We play with each other's boobs a lot, and . . . other things, too, sometimes." Shannon smiled at me and said, "She calls me her cuddlebug."

I touched her gently and said, "Let me talk to Mom. Maybe there's something we can do."

She nodded and replied, "Thanks, Dad. If you don't want to that's OK. We were . . . pretty intimate, you know? . . . and I just really miss having her in bed at night."

I nodded understandingly, saying, "I'm sorry, honey. I didn't know that, and I understand how you feel. I'll talk to Mom and let you know."

She suddenly sat up and scooted next to me, putting her arms around my middle and hugging me tightly. I was very conscious of her firm little boobs pressing against me, and even though I had just made love with Annette, my cock rose to the occasion. When the hard tip touched her arm, she opened her eyes and looked at it, then up at me and smiled, laughter in her eyes. I made an animated "I can't help it" face and she giggled, then rose up and kissed me on the lips, holding it briefly before sitting back down.

I ran my fingers lightly down her back, then patted her thigh and stood up. "I'll let you know," I repeated.

I walked out of her room and poured a couple of cups of coffee, then went back into our bedroom. When I entered the room, my hard prick preceding me, Annette's eyes lit up. I grinned at her and said, "It's not what you think, but I'm sure we can work something out." She laughed and beckoned me with a finger, a sexy little smile on her face, eyes sparkling with mischief. I put the coffee down on the nightstand and approached her.

She took my hard cock in hand and licked the entire length a few times, then sucked the head in, running her tongue around a few times. She released me with a little 'pop' and leaned down a bit to lick my balls, then back up the shaft to the head, where she swallowed my entire length. I groaned as I felt my throbbing prick go down her throat, and she slowly slid back up, then down before reaching the end. Once more she took me into her throat, holding me there while she swallowed a couple of times, spreading an incredible shiver through my entire body.

She wanted spunk this time, and quickly worked my shaft until I exploded into her mouth. She hummed in satisfaction as I blew into her moist mouth, swallowing it as quickly as she could, slowing down as I did, then finally languidly suckling as I came to a shuddering stop. She milked the last few drops out and released me, looking up at me with a smile and saying, "Yummy." I couldn't help but smile at her, she looked so cute, and I bent down, taking her cheeks between my hands and giving her a gentle kiss.

"Thanks, baby," I said. "I brought you coffee in trade." I reached over to the nightstand and picked up her cup, handing it to her, then grabbing mine and sitting down next to her. We sipped our coffee for a minute, looking at each other with little smiles.

I asked her, "Did you know Shell and Shannon were intimate?" Annette just continued to smile at me and she said, "I thought they might be."

I nodded, then added, "That's what Shannon misses most, someone to snuggle with at night. Well, not just snuggle, but touch and . . . maybe other things, I don't know. I wonder if you'd have any problem letting her touch and snuggle with you."

Annette looked at me for a while, considering, and finally said, "I guess that would be OK. Where are you supposed to be, and what are we going to do about Jan?"

I said, "I thought about where I'd be. There are a couple of possibilities, the way I see it. I could spoon with you while you spoon with her, or you could spoon with me and she could spoon with you. That way you're always between us and I don't have to worry about waking up with my cock poking her."

Annette grinned at the language, then asked, "Have you considered what she would think of your cock poking her?" I shrugged, "No, but I don't know that being intimate with Shell is the same as being intimate with a guy."

Annette looked at me enigmatically and replied, "We might find out some night." I shrugged again and said, "Maybe we will."

"Now, about Jan - I wonder if Jan would work as a surrogate for Shell," I proposed.

Annette pondered that and said, "That might work. If all she really misses is a warm body, Jan certainly provides that. In fact, Jan is downright hot, and I don't think she'd mind snuggling with somebody as cute as Shannon."

I leaned over and kissed Annette, then stood up. "I'll go give her the news." Annette smiled at me and said, "Oh, you want to be the one to give her good news, huh?" I laughed, nodding.

When I told Shannon she could spend the nights with us and snuggle with her Mom, she was so relieved. "Thanks, Dad," she said, jumping up to give me a big hug and kissing me on the lips. Her breasts were pressing into me and my hands went naturally to her bottom, grabbing her buns and squeezing before I realized what I was doing.

Abashed, I quickly removed them and said, "Sorry, baby. Just habit." She held tight to me and said, "That's OK, Dad. I liked it. You can do that anytime." She pushed against me, grinding her hips against my slowly hardening cock, and said, "Besides, I can feel you better when you do that." My cock quickly grew hard when I heard those words.

I looked at her and asked quietly, "You're saying you want to feel me?"

She nodded seriously at me, then pulled herself up to kiss me and said softly, "I'd love to feel you."

I was amazed. 'Damn,' I thought, 'I haven't been this hard three times in a row this quickly since I was a teenager.'

Shannon continued to kiss me, pushing herself against my hard cock, rubbing it against her taut tummy. I teased my fingertips down her spine and grabbed her butt again, gently squeezing while I pulled her into me. She said, "Mmm" into my mouth as we kissed.

I broke the kiss, my heart beating rapidly, and backed up a step. "Dang, now I have to go see Mom again," I said, smiling. She smiled back at me and gently replied, "Maybe I can help someday, too." I looked at her for a moment and started laughing.

"You remind me so much of Mom, she turns me on that way, too. Just the way you just did," I said, tweaking her cute little nose. Shannon reached out and touched my throbbing prick with her fingertips, slowly sliding them up to the head and off, saying, "I've watched her with you for as long as I can remember, and all that time I've wanted to do the things she does. I love watching the way you guys touch each other. Shell does, too. We always used to watch you and get turned on, and that's just the stuff you allowed us to see."

She smiled knowingly at me and said, "We know what Amanda saw, the thing you told us she said about following you around with a camera. We saw that, too."

I was a little embarrassed to be hearing this from my daughter, but I studied her for a moment and said quietly, "Your mother said almost exactly the same thing the night we met." I paused, then said, "Thanks, baby. Mom and I love each other, and sometimes we get so caught up in each other that we're not really aware of what we're doing."

Shannon shook her head and replied, "You didn't do anything wrong, it was the way you did it. Remember when Shell said the picture of you at the lake made her horny? It was because it reminded her of watching you guys, not because you were naked."

I smiled at her and said, "I'll be sure to share that with Mom. We'll expect to see you in bed tonight." She smiled back and said, "I'll be there."

I went back to the bedroom to find Annette in the shower. I straightened the bedroom out a bit while she was finishing, and when she came out I asked her, "How did you know what Shannon would say about my cock?" Annette laughed and said, "That's a funny thing to hear when you first come out of the shower." She gave her hair another brisk rub with the towel and then sat down next to me, putting her hand on my thigh, and said, "I saw the way she looks at you. I really love the way you are with me, so don't get me wrong, but if you weren't so focused on me you'd have probably seen it too."

I touched her cheek with my fingertips and said, "Well, I guess it's a good thing you're watching then, because I'll always be focused on you." She touched my hand and replied softly, "I know."

Shannon was more her old self the rest of the day, just the thought of being able to snuggle enough to make her feel better. She still spent an hour on the phone with Shell, which I thought was a good thing, but she wasn't nearly as despondent. She would occasionally stop to hug me, holding herself tightly against me, I guess as a reminder. I would touch her as we passed, teasing her nipples with my fingertips, or running my fingers down her back. She reminded me so much of a younger Annette, well, when we were both younger.

That night Shannon came to bed with us, and we spooned her in front of Annette. Annette wasted no time in getting her hands on Shannon's firm little boobies, running her hands lightly up and down her tight body, and otherwise giving her the touching she had been missing. Nothing frantic, just soft, slow, gentle touching. We were trying to go to sleep after all, not having a sex session. Shannon went right out, and Annette and I soon followed.

When I awoke I could feel movement from Annette. I just lay there with my eyes closed and came to realize that she was again softly stroking Shannon. I smiled to myself and snugged in a little more firmly to her. My cock was planted between her thighs and I made a few lazy back and forth motions, just keeping it stirred up. Annette pushed back against me, but continued to touch Shannon. I lay still, enjoying this tender time together.

I had to pee, so I gently let go of Annette and slid backward, getting up to pad into our bathroom and relieve myself. When I came back out, Shannon was on her back, Annette's hand running in gentle circles on her tummy, and she was teasing one of Shannon's little nipples with her tongue. Annette had the cutest, softest tongue I've ever encountered, and I got a tingle just watching her touch it to Shannon's breast.

Shannon's legs were slightly spread, and I could see her moist cleft, with a light tuft of white pubic hair above it - so much like Annette. She was moving a little under Annette's hand, and I could tell she was getting pretty worked up. Annette was gently sucking and licking from one cute little breast to the other, and Shannon brought up a hand to lightly touch the back of Annette's head, running her fingers through Annette's hair.

Annette's hand traveled farther and farther down, finally brushing against Shannon's fuzzy tuft, and Shannon spread her legs a little further. The next time Annette ran her hand downward, she drifted across the pubic hair and a little way along a soft, white thigh, then came back up and ran one finger lightly across Shannon's snatch, pushing briefly against her clit. Shannon inhaled sharply, and her hips flexed up, then Annette's hand continued upward to cup a breast.

I was watching this, my cock hard and throbbing in front of me, and could finally no longer resist. I slid onto the bed between Shannon's legs, putting my arms beneath her thighs and sliding my hands up her sides as I settled into place with my face in her crotch. I inhaled her light musk, so sweet, then ran my tongue lightly up the length of her moist slit. She groaned, "Oh, Dad," and pushed up against me. I gently ran my tongue between her pussy lips, flicking it across her hard clit, then sucking it hard between my lips.

Shannon was breathing heavily now, her hips lifting in a slow rhythm against my loving tongue, and as she pushed against me, I pushed back, working in concert with her. She was so sweet, and I continued to lick deep into her slot, enjoying the flavor of her juices as she was becoming increasingly more aroused. Annette and I worked her like the team we were, and Shannon was now writhing beneath us, the sensations she was feeling taking over her body.

Shannon's tummy began tensing, and I knew she was on the verge, so I sucked her clit hard and ran my tongue rapidly back and forth over it. She cried out suddenly, pushing up hard against me as I continued to flail her clit with my tongue. Her nectar was flowing down my chin, so I dipped lower to lick it into my mouth, now forcing my tongue inside of her steaming snatch, licking and suckling as much of her tasty juice as I could get.

A few more seconds of this and she was beginning to calm down, occasionally twitching or jerking as I brushed against her clit. I licked slowly now, gently bringing her down from the high of her climax, enjoying the feeling of her soft young thighs on either side of my face. I looked up to see Annette watching me, her little smile shining at me, and our eyes met for a few seconds.

I moved back and stood up, then got back on the bed beside Annette, snuggling up against her. She smiled contentedly as she leaned back against me, my throbbing cock nestled once more between her thighs. We watched Shannon as she lay there next to us, her breathing returning to normal, her cute little breasts with their tiny erect nipples rising and falling, a little smile on her face. Shannon opened her eyes and turned them to us, and her smile grew larger as she saw us sitting there watching her.

Annette reached out and gently touched one breast, running a finger over the nipple, then said softly, "Good morning, honey." Shannon reached out and pulled herself to Annette in a hug, saying, "Good morning, Mom." Her eyes went to mine over Annette's shoulder and she said, "Good morning, Dad." I smiled at her and said, "Good morning, baby." Looking me in the eye, she said quietly, "Thank you. Thank you both." I nodded in understanding.

Shannon let go of Annette and said, "I have to go to the bathroom." Annette lay back against me and Shannon got up, and as she walked to the bathroom my eyes were locked onto her cute little rear, twitching from side to side. When Shannon was out of sight, I hugged Annette and said, "Very nice tushy, she has." Annette giggled and said, "Yes, yes she does. How did she taste?"

"Oh, baby," I said, "She's so sweet. She tastes like her mother. You'll love it."

Annette held my arm tightly against her and said, "Oh, goody." I laughed and pushed my cock against her. She squeezed her thighs tighter and moved her hips a bit, keeping me stirred up. Shannon came out of the bathroom and we stopped moving while she got back into bed with us. She faced us, dropping her arm across Annette and leaning forward to kiss her.

I could see that she had indeed been watching us, because she approached it exactly as I would have, soft and gentle, with lots of little tongue tickles. Watching this mirror image kissing like that was rather inspiring, at least to one portion of my anatomy. Annette felt it, and she gave me another squeeze with her thighs.

Annette backed up a little and asked Shannon softly, "Would you like to help me take care of Dad?" Shannon's eyes lit up and went to mine. She smiled and said, "Can I?" I was a bit surprised, but I really should have known better after all these years with Annette. She was as wild as Amanda had been, but was far less predictable about it.

Annette pushed back against me and I slipped away from her, rolling onto my back, my throbbing cock laying on my stomach. Annette rolled over and kissed me, then crawled over me to the other side while Shannon scooted next to me with a big smile on her face, her eyes locked on my hard prick. Annette grasped it while she kissed one of my nipples, her soft little tongue sending a shiver through my body. She kissed her way down my stomach until she reached the swollen head, giving it a soft kiss too. She looked up to Shannon, her eyes inviting Shannon to join her there, and Shannon quickly shifted position until her head was across from Annette's.

Annette said quietly, "Just do what I do," then gently licked across the tip a couple of times before running her tongue down the sensitive underside - an exquisite sensation whenever she did it, but doubly so with Shannon right there watching. Annette pointed my cock toward Shannon, who ran her own little tongue across the tip, causing me to groan at the sight. Annette glanced up at me, smiling quickly, then said to Shannon, "Here, you hold him."

Shannon's hand wrapped around my hard shaft, and her touch was as soft and gentle as Annette's. Annette's hand slid down to fondle my balls while Shannon licked and tickled with her tongue. After a little of that, Annette put her hand over Shannon's and directed the bulbous head to her own mouth, taking me in and slowly bobbing up and down, her hot, moist mouth creating incredible sensations for my hard cock.

She slowly sucked back up, releasing me and then pointing it back to Shannon. Shannon copied her, taking me into her mouth, sucking and bobbing. I was thoroughly aroused, and wasn't going to last much longer like this. I touched Annette, she realized what was going on and quickly stopped Shannon.

She softly explained, "Dad is about to come. Would you like to taste it? It's not a problem if you don't, I'll take it all."

Shannon said with a smile, "I'd love to taste it. I want to feel it squirting in my mouth." Annette smiled at her and said, "OK, honey. Go ahead, but be ready. He won't last very much longer with your pretty little mouth on him." Shannon grinned at her, then went back to bobbing and sucking on my throbbing cock.

Annette began fondling my balls again, and less than a minute later I erupted, thrusting up with a groan while hot semen spewed into Shannon's mouth. She gave an little excited "Mmph!" and began swallowing as my cock pulsed repeatedly, bursts of sticky semen flooding her warm mouth. Shannon was humming and chuckling with excitement while she sucked and swallowed, and her innocent happiness made me smile while I was tensing and jerking.

Shannon continued to suck even as the flow diminished and my thrusting subsided. Her mouth felt wonderful on my depleted member, probably more psychological than anything, but nevertheless a marvelous feeling. Annette smiled at her and ran her hand across her head, smoothing her soft hair with affection.

Annette then showed her how to milk the last few drops out, and Shannon's little tongue touching to my tip to lick them caused me to shudder lightly. Annette again touched Shannon and said, "Now give Dad a kiss. He likes to taste himself in your mouth." Shannon smiled with delight and lay down on top of me to kiss me, exactly the same way Annette and I do it.

She touched her lips to mine and we gently kissed each other, our tongues meeting softly, then tangling in each other's mouths. I licked lightly across her soft lips, touching just the tip of my tongue to them, then stuck it back into her mouth. She felt so much like Annette I nearly forgot who I was with for a few moments.

After kissing for a couple of minutes, Shannon laid her head down on my chest. I gently caressed her back, running my fingertips lightly across her smooth skin. Annette shifted to lay beside us, laying her arm across Shannon's body, our hands touching, then lightly grasping.

We lay like that for a short time, enjoying the afterglow of our loving. I finally asked Shannon, "Have you ever been with a boy before?" Shannon lay quietly for a moment then replied, "Once. It wasn't what I was expecting." She looked up at us and went on, "I saw how much you two loved each other, and I was hoping for something more along those lines. It was over real fast, and then we just got dressed. I never tried it again."

She lay her head back down and said, "This was more like what I wanted. I'll take this." Annette and I looked at each other and smiled.

Shannon raised her head and asked, "Dad, can we do it? I'd like to see how it's supposed to be with someone that cares about me."

I said, "I don't think so, honey. You're my daughter and it wouldn't really be right."

Annette touched me, but before she could speak Shannon excitedly said, "I'm not really your daughter, though. Not biologically, anyway. There's nothing wrong with us doing it." Her face was bright with expectation. I looked at Annette and saw her sitting there watching me with her little smile. Her eyes were encouraging, and I considered for a moment while our eyes held, then looked at Shannon and said, "I'd love to make love to you." Shannon squealed with joy and moved up to give me an excited kiss. She stopped, leaning back and grinning ear to ear.

I asked, "What about birth control?" Shannon's grin never changed, and she replied, "What about it?" I frowned and said, "Well, you don't want to get pregnant, do you?"

"Why not?" she asked. I looked at Annette and she kind of shrugged, her eyes bright with excitement at the thought of another little one. I guess didn't have much to say about this one, and looked back to Shannon smiling. "OK, honey. It's your call."

Annette said to Shannon, "Honey, Dad's going to need a little encouragement, since we just finished with him. Guys can't just do it one after another like a woman, so we'll have to show him a little extra attention." Shannon eagerly slipped down to start licking and playing with my cock, but the thought of making love to her helped a lot. Annette was licking and nibbling at one of my nipples while one hand fondled my balls. I was soon fully erect, and Annette said to Shannon, "You can sit on Dad and put it into yourself. That gives you some control and you can move however feels best to you.

Shannon straddled me and Annette helped guide her into position over my hard cock. She smiled at me and lowered herself until the tip made contact with her wet cleft. I rotated my hips in minute movements while pushing against her, and soon the swollen head was inside of her. She moaned and closed her eyes, pushing down to get me further inside.

Annette whispered, "Move up and down a little bit; it will keep him lubricated and make it easier on you." Shannon followed her advice, and we gained another little bit with each of her downward movements. I had a bit of a flashback - it was so reminiscent of my first time with Annette, a tiny little blonde riding me, her exquisite tightness grasping and clutching at my throbbing member, but I had Annette at my side this time. We looked at each other and I wondered if she was remembering it too.

Shannon was soon bottomed against me, and I held her small waist to pause her there. She opened her eyes and looked at me, then smiled. She said softly, "This is what I wanted it to be the first time. This is so good. This is what I've been hoping for." Annette touched her gently, and they smiled at each other.

Shannon closed her eyes and slowly began moving upward, the sensation once again taking me back all those years to the first time Annette and I made love. They looked so much alike I didn't even have to close my eyes to imagine it, and I felt a sudden surge of emotion for everything Annette and I had gone through together. I looked over at her and our eyes met. I think she could see it in my eyes, because her eyes softened and looked at me with such love, then she leaned down and we kissed softly. She broke the kiss and whispered in my ear, "I love you," before sitting back.

Shannon reached the tip of my twitching pole, and began to slide slowly back down. I let go of her waist and began to lightly touch her perky breasts, twiddling the nipples and squeezing them gently in the palms of my hands. I felt more than heard Shannon making a "Mmm" sound as she enjoyed the sensations her body was feeling. I was feeling them as well, and let her know, making my own sounds of appreciation.

Annette finally got more involved, and straddled my legs to run her hands up and down Shannon's back. One of her hands came around and began lightly but rapidly playing with Shannon's clit, and Shannon gave a little lurch as she moaned. Her eyes opened briefly, unfocused, then shut again as she continued to ride my rod. She was moving faster now, and I was pushing up into her as she neared the bottom, giving things a little bump at the lower end.

Shannon was breathing heavily and moving faster, with more urgency. I could feel Annette rubbing faster and harder on Shannon's little button, helping her to reach her climax. Shannon's head fell back as she was bouncing up and down and I continued to play with her firm breasts, now pulling and pinching lightly at the nipples. One of her hands came up and covered mine, rubbing down the forearm as she rose and fell upon me. Our bodies were meeting now with some impact, and I felt her breasts jiggle in my hands each time.

Shannon inhaled a ragged breath, then began saying "Oh, Dad. Oh, Dad," as her climax hit. I felt her shuddering through my hands and her steamy snatch clamped down on my swollen prick as her orgasm coursed through her. From my position the feeling was wondrous, this taut, nubile young body coming with my hands on her firm tits, my stiff cock deep inside of her. Annette slowed her movements across Shannon's clit, and Shannon's movements became jerky as she was peaking, moaning in her ecstasy.

I could feel the tingle in my groin that indicated my own orgasm was not far away. I started pushing up harder against Shannon's plunging pussy, lifting her up, then gave one final hard thrust, lifting and holding her in place while my cock pulsed streams of cum into her young vagina. Shannon gripped my forearm hard, letting out a low, "Ohhhhh," as she felt me throbbing inside of her, knowing I was filling her with my hot seed.

The two of us slowed together, spent, and she slowly collapsed onto me, my hands going around her and holding her as I lightly rubbed her back. Annette moved up to lay alongside of us, her soft hand joining mine on Shannon's back. We lay like that for a minute, then Annette said, "Honey, let's get you cleaned up." Shannon lifted her head to look at Annette as Annette urged her up.

When Shannon was on her knees, Annette guided her forward until her dripping pussy was over my face, and I held her tight little butt while I licked and sucked on her steaming pussy. Our combined juices were very tasty on my tongue, and she had a few mini-orgasms as I licked across her clit, bringing a new flow of fresh juices to my mouth. I continued to lick her long after she was clean just because it was so good.

Annette then showed her how to lick and suck my cock clean, before laying her back on top of me for a period of relaxation. Annette again lay beside us, her arm across the two of us, and I had one hand down along my side, touching the back of it lightly up and down on Annette's tummy as the other slowly traced teasingly along the length of Shannon's spine and across her buttocks. As we lay there, my stomach rumbled. Shannon laughed quietly on top of me, then said, "I'm hungry too." I gave her a little squeeze and asked, "You ready to eat, Mom?" Annette gave an affirmative, "Mm hmm." Nobody moved, though, none of us wanting the moment to end.

Finally Shannon slid off of me, then knelt down and kissed me softly one more time before leaning across me to do the same to Annette. She got off the bed and stood there, obviously waiting for us to join her. I just watched her for a moment before rising, so young and beautiful, the spitting image of Annette – without the penis, of course.

We had an animated breakfast, almost like they had been before Shell moved. The talk ebbed and flowed, and there was much kidding and laughing amongst us. Annette and I kept looking at each other, our eyes meeting over the course of the meal, acknowledging the difference between Shannon yesterday and Shannon today. We were cleaning up afterward when the phone rang. Shannon was nearest, read the caller ID and picked it up.

"Hi Shell!" she exclaimed. "One minute, let me get to the room." She put the phone down and said, "Mom, could you hang up when I pick up?"

Annette smiled and said, "Sure, honey."

Shannon ran to her room and picked up, Annette hanging up our extension. As we heard Shannon's voice coming from her room, laughing and talking with Shell, I looked at Annette and said, "Amazing what a difference some loving makes to pull you out of the doldrums, huh?" She smiled at me and pinched my rear.

I walked over and stuck my head into Shannon's room to ask her to say hi to Shell for us and saw her laying on her bed, on her back, one knee up and the other leg thrown over it, swinging back and forth as she talked animatedly. Her pretty pussy was flashing every time she swung her leg, and I suddenly forgot why I was standing there.

Shannon saw me and said brightly, "Hi Dad!" I guiltily raised my eyes to hers and said, "Hi, honey. Um . . . oh, say hi to Shell for us, will you?" She had seen where my eyes had been looking and smiled mischievously, spreading her legs slightly for me. I shook my head and chuckled, then turned and left. I heard her say behind me, "Mom and Dad say hi."

I was walking toward Annette and heard Shannon call out, "Shell says hi!" Annette looked up as I approached her, and I shook my head and said, "That girl." I explained what had happened, and Annette laughed and lightly put the palm of her hand on my chest, just touching me, and stood on tiptoes to kiss me. I brushed my fingertips down across her breasts and rested them gently on her hips, then slid them around to her buttocks and pulled her to me.

Shannon came out of her room in far less time than we were expecting. I acted surprised, looking at my watch and asking, "What went wrong? Are you two fighting now?" Shannon smiled at me, her eyes twinkling, and pranced up to me to throw her arms around my neck and give me a big kiss. She leaned back, still holding me, and said, "No, Dad. It's just too early in the morning for much to have happened yet." She paused, then said, "At least for her." She smiled at me impishly, then went to give Annette a kiss.

I followed her, smiling and shaking my head. More and more she reminded me of Annette. I walked up to where they were still holding each other and they both turned to me and smiled. I took each of them by the hand and led them across to the couch, two cute little blonde nymphs, then stopped and had Annette sit down.

They were both smiling at me expectantly, wondering what was going on. I turned to Shannon and said, "This couch was one of our favorite and most used make-out spots. A lot of good memories are in those cushions. Your mother and Amanda would sit in the loveseat over there, and Mom and I would sit here. We would talk and laugh and carry on and sometimes making out would spontaneously happen. One night Mom and I were just starting to get a little hot and I had her shirt off when you walked out and stood there."

Annette laughed, remembering. I smiled at Shannon and went on, "You were around five or six. You said you were thirsty. We didn't want you to see things that may have been inappropriate, and haven't used the couch since, but that's going to change."

Shannon was smiling through the whole thing, looking a little embarrassed when I mentioned that she had caught us making out. I said to her, "If you ever want to interrupt us, feel free. Just join right in." Her eyes sparkled as she said, "I will, Dad."

Shannon shared our bed almost every night after that. We once again had some nights of four in our bed on the nights when Jan would join us. Occasionally Jan and Shannon would sleep together in Shannon's room, and Annette and I began making out on the couch again. Shannon would often join us, and she wanted to feel my hard cock inside of her every day. I was fortunate to still be Randy, because I still had lots of loving to share with Annette even with Shannon requiring her daily dose.

Shell returned for a week during a school break, and Shannon immediately got her involved with us. IT was almost like having Amanda and Sophie around again, the way those two acted after they settled into our routine. Annette and I regularly exchanging amused glances at the similarities.

Shell enjoyed her big chance to taste a creampie from her sister's dripping snatch. She was most enthusiastic, and as Shannon climaxed on Shell's face, the look on her face was rapturous.

Shell was adamant that she also have intercourse with me, but I put my foot down. No amount of enticement on her part would work, and she was about to start pouting when Annette broke in. "Honey," she said, "Dad and I make love all the time, but I don't have a pussy." She looked at Shell significantly.

Shell looked at her for a moment, then asked, "Anal sex?" Annette nodded with a little smile. Shell looked over at me and asked, "Would it be OK to have anal? I'd so love to feel you inside of me, Dad." I gave in rather easily at that, and with Annette's help and guidance, Shell and I were soon having anal sex. The scenes in our house became like those of a time long past, when Annette, Amanda, Sophie and I were likely to be found having sex in any location, any combination and at any time of the day. Shannon kept saying she was hoping to have my baby, and Shell was very encouraging. She understood why she and I couldn't do that, so she was fully behind Shannon in that regard. Being an aunt would be the next best thing.

One evening after Shannon and Shell had gone to their room for the night, I led Annette to the middle of the living room. I had heard an old song that made me think of her, and I put it on. The soft acoustic strains of Gordon Lightfoot's "Beautiful" flowed through the room, and we held each other, swaying slowly, holding each other while the music flowed through us, then kept right on after the song had ended, just holding and touching each other.


To be continued?

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Next: Chapter 7

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