
By Josh McCoy

Published on Aug 21, 2016


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I met Annette through a mutual friend, Amanda. Annette, Amanda and I lived together, and after some time welcomed Sophie into our group as Amanda's girlfriend. Annette and I married, and when Sophie wanted children, we had as much fun as we could to help her. When she got pregnant, that made Amanda want one too. They each had a beautiful girl, one fathered by Annette and one by me, born months apart. Less than three years later Amanda and Sophie were taken from us in a terrible accident, but they had left us with their two girls.

The story of how I met Annette can be read about in "Annette." I wrote a bit about our relationship with Amanda in "Annette - Fun with Amanda." Amanda introduced us to Sophie in "Amanda Brings Home a Friend." "Sophie's Story" covers the brief time we had with her.

Annette and I were at a park with the girls, Shannon and Shelley, helping them learn to ride their bikes without the training wheels on. They were six years old, and school was out for the summer. Shannon was almost three months older than Shelley, but was smaller, while Shelley was taking on the larger than life characteristics of her mother, Amanda. They were happy girls, but Shelley was boisterous where Shannon was more reserved, dark haired where Shannon had Annette's fine blond hair. They were both quick, intelligent and ever curious. We always tried to help them find answers to their questions, of which there were many, by showing them where to find them rather than simply telling them. They were avid readers, already ahead of their age group in ability there.

Shelley had been named for one of Amanda's favorite poets, and Annette or I would read portions of his works to them at night instead of bedtime stories. This was at Shelley's request, not because we were trying to expose them to poetry at their age. They were alive and vibrant, reminding us that even with death so close, life goes on.

The girls had slowly pulled Annette and I out of the depression we had sunk into after the unexpected deaths of Amanda and Sophie, but we were ever conscious of the hole they had left. We were better, but not yet fully recovered. Amanda had been such a big part of our lives for so many years - you don't get over something like that quickly, and our bed still felt empty where they had lain for so many nights. I have a much greater appreciation for the pain people feel when losing a loved one than I did before, and I don't watch the news at all now, because it's full of stories and pictures of other people's suffering.

Our sessions in front of the monitor looking at pictures Amanda had taken were fewer and farther between, and they no longer led to tears after the laughter. Not as often, anyway, and the tears were more gentle now, most of the pain having been flushed out of us over the course of the many nights of sadness. Annette and I were loathe to be apart for long, and every evening when I arrived home after work to hug and hold her, I felt like I had cheated death again. We made love often, slow and languorous, enjoying each other.

The girls' grandparents got to see them a lot, we wanted them to know who their families were, but Amanda's parents lived so far away that it was rare for them to get some face time. We made sure they sent letters, and we always included some pictures so they could share along with us as the girls got older. Sophie's sister lived only a couple of hours away, and she came by to visit every now and then. She was the spitting image of Sophie, and at first it would hurt to see her, my brain first exclaiming, "Sophie!" but then knowing that she wasn't.

Shannon yelled, "Dad! Look!" I looked up to see her wobbling along on her bike, unassisted, a broad smile on her face, right on the verge of crashing. Annette was clapping and cheering for her while she trotted along behind and Shannon slowly started gaining speed as she became more confident. I could see that steering was going to be the next issue, as Shannon was heading for the monkey bars, but Annette noticed too and grabbed the bike seat, stopping Shannon and holding her balanced.

Shelley and I cheered for her, and she grinned proudly at us. Annette gave her a little hug and turned the bike around, pointing it at open space for another run. Shelley brought me back to my job, saying, "OK, Dad. I'm next. Let's go!" We started rolling, me holding the seat while Shelley pedaled with a look of concentration on her face. She had been close to soloing, and it was no surprise when she took off, me trotting behind with my hands ready to catch her if she should lose control.

Shannon cheered, "Yay, Shell!" as Shell rolled along unsteadily, and Annette shouted encouragement at her. Things were progressing nicely, and I knew it would not be long before the four of us would be biking around in a disorganized pack.

We broke for lunch, the girls smiling and happy with their progress, Annette and I exchanging amused glances and touching each other while listening to them compare notes. When lunch was finished the girls ran for the playground, and Annette and I followed over, holding hands and strolling. Annette said softly, "Amanda and Sophie would have been so happy to be doing this with us." That was an oft-repeated phrase between us, but neither of us minded. I nodded agreement, saying quietly, "Yep." I imagined the same scene with them in it, and got a little smile. Perhaps I romanticized a bit how they had been, but I don't think so. I glanced at Annette as we walked and saw that she was smiling too.

Yes, time does heal all pain, at least outwardly.

We sat on a bench and watched the girls laugh and squeal as they played together, my arm around Annette , caressing her shoulder lightly, her hand on my thigh, squeezing gently on occasion. Finally the girls came and plopped down on the bench with us, one on either side, and they hugged us to them. We are a touching family, giving hugs freely since we have so many of them to share, the girls having been raised that way with Annette and I acting as an example. We held each other whenever we had a spare moment, and touched whenever we were within arm's reach.

We treat the girls the same, so they're always getting lots of affection from us, and they're not shy about giving it. They hold hands when they're walking together, acting almost like twins in their behavior, their minds synched more than your average sibling.

One evening some time later I asked Annette if she would mind if I left her with the girls to go visit Ken. He was the bartender at the nightclub where we had met, and he always treated Annette and I special. We hadn't talked to him since the funerals, and that was way too long ago. She hugged me and said, "I thought of that some time ago, but I didn't want to go back just yet. You go. Tell me how he's doing when you get back." I drove down to Sliders, parked the car and went in. It was early, there wasn't much of a crowd, and we spotted each other right away.

He pointed toward the drink well and I shook my head as I walked to the bar. I sat down on a barstool and said, "Just a Pepsi, please." He pulled a fountain Pepsi and placed it on the bar in front of me, then leaned on the bar with both hands, looking at me. We looked at each other for a moment, then he asked quietly, "How are you and Annette doing?" I nodded and replied, "Better. That's a big hole, though." Tears came unbidden to my eyes. Ken teared up a bit too. We looked at each other for a bit and then he shook his head and said, "Amanda," snorted a bit of a laugh and smiled kind of sadly.

I laughed, once, and nodded. "She was one of a kind."

He asked, "How are the girls?"

I pulled out my phone, pulled up a folder and opened it, handing it over to him. It had a bunch of pictures of the girls as they were growing up, the last ones taken at the park. He flipped through them, smiling occasionally, then said, "She looks like Annette."

I knew he was talking about Shannon and said, "That's what we think. That's Sophie's girl, the other one is Amanda's."

He gave me a little sly look and said, "She looks like you."

I laughed and agreed, "Yeah, but she acts like Amanda. The world better watch out in about 20 years." He laughed and handed the phone back, and I returned it to my pocket.

I looked at him and said, "I've never thanked you for attending the funerals. That meant a lot to Annette and I. We're sorry we haven't been by to say thanks."

He waved his hand at me, shaking his head. "I really liked Amanda, and I liked seeing you all together. I wish I had got to know Sophie better. You've had things to do since then, don't worry about it. I think about you two a lot, wondering how you've been. Good to see you're doing OK."

I nodded, then said, "I'm going to sit down for a bit." He waved his hand and went down to serve a new arrival.

I went to our booth and looked at it, and an image of Amanda, Sophie, Annette and I popped into my head. We were laughing about something and I could see the fondness in the looks we exchanged with each other.

I sat down with my back to the wall, legs stretched out on the seat, and reminisced for a few minutes - imagining Annette sitting next to me with her quiet little smile, Amanda across from me with her bold, free-wheeling attitude, Sophie with her gentle laugh and beautiful smile.

I was smiling, remembering, and thought that it was time Annette and I spent another night here. I thought she might see the same things I did, and that it might help us heal some. I drained my drink and got up. I walked to the bar and Ken came down to meet me. I held my hand out and he took it, holding it firmly. I looked at him and said, "I'll be back."

He smiled and nodded. "Be seeing you. Give my regards to Annette." I nodded and turned to go.

When I got home, Annette and the girls greeted me. I held Annette tightly for a moment, we kissed a bit and then I had to greet the girls. They always stood so patiently for me to finish with Mom. I knelt down on one knee and they came into my arms. I picked them up, one in each arm and stood up. They cradled my head in their little hands and took turns kissing my cheeks, smiling at each other while they loved on me. I put them down and they ran back to what they had been doing.

I took Annette's hand, walking with her to the couch and sat down to snuggle with her. We kissed and touched for a few minutes and she asked, "How's Ken doing?"

"He's doing fine. He looks good, maybe a few more pounds, but still the same old Ken." She smiled as she ran her fingers up and down my forearm. "I sat in our booth for a bit," I told her. She looked at me and I went on, "I kept seeing us all sitting there, laughing and carrying on. That old booth has a lot of memories."

She leaned up and kissed me softly, saying "It sure does."

I looked at her and asked, "Are you up for going out for a night? Just a short one. Maybe your folks would watch the girls for a few hours."

She looked at me for a bit and then nodded. "I think that would be OK. I'll see when Mom and Dad can watch the girls."

I squeezed her to me for a bit, then said, "I'm going to go play with the girls. If you hear me screaming, come save me." She smiled and we kissed for a while, then I got up to go face the wild horde.

Shell was like her mother in that she was usually giving direction to Shannon, and when I arrived, I became another of her subjects for their games. I played with them often this way, and noticed what Sophie had said about Amanda and Annette, that the lead was taken by Annette and Amanda expanded on it. I saw the same thing with the girls, and smiled in remembrance thinking of how perceptive Sophie had been.

The following Friday Annette and I dropped the girls by her folks' place, visiting with them a bit before heading off to Sliders. We were dressed casual tonight, and Ken spotted us right away when we came in. He smiled broadly and hooked a thumb toward the well, raising his eyebrows. I smiled back and nodded, then took Annette to our booth and seated her.

I went back to the bar to pick up our drinks and Ken waved his hand as I reached for my wallet. He said, "I'd join you for one but it's against the rules. I'm buying this one, not the bar. You two just enjoy it. It's good to see you two again, Dave."

"Thanks, Ken," I replied. He held his hand out and we shook firmly, then I took the drinks back to our booth. I explained to Annette that Ken had bought this one, and she looked over at him. He was watching us, and they smiled at each other and exchanged waves.

Annette and I looked at each other then touched our drinks together and took a sip, returning our drinks to the table. We looked at each other for a moment, then I put my arm around her and pulled her to me. We sat there for a while, quiet and thinking, then Annette softly said, "You know, we never came here by ourselves before. We were either with Amanda, or Amanda and Sophie."

I thought about it for a while and realized she was right. Of course, we were almost joined at the hip with Amanda; she was such a part of our lives. Sophie had seen that too, and was afraid that she would create a problem. That had not happened, and in fact Sophie had become as much a part of us as Amanda.

"I hadn't thought about it, baby, but you're right. Wow, all those times we came here and we never came without them."

We sat there remembering different times we had, sometimes sharing and laughing, mostly just sitting and thinking, but it was good. We didn't have any pictures of the four of us at Sliders, since that was one time Amanda could be counted on not to bring her camera. Amanda and her camera - I shook my head.

We only had the one drink, moving to soft drinks after that, but we sat through several of those as the place got busier and filled up. As we were sitting there, a good looking brunette in her young 30s walked up to our table. We looked up at her and she looked at Annette and asked, "Are you Annette?" Annette nodded to her with a smile. The brunette said, "I thought that must be you. There can't be many like you."

I could have told her that I had the only one, but that would have been presumptuous. I smiled now too, and she smiled back at us. She said, "I'm Jan, an old friend of Amanda's. She told me so much about you that when I saw you, I just knew it must be you. She described you perfectly." Annette brightened up when she heard that, and said, "Oh! Won't you join us?" Jan looked at me and said, "If I won't be disturbing you, sure."

I smiled and waved to the seat and said, "No, you're not disturbing us. We were just remembering Amanda. Go ahead and sit down." She smiled and slid into the booth, putting her drink on the table in front of her. Annette leaned forward and asked, "Where did you know Amanda from?"

Jan replied, "Oh, we first met each other, wow, it must have been almost ten years ago now. She told me about a cute little blonde trans girl that she worked with, and like I said, she described you perfectly. She really raved about you." Annette and I looked at each other, and I realized it must have been before we were introduced.

Jan saw the look, but didn't know what it meant. Annette explained, "That must have been just before she introduced me to David. Jan, this is David, my husband. We were very close to Amanda until she died."

Jan looked at me and her eyes grew wide. "Oh, you're Dave! She talked about you all the time. I'm so glad to meet you both." She looked down at her drink, turning it in little circles on the table. "I was out of state when she died, and missed the funeral. I heard about it when I got back. I was crushed. She was such a . . . she was so alive." I saw a tear roll down her cheek and roll off her chin.

Annette saw it too, and reached across to touch her wrist. Jan looked up at her and I saw both of her eyes were brimming with tears, and I felt like crying myself. I put my hand on her other wrist and she looked over at me. She could see the understanding in our eyes, and her face started to kind of scrinch up and I knew she was about to break down. I quickly got up and scooted in next to her, hugging her, and she grasped me tightly and started sobbing into my shirt.

I looked over at Annette, and saw a look of deep compassion in her eyes, which were full of tears too. Here was another victim of Amanda's senseless death. Jan straightened and tried to regain control, saying, "I'm sorry. I feel so guilty that I wasn't here. It wouldn't have mattered of course, but I feel like I had abandoned her, and I could have at least been here for her funeral." I coaxed her to her feet and got her into our seat to sit next to Annette. We hugged her between us, consoling her and trying to convince her that she had no reason to feel guilty.

Annette said in her soft voice, "Jan, let me tell you a little about Amanda." She described how Amanda had introduced us, our life together with her, how we had bought a house, met Sophie, had children, stories about Amanda that highlighted her character, and before long had Jan laughing with her. Annette finished, "Jan, she was so happy, happier than she had ever been, and she was a wonderful mother. Her life was so full, even by Amanda's standards. There's no reason for you to beat yourself up."

Jan hugged Annette tightly and said in a small voice, "Thank you." She sat back up and went on, "I always wondered where she had got to. Now I know why she stopped going to all those parties we used to see each other at. I've never forgotten her, and always felt like I should have stayed in touch, but never knew how to reach her."

Annette looked at me with her little smile, then asked Jan softly, "Would you like to see her daughter?"

Jan sat up straighter and asked, "Could I? Would it be alright?" Annette replied, "Of course it's alright. You can meet her tonight. We're going to pick them up when we leave here and you can meet us at our place. Will that work?"

Jan said, "Oh, yes! That would be wonderful, thank you." She sat back and kind of looked at herself, then said, "Oof, I have to go fix my makeup before I go back to my friends. They'll want to know what happened."

I said, "Just tell her you left it all over some good-looking guy's shirt. It's not far from the truth, just the good looking part." Jan laughed at me, and said, "That's not true, but I might use that anyway. I'm right over there, come get me when you're ready to leave." We assured her we would and she got up to go to the ladies room.

When she was gone, Annette and I snuggled in next to each other, and she said, "I recognized her, but her hair is different. I saw her picture a few times on Amanda's computer. I never knew who they all were, but she was in a number of them. Of course, Amanda isn't in any of them, but that's normal."

I laughed and said, "I must not have seen those." Annette replied, "One of the older folders has a bunch of pictures from before, they're mostly pictures of people at parties."

We sat and chatted for another half hour or so, then got up to leave. I took our empty glasses to Ken and Annette went to let Jan know we were leaving. Ken nodded over to where Annette was talking to Jan and asked, "I couldn't help but see what was going on there. Is she OK?"

I nodded, saying, "She'll be fine, just another one hurt by Amanda's death."

Ken shook his head. "Lots of folks here were affected by that. She was well liked. It was a pretty quiet night here . . . that night."

I agreed with Ken that she was well liked, and we said so long. I stopped by to pick up Annette, and Jan introduced me to her friends, two of whom were also acquaintances of Amanda. We told a few stories back and forth, laughing, then the three of us left.

Outside, we gave Jan our address, gave directions on how to get there and told her we'd meet her there in 45 minutes or so, then we headed out to get the girls.

We picked up the girls, and when we were well underway, I asked, "Do you guys want to meet a friend of Shell's mom?" They both got excited and said, "Yes!" The questions came fast and furious after that: "When do we get to see her? Where are we going to see her? What does she look like?" Annette looked at me, amused, and I laughed. "Pretty soon, girls. She's going to meet us at home. She's pretty. Does that about cover it?" The girls cheered and chattered the rest of the way home.

When we pulled into the drive, Jan was waiting in her car. She got out and met us as we unloaded the girls. Shell ran up to her and asked, "Did you know my mom?" Jan laughed at her and said, "Yes, I knew your mom." Shell hugged her waist, and Jan smiled at us as we walked up.

I said, "Shell, you have to let go or she can't come in to visit with you." Shell let go of Jan's leg and took her hand, leading her toward the house while she peppered her with questions. We opened the door and everybody trooped in. I told the girls they could visit with Jan after getting ready for bed, and they scooted into their room to change.

We sat Jan down on the loveseat and I offered her a drink. She asked for water, and I went to get it. The girls came running out of their room and flew up to land one on either side of Jan. Jan laughed and hugged them to her, and the girls began throwing questions at her. Annette and I watched as Jan patiently answered all of their questions, telling Shell what her mother was like. She had them tucked in, one under each arm, and regaled them with stories of Amanda, the girls listening to her raptly until I started to notice some sleepy eyes.

I quietly said, "OK, girls. It's bedtime now. Maybe Jan can come back to visit us again, and you can listen to her then." Jan looked at Annette and I and said, "I'd love to come back. Amanda talked about you two so much, but not as a couple. I almost feel like I've known you for years."

Annette said in her gentle voice, "You can come visit any time, Jan. I'll get you our number before you leave. Call anytime, and you come visit if you can."

The girls each gave Jan a hug and kiss, then Annette and I. I got up to tuck them in while Annette and Jan visited. I tucked the girls in and gave them each another kiss on the forehead, and as I was closing the door Shell said, "She's nice, Dad." I turned to look at her and agreed. "She is, isn't she. Good night, Punkin."

I joined Annette on the couch, putting my arm around her while we visited with Jan. It was good to hear about Amanda in the years before she became one of us, and it was clear that she hadn't changed one whit. Everything Jan told us about her sounded just like she always was with us.

Annette invited Jan to look at pictures of some of the things we did together, apologizing that there weren't many of Amanda. Jan said she understood, because Amanda never did like giving up the camera, and she was the one that always seemed to have one. We went into the office and pulled up Amanda's picture albums, going through pictures and telling the stories that went with them. Again, a lot of the pictures were fairly erotic, but Jan didn't seem the least bothered. I kind of got the feeling that she had been intimate with Amanda, but that was private and I didn't want to ask.

She looked closely at a picture of Sophie, then said, "I think I remember her, but I can't remember from where." Annette mentioned that Sophie and Amanda had met at a party, and it might have been there. As we progressed through the photo albums, Jan commented on how many were of Annette and me. Annette laughed and told her of Amanda's comment about following us around and making a picture album of us. Jan laughed and shook her head, saying, "That's exactly the sort of thing she would have said." She looked at us and added, "And the pictures are very sexy."

When we finished, Jan said, "Thank you. I can see how happy she was with you. I'm so glad I got to meet you." She looked back at the monitor with Amanda's favorite screen saver on it: the picture of Annette and me kissing in front of the lake. Her eyes studied it for a bit, then she looked back at us and said simply, "I'm glad she had you."

She looked at her watch and said, "I'd better be going." She stood up and we stood up with her, then she paused, asking, "It's really OK if I come back?" Annette stepped up to her and held her forearms, saying in her soft voice, with her little smile, "You come see us anytime." Their eyes met and held for a moment, then Annette slowly leaned forward, her lips parting. Jan's eyes got a little wider, but she tipped to meet her, and their lips met in a soft kiss.

Annette broke the kiss, leaving Jan standing there momentarily with her lips parted, eyes closed. Jan's eyes opened and looked at Annette, then at me. I smiled gently at her then stepped up and gave her a kiss too. "Come see us anytime," I reiterated. She smiled at the two of us and said, "OK, I will."

We saw her to her car and Annette gave her another little kiss, then we stood with our arms around each other as she backed out and left, giving us a wave as she drove off. Annette and I went back into the house and ended up on the couch, snuggling.

After a bit Annette said, "I like her. She was so good with the girls, too; she never acted like she didn't want them around her." I agreed, and added, "I wonder how many others are out there hurting since that day." Annette squeezed me tightly, then asked, "Do you think she'll want to come back?" I smiled at her and said, "If you gave me a kiss and invited me back, I'd never want to leave."

She laughed and smiled at me and I bent down to kiss her. It started as just a kiss, then my hand came up to cup a breast. I squeezed lightly, then played the ball of my thumb across her hard nipple. She moved back and started to take her shirt off. I helped her, then unhooked her bra, and when my hand went to her breast after that it was skin on skin, my favorite sort of contact.

I leaned her back on the couch, then kissed down her neck to suckle her firm little tits. I moved back and forth from one to the other, kissing and running my tongue across her nipples. She ran her fingers through my hair, then suddenly clutched me to her, freezing me in place. I heard her hum the opening line of "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" and knew that Shannon was standing there. I laughed silently, and felt her do the same, then lifted my head a little bit and asked, "Shannon, why are you up?"

Shannon's little voice asked, "How did you know I was up?" Annette was laughing harder beneath me, trying not to burst out, and I replied, "I have eyes in the back of my head. Now tell me, why are you up?"

She answered, "I was thirsty." She paused for a short two count then asked, "What are you doing?" Annette couldn't take it anymore, and started laughing, causing me to lose it and begin laughing along. I reached out for her shirt and slipped it between my head and her chest, letting her cover things up properly, then sat up and looked at Shannon. She was standing there looking at us somberly, and I got up to take her hand.

"Come on," I said, taking her little hand, "Let's get you a drink." We started walking to the kitchen and I went on, "We were doing things that mommies and daddies do."

"Oh," she replied, as if that answered the question. I got her a drink and tucked her back in, checking on Shell to find her fast asleep. I quietly told Shannon, "You need to do like your sister. When it's time to sleep, you should sleep."

"OK, Dad," she replied, and closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead and left the room.

Annette had her shirt on when I came out, but took my hand and led me back to the bedroom, turning the lights out as we entered, carefully closing the door behind us. I laughed at her as I was shedding my clothes, saying, "I guess our days of spontaneously making out on the couch have come to an end." Annette smiled at me and said, "It's OK. We have the bed."

We made good use of it that night, loving each other until the wee hours. We started when I laid her on the bed, then kissed my way down her body until I reached her little cock, taking it into my mouth and sucking her to orgasm, enjoying the feel of her tasty spunk filling my mouth. I lifted her legs and lubed her cute little rear, then lay on top of her and entered her, slowly filling her with my hard cock until I was buried inside of her steamy bottom.

We loved like that, kissing and fondling, until I thrust firmly into her, filling her bowels with my hot semen. We lay together for a while, feeling me soften within her, and when I finally slipped out, I lifted her legs again and licked her clean. When I lay down next to her, she sat up and took me into her mouth, cleaning and sucking on me, then laying on top of me to kiss me, little soft kisses across my lips, nose and eyes, filling me with tingly feelings as she showed me her love.

When I got hard again, she sat on top of me, riding me until I came inside of her once more. Later I kissed her from one end of her body to the other, licking and sucking on her toes and working my way up to her earlobe, not missing a single square inch in between.

We finally went to sleep, Annette firmly spooned in front of me, my arm wrapped protectively around her. It must have been all the reminders of Amanda that night, because I dreamed that she was in bed with us, her infectious laugh causing Annette and I to laugh with her, loving us in her exuberant way, her feelings for us shining out of her eyes as she went from one of us to the other. I woke up the next morning feeling so happy and free, remembering, before the wisps of the dream scattered and I opened my eyes. The dream was gone, but I still felt the same, and I hugged Annette tightly to me, so thankful that I had an opportunity to get to know Amanda.

I looked over my shoulder at the clock, and realized I had better be getting up or the girls would try to make their own breakfast. I lifted my arm and Annette asked softly, "What time is it?" I put my arm back around her and kissed her on the neck, saying, "It's time to make breakfast or the terrible chefs will take over our kitchen." Annette held my arm in place for a moment, then rolled onto her back to get a kiss.

I went from her lips to her lovely boobs, unable to stop myself and unwilling to try. However, the alarm bells of the prospective condition of the kitchen finally got me to my feet. It took some pretty serious consequences to get me out of bed with Annette, but a day of cleaning the house up after the girls tried making breakfast was one of them.

I took a quick shower and threw on a pair of baggy shorts and t-shirt, then exited the bedroom, closing the door behind me. I was relieved to see that the girls were in their room, playing. There were various toys out on the living room floor, but the kitchen was unscathed. I began gathering the ingredients for a scrambled egg breakfast, and when the girls heard the noises coming from the kitchen, they came running out yelling, "Dad! Dad!" They crashed into me, hugging my waist, but I had braced myself for impact and let go of anything breakable. I knelt down on one knee and gave each a good morning kiss on the cheek, then said, "Scrambled eggs for breakfast today."

Shannon started bouncing up and down, saying "Scram-ble eggs. Scram-ble eggs." Shell was quick to join in, and soon I had two little munchkins pogo-ing around the kitchen chanting, "Scram-ble eggs. Scram-ble eggs." I asked them to move their pogo sticks out of the kitchen and went back to work as they bounced out.

We were sitting around eating when Annette came out, looking fresh and clean, a brilliant smile on her face as she looked at us. Two forks hit the plates when the girls saw her, but I quickly stopped them before they could get out of their seats. "You're eating, wait for Mom to come to you. You can wait that long." They meekly settled back down, their eyes following Annette as she came to greet each of them with a kiss and a hug.

Annette stepped over to give me a kiss, her eyes rolling to look at Shannon as our lips met. Shannon was watching with wide eyes so Annette kept it brief. Our eyes laughed at each other before she stepped over to serve herself some scramble eggs and grab a couple of pieces of toast. She served herself and sat next to me at the table, her hand coming down to rub lightly on my thigh. I looked over at her and saw her eyes twinkling. It would have to make up for the abbreviated kiss I had received.

After breakfast was cleaned up, we got the girls dressed and ready for the day. We were going to ride a local bike path today, the girls' first long ride as solo pilots. We piled the bikes onto the bike carrier, loaded everybody in and drove to the 'trailhead,' the parking lot where one end of the bike path began. We got everybody outfitted in helmets and gloves and rolled out, the girls proudly taking the lead. Annette and I talked and laughed as we followed, calling out directions as we encountered pedestrians and other bikers. The girls had been schooled on proper etiquette and listened well. We made it past all obstacles in fine order.

As we approached a picnic area I called out to the girls to circle the wagons. They led us into the area, stopping without crashing into anything and we had lunch out of the pannier on my bike. I made a production of looking around and declaring, "No pond. You're safe . . . for the moment." Annette laughed and shook her head, and the girls laughed because Mom was. Annette and I exchanged a glance, and I knew she too was remembering the rides to Old Mill Pond with Amanda and Sophie.

After lunch was done, we rode back to the trailhead and loaded up for the trip home. The girls fell asleep, having used their energy reserves on the ride, and we had a time getting them up when we got home. Annette tucked them in while I put the bikes away, then brought the pannier in to unload.

Annette came out of the girls' room, closing their door behind her, and walked up to me, swinging her hips and looking at me in a sultry manner. I watched over my shoulder as she approached, an expectant smile on my face, and when she reached me she pushed her breasts into my back, her hands running up my stomach to my chest and whispered over my shoulder in her sexiest voice, "I think the couch is safe now."

I pushed back against her as her hands ran over my body, arousing me, causing my heart to beat rapidly, and I turned to hug her. Our lips met, my hands reaching down to grab her little butt and pull her into me, her hands running over my back as she pressed her firm breasts into my chest. I was breathing hard now, and broke the kiss to ask, "How about a shower, babe?"

She looked at me with lidded eyes and in her soft, sexy voice replied, "Just what I was thinking." It was a nice thought, but neither of us wanted to let go, so we continued to kiss and rub on each other. Finally she stepped back, grabbing my hand and leading me quickly through the house to our bedroom, where we swiftly disrobed. I adjusted the shower temperature while she reached between my legs to fondle my balls. When I had a proper temperature, we stepped in, closing the door behind us, and stood together under the spray kissing and touching, deliberately working ourselves up.

I was fingering her butthole with one hand and a perky breast with the other, and she reached down to stroke me while we kissed. She reached out for the lube, turning away from the spray and quickly readying herself, then rinsed her hands and leaned against the wall, cocking her cute little fanny in my direction. I held my cock against her little puckered anus, then slowly began working it in.

Annette rocked back against me, and we soon had a powerful rhythm going, our wet bodies crashing against each other. I reached around and caressed her hard cock, then began stroking it rapidly in a counterpoint to our movements. She was moaning, breathing hard and pushing against me as I rammed into her. We didn't often do it this . . . aggressively, but when we did there was nothing else we wanted to do. We fed off of each other, feeling the other's need, and what one wanted the other gave.

I heard her groan and shudder, and felt the heat of her semen on my hand, and her tightly gripping sphincter drew my own orgasm out. I came in a sudden surge, thrusting deeply into her, and she pushed back to take more of me as my hot spunk dumped into her cute butt. I pushed and jerked inside of her, slowing down, finally just holding myself against her as she leaned against the wall with her head down, both of us breathing heavily as our hearts began to return to a more normal rate.

I finally reached out to take her breasts in my hands, pulling her up and into me. She rested the back of her head against my shoulder as I gently squeezed and massaged her breasts, pinching the nipples between thumb and forefinger, she running her hands sensuously over my hips. I bent down and gave her a little nip on the neck, and she tipped her head sideways to encourage me. I nibbled and licked her as the shower spray washed over us.

We finished our shower and dried off, engaging in a little more light petting as we dressed, then drifted back out to the living room. Annette put on some light rock and grabbed a book. We sat together on the couch and read, enjoying each other's company in quiet harmony.

The next day was cleaning day. I typically worked outside, mowing the yard, trimming shrubs and hedges, doing all the little things needed around the outside of a home. Annette and the girls usually worked inside, but sometimes I asked one of them to assist me. They were always willing to do whatever we asked them, as long as they were doing it with us. We could work their little tails off and they'd never complain if we were there to talk to.

It was Shannon's turn to work with me outside, and we were picking up little branches that I had trimmed when Annette came to the door. "Honey!" she called. Shannon and I both looked up at her, and Annette laughed and qualified it, "Big honey!" Shannon looked at me and said seriously, "She means you, Dad." I laughed and rubbed her head, asking, "How about we both go see what she wants?" Shannon thought that a capital idea, and dropped the little handful of branches she had, grabbing my hand and walking with me to the deck. Annette smiled at us as she watched us walking toward her, and as I stepped up onto the deck she said, "Jan called. She wonders if we're up for a visit."

I raised my eyebrows. "Already?" I asked, surprised. Annette smiled and said, "Yes, she said she's been thinking about Amanda ever since our visit, and wanted to come see the girls again and talk about her." I shrugged and said, "It's fine with me. She can come over any time, I was just surprised that she wanted to come over so soon." Annette smiled and said, "I'll call her back. Do you feel like barbecuing something later?" I nodded. "Sure, we can do that. I have my primary chief deputy assistant here to help." I rubbed he palm of my hand lightly over Shannon's head, and she grinned up at me. "What time was she coming over?"

Annette called back over her shoulder, "I think she wanted to come over pretty soon."

I looked down and asked Shannon, "Would you like to visit with Jan again?" Shannon said, "Yeah, I'd like that!" I nodded and said, "OK. We'd better clean up then so she doesn't think we're some sort of wild piggies."

Shannon giggled and said matter-of-factly, "Dad. She just saw us a couple of days ago. She'd know these are just piggie disguises." I laughed and said, "Right you are! Let's get cleaned up anyway." Shannon nodded agreement and we went in to wash and change. Annette and I prepared some burgers and put them into the refrigerator.

Jan showed up and we welcomed her in. She was wearing shorts and a short-sleeved blouse, and I thought again how attractive she was. The girls greeted her with big smiles, saying, "Jan!" She smiled at them and got down on one knee, hugging them both to her. They gave her little kisses, the same as I get when I come home, and when she stood up and smiled at us I could see her eyes were bright with unshed tears. I walked over to her and gave her a hug, saying quietly, "They have that effect on us, too." Jan hugged me back and said, "I just think of Amanda now when I see them." Annette came to hug her from the other side and said softly, " We do too. Every day. That's not a bad thing, Jan."

Surprising me, but apparently not Annette, Jan turned and gave Annette a long, gentle kiss, and Annette returned it. Jan moved her head back and said, "You're right. It's not a bad thing." Annette gave Jan her little smile, and gently ran her hand down Jan's arm before letting it fall to her side. I looked over and the girls were standing side by side, holding hands, watching with serious faces as Jan and Annette faced each other. I didn't want to break the connection that Jan and Annette had right now, so I kept silent.

Annette asked Jan, "Can I get you something to drink? The girls are anxious to hear more stories, and David is going to barbecue later. You're welcome to stay as long as you want."

Jan smiled and replied, "Thanks, a glass of water would go good right now." Jan sat down on the loveseat and Annette went to get a glass of water for her. The girls sat down on either side and hugged her. Jan smiled at them and put her arms around them. Annette returned with the water and Jan asked her to just put it on the coffee table for now.

We chatted for a bit, the girls asking questions and Jan answering them. She had a good sense of humor, and kept the girls giggling.

I noticed the time and announced that I was going to get the barbecue warmed up. Annette got up with me and said to Jan, "Let's move this out onto the deck. We can visit with David while he cooks. Did you bring your bathing suit?" My ears perked up. Bathing suits?

Jan said, "Yes, it's in the car. I'll go get it." She went out the front door and I paused in the doorway to the deck, looking at Annette and asking, "Bathing suits?" Annette looked at me with a mischievous smile and said, "Just something to wear while we sit outside." I nodded approvingly and said, "Bathing suits. Good idea." I heard her chuckle behind me, and smiled as I walked to the barbecue.

When it was almost time to start cooking, a whole swarm of women came out onto the deck. Shannon and Shelley had their swimsuits on and Annette and Jan were each wearing loose shorts with bikini tops. Jan had marvelous firm breasts, slightly larger than Annette's, and a trim, taut body. I had made a point not to ogle her while she was in the house, but now I took a good look. Her legs and butt were toned, reminding me of Sophie's, and her stomach was as hard. There was a little tickle in the back of my head and I said, "Looking good, Jan. Rock climber?"

Jan smiled, pleased at my comment, and nodded, asking, "Does it show?" I nodded and replied, "You remind me of Sophie. She was a rock climber."

Jan looked startled and exclaimed, "That's it! That's where I knew her from. I met her at a climbing competition, but I was trying to place her in the context of a party. Oh, I remember her now. She was so sweet." Annette and I looked at each other, and I pointed over at Shannon, saying quietly, "That's her little girl." Jan got a sad kind of look and just watched Shannon for a bit. Annette walked over to her and softly said, "Maybe you have some stories for her, too."

Jan looked over and smiled, saying, "Oh, I do. She was a real athlete. She beat most everybody. She was one of the best in our group. I never climbed at her level, but she inspired me to try harder. She always helped others, offering advice on how to navigate a certain sticky part on that one, or which foot to lead with for this one. She was very good."

Annette said, "We never saw her climb, but she was a strong cyclist."

I interjected, "Yeah, if we ever had a race, it would be close. We never did anything like that, but she was that strong." Annette looked at Jan and explained, "David is a hard-core biker." Jan looked at me and smiled, her eyes far away, and I knew she was remembering Sophie.

I called for Shannon, my primary chief deputy assistant barbecue chef and we started bringing out the food. I brought the burgers and got them started, while she packed out the condiments and other fixin's. I got the burgers started, and soon the smell of char-broiled meat was filling the air. Annette and Jan had sat down on a couple of chaise lounges and were talking, Jan's eyes mostly following the girls. She was definitely easy on the eyes, and I kept sneaking peaks at the two sexy ladies.

When the burgers were ready I called everybody over. We got the girls set up on the table first, and they dug in, talking and chattering to each other. Jan, Annette and I soon joined them at the table, with Jan choosing to sit across from them so she could watch them together. At one point she said, "Annette, Shannon looks so much like you, but you said she was Sophie's. I would have said she was yours."

Annette and I looked at each other briefly. Annette smiled and turned to Jan, saying softly, "She is mine." Jan looked puzzled for a second, then we saw the moment of realization. Her face softened and she smiled at Annette. "That's awesome," she said.

I explained, "Sophie wanted a baby so bad. We both did our best to help, and Annette's got there first or something. We were all happy for Annette, because she wanted a baby too." Jan's smile grew larger and she repeated, "That's so awesome." She watched the girls for a while again while they carried on across the table from her.

Finally she looked over to Annette and me and said quietly, "You guys really had something special, you know that?"

Annette put her hand over mine and said, "Oh, yes, we know that. We knew it then. We cried for a long time when it ended, but we still had those two and really, they kept us from giving up. We still have Amanda and Sophie with us in those two."

Jan put the remains of her burger down and wiped her fingers and lips, then got up and came around the table to us. She put her arms around Annette, hugging her gently. Annette put one hand on Jan's forearm and rubbed it, leaning back against her. Jan then moved over and gave me a hug the same way, and I was conscious of her breasts pressing into my back. I reached up with one hand and put it on her shoulder, lightly caressing her while she held me.

She stood up, put a hand on each of us and said, "I can only imagine what you two must have gone through. I remember how shocked and heartbroken I was when I got the news, but it must have just about killed you."

I nodded and replied simply, "It was bad." Then I looked over at the girls and said, "But we're OK now."

When we were all done eating and the leftovers were put away, the girls went back to gallivanting in the yard, and Annette, Jan and I sat around sipping iced tea and talking. My eyes were drawn to Jan, but my mind kept superimposing a vision of Sophie over the top of her. The longer I did that, the more I realized how much they resembled each other.

The girls came running past and Annette asked, "Where are you two going?"

"We have to go potty!" Shell replied as Shannon opened the door. They scooted through and into the house. Jan smiled and said, "I can't believe it. Amanda and Sophie's kids. This is like some weird dream or something." Annette touched me and smiled at her, replying, "Yes, but the good kind." Jan laughed and agreed.

Annette stood up and offered, "Let's go inside. Maybe we can do storytime for a bit." Jan quickly got up, nodding her head, and said, "Storytime sounds great." We picked up the drinks and went inside. Annette went to check on the girls while Jan and I settled down in the living room. The girls came trundling out, Annette following them, and Annette asked, "Would you like to do storytime with Aunt Jan?"

The girls cheered and trotted over to leap up into the loveseat with Jan, snuggling up to her. She looked at Shannon and said, "I knew your mother too, did you know that?" Shannon solemnly shook her head, and Jan said, "Oh, yes. Your mother was a rock climber, and a very good athlete." She told stories of Sophie while the rest of us listened: Annette and I snuggling on the couch, Jan and the girls snuggled on the loveseat. Shannon and Shell listened with wide eyes as Jan went on.

Later, we put the girls down for a nap and Jan joined Annette and I on the couch, Annette and I snugged together, turned half sideways; Jan at the other end with her feet up, facing us. Something had occurred to me a little earlier, and I offered it.

"You know," I started, "Amanda introduced Annette and me. You can see how that came out. I don't know if I'd want to live without her, now. Then Amanda introduced us to Sophie, and that was its own special thing." I looked closely at Jan and went on, "Amanda introduced us to you, too, if you think about it a certain way."

Annette looked up at me, smiling, and said, "Oh, you're right. That's pretty cool." She looked over at Jan, smiling broadly. Jan smiled back, and I saw her eyes going back and forth between Annette and me. She scooted down the couch and snuggled in with Annette, and I lifted my arm to include her, resting my hand between her shoulder blades, running my thumb in little circles on her skin.

I was surprised at how quickly the three of us had become close, and thought that was probably Amanda's doing too. She must have instinctively gravitated to people who were of a kind. I sat and thought about Amanda: her bubbly personality, her infectious laughter when something really tickled her; how she never became offended at anything, just doing things the way she wanted anyway, and how easily she showed her affection to those she loved.

The three of us sat quietly like that for a while, and I wondered if they were thinking of Amanda too. Probably, I thought. I was still sad that she was gone, but now my thoughts brought me pleasure remembering how she was.

Jan finally broke the silence, saying, "I'm glad I met you. It feels like I found something that was missing but I didn't know it." Annette and I were quiet, understanding what she meant, and I appreciated that Jan was able to enjoy silence as much as we did. The time stretched on, Annette shifting a little once, but otherwise we just sat.

Later on, when Jan was leaving that evening, we stood in front of each other: Annette and I with our arms around each other, Jan facing us from a couple feet away. Annette finally stepped up and kissed her, soft and long. Jan's arms went around her, moving gently up and down her body as they kissed. When Annette ended the kiss and stepped back, Jan came to me, putting her arms around my neck, pressing her firm breasts against my chest and giving me a big kiss too, with plenty of tongue, and I instinctively reached to put my hand on her bottom, pulling her to me. She pushed against me, and we held like that as we kissed.

I lifted my head and we stood for a moment eye to eye, then she rested her head for a second on my chest, gave me one more quick squeeze and stepped back. Annette said in her soft voice, "Come back soon, dear." Jan smiled broadly and said, "I will. I definitely will." Annette gave her one more quick kiss and Jan got into her car.

She got everything situated and looked back at us. Annette and I had our arms around each other again, and Jan smiled at us. Annette gave her a little wave, Jan blew her a kiss and then left. Annette and I walked back to the house to be greeted by the girls.

Shell asked, "When is Aunt Jan coming back?" Annette smiled at her and said, "Soon, I think."

The visits from Jan became a regular part of our lives. She would spend most of one weekend day with us, and often stopped by briefly in the evenings. She started bringing her bike, joining us on our bike rides, and Annette and I found ourselves following three pilots now, the girls riding in front with Aunt Jan. She brought groceries occasionally, saying she had no intention of living off of us.

One night she stayed late, and we offered her a spare bed. After that she occasionally spent Saturday night with us, getting up the next day and helping with our chore day. She basically became one of the family, and we all enjoyed having her around.

It became common to touch her as we passed, and she began touching us the same way. Annette and I often stopped to kiss and touch, and Jan bought into the concept. One day I walked in from the garage where I had been working and found Annette and Jan standing near the kitchen, sharing a long, soft kiss. It gave me a satisfied feeling seeing them together like that, probably reminding me of times when I would see Sophie or Amanda doing the same thing with Annette. It was almost like life was returning to normal.

I was fixing coffee early one Sunday morning when Jan came out of the bedroom where she slept. She walked up behind me and put her arms around me, holding me close. I immediately flashed on the day that Sophie and I discussed her possible pregnancy, and felt a poignant twinge. I just stood still, enjoying the contact, leaning slightly back against her while she held me. When she let go and stepped beside me to pour her coffee, I ran my hand softly across her shoulder and down her back. She smiled at me and tipped her head up for a kiss. We touched lips, then tongues, briefly, and then she went to sit down at the table.

I joined her there and we chatted while sipping our coffee. Soon the girls came stumbling out, sleepy-eyed, and walked up to us. Shannon came and leaned against me, and Shell did the same with Jan. I softly rubbed Shannon's back, and she stood still enjoying it. Shell looked at Jan and asked, "What's for breakfast?"

Jan and I smiled at each other, then Jan looked down at Shell and asked, "Do you have any special requests?"

Shell immediately said, "Pancakes. Pancakes and sausage."

Jan nodded affirmatively and replied, "We can do pancakes and sausage." Shell smiled brightly at her and gave her a hug.

Shannon said softly, "I like pancakes and sausage." Jan looked over at her and said, "Well, I'll just make sure there's enough for everybody then." Jan squeezed Shell briefly and stood up. I got up to help mix the pancake batter while Jan got the sausage out and started warming a pan.

As we were bustling around the kitchen, Annette came out, looking so cute in her nightshirt, her hair tousled, a little smile on her face. We watched each other as she walked across the room and right up to me, then I took her in my arms and we shared a long good morning kiss. When she finished with me, she kissed each of the girls, then stepped over to Jan and gave her a brief kiss at the stove. Jan paused in her work while she returned it, then Annette sat down at the table where I had put her coffee.

She picked it up, looking at me over the brim while she took her first sip. We just looked at each other for a moment, little smiles on our faces, before I went back to the pancakes.

We got everybody fed and things cleaned up, relaxing for a while before starting our chores. We had fewer now, and they went faster with Jan helping, usually having the entire afternoon available to do as we wished. Sometimes we went for bike rides around the neighborhood, the girls having developed pretty good biking skills. Other times we played in our large back yard: volleyball, croquet, playing catch with a baseball or football, basketball in the driveway, whatever. We just spent the time together, and what we did really didn't matter.

As the girls got older they developed very respectable athletic skills, and by the time they were 10 could throw as good as any boy in their age group, run, jump, whatever with the best of them. Jan took us to a climbing wall and taught the girls the art of rock climbing. They embraced it wholeheartedly, and before long were shinnying up the wall in head to head competitions. The races were always very close, and often came down to which one stumbled a little. They always laughed at the end of the race, not minding if they had won or lost, just enjoying the game.

Shannon was looking like a smaller version of Annette, with a slight frame, and Shell soon began to outgrow her. They remained close, but could no longer share many of their clothes. At school they were loved and respected by the kids in their class, and we attended many of the school functions with Jan in tow. Jan tried not to miss anything, and sat with Annette and I watching them closely.

The summer of their tenth year, they entered a street basketball tournament with one of their friends from school, and won the girls division in their age group. Shell was a real force on the court, and Shannon had developed quite a quick defensive ability from all those days of trying to stop Shell at home. When they played together as a team, they were really something to watch. As the small trophy was being awarded and they held it up for us to see, broad smiles on their faces, tears came to my eyes as I thought of what Amanda and Sophie would have thought.

I hugged Jan and Annette to me, Annette looking at me and understanding what I was thinking. Her own eyes were wet, and we smiled broadly at each other. Jan was still watching the girls, and said, "Oh, I could just cry. Amanda and Sophie would have been so proud." I laughed, and she heard the tone of my laughter, looking up to me and seeing my tears. She hugged me back and said, "You were thinking the same thing, weren't you?" She leaned up and gave me a kiss on the cheek, and I gave her a quick squeeze.

That night after the girls had gone to bed, the three of us sat on the couch together, chatting about the day and talking about Amanda and Sophie. Annette and Jan were holding each other and I had my arm around Annette, my hand rubbing softly on Jan's back. Jan turned her head to kiss Annette, and her hand slowly came up to rest on Annette's breast. Annette kissed her back, and soon Jan was massaging Annette's firm boob, gently but with some urgency.

Annette leaned forward, moving Jan back a bit, then reached down and began to pull her shirt up. I helped her take it off, then unhooked her bra and helped her off with that. Jan put her hand back on Annette's breast and took up the kiss again. Annette leaned back against me and I started caressing her shoulders, watching as they kissed.

Annette's hands came up to rest on Jan's own breasts. She squeezed them both, then her thumbs started moving in circles against the nipples. Jan moved into Annette with an urgent moan, then sat up and quickly removed her shirt and bra. Annette's hands quickly went back to Jan's breasts and they moved together again.

I reached one hand to touch and caress Jan's back and shoulders while the other was on Annette. Jan broke the kiss and worked her way down Annette's neck, Annette throwing her head back, eyes closed, enjoying Jan's attention. Jan reached Annette's breast and began tonguing and suckling on a nipple, Annette now running her fingers through Jan's hair.

Annette lifted Jan's head and looked at her briefly, then softly said, "Let's move this to the bedroom." Jan stood up and held her hands out to Annette, looking at me with a smile. Annette took her hands and Jan pulled her up, hugging her briefly, then stepping back to give me room to stand. Jan held one hand out to me, I took it and she led us to the bedroom.

We finished disrobing and Jan tenderly laid Annette down on the bed, then glanced at my hard cock and looked at me with a smile. I smiled back at her, then looked at Annette. She gazed at me with her little smile and began moving sinuously on the bed, inviting our attention. Jan climbed up next to Annette, leaning on one elbow and began to kiss her while the other hand began to play with Annette's perky little boobs. I sat next to Jan and started rubbing my hand up and down her back, feather touches across her soft skin, bringing up goose bumps, then reached the other hand around to lightly cup a pert breast.

Jan was humming with enjoyment as she kissed Annette, then she kissed down to lick and suckle on Annette's breasts. Annette caressed the back of Jan's head, her eyes closed, as she enjoyed the feel of a woman's touch again. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked over at me, her smile slowly growing wider as we looked at each other. It had been a long time since we had anybody else in our bed, and it was unquestionably exciting. I didn't care if I had no fun with Jan myself, as long as I could see that look on Annette's face.

Jan's hand slowly traced down over Annette's pale, soft tummy, touching, then grasping Annette's hard cock. Jan slowly stroked her as she continued to suckle on Annette's cute boobs. I just sat there, touching and caressing Jan while she enjoyed Annette. Jan kissed her way down Annette's body until she reached her cock, then took her in and began slowly sucking and licking on it. Jan's cute rear was pointing toward me, and I looked at it covetously. I heard Annette chuckle, and looked up to smile at her. She knew, and her glance at my throbbing penis confirmed, that I was turned on immensely.

Jan continued to suck and play with Annette's cock, but climbed up to straddle her, lowering her pussy to Annette's face. Annette was no stranger to that position, and immediately began to lick and suckle on Jan's pretty pussy with enthusiasm. I was running my hands up and down Jan's back, lightly scratching with my fingernails, then sliding beneath her to cup and squeeze her breasts, tweaking the nipples.

Jan was working her wet slot up and down on Annette's face, with Annette enjoying it as much as Jan was. Jan was moaning with delight, occasionally trembling a little as Annette's little tongue worked her clit. Jan increased her speed on Annette's cock as her own passion rose, and Annette was rising to thrust herself into Jan's warm mouth.

Annette suddenly groaned, tensed and thrust herself hard against Jan, her hips flexing while she dumped a load of her sweet cum into Jan's willing mouth. Jan swallowed eagerly, and continued to suck on Annette's little prick as it quickly softened, then released her and licked a few times along Annette's little ball sack.

Annette continued to work on Jan's steaming cleft, and Jan now sat up a bit to push back on Annette's face, riding the soft tongue until she brought herself to orgasm, her juices pouring into Annette's mouth. Jan moaned and shook as the orgasm coursed through her body, then jerked once as a sudden surge of pleasure ripped through her. I was highly aroused now, watching Jan's hard little body on top of Annette.

Jan slowly returned to earth, her eyes opening, looking at me and seeing my throbbing prick. She got a look of hunger, and her eyes went up to meet mine. She climbed off of Annette and lay on her back next to her spreading her legs and holding her arms out to me. That's the sort of sign language I'm conversant in, and I wasted no time climbing between her legs. I wanted one quick taste of her delectable looking pussy, so I leaned down and licked up several times, causing her to moan and jerk as my tongue encountered her sensitive clit. She was as tasty as she looked, and I positioned the head of my hard cock at the opening of her bubbling snatch, then started working it in slowly.

She laid her head back and moaned as I entered her, and her tight pussy gripped me as I worked my hips back and forth, gaining a little depth with each forward movement. The tightness and grip of her vaginal muscle reminded me of Sophie, and I briefly flashed back to an earlier time in my life. I forced the memory out of my mind, focusing on the lovely lady I had before me. I worked slowly in until our groins met, and just leaned on her for a little while, enjoying the sensation of her hard body beneath me.

Her hands came up to grip my back, her fingernails digging in with her passion, and her legs wrapped around me. Once again I had to banish thoughts of Sophie from my mind, the similarities between them downright eerie. I worked back out, enjoying the feeling of her grasping pussy as I slowly extracted myself, then pushed back in just before I was fully out. She used her legs to help my downstrokes, pulling me into her, and her active cooperation was gratifying and welcomed.

We made slow love, and when I felt Annette's soft hand on my back, softly running up and down, I got a pleasant tingle thinking of her there. Jan and I both had our eyes closed, focused on the feelings our bodies were giving each other, and the building of my climax was slow and steady. Finally it hit me, and I groaned as I thrust hard into her, holding deep inside her as my cock pulsed its charge of semen deep inside of her, Jan gripping me tightly as she felt my throbbing cock against her vagina.

When my orgasm was finished, I opened my eyes to look at her. Her eyes were still closed, a dreamy smile on her face. I looked over at Annette, and she wrinkled her little nose in a smile at me. I smiled back at her and just looked at her while my breathing returned to normal.

Jan opened her eyes, saw Annette and I looking at each other, and reached out to touch Annette. We both turned to look at her, and she smiled up at us, saying, "I've been waiting for this day for years."

Annette touched Jan's cheek and said softly, "Honey, you should have said something. By this time you should know how David and I think of you."

Jan said quietly, "Every time I thought of it, I just thought that this was the bed that Amanda used, and it seemed . . . I don't know, not wrong, but like I shouldn't be using her bed or something. It's hard to explain, but the thought of using the same bed Amanda loved you in . . . it was like I was going to take something from you."

"Honey," Annette said, "We had a wonderful life with Amanda. She would be happy to see you here if she couldn't be. All she ever cared about was taking care of us. You've also just reminded us how much pleasure we have with another in our bed, but I think we were both afraid of ruining a memory also, because we never looked for anybody else. I think we gained a lot from you being here."

I agreed, still laying on top of her, my soft cock still held inside of her. "Amanda was a big part of our lives, as was Sophie, but neither of them would begrudge you this. Think about it: you know how they were. Can you really see either of them having a problem here?"

Annette then said in her soft, innocent voice, "If you were a jerk, it might be different."

Jan burst out laughing, and the tightening of her muscles expelled me from within her. I rolled off of her while she continued to laugh, and saw Annette sitting there with her little smile. I climbed between Jan's legs, sliding my arms beneath her thighs, enjoying the texture of her soft skin while I licked and cleaned her dripping pussy. She had a wonderful flavor, and I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it.

Jan shared our bed once a week or so after that, sometimes more, sometimes less, but she never hesitated to ask from then on. We were always willing to accommodate her. Annette and I were more enthusiastic and happy in our lovemaking, also. I think having another partner woke us back up, and there was new life in our bed at night. The girls were used to her staying the night and were never surprised when Jan was there in the morning. It they ever noticed that her bed hadn't been slept in, they never said anything to us.

As the girls continued to grow, the size difference between Shannon and Shelley grew, Shannon continuing to look like Annette with her petite size, and Shelley looking more like Amanda every year. Her hair was dark, not like Amanda's, but her build and buoyant personality made us see Amanda in her.

In their freshman year Shelley made the varsity basketball team, her competitive spirit and strong skills making a place for her on the team. She wasn't a starter, but got a lot of playing time. Shannon was a starter on the junior varsity team, and when it became apparent how strong her defensive skills were, she would often practice with the varsity. She had a fierce concentration, quick hands and fast feet. So often somebody would try to drive around her and a quick poke of her hand would strip the ball and she'd have it in her hands, passing to a teammate or heading down the court for a layup. It was good for the varsity guards to have to learn to work with somebody like that, making the team better.

Shannon and Shelley always had each other's back, and when one was playing, you could often hear `coaching' from the stands when the other saw something to capitalize on. They were so in tune with each other that they could hear the other's voice over any crowd noise, like a filter had been applied, and we would often hear them laughing about it on the way home after games.

They were strong bikers by this time, and we finally made the trip to Old Mill Pond. When we arrived and parked our bikes, we took our helmets off and looked at the pond. I pulled Annette to me as tears came to my eyes, the laughter and splashing of ghosts echoing in my mind. The brush was a little taller, but the place was otherwise unchanged, and it was easy to see Amanda and Sophie standing there, hand in hand, waiting to jump into the water. I heard Annette sniffle and knew she was hearing the same voices.

We sat on the picnic table with the girls and told stories of their mothers. We never talked about the sex, or skinny dipping, but there were plenty of things we could talk about, and they laughed along with us as we remembered and shared. When the talk had died down and we were all sitting their quietly, absorbing the feelings of the place, I squeezed Annette's hand and said, "Hey, baby?"

She looked up at me and I nodded my head toward the water, raising an eyebrow in query, a little smile on my face. Her eyes twinkled, and she nodded. We took our shoes off, held hands, and ran for the pond. When we leapt high into the air to fall into the pond, I thought I heard the click of a shutter behind me.


To be continued . . .

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Next: Chapter 6

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