
By Josh McCoy

Published on Aug 18, 2016


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I met Annette through a mutual friend, Amanda. Annette and I had hit it right off, but when I discovered she was trans, it was even better. We fell in love, and now live together, and Amanda is as much a part of our lives as we can make her. She doesn't quite live with us, but you wouldn't know it sometimes, as often as we're together.

I told the story of how I met Annette, but left off when we became a steady couple, well, triple, along with our girlfriend, Amanda. You can read about that in "Annette." The thing is, we have so much fun with Amanda, Annette thought I should tell a bit more about that part of our lives. Coming from somebody so beautiful, who can refuse a request like that?

Amanda closed the hatch on her Subaru and walked over to where Annette and I were buckling on our bike helmets. She waited for Annette to finish, then leaned in and gave her a kiss, and said, "You sure look sexy in that spandex and those reflective sunglasses, honey. I'd be tempted to take you home if I saw you."

I laughed, and Annette gave her a tolerant little smile and replied, "Amanda . . . you do take me home." Amanda's voice had a soft, beautiful timbre that made it unintentionally sexy. She could read the phone book for telephone sex - and people would call back for more. Annette is a tiny thing, just over 5', and petite. She has cornsilk blonde hair down to just below her shoulders, wavy and fine, and a creamy, pale complexion. Blue-green eyes, luscious soft lips and pretty little B cup breasts round out her package. Oh, package. She also has a very nice cut cock, with a tight little ball sack beneath it.

Amanda snapped her fingers like she just remembered. "Dang!" she said, "You're right. I guess I'm just lucky like that."

Amanda then walked over to me and gave me a kiss too. "You two be safe out there. I'll expect to see you at the pond in about an hour." She put on a mock severe facade and shook her finger at me. "Don't you make me eat all that good food myself!" I leaned to her and got another tasty kiss and said, "Never fear. The food is what keeps us going. Just make sure you don't finish all of Annette's tuna salad before we get there. I'll be very upset, and you might end up in the pond with us."

Amanda curled her hands into fists and held them in front of her, boxing style. "Don't you make me hurt you! The day you try to get me into that pond is the day that I . . . well, I don't know what I'll do, but I'll do it good!" Amanda was 5'9", about 150 lbs, green eyes above high cheekbones, 36C breasts and long, wavy light brown hair that ended just a bit above her waist. She wasn't slender, wasn't large, just perfectly healthy. She had a very outgoing personality, and I was almost as much in love with her as with Annette.

Annette laughed and waited for us to finish, sitting on her bike, one foot holding herself up. I looked her over and groaned, "Oh, how I wish I was a bicycle seat." She chuckled and gave me a sexy smile. She replied in her soft voice, "You can be my bicycle seat when we get home, David."

I looked at Amanda and lewdly remarked, "Well, there won't be any trouble with me getting back with thoughts of that awaiting."

Amanda laughed as she opened the door to her car, once more admonishing us to be careful, then hopping in and driving away.

Annette and I were riding out to Old Mill Pond, a thirty mile one way trip that we made about every other weekend. This time Amanda was driving out to set up a picnic for us. She was supposed to have it all ready by the time we got there, but Annette and I could cover that distance pretty quickly in our current physical condition, so Amanda better not waste any time.

I led off, and Annette settled into trail position behind me. We took the first mile fairly slow, just warming up, then I increased the speed. Annette stayed right with me, tight on my back wheel, and I watched her in my mirror almost as much as I watched the road ahead. Amanda was right, Annette was sexy in her biking outfit. She wore her fine blonde hair in a ponytail when we rode, and it shined in the sun at her neck. If it came to a race, I would win easily, but Annette could keep up with my normal cruising speed without trying too hard. It had taken many miles of riding together to get her into this shape, but she enjoyed it, since it was time spent with me.

By the fifth mile, we were into our rhythm, and the miles were really rolling past. We were averaging between 20 and 25 mph as we cruised down the shoulder of the lightly used secondary road. The air was fresh and cool that day, but it would be warmer later. We tended to start our rides early to avoid some of the midday heat.

Seeing the road was clear behind, I motioned for Annette to pull up alongside me, backing the pace down just a bit to allow her catch up. She quickly pulled even with me and I asked, "How you doing?" She smiled at me and replied, "Doing fine. Keeping up. We're not going that fast." I smiled back at her and asked if she wanted to take lead. She agreed and took over the lead spot and I fell into the trail position, my front tire inches from her rear tire. I requested the change because I wanted to spend a few miles looking at her cute behind and sexy legs, and for no other reason. I followed her like that for five miles or so and then cranked hard to get around in front of her, sliding in ahead of her and continuing our steady pace.

Annette and I would often make this ride to Old Mill Pond, park our bikes then strip down and skinny dip in the cool, clear water. We usually brought along some sort of eats in a saddle bag that hung underneath our saddles, occasionally a pannier, but today we had a full meal awaiting us, courtesy of Amanda and only had our water bottles as additional cargo. She said she was jealous that we got to have picnics together and never invited her, but she just wanted to do something nice for us. We'd been together for too long to fall for her shenanigans, but we always played along with them because it was so fun.

We pulled off the highway down the dirt road leading to the pond, and I saw Amanda's car through the trees. As we got closer, we saw that she was just putting the finishing touches on the lunch she had prepared, utilizing the one picnic table the Parks Department had placed out there beneath a big maple tree. The Old Mill Pond didn't get a lot of use, and we liked it that way. The grass was always green and it was quiet. We had never seen the single trash can get filled up.

Annette and I came rolling up side by side, gliding to a stop just near the picnic table. Annette staggered slightly when she stopped, and I put an arm out to hold her while she regained her balance. It's not easy to suddenly use muscles you hadn't used for a while, and it always took us a few seconds to get our feet beneath us.

We parked our bikes and removed our helmets, our hair plastered to our skulls, and even Annette's ponytail was soaked with sweat. Amanda came to us with two cold water bottles, and we each spent a few seconds sipping cold water, squirting it in short blasts into our mouths, swishing it around and then swallowing it. When I had finished about half a bottle, I put it down and began removing my shirt.

I hung the wet shirt over a branch to help it dry, then sat down to take off my shoes. Annette was being helped out of her shirt by Amanda, and I was watching as the shirt rose, exposing Annette's delicious breasts held in her sports bra. I gave a wolf whistle, the girls turning to look at me. Annette smiled at me and blew me a kiss, but Amanda hollered out, "Oh, shush you. Give a girl a little privacy, will you? You'll get to see plenty later."

I laughed as I took off my last shoe and began to strip my shorts off. Annette was watching me as Amanda helped remove hers, and we smiled as we each watched the other. I was soon standing naked and walked over to Annette, who was now naked also, Amanda having just finished with her shorts and giving her a kiss, so I ducked in to join them. After kissing and touching each other briefly, I turned to Amanda and said, "You're slowing us down with all the play you engage in. Try to stay focused, woman."

She smacked my behind and said, "You just hop into that pond, mister. Quit dilly dallying." I laughed and grabbed Amanda's hand. "Ready?" I asked her. She gave me her little smile and we ran together to the water's edge, leaping high into the air before falling into the water together while holding hands.

The water was invigorating, cooler than the air around us, but not so cold you couldn't breathe when you hit. We came up sputtering, shaking the water out of our eyes, and swam toward each other for a kiss. We had our routines, and Amanda's presence didn't change them. We weren't in long, just enough to rinse off the sweat and cool ourselves off, and we came walking out of the pond, holding hands, water streaming off our bodies.

Amanda had a camera in her hands, obviously haven just taken some pictures of us, and Annette yelled, "Hey! Don't you dare!" I laughed, knowing that would only encourage our crazy girlfriend. Amanda laughed and said, "Too late! I already got a bunch." Annette started running after her, saying "Give me that camera! You give it here!" Amanda kept the picnic table between them, laughing, then sat down on the bench and patted the seat next to her.

Annette grabbed a towel and began drying off, then sat next to Amanda like nothing had happened and asked, "Did you get any good shots?" Amanda said, "At least a couple that might be pretty good, depending on the timing, probably a few others, but we'll see how they turn out." The girls reviewed the pics for a few minutes, oohing and ahhing over the pictures on the tiny screen. I dried off and put on a pair of shorts that I plucked from the spare clothing we had packed in Amanda's car. I brought a some clothes over for Annette and sat down next to her.

She smiled gratefully at me and leaned toward me for a kiss. I kissed her while playing with one of her firm boobs, then let my hand drift down to fondle her little cock and balls. "Honey," I said, "If that's too cold, I know how to warm it up." She smiled sweetly at me and said, "You can warm me all you want." She moved a couple of plates off the table and sat on it, her feet on either side of me, and I moved in to suck her shrunken cock into my mouth. That cold water did no favors for our penises, and they almost became "innies" by the time we got out of the water. A little judiciously applied warmth and you'd never know it happened. The warmest thing I could think of at this time was my mouth.

I swallowed her down, pulling and sucking while she was in my mouth, slowly feeling the cold leave her flaccid penis. A few minutes of that and she was sporting a nice four inch hard-on. Now it was time for the appetizer. I played with her balls and licked her cock from base to tip, tickling the head with my tongue before swallowing her entire length. Annette had one hand on the back of my head, rubbing gently as I worked her over.

Amanda came and sat next to me, reaching up to caress one of Annette's legs, her other hand going to my crotch and fondling my own shriveled cock, although it was warming up itself as a byproduct of my attention to Annette. Amanda leaned against me while I was sucking on Annette and whispered with a husky voice in my ear, "I have one of the most sexy pictures of you two. I want to blow it up and make it poster on my bedroom wall." I let Annette's cock pop out of my mouth and turned to give Amanda a tongue-filled kiss.

I replied to her, "I knew we could count on you. The Archivist." She laughed throatily and agreed. Amanda was always taking pictures of the three of us, most of them not something you would share at the company Christmas party.

I returned my attention to Annette's throbbing prick, licking and bobbing on it, still twiddling her balls. I could play with Annette's cock all day, never worrying how long it might take to bring her to orgasm. It was like my comfort blanket, my pacifier, and I buried my face into her crotch, holding her length within me, enjoying the feel of her heartbeat through her hard prong.

Annette's hand was beginning to push my head against her, rather than just touching me, and I knew she was starting to feel the tingle. I slowed down, but made it more sensual, moving my tongue around more and slipping the tip of a finger beneath her balls to tickle her little asshole. She was making subdued moaning sounds as she rocked back and forth in my mouth, guiding my head as well, and I let her take the lead. Since she was in charge of the blowjob now, I reached a hand up to fondle one of her boobs, and bumped into Amanda's hand.

I know better than to give Annette a blowjob with my eyes closed when Amanda's around, but I too often get caught up in the feeling of the moment. Amanda likes Annette's firm little breasts as much as I do, so we end up sharing a lot. I thought I'd better just let Amanda handle the breastwork and I would concentrate on Annette's balls and anus.

I needn't have worried - just as I was moving my hands back down, Annette pulled my head hard against her, thrusting her stiff rod into my mouth, and I felt the first little blast of her delectable spunk hit the back of my throat. I hummed in pleasure as she showered my mouth with a small load of sweet semen. Amanda cooed as she twiddled Annette's nipples, and she stood up to give her a big kiss. Annette reached out to fondle Amanda's breasts while they were kissing, and I soon had her cock fully drained.

Amanda stood up and tugged down her pants. She was dramatically panting, and Annette and I both laughed at her. "Calm down, girl. We ain't going nowhere," I said.

She was peeling her top off now, and paused briefly to say, "You two are so DAMN hot, I can't help it."

Annette and I looked at each other and smiled. Amanda was constantly turned on by our carrying on with each other, we didn't even have to try to get her involved. If Annette and I kissed, Amanda got hot. It was great. I helped Annette down off of the picnic table and we watched, bemused, as Amanda started clearing one end of the picnic table.

"Here," she said to Annette, patting the table where she had made an open spot. "You sit right there so I can love on you while Dave takes care of me." Annette laughed and sat on the table where Amanda had indicated, and Amanda gently laid her back, Annette's legs hanging over the edge from the knees down, then kissed her way from Annette's crotch to her breasts, bending over as she moved.

I looked at Amanda's steaming pussy and saw that she was indeed hot, her juices glistening all over her vulva. She made my tongue hard, but that wasn't the sort of "taking care of" she was talking about. She wanted to feel my stiff prick inside of her, the whole eight inches. As I moved in behind, she looked back over her shoulder and said, "And if you spare the horses, I'll take it up with you later." She turned back to Annette as I laughed. I slipped the tip of my throbbing cock up and down her slit a few times, just getting it wet, then positioned it and slid it in with one long, steady thrust.

Amanda moaned, and said, "Yes!" and I began pounding into her mercilessly. I made long, hard strokes, and she pushed back against me as I was fucking her. She was really hot today, and was fucking me as hard as I was fucking her. She couldn't get enough of it. I loved that about her, and Annette and I did our best to keep her happy.

Once we had developed a rhythm, I looked down to meet Annette's eyes. Annette was looking at me from where she lay on the table, her eyes shining and wide, a little smile on her face. I smiled back at her, then cut my eyes to Amanda briefly and shook my head. Her smile grew and she shook her head also. Amanda was our very good friend, and we were both terribly fond of her, although she kept us hopping.

Amanda's long hair was covering Annette like a thin blanket, slipping back and forth as we fucked, and I could see one of Annette's nipples poking up through where the hair had draped one little breast. What a beautiful, sexy sight that made!

I reached around to manipulate Amanda's clit, and she hissed out, "Yes, yes" through gritted teeth. I moved my hand in a fast counterpoint to our bodies, and felt Amanda shift a little. We paused briefly while she repositioned her feet, then she began bumping into me again, so we picked it back up. She sped her pace up, and she said, "Faster." I gave the accelerator a little more fuel and the sound of our bodies meeting was probably carrying across the pond.

Annette was combing her hands through Amanda's hair, lifting it up and letting it fall back down in little waves, repeating it over and over, slowly, tenderly. I was holding Amanda's hip with one hand, using it to give me more power as I slammed my rampaging rod in and out of her bubbling snatch, rapidly running the fingers of my other hand back and forth over her clit. I felt her legs tremble a little, and she locked her knees, then pushed back from the table, hard, pushing into me as her climax hit. Her cunt gripped me as it spasmed, and I gave a few more hard pushes, then tensed up and began cumming inside of her.

My finger was still working on her clit, and I soon had a little additional lubrication as my semen began to leak out from around my throbbing cock while I made short, hard thrusts into her. My cock throbbed and pulsed, depositing a hot load of creamy spunk as my balls roiled in their sack. Her vagina was clutching at me, tightening and softening, tightening and softening, milking me dry.

We came jerking and stumbling to a finish, both of us gasping for air, sweat pouring off of us, legs shaky. I looked down to meet Annette's eyes. She was caressing the back of Amanda's head where it rested between her breasts. She wrinkled her little nose at me with a smile and I motioned for her to watch.

I gently disengaged my cock from Amanda's hot hole and slowly pulled her upright, turning her toward me and hugging her. She put her arms around my neck and we shared a passionate kiss. I broke the kiss - then reached down and scooped her knees up in one arm and took off at a trot for the pond. It was a few seconds before she realized what was happening and began screaming and kicking. I lost my hold on her legs, but we were too close for it to matter at that point, and the two of us fell into the water with a mighty splash.

I headed for shore as quickly as I could, scrambling out of the pond as Amanda sputtered to the surface behind me and yelled out, "You bastard!" Annette was standing in front of the picnic table laughing, her musical laughter a joy to hear. I heard Amanda say one more time, quieter, with laughter in her voice, "You dirty bastard," and then she started laughing too.

Knowing the danger had passed, I turned to help her out of the water, handing her a towel as a peace offering. She accepted the towel, then slugged me in the arm, but she was grinning widely. As she walked past me I noticed her erect nipples, water dripping down, her body covered with goose bumps, and I was sorely tempted to ask if she wanted to bend over the table again. I thought that might be pushing my luck, and just followed her back to the picnic area, admiring the swing of her hips as she was walking and toweling herself dry.

Once Amanda had dried herself, I licked and sucked her clean. We all put some light clothing on and sat down to eat. Our conversation rambled, we laughed a lot and nibbled at the food and soon we were all fed and it was time to clean up. We packed everything away, putting the trash into the trash can, then made a once-over of the site to make sure we hadn't left anything behind. We rested for a bit on the table, sitting with our backs leaning against the tabletop, looking out across the pond. I had Annette snuggled in on one side and Amanda on the other and we enjoyed a quiet moment together, listening to the wind rustle the leaves and the birds twittering all around.

Amanda broke the silence, saying quietly, "This was nice. Let's do this again sometime." I nodded, "Yep," then looked down at her and said, "Except for the pond part, right?" We all laughed and she agreed, "Except for the pond part. I will admit, though, that it felt good once I recovered from the shock." She looked at me and squeezed me, saying softly "You bastard," but took any sting out of the comment with a luminous smile. I squeezed her back and we shared a gentle kiss.

I lifted my arms from around the girls and stood up, turning to Annette and holding out my hand. "Well, baby, we'd better get dressed for the return trip. I'm looking forward to being a bicycle seat."

She laughed delightedly and took my hand, and as she stood up I pulled her into me for a soft, passionate kiss. She had her arms around my neck and held me tight while we tongued each other, then we drifted over to gather up our biking clothes from the branches we had thrown them over. They were all dry by now, and we stripped down to change. Amanda watched us with a little smile on her face, then got up to pick up our casual clothing and put it into the car. Annette and I got our shoes tied and grabbed our helmets, Amanda coming over to give each of us another hug.

She kissed me first, our tongues tangling briefly, and her fingers drifted across my crotch, making me immediately hard. She laughed wickedly, then turned to Annette. They kissed softly, sensuously, and Amanda's hand went to Annette's breast, her thumb tracing the outline of a nipple through the cloth. Amanda stepped back and said gently, "Sexy lady." Annette smiled and we got ready to go.

We had a much more leisurely ride home, but still covered it fairly quickly. We got home just before dinnertime, and Amanda had already cleaned out the car and put the leftovers in the refrigerator. She had showered and dressed in a scintillating see-through babydoll and lacy boyshorts. Annette exclaimed and cooed over the look, and headed in for a shower.

After I had shed my sweaty biking gear and put it in the laundry hamper, Amanda had me come back into the room Annette and I used for an office, with two computers set up. She sat down and pulled up a file, navigating until she pulled up the pictures she had taken at the pond. She double-clicked and opened up a picture, and what I saw took my breath.

It was a picture of me and Annette in mid-jump as we first leaped into the pond; the sky and vegetation reflected in the pond as if in a mirror, blue sky, lush greenery and a few fluffy white clouds in the background. The lighting had been such that every ripple of our muscles was sharply defined, and Annette looked terribly sexy. It was incredibly erotic without being the least bit pornographic. I was awed, and said softly, "Wow." Amanda said, "Uh huh. Just a lucky shot, but wow." She navigated to another one and opened it up. This was a picture of me and Annette coming out of the pond, holding hands and smiling at each other, the lighting still the same. The water dripped and streamed off of our bodies, highlighting everything about us, and Annette was smiling at me, saying something. Once more, Annette looked so sexy I was speechless. I turned to Amanda and we just looked at each other for a moment, then I said, "Nailed it. Wow. Those are awesome."

Amanda nodded and said, "There's more, but those two I'm going to make into small posters and put them on the wall in my bedroom. I want that to be the first thing I see when I wake up. I'll make a copy for you guys if you'd like." Without hesitation I accepted. "Absolutely. Annette will be amazed when she sees these."

Annette walked in right then and asked, "Amazed when I see what?" We turned to look at her and she saw the picture on the monitor. Her eyes widened and she quietly said, "Oh, Amanda. That's beautiful!" Amanda turned back and pulled the other picture up, moving it to the other monitor. Once again Annette was awed. "Amanda!" she softly exclaimed. "My god, look at that."

I turned back to Annette and reached out to hold her. She was still looking from one picture to the other, and she said, "Oh, David, you're so sexy. If I didn't already have you, I'd go to the ends of the earth to find out who you were." I chuckled lightly and said, "I was thinking the same thing about you." She looked quickly up at me and smiled brightly, then looked back at the pictures.

I told her, "Amanda is going to make us a poster of each. Do you think we can find a place to put them?" Annette nodded quickly, saying, "Oh, yes. I know just where they'll go." She stepped to Amanda and hugged her, still looking at the pictures. "Let's hope that's not the pinnacle of your career as a photographer. You're still so young."

Amanda and I laughed and Amanda hugged her back, turning her head to lick one of Annette's nipples. I started to leave the room and spoke over my shoulder, "I'm going to get cleaned up for my turn as a bicycle seat. After seeing those pictures, I'm excited to see how that goes." Annette turned to smile at me, her eyes gleaming with mischief. She said wickedly, "I'm going to ride you, all right." My cock twitched at her words as I left the room.

I soaked under the showerhead for a few minutes, letting the stinging spray leech some of the fatigue out of my muscles, then washed briskly. When I was completely rinsed, I turned the water to full cold, and winced as the water hit, forcing myself to stand there for thirty seconds or so, then turned it off. The cold water finish was something I liked to do after a long bike ride or other hard workout; it invigorated me and woke me up.

I toweled off and exited the bathroom, finding Annette and Amanda laying on the bed, kissing and caressing each other. Amanda looked so sexy in her snug boyshorts, and Annette had a hand up under the babydoll, playing with one firm breast. My cock started growing immediately, and by the time I reached the bed I was fully erect.

Annette saw me out of the corner of her eye and turned toward me, her eyes going straight to my rigid member. A smile grew on her face, and she looked up at me with lust. She gave Amanda one more gentle kiss and sat up, removing her hand from under the lingerie. Amanda sat up also, and I went around to where she sat, grabbing the hem of the babydoll and lifting it over her head, sliding her long hair out through the neck. I held my hands out to her. She took them and I pulled her to her feet. I let go of her hands, running my hands over her waist and slipped my thumbs under the waistband of the boyshorts, sliding them down over her hips and off her long legs, catching a faint whiff of her sweet musk as my face paused by her crotch.

Amanda lay back down on the bed and I let my hands run gently down her body, then climbed over her to lay between her and Annette. When I was on my back they both reached for my cock, two soft hands caressing and stroking me, my hard shaft twitching at their touch. Annette leaned down and took the bulbous head between her soft lips and sucked it lightly, then licked it a couple of times. Amanda's hand slid down to fondle my balls, and she got up far enough to lick and suckle at one of my nipples.

I reached out to gently pass my fingertips over one of Annette's pretty little boobs, tickling the nipple, then cupping it in my hand. She leaned into my hand as she licked the tip of my throbbing cock, then let go and stood up. She went to the nightstand and grabbed the lube, putting a little bit on her hand and reaching back to lube herself. She brought a hand towel with her when she came back to the bed, sitting next to me and lubing my cock. She wiped her hand and then straddled me, scooting back until I felt my cock head touch her tight anus.

She leaned back, eyes half closed as she lowered herself, and I felt the pressure as my swollen prick pushed against her hot ass. She swiveled her hips a little and I felt the resistance give, then I was inside of her. She gently rocked back and forth, my cock sinking deeper into her with each movement, until she felt safe enough to lean forward. She touched Amanda's cheek, and Amanda raised her head, turning toward her. Their lips met for a sensuous kiss, then Annette moved further up to kiss me. I tilted my head forward and we kissed gently, then Annette moved back to look at me, her eyes lidded, lips slightly parted, and she whispered to me, "My bicycle seat."

I smiled at her, caressing her breasts as she straightened back up, rocking back and forth on my impaling cock. She began to slowly lift herself, eyes closing, and her gripping sphincter held me tightly as she moved upward. I groaned lightly, pinching her nipples as she rose, then began to slide back down. She reached bottom, her tight ball sack tickling my trimmed pubic hairs, then began to repeat the process, slowly and exquisitely.

Amanda got up and straddled my head, lowering her steamy pussy to my face as she faced Annette and began to play with her nipples. Annette leaned forward to kiss her and fondle her breasts, and the two of them kissed and touched each other, adding to the sensations we each were feeling. Amanda made little back and forth movements with her pussy on my mouth, my tongue hungrily licking at her sweet snatch, twiddling the sensitive love button peeking out of its hood. I licked up to her cute puckered anus, flicking my tongue across the sensitive skin, causing Amanda to moan and push back into me.

Annette's tight asshole was squeezing delightfully on my shaft, working the entire length as she rode slowly up and down. She had the most incredible way of making love to me; I have a feeling she took some tips from Amanda in that regard, and her hard body worked me like a maestro. Annette riding my hard cock, Amanda sitting on my face - it was times like this that I felt I was the luckiest man on earth.

Amanda's juices were flowing freely now, and I was in seventh heaven licking and slurping them all up. Her pussy was so sweet, and the slick sliding across my face was an additional titillating factor to my arousal.

I was pushing back up into Annette as she began moving faster, and she and Amanda were moaning in each other's mouths as they hungrily tongued each other, pulling and tweaking the nipples and fondling the other's firm breasts.

Amanda began sliding harder against my face, her body trembling, and she suddenly pushed down hard, her delectable nectar flowing copiously across my tongue to be eagerly swallowed. I heard her moaning low as she humped my face, and I tried to do my part to keep her going, working my tongue rapidly over her boiling slot, sucking on the clit and otherwise keeping her stimulated.

She jerked a couple more times, then rose up, my tongue following her until I could no longer reach, making one last futile swipe through the air before I dropped my head back to the bed. She lifted her leg over my head, still kissing and fondling Annette, and kneeled beside me. She was flushed, her eyes unfocused as she peered down at me, then she smiled and bent to kiss me. I tried to slip a hand between her thighs to play with her pussy a bit more, but she quickly pinned my wrist and said, "Easy, there. I can't take anymore right now." I chuckled and grinned at her and she smiled at me, touching my cheek with one palm, then giving my nipple a quick little pinch.

I looked at Annette, and she was still slowly riding me, smiling at Amanda and me as we fooled around. I reached up to cup her breasts, squeezing them and tweaking the nipples, and Amanda grasped Annette's hard cock, stroking it briskly. Precum was leaking out from her stimulation, and Amanda bent to lick the tip, cleaning it up, then straightening and continuing to stroke her.

Annette held my hands against her breasts, riding me with more urgency, long strokes ending with a bounce when our groins met. She was looking at me with her eyes half closed, like a cat watching prey it knows can't escape. I was rising to meet her, occasionally lifting her up, then gently letting her settle back down. She began breathing heavily, and her eyes closed, her speed increasing, and now she was bouncing up and down rapidly on my throbbing prick.

Her movements became jerky and her head lolled back on her shoulders, then she let out a long moan and her pretty cock shot a small blast of cum onto my stomach. Amanda quickly leaned down to cover the tip with her mouth, taking the rest of her cum, but Annette's pulsing, grasping ass finally brought my own orgasm on. I thrust up hard into her, grunting, and a strong blast of semen burst into her hot depths. It seemed like I could feel each pulse of cum as it raced through my throbbing cock and past the tight grip of her sphincter, and I pushed and ground into her with the intensity of my climax.

Amanda finished milking Annette's cock and commenced to licking the mess on my stomach. Egad, that felt so sensual, and I traced the tips of my fingers along her spine, then down her haunch and back up. Annette sat upright, still impaled on my softening cock, regaining her breath. I opened my eyes to look at Annette, and saw she was looking at me. Our eyes met and we smiled at each other.

I licked my lips and her smile grew wider. She waited until Amanda sat up and then raised herself up until my soft cock dropped out of her ass. She quickly spun around and moved back to nestle her little cock and balls against my chin, he dripping asshole in front of my face. I pulled her down a bit and began licking and sucking the cum out of her butthole while she took my cock into her mouth to clean it up. Annette had the sweetest ass I've ever had anything to do with, and I always enjoyed cleaning her out. She was also a big fan of my attention in that area, so she went to great lengths to keep my tongue happy.

When we were all cleaned up, Annette turned around and laid on top of me, resting her chin on my sternum and looking at me with sparkling eyes. She had that satisfied look that I so enjoy seeing after making love. We just looked at each other, my hands gently rubbing her back as we relaxed. Amanda laid down next to us and put her arm over Annette, resting her head on my shoulder. Annette finally turned and laid her cheek on my chest. We were all snuggled in a big bundle, and we just lay there enjoying each other as one by one we drifted off to sleep. As I was fading out I thought about how much I enjoy picnics.

Another time the three of us piled into Amanda's car for a trip to the hills. We had all taken vacation time to be together, and planned on spending three or four days in the hills before returning. Annette and I made fairly regular excursions to the hills or backcountry, and she had turned into quite an avid backpacker, along with enjoying car camping. When we backpacked, I carried the bulk of the load, but she carried her share. Amanda, on the other hand, was still laughing about the first time she went out with me. Annette and I regaled her with tales of how the clean mountain air energized us, and she finally decided she needed to see it for herself.

I pored over my maps, trying to find the properly secluded location without resorting to an extended hike, and finally hit on a little-known lake that was only a few miles from an old logging road. I had been there a few times in my single days, and had never encountered anybody else there. I thought Amanda would be able to handle a hike of that distance, even though a portion of it was up a pretty steep incline.

When we arrived at our destination, we were all hot and sweaty. The temperatures weren't bad, but we moved steadily, and with the additional weight of the packs, we all got a bit of a workout. I tried to carry most of the weight, but it only helped to a degree. Amanda got the worst of it. Although she was in pretty good physical shape, she hadn't done anything like that for a while. We took quite a few breaks, but she was pretty bushed when we stopped for good.

Annette and I encouraged her to just relax while we set up camp. I was pitching the tent and saw Amanda resting against a fallen log nearby, looking pretty worn out. I got Annette's attention, and suggested she give Amanda a rubdown. Annette dropped what she was doing and sitting on the log behind Amanda, began by rubbing her shoulders.

I had brought a lightweight six-person tent, and it went up quickly. I moved our packs inside, unrolled our sleeping pads and bags on the floor and went out into the woods to gather firewood. In addition to gathering armloads of smaller branches, I drug a fair number of small logs back to the camping area. I found that to be the easiest way to get long-burning wood without resorting to a saw. Once the fire was going good, we could feed the ends in, the fire slowly consuming them as the logs grew shorter.

Annette was kneeling in front of Amanda now, one of Amanda's ankles on her shoulder while she rubbed the calf and thigh. I walked over and squatted down nearby. I reached out to touch Amanda on the shoulder, and she opened her eyes to look up at me. "How you doing?" I asked quietly, concerned. She gave me a pained smile and replied, "I'm fine, really. It just feels so good having her rub me down, I don't want to get up." I chuckled, and Annette smiled, but kept rubbing.

I pointed over at the tent and said, "Beds are made if you want to lay down. It would probably be best to rub you laying down, rather than like this." I moved my eyebrows up and down suggestively and said, "You could take your clothes off . . ."

Amanda quickly removed her leg from Annette's shoulder and got briskly to her feet. "That's the best offer I've heard since we left the car," she said as she headed toward the tent. Annette and I laughed, and as I helped Annette to her feet, Amanda grinned over her shoulder at us.

I pulled Annette to me and kissed her deeply. "Thanks, baby," I said. "She's going to be sore tomorrow, but that will help." Annette smiled up at me and softly replied, "I remember my first time, so I know what she's going through. You didn't have anybody to set up the tent while you rubbed me down, though."

I kissed her again and said, "I just wanted to rub on you." Annette laughed and poked me in the ribs, and we went to check on Amanda.

When we stuck our heads into the tent, Amanda was taking her panties off, already having removed everything else but her socks, and she was soon completely naked. Annette crawled in with Amanda and had her lay on her stomach, then straddled her and began working the lower back. I said, "It might feel better if you took your clothes off, too." Amanda had her head turned on her cheek, her eyes closed and said, "Ooh, that sounds like a good idea, Annette. Please do." Annette glanced me with a twinkle in her eye and began disrobing.

I said, "I'm going to scout around a little bit. You go ahead and give her a good rubdown - and anything else she might need." Amanda didn't move, but I heard her chuckle against the sleeping bag. Annette smiled at me and winked, and I backed out, zipping up the bug screen behind me.

I made a wide half-circle around the camp area, looking to see where we might find firewood and just generally re-familiarizing myself with the area. When I reached the shore of the lake, I was about a hundred yards down from the campsite. I walked up the shoreline, watching to see what the fish were feeding on, and brought several good sized rocks into camp with me. A few more trips to the lakeshore garnered us enough rocks for a decent fire pit, and I found a nice flat one that made an excellent pan holder.

I went back to the tent and took my hiking boots off before unzipping the bug screen to go inside. As I stuck my head in, I saw the girls, Annette laying on top of Amanda, her cute little body writhing slowly on Amanda's larger one. I was immediately turned on, and although Annette turned her head to acknowledge my entry, she didn't stop what she was doing.

I got inside the tent and zipped the bug screen shut. I crawled over alongside the girls and gave Annette a little kiss, then ducked lower to kiss Amanda on the cheek. She made a faint, "Mmm," sound, so I knew she wasn't asleep, but she sure was relaxed. I thought I'd probably be relaxed in those circumstances also.

I stripped out of my clothes, then turned to my pack and pulled out a pair of short pants and my camp moccasins. When I wasn't going to be walking far, I found moccasins to be far more comfortable than the hiking boots. I pulled my shorts on, Annette watching me and moving sinuously on Amanda's back. I watched her for a moment, thinking there were probably about 72 points of contact between them at any given moment, then shook my head, chuckled and went back outside.

I walked down to the shore of the lake, taking off my shorts and footwear, and stood there naked, looking at the water. The water was crystal clear, and I knew how cold it was, but wanted to wash the layer of sweat and grime off. I debated with myself for a second, but there being nothing else to do I just jumped in. Keee-rist, it was cold! I ducked under and stood back up, brushing the water back off my head, then dipped under one more time.

That was about all I could stand, and I waded back to shore, standing in the sun to wipe as much of the water off of me as I could, goose bumps head to toe. I sat on a sun-warmed boulder and let the sun and breeze dry me off, shivering occasionally and listening to the wind soughing through the trees, birds twittering here and yonder, soaking it all in.

When I was dry and warm I put my clothes back on and returned to the tent. Amanda was asleep, Annette laying next to her, rubbing one hand gently up and down her spine - one more thing to soak in, and I just watched for a minute, implanting this vision in my memory. Annette smiled at me lazily, and I quietly lay down behind her, putting my hand on her tummy and touching her softly.

She rolled over onto me and kissed me, my cock growing hard between her thighs and hers hardening between us. My skin was sensitive from the dip I had just taken, and it seemed like I could feel every little bump on her areolas as her nipples pressed into me. We kissed softly, but passionately, her lips so soft against mine, and I was once more amazed at the extreme femininity of my little transgender girlfriend.

My hands were moving softly and slowly on her back, down her spine to her buttocks, then back up to her neck. She broke our kiss, then looked at me, our faces inches apart, and said in her gentle voice, "I think I should take a dip, too." She smiled coyly and asked, "Would you be my lifeguard?" Her eyes were twinkling at me, and she was just so darn cute it was all I could do to not roll her over and enter her.

Instead, I solemnly replied, "I would love to be your lifeguard." She heard the hidden meaning in the words and just looked at me for a few seconds, smiling, then rolled off of me and moved to her pack. She pulled out a pair of deck shoes and slipped them on her feet, but didn't put anything else on. Quietly we exited the tent and went down to the lake. I showed her where I had jumped in, and she found a spot nearby that was just a little shallower, pausing before she leaped. She looked at me and asked, "Is it cold?" I nodded and answered, "Very." She winced and looked back at the water, biting her lower lip with indecision.

I gently said, "Just do it. You'll survive." She looked back at me and wrinkled her nose with a little smile, then abruptly leaped into the water. I quickly waded out to be there if she needed any help -- and the little minx came bursting out of the water like a dolphin and grabbed me around the neck, her eyes wide, mouth open and gasping, shinnying up me like a bear cub up a tree. I started laughing and fell down, inhaling a little bit of water and choking. I regained my balance and stood back up, putting my arms below her buttocks where she had her legs wrapped around my waist. Coughing a bit, I carried her out of the water, putting her down on the shore, and then rolled into the grass laughing and coughing. She was shivering, holding herself, her eyes still wide, completely covered with goose bumps.

Hey, I knew what she was feeling, but I couldn't stop laughing at her reaction. Every time I looked at her I saw that wide-eyed look leaping out of the water and started laughing all over again. At least I was too involved with laughing to realize how cold I was too, but reality slowly set in. I took control of my funny bone and showed her how to strip the water off to facilitate drying, then led her to the boulders to sit her on a warm seat in the sun. Amanda's voice drifted over from the tent, "What's going on out there?"

Annette looked at me and said with a little smile, "Don't you dare throw her in there!" I laughed again and earnestly replied, "I wouldn't dream of it. This is not the Old Mill Pond." I paused, then said, "We need to take care of her so she'll want to do this again. Let's really treat her right today." She looked at me affectionately and nodded her head, and we touched each other, just to be touching.

I heard Amanda's voice again, more clearly this time, and we turned to see her standing outside the tent, gloriously naked. Annette called out, "Come join us. Put some shoes on first, though." Amanda went back into the tent and quickly came out wearing nothing but her tennis shoes. She joined us on the rocks and asked again what the laughter was about. I told the story from my point of view, and Amanda laughed along with me. She rubbed her hand over the back of Annette's head, smoothing the wet hair and said, "Honey, now you know why I brought a washcloth."

Annette smiled beautifully at her and replied, "Oh, it feels good now, but WOW! was it cold." Amanda looked at me suspiciously and asked, "Didn't you tell her how cold it was?" I laughed and proclaimed my innocence, saying, "I said it was very cold; she's just hard core like that." Amanda put an arm around her and glared at me, saying to Annette, "Honey, you stick with me. You know you can't trust that man. Why, he's liable to pick you up and throw you into the nearest body of water at a moment's notice." Annette and I both laughed, and Amanda broke into a wide grin.

She pointed at me and said, "Don't even think it."

I innocently exclaimed, "I would never!"

I stood up and said to Annette, "Let's get Amanda cleaned up." Amanda shot to her feet and ran several strides away from the lake before spinning back around and watching me, causing Annette and I to laugh. I shook my hands negatively, saying, "It's not what you're thinking." She had a smile on her face but said, "You stay away from me." Annette and I laughed again and held hands as we walked back to the campsite, Amanda trailing several steps to the side, still a little suspicious.

I went into the tent and came out with my mess gear and a little gas stove. I filled a small pot with water and put the stove on the flat rock I had found earlier. In no time I had a pot of warm water for Amanda to use to wash the sweat off of herself. I presented it to her with a bow and she took it, laughing and saying, "That's more like it." She used her washcloth to clean a lot of the sweat off, but I pointed out she was still going to have to soak her head to get the sweat out of her beautiful hair.

She looked dubiously at the lake, then at the little pot and realized I was right. She looked back at me and I said, "I'm not saying you need to do it right now, but you're not going to like yourself at this time tomorrow. Your hair will be all itchy and stiff."

Amanda studied my face for a bit and then grinned a little bit. "I guess the overnight trip we took didn't give you much time to teach me, did it?" I hugged her and said, "You'll be fine. You'll do what you need to when the time comes." She hugged me back and gave me a kiss.

"Next time," she said, "I bring a bathtub."

Annette and I both laughed, then I stood and bowed toward the tent. The girls got up and led us in.

Annette took off Amanda's tennis shoes, then kissed her, pushing her back until Amanda was laying down, Annette on top of her, once again pressing their bodies together. Annette kissed her way down Amanda's tummy until she was tickling Amanda's little pubic patch. She began licking on Amanda's pussy, gently inserting a finger and slowly running it in and out. Amanda closed her eyes and smiled, teasing Annette's fine hair.

I was watching Annette's little butthole winking at me, tempted to do something, finally giving in and bending down to run my tongue over her puckered anus. She wiggled her little fanny from side to side, encouraging me to continue, so I did just that. I tickled, teased and licked the sensitive orifice, running my hand up her thigh to fondle her balls and hardening prick. My own cock was hard, and I figured I'd better remove my shorts. I straightened up and worked them off, tossing them over to my pack, then crawled up to kiss on Amanda.

When my lips touched hers, she opened her eyes and kissed me back. My hand cupped a breast, squeezing lightly, then pinching and plucking her hard nipple. Annette had laid down, and her face was buried in Amanda's pussy, licking and lapping, sucking on the hard love button, running a couple of fingers in and out of Amanda's wet snatch. Amanda's hand fumbled for my hard cock, then began slowly stroking it.

Amanda was breathing hard, and her head fell back on the sleeping bag. She was making little moaning sounds as Annette licked her pussy and worked her G-spot with two fingers. Her hand left my throbbing cock and went to the back of Annette's head. I kept twiddling her nipples, but leaned over on one elbow next to her to watch as Annette was bringing her off.

Amanda pushed Annette's face hard into her steaming crotch, lifting her hips, then groaned and began trembling and twitching as her orgasm hit. Annette continued to saw her fingers in and out, licking and slurping as much of Amanda's sweet juices as she could get. She kept Amanda jerking and coming for a minute or so, then began slowing down.

Annette pulled her fingers out of Amanda's sopping snatch, but continued to gently lick and suckle. Amanda's breathing slowly returned to normal, but I was keeping stimulated by watching Annette's little tongue swiping over Amanda's beautiful pussy. Annette finally raised her head and saw me watching her. Her cheeks and chin were shiny with Amanda's sweet juices, and I wanted to kiss her to share the flavor.

Annette saw the look in my eyes and smiled mischievously. She knew what was going through my mind. She looked down at my hard cock and her eyes lit up. She glanced at Amanda, who was still laying back with a smile on her face, then kneeled up and looked at me. She waved her hand at Amanda's crotch, as though presenting it to me, and I smiled broadly. She moved up alongside Amanda and I moved in to kneel between Amanda's spread thighs, lifting behind her knees and putting her ankles over my shoulders.

I pointed my throbbing member toward Amanda's steaming pussy and moved forward until the head touched, then smoothly inserted the entire length, drawing a long moan from her. I held her by the waist and began slowly moving in and out, long strokes that bottomed out with a little nudge. Amanda put her hands on mine, holding my wrists and pulling me into her with each slow thrust.

Annette watched us with a little smile on her face, her eyes going back and forth from me, to where my cock was sliding in and out of Amanda's slick snatch, then to Amanda's face, then back to me. She was obviously very interested in the proceedings, and I looked down to see her hard cock poking into Amanda's side.

The next time Annette's eyes met mine, I pointed to her little prick, then at Amanda's mouth. Annette's eyes followed my fingers, then looked back to me with a mischievous gleam. She got up and straddled Amanda's face, touching the tip of her cock to Amanda's lips. Amanda immediately opened her mouth to suck Annette in, Annette's eyes closing in pleasure as Amanda's soft lips enveloped her.

Annette moved her hips in a short up and down motion, sliding her pretty cock between Amanda's lips as Amanda suckled on it. Amanda's hands came up to cup Annette's taut buttocks, and I watched as she fondled and squeezed the little globes while feeding on the hard member.

I kept up a slow, steady in and out motion, occasionally bottoming out and pushing hard while swiveling my hips, then slowly withdrawing and returning to the languid fucking. I worked in and out of her slowly and easily, enjoying the heat of her welcoming snatch, especially those moments when she clamped down with her vaginal muscles.

Amanda had one finger up Annette's ass, moving it in short thrusts as she massaged the prostate. Annette was fucking faster into Amanda's mouth, and soon shot a load of sweet sauce over Amanda's tongue. Amanda said, "Mmm," and sucked Annette until she was soft.

Annette straightened up and lifted her knee over Amanda's head, then lay back down next to her. Amanda grabbed herself behind the knees and pulled her legs up to her shoulders, looking at me between her thighs, and said, "Fuck me hard. Really give it to me." Amanda often liked her sex hard, although she enjoyed slow lovemaking as well.

I leaned forward, supporting myself in a pushup position, and began slamming home as hard and fast as I could. Amanda closed her eyes and started groaning, my cock sliding rapidly back and forth over her G-spot, stimulating her and causing her to begin trembling. Annette sat up and helped Amanda hold her legs, and Amanda soon let go, grabbing fistfuls of the sleeping back and trying to pull herself into me.

After a couple of minutes of that, we were both covered in sweat, and I was glad for my long distance riding. Amanda could wear out a couple of guys like me when she was in a mood, but she was kind enough to restrict her loving to Annette and I. Fortunately I lasted long enough to bring her to a convulsive orgasm. She cried out, twisting her head from side to side, and her pussy gripped me like an oiled silk fist, demanding that I deposit my semen into her.

I tensed, and felt my balls draw up, then my throbbing cock was pouring its seed into her, pulsing and jerking as my orgasm went on. I was grunting and straining inside of her, and my vision began to dim. "My goodness," I thought, "She sucked the blood clear out of my head." I collapsed forward onto her, our sweat mingling as our bodies met, a beautiful slick sensation, and if I had any strength, I would have enjoyed sliding around on her. As it was, I was unable to move, gasping for air, and she held me tightly against her while she lowered her legs to the sleeping bag.

Annette place little kisses on both of us while we were recovering, and I was again thankful that I had met her. She was so tuned in to us, and liked to show us how she was feeling.

I rolled off of Amanda, and when my cock plopped out Annette was right there to lick me clean. She then lay between Amanda's legs and gently swiped her soft little tongue over and over across Amanda's cooling slot, licking and cleaning the remains of my deposit as it dribbled out.

When the sweat had cooled sufficiently on my body, I got up, putting only my moccasins on, and headed back for the lake. As much as I dreaded it, it was time for another cold shower.

When I returned from my dip, I put on my shorts and showed Annette how to run the little portable stove to heat water for Amanda, then got the fire going. I had a feeling we were going to be hungry tonight.

We all slept well that night, and when I awoke at first light, both of the girls were still sound asleep. I crept out of the sleeping bag Annette and I shared, disturbing her a little but making sure she was tucked in tightly after I was out. All I could see were the tops of two blonde heads. I dressed as quietly as I could, not wanting to wake them, and slipped out of the tent.

The sun wasn't up yet, although there was plenty of daylight. I walked into the trees a bit and relieved myself, then returned to stoke the fire and get coffee going. When it was ready I poured my first cup, setting the pot down away from the fire to stay warm, hissing when I burned my lips with the first sip, then drifted down to the lake to put a little cold water into my cup, cooling the coffee enough to drink it safely.

I stood there looking over the still lake, the surface as smooth as glass, hearing the morning birds singing. There was an otherwise complete stillness with an underlying roar just below the threshold of consciousness. I could never hear it, but I always called it the sound of life. Occasionally I would hear a pop from the fire, but other than that it was very quiet. This was why I enjoyed coming out here. Well, that and Annette. And now Amanda.

I walked over to our drying rock and sat there sipping my coffee and enjoying the morning stillness. When my cup was down to dregs, I walked back to the fire for my second cup. I poured another cup, then poured another for each of the girls, setting them near the fire to stay warm. I walked up to the tent, peering through the bug screen to see if either of them was stirring. Nothing. Ah, it was still early and yesterday had been pretty rough. I took my coffee back down to the lake and sat back on our drying rock, not at all unhappy with my life.

The sun rose, bringing some warmth to the cool morning. It wasn't long before Annette poked her tousled head out of the tent, greeting me with her beautiful smile. My goodness, she looked so sexy like that. "Good morning, sunshine," I said to her, holding her coffee cup out. She beamed at me and walked over, reaching for the cup while tipping her head back for a good morning kiss. I kissed her and squeezed her little bum, then she settled in next to me. I scooted closer and put an arm around her. She leaned against me while we sipped our coffee and soaked in the morning sun, quietly enjoying each other's company.

I cooked and served breakfast, and they did the dishes. After we had cleaned up we spent a little time hiking around near the camp, skirting the edge of the lake and just wandering around. We didn't do a lot this first morning there, Amanda still feeling a little tired from the hike. I was thinking we needed to get her onto a bike, too, get her in better shape so she wasn't so worn out when we went out like this. Not that I knew she'd consent to go along again, but she seemed to be enjoying herself so far.

Later that day, when the sun was high, Annette and I took another dip in the lake, the water no warmer than yesterday. I jumped in again, but Annette just stood there for a while, then looked to see me smiling, waiting to see what she was going to do. She laughed her quiet musical laugh, and waded in almost to her waist. She gathered herself and then ducked under the water, quickly rising to hurry out. She had brought an old shirt to dry with this time, and quickly dried herself off.

I waded out of the water and flicked water off for a bit before Annette came up and helped dry me with her damp shirt. When I was dry, I took the shirt from her, dropping it onto the ground and gathering her into my arms. I ran my hands all over her body, reveling in the feel of her pert breasts, smooth tummy and taut buttocks. She knew how I felt, and stood there enjoying my touch, looking at me from her beautiful eyes, wearing her little sensual smile, watching me as I enjoyed her.

Annette and I stood naked at the water's edge, bodies merged, kissing softly but passionately. My hard cock was firmly ensconced between her thighs, lifting her balls and helping to keep her own little cocklette hard against my stomach. I moved one hand between us to cup and squeeze one breast, and our tongues played their games with each other.

I heard Amanda's voice say, "You two. You're just trying to keep me hot, aren't you?" We broke our kiss and turned to look at her as she walked the last few yards up to us. She had her camera in her hand, and placed it on a nearby rock, then stepped up and put her arms around us. Annette and I each put an arm around her and I kissed her cheek, then said, "You get hot if we wake up." Annette smiled at her, eyes twinkling, and Amanda let out a hearty laugh, replying, "Too true!" Her hand went down to squeeze my buttock and she went on, "But it's still your fault. You don't see yourselves the way I do. I just took a couple of pictures of you standing here. I can't wait to see how they come out."

Amanda then stepped around us and looked at the water for a moment, then back at us. "How's the water today?" she asked. We both quickly assured her it was still cold. She said, "Well, I have to rinse out my hair, so I'm going to try it, but I'm just going to wade in a little way."

Annette stepped up to her and said softly, "I'll go in with you, just to keep you company." Amanda reached over and pinched one of Annette's little nipples, saying, "You can come with me anytime, honey." They held hands and slowly began wading into the cold water.

I grabbed the camera and took a couple of pictures, then sat down to watch over them. When Amanda was into the water about halfway up her thighs, she stopped and let go of Annette's hand. Annette moved over a couple of steps and ran her fingertips through the water, watching Amanda. Amanda bent down and stuck her head into the water, rinsing her hair with her hands, then stood with her head cocked over, hair hanging down almost to the water and began squeezing the water out. I took a couple more pictures, one with both of them in the frame and one zoomed in a bit on Amanda.

Annette looked over at me and saw the camera. I waved it at her and smiled. She smiled brightly when she realized that I had some shots of Amanda, and slowly waded her way back to stand beside her. "Do you want to try to rinse the rest of your body?" she softly asked. Amanda quickly shook her head, saying, "I'm about to get out. I think my legs are turning blue." They turned and held hands as they waded back toward the shore. I put the camera down and walked over to hold my hand out to them. Amanda took my hand and I gave her a pull, her hand pulling Annette, and Amanda paused there a moment to try to squeeze a little more water out of her hair.

When she was finished, I led her over to our "drying rock" and had her sit down. I stood behind her and started lifting her long hair, spreading it through my fingers and combing it. I kept doing this, hoping it would help her hair dry faster, and heard the click of the camera shutter. I turned to see Annette with the camera in her hand, a little smile on her face. I smiled back at her and continued combing my fingers through Amanda's hair. Amanda just sat still, enjoying the attention, her head tipped slightly back and a peaceful smile on her face.

Annette put the camera down and walked up to us, giving Amanda a kiss, then kissing me, her hand trailing across my buttocks as she softly said, "Wait here," then walked past me and went to the tent. I could feel Amanda's hair getting drier and kept playing with it, once pausing to trace my fingertips across the line of her jaw, down her neck and brushing over a nipple. She let out a little, "Mmm, that's nice," as I went back to her hair.

Annette stepped out of the tent, and I eyeballed her cute little bottom as she bent over to close it up. She came walking up to us, sexily swaying her hips with a mischievous little smile, little cock and breasts jiggling lightly with each footfall, and as she got closer I saw that she had the bottle of lube in her hand. I raised an eyebrow to her as she reached me and she looked me in the eye and said softly and sensuously, "Right here." I smiled broadly at her and my cock began to grow.

Amanda said in a sleepy voice, "Right here, what?" from where she sat. Annette walked around me and took one of Amanda's boobs in her soft little hand, then leaned over and sucked the nipple. Amanda never opened her eyes, just continued to smile and touched Annette's leg. Annette let the nipple go with a little `pop' and said equally sensuously into her ear, "Right here me and David fuck."

Amanda's eyes stayed closed, but her smile grew a notch. "Mmm, goody," she said dreamily. Annette licked down Amanda's neck to her breast, taking the nipple back between her lips and giving it a little nip. Amanda trembled minutely, and her arms got goose bumps. Annette's hand lightly trailed down to Amanda's groin, brushing across the top of the vulva, then whispered back up her tummy to grasp the other breast and gently squeeze it.

Watching Annette touch Amanda made my cock rock hard, and it was now fully erect between Amanda and I, twitching with the beat of my heart, and every time I released Amanda's hair it would fall lightly across it, the feather touch stimulating me even further.

I cocked my head over a little to check out Annette's cute tush. She saw my movement and looked up at me. When she realized what I was doing, she smiled and turned a little to enable me to see better. I chuckled and said, "Thanks, baby." She gave a little wiggle, but kept playing with Amanda.

I let Amanda's hair fall one last time, then began rubbing her shoulders and said, "Your hair is pretty dry now. Does it feel better?" She said, "Mmm, I feel better all over."

I reached over and squeezed Annette's little bottom and asked, "Ready, baby?" She straightened and gave me a sexy smile, putting her arms over my shoulders and saying huskily, "I'm always ready for you, David."

I placed my hands on her buttocks and pulled her tight against me. We shared a kiss, long and deep, as my hands kneaded her soft but firm bottom. We broke the kiss, and I touched the tip of my tongue to her soft lips a couple of times, two little swipes that just tickled. She stood very still, with her eyes closed, lips slightly parted and shivered lightly. I watched her as she stood there, and a few seconds later she opened her eyes, looking into mine, and smiled gently at me. She asked quietly, "Do you want to do me, sweetie?" I said, "Sure, baby. Happy to." She gave me one more light kiss and stepped back, reaching for the lube where she had set it next to Amanda.

I noticed then that Amanda had turned and was watching us, her eyes twinkling. She shook her head at me, and I said, "Hot, right?" She laughed quietly and nodded. "Right." I shook my head at her and said, "You're so predictable."

Annette smiled at us and held the lube out to me, then turned and leaned on the rock Amanda was sitting on, spreading her legs and cocking her little fanny up to me. Amanda turned and kissed her while I was getting the lube ready. I put a nice dollop on my hand and lubed my hard cock, then put a little more on and applied it to her puckered sphincter. I pushed a finger in, twisting it, moving it in and out, and enjoying the feel as it tightly gripped my finger. I got her well lubed, kissed each of her little globes, then lined myself up with her little asshole and pressed up against it.

Annette began pushing back against me, rotating her hips a bit until the tip of my hard cock began to penetrate her sphincter. Together we rocked back and forth, little movements opposing each other, and I felt myself sinking slowly, deliciously deeper into her. Her asshole gripped me, not easily admitting my stiff pole, creating the most splendid friction as we moved.

Amanda stopped kissing her and hopped down off the rock to stand alongside of us. She reached one hand underneath Annette to manipulate her hard little cock, the other lightly caressing my forearm. She leaned down to kiss Annette's shoulder, placing soft little kisses here and there while Annette rocked against me.

Once I had a good start, I took my hands off of her waist, and gently scraped the backs of my fingernails up her back, then back down. Annette's head rolled back at my touch and she pushed a little harder, just once, as a little shiver went through her petite frame. My strokes were slowly getting longer as I penetrated deeper, her rocking becoming more pronounced as she moved in concert with me. This was something we enjoyed doing with each other, and it was as though we could each feel what the other was feeling.

Amanda was slowly stroking Annette in time to our movements - when Annette rocked forward, Amanda's hand moved back, and vice versa. Our hands often passed each other as we both caressed Annette's back.

Annette and I were completely engaged now, my cock running its full length into her, and I just held still for a while, allowing her to use me as she pleased. She moved hard against me, rocking slowly forward, her anus grasping my pole, tightly sliding over it until just the tip was left, then pushing back vigorously to impale herself on my rigid prick. She continued this way for several minutes, and soon she was breathing harder. Her head now fell forward as she picked up her pace.

I knew the signs, and began moving against her again. I reached one hand out to touch Amanda, and when our eyes met I said softly, "Soon." She nodded and smiled, kneeling down and taking Annette's swollen cock into her mouth. Annette moaned and banged back harder against me. I was giving a hard nudge against her with each impact, and her cute little boobies jiggled fetchingly every time our bodies met. Amanda was almost able to hold still, allowing Annette to fuck her mouth while she suckled her cock and played with Annette's balls.

Annette groaned again, pushing hard against me and holding it, then moved forward in a short jerk and slammed back. I made hard, short thrusts into her and she began to come. Amanda hummed in enjoyment as Annette gushed a load of sweet semen into her mouth. I continued to jab and thrust into Annette, knowing it was contributing to her orgasm, but also helping to bring my own on.

I felt that old familiar tingle, and my legs began to tremble. My movements became jerky and I suddenly rose up on my toes and buried myself hard into Annette's clutching asshole, groaning as my load blasted out to fill her bowels with hot spunk. I jerked, thrust and growled as my cock drained itself inside of her, my whole body tingling with the intensity of my orgasm. I came to a shuddering stop, my cock still occasionally twitching inside of her as it slowly softened.

Amanda straightened up, took a half step toward me and waited with her face near Annette's little bottom. I knew what she was thinking, so I slowly began withdrawing from Annette's cute butt, Amanda's eyes growing ever more eager the further out I got. When my semi-flaccid cock plopped out, Amanda grabbed it and began licking its full length, cleaning off the cum and sending delightful feelings throughout my body. When she finished with me, she gently moved me aside and began to lick and suck on Annette's dripping asshole, soothing and cleaning her up as well. Amanda sometimes treated us like a mother hen, but we never minded.

I walked around to the rock Annette was leaning on, sitting back alongside her, and she lifted her head and looked at me with a satisfied smile, eyes half closed. She lifted her arm so I could scoot over in front of her, then rested her head in my lap while Amanda finished licking her clean. When Amanda had finished, Annette straightened up and moved right into my arms, allowing me to hold her while she regained her strength.

Amanda joined us on the rock. I asked her if she had any leftovers to share and she leaned over to kiss me. I dug around in her mouth, but apparently she had swallowed everything, since I only tasted Amanda. Dang. She laughed at the feigned disappointment on my face. "You know," she said, "You two really do seem more randy out here."

Annette looked up at me and smiled, and I laughed. "I think it's the clean air, I don't know, maybe the thought of just wandering around without clothes all day if I wanted to."

Annette looked at Amanda and said, "You should have seen some of the places we did it on other trips. He just turns me on, and wherever we happen to be, that's where we do it. One of us gets a little horny and we're going."

Amanda reached over and rubbed Annette's back. She smiled and said, "Oh, I know. It's like being at home, but without walls. You're not limited to the few rooms you have there. And out here, you don't have to wait until you get home to play around, just go ahead and do it."

I nodded, agreeing. "You two look good anywhere, but there's something about seeing a naked girl in the woods that really gets my blood boiling." Annette rubbed her body against me sensually and said in a low voice, "You can boil inside of me anytime, sweetie."

Amanda and I laughed, and I started getting hard. Amanda noticed my condition and snaked her hand between Annette and I to grasp me and squeeze. She said, "Here, I have an idea." She had me lean back more on the rock, and had Annette move up on my body, my cock sticking up between her thighs.

Amanda began licking my cock, and Annette rubbed her perky tits on me while she stuck her tongue in my mouth. Our position didn't allow Amanda to swallow me down, but she worked my cock and balls like a master and soon had a mouthful of cum. Annette felt me tensing up as I shot my load into Amanda's mouth, and hummed while she was kissing me, pressing her body harder into mine.

The weekend went along in that manner. I did all the cooking, since I was most familiar with cooking over a fire, but I talked about what I was doing while I did it, trying to teach while I worked. The girls were attentive, so maybe they picked up something useful. Whenever one of us got horny, we dropped what we were doing and took care of it.

The packs were lighter going out, with the loss of the food, and we didn't have the steep hill to climb, so Amanda was not as worn out as when we hiked in. Still, as soon as we got home and all the gear out of the car, she went in for a shower. Annette and I emptied the packs and began putting everything where it went: dirty clothes in the hamper; packs, mess kit and tent in the storage area; sleeping bags airing over the deck railing; and personal care items wherever they happened to go. As Annette was picking up those, she held the bottle of lube up and grinned at me.

"Tonight," I promised. "We'll sleep good, but I'll have enough strength for that before I fall asleep." She smiled at me, eyes twinkling, then left the room.

When Amanda came out, scrubbed and glowing, Annette and I took turns showering. Amanda didn't bother putting anything on, but went into the kitchen and began putting together a light meal. When I came out from my shower, my two beautiful girls were sitting at the dining room table, food ready to eat, and I joined them there.

We ate and talked, and when the meal was finished and cleaned up Amanda said she was going into the office to upload the pictures. She said she just knew there were going to be some good shots, as many as we had taken over the weekend. Annette and I moved together and kissed, our bodies lightly touching, then I took her hand and led her over to the couch. We sat there snuggling and kissing, engaging in some light petting while we relaxed and digested the meal.

After a time, Amanda called us into the office. She had the pictures uploaded and saved, and wanted to show us a few in particular. The first one was a picture she had taken of Annette and me when we were standing by the lake kissing. Our bodies were almost like silhouettes against the bright water, and I felt a little tingle as I remembered the moment. Annette squeezed my hand and smiled briefly at me, and I knew she felt it too.

The next one was the girls in the water, when they first walked in together holding hands. Their backs were to the camera, looking almost like a mother and daughter with their size difference, but you could see how beautiful and sexy they were. Then a picture of Amanda rinsing her long hair, water streaming from her long tresses as she squeezed it out. Annette was standing a few feet away looking down at the water, with little ripples trailing out behind her fingertips. It looked like a peaceful moment, which it had been, and Annette again squeezed my hand.

Amanda said, "That's a good one, Dave. There may be hope for you yet." Annette smiled at me and I chuckled, "Kind words from The Archivist. My life is complete." Amanda laughed and brought up the next one, me standing behind her at the drying rock, lifting her hair while she sat back smiling. We were in profile, and she looked so sexy sitting naked on the rock. I reached down and touched one of her breasts, lightly pinching the nipple and said, "Lady, you look beautiful." She smiled at me and said, "That's a good one too, Annette. I'm glad we took this trip, you two learned a lot." Annette and I laughed at her, and she turned back to show us other pictures.

Amanda had taken most of them, so they were primarily of Annette and me, sometimes one or the other of us alone. There was one of Annette and I standing naked near the edge of the trees. I was pointing at something and Annette was bent over at the waist, looking at whatever I was pointing at. The light and shadows gave that one an interesting look. We had no clothes on in most of them, other than footwear, but that's how we had spent most of the weekend while around camp.

Amanda sat back and said, "That was a good weekend for pictures. I think you two would make a good picture in any setting, but something about the outdoors really makes you shine. If I just followed you two around with a camera, I'd get so many sexy pictures I could sell an album of them, and people would buy it." Annette and I laughed, but we didn't know how serious she was.

Some months later Amanda triumphantly showed us a letter she had received. "See!' she said, "I told you!" Her pictures of us jumping into Old Mill Pond and standing by the lake had won awards in the erotic category of a photo contest, along with my picture of her and Annette in the lake. Annette and I were surprised. Amanda had said nothing about it to us, but that's how she was. She looked at us and said, "I told you, if I just followed you around . . ."

Annette and I laughed, then looked at each other and kissed, long and soft. I heard Amanda say quietly, "Hot," and my heart was full of feelings for these two wonderful women.

Amanda wasn't so hesitant to join Annette and me on our pack trips after that. She did get a bike, and began to join us on our rides, not every time, but often enough that she improved her condition considerably. She finally made the ride out to Old Mill Pond with us, and voluntarily leapt into the water after we arrived. She was smiling when she waded out and said, "It feels different after a long ride than when you get thrown in after hot sex." Annette and I laughed at her, and she grinned at us mischievously. We had more hot sex and took another dip before we left, too.

Amanda finally gave in to our coaxing and let the lease expire on her rental, moving in with us. Heck, she was at our place most of the time anyway, and when she moved her stuff into the second bedroom, you could hardly tell the difference because of the items she already had there. She put the posters of me and Annette at Old Mill Pond on her wall, so on the rare occasion she slept in her own bed it would be the first thing she saw when she woke up.

We soon realized that we were feeling cramped, and began to look for a house of our own. We found an old ranch style home nearby that was in need of some attention, but the price was right. Between the three of us we had enough saved for a good-sized down payment, and wrote the cost of a new roof into the mortgage. We moved in and worked for months on updating and remodeling, the girls working as hard as I was. The interior began to look pretty good with new carpet in a few rooms, hardwood floors in others, and walls with a fresh coat of paint.

We had a master bedroom now with a large attached bathroom. That became our next project, and we spent a bit of time putting in new cabinets, sinks and a good sized shower that would easily accommodate all three of us.

We finished all the remodel projects inside, then painted the exterior and the job was done. It had been a hard six months, but we had what amounted to a new house. We invited my parents down for a housewarming meal, with me as barbecue chef. My parents loved the place.

Dad and I walked around while I told him what we had done with each part of the house. We had a spare bedroom actually set up as a bedroom, with Amanda's old bed and bedroom furniture in it. In consideration of my parents, we took down all the photos of naked people and put up a couple of shots of the lake that Amanda had framed.

As we were eating, Mom said to Annette and me, "When are you two going to get married and give us some grandchildren?" Ah, Mothers. What would we do without them? I saw Amanda smirk, and I looked at Annette. She gazed enigmatically at me and I quietly told Mom, "Annette can't have children." Mom felt terrible, but I saw Amanda holding back a laugh. It was all I could do to keep a straight face.

Mom reached out, putting her hand on Amanda's and said, "Oh, I'm so sorry, honey. I didn't know. Please forgive me." Annette clutched her hand in return and softly replied, "It's OK, Mom. We've accepted it. We're happy together, and maybe someday we'll adopt." Dad deftly moved the conversation in another direction and the subject never came up again. That was the only time Mom ever mentioned grandchildren, but Annette truly was sad that she couldn't have a baby. She was feminine in every respect, except for that.

When my parents had left and the meal was cleaned up, I grabbed Amanda by the arm and led her into the master bedroom. Annette followed us in, a smile on her face. I said sternly to Amanda, "You! You nearly made me laugh when Mom brought up children." Amanda burst into laughter and said, "I nearly made you laugh? It was all I could do not to laugh myself!" I was trying to keep a serious face, but she could tell I was as amused as she was.

She put on a contrite face and said meekly, "Am I going to get a spanking?" Her eyes were full of mischief and I thought it a marvelous idea, as did my penis. I was slowly growing hard.

"Yes!" I exclaimed. "You need a good spanking!"

I turned her around and pushed her onto the bed. I began to pull her shorts down and she lifted her hips to help me. When I had her pants off and saw her beautiful bottom, I got completely hard. I lifted her forward, and she kneeled on the bed, her lovely ass and pussy exposed to me. I got on the floor behind her and kissed each of her cheeks, then licked up from her clit to her asshole, running my tongue around her wrinkled rosebud a few times. She trembled and moaned.

"I changed my mind," I said softly, before burying my face between her cheeks and hungrily licking her pussy and asshole. She hummed with pleasure, and moved her hips a little to encourage me. I felt the bed move, and glanced up to see Annette sit down next to Amanda, watching me with her little smile. She was so beautiful that I almost left off to get up and kiss her, but exerted some self control and held myself in check. She began lightly running her hand up and down Amanda's back, and I went back to licking the steaming pussy in front of my face.

When I had her nice and wet, I slipped a couple of fingers into her, causing her to moan and push back against me. I rimmed her cute anus while sawing my fingers in and out, occasionally rubbing her G-spot briskly for a few seconds, then playing with her clit, working her into a hot frenzy. Her hips were pushing, swinging and dipping as she encouraged me to different spots, and I gladly moved as she directed.

She groaned and pushed back at me, her climax beginning, and I worked her clit briskly. Her delicious juices poured out, and I happily licked them all up. Her cute little butthole was winking at me, and I couldn't resist slipping a fingertip in, causing her to tremble and moan as she came all over my face. She finally finished, panting and sweating, and I gave one more affectionate swipe with my tongue, then got up.

Annette was looking at me, her eyes twinkling, and I gave in to the temptation, leaning on the bed to put the palm of my hand on her cheek and kiss her soft lips. Her eyes closed and our lips gently touched. I flicked my tongue across her lips, tickling them lightly, enjoying their softness, and brushed my fingertips lightly down her neck.

Amanda let out a soft, "Oooh," and rolled over, hanging her legs over the end of the bed. Annette and I looked over at her. She had a dreamy smile on her face, her eyes half closed as she studied us. Annette leaned down to kiss her, then lifted her head and said sincerely, "Let that be a lesson to you."

Amanda huffed out once in amusement, then burst out laughing. She stopped briefly and said, "Ooh, Daddy. Spank me some more, please," and Annette and I laughed along with her.

To be continued . . .


Next: Chapter 3

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