
By Josh McCoy

Published on Aug 14, 2016



When I met a beautiful trans girl, my life changed.

Friday night. I was cleaned up, dressed up, and ready for a night of relaxation and adventure at my favorite LGBT hangout, Slider's. I say adventure because I had no firm plan going in, and was just going to have a few drinks and see what happened. In my present happy mood, whatever happened, including nothing, was just fine. There were many straight people that visited Sliders also, as it was just a nice place to go and enjoy yourself.

A little about me. I'm 27 years old, 5' 8", roughly 180 lbs and single. I'm fairly fit from a regular regimen of free weights and using a bicycle as my primary means of transportation to my job in the technology field. I'm of Irish descent, with blue eyes, brown hair and a fair complexion. I have a cut cock, 8" when hard, that I'm perfectly satisfied with. I'm bisexual to a degree, in that I love women, but also loving having a nice cock in my mouth, and enjoy the feeling of a guy as he cums while I'm sucking. I've never had a cock in my ass, but I've been asked to use mine on a guy a time or two. I enjoyed it immensely, but still never had the desire to try it myself.

The bouncer at the door checked my ID and I slipped my way through the crowd to the bar, nodding to my favorite bartender, Ken, where he was serving two guys near the end. I waited patiently, listening to the buzz of the place, music volume perfectly adjusted so you didn't have to yell to be heard, but could still have a confidential conversation if you wanted.

Ken stopped at the well and mixed my drink, knowing what I wanted without asking. He strolled down with a smile and said, "Hey, Dave. How's things tonight?"

"Just fine, just fine," I replied expansively, taking a sip of my Tanqueray & tonic. The first sip always tasted so good, and I savored the slight flavor of juniper as I washed it around in my mouth. Swallowing, I asked, "How are things going for you tonight?"

Ken nodded pleasantly and said, "Good crowd tonight. I've been busy, but good busy."

I leaned one elbow on the bar and slowly scanned the room. The dance floor was not quite full, with a lot of remaining room to bust out your best dance moves. There were couples of mixed gender, couples of a single gender, and groups of varying gender.

Most of the tables were being used, and everybody appeared to be relaxed and having a good time. An occasional burst of laughter punctuated the room, and the overall feeling was just people having relaxed fun.

As my gaze moved to the far side of the room, I noticed a beautiful young lady approaching the bar at the far end. She was quite petite, not much over 5', with fine, cornsilk blond hair, almost white, down to her shoulders, and lovely legs. She was dressed in a white form-fitting top that showed off her cute breasts, with a pink ruffled skirt that came down to just above her knees. She talked to Ken, and he turned to fill her order. Her eyes moved down the bar and met mine. I smiled at her and raised my drink in greeting. She smiled back and nodded her head.

Ken delivered her drink and she spoke to him. I saw him glance in my direction, then they had a brief conversation. She picked up her drink and slowly made her way down to me. I shifted on my barstool to face her, and waved toward the seat next to me. She smiled, sat down and asked, "Do you come here often?" Her voice was soft, with a beautiful timbre that made my heart start beating faster.

"It's my regular hangout. I'm here most evenings for a little bit, longer on Friday and Saturday nights. Yourself? I can't say I've seen you here before."

She shook her head and replied, "It's my first time here, but so far I love it. My friend brought me tonight. We're sitting right over there," she pointed across the room to a booth against the wall. "Would you care to join us?"

"I'd be delighted," I answered honestly.

As we walked to her table I looked over at Ken. He nodded and winked, giving me a quick thumb's up. I smiled back in acknowledgement and shrugged a "Who knows?" back at him.

We ended up at a table with a gal I recognized. "Hi Amanda," I said, smiling as the drinks were placed on the table.

Amanda and I went back a ways, two regulars who ended up getting to know each other. We had dated off and on, and had spent many nights together at either her place or mine, finding ourselves to be very compatible. Amanda liked women too, and we saw eye to eye on what an attractive woman looked like. We just really enjoyed each other's company, but it seemed neither of us wanted to make a serious relationship out of it. Amanda was an inch taller than I, with honey blonde hair halfway down her back, high and proud 34C breasts, green eyes and a generous mouth. She was a little too big to be considered willowy – I always thought of her as perfectly proportioned, which of course is subjective. Her high cheekbones and blonde hair gave her a marvelously Nordic look.

She smiled back at me. "Hi, Dave. I see you met Annette."

I looked at my new friend and said, "Well, we haven't officially met, but I'm very pleased to meet you. I'm Dave. Amanda and I are old friends."

Amanda laughed and retorted, "I'm not old, you goof. Annette, this is Dave." Annette laughed as she glanced at me. For the first time I noticed how lovely and soft her lips looked, and for a second my eyes were locked onto them.

Amanda said to Annette, "We've known each other for a few years, and dated a few times. We enjoy each other's company a lot. Dave's one of the good guys."

Annette looked at me and held out her hand, saying "I'm happy to make your acquaintance, David." The way she said my name made my knees weak. The last time somebody called me David it was my mother, and I was in trouble for something or other. The way Annette said it gave it a whole new sound.

Amanda noticed how I was looking at Annette and laughed at me. "You two sit right there and let's get to know each other." Annette sat down across from Amanda and scooted in, so I sat next to her.

Amanda reached across the table and laid her hand on mine, asking, "How have you been, Dave? We haven't seen each other in a while. I saw you come in and convinced Annette to haul you over here. I didn't see you offer a lot of resistance." She grinned impishly.

I laughed and replied, "I couldn't resist somebody that lovely." I smiled over at Annette and continued, "Things have been going well, very well. You're right, we haven't seen each other in a while. I guess our timing is off. I'm here briefly most weeknights and longer on Friday and Saturday, so if you've been coming in we've just been missing each other. There's no way I could miss seeing you, as lovely as you are."

Amanda squinched her nose at me, smiling. "You're so sweet. I've missed you lately and I'm actually here tonight hoping I'd get to see you. I brought Annette along because she needed to get out, and she's great to be with. If you didn't show up I'd still have a good company."

I squeezed Amanda's hand gently and grinned. We were very comfortable with each other, and the talk just kind of rambled for the next half hour. I found out that Annette worked with Amanda and was 24 years old. Amanda was showing her where the best places to go were found, and remembered that I often came here, so they stopped in on the off chance they'd meet me.

It wasn't much longer until my drink was getting low. "Would either of you care for another? I'm going to recharge this thing," I said, motioning to my empty glass.

Amanda said, "Sure, I could use another. Annette? Would you like a fresh one?"

Annette glanced over at me and I really noticed for the first time her beautiful eyes. She had large, blue-green eyes, and the lights of the bar made it look like there were little sparkling stars inside. I kind of stopped breathing for a moment, looking into them.

She said softly, "Yes, please. Thank you, David."

I picked up the empties and went up to the bar. Ken came quickly down to serve and said, "I think you have the two most beautiful girls in the place tonight. Nicely done!" I laughed at him and agreed as he started putting the drinks together.

"Amanda is as lovely as ever, and the more I see of Annette, the more I realize how pretty she is. She's like a little fantasy doll. Fortunately Amanda and I are old friends, so I don't have to worry about somebody stealing her from under me."

Ken laughed and nodded, "Yep, always a concern, but I don't think for you tonight. I always liked seeing you and Amanda together, you just seem to fit. She's a great gal. I told - Annette, did you say? Annette a bit about you. I tried to make you sound better than you really are. If you crash, it's not my fault." He put the finished drinks in front of me as I laughed and threw some bills on the bar and thanked him, waving for him to keep the change.

I brought the drinks to the table and set them down. Amanda moved theirs in front of them and I settled in next to Annette with mine in hand. Annette said, "Thank you, David." I just loved hearing her say my name like that, with her voice it actually sounded sexy. I never thought of my name as sexy, but coming from her lips it sure was.

I took a sip of my drink and said, "So, where were we?" Amanda leaned forward and said, "You just finished the story of the time you took me camping. What you didn't tell her was how much of a pain I was."

I laughed and said, "Darling, you're never a pain. It was all just new stuff to you, and you have to admit that by the time we came home you were much more comfortable with it."

Amanda smiled and said coyly, "Yes, you do have a way of making me feel comfortable." I chuckled and saw Annette smile.

I turned to Annette and asked if she had any good camping stories. She looked at me and said, "I've never been camping. Maybe you can take me sometime." She put her hand over mine and once more my heart stopped. Her hand was so soft, and her touch so gentle.

I tried to cover it, and gallantly replied, "I'd love to take you. Maybe we should take Amanda as a chaperone, just to keep me honest."

Amanda laughed and said, "Fat lot of good I'd be as a chaperone. I'm afraid I'd be a very bad example." I got the impression the drinks had loosened her up a bit. She was getting pretty risqué. Little did I know . . .

Annette gave me a little smile and said, "I think I'd like that kind of example."

I kind of froze, and Amanda burst out in laughter at the look on my face. She put her hand over mine and said, "Ooh, Annette! I think you just floored him!"

I recovered and tried to act casual and relaxed, but it was apparent I was pretty taken with Annette. Amanda was not fooled for a second, then Annette finished me off by looking me in the eye and saying with a little smile, "The floor would work fine, I think."

Amanda collapsed back into her seat laughing, and I looked at Annette with a broad grin. "OK," I said, "We can do the floor, but I think I'd much rather use the bed." Annette put her hand over mine and replied sincerely, "Oh, I'm sure we'd eventually get that far."

She was far more bold than she had at first appeared, and I had to rapidly reappraise my situation. Amanda was sitting up now, tears of laughter running down her face, looking at me and then starting to laugh all over. I snidely said, "Darling, your makeup is running." That made her laugh all the harder.

Annette and I looked at each other and started laughing also. Amanda's unrestrained mirth was contagious, and Annette and I held hands and laughed along.

One of my favorite old slow songs from the 80s came on and I asked Annette if she cared to dance while Amanda got herself under control. She smiled and said she'd love to. I led her out onto the floor and turned. I was thinking of leaving a little bit of space between us, but she came right up to me and put her arms around me, her hands going up to my shoulders, breasts pressed against me.

I almost immediately grew hard, and I'm sure she could feel it. She made no move to back off, however, so we just held each other and kind of swayed from side to side, slowly turning. She was short enough that I could see over her head, and I spotted Amanda sitting up, chin in her hand and watching us with a smile on her face. I smiled back at her and she held her hands over her chest as though saying, "Oh, isn't that touching," or something. I grinned at her and continued dancing, and I'll admit that I didn't mind having Annette close to me.

The song ended and we drifted off the dance floor with some of the other couples as a faster song came on. We held hands on the way back to the booth, and when we sat down, she sat right next to me, her thigh touching mine. I reached for my drink and she placed a hand high up on my thigh. Her touch made me tingle.

Amanda leaned over and said, "Oh, you two looked so cute out there. I wanted to come join you and make it a three-way."

Annette squeezed my thigh a bit and said lightly, "Oh, I'm up for a three-way." Amanda burst out in laughter again as I turned my head to look at Annette in disbelief. She slowly turned her eyes to look into mine, a small smile on her face. I felt her fingers rub lightly along my leg, and her fingertips brushed my hard penis. I'm pretty sure my face was flushed as Amanda's laughter wound down.

She looked at me, glanced at Annette and then asked me, "So, what do you think? Isn't she a piece of work?"

I looked at Annette with a smile and replied, "Oh, she's something alright. I have a feeling I'm going to have to be on my toes around her."

Annette looked at us innocently, as though she had no idea what we were talking about and wasn't tickling my stiff cock through my slacks. I smiled and shook my head at her, and she smiled back.

Amanda looked at Annette and asked her, "And what do you think about Dave?"

Annette smiled and answered, "He's everything you said. Thanks for bringing me along tonight."

Amanda looked back at me with satisfaction and said, "I thought you two would get along, and with me setting a bad example, the possibilities are endless!" Annette and I both laughed, and she squeezed my thigh once more, her hand running up and down over my hard cock.

We spent the next couple of hours chatting, with an occasional dance with one or the other of them thrown in. We didn't drink a lot, just sipping our drinks, and it was soon close to midnight. When the current set of drinks were about exhausted, Amanda took the bull by the horns, asking, "Would you two like to come to my place for a nightcap?"

Annette once again squeezed my thigh and replied, "Oh, I think I'd really like that." She looked up at me and said, "Please join us, David."

I almost answered, "Why? Are you coming apart?" but that seemed a little too flippant, so I changed it to a suave, "I'd love to join with you."

Annette slowly smiled and said, "That's a perfect answer." Amanda smiled at me with a glint in her eye.

They drove together in Amanda's car and I followed in mine. Amanda led us into her house and offered us another drink. Annette and I both accepted, and Amanda went into the kitchen to fix them up.

I was familiar with Amanda's house, having had any number of meals here and spending several nights in her bed, so I was comfortable as I settled onto the couch. Annette came and sat close to me, and as I settled back in the couch, she just snuggled right in next to me. I put my arm around her and gave her a little hug. Her hand went to my chest and started running over it with a light touch, once more turning me on and making me hard.

She noticed and said quietly, "Oh, goody," and I laughed silently. She felt my laugh and looked up at me with a beautiful smile. I could see more clearly in the brighter light, and noticed for the first time what a wonderful complexion she had. Her skin was like cream, smooth and very lightly tanned, almost pale. She used very little makeup, and really didn't need it. Her large blue-green eyes were bright with mischief, and her lips were soft and inviting. I almost moved in for a kiss, but Amanda came out of the kitchen just then.

She saw us snuggling on the couch and put the drinks down on the coffee table in front of us, sitting her drink with them. She then walked around and sat on the other side of me, snuggling in from there. I was in heaven with these two beautiful women sandwiching me between them.

Amanda's hand joined Annette's in stroking my chest, and as if they were thinking alike, both hands soon drifted down to my crotch. Annette was running her fingers along the length of my shaft while Amanda had her hand buried between my legs, rubbing my balls. I rolled my head back against the couch and groaned. This was different and exciting. I was usually making sure the woman was taken care of first.

Amanda brought her hands up to unbutton my shirt, kissing me on the neck while her fingers worked. Annette unbuckled my belt and began to unbutton my pants. She had a little trouble, so I sucked my gut in to give her fingers a little more room. I heard her softly say, "Thank you," as she undid the button and unzipped me. Her little hand immediately dove inside my waistband and began stroking my shaft.

I groaned again and looked down at her. I said, "You'd better quit that or I'm going to blow in my pants." She stopped right away and said, "We don't want that. Let's get you the rest of the way out of these." Amanda had my shirt unbuttoned and pulled it away from my chest, then leaning in and giving a light bite to one of my nipples.

I helped Annette remove my pants and sat up to take my shirt the rest of the way off, then sat back. Annette quickly dove down onto my throbbing prick, licking it twice and then sucking it into her mouth. Her lips were so soft, and the touch of her tongue was so delicate that I almost came right there. I fought it down, but she was having none of it.

One hand reached down to fondle my balls while she sucked the full length down. I lost control and thrust up into her, one hand caressing her hair while my cock exploded in a gush, dumping semen into her mouth as she sucked and fondled me. I groaned and humped up a couple of times as she finished drinking my cum, then I settled down, quivering a little bit and breathing heavily. I opened my eyes to see Amanda standing, just finishing removing her panties, now completely naked. What a feast for the eyes!

Annette sat up and snuggled back into me, turning her head up to give me a kiss. I kissed her deeply, tasting my own cum in her mouth as our tongues tangled with each other. I lowered one hand and gently began fondling one of her firm, small breasts. It was perfectly formed and sized, and I enjoyed playing with it while we kissed.

Amanda settled back down next to me and began licking my nipple, using just the tip of her tongue. We had made love in the past, and she knew just what I liked. The light touch of her tongue sent shivers through my body, and one hand began playing with my soft cock.

Annette sat up and began removing her clothing, being behind in that department. When her pert breasts were exposed, I had to reach over to fondle them, so soft and firm. She watched me playing with them, a little smile on her face, gently running her hand through my hair while I ran my tongue from one nipple to the other. After a minute of that, she moved back and stood up, putting her hands under the waistband of her skirt and looking me in the eye, still with that little smile.

Amanda sat up to watch as Annette slowly moved her hips from side to side as the skirt was moving down. When Annette's thumbs reached her panties, she hooked them too in order to remove everything at once. Down, down, slowly down went her skirt, teasing my eyes. A small patch of white-blond pubic hair came into sight. Annette paused, then dropped the skirt the rest of the way.

When she did, a hard four-inch cut cock popped into view.

Amanda chuckled alongside me as she played with my rapidly-hardening prick. Annette just stood there with that same little smile. I looked quickly over at Amanda, and she grinned at me with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes.

"Surprise," she said huskily.

I turned back to Annette, looking into her luminous eyes. I saw no uncertainty there, only quiet pride. She knew I was more than OK with it. Here was this gorgeous pale lady, slim and taut, with beautiful breasts high on her chest, a rigid cut cock throbbing minutely with her heartbeat. Best of all, she was smiling at me, inviting me, wanting me to share a part of her.

I looked back at Amanda and asked in awe, "Is it Christmas?"

Amanda laughed and replied, "I guess for you it is." She played with my cock a little while looking into my eyes, then said, "I thought she would be perfect for you. Of course, I thought you'd share too, so maybe I had an ulterior motive. Now I can have both of you." She leaned up to kiss me, then broke the kiss and continued, "She's really a wonderful person, but tonight she's just horny and wants to make love with a man who will be nice to her. I told her I knew just the man she needed . . . and here we are."

I smiled slowly at Amanda and whispered, "Thank you," as I leaned down to kiss her. I broke the kiss and looked back to Annette. I held my hands out to her and she took a step forward. I took her cock into my hand and stroked it a few times, reaching between her legs with the other and running a finger from her perineum to her balls, gently tracing their shape.

I leaned forward and began running my tongue around the head of her cock and felt her hands go to the back of my head. She moaned quietly as I played my tongue the length of her shaft, fingertips still tickling her balls. I swallowed her whole, playing my tongue around her shaft as I held her deep inside my mouth. She shivered a little and her fingers tightened in my hair, and I tasted a bit of precum. I began bobbing up and down slowly, one hand sliding up her tight tummy to grab a breast, tweaking the nipple between thumb and forefinger. She put her hand over mine, caressing the back of my hand while I played the fingertips lightly over her little breast.

While I was playing with her balls, I slipped one finger back to touch her puckered anus. She moaned again, pulling my head harder against her, then shifted and put one foot up on the couch. This opened her butt cheeks a little, giving me clear access to her tight little butthole, and I ran a finger around the perimeter.

Meanwhile Amanda wasn't staying out of it. She was slowly stroking my cock, playing the fingernails of her other hand up and down my back, giving me little shivers of pleasure with the sensation. Her tongue was playing in my ear in between little kisses down my neck. I had my knees spread so she could play without restraint.

Annette began to push herself into my mouth faster, not satisfied with going slow any longer. I happily accommodated her, bobbing up and down more quickly, holding her full length in while my tongue reached down to tickle her balls, then sucking back up. Soon she began to tremble, and I heard Amanda say, "Cum in his mouth, baby. Give him your juice."

Annette bucked into my mouth and I felt her hot semen flow out onto my tongue. I moved her out just a little so I could get the full flavor and continued to suck greedily. There wasn't a lot, but what there was turned out to be extremely tasty.

Her cock almost immediately began to go soft, and I continued to gently suckle it as it grew smaller. She then stopped pushing into me, and gently disengaged my mouth. Leaning down, she gave me a passionate kiss, holding my face in the palms of her soft little hands while she played her tongue across my lips, inside my mouth, across my teeth, before slowly backing off a little and holding me eye to eye with her.

She held me in her gaze for a moment, those big green eyes looking into mine, then she smiled sweetly and said quietly, "Thank you, David." I couldn't talk, so I just smiled back at her. She straightened and then sat down next to me.

Amanda was ready, now that Annette had been taken care of, and she ceased playing with me and straddled me, facing toward me, holding my cock upright while she slowly sank down onto it. She let out a long, "Ooooooh," as she dropped fully onto me, hot and wet from watching Annette and me. She began slowly and gently raising and lowering herself onto me, while Annette and I each took possession of a breast and began licking, pinching, tweaking and twisting the nipples.

I reached down to play with Amanda's clit and found Annette's hand already there. I brought my hand back up the underside of Annette's arm with a feather touch, reaching over just before getting to her shoulder and grabbing a firm boob with a backhand hold. I ran the palm of my hand over the tiny erect nipple, then pinched it lightly between two fingers.

Amanda's hot pussy was pulling on my cock, gripping and holding while she raised up, then sliding back down until her buttocks hit my thighs, and she began the process over. She was flexing her vaginal muscle somehow, lending a fantastic feeling to our coupling. I remembered now how much I used to love it when she did that. She always cared enough to make sure I had as much pleasure as she could give me, which was one of the reasons we always seemed to end up back in each other's arms.

Amanda was gasping now, bouncing up and down rapidly, her breasts jiggling each time she slapped down on my thighs. Annette and I could no longer keep our mouths in contact and we each contented ourselves with using our hands as we continued to fondle, caress and tweak the nipples, Annette now flailing Amanda's clit rapidly with one hand.

Amanda finally starting making a rhythmic "Oh. Oh. Oh." sound as she slammed herself down onto me. I began pushing back up as we met, adding to the power of her landings. Amanda gave out one last tense groan and began convulsing on my cock. I clamped my lips onto a nipple, now that it was still enough to hold onto, and one hand pulled my head hard into her chest. Her body shook as she went through her orgasm, Annette now playing much more gently with Amanda's sensitive clitty.

Amanda fell forward and met me in a kiss, Annette soon joining us for a three-way tongue tangle. I moved back a bit and asked, "Is this the kind of three-way you envisioned on the dance floor, Amanda?"

Amanda laughed shakily and said, "It's exactly what I envisioned." She shifted back and forth a bit on my still-hard cock and went on, "You're still rarin' to go there, cowboy." Her eyes went to Annette and she asked, "Are you interested in some of this, honey?"

Annette's eyes got a gleam as she smiled and said, "I'd love to try some of that."

Amanda slowly raised herself up until my hard cock fell out, then threw her leg over me and stood up. Annette reached in and started playing with it, then leaned down and began to lick all of Amanda's juices off the rigid, veined shaft. Once again, the touch of her tiny tongue on my cock sent a tremor throughout my body. She felt it and hummed with satisfaction.

When Annette had finished and sat back up, still stroking me, Amanda said, "Let's move to the bedroom." She reached a hand out to help Annette up, and as she rose, I reached one hand out to caress her cute little butt. Annette got to her feet and turned around, giving me an impish smile. Amanda reached a hand out to me and I took it, but as I got to my feet I reached out and gathered both ladies into my arms, pulling them into me for a hug, feeling their hard nipples brushing the skin of my torso, my cock pressing hard into Annette's bare tummy. I looked over at our untouched drinks and thought that perhaps Amanda had known it would be a worthwhile investment.

We walked together across the living room toward the bedroom doorway, and I had a hand on each set of buttocks. When we got there, I allowed them to enter first, then followed them in, two beautifully swinging sets of hips. Amanda went to a dresser drawer and removed a small bottle of lube and I led Annette to the bed, sitting her down and kissing her gently but deeply.

I sat her back and put my hands under her thighs, lifting a bit, and she pulled them up, exposing her tiny ball sack and tight anus. I got down and reached out my tongue, gently rimming her and causing her to moan a little. I didn't taste anything unpleasant, and was grateful that she had cleaned herself well before going out. Amanda and I would often do this for each other, and we always went to great lengths to make sure we were clean before beginning.

I felt Amanda sit down next to us on the bed, and looked up to see her begin to play with Annette's little tits while she kissed her. I went back to Annette's asshole, lightly using just the tip of my tongue to give her the maximum titillation as I ran it in circles around her rim, tickling and flicking across the sensitive surface.

After a couple of minutes of that I began starting to push, wanting to get it inside her. She had loosened up a little bit and I was able to delve in as far as I could, mouth wide open and tongue running in and out. Annette was moaning, and I could feel her flexing a bit as I gave her a shallow tongue-fuck.

I got up and lay down on the bed next to her, laying on my back with my hard cock laying on my stomach. She reached out to take me in her hand, stroking me lightly as she continued to kiss Amanda.

Amanda finally broke the kiss and opened the bottle of lube. She lubed my cock generously and then used a bit on Annette's wrinkled butthole, running a finger in to spread the lube inside. When Amanda finished and stood up to wipe the lube off her hand, Annette sat up and looked at me, then at my cock. She threw one leg over me, reached back to move my cock upright, then sat back, shifting slightly as she lined it up. When she felt she had it in the right place, she began sitting back harder, applying pressure as she swiveled her hips in a circular motion. I began to do the same, pushing up lightly but steadily, and I felt my cock slowly begin to enter her tight ass.

Annette leaned her hands on my chest, closed her eyes and smiled, rocking back and forth, each backward movement gaining us another little bit. When she had about half of me inside of her, she began pulling up farther, and going down a bit more when she moved backward. It only took four or five of those longer strokes and she sat back fully onto my length. She opened her eyes and looked down into mine, then slowly began to move forward.

The pleasure was exquisite, her tight asshole gripping my throbbing cock as she slid upward. Before the head popped out, she reversed course, sliding down equally slowly. I couldn't believe how good it felt, and I was harder than I could ever remember being. She looked into my eyes as she moved herself up and down on my hard prick.

Amanda sat down on the bed next to us, and my eyes shifted to meet hers. She smiled at me with a look that made the word "love" pop into my head, and I looked quickly back at Annette, slightly confused at what I thought I had seen.

I reached my hands up to play gently with Annette's pert breasts, and she leaned into them. I enveloped them in my hands, squeezing gently, playing with and lightly pinching the nipples. Annette closed her eyes and smiled, and began picking up the pace a little. She was bumping against me now at the bottom of the downstroke, pushing hard against my throbbing cock, trying to get a little more in each time. I began to fuck back up, and our bodies began making a smacking sound as they met.

I felt her little cock slapping against my tummy each time we met, and the thought of this cute little lady having a cock added some extra stimulation for me. My cock was beginning to throb, and I knew I didn't have long.

I began to push up hard against her, raising her up onto her knees, then allowing her to drop back down as my hips returned to the bed. She was moaning steadily now, and suddenly I felt her cock dripping semen onto my stomach. I looked and it was still soft, but there was a small stream of cum leaking out.

That was all I needed, and I pushed up into her as I came deeply into her bowels, groaning and straining as my balls were drained once again. Annette continued to moan as I finished plunging into her, trembling as her own orgasm was coming to completion.

Annette leaned over me with her eyes closed, breathing heavily, light hair tickling the hair on my chest as her lungs heaved for air. After a minute, she opened her eyes and leaned back, sitting down on my softening cock, smiling gently at me.

Amanda leaned in and licked Annette's cum off of my stomach, then managed to suck the cock into her mouth and get the last few drops. When she was finished, she leaned up to Annette to kiss her, one hand going up to cup a pert breast while their lips met.

Amanda broke the kiss and looked down at me. I looked at the spot where Annette and I were joined and stuck out my tongue. Amanda raised an eyebrow and broke out into a smile. She looked at Annette and said softly, "He wants to lick you clean."

Annette looked at me very seriously for a moment, then she began to smile too, and I thought I saw something in her eyes that made me a little nervous. She slid herself up off of me, then turned around and lowered her dripping asshole over my mouth. I spread her buttcheeks and began to lick and slurp the cum that was beginning to leak out.

I cleaned all around her asshole, dipping my tongue in to try to fish out a little more. Her ass was sweet, and I thought she must have used some sort of flavorful douche earlier. There was none of the funky taste I had been expecting, and I relaxed and enjoyed eating her out.

When I was finished, she moved her leg over my head and then lay down next to me, snuggling in again and putting one hand on my chest, twisting a finger through my sparse chest hair. Amanda lay down on the other side and we all just relaxed for a little bit.

Finally I cleared my throat and spoke to Annette. "That was amazing. I've never felt anything quite like that before."

Annette continued to play with my chest hair, then replied slowly, rather muffled as her cheek was against my chest. "David, please don't think I'm making this up, but I have never had a man make love to me that way before. You made me feel better than I ever have, although I'm not all that experienced. Every other time they just wanted to use me, and they got all the pleasure while I got nothing."

I felt a tear drop onto my chest, and quickly looked over at Amanda. She was looking at me too, a sad, serious look on her face, and she slowly closed her eyes and nodded. I looked aghast at her. How could anybody use a beautiful lady like this that way? I held Annette tighter, understanding her pain and emotional reaction. Why would anybody treat another person like something to be used?

Annette sniffled in my arms, and I turned my head to gently kiss the top of her head. I didn't know what to say, so I just held her and pressed my lips to her head, smelling the sweet scent of her shampoo. I looked apologetically at Amanda, and made to move my other arm from around her. She understood, lifting herself up a bit, and when I had Annette wrapped tightly in both of my arms, Amanda settled back in against me.

We lay together like that until I realized that Annette had gone to sleep, her head on my chest, my arms around her like a warm cocoon. I looked over at Amanda, and saw that she was watching me with wide eyes. I pursed my lips at her and her eyes smiled at me. She moved a little bit and whispered, "That's why I wanted her to meet you. You were always such a great lover, always thinking of me rather than yourself, and I wanted her to feel that." Her fingers lightly traced across my stomach as she spoke.

She continued, "We talked a lot, and she spent a few nights here with me in my bed. We made love, and one night she commented on the way I made her feel, that a man had never treated her with respect before. I told her that I knew a man . . . a man that would treat her exactly as I had, and knew how to love a woman's body." She paused, then said, "A man that could love her like a woman never could."

Amanda looked at me again and said, "You know how much I like women, and I always will. But there's nothing like a real cock to make me feel complete - as long as it's on somebody like you. You're as sensitive a lover as a woman, and normally that sensitivity is what a man lacks. When I said I missed you, I really meant it."

All these nice things she was saying made warning bells ring in my brain, but the more I thought about it, the more I remembered that Amanda and I weren't apart because we disliked each other, it's because we weren't interested in a long-term relationship. Maybe she was thinking it was time she found somebody steady, as opposed to marriage. I'd give it some time and see where she intended to go.

Amanda said softly, "The fact that she fell asleep in your arms tells me that she trusts you. She was really done with men, as much as she wanted one. Maybe you've cured her of that."

I cautiously glanced down at the sleeping doll in my arms and said, "Maybe it's best if she's not cured. If men were treating her like you said, she'd better continue to rely on referrals from friends like you."

Amanda covered her mouth with her hand and laughed as quietly as she could. I grinned at her and winked. Amanda leaned forward and gave me a hearty kiss, then slid quietly back off the bed and walked around to slip back in behind Annette. She spooned up to Annette and put an arm over her, then lay her head down and closed her eyes. I thought that seemed like a good idea, and followed suit. It wasn't long before I dozed off.

I was awakened by the feel of fingers playing on my stomach. I looked down and saw that Annette was running her fingers through the light dusting of hair between my crotch and navel. Once again, her feather touch energized me and I noticed my cock start to grow. Apparently she saw it too, because her hand reached down to grasp me, softly stroking until I was fully hard. Amanda had apparently already got up, as she was nowhere in sight. I listened, but didn't hear anything and wondered where she had got to.

I still had both arms wrapped around Annette, and she tipped her head up a bit. I loosened my arms and we could look at each other. She smiled and raised her head for a kiss. I moved down far enough that our lips could reach, and we exchanged several gentle kisses. She moved back slightly and said, "You make me feel safe."

I was moved, which confused me, but I tried to cover it by saying, "You'll always be safe with me. I'd never treat you like somebody to be used. I can't imagine how anybody could do that to you." I softly caressed her back with my fingertips, from her shoulders down to the little dimple above her butt. She shivered and broke out in goosebumps.

She climbed up to lay on top of me, my hard cock nestled between her thighs, her little cock pressed against my stomach, and she showered me with kisses while I continued to run my fingertips lightly up and down her back. My mind still found it difficult to believe that this ultimately feminine creature was transgender. Other than the penis, there was nothing to indicate that she was male. Curiosity got the better of me and I asked her about it.

She was silent a long time before beginning to speak. "I never felt like a boy. When I was nine I talked to my parents about it. I have good parents. They listened to me and took me to several doctors. I began taking hormones when I was ten, and was raised as a girl from that time. My name had been Andrew and they changed it to Annette. I've been a female as long as I can remember, but for some reason I never wanted to go through reassignment surgery. I . . . I like having my cock, and I love the feeling when I come. I don't know what might change if I had a reassignment."

I thought I was consoling her by saying, "I think you're perfect. I like you just the way you are, with all the parts you have."

She lifted her head and looked at me, smiling brightly. She said, "I know. I saw the look in your eyes when I lowered my skirt, and I could see what you thought of me." She stopped then, and her smile sort of faded. "I think I fell in love with you right then," she said quietly, her eyes shifting away from mine.

I didn't want her to get anything but encouragement, but it was hard. That word scared me, but I kept my face relaxed and I don't believe she knew what I was thinking. I looked at her and suddenly realized I didn't like the way the smile had faded from her face. I didn't want to be the guy that kicked her when she had laid her heart out like that.

I examined myself for a little bit and wondered what I was afraid of. I couldn't come up with a good answer. Why was I so afraid of a commitment? Amanda was a wonderful lady. Why could we never stick together? I had this perfect specimen laying on my body and couldn't think of a single good reason to tell her that we couldn't be together. I came to an abrupt conclusion, and only hoped it wasn't my hormones talking.

My hands tightened on her back and I held her tight to me. "Annette," I began, "I hope you'll always love me. Consider me yours, but please don't break my heart."

She looked at me and her smile came back. "Oh, David," she said, "I could never break your heart." That was all the answer I needed, and she dipped her head to kiss me gently, our lips barely touching and our tongue tips lightly tracing each other's mouths.

Amanda came strolling into the room just then and said brightly, "Aw, look at the lovebirds. It's about time you woke up." She noticed the state of my cock and added, "I see that's not the only thing that woke up."

Annette and I looked at each other and laughed.

Amanda moved up between my legs, grabbing my cock and asked, "May I?"

Annette looked at me and smiled. "Feel free," she replied. I smiled at her as Amanda took me into her mouth.

I said to Annette, "What a marvelous idea. Where might I find something like that?" She smiled and moved up, holding her cock up to my mouth as I began suckling on it. It took some time, but I enjoyed every second of it. She was soon hard, moaning and pushing into my mouth as I sucked her and played with her balls.

Amanda soon mounted me, and as she began riding up and down on my hard shaft, she reached out and began to fondle Annette's breasts. I moved a hand from Annette's waist to trail my fingers up and down one of Amanda's forearms. Annette was getting more excited from the additional stimulation, and soon gushed a small bit of semen into my mouth. I eagerly swallowed it as her cock softened, and she slowed her movements. Soon she sat back on my stomach, sitting up and reaching behind her to play with Amanda's clit, while Amanda played with her boobs.

Annette was looking at me, a smile still on her face, when I began to cum. I pushed up, raising both girls with the power of the push, and began to pour a load of hot spunk into Amanda's clutching pussy. Amanda moaned and began to orgasm too, Annette moving her hand frenziedly on Amanda's clit while Amanda shuddered and convulsed on my stiff prick.

Soon I was spent, and Amanda began to calm down. Annette got off of me and was ready when Amanda got up. Annette took my soft cock in hand and began licking and sucking it, enjoying my cum and Amanda's juices. Amanda moved up and positioned her dripping pussy over my face so I could lick and suck her clean, the way we've always done. After a little bit she began to grind into my face, and shortly after had yet another orgasm, her sweet juices running into my hungry mouth.

Amanda collapsed on the bed next to me, sliding up to give me a kiss. Annette lay down on the other side and we all spent a few minutes relaxing and getting our breath back. Amanda finally said, "I'm for a shower. You guys can go after me, but I'm all sticky and I'm going right now."

Annette and I cuddled while Amanda showered, and when she was finished Annette went in. Amanda sat next to me, her wet hair hanging straight down her back. She smiled coyly and asked, "Did you two reach some sort of agreement?"

I nodded and said, "Yep. Some sort of agreement."

Her smile softened and she said, "I thought so. I thought I saw it right away when I came in. She's different, happier. Good, she needed that."

I reached out and took her hand. I looked at her and said, "You brought us together. You're probably her hero right now."

Amanda laughed and asked, "But not yours?"

I looked seriously at her and said, "You've always been my hero, but especially now. Annette made me think, some hard thoughts, mostly about you and me, and I realized what I was going to miss if I let you get away this time. I haven't spoken to Annette yet, but I have a feeling she'll feel the same. If we're together, I want you together with us."

Amanda was looking at me soberly. She held my eyes for the longest time, then said simply, "I was thinking that too, that I didn't want you to get away, but I thought you'd be good for her and I wanted to take care of her first. She has needed somebody, and if I have to give you up so that she can have you, I'm happy to do that."

Still holding her hand I replied, "I don't think you'll have to give me up. I do think you'll have to share, though."

She laughed and said, "That I can do." She leaned down and gave me a kiss.

Annette came out of the shower, smiling at us while toweling her hair, beautiful body glowing on display, and I was glad I had exorcised my demons.

I got up and took my shower. When I came out, I found the two of them kneeling in front of each other on the bed, hands on each others' breasts, kissing deeply. Amanda broke the kiss when she heard me enter the room and looked over, saying, "Annette would love to share."

I smiled in satisfaction.

Annette coyly gave a "come hither" crook of her finger, and I approached the bed. She reached out and took my cock in her hand, slowly stroking it back to hardness. "I want to feel you inside me again," she said throatily.

My cock twitched when she spoke, and she chuckled with lust. She lay back on the bed and spread her legs. I grabbed the lube and applied a good coating to my cock, then worked on her asshole for a while. She was playing with her boobs, eyes closed, while I was sliding a finger into her cute little anus. I finished and cleaned my hands.

I lay down between her legs and positioned my cock at her wrinkled opening, then slowly pushed against it, rotating my hips as she flexed up to meet me. My cock slowly slid into her hot depths, and soon I was buried in her bowels. She put her legs around me, feet resting on my back, and we began kissing while slowly making love. I felt Amanda's hand on my back, sliding down to my balls and fondling them while I moved in and out of Annette's tight anus.

Soon Annette was pushing up to meet me, and I began giving little nudges as I bottomed out. She groaned and a small quantity of semen leaked out of her little cocklette. "Faster," she whispered against my cheek before turning back to meet my lips.

I picked up my speed, moving in and out faster, but not hitting bottom as hard. I didn't want to hurt her, and so held back just a little bit. She was moaning, fucking back up to meet me, and my cock was swelling in anticipation of pouring a load into her.

She was saying, "Oh, David. Oh, David," over and over and I suddenly thrust hard once into her and began coming. "Oh, oh, oh," she said, feeling my swollen cock throbbing inside of her as I climaxed. I slowly settled down, my strokes becoming short and gentle, and I felt her legs slide off of my back.

I leaned up on my elbows and she grasped my face between her palms. Tears were running down her cheeks, but she had a wide smile on her face. Her mouth opened a couple of times, but nothing came out. I smiled gently at her and said, "It's OK. I'm here."

She just nodded, smiling, understanding everything I hadn't said.

We spent the night at Amanda's, me with an arm draped over Annette while spooned against her, Amanda behind me the same way. When I was waking up the next morning, I had a hard prick caught between Annette's thighs, and she was trying to move herself so that it would slip in. Once I was aware, I joined in, and her hand had us positioned correctly in short order. I slowly sank into her, little hip movements on both of our parts facilitating the entry.

We made slow love like this. I had one hand playing with her breasts while I kissed and nibbled on her neck. As I was getting closer to coming, she straightened her legs, the upper leg coming up and back to lay over mine. I was able to fondle her little cock and balls, and she became hard fairly rapidly. I didn't want to waste her cum, so I stopped while I had a quiet but intense orgasm into her bowels.

I didn't like to do it, but the situation called for me to move apart, waking Amanda. I slipped my cock out of Annette's bottom and moved back while rolling her over and spreading her legs. I licked and cleaned her bum, once again noting the sweet flavor of her ass. When I had that all spic and span, I moved my tongue over her perineum to her balls, sucking them into my mouth briefly and rolling them around.

I moved further up to her cock, the tip of my tongue creating a hard, wet sensation for the length of her little cock until I reached the tip. I took the head into my mouth, sucking hard, then holding it while I ran my tongue around the head a few times, tickling the tip into her piss slit. I finally bobbed down onto it, taking her fully in and raising back up slowly.

She had been close, and on the second downward movement she dropped her little load into my mouth. I didn't swallow it, just allowing the entire thing to collect in my mouth. When she was done, I sucked up, letting her cock go with a little 'pop' and sliding up her body to engage her in a morning kiss. She put her arms around my neck and willingly opened her mouth for a kiss. When her semen slid out of my mouth into hers, she moaned and held me close to her, her tongue moving swiftly around inside my mouth, and she pushed her body hard against me.

When her cum was finally disbursed, we dialed it down, engaging in a sweet good morning kiss, little kisses on each other's face. I felt Amanda's hand on my back and raising my head, turned to look.

Amanda was laying on her side, head propped up on one hand, smiling at us while she slowly stroked my back and side. I smiled back at her and said, "Good morning." I heard Annette say the same thing from beneath me.

Amanda replied, "Good morning for you, anyway. What about me?"

I laughed and looked down into Annette's large eyes, sparkling now with amusement. I asked, "So, do you think it's about time we compensated the proprietor of this fine establishment for the outstanding accommodations?" Annette smiled at me and nodded.

I got up and moved down on the bed, gently pushing Amanda over onto her back and moving between her legs. Annette moved over and gave Amanda a good morning kiss, which Amanda eagerly returned. Their hands moved to each other's breasts and began caressing and tweaking the nipples.

I moved my head between Amanda's legs, inhaling the scent of her wonderful musk. I pushed her legs up a little bit more and she raised them for me, exposing her sweet mostly shaved pussy and puckered asshole. I ran my tongue in one long swipe through her steaming slit, pausing at the top to nibble and twiddle her little love button. She moaned into Annette's mouth when I sucked hard on it, and I felt her hips push up a little bit.

I worked my tongue around her tight asshole and then moved back up to her hot pussy, pushing my tongue into it and moving it around while I used my nose to rub across her clit. Her juices started flowing and I began lapping slowly from bottom to top, each time tweaking her little nubbin with the tip of my tongue.

I continued like this for a few minutes until her hips were pushing up at me with greater urgency. Holding her hips, I pulled her against me while I pushed down onto her, sucking her clit hard and twiddling it rapidly with my stiff tongue. Her hips flexed up jerkily, and she soon exploded in orgasm. Her juices flowed out and I was busy licking and lapping her tasty nectar for a minute while she moaned and quivered on my face.

I allowed her to come down gently, slowly returning to full length licking, with only light contact with her clit. When I felt her breathing return to normal I stopped and raised my head. Annette was watching me, a loving smile on her face while she gently played her soft hands across Amanda's breasts, Amanda with her head laid back, sated.

I slid up on Amanda's body, kissing Annette when I reached her, then moving a little more to give Amanda her good morning kiss. We locked lips for a minute, tonguing each other softly, before she backed off and said to me, "NOW it's a good morning."

Annette and I laughed and Annette got up to use the bathroom. When she came out, I got up and went in, standing over the toilet while my stream flowed out, my cock semi-hard again. I shook myself off and went out to see the two of them cuddling and kissing. As I approached the bed, Amanda got up for her morning constitutional. Annette stood up and came to me putting her arms around me and tipping her head back to engage in a passionate embrace and kiss. I ran my fingernails gently up and down her back as we kissed.

We were still standing like that when Amanda came out, and she rubbed a hand lightly across my bum as she passed to leave the bedroom. I looked down at Annette and said, "We've been in this room since early this morning. I think it's time we left here and took sustenance. What do you say?"

Annette said, "Mmmm. As much as I hate to say it, I think you're right. I'm starved." I ran my fingernails lightly down her back one more time and we broke our embrace. She reached down for my hand and we went out into the living room that way.

Amanda was in the kitchen, and had three glasses and a pitcher of orange juice out on the counter. I noted that the drinks from the night before were gone, and realized that's where she had disappeared to the night before. Amanda was a very fastidious housekeeper, her place always clean and shipshape. We each had a glass of orange juice and chatted a bit before Amanda asked if we would care for eggs and toast. Annette and I agreed and Amanda got up to prepare a small breakfast for us.

Annette and I looked at each other, and her hand reached to touch my forearm where it was resting on the table. We just looked at each other, she with a little smile and me with a broad one. Her eyes were sparkling again, her hair was tousled and I thought she looked absolutely ravishing.

I blurted out, "You're beautiful." Her smile grew and she replied, "Thank you, David. I think you are too." She blushed and laughed lightly, saying "I know guys aren't supposed to be considered beautiful, but I think you are." She looked down briefly, then back into my eyes. "I know I only just met you last night, but I've never been treated that way before. You made me feel like a lady and it occurred to me that I had never felt that way before." Her soft hand tightened briefly on my arm, then she continued.

"I was hoping to meet somebody like you someday, but I had given up hope. I have to thank Amanda for introducing us, because I would have never met you otherwise."

I glanced over to where Amanda was working and saw her looking back and forth at us while she worked, a smile on her face. I smiled back at her and said to Annette while looking at Amanda, "I have to thank her, too." I returned my look to Annette and said, "I think you're perfect just the way you are, and I thought last night that I wouldn't want to miss being with you. That made me realize that I had been dodging commitment, enjoying the company of ladies, but not willing to go the last step and decide to stay with one."

I looked over at Amanda and smiled. I went on, "On the other hand, if I had decided to commit, I would probably have chosen Amanda, if she'd have me, and I might have never met you. I'm sorry for what you went through, and it makes me angry that anybody could treat you like that, but I'm glad I waited and you decided to confide in her. I don't think the timing was a coincidence." I ran the fingertips of one hand gently down one of her bare arms, and her eyes closed briefly, enjoying the touch.

Amanda served our breakfast and we chatted lightly while we ate. We all helped clean up, and when Amanda finished putting the dishes in the dishwasher, she dried her hands while looking at me. She looked at my semi-hard cock and bluntly asked, smiling, "How about a tip for the chef?" Annette and I both laughed, and I agreed that a tip was certainly appropriate.

Amanda gently pushed me down onto one of the dining room chairs, my cock sticking straight up. She straddled me and slowly lowered herself onto me. She began to rock back and forth, and put her arms over my shoulders, looking me in the eye while she moved herself on me. I felt a hand fondling my balls and knew that Annette had joined us.

I slid a hand down to play with her clit, but didn't have a lot of room to maneuver with the way she was leaning into me. I had to content myself with pushing up with my finger while she moved herself, but apparently she felt that was good enough. She smiled and made a gentle, "Mmmm," as she rocked her hips fore and aft. She soon began moving up and down, and I was able to apply a little more touch to her sensitive love button. I leaned forward a little and took a nipple into my mouth, sucking and teasing it with my tongue.

She began breathing rapidly and I squeezed her clit through its hood. She sucked a breath in through her teeth and began dropping down hard on my rampaging cock. Annette's hand was playing gently across my balls, cupping them and lightly squeezing before going back to a feather touch massage.

Amanda's movements became jerky, and she moaned as she reached climax. She pushed down hard, and I felt her bubbling pussy squeezing and gripping my hard shaft. I put my hands on the chair and pushed up into her, my own orgasm finally arriving, and fired the beginning of another load into her. She fell forward into me, still moving her hips, and I wrapped my arms around her, squeezing her buns as she finished her orgasm. She shook briefly, convulsively, gasping once as her sensitive clit rubbed against my groin.

We sat together for a few moments then she raised her head and said, "Hmm. How do we handle the next step?"

I knew what she was talking about, and pondered for a bit. I glanced over at the island and said, "There." She followed my eyes and saw what I saw, then smiled.

"Perfect," she replied.

She disengaged from me and hopped up onto the island, sitting back and spreading her legs. Unfortunately, as soon as she stepped away, Annette began sucking and licking my cock, cleaning up the mix of cum and `Manda-juice coating. Amanda saw what had happened and laughed, saying "I guess I have to get used to another person being involved."

I shrugged helplessly, enjoying the feel of Annette's ministrations.

She was soon finished and before I could get up, she stepped over to Amanda, leaning down to plant her mouth over Amanda's dribbling pussy. Amanda moaned and put her hands lightly on Annette's head, playing her fingers through the soft, fine hair. Annette slurped and sucked Amanda clean, then stood back, her cheeks and chin shiny with Amanda's slick sauce.

Annette turned to me, seeing me still sitting in the chair, and came over to straddle me and settle in, putting her arms around my neck and leaning in for a kiss. My hands went up to her small breasts and I touched them lightly, fondling and gently pinching the nipples.

Amanda hopped down from the island and announced that she was off for a shower. Annette and I continued to kiss and I waved a hand in acknowledgment.

Later, after we were all showered and dressed, Annette and I said that we would be leaving. There were goodbye hugs and kisses, and Amanda more than once commented on how well her little idea had worked out. Annette and I could not help but agree.

Annette soon moved in with me, and spooning became her preferred method of going to sleep. She said that she felt safe and loved, in addition to the obvious bonus in the morning. I invariably woke up with a stiffy nestled between her thighs, and with just a little movement on our parts I could be inside of her. She loved doing that first thing in the morning.

I had a mountain bike and a road bike, and we got her one of each also. We took to making long rides on Saturday mornings, shorter distances at first and then increasing the distance as Annette became more fit. She joined me in free weight workouts and was soon marveling at how well she felt. Her body became toned, and even more beautiful, if that was even possible. It was hard not to notice the looks from the other guys at the club, and I couldn't help but be proud of her.

I took her camping for her first time, and she thoroughly enjoyed it. One of our greatest pleasures was making love in the fresh mountain air, the sounds of birds twittering around us and the river rolling past while we languidly enjoyed each other's body.

We went for a drive to visit my folks one weekend, and they were very pleased to meet this beautiful, intelligent woman. They had no idea what she was, her exquisite femininity all they could see. They commented on how well we fit, and what a wonderful girl she was.

We became a regular couple at Sliders. Ken was happy for us, and always gave us a hearty greeting when we arrived. I met her parents, and they were as understanding as she had said. They accepted me right away, seeing how happy their daughter was with me. We kept up a steady visitation with Amanda, who we considered to be a third part of our union.

We could often be found together with Amanda, laughing and carrying on together. We were really more of a threesome than a couple plus one, and I never saw the least bit of jealousy in either of them. Amanda got all the loving she could handle from the two of us, and we all seemed to have the best of both worlds.


Next: Chapter 2

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