Animal N Styncts

By Kyle Smiley

Published on Mar 17, 2000


Hey it's me Kyle. Thank you to everyone who has sent positive feedback and criticism. It has let me know how to improve my story and I've already used some of it in chap 2 to make it more real. So if you have anything you want me to know about improving the story I will gladly accept any positive criticism. Send all feedback to This story is not meant for anyone under the legal age in the area where they live. Also this story is not implying anything about the sexuality of any of the members of *N Sync, specifically Lance Bass. So here it goes...

Animal N Styncts Chapter 3

Recap: Garrett was about to tell Lance everything when the rest of the guys walked in.

The Hotel Room... "Hey guys. What are you doing back so soon?" I asked JC, Chris, Justin, and Joey.

"Soon? It's 11:00 Garrett. We've been gone for four and a half hours," Chris exclaimed.

"Really. It didn't seem that long. Did you realize how late it was Lance?" I asked him.

"No I didn't. I was too caught up with our conversation," he answered.

"What were you guys talking about that was so mind-reeling Scoop?" Joey asked Lance.

"Oh nothing much. We were just talking about...uh...animals and maybe going to the zoo. Right Rett." He replied.

"Yeah going to the zoo. That's what we talked about. Not very interesting huh." I said.

"Not really but the zoo sounds like fun. Why don't we go tomorrow during our free day? I hear that the Metro Zoo is real nice. You can show us around." JC said.

"Sure I'll take you guys around," I told them.

"OK were going to the zoo tomorrow. I'm tired so I'm going to bed. See you later Garrett," said Joey.

"I'm going too," JC said.

"Night guys," I called out.

"So what do you guys want to do?" Chris asked the remaining members and me.

"I feel like getting some ice cream," Justin said.

"Um, ice cream. I want that too," Lance said.

"OK. Why don't we go find a Baskin Robbins." Chris replied. So we all headed out to their rental car and were off to find an ice cream shop. While all this was happening I kept wondering when I would get the chance to finish my conversation with Lance. I mean it is rather urgent but if the guys keep hanging around I wouldn't get the chance to explain to him about what I did before his transformation. I kept glancing at him beside me in the back of the car. I noticed that he kept shooting glances at me as well.

I could tell he wanted to finish our talk too. I looked at him and our eyes met and locked. I saw him trying to communicate with his eyes and I realized I sorta knew what he was thinking. I mouthed to him that we needed to talk ASAP and he nodded. Just then we pulled up in front of the shop. We got out and headed in. I hadn't realized but all three of the guys had put on some shades when we got out of the car. Lance and Justin had put on some ball caps as well.

"Interesting disguises guys," I whispered conspiratorially. We went in and found a table.

"I hope no one recognizes us," said Justin. "I just want to have a normal night out with some friends."

"Well I'm going to get the ice cream. Who wants to come with?" Chris asked.

"I'll go up with ya," answered Lance. "What kind do you two want?"

"I'll have double chocolate fudge," replied Justin.

"And I'll have a tiger tail," I answered. After saying that Lance burst into a fit of giggles and I couldn't help but follow right after. Chris and Justin just gave us both funny looks. "Inside joke!" I said trying to make them think we weren't totally crazy. So Chris and Lance headed up to the counter.

"So how was your night?" I asked Justin.

"It was fun. We went to some restaurant and then we hit Tonic because Lance said it was a great club. What about you guys?" he answered.

"Oh we just talked all night. Lance is the best. I hope he considers me a good friend. I hope all of you guys do," I responded.

"No need to worry. We all like you and Scoop really seems to have taken a shine to you. He's the most reserved of us and the best judge of character.

Obviously he likes you or he would have told you he didn't already. He's just shy so it might not seem to be showing but once you get in deep he really opens up. You seem to have gotten there the fastest of anyone we've ever met. Even the rest of us," he answered. I was floored. Could Lance really think so much of me already? How would my little tidbit of information affect our growing friendship? I must have really been lost in my thoughts cuz I didn't notice Lance and Chris get back to the table until Justin hit me on the shoulder.

"Hey man are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking about something totally not important and got lost in my own head," I responded. Lance handed me my cone and looked right into my eyes. I could tell he had a general idea of what I was thinking about. Once we finished we drove around for a while looking at some of the sights at night. The Tower was quite a sight in the dead of night.

It was now about 12:30 and I was thinking it was about time I got home. "Guys, this has been great but it's really late so I should probably head back to my apartment," I told them.

"Why don't you just stay at the hotel with us. It's way closer than your apartment and we've got the room. You can stay in my room," Lance said.

"Are you sure," I asked.

"Positive," he replied. "Plus it will give us time to finish our chat," he whispered.

"Okay. I'll stay with you guys."

"Great!" all three of them replied.

When we got back to the hotel...

"Well I'm off to bed. I'll see you tomorrow," said Chris.

"Me too," Justin said.

"Well we better be off too," Lance said. "Do you need some PJs?"

"Uh yeah, do you have any pajama bottoms?" I asked him.

"Sure. I have some you could borrow. You can have the bed on the left since I already took the one on the right. I'll just go grab a shower," he said and tossed me some plaid PJ bottoms. I changed into them leaving me standing in Lance Bass's hotel room in a pair of pajama bottoms and a T-shirt. This was almost a dream come true until the reality of what I needed to talk to him about came crashing down. I was still thinking about ten minutes later when he got back from the shower and I got up to go grab one too. When I got back he was sitting on his bed playing a game of solitaire. As soon as he realized I was there he stopped and turned to watch me as I sat on my bed.

"So, can we finish our talk now?" he asked.

"Yes that would be good," I answered half-heartily. I couldn't get the idea that he would end up hating me out of my head.

"So you were about to share with me the deal about biting my hand last night," he supplied.

"Oh right. But first I have to tell you something else that sorta figures into it. I hope you don't hate me after this." I sighed. "Lance, I'm gay."

"So what? I know quite a few gay people. It doesn't change the fact that you're a real good person ad are becoming a great friend," he answered. Wow! No one else I had ever told took it so calmly. God was he sweet.

"Okay the biting has to do with my upcoming B-day. I'll be turning twenty and to the tribes that is a big thing. At that age a Clan member is supposed to have found their mate who is usually a member of the clan. But sometime they aren't so they have to be converted. To do this they have to be bit or scratched while the Clan member is in animal form. Now it is so much harder for me because of the fact that none of the other Clan members are gay so I definitely had to find and convert an outsider. Anyways two nights ago I was at Tonic when I sensed my mate. Each Clan member has the ability to pick out their mate just by smell and I smelt mine. I came out of the club and waited for the carrier of that scent to come out. When he did I followed him and found out who he was. I then planned a way to meet him. I finally did and I knew he was the one so I converted him. If you haven't figured it out already, my mate is you," I told him. I looked right at him and was totally shocked. He had the biggest grin on his face. Why was he smiling? I just told him he would be a were-tiger and that he was supposed to be mated to a man. I thought he would be a bit miffed.

"So what you're saying is that I get to turn into a tiger and be, like, your husband?" he questioned still with a big, goofy grin on his beautiful face.

"Um yeah. Why are you smiling? Aren't you mad at me?" I asked him.

"Of course not. I get really cool powers cuz of you. And as you said you could sense your mate. Well I may not be a member of the Clan yet but I sensed something from you too. It felt a lot like love at first sight even though I never thought about men before in that way but I wasn't against it and now I know why. I can feel you in me and it feels right." he responded.

Then he pounced at me from his bed.

To be continued...

If you have any comments or insights into my story send them to Thank you again for taking time to read my flight of fancy and sweet dreams of whomever.

Next: Chapter 4

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