Animal N Styncts

By Kyle Smiley

Published on Mar 11, 2000


It's me again. I would like to thank everyone who sent me a response. It felt great to know people liked my writing but could also tell me how to improve it. A big thanks to Esh for being here and encouraging my writing. I would also like to say I really like the stories N Sync: Lance and JC, and Two-Out-of-Five and can't wait for their next installments. Anyways, again this story is not meant for those under legal age. Also, it is not meant to imply anything about any member of the band *N Sync (though we all can dream). Again any comments can be sent to Bye.


The rest of the band had just been seated at the restaurant they decided to go to. Almost immediately the conversation turned to Garrett.

"Don't you guys find it a bit strange how we all took right to Garrett. We've never been so quick to trust before and our security was rather lax. Don't get me wrong here, I like the kid and it's great to be treated like a normal person. I just don't understand how he got through our normally reserved meetings," said Chris.

"Yeah I did notice how different we've been around him but he puts off such a relaxing presence," responded JC.

"Not the whole time. Yesterday during the movie I felt real strange ya know. Anxious and defensive," said Joey.

"Me too," replied Justin.

"I didn't. I was totally relaxed and comforted," said JC.

"I felt just normal," Chris answered.

"Does it really matter? He's real nice and Lance really opened up to him. You know Lance is the best judge of character of all of us and if he thinks he's good so do I. Now let's get some food," said Joey.

Back at the hotel...

"What's wrong Rett? You sound as if you think you're guilty of some unforgivable sin," Lance said.

"I have and I don't know if you'll ever forgive me or accept me again," replied Garrett.

"What could you possibly have done that I wouldn't forgive? I've only know you for like a day," asked Lance.

"Yes, and from the start I have lied to you about who I am. What I am," I answered.

"What do you mean?" asked Lance in a confused tone.

"I'm going to show you something but you have to promise me you won't try to hurt me or call security. Also I might be naked when I get back so could you like turn away at that time," I said.

"What are you talking about Rett? You're starting to scare me," Lance stated.

"Just promise," I practically whined.

"Okay, okay," he answered.

"Now just watch," I said.

At that moment I started my transformation. I had to show him what I truly was and afterwards I would answer any questions he had about me. I would also explain what I did to him and why I did it. I just prayed he would understand everything. As I shifted I could see him starting to freeze up again. When the transformation was finished he looked petrified and I could understand why. I started to change back because I couldn't stand the look on Lance's face. I felt like crying because from what I saw in him it looked like he would never understand. He was horrified. I'm going to be alone forever. Of course now I was completely naked in front of him so his eyes grew wider and he whipped his head around. I scrambled around to quickly grab my somewhat worse for wear clothes and pulled them on quickly. I then slid down into the giant armchair next to the sofa.

"So do you have any questions Lance?" I asked as if I didn't know.

"Ya," he replied timidly. "What the hell was that and what are you?"

"That was me shifting to my animal form. You see I'm a shapeshifter, or in more scientific terms, a lycanthrope. I have been like this my whole life. You see around the world there are about twenty known Clans. These are tribes of people who share the same lycanthrope form. I was born into Clan Tigris and therefore all of my family shifts into a tiger like me. You have to understand that I have to take my animal form at least once every two weeks or I could get very ill but I would never intentionally harm anyone. I can control myself in animal form contrary to people's beliefs. Only deeply insane or ill members of a tribe can't control their primal urges," I answered him. He just stared at me for the longest time and every second that he didn't speak my spirits dropped lower and lower. And I still hadn't told him everything yet. I looked over at him realizing I had been lost to my thoughts for while and I was startled by the look on his face. He was smiling.

"Why are you so happy?" I asked him in a frightened voice. "I haven't even finished telling you everything yet."

"I honestly don't know. I mean everything you just told me is very...Uh...disturbing. No, that's not right. Apprehensive, and I know you have more to tell me but I also realize that what you just told me took a lot of trust. I like the fact you could feel you could trust me with your secret and now I have a cool secret. My friend can turn in to a tiger. Rett, it doesn't really bother me that you can do this. I mean it's sorta unreal but totally cool at the same time. And you did say you wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose so I know I don't have to be scared of you. I trust you just as much as you trust me though I don't know why I know I can trust you," Lance answered.

"Oh you don't know what a relief it is to have you accept this part of me. I didn't think you would and that I would lose a possibly great friend," I told him in glee. Or anything else I thought. "Oh and the fact that you know you can trust me is that you can sense my truthfulness. It all has to do with the pheromones I give off and how well you can detect them. You seem to be very good at it for a human and you knew deep down that I wasn't lying because you would have sensed it. JC acted much the same way from the pheromones I detected coming from you guys. In fact Chris seemed to be the only one who couldn't detect them," I told him.

"You mean even Joey and Justin could tell?" he questioned.

"Yes but they got defensive. That happens when an alpha senses another alpha so they must be real strong. The pheromones are also what made you guys warm up to me so quickly at the mall yesterday," I replied.

"Just one more question. Why did you bite me last night if you don't hurt people?" he asked.

This was going to be harder than I thought. "Well it all has to do with my upcoming birthday, and something I sensed off you. You see..." I started to answer when suddenly the rest of the guys came into the room.

To be continued...

Well thanks again for taking some of your busy time to read my little fantasy world. Again I would like to know what people think and if they have any suggestions about the story especially a pairing that will become more evident in further stories so watch for it. I would also like to say that I got a lot of inspiration to put my thoughts into words from reading the other stories posted at Nifty and therefore thank all of you who wrote for helping me realize I can do things too. E-mail me at with any comments.

Next: Chapter 3

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