
By Jo Jo

Published on Sep 6, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to

Angst Episode 9 "The Moving Song"

Adam walked down the stairs in his house and into the kitchen.

His father sat reading a newspaper sipping some coffee. His mother was making breakfast.

"Morning mom," Adam spoke.

"Hey sweetie," his mom said.

Adam looked over at his dad.

"Dad," he replied grimly.

His father said nothing.

Adam looked over at his mom who shrugged.

"Ah, so your father is expecting a raise today. His boss told him he had big news to tell him," Adam's mom said pouring him some orange juice.

"Really dad?"

Adam's father looked up from his newspaper.

"Sure son. Listen, I'm gonna head out," his father started.

"Oh honey stay, we hardly ever all eat together anymore,"

Adam and his father stared at each other.

"Who's fault is that?" he asked.

Adam's mom watched as her husband left.

Adam slammed his fist into the table.

"I'm sorry honey. I wish things didn't have be like this,"

Adam stood up.

"Yeah whatever," he sighed

"There, I knew I had a brother," my sister Jaime mocked.

"Yeah, I bet you loved not having me around all break," I said.

"Pretty much yeah. So, I hear you and that fine boy Adam are best friends now," Jaime replied.

"You're late," I said brushing my hair.

Jaime bit a piece of toast.

"You were with him all break weren't you?" Jaime asked.

I gave her a skeptical look.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nothing," Jaime smirked.

What was with everybody?

First Alex, who I hadn't talked to since Grosse Pointe, now her.

Why were people thinking maybe something was going on between me and Adam.

As much as I wanted something like that to come true, the fact of the matter was this was reality, that was fantasy.

Ding dong.

"I'll get it," Jaime said.

"Hey Jaime. Is B here?" Alex asked.

"Brandon, it's Alex," Jaime called.

I stopped drinking my orange juice. Alex?

I walked over to the front door.

"What?" I asked, quite rudely.

"I know you don't wanna see or talk to me right now," Alex started.

"What was your first clue I asked letting him in.

He shut the door and took of his cap.

It was too cold and too rainy for him to stand outside.

"Look, ordinarily I wouldn't have said that stuff. You're my best friend. It's just that Gino-"

"Gino? What's he got to do with this?" I asked.

"Well he and I kept noticing you and Adam doing all these things. And he said it seemed like maybe you two were-"

"Since when do you hang with Gino enough for him to be telling you things?" I asked.

Gino? Why was he trying to get involved in this?

He probably has been hanging around Michelle too much.

"You think maybe Michelle's been putting tings in his head?" I asked.

"I don't know man. So am I forgiven?" Alex asked.

"Yeah, okay," I smiled.

"So you ready to go then?" Alex asked.

"First day back? Ready as I'll ever be." I sighed.

The school was bustling with over excited hormone driven teens who were all horny for their lovers or anxious to see their friends.

For me, it was a little of both. Sure I'd seen Adam over the break, but the past 4 days was the longest I'd ever been without seeing him.

"Hello sexy. Looking gorgeous as always," I greeted Jade.

"Hey guys. Ugh I have so much to show you," Jade said digging through her backpack.

"So how was Cancun?" Alex asked.

"Well," Jade started. She took out a few pictures.

"That's us at the ravine. Can you believe our tour guide didn't know how to get there? I had to show him.

I stared at the picture.

"Oh, and that's my dad getting sick. I told him not to drink the water," Jade said.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye Gino walking along. Now was the perfect opportunity to talk to him.

"I'll be right back," I said.

Alex looked up.

"And that's me and-"

Alex wasn't paying attention. Why was Brandon going to talk to Gino even after he put all those ideas in is head?

"Gino, hey," I greeted.

Gino looked over at me and kept walking to his locker, which really wasn't that far away.



"What? You actually have time for me now?" Gino asked.

"If this is about that anime canceled on me, remember?"

"Huh, funny how you think the stupidest shit is important," Gino replied.

"What's with the fucking drama man?" I asked.

"You don't get it do you?"

I stared blankly at him.

"I know that I get you were trying to insinuate that Adam and I were together or something," I said angrily.

If he was gonna be that way then so was I.

Gino's look changed slightly.

"You know about that?" he asked.

I noticed he looked over in the direction of Alex and Jade.

"Yes Alex told me. One he's my best friend. And two he's never really liked you so don't think he'd keep something you told him secret," I replied.

Gino slammed his locker shut and started walking along very fast.

"What's with you?" I asked.

Gino stopped so suddenly I almost bumped into him.

"Where's Adam? Shouldn't you be with him right now?

And with that he turned around and left.

What the fuck was everybody's deal with me and Adam?

It was like they thought we were some destined to be lovers. Didn't they see that all of that was pointless.

There's no way. No way.

I entered Social Economics cautiously as both Alex and Gino were in the class with me.

Gino was my desk partner too.

I sat down next to him without saying a word.

He just looked straight ahead and pretended I wasn't there.

"Okay, so today were going to start a new project." Ms. Brown informed us.

"Oh great," I heard Gino mumble under his breath.

"But don't worry, it's not another group assignment," Ms. Brown said.

I heard Gino give out a sigh of relief.

"You're going to be making a dream collage of what you want and expect your future to be like," Ms. Brown spoke.

That sounded simple enough. And it was something I could do just like that.

Adam and I would still be friends attending the same collage with Alex.

Jade I'm not sure of as she'd probably go to Harvard or Yale. Gino.....well even though I was mad at him right now, we'd at least still be friends.

Some day I'd even attend all three's weddings and be each their best man.

And I'll be godfather to their kids and I'll take them out and spoil them rotten and then their moms would get mad at me because I'd be the cool godfather that let them watch rated R movies.

Yeah, I could see it all........

"You know, when the fuck are we gonna do something fun in that woman's class? Dream collage. Fucking queer collage is more like it," Alex spoke.

"I think it's kinda interesting," I said.

"So do I. But I said fun not interesting," Alex replied.

I was excited. I hadn't seen Adam yet. Which was strange because I usually saw him before Jade or Gino. But still I knew I'd see him and we'd have fun like we normally did. And Gino was gonna have to eat his dick for being so damn stupid.

"Hey guys," Adam said, very unenthusiastically.

"Adam, what's up man?" Alex greeted.

I looked him over.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Sure. So, what's been going on lately?" Adam replied, trying his best to sound normal.

"Well Gino's throwing a fit. I swear you just can't deal with some people," I said.

Adam grew a little uneasy. He knew exactly why Gino was acting weird. He figured something was going on between himself and Brandon. How he came to that conclusion.....

"So, did you talk to Gino?" Adam quizzically asked.

I got a little uneasy. Of course I'd talked to him. It was the topic of discussion I was worried about.

"Yeah, but it's Gino remember? Who knows what's bugging him?" I chuckled nervously.

All three of us knew Gino's beef. But we decided to keep that bit to ourselves.

"Oh and that's us at-Gino, hold on a second Krystal," Jade said.

Gino sighed, stopped, and turned around.

"Are you having problems with Brandon?" she asked.

"Who isn't these days?" Gino sighed.

Jade crossed her arms.

"I don't know what you think you know, but did you know that Brandon is the happiest now I've ever seen him in his life?" He talks about Adam and-"

Gino decided to stop listening at this point. He thought things couldn't get any worse but Jade found a way to make it possible.

"Gino! Did you hear me?" Jade asked.

"Crystal clear," Gino said with a fake smile. And then he walked off.

Jade watched him leave.

"Hey, what was that all about?" Krystal asked.

Jade wasn't exactly sure, but she had a feeling that what she said went in one ear and-

"Out the other. I mean I know he sees all the hard work I've been doing. This is all that lousy Bush's doing," Adam heard his father rant.

"Honey, what are we gonna do?" his mother asked.

"What were supposed to do," his father replied.

"A week though? That's an awfully short amount of time," his mother said.

Adam heard his father sigh and then pound his fist into the table, something they obviously had in common.

"Mom, dad, what's going on?" Adam asked, finally deciding to enter the kitchen.

His mother looked at him with some of her own shock still on her face. His father stared hard at the kitchen tile.

"Ah, Adam honey, your father, we, have some news," his mother started.

Adam put on a slight smile and moved closer to his father.

"I heard. You're getting the raise in a week. That's great dad."

It was better if he assumed what was going on than to just take it for what it was.

Adam's father stood up.

"You never really liked it here did you son? I mean the drinking binges the fights the late night stay outs...."

"Dad, come on, I don't do any of that anymore. And of course I like it here. We've lived here since I was born," Adam replied.

He was starting to feel that his assumption was way off base.

"Honey, there's no easy way to tell you this...." his mother said.

She looked over at his father.

She looked on the verge of tears.

"Oh just spit it out. Adam, were moving to Florida at the end of the week," his dad spoke, rather gruffly.

"What?" Adam asked.

"Son, I know this comes as a surprise. Believe me, I understand. This is your home, our home. But your father-"

Adam hadn't heard anything beyond, "were moving"

Moving? Now. Maybe a few months ago he wouldn't feel like he did now.

But leave behind the coolest friend he'd ever had, his best friend, Brandon........and what about his girlfriend of two years?

How was he supposed to just forget about them in a week.

"And your father's boss wants us to relocate because-"

"No," Adam said not staring at anything in particular.

He was still halfway in a thinking state.

"What?' his mother asked.

"I'm not moving,"

His father was going to reply when an extra sharp burst of lightning tore through the sky, drowning out any other sounds.

Adam looked over at a nearby chair.

He grabbed his coat house key and decided to take off.

"Adam! Adam come back here!" his father called after him.

Adam tore open the door and ran out into the storm not knowing where he was going to go. He just knew that he didn't want to be in that house with them and being forced to ship off to Florida.

If need be, the streets would be his new home, not-

Florida. Maybe that's where I could go to college. And Adam, Alex, and Gino.

Nah, too many storms, alligators and freaks.

I was working on my dream collage when Alex called.

"Yes Alex?" I answered methodically.

"Since when did you start using caller i.d.?"

"Since I got enough friends to get mad at," I replied.

"You're not still mad at me are you?" Alex asked.

"Not you, Gino. This bullshit that Adam and I could be a couple shoulda been over," I said.

"I just told you what I thought it looked like. I didn't think he'd make something out of it."

I sighed deeply. Neither did I.

"You know, I have an idea," Alex said.

"What?" I asked.

"Call Gino and say you wanna talk to him. I'll stay on the line and listen in so we can find out together what Gino's real beef is. Cause I don't think he's gonna tell us, but he will tell you,"

"I think he already has," I sighed.

"Just call him."

I began to dial Gino's number, and afterwards waited for him to pick up. The phone rang 3....4.....5...times.

"He's either not home, or not picking up. Take your pick," I said.

"Hello?" Gino said.

"Exactly how many times does your phone have to ring before anyone hears it?" I asked sarcastically.

"Sorry. I was watching the rain on the porch and didn't hear the phone. So, what do you want?' Gino asked.

I felt a little strange. Gino had no idea that Alex was on the other line. Anything he'd tell me and only me, Alex would hear as well.

"So, can we talk. About you and me?" I asked.

"Why? As far as I can see there's only you and Adam," Gino laconically replied.

"Why do you keep saying that? Adam is with Michelle. Adam....and I, were both straight. So why would I-

Ding dong.

That was my doorbell. Alex and Gino hadn't heard it.

Jaime answered the door expecting her best friend.

"The famed Adam Ventura. I'd never believe my brother was friends with you unless I saw proof. And here you are," Jaime said.

''Is Brandon here.....I really need to talk to him?" Adam said, in a low methodical voice.

Jaime looked Adam over.

"No what you need is to dry off," Jaime said pulling Adam inside.

"Don't tell me you walked here in that mess outside," Jaime handed Adam some dry off towels.

I came down the stairs and stared at a very soaked Adam.

"Adam, what's..going on?" I asked slowly.

Jaime looked at me then at Adam, shook her head and left.

I noticed Adam's demeanor. It wasn't his normal always positive, joking, self. It was like Adam's shell. Something that sucked all the happiness out of him. Whatever reason he was here for, it was serious.

"Come on, let's go upstairs," I said.

When I got upstairs I grabbed the phone.

"B? What's going on man?" Gino asked.

"It's Adam. He has to tell me something important. I'll call you back," I said hanging up.

Gino sat with the phone still to his ear. Adam, telling him something important. And what perfect timing too. That stupid little bastard had once again ruined an important moment between himself and Brandon.

"Adam. What's wrong?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Everything," Adam sighed sulking against a wall.

"Come on, tell me," I said soothingly.

Adam sniffled and looked up at me.

"I just want my life to stay the way it is," he replied.

"So do I. You're one of my best friends, we'll always be friends and-"

"No Brandon, you don't get it," Adam cut me off.

"If you're worried that our futures will be like whack and all weird...."

"Yeah, that's exactly what I'm worried about," Adam sniffled.

I looked over at him. How could I convince him that I wasn't going to ever not be a part of his life?

I got up, grabbed my dream collage and sat back next to Adam.

"See, look. Were always gonna be friends," I said said.

Adam looked down at the collage in my hands. He'd come here for support, reassurance that his life wasn't going to change forever.

But instead, the collage made him feel.....

Adam quickly stood up.

"You shouldn't have shown me that," Adam said.

I stood up as well.

"What? Why not?" I asked.

Adam looked down at my carpet. For some reason he didn't want to face me.

"I just..don't think..."

"Adam, I'm always gonna be in your life. That's what I've been trying to show you," I said.

"No you're not okay!" Adam exclaimed.

"And why not!" I asked.

At this point, we were both yelling and screaming.

"Because I'm moving to Florida on Friday, okay!" Adam shouted.

I stood frozen. That wasn't at all what I thought Adam had come over to talk about.

Moving? We'd barely been friends 3 months and now he was moving.

"What?" I asked, softly.

"I'm moving, and there's nothing I can do about it," Adam replied even softer than me.

I didn't know what to say. Or what to do. I'd never had to deal with something like this before.

I'd moved only once in my life, but that was when I was 3. And I'd known Jade and Alex my whole life.

Up until 3 months ago they were really the only people I knew, so I never had to deal with one of my friends moving.

But this wasn't one of my "friends" moving. This was the one guy I'd ever had a crush on. The one guy I'd give anything for to be happy.

The one guy who I'd die for.

And now, he was leaving. Right now. Just like that. Unless....

"No, Adam, you have to do something. I don't want you to leave," I pleaded.

"There's nothing I can do," Adam spoke, almost not his own voice.

"No, no we can fight this, try to convince your parents-"

"No,no,no, I can't," Adam said turning towards the door.

"Adam!" I called after him.

I followed him downstairs.

"Adam where are you going?"

"I don't know!"

Adam threw open our front door and walked back outside into the rain.

"Adam don't leave. I can help you," I said.

Adam turned around and looked me in the eyes.

"Nobody can help me. Only I can help me,"

"What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know. Travel? Anything but move to Florida," Adam said.

And with that he started off.

I don't know why, but I didn't try to stop him from going. Maybe because I knew that Adam needed some time to himself. It was all really a matter of how much time I was gonna have to let him have?

I thank all of the (i hate to say this but-) fans, that have continued to show interest in

Angst. I also appreciate all the emails, as they always seem to cheer me up, or make

me consider new possibilities with the story.

A few shout-outs here: Beebs-you know I love you man! Sammie-keep cool dude! There was somebody else....I know It (im really sorry but I forgot who!)

Next: Chapter 10

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