
By Jo Jo

Published on Aug 21, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site, as long as you ask first!

Angst Episode 8 "The Jealous Boy-Friend"

You know how I said I was gonna tell Adam I was in love with him soon?

I changed my mind.


It's just, well I'm falling in love with him more each day.

"I can't believe it's snowing outside. I can't remember the last time it snowed here," Jade said taking off her gloves.

I unzipped my coat and moved closer to the fire.

"Good thing we got to the lodge before it started, or else," Adam spoke.

"And hey, it's good right, good together, all of us," I said.

Adam grew quiet and glared at Gino.

"Right, all together," he said, agitated.

Those two were so weird. One minute they seem like the best of friends. The next......

I still had no idea how the fallout between them occurred. I just knew that I was having to deal with it and it sucked ass big time.

"So, ah, anyone gonna talk?" Jade asked.

Michelle and I stared at each other while Adam and Gino did the same.

Alex just sat with his arms crossed, a mean scowl distinctly on his face.

Who's idea was it to come on this trip anyway?

Two days earlier.

So we had two days until winter break.

It seemed school was just zipping by. Next thing I know, I'll be graduating!

Naw, that can't come soon enough.

"So, I'm thinking, night one of winter break, we pop some popcorn, crank up the 64 inch flat screen in my room, and have a Heat Guy J marathon," Gino suggested.

"Oooh, a night over Rich Guy G's house, no wait mansion huh?" I joked.

I was just now starting to realize that Gino and I had a lot more in common than I thought. Heat Guy J was just one of several anime shows that the both of us loved. And watching it on his 64 inch plasma screen t.v. with state of the art surround sound speakers sounded better than anything I could ever think up.

"I'm there," I replied.

"People, people, having a party without me. Not cool," Adam said putting his arms around both of us.

"Hey...Adam," Gino said, trying to sound as genuine as he could.

"Adam I thought you were going up to Grosse Pointe," I said.

"Yeah well, unfortunately, my folks got a hold of my teachers and found out I was sorta failing math. Anyway, I can't go early now," Adam replied.

"Just be thankful you can go at all," I said.

"Yeah, sure," Adam said unenthusiastically

"And you should have told me, or Jade you were having trouble in math. We coulda helped," I said.

"Yeah, I don't think so. Tutoring, not. Besides, partying is a much better thing to know how to do well, don't you think," Adam spoke.

He was so funny in the way that he thought that we actually believed he didn't give a shit. He was funny period.

"Winter break, two weeks of cold stupid family time. Can't wait," Adam sighed.

"Well, we should do something," I suggested.

Gino promptly cleared his throat, loudly, at that point.

"But after Friday. I'm kinda spending it with Gino already," I said.

Adam looked over at Gino.

"Oh, right," Adam said, sounding slightly disappointed.

Gino looked a little triumphant.

"I get it. You'd rather spend time with the crush of your life than Gino," Jade said, digging through her locker.

"Don't get me wrong, Gino's great. We have so much in common. But at the end of the day,"

"It's Adam you still love," Jade finished for me.

I leaned against the locker next to Jade's.

"It's just all weird because I know he could never know...and Gino either. But I guess I just hope, that's all," I replied.

Jade gave me a funny look.


"I still say you tell the both of them. It'll be better if they find out now, instead of-"

"I can't do that Jade. What if Alex found out? And being friends with Adam has been like my dream for years and I'm not about to ruin it,"

I really don't even know what possessed me to consider telling Adam about my secret. But if I really wanted to be with him, I would have to sooner or later right?

"Okay, well I gotta head to the library. Finals in two days remember. You really should study," Jade said shutting her locker.

"Yeah sure," I smiled.

I stood there a moment until I was soon greeted by Gino.

"Hey, what's up?" He said.

"Can I ask you something?" I said.

Gino smiled a little. I guess he was surprised. I had never really confided in him as much as I had Alex and especially Adam.

"Wow, sure,"


'Hello my people's. Was goin down?" Adam said putting his arms around us.

"Adam, are you back on black again?" I asked.

"It's time I act a little cultured. Broaden my horizons yo," Adam replied.

I chuckled at this. Adam knew just how to make me feel good.

"So Adam, you mind if I ask you something," I started.

I didn't notice Gino's mean scowl.

"Sure, but you mind if we walk and talk. Gotta cram for my Physics exam tomorrow," I started.

Jade, who had come back to get a book that she left from her locker, saw the whole thing.

Hey, don't blame me. When Adam was around, I just sorta.......

It was like he had this effect on me without even trying.

Gino stood staring at me and Adam's backs. Brandon was finally gonna ask him an important question. The one that he'd been hoping for.

But did it happen? NO. Why? Adam.

It was always Adam. A problem, that needed to be fixed.

Michelle sat, reading very worriedly through her economics book. For some reason, all she could really think about was Brandon.

Why was it so impossibly hard to get rid of him? All the situations she set up. The bungee thing, the questions, and he was still here. Why?

"Hey sexy," Ryan said sitting down.

Michelle looked all around frantically.

"Ryan, are you crazy? You cant call me that in public," Michelle whispered.

"This is the library. Nobody ever comes here," Adam replied.

Probably because there were 4 different libraries in the school, the other 3 all being almost 100 percent better than the one she was in now.

"So what do you want?" Michelle asked.

"To squeeze your tits and lick your pussy, what else?' Ryan replied.

That did sound promising, Michelle thought.

"Alright, I know where we could go," Michelle said pulling Ryan into a nearby empty corridor of the library.

Ryan started kissing Michelle right away. The scene was slowly turning X-rated.

"Nope, no go. My turn," I said, tossing a chip into my mouth. I missed too.

Adam and I both laughed.

"Dude, you're worse than I am," Adam spoke throwing a chip at me.

I tossed one back at Adam before dodging another.

Gino sat very bored and annoyed watching Brandon and Adam play with each other. It was starting to make him sick.

"Brandon, you think maybe we could talk now?" Gino asked.

"I barely looked away from Adam and up at Gino.

"Could we," I dodged another chip "do it later? Oh you are so cheating!"

Gino glared at Adam, sighed and then got up. That did it, he was sick now. He needed water.

Apparently he wasn't looking where he was going, because he bumped into Alex.

"Getting blind there Liongson?" Alex asked.

"Sorry Alex. Got a lot on my mind," Gino replied.

"Oh. So have you seen B?" Alex asked.

Gino pointed straight back.

"Look at em. It's stupid really," Gino replied.

Alex stared at Brandon and Adam throwing chips at each other and laughing.

"What's up with that?" Alex asked.

"You tell me. It's like they're..." Gino stared at Alex who was staring intently at the scene going on.

"A couple or something." There he said it.

Now would Alex think anything of it?

"Interesting," Alex said.

Just then the lunch bell rang dismissing all of us.

I looked around me. Who threw all the chips? Oh yeah, me and Adam.

"Shit man, now I gotta pee," Adam said.

"Race ya to the restroom," I said.

"Go!" Adam said getting a head start.

"Say man!" I said taking off after Adam.

Alex and Gino watched as both Brandon and Adam entered the restroom.

"Yeah, really interesting huh," Gino said.

Alex just stared ahead. Maybe.....naw, they weren't right. They couldn't be.

It was now Friday, the last day of school before winter break. I was really excited because I so wanted a break. Being popular was a lot more stressful than I could have imagined. I now understood that sometimes you just had to be mean to get your point across. Not viciously mean. Just, a little cut and dry. Anyways Friday meant my final 3 exams which just so

happened to be Physics, Algebra 2, and Social Economics, the hardest of my classes.

"Jade now why are you stressing? I asked watching Jade frantically rummage her AP Physics book.

"Are you kidding me? I have to maintain my 4.0 average," Jade replied.

I stared at her.

"What is the delta quantity of water? Dammit!" Jade exclaimed.

"Adam! Thank god. Come on walk with me," I said, getting away from Jade.

Now wasn't a good time to be around her.

"I think I hit a snag somehow with Michelle," Adam said.

"Why?" I asked.

"She kinda wont talk to me. She's been acting so weird lately," Adam sighed.

"Sorry man," I said.

Really I wasn't. Who cares about Michelle.

"I at least got her to come to Grosse Pointe. So that makes me, Ryan, Krystal, Ryan, and Alex. Notice I didn't say your name," Adam spoke.

"I know, but I think Gino feels I've been neglecting him or whatever," I replied.

Now Adam looked a little crushed.

"I'll tell you what. How about I see if I can convince him to come to Grosse Pointe for the weekend and then having the anime marathon next week," I spoke.

"Great!" Adam exclaimed.

I liked making Adam happy. But now I had to make Gino mad.

"Why?" Gino asked.

"Come on, Gino. We can have the marathon next week," I spoke.

"Okay but I asked you first. I don't understand why you wanna cancel our thing-

"Gino I'm not. I'm..postponing it," I replied.

Gino sighed and thought. Once again Adam was coming between him and Brandon. Sure, he'd go on the trip. To destroy Adam.

"Fine," Gino sighed.

"Thanks. I gotta go tell Adam," I said leaving immediately.

Oh yeah, Gino thought. Adam was going down.

Saturday. I was so excited about this trip. And I really should enjoy it while I could because I knew that I'd be getting a not too good report card upon returning to school.

"B, here lemme help you with that," Adam said taking my bags,"

"Oh so carrying my stuff gives you back pain but you can throw his stuff in the back with no problem huh?' Michelle asked annoyed.

I looked over at Adam who in turn looked over at Michelle.

"Michelle please, not today," Adam said walking back into his house.

I went to find Alex.

Ryan put his arms around Michelle from behind.

"Trouble in paradise huh?" Ryan asked.

Michelle quickly whipped out of Ryan's arms and turned around.

"Ryan what the hell?"

"Sorry. Where's Adam?" Ryan asked.

"In the house," Michelle said crossing her arms.

"Okay so that should be everything," Adam said.

Adam and I looked at each other.

"But the kitchen sink!" we both laughed.

Alex and Gino stared at us.

"Okay, I'm driving," Adam said leaving.

"Shotgun!" I exclaimed following.

Gino looked over at Alex.

"Kinda makes you wonder huh?" Gino said.

"What?" Alex asked.

"About all that stuff Michelle's been trying to get us to think about. I don't think I'd ever believe it unless I saw it with my own eyes," Gino replied coyly.

"So, you really think Michelle right?" Alex asked.

Gino put his hand on Alex's shoulder.

"You tell me," he smiled leaving.

There. He didn't really want to have to do that to his best friend but Adam left him no choice. If he could just learn not to be around Brandon all the time.....

Michelle opened the front car door only to find me already sitting in the seat,

"Sorry Michelle, he called shotgun," Adam spoke.

Alex stared at Brandon and Adam.

"Don't worry. We'll keep you company," Ryan said.

Michelle glared at me.

"Hey, do you guys mind if we put in my 1200 question S.A.T Prep tape?" Jade asked.

"Jade, this is nerd free weekend for once," Krystal replied.

"Getting ahead in life is not nerdy," Jade spoke.

Both Adam and I caught on to the other meaning of getting a head and chuckled.

Alex climbed into the car and shut the door.

Please let there not be anything going on between them, he thought.

When we pulled up to the lodge it had lightly started to snow. I guess now it could really be called a lodge.

"Snow? Why didn't I hear anything about it on the news?' Jade said getting out.

I stuck out my tongue and caught a piece.

"Snow in Texas?" Ryan said.

"It is cold enough out," Krystal shivered.

"Yeah okay people let's not stand around talking about it. I don't wanna freeze to death," Michelle said, walking straight into the lodge.

"Okay who pissed her off?" Adam asked.

"Try everybody. Being a bitch is her thing remember?" Ryan replied.

Adam grabbed some snow and threw it at me.

"Bitch!" I screamed, picking up some snow.

"What ya gonna do about it?" Adam taunted.

I laughed and threw the snow at Adam, who dodged it.

Unfortunately Gino didn't.

"Shit, what the fuck guys!"

"Oh,," Adam said.

Both he and I ran into the lodge.

"Shit," Gino huffed shaking the snow off of him.

He was just gonna have to give it to Adam straight. That annoying little ass punk wasn't gonna be in his way much longer.

Adam and I were in a room with Alex unpacking.

"Only two beds," I said.

Alex stared at both of us.

"Yeah. I guess me and you can sleep in here and everybody else..." Adam said.

"Okay, so I'm gonna go," I said.

I don't know why. I just felt like going. Weird.

Alex followed, shutting the door behind him.

"So you and Adam seem close," Alex said.

I looked up.

"I guess so. Why?" I asked.

"It just....well to everybody else it just seems like you two could know?" Alex suggested.

"No I don't know Alex. What are you trying to say? I asked obviously upset.

"Just that maybe you and Adam shouldn't spend so much time with each other," Alex replied.

"Oh so you think I'm neglecting you right? God what's with you and Gino. I get one new friend and you guys get all psycho complacent on me. Way to go Alex, it's a really redeeming quality," I said leaving.

Alex sighed as he watched me leave.

"I really hope Michelle and Gino are wrong," Alex said to himself.

Adam turned around when he heard the door slam shut.

"Gino!" Adam greeted.

Gino looked around.

"Let me guess. You and Brandon are sharing the same room?" Gino said.

Adam stopped unpacking.

"Unless you wanted to-"

Gino chuckled.

"Now you get it. Takes you a while I see,"

"Gino, what the hell are you talking about man?" Adam asked.

Gino walked over to Adam so that he was directly in front of him.

"I just, don't understand this thing you and Brandon have. But I can see I'm gonna have to break it,"


Gino smirked.

"I don't think you want people getting the wrong idea about you two,"

Adam eyed him carefully.

"Why would they? I'm with Michelle"

"We'll see about that," Gino spoke.

And with that, he left.

Adam stared straight ahead. Gino was now on his enemy list.

"Yahtzee!" Ryan exclaimed.

"Ugh, you suck," Krystal said.

Jade entered the common room and sat down.

"Hey does anyone wanna play Scrabble?" she asked.

"Against you? Maybe the week after never," Krystal replied.

"Fine. I think I'll go get some snow so I can make a snow-cone," Jade said.

"Wait, me too," Krystal said.

Ryan waited until they were gone before he approached Michelle, who was reading a magazine behind him.

"So why play ultra bitch all of a sudden?" he asked.

"This trip is just another way for Brandon to get closer to Adam," Michelle sighed.

Ryan got up and looked out the window.

Jade and Krystal looked as though they didn't have a care in the world. But Brandon who was without Adam for a change seemed to be heavily brooding.

Would it be so bad if he did like Adam?

Adam entered the common room and sat down.

Michelle didn't e even look up at him.

Gino as well entered the common room.

Both boys looked at each other.

Next moment though, Brandon, Jade, and Krystal came back in.

"I can't believe it's snowing outside. I can't remember the last time it snowed here," Jade said taking off her gloves.

Alex entered the common room and stared at his best friend.

I unzipped my coat and moved closer to the fire.


Adam decided to at least try conversation.

"Good thing we got to the lodge before it started, or else,"

"And hey, it's good right, good together, all of us," I said.

Adam grew quiet and glared at Gino.

"Right, all together," he said, agitated.

"Hey Gino ah, wanna go see if they have The Anime Channel here. Heat Guy J oughtta be on," I suggested.

Anything to cut the tension.

Gino let out an angry sigh.

That was strange.

"Adam, wanna have another snow fight?" I asked.

Adam just stared at Gino.

Those two were so weird. One minute they seem like the best of friends. The next......

I still had no idea how the fallout between them occurred. I just knew that I was having to deal with it and it sucked ass big time.

"So, ah, anyone gonna talk?" Jade asked.

Michelle pretended to clear her throat while staring at a magazine.

I looked over to notice her staring at me.

"Anybody?" Jade repeated.

Michelle and I stared at each other while Adam and Gino did the same.

Alex just sat with his arms crossed, a mean scowl distinctly on his face.

Yeah, our lives were officially screwed up.

Next: Chapter 9

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