
By Jo Jo

Published on Aug 8, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to

Angst Episode 7 "The Pretty Eyes"

Well , the cold had befallen upon our humble little town here in Texas.

And when November hit, you felt it.

"So, you have to choose between J.LO or Beyonce. Who got the sweetest ass?" Alex asked, popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth.

"Well Beyonce got a little bounce in her but J.LO? That's some Puerto Rican booty," Adam replied.

"So was Britney Spears not a choice?" Ryan asked.

Alex and Adam laughed.

"Dude, you're so white," Adam replied.

I nearly almost didn't believe what I was actually doing. ME, having a sleepover with Adam.

Plus Alex and Ryan who was a little cute if I had to say so, and all of this was taking place at my house of course.

That just made it all better.

Ding dong.

"So who else do you know then B?" Alex asked sipping some beer.

I jumped up and walked over to the front door.

"Gino?" I said surprised.

"Sorry, I know you were having that sleepover thing," Gino started.

I pulled him inside. It was way too cold to be trying to talk to him at the door.

"What, now you want to come?" I asked sullenly.

"Me? I don't think so. Sleep over with Mr. Popular and his sidekick? Then there's Alex-"

"I already told you they like you now," I started.

"For a month now, I know, but-"

"Liongson? What a...surprise," Alex said walking over to us.

"Not really," Gino replied.

"So, what brings you by?" Alex asked.

"I just wanted to see if B here would let me borrow his copy of Dynasty Warriors 4," Gino replied.

"Gino!" Adam exclaimed brazenly.

He and Ryan both walked over to us, Adam giving Gino a "was up" handshake.

""See, now we have a party," Adam said.

"I'm not staying," Gino replied.

"What? Of course you are. We got beer man," Adam bargained.

"Gino came to borrow Dynasty Warriors," I said.

"Well now you don't have to, cause we were just about to play that. Come on," Adam said putting his arm around Gino and leading him towards the living room.

"So, I guess this is where things get a lot..better right," Alex said.

He shook his head, sighed and entered the living room as well.

This was just where things got awkward.

Krystal plopped backwards onto Michelle's bed, hanging from a corner, and flipped open a copy of Teen People magazine.

"Oh my god, Chad Michael Murray is SO hot," she sighed.

"Are you kidding me? Justin Timberlake, hands down," Michelle rebutted.

Jade was curling Michelle's hair while she sat filing her nails.

"Really? And what about Adam?" Jade asked.

"What about him. As much time as he spends with Brandon and Alex now, you'd think they were the couple," Michelle replied.

"I think its cool how Brandon actually has friends now. He seems a whole lot happier," Krystal spoke.

"Yeah well how wonderful for him, but what about the lonely girlfriend? Do you know Adam and I haven't fucked in like two weeks?" Michelle vented.

"Maybe it's a sign," Krystal spoke.

"What?" Michelle asked.

"Maybe he's trying to tell you something," Krystal laughed.

"Or maybe he's happier now too. He has been a lot kinder to everybody nowdays," Jade spoke.

"Yeah and he's actually trying to do something besides football. I saw his name on the social economics list when I was going over records the list other day. And that class is like majorly hard to get into," Krystal spoke.

Social economics? What was happening with her life, Michelle thought. With her boyfriend?

If she could even call him that anymore. Actually, she knew exactly what was going on.


He had not only managed to wiggle his nerdy little self into her life, but now he was sucking the time she usually spent with Adam all away.

He had to go. That was all. He simply just, had to disappear.

So the whole sleepover was...interesting to say the least.

At least everyone had gotten along well. Although, I can tell that Alex really doesn't trust Gino, to add to the fact that he really doesn't like him.

And Adam cant fool me worth shit. As buddy buddy as he is with Gino, I know he likes him. But Ryan, I couldn't piece together.

Mostly because he really never was around much. He was always leaving to go make a call. A lot. To who he was talking to, I had no clue.

But I had a feeling it was some girl.

"So now I'm thinking I oughta come over your house more often. To sleepover I mean," Adam said digging through his locker.

"Yeah maybe you should. Alex does it all the time," I replied, digging through my locker as well.

"Adam, hey," Michelle said.

She pulled Adam from his locker and kissed him. Not just some peck on the cheek, but a real KISS!

"Wow," Adam said "What was that for?"

"Just, I missed you. I feel like you and I haven't really been spending any time together lately," Michelle spoke.

Adam gave me a busied glance.

"Yeah," Adam started, running one of his hands over his face. "I ah, been really busy. Sorry,"

"No apologizing Adam. Just, a really romantic date. Tonight. And then sex. Lots and lots of make up sex," Michelle spoke, sexily.

What was her deal? I noticed she kept looking at me every time she said that.

"Okay," Adam replied happily.

Proving once again that there was no way in hell we'd ever be together.

"So, um, walk me to class Adam?" Michelle asked.

Adam looked a little disappointed, but with the promise of sex, I'm sure he wasn't at all pissed.

"I'll see you at lunch, kay?" Adam said walking off.

"Right," I mumbled.

I shut my locker and let out a deep sigh as I leaned against it.

Was I really that bad of a person to where Michelle felt threatened by me?

Not that I even was sure that was the case. I didn't know for sure yet.

But it seemed to me like-

"Hey," Gino greeted me.

"Hey yourself kid," I smiled.

"So Friday was...interesting" Gino said.

"Yeah, sorry about Alex. He's trying. It's just gonna take some time," I said.

"Yeah well it really doesn't matter when Adam smothers me does it?"

That was a little weird.

"I think you and I need some time to get over Friday. How bout a movie, today after school?" I suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Gino replied.

Ordinarily Alex, Adam, and I would do stuff after school. But since Adam was busy now.....

"Future reference, refrain from calling me, what was it, 37 times, while Adam is around," Michelle said pissed.

She and Ryan had met secretly in the same closet that she normally seduced Adam in.

"Sorry," Ryan apologized. He moved closer to Michelle and grabbed both her hands. "I missed you"

Both of them kissed each other deeply.

After about ten seconds, Michelle broke it off.

"We have to be careful now though. That loser Brandon is so in love with Adam, you'd think he knew about us," she said.

"So you really think Brandon likes Adam?" Ryan asked, a hint of disgust in his voice.

"I'm not sure. I hope not," Michelle replied.

"So Adam told me you two were having a date and then lots of sex....really," Ryan said, a little hurt.

"Ryan, I like you. I like Adam. You knew that when we started this thing," Michelle spoke

"I know but-

"Ryan, just don't," Michelle sighed.

Truth was, Ryan was starting to wear out his warranty.

The lunchroom was crowded. It was always crowded.

But I seemed to pay a lot more attention now that I was, dare I say it, popular. Sort of.

"So," Alex said, sitting down, tray in hand. "was up chilin."

Ryan tried to respond mouthful of something.

"Ew, oh my god, just don't talk Ryan," Krystal shrieked.

"So Jade's sick huh?" Michelle asked.

"Yeah, well I bet she's really mad seeing as how she was striving for a perfect record this year," I said.

It wasn't but two seconds later when this girl came up to me.

"Are you Brandon Jameson?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"I have a pass for you to see the counselor. Although, I should tell you that there's like almost a hundred people there, so you're probably gonna be there all day,"

Shit, that was just what I wanted. Not.

"Okay," I said gathering my stuff.

"Damn dog, that sucks huh," Adam spoke.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow then," I spoke.

Michelle glared at my back as I left.

"I wonder...what's he going to the counselors office for?" Michelle started.

It was time that she placed seeds of doubt about Brandon in his friends heads.

Otherwise she'd lose her boyfriend. Her real boyfriend.

"Probably academics, who knows," Adam spoke.

"Yeah but you wanna know what I heard?" Michelle asked.

"Not really," Alex said.

Adam gave out a stifled chuckle but quickly pretended to clear his throat.

"I hear they're trying to figure out what happened in that incident the other day. The one with those two boys caught sucking dick. And they're asking everybody they think might be-

"Michelle shut up. I know what you're getting at. Brandon's not gay," Alex cut her off, sternly.

Adam sat up a little more in his chair, his attention slightly more focused.

"Well haven't you ever wondered why as soon as he and Adam become friends, it seems like that's the only person he'll hang with," Michelle kept at it.

"Michelle what the hell is wrong with you? Brandon and I have hung out all the time and he never tried anything with me," Alex said, getting even angrier.

"Yeah Michelle, Brandon's just adjusting. That's all," Krystal added.

Michelle stared at Adam, who had said nothing since she started talking.

Which meant that he was probably thinking just what she wanted. A

nd Adam was the one who mattered in this.

"Brandon's not gay," Alex said.

Adam just sat and thought.

Just as that girl predicted, I had been in the counselors office all day. I

had to wait for 80 other people to see her before I did. I was the last one she saw for the day even though there were still about 60 more people left.

I was lucky in that sense.

And I was so looking forward to the movies with Gino.

I had told Gino to just leave without me, as I was still in the counselors office when the last bell rang. So now I was at my locker trying to gather my books and such when I noticed a closet nearby open.

Low and behold Adam of all people was inside.

But what the hell was he still doing here?

"Adam?" I said.

Adam turned around, looked at me briefly and turned back around.

That was weird.

"Detention. Can you believe that. And instead of making me sit for half an hour like every other fucking teacher in this school, mine decided that helping the janitor would be more productive," Adam spoke.

"Harsh," I said.

"Yeah, well I'm done now. I was just putting up a few supplies," Adam said.

His movements, I noticed, were very awkward. Almost like he didn't want me around.

I took a step back and leaned against the wall.

"So, you looking forward to tonight?' I asked.

It took Adam a little while but he answered.

"Ah, yeah."

I turned towards the door and unlatched it to leave, but stopped short and let it go.

"Adam, is there something you wanna talk to me about?" I asked.

"No, I don't think so."

"Cause we've always been able to talk to each other, since, we've been friends."

The door shut with a distinct click.

Adam stood up and turned around quick.

"Was that, no," Adam said.

He grabbed a hold of the door and desperately jiggled the handle.


Adam kept tugging on the handle.

"Don't tell me were trapped," I said.

Adam sighed, and lowered his head.

"Looks that way," he said, finally looking at me, still not in the eyes.

"But were bound to get out right. The janitor knows you're here?"

"Well he's all the way on the other side of the school. I was supposed to clean this side, and he's doing the other, which means he'll probably lock all his supplies in another cleaning shed."

"So worse case scenario, were trapped in here until Monday," I sighed.

Michelle had to make this work. She had to get Adam hooked on sex with her, like he used to be before Brandon.

It was the only way she'd ever have a chance.

Ding dong.

Michelle answered the door.


"Look, ordinarily, I wouldn't come to your house. But I figured Adam would be here,"

"Not yet. Come in,"

Alex obliged and sighed.

"I actually wanted both of you. I wanted to say I was sorry about the way I acted a lunch," Alex started.

"Oh, well all's forgiven. Thanks," Michelle said.

"But, I still wanna know why you think Brandon is gay."

Michelle's smile faded.

"Well, it's little things you know. Guys don't really see it. Plus you're his best friend, or used to be," Michelle replied.

"I still am!" Alex exclaimed.

"Of course you are sweetie. And you're right, I'm probably wrong right?" Michelle said with a fake smile.

She walked past Adam and back into the galleria.

"So, I have no idea where Adam is. He should have been here like an hour ago,"

"Really? Where do you think he's at?" Alex asked.

Truth was Michelle had her suspicions.

She guessed Adam was where else, with Brandon.

Doing what was the question.

I noticed that Adam kept looking up at me and opening his mouth like he wanted to say something, but then he'd look back down.

I couldn't take it anymore.

"Adam, tell me what's going on. I'm your friend, I know when somethings bothering you," I said, kinda more aggressively than I wanted.

Adam stared at me deeply, in the eyes.

"Its just.....are you....well, are"

I swallowed deeply. My throat was suddenly very dry.

I didn't want to lie to Adam. Beside the fact that I was in love with him, there was just something about his eyes.

Those unbelievably gorgeous green eyes. The ones that I could stare at all day.

I decided, that our friendship couldn't be built on a lie. I had to tell him the truth.


"Wait, I'm sorry. I don't even know what I asked you that for,"

What was happening now?

"I mean, that night when I first talked to you and slept over your house, you didn't try anything with me. I knew that all along,"

Well I was saved I guess.

"And all the other times we've been together. Ive pissed in the restrooms next to you, nothing. And Friday, nothing definitely happened. What the fuck is wrong with me?"

I stared into Adam's eyes. All of that was true, yes, but-

"I'm sorry man. There's no way," Adam spoke.

Great, there was no way. Just...what I wanted to hear.....

Michelle looked up at the clock. Two hours passed and still no Adam.

"And he didn't answer his cell?" Alex asked.

"It must not be on him. I'm really worried now. Adam would have called me or something," Michelle said crossing her arms.

Alex looked at the clock.

He was worried too. This wasn't like his friend.

Alex felt his phone vibrating and answered it.

"Is Brandon with you?"


"Sorry to call, but I called Brandon's house, his parents say they haven't seen him. They're worried. We were supposed to go to the movies," Gino replied.

"Where was the last place you saw him?" Alex asked.

"At the school," Gino replied.

"I'm at Michelle's right now. Come over," Alex spoke.

"Alright, be right there," Gino said hanging up

"So Jacob Hewitt?" Alex asked.

"Definitely gay. Come on Adam!" I replied.

Adam laughed.

"Okay what about Kris Johnson?" Adam asked.

"Football Kris Johnson? I hope not or else you'd have something to worry about huh?" I laughed.

I still couldn't get over how captivating Adam's eyes were.

For a few seconds, we just stared at each other. Those eyes.

"I wonder hard it is to be gay.....," Adam said suddenly, out of nowhere.

Was he serious?

"How hard it is?" I asked

Adam stared at me.

" do you know when you find....the one......." Adam continued in his vague and moody speak.

I had to wonder, did he think he was gay?

"Are you speaking for....yourself?" I asked.

Adam just looked down.

I was gonna have to tell Adam soon, that I was in fact gay. I couldn't stand keeping the secret from him.

"So nobody's seen Adam or Brandon. It's so weird," Alex said.

"Well, where was the last place Adam was?" Gino asked.

"You know what, Adam was supposed to be at the school too, detention. He said something about cleaning with the janitor," Michelle revealed.

"And those closet doors. If Brandon went to help Adam, then-

"They may be trapped inside one!" Michelle said, horrified.

So Adam was showing me how to play football, the right way.

I was really loving the closeness of the situation.

"Alright, so when I say, I want you to hike the ball to me. Alright?" Adam said.

I know what you're probably thinking. But this closet is a lot bigger than you'd think. Biggest high school in the state, remember?

I bent down, huddled and threw the ball back. Only, I accidentally threw it into Adams eye.

"Oh, Adam, I am so sorry," I apologized.

Adam stood strong.

"I'm cool. No worries," I said, sucking in air.

"Here let me look at it," I said getting extremely close to Adam.

The position we were in looked extremely suggestive. From the outside, where it took a while for me to notice Gino and Alex were standing, it looked like we were-

"What's going on?" Alex asked crossing his arms.

"Alex, Gino," I said.

"Thank fucking god somebody found us," Adam said straightening up.

Adam squeezed past me and Alex and walked straight up to Gino.

"So what's up man?" he said.

Alex stood staring at me, arms crossed.

And begin the seeds of doubt.

Okay so first and foremost, I have to apologize to everyone who's shown

interest in the story. I know it's been a while since I updated, but its because

Ive been on vacation, then family came over, then a lot of other things (bad)

things happened. So sorry to John B. the most and the rest of you guys too!

As always, email me with any kind of comments, I'll reply like I always do!

Next: Chapter 8

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