
By Jo Jo

Published on Mar 8, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site, as long as you ask first!

Angst Episode 24 "The Wonderful World Of....."

"Jade, would you please tell Austin here to pass me the salt," Adam spoke.

Jade looked over at me.

"Oh, um-"

"Jade, would you please tell Adam that he can get his own damn salt!" I exclaimed.

"Son language," my mother corrected me.

"Can we lay off the son speak until I actually remember who you people are?" I spoke.

We were all sitting around a rather large dinner table at my house. It was Jade, Alex, Adam, my sister....uh...what's her name......uh......

"Jaime don't aggravate your brother," my mother spoke, stopping her from poking me with a fork.

Right. It was Jaime.

"What? He was spaced out again," Jaime replied.

The only reason I had agreed to eat with everyone was because Alex had asked me ever so nicely. But then Jade insisted that she and Adam switch seats, which put him directly facing me, making me have to look at him.

He wasn't bad looking. In fact, he was majorly hot. Probably hotter than Alex. The problem lied in the freaks personality.

He kept trying to do things like hug me and hold my hand....even kiss me. So yesterday, I smacked him in the mouth.

He didn't look so pretty today.

"The steak is really good, Mrs. Jameson," Jade spoke "Nice and tender."

"Well thank you Jade," my mother retorted "Brandon, would you like some more?"

Oh......right, she was talking to me.

"It's Austin...mother," I replied.

I spat that "mother" word out, quite harshly. Honestly, it had been one week since I'd awoken from my coma, and I still had no idea who anyone really was, including myself.

I felt really strange. It was almost like I wasn't really a person anymore, but a ghost. Or a mindless shell of a thing that just existed. It wasn't a very comforting feeling. And Adam always seemed to make me feel worse. Honestly, I had no idea why, but I was starting to get the feeling that Adam had done something to me before whatever happened to me had happened.

Something that made me really upset with him, and somewhere in the back of my mind, I must have been remembering it, if only very vaguely.

"I think I'm gonna go get some air," I piped up.

I just needed...wanted, to be alone.

"Oh, no honey-"

"Mom....leave him alone," Jaime spoke.

I knew it. My sister and I...we must have really been close before.......

Everyone watched as I made my way to the front door.

Being late June, it was still very warm outside. A good 85 degrees or so.

But for some reason, once I had stepped outside fully and shut the door, I shivered.

I was cold and didn't know why. Maybe I wanted my old life back.

I was sure that I wasn't liking this one very much.

That was when I saw him.



"Hey," I greeted back.

I watched as he crossed his arms and carefully approached me.

"What are you doing outside?" he asked.

I shrugged.

"Thinking....I guess."

Gino turned around so that he was side-by-side next to me, both our backs facing the front door.

He joined me, looking out into the empty street.

"Yeah...I guess you do have a lot to think about," Gino replied. "Do you remember anything yet?"

I nodded. Only that I must have and still did hate Adam.

"Did I enjoy my life at all know,"

Gino turned his head so that he was staring at me.

"Let's just say you had your fair share of problems."

"But did....I hate Adam?"

Gino was a bit thrown off by the question. If Brandon was supposed to be mad at anyone, he'd assumed it would be him. But he didn't remember anything, which meant that if he wanted to, he could lie and say that he and Adam were a miserable couple. But he realized that no relationship should be built on lies.

"You two had a rough start, I'll admit that...but in the end, you two were together like you always wanted," Gino replied.

It stung him a little to say this.

"Did....anyone know...about us?" I asked.

I was very curious as to the whole Adam-me thing.

"Well, of course Jade, Alex, and I did.....and then there was Krystal, Michelle, and Ryan," Gino replied.

"I know Krystal....but who are Michelle and Ryan?" I asked.

"They're.....idiots...don't worry about them," Gino replied.

I decided to take Gino's word on them being idiots and not push the subject further.

"What about my parents?" I asked "Did they know?"

Gino turned his head away from me now, and looked back out into the street.

"I don't think so..I mean, I don't know for sure....but I don't think you ever told them."

That was a relief. Mainly because at this point and time, I wasn't exactly sure that "gay" was something I was or wanted to be.

Sure, I thought Alex was hot. Hell, both Adam and Gino were equally as hot as well. But then, so were Krystal and Jade. They all looked like movie stars in my opinion.

But still, I was pretty sure that the old me wouldn't have wanted his parents to know that he liked other guys, if at all that was even the case.

"So, I take it they're all in there huh?" Gino asked.

"Yeah, eating the moist and tendery steak," I replied, referring to Jade's words.

Gino chuckled a little.

Then he looked back at me.

"Hey....I have an idea,' he said, suddenly.


"Let's go somewhere," he replied.



"Go where?"

"I don't know....Cancun, Cabo......."

Honestly, I wasn't exactly sure where these places were or what he was talking about. But I knew that I didn't want to leave.....not when I was still like this.

"Gino....I don't think-"

"Listen, I know you're really confused now...about everything....but if we're gonna help you remember anything, you have to learn to have a little fun and go out and see things," Gino replied.

He was making sense.

"But...what about everyone else?" I asked.

"They'd come with us," Gino replied.

"Come with you where?" Jade asked.

Both Gino and I turned around to see Jade, Adam, and Alex standing at the front door. I hadn't even heard it open.

"How does a week in France sound to you?" Gino asked.

"Oh my god, are you serious?" Jade asked.

Adam and I exchanged looks.

"Or...skiing in the Swiss Alps,"

"Okay...did I miss something here?" Alex asked.

"Summer vacation.....where to?" Gino asked.

It almost seemed instant, but Jade, Alex, and Gino had all started spouting out various names of places they thought we should all go, under the pretense that the richest one among them would be paying for everyone else.

I, on the other hand was starting to feel weird again. Smothered almost. And Adam staring at me wasn't making matters any better.

"Wonderful," I muttered out loud.

I had no idea why I'd said it but it was done and over-with now.

It was also when everyone shut up.

"As in the wonderful world of Disneyland right?" Jade asked "Perfect."

"Disneyland?" I asked.

"Yeah, Alex and I haven't been and I know you haven't," Jade replied "It's perfect."

Disneyland sounded like some kind of third world country to me, but everyone was touting it as some magical place that we all had to absolutely attend.

"What do you think Adam?" Jade asked.

Adam, who had been busy staring at me, looked up.

"About Disneyland?" he asked.

He looked back at me.

"I don't know,"

"I do. You just won't come," I said.

No one said anything.

Adam's eyes flashed with anger and hurt all at once.

"I guess that's a pretty good idea...considering......"

"What? No.....Bran...Austin, come on," Alex spoke "Don't be a little shit, man."

Coming from Alex, it did make me realize that I was acting a bit selfish.

"No...wait.....I......I didn't mean it," I started.

I watched as the anger-sadness in Adam's eyes disappeared and was replaced with hope.

"All of us going to Disneyland sounds like a great idea," I replied.

"Good, then it's settled." Gino spoke. "I'll get us all tickets and reservations to fly out first thing tomorrow morning," Gino replied.

The word wonderful had caused everyone to instantly think of Disneyland. But hopefully, this "wonderful" place wouldn't end up meaning another un-wonderful blotch in my memory.

It was Monday morning and Gino had managed to come through with his plans to get us all tickets and reservations for today. I guess being a very wealthy individual had its perks, not that I would know anything about that myself.

I had spent the past hour packing enough stuff to last me week, although I had done it quite inured as I didn't know exactly what would be useful and what would not. Alex and Gino helped my out in that area, as they had spent the night over my house.

Jade had also spent the night, in Jaime's room and Adam had slept on the downstairs couch so as not to stir up any more trouble with me than he already had.

And by now, it was 6am, a time that I was almost sure I didn't enjoy seeing on the clock before I had gotten amnesia.

"I think I'm done," Alex yawned.

He walked into my room in nothing but a towel, as he had just gotten out of the shower, and was dripping wet.

My eyes temporarily diverted from staring Alex in the eyes to staring a little lower, first to his awesome well defined chest and then lower, but he hadn't noticed.

I watched as he opened up my top drawer and took out a pair of my clean boxers.

"I'm gonna borrow these, kay?"

"Sure" I replied.

He could wear them forever as far as I was concerned.

He also grabbed his toothbrush from my nightstand and went back into the bathroom.

Gino came from downstairs and walked into my room.

"I thought I heard him come out of there," he spoke.

"Oh yeah, he did," I replied.

I noted that Gino looked a little flustered as he looked down at his wristwatch.

"Okay, we need to be at the airport by 7," he said, looking up at me.

I was completely finished, which in itself was the very reason why no one else was, as they had all been busy trying to help me figure out what was what.

"How bout I start getting our stuff into the car," I suggested.

"Oh Brook'll handle that when it's time," Gino replied, referring to his personal butler and chauffeur, Brooklyn.

I had a lot of energy for some reason. I felt expectant and full of anticipation. For what exactly I wasn't sure. Was I hoping to gain my memory back? Did I even want to gain it back?

Gino looked around nervously before shutting the door to my room.

"Listen, I just wanted to ask....are you really okay?"

He'd said it as if he thought we were alone, yet Alex was just ten feet away in my bathroom, which a door in my room led straight into.

"Ah, I guess so," I replied "Am I not supposed to be?"

Gino sat on the edge of my bed, staring at me, as if waiting for me to sit down next to him.

So I did.

"I just....I feel really bad about what happened to you," he started.

I really didn't know why. It wasn't like I remembered what exactly did happened to me.

"It's okay, really," I replied.

"No, it's not," Gino said, sounding noticeably troubled. "You're my best friend, and when you told me that John was up to something............

John. There was that name again..................................

..........."John, you can't make people fall in love with you," I said. "I that what you thought was gonna happen with Gino."

"Gino was never gonna work out....because of you!"


He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.

"John what are you doing?"

He didn't reply. Instead he just started dialing a number, still glaring at me.


"Shut the FUCK UP!" he bellowed, as he listened to the phone ringing.......................


"Wha, huh?"

"Where'd you go just now?"

I wasn't sure. I kept having these weird daydreams. Everything was really fuzzy, so I couldn't exactly see what was going on. And I had no idea where any of it was coming from. Although, the name 'John' did seem to have something to do with it all.

I had also wondered why no one had ever told me what happened to him. After all, they said he did try to kill me. But I didn't want to bring it up because I didn't want to talk about the past.

"I don't know......"

"Well," Gino spoke, getting up "As long as you know that I really am sorry."

Empty words in my opinion, as long as I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Yeah, uh huh," I replied as cheekily as I could muster.

Deciding that I didn't want to be around Downer-Jo anymore, I went downstairs to start trying to get some of our things in order.

Even though it was pretty early in the morning, it seemed like everyone in the house was now up, including my family members.

"Breakfast?" my dad asked, as he saw me coming into our kitchen.

I nodded silently, not really knowing what to say.

Things did smell pretty good. And I was hungry, I would admit to that.

I noticed that my sister and mother kept staring at me with these thoughtful looks. Almost as though I would disappear if they took their eyes off me at any given second. It was actually starting to get really uncomfortable.

So you could imagine how relieved I was to hear the ring of the front doorbell, even though the sun wasn't even shining outside yet.

"I'll get it," I spoke, quickly excusing myself before anyone had a chance to object.

I walked the short distance from the kitchen over to the front door and opened it.

"Oh.....look at you, are you okay? How are you holding up?"

It was this white girl. She basically had latched on to me, hugging me tightly.

"What the hell?" I spoke, pushing her off of me.

"They told me you were out, but I just got back from the little fuck that did this to you locked up?"


"Michelle....what are you doing here?" Jade asked, appearing behind me.

I was thankful Jade knew who she was because I sure as hell didn't.

"You called me remember?" Michelle replied "Oh, something smells good."

She took the liberty of letting herself into the house, bags and all, and shut the door behind her.

"Yeah...that was last night," Jade replied "To tell you that we'd be going to Disneyland today."

Michelle had come in and walked straight to the kitchen, where she'd smelled the food.

"Mr. and Mrs.'s been too long," Michelle spoke.

Jaime rolled her eyes at the sight of Michelle.

"Oh, was your trip to Cancun?" my mother asked.

"Well, it was nice the first week," Michelle replied, swiping a piece of bacon from the counter. "But they started talking about mountain bandits and rapes and all this other stuff, so we just got up and left."

I noticed that Jaime didn't seem too pleased to see this Michelle girl. And Jade had seemed surprised to see her, as was I.

"So, what are you doing here, Michelle?" Jaime asked, a bit of edge in the question.

Michelle kept this weird little smile on her face, even though I was sure she'd noticed the way my sister had asked the question wasn't too nice.

"Oh, well I'm going to Disneyland now."

Everyone seemed to be surprised to hear her say that, including myself.

I wasn't too keen on having this strange white girl jump all on me asking about stuff I couldn't remember and then tell me she was coming on my getaway trip with me.

"You are?" Jaime and Jade asked simultaneously.

Michelle just smiled, biting at another piece of bacon.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Adam and Gino and were getting dressed.

Alex had been trying to keep up a light conversation between the three of them, but was failing.

Things were already stressful between the two of them before their best friend had gotten amnesia.

Adam had always sensed something about Gino. Something that always kept him on edge. And he'd found out that he'd been right to be on edge when he learned Gino was gay. Not only gay but in love with his boyfriend!

"Did anyone hear the doorbell just now?" Alex asked, starting up another topic.

Gino and Adam glared at each other as they got their things together.

" I guess I'll start taking the stuff down," Alex replied, realizing that his attempt had failed. "Anything to get away from you two."

Of course, he wasn't so sure he should be leaving Adam and Gino alone together, but he knew that they really did need to get going.

Both Adam and Gino had made a point to hurry getting the rest of their things together, as neither of them wanted to stay in the same room with the other if they didn't have to.

Alex, however, had walked into the kitchen and looked as shocked to see Michelle as the rest of us had been.

"Michelle?" he spoke. He glanced from Michelle over to Jade. "What ah....what are you doing here?"

Michelle walked over to the kitchen fridge and started rummaging around in it almost as if she lived here.

"Aren't we all going to Disneyland?"

Alex still looked confused.

"Well, I don't know about you-"

"Don't worry," Michelle replied, pulling out a carton of orange juice. "I took care of everything when I got Jade's message. It helps to have a little bit of money, you know?'

So I'm guessing that this girl was rich too, right?

"Okay, were all set....uh, Michelle?" Adam asked, looking shocked as well.

Gino came into the kitchen a second later and looked shocked as well.

"Well if everyone's ready, then let's go!" Michelle spoke, cheekily.

Judging from the reactions everyone had had when they laid eyes on Michelle, it was easy to see that this was going to be quite the little vacation.

After having grabbing my carry on bag from the rolling thing that the security guards had me place down, I quickly rejoined my friends.

"Is it always that hard just to fly somewhere?" I asked, looking back at a balding man who was taking off his shoes and handing them to one man while a shorter woman had him hold out his arm to scan him.

"What can I say accept, that's airport security for ya," Alex spoke.

"Okay so were at gate B three it looks like," Michelle said, coming back from having been looking at the gate terminals.

I was amazed at the whole concept of an air port. It all seemed so vibrant. So many different kinds of people all trying to get somewhere. Of course, since it was summer vacation time for many people, there seemed to be more people here than there probably should have been.

"Ugh, airport coffee," Michelle spoke, pretending to gag. "It's all you ever smell and it's all I've smelled for like two weeks now."

"If only there were another week involved," Alex mumbled.

"Shut up Alex," Michelle mumbled.

Gino looked down at his watch.

"Okay let's go. The plane is gonna take off in like twenty minutes," he said.

"Disneyland here we come," Michelle said, with glee.

Alex, Jade, Gino, and Michelle had all started walking towards the gate.

Adam however had stopped, standing next to me.

" something wrong?" he asked, slightly wary of what my possible reaction might be.

I stared at him carefully. I almost didn't feel like I hated him at that moment. I almost felt some kind of connection.


"I'm fine," I said, flatly, bypassing Adam to catch up with everyone else.

Adam sighed, and started walking to catch up.

"Ah yeah, we should have a reservation for....."

Gino was at the counter trying to secure our hotel rooms. Jade and Michelle had gone to check out the ladies room while Adam stood next to Alex near the entrance of the hotel.

I noticed Adam giving me that look again, but I quickly looked away from him.

"So Alex, you've never been to California?" I asked, striking up conversation.

The guy was seriously doing something to me. I had decided in the plane on the way here that I wanted him. I wanted him badly enough to make sure that I got him. Who cares if everyone said he was straight.

I was gonna get what I wanted.

"Too many people in the family for us to go traveling places," Alex replied. "Besides, you and I always had fun at home."

"I bet we did," I smiled, moving closer to him.

Adam had been standing closer to Alex than I had, but I showed no qualms in shoving him out of the way so that I could be the one standing closer to him.

"So tell me about the stuff you and I used to do," I said. "I mean, you said you and I used to be best friends."

"We still are best friends," Alex replied.

Now of course, that in itself wasn't exactly new news for me. I'd heard everybody describe to me just what my relationship was to them before I lost my memory of them. But of course, I still just wasn't remembering things. Period.

Although, I was more inclined to believing Alex out of everyone.

"I know were friends," I replied. "I mean, I can kind of feel it."

That wasn't a lie really. I did sort of feel a little something. I just couldn't place a particular feeling on it.

Alex smiled at me and I gave him a smile back. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Adam sneaking his little ass back over to us. He just couldn't take a hint, could he?

"Okay so we're all apparently in rooms three-o-four and three-o-five," Gino spoke, as he joined our group.

Michelle and Jade had finally come back from the restroom after being gone for nearly fifteen minutes. Maybe I was supposed to know this, but just how long exactly did girls normally stay in a restroom, together?

"Okay can we like hurry up so I can get to looking for hot guys in the park?" Michelle asked impatiently.

She'd walked over to the elevator that led to the upper floors of the resort, without grabbing her bags. I was going to do it for her, but this guy dressed up with this weird little hat on his head brought this tray thing over to us and started to put everyone's bags on it.

"Hey what's he doing?" I asked, panicking a little.

"Oh don't worry," Gino replied, pulling me toward the elevator where Michelle was impatiently waiting, foot tapping. "He's a bellhop. He'll bring the bags up to our rooms."

"Oh," I replied.

I hated panicking like that, but I couldn't help it. I just didn't know what was what and I was still mistrustful of everyone in my life. After all, they had all made it very clear to me that it was their fault I was in the condition that I was in.

Even still though, I trusted them all enough to come with them to Disneyland in the first place and I trusted them enough to be led to our suite on the third floor of the resort.

The elevator was cramped, as inside it contained myself as well as my five friends and a few other random hotel people, the hotel bellhop, and of course, our bags. But it was a big elevator, not that I could remember any other sized ones to compare it to.

"Alright, here we are," Gino said, once we all got off.

He handed one key to Michelle who grabbed Jade by the arm and quickly led her into their room while Alex, Gino, Adam, and I all went into ours.

I was impressed by our digs once I saw them. Of course, I did notice one thing. There were only three beds.

"Hey, maybe someone should stay with the girls," Alex suggested, apparently thinking the same thing I was.

"Okay," I replied. "My vote is for Adam."

Adam frowned at me but I rolled my eyes at him as I sat on the edge of one of the king sized beds.

"Or two people could always share a bed," Gino spoke "Maybe like me and you Bran.....Austin, sorry."

If any two people were gonna share a bed it was going to be Alex and I.

"Or maybe Alex and me could-"

"How about I save you all some trouble and just go put my stuff in the girls' room," Adam spoke, bitterly cutting me off.

Hey, I wasn't gonna argue with the guy.

Gino didn't seem too perturbed with Adam's decision and Alex looked as though he wanted to intervene but decided against it.

"Okay, so once he gets his stuff put up, I think we should go take a look around at the park," Gino spoke, talking directly to me. "Maybe ride a couple of rides."

"I mean, if your up to that Alex..."I said.

Now it was Gino's turn to be upset. Of course, he didn't show it but he was definitely starting to feel almost like Adam in the area of neglect. But he promised himself that he wouldn't make any of the mistakes he had made last time. He had a fresh start now and he was more than wiling to take things slow.

"You guys sent Adam in there with me and Jade?" Michelle asked, coming into our room from its conjoining door to theirs.

"Yeah, well nobody forced him," I pointed out.

Michelle looked from Alex to Gino.

"I just thought that you'd want him with you,"

"Trust me, that's not it," I replied.

Michelle looked thoroughly confused but shook off the look as Jade and Adam came into the room, shutting the conjoining door.

"Come on sweetie," Michelle said, wrapping her arm with Jade's. "It's time for us to go find some Californian hotties."

As everyone started back out the hotel room, I strayed a little once again.

Adam had also noticed this again, but not wanting to stir up any trouble, he had just went out of the room with everyone else.

Gino, however, had stayed behind.

"What's wrong?" he asked.


I wasn't sure what it was. Maybe it was the fact that I was starting to have second thoughts about agreeing to come on the trip. Or maybe it was that I didn't really feel like I was completely ready to be around a whole bunch of random people.

But whatever it was, I quickly got over it.

"Don't worry," Gino spoke, putting his arm around my shoulder. "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you again. None of us will."

I forced a smile, but didn't really know how strong those words were supposed to sound to me.

I just hoped that this trip, being in this place, and this whole thing, was going to be worth it.

I thought I'd seen crowded before at the airport, but that was nothing compared to the insanity that was Disneyland.

The place was crowded. Seriously CROWDED. Black people. White people. Skinny Asian girls. Fat Mexican guys. Pretty mixed girls. And of course there was still the most beautiful person in the entire theme park, Alex.

"Is it just me, or is it insanely too crowded to be a Monday afternoon?" Michelle asked, narrowly missing being run down by a large group of kids running in the opposite direction.

"At least we got here early and got everything set up," Gino replied.

We had been walking for just under ten minutes and still we hadn't done anything worthwhile. No scratch that. We hadn't done anything period. Just walking.

"So uh, Alex, see any rides you wanna get on?" I asked.

Alex looked around.

"Well, I just know that all roller coaster riding will be done before I eat," he replied.

"Oh hunk alert," Michelle replied, pointing to a large group of college students. "Come on Jade."

Jade hadn't even had a chance to protest as Michelle quickly pulled her away. None of us though had waited around for them. They had a map and cell phone, as did we, so none of us really needed to stay together.

Too bad Adam didn't tag along with the girls.

"Okay so first ride of the day," Gino started.

I noticed him looking towards what looked like a rather large roller coaster and from the looks of how fast it seemed to be carrying its passengers, it was also a pretty intense ride as well.

"Wait doesn't that thing only seat like three people a row?" Alex asked, as if that were a big deal somehow.

"So what, somebody'll just watch," Gino spoke. "It's only the first ride."

"Good idea," I spoke, grabbing Alex and pulling him off towards the waiting line.

"Hey wait a second," Gino spoke, trailing behind us.

Adam made no attempt to catch up as he already knew that he'd be the one staying behind while the others rode the ride.

So far, his life sucked and he knew exactly why.

It was his own fault. He neglected Brandon's claims of John's mental stability and because of that, he lost any chance of ever having a relationship with him ever again.

And it wasn't like he hadn't been trying. But Brandon just didn't want to give him a chance. Or Austin, as he wanted to be called now.

Adam made his way over to the side of the roller coaster, where everybody else who wasn't going to ride was standing idly, and got comfortable.

He noticed that apparently, Gino must have pulled some kind of strings or something, because he Brandon and Alex had bypassed the supremely long line and were already getting into the roller coaster seats.

Looked like fun. Something he hadn't had in a very long time.

Feeling a little parched, and realizing he had plenty of time, Adam decided to go and get himself something to drink. Only, he'd turned around so abruptly, he bumped into a guy right behind him.



Adam realized that he had caused the guy to spill his own drink on his shirt.

"Oh, man....look I'm really sorry-"

"Yeah I'll bet," the guy replied.

He had yet to look up at Adam because he was too busy trying to wipe himself clean, as was Adam.

"Hey it's not gonna dry any faster moron,"

"I was just trying to help."

"Yeah, some help you've been so far," the guy replied finally looking up. "I'm fucking soaked!"

"Hey look, I said I was sorry you fucking prick," Adam replied, raising his voice. "What else do you want?"

"How about letting me kick your ass!"

Adam had made a mistake and he realized that but he'd said sorry and the jerk didn't seem to want to let it go. But he realized he was getting upset over nothing and tried to calm himself down.


The boy glanced at Adam.

"It's Christian."

"Okay, Christian, "Adam started. "How about I just buy you another drink and-"

"Oh so another drink is gonna dry my wet shirt?" Christian spoke sarcastically.

Adam now knew that there wasn't going to be any getting through to Christian.

"No but it's definitely gonna cool your fucking hot head off!" Adam exclaimed.

It was Christian's turn to try and calm himself down, but the ass who bumped into him just seemed to be making things completely worse.

Adam hadn't left Christian and Christian made no attempt to leave himself for a full two minutes, as they both realized that they had friends to wait for on the roller coaster, even though they were both still angry with each other.

"Just be glad you never got that ass whopping," Christian mumbled, heading away from Adam finally as he realized his friends would be coming soon.

"Hey what did you say?" Adam asked, grabbing Christians shirt.

Christian quickly spun around, grabbing Adam by his own shirt.

"Hey what's your problem!"

Just as it appeared a fight was about to erupt, Gino and Alex rushed over, stopping the commotion.

"Hey what the hell?" Christian spoke confused.

"What are you doing Adam?" Gino asked, flustered.

What else? Being an asshole to somebody else for a change.

"Hey look, Christian here is the one with the problem, not me!" Adam exclaimed, shoving Gino off of him.

Christian, huh? The guy was seriously hot. And intriguing. Definitely a guy I wouldn't mind getting to know. I mean, if he didn't like Adam, he must have been my kind of guy.

Jade and Michelle showed up around the same time as Christian's friends.

"Okay, what's going on?" Jade asked.

"Ooh, who cares, more hot guys," Michelle replied, snuggling up to one of Christian's friends.

I noticed Christian glance in my direction. I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was something in that look he gave me.

"Nothing, let's just get out of here," Christian spoke.

Adam and I stared at each other. I saw a look in his eyes too. A look I could clearly identify. Sadness.

And I felt a twinge of guilt behind that too, but I didn't know why. I mean, it wasn't like I was overly mean to the guy. At least I didn't think so.

"What?" Jade asked, noticing the look on Alex's face.

"I don't know.....that guy...." Alex replied.

"Oh god, not you too," Michelle sighed. "God I swear, the world is full of gay people."

"No it's not that," Alex objected. "It's....."

He wasn't sure exactly. He almost felt as though he somehow knew Christian. Like he'd seen him before.

"I'm sure it'll come to you," I replied, putting my hand on Alex's shoulder.

I wasn't sure about that, but I was sure about two things.

Two guys was more like it.

And I was definitely sure that this was only the beginning of what was sure to be one very interesting vacation.


Well I know some of you have been asking about new characters and there you go right there. I can tell you that Christian is one of them as you will soon see. So what do you think of him. Nice guy huh?

And you know the drill. Now is when I mention some stories you should all read and give out shoutouts. Just shoutouts this time:

Maddy, you know you're my girl.(not to mention Nifty's best female author)

Josh aka YoungBoyZg, you're the best penpal from another country a guy could have, lol.

Dea who's got that whole mysterious rock star thing going on and last but definitely not least, James who's quite possibly one of the funniest people I've ever met in my entire life (and not half bad looking either, lol)

Questions? Comments? Complaints? Email them to I always reply.

Copyright 2005

Next: Chapter 25

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