
By Jo Jo

Published on Feb 3, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to. This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction. If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading. Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site if you wanted, as long as you ask first!

The Lowlife Club.

And let me tell you, it was not a fun club to be a part of.

I was the social outcast with those people who don't believe me.

And you know what?

It's John's fault!

Yeah I know. I'm starting back up with my accusations.

But after what happened yesterday at the mall, I had plenty good reason to be suspicious of Johnny boy.

Buying those people who don't believe me off?

I'm not sure I get that part.

I mean if Gino was the one he wanted, how were everybody else important to him?

And I'm sure each one of those people who don't believe me all had their own reasons of how I'd gone "crazy"

Alex: probably thought I had just got off on the wrong foot with John, when it more or less the other way around.

Krystal: probably thought that I just was mad because John hadn't bought me anything.

Michelle: probably thought that this was just who I was. Selfish and a depraver of happiness for people. In this case Gino.

Adam: probably thought I may have had a crush on John or something. Not in this life.

Jade: probably thought she knew what was going on, but doesn't.

and Gino: obviously just doesn't know when a guy likes him. Period.

Bottom line: I wasn't giving up. I was gonna prove to the people who didn't believe me before the dance Friday that I was telling the truth.


I answered the door.

It was Adam. Great. That was just what I needed.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

I shrugged and let him in. I was about to shut the door when Adam hand stopped it and he let himself in, shutting the door behind him.

"So ah, about yesterday..." Adam strayed.

"What about it?" I asked.

Obviously, I was granted the right to be a bit on edge. I had gullible people for friends.

Adam and I sat down on the couch in the living room.

"I felt bad.....yelling at you like I did," Adam started.

I snorted and crossed my arms.

"Well then you shouldn't have done it," I said, taking a seat in the living room couch.

Adam followed.

"I know. It's seem like you're a little on edge with this whole John-Gino thing," Adam replied "He seems like a pretty nice guy."

Pretty nice guy? Nice was Ross from friends. John was more like a demon child.

"Why don't you like him?" Adam asked.

Well, I wasn't sure if I could explain it to him really. It was still kind of complicated right now. But I also wasn't sure if I wanted to explain it to him either.

So I decided to suck it all up, and make up the most plausible story I could.

"I guess I'm just not used to somebody new yet....I mean, it's just been you me Gino Jade Alex and Krystal all year, and now here comes this guy who wants to be everybody's best friend...." I lied.

I wasn't sure if that had sounded entirely believable but Adam seemed to have bought it enough, and let the whole thing drop.

"But, would you be cool with him if you like....maybe saw him today or something?" Adam asked, inquisitively.

Honestly, no. But in front of everyone else, I was going to have to be.

"I guess so," I replied.

Adam stood up as did I.

"Good," he said heading for the door "Because he's outside waiting for us in his limo."

"What?" I asked, as Adam opened the door.

So now the punk ass bastard was giving out free limo rides to everyone?

"I know, isn't it cool?"


As I go inside the limo and greeted everyone, I was forced to sit next to John, as it was the only seat left.

"And good morning to you too," he spoke, with a smug smile on his face.

If he didn't rub me so bad like he did, I might have actually thought he was kind of cute.

"Oh, morning John," I forced myself to speak.

Asshole. _______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________

Seeing as though the biggest dance of our junior year was less than 72 hours away, talk about the big event was buzzing all around school, once John's driver had dropped all of off at the Angst.

I had made up my mind in the limo to secretly find out exactly what John's deal was so that I could finally be rid of him once and for all.

I knew it seemed as though I was taking this whole thing a lot more seriously than I should have been, but I still couldn't shake the unbearable feeling that John was up to no good.

"So, I'm so ready for this dance. What about you guys?" Krystal asked.

"What an understatement coming from little miss rush everyone at the mall yesterday," Alex spoke.

"You got a bunch of free shit out of that stupid, so shut up," Krystal retorted.

I looked over at Gino, who quickly looked away from me. It was obvious that he wanted me to be okay with John, but wasn't sure if that was possible.

It was also obvious that he still had some misplaced feelings of doubt towards me.

"So anyways, as head of the Dance Committee, I'm supposed to book like some really important band for the dance," Michelle spoke, randomly.

"You know you're not gonna be able to get anybody good in two days right?" Krystal asked.

"Money talks," Michelle replied. "And when you have enough of it, it fucking sings."

"Okay so who're we talking about here?" Jade asked.

"I was thinking.....Maroon 5," Michelle replied.

"You've gotta be kidding me," I sighed.

There was no way someone like Maroon 5 was gonna agree to sing for a high school dance, one that wasn't even a senior prom, mind you, especially on such short notice.

"Hey Gino, why don't you ask John if he can do anything," Michelle suggested.

Oh sure. Let John be thy savior again. Fucking prick.


Great. John couldn't do anything for once. Perfect.

"John's like really good friends with the drummer," Gino replied.

What the hell? What are the odds? Seriously.

"Great. Do you think you could talk to him for me?" Michelle asked.

Sure," Gino replied.

With that little agreement being said, it was also about the time that resident asshole #2, Ryan, made his way up to all of us, with an unusually cheery grin on his gorgeous, yet twisted face.

"I heard the words Maroon 5 and John......don't tell me, they're all gay too," he said.

"Only in the world you live in, asshole," Adam spoke.

"Oh but Adam, we live in the same one," Ryan retorted "You know, the one where EVERYBODY turns gay, literally overnight-"

Adam rushed over to Ryan, who I held back.

I had to get him out of here. Usually there was only one thing that could calm him down when he was upset like this.

"Come on Adam," I said out loud, before I whispered something else in his ear.

Adam noticeably untensed and backed off of Ryan.

"God, I'm not even gonna pretend I know what thats about," Ryan said, as he put his arm around Gino.

Gino shrugged him off.

"What do you want Ryan?" he asked.

That was something that he would only reveal to me the next day.

As for what I had whispered to Adam........

Adam had managed to get off his jeans, shoes, socks, and shirt, and was left with his loose green and blue boxers while I made sure that my door was locked.

Even though no one was home, it was still a habit I had.

Adam and I had had sex before, plenty of times. But Id never really used it as an excuse to calm him down before.

It had been a good couple of weeks, though, that we had any sexual contact of any sort. And it was suffice to say that Adam was more than a little horny.

"Somebody wants to fuck bad enough," I mocked Adam as he pulled down his boxers and jumped on top of my bed.

While he was fully naked, all I had left covering my body was a perfectly white pair of underwear, which I promptly removed and jumped into bed right next to my boyfriend.

I'd always admired Adam's beautiful cock. At a good nine and half inches while fully erect like it was at the present moment (we had both measured the size of our dicks once under a drunken stupor) and perfectly circumcised, it was the perfect specimen of smooth light skinned Mexican dick. The head was especially pink and thick while his balls, which were only very lightly hairy, were firm and plump.

The rest of him was a sight for sore eyes as well. With an evenly defined upper body, which consisted of tight biceps and pecs and a chiseled-to-perfection six pack, which he had obtained from his seven years of football playing, as well as a workout routine he had tried to get me do with him once, that left me sore for a whole eight days.

His legs were unnaturally smooth for a football playing guy, as well as his hands and arms, but they were also firm and strong.

And his ass.....oh that delectable ass of his. Round as a Thanksgiving Butterball ham and firm as a well crafted leather chair, his ass, aside from his many other fine attributes, was probably what I was sexually attracted to the most.

"Yeah well if you would just put out-"

"Hey, I'm not like your bitch ex girlfriend," I retorted "You're not getting sex three times a day."

We both laughed at how unserious I had just been.

Adam stretched his arm out over my body and over to my nightstand, opening the top dresser and pulling out a condom as well as a bottle of lube.

"You got me all horny today at school," he said "I had a hard-on like all day long."

"Yeah, well so did I," I replied.

Adam put the lube and condom on the bed and positioned himself just at the base of my rigid cock and slowly began to kiss its 8 inches of smooth circumcised meat.

I let out a low moan to which Adam began to feverishly lick my dick all around now.

He was careful not to put an of it inside his mouth, only licking all around it.

It was already feeling like I wanted to blow my load, but didn't because I knew that if I held out long enough, the impending sex with Adam would be entirely worth the wait.

I closed my eyes as I felt Adam's warm tongue swirl around the head of my cock.

I felt his tongue lick at my piss slit, almost like he wanted his tongue to be able to fit inside it.

The sensation he was causing me to feel made me moan out loud again.

Adam decided that he had enough of just licking my cock and took it in his mouth. Slowly at first, savoring the tip of my throbbing cock.

"Oh," I moaned.

Adam began to go further down on my dick, taking each inch into his mouth like a pro. I felt his throat relaxing itself onto the entire thing as Adam had managed to take me all the way down his throat.

This time, Adam moaned. It sounded a little strange with my dick all the way down his throat, but it was still a moan.

I opened my eyes and watched as Adam's free hand began to slowly jack his pulsating cock.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed.

Adam had pushed my dick even further down his throat, something I had no idea was even possible.

I moved my hand to the back of his head as Adam began to feverishly go up and down on my cock, each time sucking it as if he thought not sucking it would kill one of us.

With one hand guiding Adam's head, I reached down and began stroking his cock for him, as I was sure his hand was a little tired. That and I wanted to stroke it myself.

"Oh god," I moaned.

For a guy who had only recently decided he was gay, Adam sure could suck dick like nobody's business.

Of course, i had no one to compare Adam's expertise to, as he had been my first, and to this day and time, still was.

Not really wanting to, I eased Adam's head off of my now fully saliva covered dick.

Without even asking me what I was doing, he turned to his side so that I could stretch out past him.

Two seconds later, I felt Adam frantically sucking at my dick again. But now I had something of my own to suck off as I had moved into a 69 position so that I could try my hand at delivering at least part of the same pleasure that Adam was giving me.

With Adam doing such an amazingly mind blowing job sucking on my dick, it was really hard to concentrate on doing a good job on his.

I could hear Adam slurping on my own rigid member as I playfully teased the head of his.

Adam managed a moan, which again seemed hard to do with a dick down his throat. Meanwhile I took Adam's cock fully into my mouth and savored it like I'd never had it before.

i felt Adam's mouth release my cock, and I was a bit puzzled as to why.

"Oh my fucking god, that feels so good," Adam panted.

I was happy to agree from my own side as well.

"Ah!" Adam exclaimed in ecstasy.

I wanted to keep sucking it all day, but I could tell that Adam was really horny and needed to fuck as soon as possible. So reluctantly, I let his slobber-covered dick slip from my mouth and bounce onto the bed below our bodies.

"Oh shit, you're so fucking hot right now," Adam spoke, sitting up.

Instantly, he moved over to my lips and kissed me hard. Not more than a second later, his tongue was forcefully trying to parade its way into my mouth, so I let it enter.

Adam's mouth was not surprisingly very warm after the intense sucking action he'd just managed to pull on my raging hard on.

I however hadn't had quite the chance to perfect my skills as well as had to a while ago.

We made out, hands exploring all over each others smooth bodies for another five minutes before Adam broke it off.

I watched as his hands quickly reached for the condom on the bed. He ripped open the package with one hand and just as quickly unrolled the condom and whipped it onto his still hard cock. Then he grabbed the lube bottle, opened it, and in a horny rage, rubbed it sexily between my ready and waiting asshole.

I bent over onto my bed putting my head between my arms slightly anticipating what was to come.

"Ready?" Adam asked.

Of course I knew Adam was ready to fuck me, and would do so, regardless of whether or not I was ready, and managed a weak, but audible moan.

I felt the first inch or so of my beautiful lovers dick move slowly inside my by now, well used asshole. The sensation was unbelievable.

Adam reached over and placed his hands on both of my hips for gravity sake and he slipped the final inches of his ready-to-nut cock into the depths of my ass.

"Shit," I managed to mutter.

"Ah, yeah," Adam spoke.

He threw his head back and closed his eyes temporarily as he fucked me slowly.

After about three or four minutes of a slow fucking motion, Adam opened his eyes and decided that it was now time to ram my ass.

His dick moved in and out of me rapidly and each time Adam pulled out, he did so completely before shoving his entire dick all the way back inside me.

"Oh god that feels incredible!" I exclaimed.

I knew I could be as loud as I wanted to, as Jaime as well as my parents were all at work.

"Ahhhhh!" Adam spoke.

He'd fucked me fast for well over ten minutes. I could feel droplets of sweat falling off of Adam's nearly depleted body as they fell onto my almost sweating back.

I realized that I had been so caught up with the incredible fucking that Adam had been giving me that I hadn't touched my own dick since he'd started.

I reached down and began to rapidly stroke my hard dick.

As Adam fucked me with the dick that had fucked plenty a twat just months earlier, I began to think about how gorgeous he looked when he was all sweaty and sticky after spending hours at football practice. Or hot hot and musky Adam was after he spent a while at the gym.

Adam however, was still fucking me. I could tell he was near cumming as his speed increased and his moans grew louder. He was shaking a little as well.

"Oh god.......oh shit.......fuck, I'm gonna cum!"

Adam quickly pulled out my ass and flung the rubber from his cock and started to jack it almost faster than he had been fucking me.

I turned around and laid with my back on my bed as Adam sat just to my side, dick right over my chest.

I played with Adam's balls with one of my hands while the other continued to jack my own dick off.

"Oh shit.........ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

I looked at Adam as he unloaded not one, or two, or even three or four loads of cum onto my chest. But five, hot liquidly baby making sperm loads fell onto my chest.

With the hand that had been massaging Adam's nuts, I lathered up the seemingly half a cup full of cum on my chest, and used it as lube for my dick, which was ready to unload it's own batch of love juice.

"Fuck," Adam panted.

His eyes were closed, and he was shaking and I could tell that he was trying to come down from his orgasm. After about thirty seconds, Adam reopened his eyes and looked down at me.

Without even saying a word, he positioned himself directly in front of my crotch, and took both of my balls into his mouth.

"Ah!" I moaned.

Adam sucked lightly on the both of them. It felt so great.

"Oh shit!"

I felt it. It was time for me to blow my own load.

I jacked my dick a few more times before I released spray after spray of warm cum, most of which landed in Adam's hair, since he was still sucking on my balls.

When I'd finished calming down from my orgasm, Adam stopped sucking and sat up.

"Shit, that was probably the hottest sex the hottest sex anybody's ever had," Adam laughed.

I laughed wit him.

"Oh but look at you," I said running my fingers through Adam's sweat-cum soaked hair. "You've got cum all in your hair."

Adam reached up and felt his own hair.

"Hey," he said, putting his fingers into his mouth and licking them "So I do."

"Come on, let's go get cleaned up," I said, heading for my bathroom.

"Just don't drop the soap!" Adam called after me "You might tempt me!"

I had to admit, after that unusually but still enjoyable intense fucking session between Adam and I the previous day, I was in a better mood than I had been. Still though, I was nowhere near ready to forget about John. I still had some investigating to do, but of course had to keep up the empty facade that was only shallow to Jade, up.

"I know you're still upset about John," Jade said.

We were both alone at my locker, as I had made an excuse to break away from everyone at lunch. Apparently, Jade had followed me.

"What? No I'm not," I lied.

I had never been any good at lying. Especially to Jade. And when I had told this particular one, I had to turn into my locker, pretending like I was getting a book.

"Don't lie to me," Jade spoke.


"I don't really understand why you don't like him," Jade talked. "I mean, he seems like a really great guy."

Why the fuck did everyone think that about him?

"Yeah well a lot of people seem like things they really aren't," I spoke, a little more harshly than I wanted.

Jade crossed her arms.

"So is this like a territorial thing for you? Are you jealous?"

"Jealous of what exactly?" I asked. I shut my locker and turned to face Jade "The guy meets you guys and two seconds later he's offering to pay your way into Harvard."

So maybe I was exaggerating. But that was the way it seemed like to me.

"Okay, so you're upset that he's not spending money on you. How vain."

"You know what Jade, I don't really feel like talking about John when I don't have to, so can you just shut the hell up."

Oops. That was something I definitely didn't mean to say.

Jade looked at me as if I had just sucker punched her. And for a moment, she looked hurt by what I had said. And just as quickly as I had noticed her look of hurt come did I notice a look of anger appear.

"Okay then," was all Jade said as she left my side and went back to the cafeteria.

"SHIT!" I muttered out loud, kicking in my locker.

I was trying to make sure that I kept John out of my school life, but so far, that wasn't working so well.

"Careful, you might wanna keep all the shits and fucks to yourself for future reference sake."

I turned around to see who had just interrupted my thoughts.

Oh god, it was Ryan.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked.

This time, I was purposefully trying to sound and be irritating.

"Oooo, somebody's edgy today," Ryan spoke, crossing his arms as he made his way over to me.

I had good reason to be wary of such an idiot and I tensed up as he approached.

"It's just....sometimes, I feel like helping those in need," he started.

Since when?

"Really?" I asked, sarcastic tone included.

"Do you want my help or not?"

Let me think about that one for a moment or two...

"I'll pass," I replied, turning to leave.

"You might wanna try talking to his mom......seems he has a few screws loose," Ryan said, to my back, as I was walking.

I didn't turn around to acknowledge him because then he'd know that I actually listened to something he had to say. Not only that, but thought it was good advice as well.

Talking to John's mom did make a lot of sense. If John really was crazy...and apparently Ryan thought so too, then who else would know but her.

Deciding school could wait, I made a quick dash to my Durango and made my way to John's, remembering how to get there from having driving to the place more than enough times than I cared for


"He said what?" Adam asked, for the second time.

"Wait a actually said this to you...while you two were talking about John?" Gino asked.

Jade nodded.

Gino crossed his arms and chuckled to himself.

"I fucking knew it.....he still won't get over this thing he has with John being a horrible person," Gino spoke.

" was just upset about something......," Adam spoke, defending his boyfriend the best he could.

"What get to me is the way he said it," Jade started. "It was almost he'd meant it as long as I stood in his way."

"Yeah, well I knew he was trouble all along," Michelle started. "But would ya listen....."

"Shut the hell up, bitch," Kristen said, silencing the overtly wrong, Michelle.

Brandon's reaction to John was very surprising for Adam. He and everyone else had accepted John into their little group without the free presents but Brandon had a problem with him before. So where was the mood coming from? Jealousy? Attraction?

Adam didn't know, but it was all starting to piss him off very badly.

I felt strange driving along the streets of the seemingly ultra exclusive Las Calinas. While driving, I hadn't seen a single face of color, and by that I meant Asian, Black, or Hispanic. I was starting to feel a little apprehensive about being in this part of town with my little old Durango while everyone else had their 2004 Porsche's and the like.

I almost got lost a couple of times too. Everything in this town, however grandiose and expensive it may be, looks the fucking same as everything else. Its really frustrating.

Another 15 minutes or so passed before I had finally reached the Lowder Manor. I'd never seen a 'manor' in real life before. Gino may have been rich, but compared to the huge behemoth of a house that I was looking at right now, his mansion didn't even come close in size.

I pulled up to the front gate with a little uncertainty as there was a security both just to my left, which also just so happened to house a security guard at the present moment.

I let down my car window as the security guard carefully approached.

"Can I help you?" he asked, looking from me to the inside of my car to back a me.

Quick! Whats a good lie for me to tell?

"Uh...yeah...I'm here about John," I started.

The security guards mean scowl seemed to noticeably fade when he saw that I at least know someone who lived in the place.

"He's in school right now..."

"Oh I know that," I started, lies coming freely to me now. "I go to the Hills with him."

"In this car?"

"What can I say, I like old cars, " I replied.

The security guard cracked a smile.

"So what, do you have a message for him or...."

"Actually not for him. His parents.....are they around?" I asked.

The security guard looked left and right hesitantly before walking over to his little booth and pressing a button that allowed the iron gate to pull back, giving me entrance to the mansion.

"His moms here," he spoke. "Just don't be all day, alright man?"

"Got it," I spoke, pulling up to the mansion.

******************************************************************************* "Ready for your big debut?" John asked.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Krystal replied.

"You can ask me," Michelle piped in.

Krystal and John walked arm and arm into the fully decadent gymnasium that had been transformed into an oasis of red and white romance.

And everyone looked great as well. The girls had got their moneys worth in the dress, hair, and makeup department. And Alex, and Gino looked especially nice in their black Armani tuxes. And the best looker by far had to be none other than my wonderful boyfriend.

The day of the dance had finally arrived and not a person around could tell you that they weren't excited. Everyone had their own reasons to be excited about something. Krystal and Gino were both excited to be showing John off.

And me? I was happy that after tonight, there would be no more talk of John ever again.

"Hey, you okay?" Adam asked, with his right arm entwined with mine.

"Sure," I smiled.

More like, I would be okay.

"Hey party people."

"Ryan....ugh, just go away," Krystal spoke.

"Oh but Krystal, its a party," Ryan spoke. "Were supposed to be having fun."

"Not while you're here," Michelle spoke.

"Keep talking like that Michelle and I might have to cancel our own little party.....later," Ryan grinned.

"Ugh, just get a life already," Michelle spoke. "Were all over you."

With that being said, Ryan watched as Michelle, Krystal, John, Alex, Jade, and Gino all walked away and headed off further into the gym.

" coming?" Adam asked.

"Oh, uh, just give me a sec," I replied.



Adam flashed Ryan a skeptical look before finally deciding to leave and join everyone else.

"So whats this I hear about you needing a favor?" Ryan asked.

"I'm sorry did you say something intelligent for once?" I spoke.

"Hey you wanted to talk to me, remember?"

Which was true. I wanted to know just what it was that Ryan thought he knew about John and how he found anything out.

"So...about John-"

"Let me talked to the nut-jobs parents right?"

I had a rather interesting conversation with John's mother actually.

"Yeah...but how did you know-"

"I took a guess," Ryan replied. "I did keep mouthing off about the guy. I figured there had to be something wrong with him."

That actually sounded pretty smart considering it came from a usually unbright person's mouth. And had actually given me a bit of assured confidence to say what I needed to say to everyone.

Yeah...I had to do this. Tonight.

******************************************************************************* "Okay, I so need to rest right now," Michelle said, taking a seat at our reserved table. "These freakin shoes are killing


"I told you not to wear 4 inches," Krystal replied.

"And you wouldn't have this problem if you got Maroon 5 like you said you would," Jade added.

"Hey, 500,000 for one hour is pretty steep a price," Michelle replied. "Even for Maroon 5."

I noticed that John kept glancing my way with this smug little look on his face.

A look that I was about to smack right off.

" who's ready for my big news?" I asked.

No one really responded. They were all still really pissed at me.

" John's crazy," I replied as casually as I could.

Everyone turned to me with shocked expressions.

"What?" Gino asked.

"Yeah...sorry.......he was in a mental asylum for something........"

I knew why. But i figured stopping at him being crazy was enough.

"I talked to his mom."

"Wait a did what?" Gino asked, upset.

"Gino, look, I know this is a shock-"

"See that's where you're wrong genius," Gino started.

I could tell by his tone that I'd made my last mistake just now.

"John told me all about that, yesterday," Gino continued.

I looked over at John.


"God, this is just......I cant believe you!" Gino shouted.

By now, John had picked up on his little act. The waterworks had already began.

"I'm sorry.....I never wanted to cause any trouble between you two," he said.

An with that lie, he quickly ran off.

Gino flashed me a deadly uncomfortably scowl before rushing off after John.

I turned, depressed, to face everyone else.


"You know....we all wanted to try and get over you funky ass mood," Jade started. "But I guess you really have changed huh."

Jade too, left.

"Hey, I always knew there was something about you I didn't like," Michelle spoke, getting close to my face. "Now I know why."

And then she left, followed by Krystal.


"Save it," Adam spoke, leaving my side.

I turned to the only person left.



"I was the only one who thought that you might have been actually on to something," Alex spoke. "But now I see you just wanted to hurt somebody."

Alex stood for a few seconds longer before he too left me.


Because of John, I was left friendless.


Because no one likes a loser.

And no one likes to be alone.

******************************************************************************* '


Okay so I know I didn't really explain the whole "John's crazy" theorem well. But I fully plan on exploring that area in the next two unwritten chapters.

Would you believe me if I said that I just finished this chapter tonight? I know I said I've been working on new chapters, and I have, but I've been writing them out of order.

Like, I have chapters 23, 24, and 25 done but not 21 and 22, so I'm not sure when the next update will be seeing as though I haven't even started on 21 and 22 yet.

My girl Maddy's been sick with the flu for the past week and you know what would make her feel better? Reading her excellent stories "I Hate Anthony" and "Around My Way" both in the interracial and high school sections of this very site. And if you already read them then do it again. It'll help her get better faster, I promise.

Comments? Questions? Complaints? Drop me a line at, I always reply.

Copyright 2005

Next: Chapter 21

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