
By Jo Jo

Published on Jun 28, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site, as long as you ask first!

Angst Episode 2 "The Odd Couple"

My life used to be so simple. Hang out with Alex and Jade.

Go about my school days in the background; whack off to the occasional dream guy.........

But is it like that anymore? Ah, yes. Only I had less time to whack off and more time to think.

Think about how Adam actually talked to me. That was my happiest memory. But then again, I also had to deal with that son of a bitch, Gino.

Working on that damn project with the guy id only referred to as capital J.A. (jack-ass) went horribly yesterday.

I figure there's really only one way to describe what happened.

EVERYTHING that happened yesterday.

From horrible start, to horrible finish..........

3:55 p.m., yesterday

"Fine. Lets go. And just so were clear, I really don't like you," I replied.

"Good, I don't like you either," Gino replied smugly.

I really didn't like him. What kind of person profusely insults you, which is more embarrassing than harmful, and then tries to act as though it never happened?

I imagined not many people liked Gino. Only, I spoke too soon.

"Hey Gino, Brandon," Krystal, one of Jades friends, greeted us.

I knew how she knew Jade. They shared at least 4 classes together and both shared the same personality traits, sort of.

But how in the hell did she know Gino?

"Krystal. Was up?" Gino asked.

"Nothing much. Okay well I'm having a back to school kinda-party this weekend. Think you can make it?" Krystal said with a look that said more than a thousand different things.

Gino looked her over and seemed to be in a thought process.

No doubt trying to decide whether or not she was good enough to fuck.

"I'll see what I can do," Gino replied.

I cleared my throat loudly.

"Oh, sorry Brandon. I figured Jade already told you. But you're invited too," Krystal added.

Oh yeah. Tell me last.

Gino gave me a weird look. One that said "I guess that means I'm not going"

Krystal walked off while I carefully tried to sneak away from Gino.

"I can't believe she invited you. YOU," Gino said as if her inviting me was the most shocking thing in the world.

He wasn't serious was he? Then again, it was J.A.

"So shall we go?" he quickly tried changing subjects.

"What's it gonna take to get you to do this alone. Twenty bucks?" I asked.

I really didn't want to let Alex down. I knew he'd always wanted to make the varsity football team.

\Our varsity team hadn't lost a game in 15 years.

I wanted to be there while my friend was a part of that, even if I didn't make the cut. (more like, when I didn't make the cut)

Plus would I really want to pass up a chance to see Adam in tight football pants?

"Not like I know all there is about the very interesting Brandon Jameson," Gino yawned, sarcastically.

"Not that there's probably much to learn anyway. Your idea of the perfect Friday night is probably curling up in front of the fire watching Will and Grace," Gino joked.

How in the hell did he know that? I usually watch it while I'm taking a luxuriating bubblebath- fuck I am SO gay...

"Well cause of you, I'm missing out on one of the most important days of my life. But does it matter? Not," I said very stately.

Gino looked as if he'd been told the same thing many times before in his life. Unfazed somewhat.

"Oh I'm sorry that the unimportant nerd is missing chess club right now. There's always computer club,"Gino replied.

I just hoped Alex would understand. I really wanted to be there. REALLY!!!

Alex looked around for Brandon. Where was he? He was just supposed to be putting some stuff in his locker. That really wasn't supposed to take that long.

He decided to just put Brandon out of his mind for now. If he showed up great. But if he didn't, well he couldn't be mad at him.

"Thinking heavy?" Adam surprised Alex.

Alex snapped back to reality and glanced around.

He suddenly remembered where he was. In the locker room with all the other guys.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I was just uh just waiting for someone," Alex replied.

Adam started pulling on his Lycra.

"It wouldn't by any chance be that dork Brandon you hang around with would it?" he asked.

"Hey come on dude. He's not a dork.

He just isn't really good with people," Alex defended me.

Adam chuckled.

"I just don't get it. You're so cool you know.

And Jade, may be a little uh, well you know, but she's fucking hot. But Brandon, he's lame.

It's like he has no idea that no one but you and Jade like him," he replied.

Alex couldn't get mad at Adam. Only because Adam was right. That was somewhat true.

"Well," Adam said putting on his helmet. "Good luck"

Alex sighed, put on his helmet, and headed for the field.

I sat trying to avoid talking, looking at, breathing next to, and all together acknowledging the fact that Gino was even alive. And to be honest so far, he was doing the same. I just wanted this car ride to be over.

So I reached for the radio. Anything to stop the silence.

"Don't touch the radio man," Gino said slapping my hand away.

"Fine," I said rubbing my hand. How did he see that if he was supposed to be driving?

"And don't touch anything else either," Gino so rudely added.

i just sat back and agonized the ride. No enjoying anything whatsoever.

When we got to Gino's I wished I could say I was happy, but I only felt worse.

Because I was trapped there until he drove me home. No where to run.

"So ah just sit......actually come with me. I don't trust you," Gino said tossing his keys on a nearby counter.

So what now he thought I was gonna pilfer his house for gold while he got me a soda?

So what if it looked as big a the royal parents and had......oh my that a movie theater?

"So, you thought much about what you wanna tell me? You gotta make it sound interesting cause no one wants to hear anything about you," Gino said sitting on a stool next to me.

Insult upon insult upon insult....and still I feel there's more to come.

"I'll have you know my life is plenty interesting," I spoke with slight uncertainty.

"Right," Gino said taking out our question sheet.

"So ah....." I started.

I was a little more than uncomfortable. I was almost terrified. I really didn't feel altogether safe here with Gino.

"What's your favorite drink?"

Gino looked at me with a strange look before replying.


"What kind?"

"Because water comes in so many different flavors huh?" Gino said extremely sarcastically.

Okay so that WAS kinda stupid.

"What's your hobby? Nevermind, I'll just put down wandering around aimlessly like a stupid fool," Gino said.

"Sorry, but then what would we put down for your hobby," I shot back.

Gino shot me a furtive look.

"Don't get smart with me freak. I'll beat you down in a second," he said.

Which I didn't doubt for a minute. I wasn't very strong.

I mean sure if a girl saw me take off my shirt, they'd see a six pack and okay pecs.

But not having any prior fighting experience, I'd easily lose.

So Gino: 12. Me: Zip

"You think you made it?" Adam asked pulling off his helmet.

Alex grabbed a towel from his locker and wiped his face.

"Yeah. You?" Alex asked.

"You kidding? I'm always on the team," Adam replied pulling of his shoulder pads.

"Yeah. Just wished Brandon would've showed up," Alex replied.

"You cant be serious? He wouldn't have made the team, trust me," Adam said pulling off his shirt.

"Hey Adam man," Ryan said, walking up naked to Adam.

"Ah, Ryan. Was up dude," Adam greeted pulling of the last off his clothing.

"So I'm thinking we go out and celebrate making the team. You know we all did," Ryan said.

Alex pulled off his jock strap and grabbed a bar of soap from his locker.

"Sounds good to me. Alex, you in man?" Adam asked.

Alex sighed.

"I guess."

"Alright," Adam said heading for the showers.

Why didn't Brandon show up?

"So after all this, you're telling me what I already knew. That you're boring and dorky," Gino yawned getting up and heading for the kitchen.

"Ah no, you still didn't really get my hobby," I said shakily.

Gino opened a beer, took a swig, and held it out to me.

I stared at him wearily.

"Its called a beer man. Geez," Gino laughed.

I took the beer and took a swig as well.

"Look at you, drinking a beer. Probably the wildest thing you've ever done," Gino said.

"Ah no, actually, I ah..." I thought for a moment.

"I'm a real big party animal. Real big,"I replied.

"Oh so you do have a hobby. Telling jokes. And what a funny one it was," Gino said.

"No seriously. I am," I lied again.

Id never even been to a party. And I'm sure if I ever did, Id kill it before it even started.

"Yeah well, I guess your boring life does need a little spice. I'll put that down," Gino chuckled.

Well I guess it was safe to say Id sufficiently entertained him today. Not intentionally of course.

Glad to see he was so easily amused. But now I was ready to go home.

"I guess you wanna go huh?" Gino asked.

Yeah, creepy how he knew.

"Well, come on. I'm ready to get rid of you,"Gino said.

And I suppose he wanted this horrible day to be over with like me as well.

"I just want this day to be over with," Gino sighed.

Okay, so I really feel creeped out now...........................

"So, I hear you spent the day with that cutie Gino," Jade said.

"Don't get yourself excited. It was worse than listening to a Britney Spears c.d.," I replied.

"But you'd rather do that with him than football tryouts with me," Alex said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"How many times do I have to explain to you that I'd never choose to do that instead," I said.

'It's called a telephone. All you had to do was ask him the stupid questions over the phone after football tryout," Alex explained.

"Speaking of phones. Where were you last night Alex. I tried to call but I just kept getting the answering machine,"Jade said.

"Yeah It picked up when I called last night too," I added.

"Oh I was with some of the other guys. Adam and Ryan.

Of course, you would've known that if you were there in the first place huh, B?" Alex said walking off.

"How can I fix this?" I sighed.

"Just, give it some time," Jade replied.

This was all Gino's fault. He got me in trouble with Alex and made me miss seeing Adam naked.

Which probably would've filled a good twenty whack off sessions in my mind. And I could've actually been with Adam last night too.

Yep, all Gino's fault.

"Maybe things will chill down by Friday," Jade said soothingly.

Yeah, maybe.

"Okay so I realize this is your first real party. Just act like your self. You'll be fine," Jade told me.

"Yeah unless he sees Gino and then he'll be the disappearing man," Alex added.

Still mad? Yeah Id see Gino alright. To give him a piece of my mind.

Jade rung the doorbell and greeted Krystal as all three of us strolled inside.

The living room was fully crowded and boomed with loud music and voices.

I noticed Adam and his girlfriend Michelle in a far corner surrounded by a load of other popular kids.

I assumed Alex would be joining them soon enough.

"So, Ima go get a soda," I said leaving Jade.

Something I'd soon live to regret.

"Oh right, I forgot Krystal invited you. I don't know, maybe she was high or something," Gino said.

"I just came to get a soda," I said.

"Right. Soda," Gino said taking a swig of beer.

Which is probably right about when he got his bright idea.

I left Gino and made my way, very difficulty to add, throughout the living room.

Not knowing anyone really, I sorta just tried to blend in with Adams crowd.

"Krystal, this is an okay party and all, but we seriously need something to get it going, you know. Get it hot," Adam said.

"Adam, shut up," Michelle sighed.

"Well, you know," Gino started walking up behind me. He began pushing me towards the center of the circle surrounding Adam

"Brandon here is a big party animal."

"What? No, no," I said trying to get free.

"Gino, I said get it hot, not make it stop. This loser can't be a big party animal," Adam joked.

"Oh but he is. Isn't that right B?" Gino asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

Suddenly I felt everyone's eyes transfixed on me. What was I gonna do? My lie was coming back to bite me in the ass.

"You know what? Just forget it. He IS a loser," Gino laughed.

Pretty soon everyone else chimed in.

And I know its stupid, but I ran off. I was upset and working to fight back tears. This couldn't be happening. I so hated my life.

"What's your problem man?" Alex asked.

"That fucking fagot ass loser Brandon's my problem," gino replied.

Alex lifted his fist back high and punched Gino with everything he had.

"First off he's not the fag, you are," Alex started.

Jade looked up and made her way over to Alex.

"Second, you're the fucking loser," he added spitting on Gino.

"Alex, what's wrong?" Jade asked.

"Let's go," Alex said walking off.

"Alex! Alex!" Jade followed.

They weren't gonna find me. No one was gonna find me. I just, wanted this lifetime to end.

Somebody please tell me it gets easy as you go. Please......

To Be Continued............

Well thanks for all the encouraging e-mails! I did my best to reply to everyone who sent me any type of

response to what they thought of the story.

If you liked (or hated) the newest installment, let me know, and I'll reply to you( I promise)


Next: Chapter 3

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