
By Jo Jo

Published on Jan 29, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to. This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction. If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading. Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site if you wanted, as long as you ask first!

"And yesterday, John took me to the new Space Center downtown. It was by association only. One of those, let the rich people see it before everybody else and I couldn't have got on that list if I tried. And believe me, I tried," Gino went on.

For the past week and a half, Gino had went on and on about, who else, John.

If you ask me, there was nothing special about John.

I mean sure, he had a fat wallet and an even fatter trust fund, but what does money get you anyway?

Okay okay, in John's case it gets you season passes to all the Mavericks and Cowboys games for life. And those would be good seats too.

But money usually captivates people who don't have any.

Gino had plenty of it himself.

Although I didn't exactly know why Gino was in cahoots with John, I had my suspicions as to why John hung around Gino.

First off, there was just something about John I didn't like.

He wanted to be a joker, but his jokes weren't funny.

He was a cocky son of a bitch who had everything and knew it.

And on top of all that......I think he's gay.

Now sure, I had no proof.

He didn't exactly act gay and it didn't really seem as though he and Gino were romantic in any way. But......

I'd seen the way he looked at Gino. He was always staring at him with this hunger, like he was just biding his time until he and Gino were together, as if he had a chance.

I of course knew he didn't. Gino was in no way, shape, or form gay. I would know it if he was.

"This John guy sounds pretty cool. Why haven't I met him?" Alex asked.

Gino looked up.

"You know, he supposed to come by today after school to pick me up. Were going downtown for a gala opening," Gino replied.

"Okay so after school, I'm going to meet my future husband," Krystal sighed.

"You haven't even seen what he looks like," Michelle said.

"Yes because it's all about looks with you huh Michelle?" Adam said sternly.

"Believe it or not I happen to go for substance. Or are you saying you're just a hot piece of ass?" Michelle replied.

"I am," I said, slapping Adam's ass.

"So, who is everyone taking to Friday's dance?" Alex asked.

"Hopefully John," Krystal replied.

"Well, I guess I could take you Alex," Michelle sighed.

"Oh you guess huh?" Alex replied.

"Guess you and I are going right?" I asked.

Adam moved in closer to me and kissed me deeply on the lips.

"Yep," he replied.

Everyone turned towards Gino.

"Oh...uh, John promised me some "hot chick" as he put it. So I'm set," Gino replied.

"So then, John's coming to our school dance?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. Didn't I tell you guys?" Gino asked.

"Duh. Like two million times already," Krystal replied.

"Looks like somebody wasn't paying attention," Michelle said.

"Don't worry B. John says everyone's gonna go with who they're supposed to," Gino chuckled.

"Yeah, I'll bet," I mumbled.

I noticed that everyone was staring at me.

Gino walked over to me and pulled me away from everyone.

"Is there some problem you have with John I should know about?" He asked.

I was tempted to lie and say no. But-

"You've known this guy what? Three weeks now?" I asked.

"Yeah, so what?" Gino replied.

"I've known you all year, and it's like you meet this new guy who's like you sorta and-"

"You're right Brandon. Like me. You and Adam and Jade and everybody else, you aren't like me. We all have next to nothing in common," Gino interrupted me.

"It's what makes us so close," I added.

"It's what makes you and Adam close. Or you and Alex. But come on, be honest, how close are we really?" Gino said, a firm sternness in his voice.

I stared deeply into his eyes.

"Gino....come on, were close," I said meekly.

"You might think so. But I don't. I know what Adam thinks of me. I know what all of you think of me," Gino replied.

"Gino....come on....." I said, even softer.

"But John, he gets me. Were almost the same person," Gino continued.

"But Gino, how well do you know him really?" I asked.

Gino started a slow chuckle. It sounded somewhat insane.

"I can't believe I'm hearing this from you. YOU!" Gino exclaimed.

People around us were starting to stare.


"Remember when Michelle did this same thing to you? Asking all of us how well we really know you and how safe you were?"

I remembered all too well.

"And time and time again we defended you. Stuck up for you." Gino said.

I stared at his now angry face.

"The only difference is, you aren't trying to convince me John's gay," Gino said.

If only he knew......

"Gino, the last thing I wanted to do was ruin your happiness," I started.

"But you did anyway huh?" Gino said.

"Who would have figured. When it's not about you-"

"Gino, that's not fair. I never wanted to-

"BUT! did," Gino interrupted.

And for what seemed like the longest time, we just starred at each other, until finally he left.

Okay, so that didn't go as well as I had hoped. And maybe I was overreacting.

Maybe,......maybe I had it all wrong about John.

I couldn't be completely sure until he and I talked face to face.

But god, if I wasn't wrong.....................

"No, oh! That's how you do it! Ugh! Get it baby!" Alex exclaimed.

I pushed him and threw down my controller.

"Shut up man. You only got Live cause you knew you could whoop my ass," I replied.

Alex stood up.

"Naw see, I could whoop your ass in anything," Alex replied.

"Not dick sucking," I heard Michelle mumble while reading a magazine.

Alex heard it as well.

"You're right Michelle. You have me beat with that one," I said triumphantly.

I saw her glare up at me.

"Where is Gino already so we can go?" Krystal said, impatiently.

"Relax, mall doesn't close till 9," Alex said coolly.

"I can't relax. I need at least

an hour for each thing on my list. And finding a dress, two hours," Krystal replied.

"I'd hate to see what she'd be like at prom," Alex whispered to me.

Just then though, my doorbell rang.

"What do ya know, he's here now," I said.

When I opened the door, I found myself a little shocked.

"Brandon," Gino said flatly.

He was with John.

"Was up man?" John greeted.

I didn't know what to do. I just stared at them.

Gino just passed us and entered, John right behind.

"Everybody, this is John," Gino introduced him.

"So you're this famous John guy. Cute," Michelle said, standing up.

"Ah....thanks...." John said, looking rather confused.

"I guess Gino told you all about me huh?" Krystal asked, playing with her hair.

"Yeah. You must be Krystal, the one I'm taking to the dance," John replied.

"Yeah. So I was thinking, if I wear blue, you could wear like an off white or-"

Alex walked over to John and pulled him away from Krystal.

"Don't get anymore involved with that nut then you need to," he said.

John looked over at Gino with a confused look who walked over and sat next to Michelle.

"You any good at Live man?" Alex asked.

"How's 14 trophies in one season sound?" John asked starting up the PS2.

"Shit 14.....that's fourteen more than B ever got," Alex chuckled.

I looked over at John.

"Ah, I don't thinks so boys. We have shopping to do," Krystal said, shutting off the game.

Alex sighed, angrily and obviously.

"Well, we gotta do what the little lady wants," John said.

"See. See how simple it can be. When are you gonna start listening to me like John does?" Krystal asked.

"Ah how bout when hell freezes over," Alex replied.

"Ugh, can we just go already," Michelle said standing up.

She exited through the front door along with Krystal, Jade, and Alex.

"Limo's waiting," John said.

John exited out towards the limo while I lingered for a bit.

I didn't like the way he said that last little bit.

There was just so about him.....

"You coming?" Adam asked, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I looked over at Gino.

For his sake, yeah. I'd come.

"I never really got the concept of a mall. It's supposed to be all your favorite stores crammed into one place. But if the original was crowded before, wouldn't the....oh god there's a GAP in this place," John said.

"Relax John. The GAP isn't for everybody," Michelle said.

"Okay,so, everybody has on a watch right?" Krystal asked.

"Yes Krystal, for the last time," Jade sighed.

"Good. Ah, guys, well meet you back here at eight. See ya," Krystal said.

She, Jade, and Michelle took off.

Leaving Adam, Gino, Alex, John, and I to ourselves.

"" John asked.

"Definitely," Alex replied, taking off with John.

Gino and I glanced at each other.

"Isn't he supposed to be your new other half?" I asked.

Gino rolled his tongue on the inside of his mouth.

"Do you just not want to see me hanging around with somebody other than you?"

"Gino, I don't trust him. There's just something about him-"

"Stop. Just stop," Gino replied, walking off.

Adam came over to me.

"What's with you and this John guy?.....Do him?" Adam asked.

"What? No. I just......I think he's gay," I replied.

"What?" Adam asked.

"i think he's gay and has a crush on Gino-"


"And he thinks that I want Gino and that I'm some kind of competition-"

"BRANDON!" Adam exclaimed.

I stopped talking.

"Will you listen to yourself?" Adam started.

I sighed and looked down.

"You pant me to believe that John's the jealous one? It sounds to me like your the one with the problem," Adam replied.

"Adam, if you would just-

"What? Believe you? Cause right now, believe John more than I do you," Adam replied.

John. Stupid bastard. What kind of spell had he put on my friends?

" shit," Alex said, admitting defeat.

"Helps when you have the game at home to practice with," John replied.

"Yeah well when I get some cash an get my own copy, I'll want a rematch," Alex replied.

"Well if you want, I could buy it for you now," John suggested.

"Are you serious?

"Yeah. In fact get whatever you want. Consider it a gift from a friend. I mean, we are friends right?" John asked.

Alex put on a huge grin.

"Hell yeah!" he replied.

Gino walked into the store and noticed Alex frantically grabbing games left and right.

"Wow, you must have made his day," he said.

"Yeah well, friends of your are friends of mine," John replied.

"Accept I don't know what's wrong with Brandon. He thinks.....naw, don't worry about it," Gino said.

"No come on. Tell me," John said.

"Well, it's stupid. And I know it's not true but,........he thinks you're gay and have a crush on me," Gino replied.

"What?" John asked.

"Yeah, I know. How wrong is he? He's so convinced he's right though," Gino replied.

John put on a fake smile and thought.

It certainly was an interesting theory. But what he wanted to see was Brandon try and prove it.

"Well, we can go now," Krystal sighed, entering Gamestop.

She Jade and Michelle were all together.

"Why?" Gino asked.

He didn't see any bags in their hands, so something must have been wrong.

"Well I finally found a dress I wanted in the color I wanted but it was about 200 dollars more than I could afford, not factoring in shoes, hair, pedicures, manicures....the works," Krystal replied.

It was the same for Jade and Michelle

"You want the dress? You got it," John said.

Krystal looked thoughtfully over at John.


"All three of you. Go pick out whatever you want and come get me when you're done. I'll pay for it," John replied.

"Oh my god. Thank you," Krystal said hugging John tightly.

"Yeah, John that's really nice of you," Jade added.

"What's going on?" I asked, walking into Gamestop with Adam.

"You'll never guess what John's agreed to do for us," Krystal said, trying to contain her glee.

I crossed my arms and sighed, trying my damndest not to look upset.

"He's paying for everything. Dresses, shoes, makeup, everything," Krystal replied.

I looked over at John who was looking over at me.

"Oh, well isn't that nice," I said.

"Hey.....HEY!!! Look you fat little idiot. I don't care if it was your dead grandma's wish for you to have this game. I saw it first now let the fuck go !" Alex exclaimed.

"Alex, fighting with little kids. Come on now," Krystal said.

"What he started it...hey.....come back here freak. I'll cut you!" Alex said running off.

"You'd think since he's getting everything free he'd find another game," Krystal said.

"Wait. Alex is getting free stuff too?" I asked.

"Yeah. Isn't John the coolest?" Krystal replied.

"Yeah Brandon. Nothing wrong with him now is there," Gino asked, spitefully.

"I.....I don't believe this," I said exiting Gamestop.

What was with those people? They were supposed to be my friends.

But no. NO. John comes and he's he coolest guy in the world. Throw around a little money and BAM, everyone's impressed. And Gino had money too. He wasn't buying lavish gifts for everybody. Trying to win us over like we were some prize that absolutely had to be impressed at all times.

No......he wasn't gonna do this to me.

I walked over to John and pulled him out of the store by his arm.

"Whoa, whoa dude," John said, shaking off of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

John put on a coy little smirk.

"Shopping. And you?"

"Cut the bullshit asshole. You're trying to buy my friends," I replied.

John crossed his arms.

"Really though Brandon. You make it sound like they can be bought. Your friends can't be bought can they?" John asked, his smirk growing.

Gino, Krystal, Alex, Michelle, Jade, and Adam all walked out of the store and were around John and I by now.

"Brandon, what are you doing?" Krystal asked, sounding angry.

"John...he's trying-

"Stop. John isn't doing anything but being super cool," Krystal replied.

"Yeah B. He's the best," Alex added.

"Since when do any of you TALK LIKE THIS!" I exclaimed.

This whole situation was starting to piss me off.

"Just leave it all alone Brandon. You're wrong now just like you were wrong before," Gino said.

"But......I...." I looked at everyones faces.

I didn't need this.

"Fine.......just ...screw all of you!" I said storming off.

If they didn't want to listen to me, that was their problem. But I wasn't wrong. And I was gonna have to prove it somehow.

John thought to himself.

Brandon was a little too smart for his own good. But that was fine. He liked challenges. May the best man win.


Well I've been making as good as possible with my promise to write these chapters faster. I hope (hope being the operative word here)

to have no less than 6 new chapters for the entire month of February (I at least hope to have more than 2, which has been my usual since August.

If you haven't already done so, check out my personal good friend Maddy A.'s stories 'I Hate Anthony' and 'Around My Way' both of which are under the

'Interracial' and 'High School' sections of Nifty. You definitely won't be disappointed with either story.

I also once again recommend other good Nifty stories 'The Log Way', 'Kayden' and 'Perry and Jesse' all under the 'High School' sections on Nifty. (Although, I'm sure you've all probably heard of all these stories and read them)

I don't expect to have a new chapter up by the end of this month, but look for episode 20 (the one a lot of you have been waiting for!) the first week of February.

Copyright 2005

Next: Chapter 20

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