
By Jo Jo

Published on Jan 20, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to. This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction. If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading. Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site if you wanted, as long as you ask first!

It was the middle of April. I was feeling a little better about my relationship with Adam. He was starting to get along with Gino. I was proud of him for that.

But my relationship with Gino was another story. Gino has been acting totally different. It's like he's always happy and never sad or mad.

And it all started happening when he had to go to that Defensive Driving class too.

Did he meet a girl?

"So how's everybody doing on this fine Monday morning?" Gino asked, in his, as of a week now, usual cheerful voice.

"It's Monday. How do you think we feel?" Krystal yawned.

"Ah, did somebody not go to bed last night?" Gino asked.

"Somebody was up all night trying to finish their research project. It's due Wednesday," Krystal replied.

"Which is when-"

"We all know Alex. It's when you get your cast off! God if you bring that up one more time," Krystal said.

"Just making sure everybody knows that I will be on two legs again," Alex replied.

"Too bad you'll still be slow. In the head," Krystal said.

"Oh but I heard that was you in the sack," Alex taunted.

Krystal playfully slapped Alex in the chest.

"Am I seeing a love connection right before my eyes?" Adam said.

"Are you sure your eyes are open Adam?" Krystal asked.

"You know love's a beautiful thing," Gino sighed.

"And what is it exactly that you think you know about love?" Adam asked.

Gino thought for a moment. Up until last week, he'd thought that he was in love with Brandon.

But ever since he met John.....

They had so much in common.

They were both rich, only not spoiled.

Both of their moms and dads were getting divorced.

And not to forget that they both were taking Defensive Driving class, which was how they met in the first place.

"Well, the world of love isn't exactly a hard place to live in. And you know what.....I think I've finally found it," Gino replied.

Adam tried to hold back from laughing.

"Well, well, well. Did I hear Gino say he found love?" Ryan said, barging into our conversation.

"What the hell do you keep showing up for?" I asked.

"Will you relax? I'm just here to visit my good buddy Gino," Ryan replied.

Gino sighed and mumbled "fuck" under his breath.

"So, what do you want?" Gino asked.

Ryan stared at everyone in the group.

"Ah, let's walk," he replied.

Gino turned around.

"You know, in two days, I'll be able to-

"Kick his ass. We know. God you're like a broken record," Krystal sighed.

"I'll see you at lunch," Gino said.

Ryan waited until he and Gino were away from the group a little.

"So this love thing? It's a.....guy right?" he asked.

Gino wasn't sure why Ryan was so interested in him as of late. Especially now with his choice of men.

"I thought you were hopelessly in love with Brandon," Ryan said.

"Yeah, well I realized that I was stuck on something that was never gonna happen. So, I moved on," Gino replied.

Ryan didn't like that at all. He still needed Gino to break Brandon and Adam up before Michelle. Maybe if he could do it, Michelle would see how ingenious he was and take him back instead of Adam.

"But you have to still have some kind of feelings for him right?" Ryan asked.

"You know Ryan, I don't remember us being all that close before we outcasted you and now all of a sudden you think you're my best friend," Gino said.

"Who says a guy can't change right?" Ryan said, grinning slightly.

"Look, it's nice that you're concerned and all. But, you and....I wouldn't call you blackmailing me to help you do something I really don't wanna do a friendship," Gino replied.

"Don't think of it as blackmail. Think of it as a win for all situation. If my plan works, I'll have Michelle. And since you're in love with some other guy, Brandon and Adam can find their way back to each other once we break them up," Ryan replied.

Gino sighed and thought about it.

He still loved Brandon. And he liked John.

Why did he go for guys he knew he couldn't have? Brandon was with Adam, and probably would be with him even if he and Ryan managed to....

And John....he didn't even know if he was gay.

"So, do you need me to help continue your plan or can I go to class?" Gino asked.

"Just be around for when I do need you," Ryan replied.

Gino knew it wouldn't matter if he was around when Gino needed him or not. He'd find him. And then it would only be a matter of time before the guy he still had feelings for and the guy he could care less about were broken up. For good.

"So, how are things at that Angst Academy of yours?" John asked Gino as he took a seat next to him.

"Oh you know. We had to vote on whether we wanted our own laptops or PDA's to carry around," Gino joked.

"Yeah we just got both," John replied.

Gino laughed.

"I'm serious," John replied.

"Oh," Gino replied.

"But, compared to your school, mine just seems so tame," John replied.

"Yeah, well at least we only have one week left until we can drive again," Gino replied.

"Yeah, well maybe you have another week. I'm here all the time. I suck at trying to drive. But it's only because I take the limo to school too much," John replied.

Gino found looking into John's eyes and hearing him speak to be a very soothing experience.

"But we should completely celebrate you getting out. No reason for you not to go out with a bang," John said.

"Celebrate?" Gino said.

"Alright turds. Let's get this day over with so we can wake up and do it again tomorrow," Jerry called out to the class.

Everyone got quiet.

"So, I'm thinking of throwing a party at my house on Saturday. It could be like a celebration for you," John whispered.

"Wow. You'd really do that for me?" Gino asked.

John stared into Gino's eyes and smiled.

"Were friends right?" he said.

Gino smiled back.

"You two love birds back there wanna shut the hell up?" Jerry shouted.

John stared at Gino. This was gonna be fun.

"So I think by now, we can both say that if Justin Timberlake were to surprise us by admitting he's gay, which he is, that we wouldn't break up and go for him," Adam said.

"Not that you'd even have a chance with a gayed up Justin. Besides, don't ruin my fantasy of him naked covered in cherry whipped cream and chocola-

"Michelle, thanks for your fascinating input," I interrupted her.

"Hey all," Gino said sitting down next to me.

"Hey. How was D school?" I asked.

"That's what I want to talk to you about," Gino started.

"But first, Gino, if you found out Justin Timberlake was gay, what would you do?" Michelle asked.

"I don't know? Why would I care?" Gino replied.

"See, that's how you decide if someone's gay or not. And Gino is definitely not gay. Typical straight guy," Michelle replied.

Gino tried not to show any feeling behind Michelle's very wrong remark.

"Well, ah...anyway. Who's up for a party this Saturday?" he asked.

"Ahhhh shit man. Haven't been to party in forever and when I can almost go I can't? Fuck!" Alex replied.

"What are you talking about? I thought the cast was coming off Wednesday?" Gino asked.

"I have to soak my leg in this blue stuff for like four hours Saturday," Alex replied.

"Yeah and since Alex is on the boarder line of failing math, Krystal and I are gonna help tutor him since he can't go anywhere," Jade added.

"Oh the fun ahead," Alex said, sarcastically.

"Yeah and I'm stuck planning for the Junior prom coming up," Michelle replied.

"And unfortunately for me, I'm stuck helping her since she and I were signed up and chosen before we broke up," Adam sighed.

Everybody, I noticed, was staring at me.

"Oh, well that sucks for all of you. But I don't have anything I'm stuck with," I said.

"Good," Gino said.

I noticed Adam was looking majorly pissed.

"So ah, where are we going?" I asked.

"Well, you know that guy I've been telling you about, John?" Gino asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Well he's throwing me a party at his house up in Las Calinas," Gino replied.

"You mean this John character is that rich?" Alex asked.

"Actually, he's giving out 100 dollar gift cards as door prizes," Gino replied.

"And I'm missing that for....Algebra II," Alex sighed.

"Don't complain Alex. Were missing it too remember?"Krystal said.

"Were all missing it" Adam sighed.

I looked over at my highly pissed boyfriend. At least he wasn't objecting to me going.

"Well, have fun," Adam said, looking over at me and Gino.

Yeah sure. Fun.

"So John honey, a party for this...Gino boy huh?" John's mother said, putting on he earrings in front of her vanity mirror.

"Mom, you're not gonna start this again are you?" John asked.

"I don't want to, but you remember what happened the last time you-"

"Mom. John said sternly.

His mother turned around and stared him in the eyes.

"You promise not to let this get out of hand?" she asked.

"I don't know......I......." John started. "Sure" he lied.

His mother stood up and kissed him on his forehead.

"Well I'm off to Cancun. I'll be back before you get out for the summer though," she said.

John thought to himself. That's exactly what I'm planing on.

"So, Las Calinas huh? What does this guys folks do exactly?" I asked.

Gino flipped on his right turn signal.

"Well, his dad's an investment banker and his mom is a model," Gino replied.

I always wondered about the life of luxury some people were fortunate enough to have.

Gino was obviously the richest among my circle of friends.

Then Michelle, who was not my friend thank you very much.

Followed by myself, Alex, Adam, Jade, and Krystal.

Things like this intrigued me.

"So, you think your friend has problems with gay people?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know. Probably not," Gino replied.

Gino liked to think John was cool enough a person to be okay in the incident that he told John that he was gay. But the fact was, nobody was perfect. John wasn't even perfect.

"Well, here we are," Gino said pulling up curbside.

"Valet parking?" I said.

"Who would've thought huh?" Gino asked.

Gino and I stepped out of the car, Gino handing the keys to the valet

"So, lets go find John," Gino said.

I looked all around.

This place was seriously HUGE!

Probably about 50,00 square feet.

Indoor pool. Outdoor pool. Tennis and basketball courts. A wait, make that two. Two dj's, one for each side of the mansion. And the people. If I had to guess how many were here, I'd say about 250 plus.

"Gino! Hey," John said greeting Gino.

He handed him an unopened beer.

"Hey John man. Was up?" Gino said, giving him some kind of handshake they made up together.

"This is Brandon man," Gino introduced me.

John looked me over.

"Hey how's it going?" he asked.

"Great. Nice place," I replied.

"Yeah well, my folks do okay," John replied.

"So come on, let's party," John replied.

John looked over Brandon one more time.

Well, well, what was he gonna have to do about him?

"Adam? Are you still alive?" Michelle asked, bringing Adam back to reality.

"What's going on?" Adam asked.

"We were just voting on which band to play at the dance. We narrowed it down to Simple Plan or Good Charlotte," Michelle replied.

"And where are we gonna get the money to pay either one of those bands?" Adam asked.

"Well Gino's chipping in 5,000 and I'm giving 2. Which puts us at an even 20 grand," Michelle replied.

"Oh.....look either one's fine with me. I need some fresh air," Adam replied.

He got up and walked outside.

Michelle looked back at him.

"Let's take 5 guys," Michelle said, getting up to follow Adam.

"So, you wanna tell me what's going on?" Adam heard Michelle ask.

He looked back.

"I'm sorry, didn't we break up?" he said.

"Adam, we can still be friends can't we?" Michelle asked, standing next to Adam.

Adam sighed and looked down at his feet.

"I wanna be cool with Gino, I do. It's just......" he started.

"What? You don't think he's straight?" Michelle asked.

"A gay guy knows when another guy is gay," Adam replied.

Michelle thought for a moment.

"And you think Brandon thinks Gino's gay?"

"I don't know what to think," Adam replied.

"Well, I'm not sure what to say...." Michelle replied.

Adam wasn't sure what to think.

For all he knew, he could be way off.

But, he always knew he might have like guys, even when he was with Michelle. And he'd always known Brandon had a crush on him. So, if Gino had a crush on Brandon now.....

"So, you two having fun?" John asked.

Gino looked up at John.

"Are you kidding me? I won like 200 bucks betting on a white tee-shirt contest," I replied.

"Well you know you gotta give it all back right?" John said.

Gino and I stared at John.

"Kidding," John replied.

"So Gino, you found any hot girls you wanna fuck yet?" John asked.

Gino took a swig of beer and swallowed.

"Yeah, sure," he replied.

"Come on man. The way you said that....what are you gay?" John asked.

Gino didn't respond.

"So you are. You're a fag. Man I knew it by the vibe you two had," John replied.

"Alright that's it. First of all, I'm gay, not Gino," I started.

"Wait, you?" John said, slightly surprised.

"Yes me. God, if Gino was gay, at least we see how you would have responded," I said crossing my arms.

"Okay settle down happy-go-fuck yourself," John said.

Gino stared at John.

"I'm gonna go get something to drink. You want anything G?" John asked.

Gino shook his head. I noticed he was staring hard at me with this angry glare on his face.

He waited until John was gone before he started up on me.

"I can't believe you," he said.

"Me? What about him? You heard him just now," I defended myself.

"He was joking. He does that a lot," Gino replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was under the impression that jokes were supposed to be funny," I said sarcastically.

"Why're you being so fucking weird?" Gino asked.

"Your friend. There's just something about him......" I strayed.

"Oh so were back to this again. You trying to convince me of something I know isn't true," Gino spoke, now angrier.

"What? I never....." I started.

But Gino realized that he was talking about Ryan, not Brandon.

"Look, I'm sorry," he sighed.

I was still angry with Gino, but I didn't wanna fight with him anymore.

"Ah, here we go," John said, handing me and Gino fresh beers.

"Look, John man, I just wanna say I'm sorry about just now," I apologized.

"It's alright. Everybody makes mistakes, no matter how huge and stupid," John replied.

Uh, that mother-

"A toast. To new found friendship," John said holding up his beer.

Gino and I did as well, toasting to John's proposal.

All of us took a swig of beer.

Gino turned around and looked down from the balcony at all the people dancing.

I noticed John staring at Gino intently.

If there was one thing I did know, it was that gay people were excellent liars when they wanted to fool people.

And a gay guy always knows when another guy is gay...............



I realized after I submitted the last episode that I forgot to put a disclaimer up for the episode (although it really doesn't

seem like that episode needed one) but I made sure that I had one for this update.

Anyway I've been working really hard and have completed quite a few new episodes of Angst, so look for another new installment

as early as next week as well.

Finally, I just wanted to once again give a shout-out to my wonderful Jersey Girl, Maddy A. who,if you didn't know,

and as mentioned by me before, is the author of the excellent 'Around My Way' series and equally enthralling 'I Hate Anthony'. And hey, if you

like her stories, then check out her yahoo group(the link is on her story pages) for more!

Other good reads on Nifty include one of my personal favs The Log Way. Another great story by an ultra cool guy, Kayden. And one of my older favorites, Perry and Jesse.

Well, back to work on more chapters. I'm writing like crazy so I can start a whole new story. If you have any ideas or suggestions for upcoming chapters of Angst, send me an email at And I'll even listen to complaints or criticism because I'm nice like that......until I snap, lol. J/K

Next: Chapter 19

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