
By Jo Jo

Published on Jun 26, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site, as long as you ask first!

Angst Episode 1 "The Meeting Place"

There wasn't really anything all that special about me. I considered myself an average person with average looks.

That being said I also considered myself a very gaunt person. I was sort of a nerd.

Like not a big 'ooooh, look at him, with his glasses, pocket protector, and retainer' I of course had never worn any of those things. I was a quiet type of nerd .

Quiet as in my only friends were people who weren't exactly as bad off as me, but you know, they weren't the most popular either.

One girl, Jade who I considered to be an overachieving busybody. She was always trying to improve her already perfect average while meddling in other peoples business.

I also had a guy friend named Alex. He was almost like me, which made us the perfect best friend. He was also pretty popular even though he hung with me.

Neither Jade, nor Alex were terrible to look at. In fact, sometimes I wondered why they weren't even more popular than they were.

Jade was model tall with long black hair a perfect body and nice sized tits.

Alex was perfect. Perfect six pack, perfect biceps, perfect face.....

I know what you're probably thinking now. "Talking about your best guy friend like that? Are you gay?"

Well between me and you, that's something I'd never admit to anyone. Ever. I don't know if I'm gay so much as maybe bi.

The only person who knew was Jade and she was fantastic at keeping secrets.

Alex still didn't know that I was the one who had accidentally killed his pet goldfish when we were five or that I was the one who gave away (on accident) his very rare Babe Ruth baseball card.

And he never would know, as far as I was concerned. The truth was, sure I thought Alex was hot, but because he was my best friend, I'd never tried anything with him.

Not even when I'd go to his house for sleepovers.

Imagine the possibilities.....

All this brings me to today. Now. Meadowbrook. Where I lived. It was...calm.

A somewhat small town. Jade, Alex, and I were juniors, or at least would be starting today. We all went to John Angston High.

But most of us just called it the Angst. I hated school. People can be cruel. I personally had really never been picked on because I had two great best friends to always back me up.

We stick up for each other whenever a problem arises.

But I had hated school in the past.

Maybe this year would be different.

"Why do you even bother going to school, Brandon? No one likes you?" my older sister Jaime asked.

"Funny. I was just thinking that about you," I shot back.

Jaime thought she was older than me just because she was a year older, a grade higher, and taller.

But at least I wasn't the neighborhood corner bitch. Jaime had a reputation. I was seriously surprised that, to this day, my parents had never found that out.

I just tried to ignore her as I gathered up my backpack and headed out the door to my bus stop.

Alex had a car, but rarely got to drive it because he had four other brothers and sisters that were either his age or older.

Jade lived right by the school, so she just walked. And I was still fifteen.

I was born in California, and was allowed to go to school at four, so when I moved to Meadowbrook I was a year younger than everyone.

It was a nice September day. The air was nice and warm.

I had an overwhelming feeling of hope lingering inside of me.

As I arrived at the bus stop, I noticed Alex right away.

I would say the summer changed him, but I had just seen him yesterday. Oh well.

"Yo, dude? Looking sharp," Alex smiled broadly at me.

I loved his killer smile. God knows he'd won dozens of pussy over with it.

"Yeah, well I try," I smiled back.

I made my way over to him and sat down on my backpack.

"Listen man, I've been thinking. We really need to get you some pussy for once. I mean how long has it been since you had a real girl?" Alex asked.

"I had a girlfriend last year!" I replied.

Alex chuckled.

"She moved after two weeks. She don't count"

And so what If technically that girl liked me, not the other way around.

And so what if she left before she had a chance to push for sex. It wasn't like I'd want it anyway. I'd only had maybe three girlfriends in my life.

All of which were just so that people wouldn't start talking.

Of course I knew as long as I was friends with Alex, no one would bother me.

"Well, we'll see," I said. Not. We wouldn't see.

Alex and I didn't have long to wait until the bus arrived. Alex and I got on and sat in the second seat to the very back

Right behind sigh Adam Ventura.

Besides Alex, Adam was the hottest guy I'd ever seen. He was also the most popular boy in school.

He and I had never talked, but he'd talked to both Jade and Alex. In fact he was a good friend with Alex.

I always tried to make myself "around" whenever Adam was with Alex.

But either he was purposely ignoring me, or he was just that busy to where he could never look my way even when I was always around.

Maybe I was just a desperate person, I don't know.

Reginald Angston High School

Not exactly the...most subtle high school you'd ever see. The Angst was by far the most over the top high school in Texas.

Home to over 3500 students, and believe me, we had room for plenty more.

Over 200 extra curricular activities and over 450 teachers to sponsor them all. I just knew I was gonna get lost again this year.

See why I hated school? Huh, guess not.

The bus ride was a short trip. Alex and I lived maybe ten minutes from school.

I got off and just looked around. I was in for it this year.

"Well don't just stand there. C'mon," Alex said playfully tapping me on the head.

I followed Alex up the steps to the main courtyard of our California themed school.

He was obviously looking for Jade.

Of course I wouldn't be surprised to see her as well for the same reason I wasn't surprised to see Alex.

"And here are the two hottest guys in school. Finally," Jade greeted us.

"You bet," Alex laughed.

"Well at least you were half right," I sighed.

Alex and Jade both looked at me with these vague looks. As if they thought I were joking.

"So I just got my sched from the office. I think this is gonna be my year," Jade said as we all began walking.

"Jade, every year is your year," Alex said.

"I know. But if I want to go to Harvard when I graduate, they all have to be."

Which would explain why she never really had time for a boyfriend.

For the longest time I was so sure she had a crush on me. And when my suspicions were confirmed, that's when I told know.

Anyway she and I were in the same boat when it came to romance. And for me, it would always be like that.

Jade spotted her friend Krystal and left Alex and I.

"I'm gonna have to get that girl some dick this year. She could use it, you know. Take her mind off of all things school," Alex said.

Good. And while you're at it, would you mind getting me some?

I let my mind wander so far, I hardly noticed Alex stop in front of a bulletin board.

"You think we oughtta tryout for the football team?" he asked himself more so than me.

"Spend a year with the jocks otherwise known as the mentally retarded? I think not," I replied.

"Well it's just that Jade's got enough extra curricular activities to last her a lifetime.

And all I have is that time I joined the French club," Alex explained.

Oh I remember that. Yeah, they kicked him out after a month cause he never showed up for any of the meetings.

"Come on. I don't wanna do it without you man," Alex said.

I could tell he really wanted this. But I didn't.

"Fine. I'll think about it," I replied.

Alex flashed me his killer smile.

After we had gotten our schedules from the office, I noticed that Alex and I had just about all the same classes together.

But Jade and I didn't. That only bummed me a little, because all of her classes were advanced courses. I'd get eaten alive.

"I'll meet you in class. I just gotta make a stop at my locker," I informed Alex.

"Anyway, I think coach just about told us we'd made the team," I recognized the familiar voice.

It was Adam's. And his locker was right next to mine!

"Cool, so I'll see you after school?"

"Alright man," Adam replied.

I slowly and casually made my way over to my locker.

I stared at the hunk of flesh otherwise known as Adam.

He had the most unbelievably dark green eyes. Short spiky hair and an unbelievably nice sized package from what I could see.

I cleared my throat.

"Ah, hey Adam," I said.

Adam put a book into his locker and looked at me.

"Do I know you?" he asked.

Well, it was a start. I was going to reply, but didn't get the chance because his girlfriend, Michelle, interrupted.

"Hey sweetie," she said kissing him.

I guess she noticed me mocking her because she said:

"Do you have something against me Brian?

"Brandon. It's Brandon," I replied.

"Whatever. Come on Adam," Michelle said starting to walk away.

Adam sort of shrugged at me and walked away too.

Sigh he shrugged at me.

The day had basically gone by smooth so far. And now it was lunchtime.

Time to break away from the woes of my impossibly boring first day back.

"So, tell me, what's the day been like so far?" Jade asked sitting down.

"Okay so I'm sitting down, about to fall asleep in physics, when this really hot girl just about begs for some of me, and for some reason beyond me, I turned her down.

What the hell is wrong with me?" Alex spoke.

"I'll tell you what's wrong. You're finally seeing that sex is pointless if it's not with someone you love," Jade began.

"Which is why you're not having any until you get married. We know," Alex and I droned in unison.

Jade was probably the most sensible person you'd ever could meet.

Which varied in and out as a good thing or bad thing.

Alex just had sex for the fun of it, which is more than I can say for myself.

"Oh, oh, did I tell you. I decided that football tryouts might not be such a bad idea after all," I spoke as I saw Adam enter the caf.

"Football? You?" Jade asked, surprised.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked.

"We'll it's just that you've never really been that athletic. Not since I've known you, and that's most of my life," Jade replied.

"Jade would you lay off? If he wants to do something new for once, what's the big deal?" Alex asked.

Jade gave me a weird look. It was almost like she knew the reason why I wanted to try out.

It wasn't too much that I had to say after that. And not long until the bell rang either.

"Well I guess I wont be seeing you two after school then," Jade said getting up.

She gave me that look again. I hated that look. But it was Jade and she knew. She always knew.

"Welcome to Social Economics. The class that will prepare you for life after your parents," our teacher Ms. Brown spoke.

I looked around. No sign of gorgeous Adam. But at least I had Alex.

"First off, I'd like to get you all the appropriate seats. Save your moans and groans until 4. That way I don't have to hear them"

This was 11th grade. Was she serious?

"Okay. Ah Gino Liongson? Are you here?" Ms. Brown asked.

"Yeah," Gino replied.

I looked over at him. Whoa, he was seriously hot.

He was Asian, spiky hair, dark black eyes, and the perfect body.

I just had crushes on everybody these days!

"And Brandon Jameson?"

Okay, I SO love seating arrangements now!

I apparently was already in the right spot.

I watched oh so very carefully without looking obvious as Gino made his way next to me.

He glanced at me.

"Oh, gimme a break," he sort of chuckled.

A break from what? Me.

I was a little uncomfortable sitting next to Gino while Ms. Brown paired everyone else up.

For one, I thought he was even hotter than Adam. And two I felt as though Gino hated being next to me.

Like I was some disease that he would catch if he had to endure being next to me.

"Alright. Now that everyone has been seated. Let me give you your first assignment.

You are all going to find out everything you can about.....the person you're sitting next to," Ms. Brown announced.

"What? No I don't think so!" Gino objected out loud.

What was he doing. This was really fucking embarrassing.

"I'm sorry, is there a problem Mr. Liongson?" Ms. Brown asked.

"My partners a spaz," Gino replied.

Everyone started laughing. I noticed Alex shoot up out the corner of my eye.

"Sit down Mr. Rodriguez. Mr. Liongson, you will not refer to your partner like that,"

"Even if it's true?" Gino said.

I heard more laughter.

"This assignment is worth 50 percent of your grade. So I suggest you suck it up and shut it up," Ms. Brown replied.

Gino looked at me with this smug look.

So much for the sexy partner

"I say you kick his fucking ass. That's what I would do," Alex said.

"I know because you just about tried to," I replied.

What Gino said didn't bother me.

It was just that this was a new school year and I was hoping to finally be referred to as somebody other than "Alex's friend"

"So who did you get stuck with anyway?" I asked.

"Oh, I don't remember. But what I do remember is football practice. I will see you there right?" Alex asked.

"Yeah. Just let me put my stuff in my locker," I replied.

Alex walked off without me. I was glad to be doing something that would make him happy.

Even if I would make a fool out of myself in the process.

When I got to my locker I noticed Adam already at his. His locker.

Right next to mine. Sigh

"Hey Adam. I heard you were trying out for the football team. So am I," I felt myself blabber out.

Adam stopped digging through his locker and looked up at me.

"Really? You?" he asked.

I just said nothing.

He shut his locker.

"Guess I'll see you there," he replied.

I could have sworn I saw him wink. But I couldn't have. Nope.

"Hey Jameson," i heard Gino call from behind me.

I pretended like I had things to get from my locker when I really should have been putting things up.

"What do you want Gino?" I asked trying to sound as annoyed as I could.

"Look, you know I was just kidding in class right?"

I shut my locker and began walking as fast as I could. Only, Gino followed.

"Come on. I'm trying to say I'm sorry," Gino said.

"Really? We'll okay. You're a sorry and pathetic person. Happy?" I asked.

"Okay. You're mad," Gino said.

"No I'm pissed. And I'm late. So go away," I said trying to walk faster.

"But we have that project due tomorrow," Gino called.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Tomorrow? I must have been too upset in class to hear that part.

I turned around.

"Okay so...give me your number and I'll call you," I suggested.

"Or better yet, you come home with me and we get the fucking thing done as soon as possible. You really are a spaz," Gino replied.

I could tell I wasn't going to like him. And as much as I wanted to try out for football.....

I REALLY wanted to try out for football, but 50% of our grade is a big amount.

Alex would understand, right?

"Fine. Lets go. And just so were clear, I really don't like you," I replied.

"Good. I don't like you either," Gino replied.

Yeah, a loooooonnnnng year.

Well, sorry if my story wasn't what you were expecting.

I don't like writing about sex, unless it's for true love.

You may be reading about something sexual later though (hint hint). Anyway, please e-mail and tell me what you thought.

I'd love to know!

Next: Chapter 2

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