Angels Unawares, a short story by David Lee

By David Lee

Published on Feb 28, 2018



Unawares, a short story

by David Lee © 2018

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Exacting a kindness from another teen without any prompting on his part is Aaron's ticket to a new existence.

Cutting the grass with Grandma's reel-type mower, wasn't a fun task. Sweat soaked Logan's tank-top, and the mercury wouldn't reach its peak until later in the day. He'd already been at the job for nearly an hour, and he wasn't even halfway through. He felt out of sorts, to use one of Grandma's expressions.

On top of the heat, he had a kind of eerie sensation that he was being watched. He knew Grandma was at the supermarket, and that no neighbors lived close enough to see him without using binoculars. Most people were at work anyway, so it was probably just his imagination. He'd been told that teenagers tend to go through a stage in which they assume that all eyes are on them.

He thought he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye, but when he looked, nothing was there but the arborvitae which was about the same height as he was. Perhaps he'd mistaken it for a person. He looked straight ahead for a few seconds, he but turned back quickly toward the bush in order to catch sight of anyone who might really be there.

This time, he saw a lean, redheaded kid, who looked to be his age, standing by the corner of the house. How did he get there without setting off the gate alarm? Logan stopped his mowing and stared at the stranger.

"Where did you come from?"

"Planet earth, I think," the boy giggled.

"No, silly, I mean, you weren't there one minute, and then you were."

"Cool! I must be doing better with my entrances. I hope Pete was watching. Actually, it doesn't matter what that old guy thinks. It's Mike who's in charge of us newbies, and he's way older and more important. Pete says it's a good thing I'm not in charge of the keys, like he is, because I'd probably lose them. He could be right, but I'd never admit that to him. He's such a prissy old fart," the boy rambled in one long string.

"Okay..., I assume you have a name. I'm Logan, and who might you be?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm Ariel, um, I mean Aaron. Or, I might be someone else. I'm mostly who I want to be. Do you want to throw the Frisbee around when you're done?"

"How do you know I have one?" Logan frowned

"I saw it in the garage. It's red."

"Yeah, it is, um, that would be fun, later. I need a break right now, but just for some ice water. May I bring you a glass?

"Yes, please! The cup of cold water is an ancient blessing."

"Okay, whatever... I'll only be a moment."

Logan hurried back with the water, plus a couple of cookies which his grandmother had promised him as a reward when he had finished mowing. He would share them with this delightful imp who had literally popped into his life.

After chatting a few moments in the shade, Logan went back to his task. It seemed easier somehow, and he finished in record time.

"I'm glad that chore's done!" Logan exclaimed.

"I'm surprised your grandmother doesn't have the gardening service do the mowing," Aaron said. "She must have someone to take care of all the plantings."

"With the pool, patio, and the part she lets go natural, there's not a huge area to mow. She could hire them to do it, but she feels that kids need to do something to get them away from electronics, and earn their way in the world. I guess it builds character or something."

"It must work, because you're a character," Aaron giggled.

From another kid, Logan might have taken offense to Aaron's words, but they were said in a jovial, teasing way. Besides, the boy was simply too adorable to incur anyone's wrath. He reminded Logan of a pixie or a leprechaun, but the latter was usually depicted as an older, and possibly greedy, sprite.

The two played with the Frisbee for a while. Aaron impressed Logan with how high he could spring into the air to catch the disc. Before long, both were perspiring from the level of exertion and the sultry day.

"Wow, it's hot out now," Logan declared. "Would you like to come in and play a video game? The AC is on, and we can cool off."

"It would be a new experience for me, so I'd probably not be a worthy opponent," Aaron shrugged.

"That's okay. If you play awhile, you'll probably pick it up quickly."

Aaron did catch on rapidly, and proved it by giving Logan a run for his money after their first round. They were finishing their third game when Grandma came in carrying a bag of groceries. Logan introduced the boy to his elder, and was pleased that she took an immediate liking to him, just as he had.

Aaron helped Logan bring in the rest of the sacks of food and sundries.

Grandma had purchased a variety of things from the deli department, and invited Aaron to share lunch. He accepted, politely, and joined them.

It was interesting to watch him eat. Although he was given the opportunity to help himself first, he deferred to Grandma, and chose to be last. He followed Logan's lead in what, and how much, he put on his plate. He sampled the various foods as if it were a new experience. He smiled in pleasure with every taste he took.

When they were finished, he again followed Logan's example, taking his plate and flatware to the dishwasher. After thanking Grandma, the boys went back to Logan's room to resume playing video games.

Later in the afternoon, Aaron said he mustn't overstay his time, and bade Logan goodbye. Being polite, Logan accompanied him outside. Not only was it proper, but Logan wanted to see which direction he would head.

They were again standing near the arborvitae, and Aaron wasn't making a move toward the gate. Maybe he was as sad to go as Logan was to see him leave.

"Oh, look at the tiny bird," Aaron exclaimed, drawing Logan's attention toward a fledgling wren who was perched on a branch.

Enchanted, Logan held his index finger out, and the little creature half hopped, half flew over to sit on it.

"Wow! He's not afraid of me! I think I'll call him Intrepid! What do you think, Aaron? Aaron, where are you?"

Aaron had vanished. The bird made a chirping noise, and settled back on the tree.

"I wonder if I'll ever see him again," Logan blinked back a tear.

The bird chirped twice in rapid succession. Somehow, the sound cheered him up.

Logan changed into his favorite Speedo and swam a few laps in the pool, trying to make sense of his day. Swimming was often his solace, helping him clear his head. It had always been that for him, but was even more so after the loss of his parents.

Something was different about Aaron. Aaron seemed to appear and disappear magically like the wizards in the Harry Potter books Logan loved to read. It was as if the arborvitae were a portkey.

Other stuff didn't quite jibe with the normal world either. Aaron seemed extremely naïve about things most teenage boys took for granted. Everyone Logan knew played video games regularly.

No one would have found anything they'd eaten for lunch unusual. How could this pixie-like boy be so innocent, so unaware of the world around him? Was he, perhaps, an alien or an elf? He could be an angel, but they had blond hair, didn't they?

Logan decided that he'd been reading too many fantasy-type stories. They must be coloring his view of reality. He would have to dwell on other things to distract his mind.

Maybe he'd work a while on the model plane he was building.

Logan had successfully diverted his mind until Grandma brought up Aaron's name at dinner.

"I can't get that boy out of my head," she exclaimed. "I feel that I should know him. The name is right, and the color of his hair and eyes are too, but the child I'm thinking of has surely been dead for 11 or 12 years.

"Do you remember Aaron Skilling?"

"Is that the name of the kid I played with sometimes at your house when we were about four years old?"

"Yes! I'm surprised you can recall him."

"I remember because of his red hair. Up till then, I'd never seen a real person with that color of hair, only an elf in a cartoon show. Who was he and whatever happened to him? All of a sudden, he vanished from my life. I remember feeling lost without him for a while."

"To answer your questions in order. He was my godson. His mother was about halfway between your mother and me in age. When she had him baptized, she asked me to take on that role. I'm not sure why she didn't ask your mother, but it might have had something to do with financial stability. Your parents were just starting out, and Grandpa and I were well enough fixed to take on raising several more children if necessary.

"As far as what happened, it was, and is, a mystery. Telling this story makes me almost physically ill, but you need to know. Aaron's parents were killed, most likely because of mistaken identity. There was no evidence that they'd ever been involved in dealing drugs. Both were shot in their home, execution-style, and Aaron was never found, so he was presumed dead."

"No trace, like the Lindbergh baby?"

"Yes. How did you know about that case?"

"It came up in my social studies class last year. Lindbergh was a real hero, and it's so sad that he lost his kid. I guess it would be sad, hero or not. It's hard losing family, no matter who you are," Logan blinked back a tear.

"You and I both know that all too well," she said, as she squeezed his hand. "We will get through it."

Grandma had a luncheon and bridge game to attend the following day. Though she hated to leave Logan alone for any length of time, he seemed content to entertain himself when she was gone. There was the pool, and he had plenty of electronic toys.

Still, she wished he had more friends his age. Having been uprooted from his home in the Midwest at the end of his freshman year, he had no one to hang around with. He'd not yet had a chance to get acquainted with many kids in California. That would likely pick up once school started. He might even find a boyfriend. That could be a plus, unless it led to a lot of emotional drama. He tended to be on the sensitive side.

Logan kind of enjoyed being on his own some because it allowed him to swim and lie in the sun naked. Going "native" was a hedonistic pleasure that he found arousing, and it distracted him for some of life's pain.

He was standing at the edge of the pool, semi-aroused, when he saw Aaron walking toward him.

"Hey, you're just in time to play in the pool. Do you know how to swim?"

"I'm pretty sure I can," Aaron called back. "But, I don't have anything to wear."

"Um, you can wear what I have on. Grandma calls this my birthday suit," Logan grinned, wiggling his cute little butt.

"Okay, I'll do that too," Aaron said, shedding his clothes as he came to stand by Logan.

Logan cannonballed into the deep end, and Aaron joined him. Aaron swam well, which surprised Logan to no end. How could this kid, who hadn't played video games or done other things kids do, swim like a fish? Maybe he'd been raised off-the-grid and had other practical skills. Maybe there was a merman in his family tree.

The two raced each other the length of the pool three times, and touched the end at almost the exact same second when they finished.

"You're good!" Logan enthused. "I set a district record in my old school last year, and you're just a fast. You should join the team with me next year."

"That would be cool, if I'm allowed to."

"Oh, I don't even know where you go to school. I just assumed it would be nearby. Will you be a sophomore too?"

"I'm not sure. It's sorta like I've been home-schooled."

"Well, you could test in, I'll bet. Let me ask you a question to see what you know. Have you heard of the Lindbergh baby?"

"Yeah, Chuckie's pretty nice. We get to do things together sometimes. He has a great sense of humor."

"I don't think we're on the same page here. I was talking about the little kid who died in the early 1930's."

"Oh, um, I guess I said the wrong thing. Will it come up on the test?"

"No, it's a bit of trivia, though it was the case of the century at the time he was kidnapped.

"You'd be asked math questions and probably some history and, well, stuff about books you've read."

"I learn fast; maybe you could teach me. Mike says I have a lot to learn about being a teenager, and that's why he let me come here."

"Aaron, I don't want to be nosy, and I don't want to hurt your feelings, but there is something strange about what you're tell me. Who is this Mike, and Pete, and all?"

"Mike's just Mike, Aaron shrugged. "I have no idea how old he is. He looks about 25, but he's older than dirt – not as old as The Man, but older than Pete. Pete's about 2,000, I suppose, give or take. He doesn't look it either."

"People don't live that long!"

"Not all of them, but some live forever."

"Aaron, are you a real kid, or are you some other being?"

"I'm real, and I'm very close to your age."

"Did we play together when we were little? Did you show me your bellybutton and I showed you mine?"

"Oh, you REMEMBER! That will make it much easier."

"Then you're Aaron Skilling, aren't you?"

"I was, and I will be again, I think! I've been given several tasks to complete to make it happen. I'm not allowed to tell anyone what's involved, but you have already helped without knowing it."

"Can you tell me what I did, or will that jinx it?"

"I can reveal some things that have already happened. Since you did them of your own free will, and I didn't prompt you to do them, I'm not breaking the rules.

"Right away when we met, you offered me refreshment. The water was more significant than you realized. Then, your grandmother fed me lunch – another act of hospitality. You've also said you'll teach me everything about being a teenager, so that's taken care of too. Mike could tell me some of it, but he said it's better to learn from a peer.

"He blushed when he told me that. I'd never seen him do that before."

"Okay, tell me one more thing if you can. This is all real, right? I'm not hallucinating. I haven't taken any drugs, ever!"

"You are correct. You're an empath, I think. At least, you have many of the traits attributed to them. That's why you've understood so much about me. Your grandmother shares those qualities. I'm sure you inherited much from her."

The boys had lost track of time while playing in the pool and getting into their deep conversation. Logan realized his grandmother would be home in probably half an hour, so he suggested they shower in the pool-house and get dressed.

"Your clothes are a little funky, have you been showering and using deodorant?"

"Um, no," Aaron swallowed. "I guess that's part of what I need to learn. Do I smell really bad? I'm embarrassed."

"There's no need to be. I learned in my health ed class that we're at the age when our hormones are developing, and our sweat glands can give off a strong odor. That's why we shower daily and use something to keep our armpits smelling good. I'll show you. You can use a bit of my deodorant and borrow some clean clothes. We're the same size."

"I don't know; you're really big," Aaron commented, looking pointedly at Logan's crotch as they headed for the shower.

"You probably don't know a lot about erections and pleasuring yourself if you've been so sheltered. That's something else we might work on, unless it will screw things up."

"If it's a lesson on being a normal teenager, I suppose it's something I need to know."

"Well, let's start with the lesson on showering because Grandma will be home soon."

Logan showed Aaron about applying soap to a washcloth and scrubbing his body, paying special attention to his pits. He also demonstrated pulling back his foreskin and cleansing his glans. Aaron was fascinated, and his penis began to swell as he washed it.

"Oh, this is very pleasurable. Is this what you were talking about?"

"Well, sorta. There's more to it, but you're on the right track!"

They soon dried off, and ran naked to Logan's room to get dressed. Logan offered the loan of briefs, shorts and a tank-top. Then he demonstrated using deodorant. He finished by applying gel to Aaron's damp head and spiking his hair.

"Oh, I look like a regular teenage guy!" he exclaimed.

"You're a young stud for sure," Logan agreed.

Grandma invited Aaron to eat dinner with them. The more she was around him, the more she felt a connection. Perhaps she could coax a memory from him that would confirm her suspicions.

Again, the boy seemed to take delight in everything that was put before him. His eyes sparkled, and his wit was entertaining.

She served ice cream and homemade brownies for dessert, and was amused when he pronounced them to be "heavenly."

"Aaron, may I tell Grandma what we discussed today?"

"I think I should do the telling. I don't want to reveal more than necessary."

"Okay, but I'm not a blabber-mouth."

"I know you wouldn't intentionally mess anything up, but `loose lips sink ships.'"

"Mrs. Davies, you do know me. I remember sitting under this very table playing with Aaron one rainy day."

"Oh, I'm delighted! Please call me Anna or Grandma."

"Okay, Grandma Anna."

"Can you tell me where you've been all these years, and why you've come back to us now?"

"I can't disclose everything at present, but I probably will be able to eventually."

"Have you suffered a lot?"

"I've been told that I did, but Mother Mary held me in her arms and took away the hurt and bad memories. The Man wiped away my tears."

"I think I understand," Anna nodded, gravely.

"I'm back because Mike said I was shortchanged. That's why I've been restless, and unable to settle in like the others. He said it happens to about 10 per cent of us, so there's a plan for us to experience what we need to. I can't say more than that, other than to tell you your hospitality has made a difference."

"That's great! I'm pleased to have helped. May I extend the offer for you to stay with us?"

"I'm allowed to sleep here tonight, since you asked."

"Could you stay with us permanently?"

"If you want me, it's possible."

"I definitely want you," Logan proclaimed. "We could be soulmates!"

"That goes double for me!" Anna agreed. "I'm your godmother, and I will be happy to give you a home. Just let me know what I need to do."

"Thanks! I suspect you've done it already."

Grandma offered Aaron the use of one of the guest rooms next to Logan's bedroom, but he asked if he could share with Logan instead.

"You're welcome to sleep wherever you like. All the beds in the house are queens except for the big one in my bedroom. I'm sure too trim boys would fit in an even smaller one."

"Thanks, I want to share his very breath, if possible."

"Before you do, I think Logan should level with you."

"I will, Grandma, but I don't think he'll be upset when I do. If he is, so be it. I can't live a lie."

"So, what's the big secret?" Aaron asked, as they got ready for bed.

"Well, I'm, um, gay. That means I'm attracted to boys more than to girls. I know the Bible condemns men who lie together..."

"Oh that," Aaron scoffed. "Most of that came about because of several mistranslations, and the neo-Pharisees keep harping on it instead of practicing love for their fellow human beings like they're supposed to. Pete gets really upset over it. That's an area where we do see eye to eye.

"I must be gay too; I'm really attracted to you. I've watched boys kissing, and I get these awesome feelings when I do. I think they must do other stuff as well, but there's a kind of shadow so we don't get to see that part. People need their privacy!"

"So, if you and I were to kiss, our parents might be able to see us?"

"I don't know, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind if they did."

"We probably shouldn't. I don't want to mess up your chances."

"I don't think it would, but I can wait. I've been told that patience is a virtue.

"Could we snuggle? I want to feel like I'm loved."

"Yes, we can definitely do that," Logan agreed. "You are loved!"

They undressed down to their briefs and climbed into the bed. Aaron asked Logan to lie down on his back, and then he lay on his side with his head on Logan's shoulder, and his arm across his chest.

Logan felt a few drops of moisture falling on him, and he kissed Aaron's forehead.

"Don't be sad. Things will work out."

"I'm not sad; these are tears of joy. I feel complete for the first time. Now I know why I was so restless. My spirit has been yearning for the boy I showed my navel to."

Logan reached over with his free hand, and traced around Aaron's bellybutton, making him giggle. Then, he returned the gesture.

"I could stay like this forever!" Aaron sighed.

After another few minutes, Aaron turned on his other side, and Logan snuggled against his back. Soon, both fell asleep.

"I'm going to make an appointment with social services to get legal custody of you, Aaron, if that's okay with you," Grandma said over breakfast. "I know your grandparents are all deceased, so I don't think anyone else will come forward to object. We should get it taken care of, so we can get you tested for school. The sooner that's done, the better your chances of being properly enrolled when the new term begins in September.

"Is that okay with you, or am I pushing things ahead of the plan?"

"I think what you're doing, IS the plan," Aaron smiled.

"Hello, Mrs. Davies, I'm Margaret Kind. As you may know, there have been a lot of personnel changes in our department recently, so I had a difficult time finding Aaron's file. I apologize for having to reschedule your appointment.

"I'm a bit confused as to why you're here. Is there a problem? Don't you want to raise him anymore? I suppose having two teens in your house might be difficult. But your writeup about him is glowing."

"Uh, I'm here because I'll need proof of guardianship to enroll him in public school in the fall," Anna said, masking her sense of surprise quite effectively. "I don't have this document."

"Oh, I see the problem; your copy was never sent. It's here in the back of folder. Please forgive our slip-up. As I said, there's been a lot of turnover. I hope you don't think we're totally incompetent!"

"Heavens no; mistakes happen. I'm just pleased to have it resolved."

"I don't understand how this all came about, but everything is in order, and that looks like my signature," Anna exclaimed to Logan and Aaron over dinner that night. "It's like someone worked magic."

"The Man has the power to do that, but I don't think he uses it often. There is something about messing up people's free-will. I suppose it's okay in this instance because you said you really want me," Aaron mused.

"I certainly do! And, I know Logan does too."

"It's all come to pass!" Aaron said as he hugged Logan in the room they shared. "Let's sleep in our birthday suits tonight."

With that, Aaron embraced Logan and tentatively kissed him on the lips. It wasn't the dry kind of peck a boy might give his grandparent! That first hesitant kiss evolved into a series of more passionate ones. Aaron could feel Logan's crotch swelling against his own through the thin cotton of their briefs, which they quickly pulled down, allowing their hard flesh to touch.

"It's like a veil has been lifted from my eyes! I suddenly understand what you were talking about earlier. This is pleasure like I've never known."

"It gets even better."

"Teach me, please!"


Thanks to the many people who sent emails about the last chapter of Lawn Boy. I really appreciated your kind words. Here is the list as of time to send this off for posting: Ott H, Brian K, Chris P, Wayne, Bill K, Jim M, Joe W, Charles G, Frank K, Steve C, Tony F, Marty H, Geoff S, Tim T, Gordon, Tom A, Bill T, Mendy D, JLF, Douglas and Lawrence, Tony C, Neal H, Al (soccer) David J, Eric F, Jim W, Zero M, John L, Hotrod, Shawn S, Greg R, Puppy, Derrick M, Derrick W, and Paul F.

If you liked this tale, feel free to contact me at . I try to respond to your emails promptly. If you hated it, please don't spoil my day...

Thanks to my editor, David (boxerdude) who caught typos and missing punctuation, as usual.

Thanks to Nifty for providing this format. If you'd like to donate, it's easy to do.

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I'm working on a new story which I may start to post in a few weeks. I need a little time off!

My best,


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