Angels Investigations

By Steve Griffin

Published on Apr 1, 2002


Angel: the Series, and these characters, belong to WB/UPN, Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt, 20th Century Fox, and the Kuzuis. The story, which I am writing for love and not for money, belongs to me. Don't distribute this without my permission. All characters are above the age of consent, and you should be too before reading this.

I appreciate the feedback for the first 3 chapters, but would love more. Anything, constructive, critical, flowing praise, whatever you've got. Your comments and ideas keep writers going.


The jungles of Peru. A small hut with 3 rooms, actually one large room separated by blankets. Most of the villagers would literally kill for a living space this size. Instead, two men live there.

Riley Finn, the younger of the two, hints of naivete around his eyes, groans in tandem with the headboard's clacks against the sturdy walls.

Graham Miller, the more experienced supersoldier, harder in every way, piledrives into Riley, his slimy, arm-sized missile repeatedly retracting from Riley's tight cheeks, then launching back in a few agonizing moments later. Hearing the continuous gooey plopping only tortures Riley's girth more as it painfully grinds against the fluffy pillows.

Hand jobs had been their limit back in Sunnydale. But the jungles had infected Graham, changed him, made him even more silent - if that were possible. Weeks earlier, on the eighth consecutive night of scorching temperatures and gory kills, Graham had closed the drapes on the small windows, each step toward Riley resulting in another layer of clothing meeting the floor. As Graham yanked off his drenched tank top and sticky brown briefs, Riley tried not to stare at the big bat swinging between his legs. He also realized their relationship was never going to be the same. After coolly kidnapping a startled Riley from his uniform, Graham had pushed him onto the bed, joining their mouths in a sweaty kiss and giving him a prostate exam far more invasive than any of the Initiative doctors had ever dreamed of.

Riley was jolted back to the present as the hit-and-run mission turned into rapid-fire pounding, sharp, deep thrust after thrust as Graham raped Riley's ass in a way only another man could withstand. Trickles of sweat glided down Riley's spine, some pooling in his abused crack, others roughly licked off by a sandpaper tongue.

Riley could feel the thick 11 inches practically leaping into his throat, and responded by milking his nipples, Graham's erect, large man-tits poking into his back as the fucking moved into the key stages. Leaving his cock untouched, grinding against the sheets and pillows, Riley panted, listening to Graham's heartbeat against his back, Graham nibbling on his ear as he rolled Riley's balls, Graham's own nuts fanning against Riley's mounds with each entry.

Even as Riley groaned and moaned, Graham only allowed himself low-level grunts, more and more forced until his final stab home, emptying gallons of sperm into the anal passageway. Riley threw his head back and screamed, unable to care who heard, only caring about the hose inside his ass and the angry eruption from his own cock.

With a short kiss on the back of Riley's neck, Graham pulled himself out, both men leaving to clean in the bathroom, Riley watching the wall of muscle in motion, his perfect, meaty cheeks bouncing. As they washed up, Graham stared through Riley, into his soul. Unable to look away even if he'd wanted to, Riley let himself be drawn in. A few rare, husky, heartfelt words from Graham:

"I love you."

Then alarms sounded, blaring across the village before Riley could return the words of devotion. There would be time, Riley told himself as he automatically snapped into army mode. It wasn't like they'd be protecting children and a large teleportation demon would jump onto Graham's jugular and...


A scream filled Riley's ears before he realized he was screaming, before he felt a broad, pale shoulder against his mouth and nose. Bucking, punching, his arms were held in a vise grip.

"'s all right."

Riley relaxed as he recognized Angel's placid voice, remembered where he was.

"You've spent the last few days holed up in here. Wes said you'd tell us when you wanted to contact us, but I don't think this is what he had in mind."

Lifting his head up, Riley glanced around the room, one of hundreds of rooms in this huge hotel, recalling a mindblowing 3-way he was only partially aware of at the time, a brief conversation about how and when he'd been bitten, then he was allowed to sleep. Sleep for days, apparently.

Riley stiffened at the arms around him, rubbing his shoulders. Angel's nipples scraping against his chest, Riley felt another part of himself stiffening, and tried pulling away again. Angel kept him firmly in place.

Riley couldn't make eye contact.

"Angel, dammit, this is wrong. Wrong on every level. You're..."

"...a vampire?" Angel guessed.

"No." Actually, that turned Riley on.

"...Buffy's first love?"

A bitter laugh escaped Riley's throat as he forcefully pulled away from Angel's embrace, avoided his kind, thoughtful eyes.

"Riley, I'm sor..."

"Don't pity me, you asshole. And not just her boyfriend, her soulmate. Shackled together for all eternity. I should stake you right now for what you did to her."

Riley strode into the bathroom, slamming and locking the door as he prepared his shower.

Angel stood outside the door, pacing, shaking his head at the sudden turnaround. Asshole? Maybe that was leftover from their fight the year before. The jealousy over Buffy? Understandable? For what HE did to Buffy? After the way Riley had treated her? He'd been on Angel's couch, begging for a meat sandwich, and now he was getting self-righteous?

No. Nope. Unh-uh. This had to be rectified.

Angel tried the door, busting hinges as he used his own personal method of lockpicking. Standing outside the curtain for a few moments, he started yelling over the water.

"How I hurt Buffy? What about how YOU hurt her? I was never her Mr. Perfect, you were."

Angel glared at the blue curtain, waiting for an answer.

"Go to Hell...oh wait, you're already been there!"

Wrong answer.

Tearing open the curtain, Angel didn't hide his appreciation of Riley's soapy, naked body. Riley turned to face him.

"Get out!"

Angel began chuckling.

"You've got balls. Pretty nice balls, actually. This is my hotel and I'm not going anywhere until you explain what, aside from my dick, has been up your ass."

Riley blushed and fumed at the crude talk. He knew Angel wasn't evil anymore, knew they had both lost their chance with Buffy, but a part of him hated the man staring at him, this man who had permanently tainted Buffy for any other relationship, who always had such an air of superiority around him.

"I'm warning you Angel, if you don't leave..."

Folding his arms over his stomach, Angel defiantly stared him down.


Grabbing his penis, Riley began urinating, maneuvering his squirt gun up and down to rain on Angel.

"How old ar..."

A stream of urine flew into Angel's mouth, making him gasp as he swallowed the hot liquid. Piss stains coating his chest, hitting his face over and over, Angel raged at the contuining golden shower. Hearing a ripping of thread during his humiliation, Angel looked down at the same time Riley did, seeing that his giant hardon had torn through his flimsy sweatpants.

Riley smirked as his penis deflated, a smirk quickly removed as Angel ripped off his sweatpants and lunged into the shower. Taking Riley by the throat, Angel growled into his ear.

"Lick it off."

Gulping, Riley complied, taking long swipes of the pee against his tongue, loathing the pungent taste but also taking a sick pleasure from tasting his own fluids.

As he repeatedly licked Angel's cheeks and chin, sucking on his nose, Angel moaned, twisting his head so Riley would brush against his lips. Riley whimpered, as Angel's mouth opened, his cool tongue dueling with Riley's warm tongue, Angel pulling him forward and invading his mouth. Submissive as always, Riley gave in, Angel's large hands massaging his scalp as their ample erections butted heads.

Reaching down as Angel suckled at his neck, Riley roughly grasped the foreskin of the vampire, stroking and scraping with his thumbs, pulling the sheath back to expose the pink crown. Using his other hand to cup Angel's balls and massage around his tight anal crevice, Riley ran Angel's foreskin over the exposed crown, wrapping and unwrapping the present as Angel made noises of pleasure.

Riley kneeled between Angel's massive thighs, needing to taste Angel's semen as his ass had tasted him days earlier. Holding and squeezing the plump length as he stroked himself roughly, Riley pulled the covering back to jab into the moist piss slit, lapping at the precum adorning the small eye. Scraping his teeth across the bulbous head, Riley smiled at the disapproving growl and smack on the back of his neck. Taking the hanging foreskin between his shiny white teeth, he tugged and gnawed, biting over and over until Angel shoved his mouth directly into 5 of the 10 inches and flooded Riley's mouth. Imagining Angel's fangs in his neck the way Riley's teeth toyed with Angel, he felt his own load splattering against his feet and the shower floor.

A moment of dizziness, then Angel pulled Riley up, giving him a cat-like bath, sinking into his juicy nipples before hugging him tightly. Riley kept his stone face on, sighing into Angel's hair, trying not to ask Angel to drink his blood as all those vampire whores had, to make Riley his.

Angel stroked Riley's hair and soaped his back.

"We have so much in common Riley. So much that no one else can ever understand. You know that, right?"

Riley nodded at the words echoing across the shower tiles, as he finally let himself find peace for a few brief moments.


Wesley had been searching for where he had left a book when he heard animalistic sounds coming from a nearby room. Quietly walking into the room, he saw Angel and Riley grappling and pleasing each other in an entirely more...masculine way than Wesley and Angel. Not that he had anything to be jealous of, Angel spending such time caring for this man, such time memorizing his body.

Cleaning his glasses, Wesley told himself he was being silly. He almost believed it, until firm, truthful words bouncing against the shower tiles.

"We have so much in common Riley. So much that no one else can ever understand. You know that, right?"

As mature as Wesley believed himself to be, as much emotional pain as he had faced in his lifetime, his face dropped at those sentences. A veil of ice crept over his heart. And he wondered if his relationship with Angel would ever be the same again.

Next: Chapter 5

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