Angels Investigations

By Steve Griffin

Published on Mar 9, 2002


This story belongs to me, but these characters don't; sadly, the ever-sexy David Boreanaz and Alexis Denisof also do not. The whole shebang belongs to Joss Whedon, David Greenwalt, and Mutant Enemy and Kuzui Productions and Fox and the WB. I'm making no profit here, not even a few pennies. My only profit is reader satisfaction. If you are under 18 or the age of consent in your area, you should not read this.

A big thanks to those who responded to the first chapter. This chapter is - I think - even hotter than the first, but I should warn that there is some vampirism. It's a fantasy of mine (at least when the man looks like David Boreanaz), and since this entire story is a fantasy, I threw it in.



Wesley turned over, inhaling the fabric of the black pillowcase. With a mutter, he turned on his other side, trying to return to the dream where strong, powerful arms held him and wicked fingers ran smooth over his pubic line.

A crash.

Wesley sat up boltright, keen senses blaring. He patted the bedside table for his glasses, rubbing his tired eyes with the back of his other hand. The last time an intruder had broken into his apartment, he'd greeted them with a shotgun. This time, he'd be lucky to find a decent pair of y-fronts.

As his eyes finally began to clear, he found his glasses beside a lamp. The lenses were clean. How surprising. He wondered why he was surprised by that.

Wesley cautiously crept out of the bed, taking catlike steps to the dresser, opening the drawer to find a pair of...puffy black shirts?

"This is..."

"Good morning."

Startled, Wesley spun around to see Angel leaning beside the door. Angel and his sneaky smile and muscles and...genitalia.

First Wesley realized Angel, his former boss, his crush, was standing completely naked in front of him. Then Wesley realized he was standing in front of Angel, his former boss, his crush, totally starkers naked.

"Oh God, Angel..." his hand fled to his exposed crotch and glued itself there.

Between his extensive blushing and the backs of his knees and buttocks scraping against the open dresser drawer, he still noticed the way Angel stared, no, sized him up and down. As if he were a very shiny, newly bought possession.

After a few silent moments, Angel moved to join him, yawning and scratching his right arm as his generously proportioned phallus swung to and fro between his impossibly muscled inner thighs. Wesley knew he shouldn't look, certainly not gape, but he had barely been able to keep direct eye contact when he saw a naked Angel earlier that year.

This was different though. This was more, the word would be, intimate. Angel moved in close, much closer than a colleague, his sheathed sword bumping against Wesley's knuckles as he rubbed Wesley's chest, dipped his head into the crane of Wesley's neck, and smelled him, smelled the blood pumping life through his body.

Wesley bit back a cry of surprise when a hand reached around to squeeze his rear, Angel's other hand simultaneously yanking Wesley's hand off of his penis. A purr, a growl, a husky whisper murmured into Wesley's neck.

"I won't let you treat yourself that way. You have nothing to be embarrassed about."

A finger gently traced his crack. A flash of the night before hit Wesley, buckling his knees and catapulting him deeper into Angel's embrace. Wesley recalled experienced hands, a spelunking tongue, that penis, that glorious penis...

"Oh God, Angel. Angel." Gasped in Angel's ear, marveled at as his hands began working to refresh his memory, sliding down the perfect smooth back to squeeze even more smooth, ample melon cheeks.

Wesley tried to crawl inside the skin of his new lover, their shafts reviving to full tumescence and dueling between their legs, Wesley's penis head repeatedly striking Angel's low-hanging scrotum, penetrating the skin space between Angel's egg-sized testicles until Angel growled "shower" in his ear and tightly gripped his leaking cock.

When they reached the bathroom, Wesley gargled with a bottle of mouthwash Angel kept for guests, ridding himself of morning breath. Angel continued setting the water just right, Wesley studying his own body in the mirror until a hand squeezed his shoulder, fingers swept the left side of his neck.


Wesley frowned at his reflection.


"What did you mean health reasons?"

Wesley stared quizzically until Angel brought up the night before.

"You did that to yourself for health reasons?"

Angel scratched at Wesley's penis head, wiping a string of goop off with the pad of his thumb.

Wesley looked away, detached.

"I didn't have much of a say in the matter. My father decided his newborn son wouldn't be adept at cleaning himself thoroughly as he aged. I was an incompetent child even at birth, I suppose."

Wesley sighed and stepped into the shower. His body briefly flinched, then adjusted to the warm, cascading shower. As Angel stepped in to the water, Wesley felt those cool hands on his hips and closed his eyes, wanting to feel the sensations, not see them.

Angel stood behind him, soaping his neck, moving down to his moderately built chest, flicking his nipples, slowly, teasingly moving down Wesley's flat belly and into his fine, brown curls. Wesley moaned as the bar slid beneath his underside, skiing up and down his shaft, bumping against a vein before circling his sensitive head.

"You have such a beautiful cock, Wesley."

Angel squeezed the plumping meat in his palm.

Wesley let the cleansing waters glide down his back, between his cheeks, down his legs.


Angel soaped up Wesley's sac, kneading the balls between his fingers. The soap then slid further, brushing against and exploring the hidden crevices between his buttocks and balls. Pleased at the sounds Wesley was making, Angel moved the slick bar over Wesley's tight buns, caressing the cheeks with his palms until they turned a deeper shade of red.

Water and saliva trailing from his lightly panting mouth as fast as precum leaked from his penis, Wesley was broken out of his trance at a cold, sharp smack of a plastic bottle against his buttocks.

"Do you want my cock up your ass, Wes?"

Wesley half-nodded. Sharp words brushed against his ear.

"I didn't hear you."

Feeling the controlling hands spreading his cheeks apart, kneading and pushing repeatedly, Wesley arched in their grasp, his growing erection slicking the shower tiles.

"I w-want to have sex with you."

Angel chuckled that dark chuckle of his and Wesley shivered at the thick organ of his partner sliding up and down his crack.


The fleshy foreskin taunted the dark insides of Wesley's cheeks, briefly wedging in, then quickly pulling out again. Angel continued this process as he slid two fingers into the taut opening.

"You want me to do what?"

Wesley groaned at the razor-sharp bite on his ear, a third finger joining the first two loosening him. His hands moved to masturbate his pleading penis, but Angel quickly grabbed them, holding them above Wesley's head in a tight grip.

"You. Want. My. Cock. Up. Your. Ass."

Feeling the massive man inside him had long been a fantasy of Wesley's, through wet dreams and lonely nights with only his own hand and a cucumber. But actually asking Angel out loud, demanding...

"Say it."

Muttering curses and thrusting his engorged organ against the wall, his butt against Angel's invasive fingers, Wesley spit out the words.

"I want...your c-cock up my ASS..."

Removing his grip on Wesley's hands and his fingers from Wesley's ass simultaneously, Angel coated those fingers in shampoo, lubricating the puckering hole as best he could. With a strong, slippery wrench hold on Wesley's dripping faucet, Angel opened the begging cheeks between thumb and forefinger.


Wesley bit at his lower lip until he tasted blood.


Smirking, Angel shoved in hard, listening to the other man's scream of pain-pleasure. He couldn't even remember how long he'd wanted to savor this teasing Brit-ass, how long he'd imagined and fantasized exploring Wesley's darkest depths, making him squirm in ways no woman ever could.

Angel's fingers leaving marks on his hips, Wesley played with his fully erect manmeat, stroking and pulling as he let Angel control the deep, long strokes. Wesley groaned as he felt the foreskin receding inside his ass. Angel took a small nipple in each hand, toying and torturing Wesley as his superpowered hips did the work all on their own, steadying Wesley with slow thrusting, Wesley's dick slowly pressed against the shower wall over and over and over until he let out a small cry, streams of semen hitting his thighs, his stomach, the water below them.

Angel grasped Wesley's still-hard prick in his meaty right hand, using the left to rub cum into Wesley's chest and stomach, cum quickly washed away by the waters.

Angel's plowing of Wesley had progressed from slow to fast ramming, then slow again, pulling his red, wrist-sized thickness nearly all the way out, letting the head scrape and tease against the exposed pucker, then slamming back in.

Delirious in a haze of fucking, Wesley tilted his head back against Angel's broad shoulder, his hands reaching back to cup Angel's muscled cheeks. Angel lapped at his exposed neck. Hearing an appreciative murmur into his neck at the ass play, he teased the near-hairless crack with his middle finger before shoving into the closed crevice as hard as he could.

Goaded to a further level by this intrusion, Angel felt his vampire face slipping on, nearly tasted the sweet, sweet blood underneath Wesley's pulsing, throbbing neck. Suckling on Wesley's Adam's Apple, the flowing red-brown life called out to him, begging for release as badly as Wesley's cock, as Angel's own cock was. This would cement their bond, feed Angel, and oh shit shit fucking shit he wanted to taste it so bad...

With a roar humming in his throat, he sank his fangs into Wesley's neck, Wesley emitting a loud scream as the teeth pierce his skin. As Angel began drinking from him, a sense of euphoria overtook him, making him dizzy, sending his reinvigorated dick into a raging torrent, ropey sheets of cum slamming into the shower wall. Anus ring clenching repeatedly with each shot, Wesley felt Angel's destroyer cock emptying in his ass, a fast motion which sent a final spurt from Wesley's ejaculating penis. Moaning and groaning with less volume each time, Wesley began going limp in Angel's arms, his life force seeping into Angel's throat slowly, each drop an ambrosia.

Feeling Wesley nearly passing out, Angel reluctantly retracted his fangs, gently, lovingly licking and smoothing over the two tiny holes in the front of him. Guilt began poking at him as he removed himself from Wesley with a plop sound.


Wesley turned his head toward Angel, the now-cold shower spray taking him down from his high.


Angel slowly turned him so they could face each other, shutting off the shower.

"Did I hurt you?"

Wesley shook his head groggily.

"I know you'd never hurt me. Not now."

Angel sighed as Wesley ran his water-wrinkled fingers along Angel's sculpted pecs.

"Wes, I didn't, I shouldn't have done that."

Angel brushed the bite mark with his fingers.

"I trust you, Angel. I'd never allow this to happen if I didn't. Obviously, I cannot live with being bitten every day - and I mean that literally ^× but as an experimental moment, it was..." he fluttered his eyes and smiled shyly, "quite enjoyable."

Wesley then somehow managed to rest the taller Angel's head on his shoulder, and licked a drop of his own dried blood from the corner of Angel's mouth.

"Not quite as bad as I suspected."

Before returning to the bed for a short nap, they shared their first long, deep kiss as lovers. As they finished, Wesley thought he saw someone in the corner of his eyes, walking out of the bedroom, but he was so completely drained, he had to be wrong.

Little did he know that he wasn't wrong, and that the adventure was only beginning...


Any comments, suggestions (who would you like the voyeur to be?), any words regarding the story, please mail me and tell me.

Next: Chapter 3

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