Angela's Dream TV TG

By Shyangel

Published on Apr 21, 2007



Title: Angela's Dream

Author: Angela

Date: 19th April 2007


This story is a work of fiction, maybe they are my desires and a dreams?

If you would like to submit comments about the story please e-mail me -- can you put Angela's Dream in the title.

Angela -- a Shyangel fines her wings

I was excited today I was going to my friend in Dover to become my ultra-ego Angela -- I arrived and Maria opened the door gave me a big hug, she was pleased to see me, it had been a while -- about three years since I have been able to visit.

Maria led me to the front room, where a suitcase was waiting, she left me saying "see you soon" -- I opened the suitcase and there were the lovely feminine clothes.

I quickly undressed and put on my favourite Triumph Bra and matching undies, a strange sensation was felt and a bulge appeared in my undies -- that didn't happen normally.

What look shall I have today she thought well I am hopefully meeting my Tara, if she can make it -- she is calling me later. So I chose a Red Blouse and a black skirt, a little short, but hopefully Tara will like it, if not I'm not planning to go shopping in this, if I do I will change to a more sensible skirt.

I put on my stockings, adjust my suspenders, and put my foam fillers in and put my blouse and skirt on, then taking my wig I walk into the kitchen and there is Maria waiting to make me beautiful.

Maria as usual makes me look fantastic I nearly don't recognise the reflection in the mirror -- Maria asks "Are you meeting anyone?"

"Don't know, a friend Tara said she might come down but she said she would call, hope you don't mind" I said

"No" Said Maria "Have you met her before?"

"No" I replied "we have just chatted on the net"

"Ok" she said "Does she need her make-up done as well"

"Don't think so" I replied

"Well how do we look now" she said "don't you look lovely, your girlfriend will be pleased"

"Don't" I said

And with that we went up the living room to have a girlie chat and cup of coffee and photos -- Angela really loves her photo taken

Maria and Angela sit down and start chatting about things, and Angela broaches a subject that has been worrying her

"Maria" Angela says "do you really think I am Bisexual?"

"Well" she replied "I think you could be why you ask now?"

"Well I have been thinking about it a lot, I even bought a large vibrator to practice on" I said

"Do you enjoy sucking it?"

"Yes, although I would love to try sucking a strap-on", well a girl can dream

Maria just laughed -- "Coffee" she asked?


Phone rings

"Hello" I said "Hi Tara are you coming down today, you can't that's a shame never mind -- thanks for calling"

"Maria" I shout "Tara's not coming she has to go to a meeting or something"

"That's fine" she replies "Make yourself comfortable I'll be back soon just got to pop down stairs"

"Ok" I said

Maria walks in, with two cups of coffee and a mischief grim on her face -- "Coffee" she said "Cream -- sugar"

"Milk please -- what are you looking so mischief about?"


So we sit down chatting about this and that -- "You want to go out for a drink at that bar on the Parade you went with Claire?"

"The gay one?"


"That would be nice, might see some girl kissing again"


"You just wish it was you" Maria is Bisexual -- she likes Girls

"Thought as your dressed up with no where to go and no one to meet might as well go for a drink, and if you're a good girl you might get your dream come true!"

"What do you mean?"

"Wait and see"

"I'll change my skirt" I said


"It's a little short for going out for a drink"

"But not short enough for Tara" she said

"err -- well she normally wears short skirts" I stammered

"ok" she said, with a little smile "me thinks you were expecting a little fun with her"

"Let's go" I said trying to change the subject "I'll drive" I just love driving in heals although I hadn't done it for a while

"Hang on" she said "need to put a skirt on, be a second"

Then she came in wearing a shortest skirt, nice length and what looked like a bulge but it couldn't be. Anyway we left the house walked up the street heels clicking sounds fantastic.

We got to the bar found a seat there were a few people in the bar, some tourists who may have come into the bar for a drink not realising it was a gay bar although it did look like one.

Anyway we were having a drink when Maria said "Do you really want to suck a strap-on? What about being fucked by one?"

"What" I stammered "what do you mean"

"What I said"

"Well I don't want to be fucked -- don't like pain, given the opportunity I would suck one- why do you ask?"

She place my hand on her lap "Feel here"

I place my hand on her crouch and there was something hard there -- I was shocked (Pleased) "Hold it tighter no one will notice" so I do, it felt strange -- nice though!

She gets up and walks towards the ladies and indicates for me to follow I get up and walk closely behind her we get inside and she goes into a cubicle monitions me to follow -- she lifts her skirt and there is the sight of the strap-on pointing at me "there you are, you can suck this when we get back if you want" -- do I

"Well you can if you put that maid's uniform on when you do it -- ok?"


"Let's finish our drinks and go back" with that we went back to bar and finished our drinks

In no time at all we are on our way back, whilst driving Maria's phone goes "Hello Louise" she says "Yes Angela did come down I'm with her now" looking at me she says "It's Louise she in the area wants to know if she can com and see you"?

My heart sinks "Ok" dam I thought just when I was going to have some fun

"Ok Louise, see you in about 20 minutes by the way Angela is going to be in her Maids uniform have you got yours?" "See you soon"

We arrive at Maria's and she tell me to go into the front bedroom where there is a maids uniform for me to wear.

I get changed making sure my stockings are straight and put the uniform on Maria comes in and makes sure I am presentable -- by this time she is wear a pair of knee boots and has discarded her skirt and top, so she is wear a sexy black bra and black undies and her strap-on can be clearly seen. I look at it and want to touch it she says "You will have to wait"

I nod then the bell goes and she says "You better let Louise in"

I go o the door and open it an there is Louise she says "Hello Angela" and kisses me on the lips, just a faint on but enough to make me happy, and goes in "Where's Maria?" she asks


Louise and me go up stairs, me behind so I can look up her skirt! She is wearing her Maids uniform under coat we get upstairs and Maria greets her with a kiss and cuddle Louise takes her coat off.

"Shall we begin" Maria says

"I want you and Louise to kneel on the floor in front of me and cuddle and caress each other, then when I say both lick my strap-on then take it in turns to suck it while the other watches, afterwards if you want I will leave you alone to relax each other!"

We look at each other smile "Knee down" Maria says we do "Now hold each other close caress each others hair then I'm going to get both of you to suck my strap-on!"

Louise looks and me we move close and we start caressing she is so close can hear her breathing it is fast we are both rubbing each others dress -- wow I want to kiss her -- we are so close -- Maria says "that look lovely"

She gets up her strap-on pointing at us -- "don't stop" she says and whispers in Louise's ear something, she nodes, and while we are looking at each other Louise kisses me I respond.

"Lovely" Maria says "wow your enjoying that"

We continue to kiss the Maria says "Ok -- you can you that later now suck my dildo"

She stands up and Louise licks on side as I do the other, we do this for a while and she says "Angela take it" so Louise moves away and I position myself in front and open my mouth and cover the strap-on in and out -- there is a funny taste and I am just wondering what it is when I feel my undies moving and my cock going free and then a something / one is rubbing it, I feel it going hard then I feel a mouth on it "grown" I stop sucking

"Why have you stopped?" demands Maria

I was about to explain and she says "Louise are you enjoying that -- ok don't talk with your mouth full -- enjoy"

What a sight it must be me in my maids uniform sucking a strap-on and Louise on her back sucking my now hard cock wow this is great.

After a few minutes I am nearly Cumming and Maria says "I need a rest why don't you girls relax on the settee" I get up looking for my knickers

"Come here" Louise says "you don't need them"

She is sitting on the settee so I sit next to her she looks in my eyes, smiles her hand moves up my leg and takes hold my cock and starts kissing me I feel strange but happy. My hand is resting on her stocking covered leg, above the knee, I slide it up her leg, I brushes something, them I take hold her cock, my first cock, I hesitate for a bit but the feel of Louise's hand on mine is great so I touch hers it is hard so a I hold it more and start rubbing it -- wow what a feeling, I am holding another cock and it feels strange as it is getting bigger in my hands.

We continue this for a short while, I break the kiss and say "I cumming"

"Better not waste it" she says, let's go and knees in front of me and takes my cock in her mouth, and sucks me, I am so excited I shoot cum into her mouth, just then Maria coming in

"What's going on here" she says, "looks like you're being having fun while I've been away. Angela darling are you going to return the favour and suck Louise `s cock, you sucked mind why not hers?"

Louise comes and sit's next to Angela and put's an arm around her "Take your time dear, take hold of mine again I know you liked that" she winks

I smile and takes hold of Louise's cock in my hand and I start rubbing it harder and harder it is really big now up and down my hand goes, Louise sighs "that's lovely darling you enjoying doing that?"

"Yes" I reply

"Good" says Louise "When your ready you will suck it. Maybe you need some Dutch courage"

"What do you mean" I said

"Well" Louise says "your staying the night here right"


"Why don't we freshen up, change into a sexy dress and go to that club in Ramsgate where we can have a few drinks dance a little and then come back here and carry on if you want!"

"ok, what about Maria"

"I'm coming too" Maria says

"Then it's settled" Louise says, "one thing though"

"what" I reply

"I want you to kiss me and my cock before we freshen up"

"Ok" I reply

"And me" Maria says

I lean across and kiss Louise on the mouth our tongues entwined, there is a salty taste on hers.

Then I break the kiss let go of her hard cock stand up and turn around and knee in front of her take hold of her cock bend down and gentle kiss the top of it, it's a little wet, all of a sudden I feel I want to put this lovely object in my mouth, I look up at Louise -- for permission? -- she nods, and a open my mouth and lower it on her cock.

I suck on it a couple of times then release it, wow what a feeling and from the grown from Louise she liked it!

"You're a natural" Maria says

"That felt good" Louise says, "did you like it Angela"

I did, "yes" I replied

"Me thinks you enjoyed it a lot, Louise did and you both look so pretty" Maria says

"Well later she can suck it for longer" Louise says "let's get changed"

Maria says' "Come on Angela let's freshen your make up and choose which dress your going to wear -- Louise what are you going to wear?

"black one" she replies

"Then it's the blue or Red for you dear", Maria says

Maria and Angela walk down to the spare room, "Did you like holding Louise's cock?"

"Yes" I replied "Felt strange then natural"

"you liked her cock?"

"Yes" I replied "tasted strange like yours"

"I put mine in my pussy to give it taste for you!" Maria said, "Would you like me t fuck Louise when we get back?"

"ok" I said, "As long as I don't have to have it done"

"You're be busy sucking something else!" she said as she started to freshen my make-up, "Also I would love some photos of you and her kissing, you look so sweet, for my private collection".

"I guess if Louise is ok" I said

With my make up finished I get out the maid's uniform and fine the blue dress, it is really short

"You look lovely" Maria says,

"I agree" says Louise who has appeared around the corner in her equally short black dress, "How's my lovely girlfriend"

"She ready, and agreed for some photos of you kissing later" said Maria

"Great love seeing myself in action" With that we get our jackets on and walk towards Mara's car, Louise and me get in the back and as we start driving Louise says, "I don't have any undies on if you want to hold me again"

I smile and my hand works it's way under her skirt and takes hold of her cock and a gentle start rubbing, Louise let's out a sigh, it feel nice holding another cock especially as I am making it harder and leak a little.

Then Louise takes hold of mine -- hope I can last longer this time!

How far is it to Ramsgate?

"Looks like we're going to have a fun evening" says Maria

To be continued...

Copyright @ Angela 19/04/2007

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