Angel Season Six

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Nov 24, 2007


First of all, sorry about one mistake in Episode 2: when Derek gets out of Erinne's dimension there's Liz introducing him to the Adams and Lilith. That wasn't Liz, it was Eve, I put Liz's name by mistake. Sorry. Derek and Liz still have never met. And also, I've changed the actor playing Elegant Adam from James Franco to Ryan Philippe. I'll try to put the reviewed version of the first two episodes soon. Sorry sorry sorry.

Disclaimer: I don't know the true sexuality of the celebrity mentioned. This is a work of fiction. Also, I don't own Angel.

Episode 3 Sweet dreams

Angelus smirked looking at the room he was in. "Kinky" he thought, glaring at all the torture instruments that were in that cold and old room. The rock walls were covered in blood, and the smell of fear and sorrow was everywhere. Exactly Angelus' idea of home. And it had something familiar. "Of course" thought the vampire "The castle in Sunnydale. It got creepier... I like it."

Then he heard it. A soft whimper. He looked at where the sound had come from.

It had been a boy to whimper. He was chained to a bed, laying flat on his stomach, completely naked.

Angelus smirked and took a blooded knife from inside a cage and approached the boy.

-Is something wrong, Derek?- he asked him.

-Please... Let me go...- begged him the boy, his voice trembling.

-You know I can't do that- replied Angel, letting the blade caress the boy's back. Derek quivered feeling the cold blade on his bare skin. –But I promise I'll make it as painless as possible- added the vampire. –Actually, thinking about it, I won't-

And then he cut deep on one of Derek's shoulders. The boy screamed.

-Oh, you only turn me on more when you scream.- said the vampire, kissing Derek on the wound and tasting the blood –And I get cruel when I'm excited.-

He cut again Derek on the other shoulder. He kissed the new wound too, climbing on top of the boy. He kept on kissing his back, laying between Derek's legs.

The boy could now feel Angelus erect dick still covered in his trousers pressing against his butt.

And the worst part was that all this (having a beast on his back sucking his blood and practically raping him) was turning him on.

Angelus soon was too excited to keep on with the soft stuff. He ripped off his shirt and took off his trousers and silk boxers, freeing his twelve inches uncut enormous cock. He spread Derek's cheeks apart and started pushing. Derek couldn't stop a cry of pain as his virgin ass was penetrated for the first time.

-Please!!! No!!!! Don't do it!!!- he screamed, but Angelus just laughed and kept on pushing until his big head had popped in. Derek's tight ass ring clenched around it as the boy felt an unbearable burning sensation. Angelus grunted and pushed further.

Derek felt like his whole body was being torn apart as inch after inch of that monstrous dick penetrated him. He kept on screaming until finally he could feel Angelus pubes and balls on his ass cheeks. Then the vampire started riding him and the pain quickly turned into pleasure.

As Angelus thrusts became stronger and faster, Derek found himself grinding up against the vampire, moaning for more.

-I knew you would have ended up liking it, you boy-bitch- groaned Angelus thrusting one last time inside of Derek, before he vamped out and bit the boy as he came inside his ass.

Angel and Derek suddenly woke up at the same moment in their respective beds. They had just had the same erotic dream.


David Boreanaz ... Angel/ Angelus

James Marsters ... Spike

Amy Hacker ... Illyria

Mercedes McNab ... Harmony

Milo Ventimiglia ... Derek

Andy Hallet ... Lorne

And Eliza Dushku as Faith

Guest Starring: Kristen Bell as Liz; Sarah Thompson as Eve; Adam Brody as College Adam; Rose McGowan as Daisy; J. August Richards as Gunn; Ryan Daharsh as Nick; James Lafferty as Strong Adam; Ryan Philippe as Elegant Adam; Carmen Electra as Medusa

Special guest star: Justin Timberlake as himself, Vin Diesel as Big Daddy

Angel checked the sheets. They were wet with sweat and cum, but still his dick was hard in his boxers. He quickly got up and changed his underwear with a clean pair, then changed the sheets and went back to bed. This wasn't the first time he was having this dream. Ever since he had seen that boy –Derek- in Erinne's dimension, wet dreams had been haunting him. He couldn't even sleep well at night anymore, and he kept on being horny all the day. So horny he had almost fucked Harmony the other day, when she had bent to take some cards from the desk.

He had managed to control himself in the end, but it was getting harder every day. And harder was the most appropriate word to describe his situation.

As he tried to put himself back to sleep, Angel began wondering who that boy was and why was he so obsessed about him.

Derek put a hand n his briefs, where he found his dick still rock hard from his dream. But they were also damp with his cum. Luckily he was wearing his pyjamas, or he would have probably made a mess with the sheets also. In fact he wasn't the one cleaning the laundry in the house (he actually didn't know who did it... He had never seen anyone do house chores and noone except Eve ever went out). He looked at his big windows, staring at the city outside. He would have so much liked to go out. Not that living in the loft wasn't great. He had an enormous room all to himself, with a king sized bed and a flat screen. And he could always go in the luxurious living room and play with the xbox together with College Adam.

They had become friends in the last week together. He could sometimes be a bit of a geek, but College Adam was surely better than every other person in the house. Lilith was like a living computer without a personality, Strong Adam was a cocky and arrogant show-off, and Elegant Adam and Eve always looked like they were hiding something and every sentence they said had something hidden in it.

But apart from the weird people living with him, he liked the loft. But he still felt like he was caged, and under constant observation.

Just as he was thinking this, someone knocked at the door and without even waiting his reply, College Adam walked in. He was only wearing his t-shirt and his blue boxers. He looked sleepy.

-Hey, is everything alright in here? I heard you scream.- he said, sitting down on the bed next to him.

-Yeah, thank you, I must've been screaming in my sleep. Nightmare, you know.-

-You must be very careful with those.-

-With nightmares?- asked Derek, without understanding what College Adam meant.

-Well, you know, Freddy Krueger really kills you if he kills you in your sleep.-

Derek threw a pillow at hi, laughing.

-Idiot. I can't believe I was actually thinking that you could say something revealing and important, about like demons infesting dreams.-

-What?- said College Adam jumping on the bed and starting to hit him with the pillow –Freddy is a very serious matter. You know how many kids have died of laughter seeing Freddy versus Jason?-

Derek grabbed his wrist to stop him from hitting him, and they started to wrestle jokingly.

But they were both so horny the fight soon became more a grinding into each other.

They rolled into the bed until Derek was on top, pinning Adam down on the bed. Their faces were only a few inches apart.

Derek's hard crotch was touching Adam's tent in his boxers.

-Are you sure it was a nightmare before?- whispered Adam putting his hands on Derek's crotch –Cause I'm under the impression it was another kind of dream...-

And he started massaging Derek's covered cock and balls.

-Yeah...- panted Derek, without moving. He felt Adam's hand reaching for the waistband of his pants and getting inside his briefs.

He grabbed the seven inches long dick and started jerking him off.

Derek just stood still, breathing heavily. It was so good, feeling the warmth of another hand on his dick... It was just what he needed.

But he was so excited that after ten minutes he was already about to cum.

-Yeah... Adam... I'm almost there...- panted Derek, and a second later he was cumming in Adam's hand.

After he was spent, Adam took his hand to his mouth and licked off the cum on it.

The two boys just stood still, looking at each other in silence. Then suddenly they heard a knock on the door. Derek quickly got off College Adam, as Eve entered the room.

-Is everything okay? I thought I heard.. noises.- she said with her usual I-know-everything smile.

-Yeah...I.. Uhm..- babbled Derek blushing trying to come up with an excuse –I... Uhm... I...-

-I couldn't sleep so I decided to wake up and annoy Derek as well...- interrupted him Adam –I mean, I could have woken up the other Adams too, but they would have killed me. And I'm not sure Lilith sleeps.-

-She sometimes lies down to rest and refresh her files.- said Eve –Anyway, Derek is going to need his sleep. Tomorrow he's starting his training.-

-My what now?- asked puzzled Derek.

-We'll explain tomorrow- answered Eve.-Adam, let's go, Derek needs to rest.-

And with that Adam and Eve left the room. Once they were out Eve grabbed Adam and looked at him angrily.

-What do you think you're doing?- she whispered, so not to be heard by Derek –It's not time yet!!!-

-I know, I know, I'm sorry- whispered back College Adam –It's just... I'm so horny I just couldn't stand it anymore...-

-Use your hand next time then!- snapped Eve –I know I do.- she added coldly –I have to, because it looks like I'm surrounded by queers! At least at Wolfram and hart there was always some super- hung demon to fuck.-

-At least at Wolfram and Hart we could send agents to do this!- growled Spike has he cut off the head of a green demon. A spurt of blue sticky and smelly blood came from the neck, hitting Spike –God, this smells awful!-

He was in a squalid alley, together with Faith and Illyria, whom he had met there.

-You know, after a fight like this I always get horny- said Faith –But today it's something more... It feels like I'm in heat.-

-Your body temperature is in fact higher then usual- said Illyria –And you're emitting heat and pheromones.-

-Whoa, Illy, you're also a living thermometer?- joked Faith –Looks like you're more useful than I thought. Do you also have a cable connection in your brain?-

-Your mouth keeps on moving- said Illyria –But only useless noise comes out of it. Why is that?-

-Whatever, Frigid One.- replied Faith, before turning to Spike –So, "Blondiebear", you look like you could use a shower. Why don't you come to the hotel? We could have one... even together.-

-Oh, I'm really flattered by your offer- said Spike –But there's no way I'm going back to that Hotel. Not with the ponce brooding around. And I have a shower in my apartment.-

-Uhm... I miss cheap apartments. I'd love to come and visit- whispered sensually Faith in Spike's ear, and then she nibbled softly his earlobe.

-What about Blue?- he asked her, giving a concerned look to Illyria, who was staring at them with a curious look on her face.

-I'm pretty sure she has a compass incorporated, I don't think she'll get lost.- replied Faith –Right, Illy? Go back to the Hotel.-

-I shall be glad of not having your presence around me.- said Illyria, as she started walking away –I wouldn't disdain the pet to come with me, though.-

-I'm not your bloody pet, Blue!-.

-What's with this "pet" thing? Sounds kinky- laughed Faith, as Illyria disappeared in the distance.

The morning after, Angel woke up with another erection. The situation was becoming unbearable: he needed a release. He was so horny he would have fucked a Gyrash demon (and they were real ugly, and Angel wasn't even sure they had a hole) if he had met one.

So, thinking of the boy he had dreamt about, he lowered his boxers just under his balls and took his throbbing twelve inches cock in his hand. He started stroking, fast and hard, remembering the tight sensation of Derek's ass in his oh so realistic dream.

He kept on stroking while massaging his balls with his other hand. He felt the cum coming just as he thought of fucking hard Derek's ass. But just as the fist wave of cum spurted out of his cock, Liz slammed the door open and entered the room.

-Hey, Angel, do you know where-- OH MY GOD!!!!-

Angel immediately covered his erection with the sheets, blushing wildly.

-Whoa, I so need to knock before entering a room...- said Liz, trying to keep herself from giggling, and turning away so not to face Angel.

-What do you want, Liz?- asked Angel, hastily putting on his boxers. They weren't boxer-briefs, but they were quite tight, so his bulge was quite obvious, and Liz had to suppress another giggle when he saw him.

-I just wanted to ask you if you know where Faith is. She didn't come back yesterday night.-

-Well, maybe she went partying somewhere. Faith does that, I mean, I love her, but she's not exactly reliable.-

-Or maybe a C'Tomlyn has attacked her and killed her.-

-No C'Tomlyn has showed up ever since that last attack at the Drunken Turok-han, Liz. I understand you're scared, and this all new to you...-

-What? I'm not scared. It's just, I want to know if Faith's dead, cause if she is I'm taking her room. It's like, so much bigger than mine. It's not fair, I have more clothes.-

And said this, Liz left, with a strange sensation. Maybe it was because she had caught Angel masturbating, but she was feeling kind of horny.

Emmanuel was in the middle of the desert. He knew the church was near. It always changed place, but Emmanuel always "felt" its location. Finally he saw it appear in the distance.

It was a small, old church, with nothing special about it (apart from the fact of being in the middle of the desert). Emmanuel got to it, and once there he pushed the old, heavy, wooden door.

And the enormous offices of Wolfram and Hart appeared in front of him.

Busy people in suits were walking all around him, talking on the cell phone and looking at pieces of paper.

A blonde cute secretary behind a desk who Emmanuel had never seen before approached him smiling.

-Hi! Welcome to Wolfram and Hart, I'm Daisy, how may I help you?-

-I need to go to the White Room.- ordered Emmanuel.

-I'm sorry, no one can go up there, it's a no access zo...- She didn't even get to finish the phrase. Emmanuel lift her up with his telekinesis, strangling her with his psychic powers.

Daisy was struggling and coughing, but there was nothing she could do.

Fortunately, Gunn arrived from the elevator, dressed as a priest, and stopped Emmanuel.

-Put her down, Emmanuel, she's new, she didn't know who you are...- he said, grabbing Emmanuel's shoulder. Emmanuel immediately let her go from his mental grip-

Daisy fell to the floor, coughing and massaging her neck, taking deep breaths of the air she didn't think she was going to breathe anymore.

-What are you doing here?- Emmanuel asked Gunn –I didn't think you could get out of white room.-

Gunn gave a cheerful laugh. –Of course I can get out of there. I have to go and spread the Lord's message... I could send someone else for me, of course, but I love to see the faces of the people brighten up when they receive the message...-

-Why did you call me, Father?- asked Emmanuel.

-We've found where Liz is located. She's staying at the Hyperion Hotel.-

-I'll go there, then, and I'll bring her to you. Dead or alive, right?-

-No, thank you, I'm glad that you're always ready to do a job, but I'll go to Liz. There are some old friends of mine at the Hyperion Hotel that I'd like to see again. I have another job for you.-

-I'll do everything to please the Lord.-

-You have to find... And possibly eliminate Eve. I think you remember her, right? She used to be an angel, but now she's lost the way.-

And old memory, one that he could never forget, came to Emmanuel's mind.

He was just a child, and that beast had bitten him on the neck... He could feel the sharp fangs as the beast drained his blood. His relatives were already dead all around him... His father, his poor sister and mother... Their bodies were spread on the floor, surrounded by blood... But then he remembered Liz, healing him, showing him his powers and his destiny...

-Yes.- said coldly Emmanuel –I remember her.-

Lorne was still cleaning the drunken Turokhan. Jessy had given her 100 years old birthday party and the pub was still full of vomit and other demon fluids. He really needed to hire someone to clean. He hated cleaning. He heard the door opening and, without even looking, Lorne said: -It's closed.-

-But I'm Justin Timberlake.- replied the man who had got in in a cocky tone.

Lorne looked at him. He surely looked like Justin Timberlake.

-Oh great, another shape-shifting demon.- he said rolling his eyes –You know, you would be really great if you would learn how to transform your dick too. Because green sausages full of warts and spots are really a big turn off.-

-Eeeew.- said Justin –No, Lorne, it really is me. Don't you remember? We met at Wolfram and Hart... you were trying to hook up Colin Farrell with the head of the science department, What's-her-name Burkle.-

-Oh my god, it really is you!!!!!!- screamed Lorne, running to hug him –And, by the way, I tried to hook up Colin Farrell with all my girl friends. It never worked. Maybe he is gay. Lord I hope so.-

-Lorne, I'm glad to see you too, but you're kind of suffocating me- whispered weakly Justin Timberlake under the tight grip of Lorne. The demon immediately let go.

-Sorry about that, it's just... Have I told you you're my idol?-

-Yeah, and you've already asked me ten autographs, a signed picture of us together, an autographed cd for every album and single I've made and some of my hair.-

-I had an entire collection of celebrity hair. I only missed Britney's... You know, they became kind of rare after she went bald.-

-This is all... very nice... except from the hair part and the fact that we are in a club full of vomit and other disgusting stuff that I don't want to know about... Anyway, I'm here for a reason. I need a favour.-

-You know I'd do anything for you!!!-

-Someone's trying to kill me.-

-Who? Wolfram and Hart?-

-No. A pimp.-

Lorne for once didn't know what to reply.

Faith stepped out of the greatest shower she had ever had. Spike was still inside, completely worn out. Faith was a fiend when it came to sex.

-Are you always this... peppy?- he panted, still trying to get his forces back.

-Well, I always like it kind of... strong, but today I was even more... How can I say it?-


-Yeah, I guess that's the word.- smiled Faith, while she put on her clothes spread on the floor –In this day I've been feeling just so horny. But hey, you weren't bad yourself.-

-I wasn't bad? I'm the best, pet.-

-Not from what Buffy told me- smirked Faith.

-What do you mean?-

-Apparently, Mr Brood's lack of frequent sex makes him... more passionate-

Spike gave an unconvinced snort.

-The ponce doesn't even know how to give a proper blowjob.-

Faith laughed surprised.

-Oh my god, you're not telling me you two...-

-Hey, we're centenary vampires. We have tried a thing or two.-

-Is that why you two don't get along well? Love story gone bad?-

-No, we don't get along well because he is an annoying bore. And there never was a love story.-

-That's why you're not coming back to the Hyperion and instead you live in this cheap apartment? Only because he's an annoying bore?-

-No, there's much more... Buffy, Drusilla... You wouldn't understand.-

-I still think it's all unresolved sexual tension.-

-Anyway, what are you going to do?- said Spike, finally getting out of the shower, his flaccid six inches uncut cock swinging between his legs –There's always place for one more in here.-

-No, thank you- answered Faith with decisively –I think I like the former four star hotel best.-

Angel was walking around the Hyperion Hotel. It looked like he was all alone. Illyria was busy talking to a tree outside the hotel (she spent hours listening to the plant gossips. Apparently, their bush of roses had fertilized the bush of roses in front of a new sky scraper, and all the plants were scandalized by this.)

Harmony was still sleeping, like she did during the day. Actually, she always slept except from when she was clubbing or shopping. Angel didn't know why he still paid her as a secretary. He didn't even need a secretary, he only had like one case a month.

And Liz after having assisted at his little show had left to go shopping. Again.

He wondered where she and Harm got all the money. Actually, he knew that, even if he tried not to think about it: they were using his credit cards and he probably was now full of debts.

God, he needed to work. He was just thinking that when the doorbell rang.

-Come in!- he shouted. From the door appeared Lorne, with a man behind him.

-Oh, hi Lorne. Who's your friend?-

-What do you mean, who's my friend? He's Justin Timberlake!- answered Lorne.

-Justin who?-

-You really need to start watching mtv, Angeltoes.- said Lorne –Anyway, you met him at Wolfram and Hart.-

-Why the hell did you bring me a Wolfram an Hart's client?- asked Angel angrily.

-I'm not a Wolfram and Hart client anymore- intervened Justin –I just asked to make my new album successful... Then I realised it was wrong and I broke the deal... They weren't happy, you know, things were getting pretty ugly, then luckily it just went kabooey or whatever, and I got a contract with Timbaland, which pretty much is the same of a deal with the devil, without the giving up your soul...-

-... But now Wolfram and Hart as has sent some C'Tomlyns against you.-

-Some what? No, no C'Romblyns.. It's a much more delicate question...-


-Last month I had a... ehm... fun night with a... ehm... group of prostitutes, and their pimp has made a tape and now he is black mailing me.-

At first, Angel was completely stunned and didn't know what to say. At the thought of Justin Timberlake, though, his already excited cock twitched.

-And why did Lorne take you here? There's really nothing we can do about that...-

-They were demon prostitutes.- explained Lorne.

-Oh- just said Angel.

-I've always had a... passion for.. ehm.. extreme things.- added embarrassed Justin.

-Well... I still don't get what you want me to do. Do I have to kill pimp and prostitutes?-

-That would be tough.- replied Justin –Ever heard of Sugar Corporation?-

-The one that makes condoms?-

-It doesn't just make that. They produce every single sex item you can think of. Shuffles, vibrators...-

Angel felt like he was about to come there... That conversation was making him hornier and hornier.

-Anyway, the kinky sex items are all a cover to hide the prostitution business. And it's all coordinated by Big Daddy Sugar. And you don't want to mess with him.-

-So what do you think we should be doing?-

-Find a way to sneak in their archives and steal the movie.-

-But it's probably protected by a lot of demons and curses and stuff.-

-That's why I asked your help.-

-Mr Timberlake, I don't help famous singers to get their sex tapes back, I help the helpless.-

-You're not going to help me, then?-

-No, I don't think so.-

-Fine- concluded Justin angrily, and then turned away and got out.

-Angel, darling, are you nuts?!!!!- screamed Lorne as Justin disappeared out of the door –You just turned down Justin Fricking Timberlake!!! Plus, a lot of money! And you need money, I've seen the way Harm dresses, you would need to be Bill Gates to pay for those.-

-Are those clothes that expensive?- asked Angel concerned.

Lorne mouthed a suffered yes.

-I don't care...- added Angel, but a bit unsure –I mean, if I start helping stars for money, it would mean that I really got to the lower point in my life... That I'm not... A champion anymore...-

-But you need the money! It's not bad-

-Do you know when Harmony had her last vision, before the one about Faith and Liz? Three months ago. And you know what that means? That the Powers That Be aren't counting on me anymore. And being champion is everything that was left to me...And... I mean, I gave up everything fighting against Wolfram and Hart, and now... That too is gone...-

-Angel, I understand, believe me- said Lorne, putting a reassuring arm around Angel's shoulders –I lost everything that day too... But you'll see that the Powers That Be will start giving Harm visions again soon... But until then... You need to work. Think about that Liz for example. She needs to eat, she's not a vampire. And then there's college and...-

-Hey! I'm not his father, she's just my guest until... until...-

-Until when?-

-Well, we didn't specify until when, but we'll decide. It's still too soon, she's still under the shock of losing her father.-

-She didn't look very sad when she was shopping in that Gucci store.-

-She hides her fears by shopping. Harm told me that, she's become very sensitive to this stuff.-

-Angel, honey, she just tells that as an excuse to go shopping with Lil'Liz.- said Lorne –And, speaking of the devil...-

Harmony had appeared from the stairs, still in her pyjamas and looking tired.

-What are you doing up this early?- asked Angel –You usually sleep for another sixteen-eighteen hours.-

-I was!- replied Harmony annoyed –But I had the strangest dream. There was Justin Timberlake, and there's nothing strange about that. I always dream of him. Except lately he's always naked in my dreams, instead here he wasn't, and he was actually being killed by some like tentacly demon... It really wasn't sexy at all...-

-You said he was being killed?- asked Angel alarmed.

-Yeah, and it was kind of realistic. Really scary.-

-Oh my god- muttered Angel –Maybe he's going to get himself into troubles and I turned him down...-

-What do you mean you turned him down? Was like "sexy back" on the radio and it was too loud so you like... turned it down?-

-No, sweetie.- answered Lorne –Justin came here asking for help, but Angel sent him away.-

-Oh my god!- screamed Harmony hysterically –Justin frickin' Timberlake was here? Wait till I tell Liz... Oh my god, I'm walking on the ground he walked on!!! I'm breathing the air he has breathed!!!-

-Harm, you don't breathe.- stopped her Angel.

-I don't care!!! This whole place has been like... contaminated by him!!!-

-How is that a good thing?- asked Angel.

-Oh my god, do you even know who Justin Timberlake is?- yelled Harmony. Angel mouthed a low "no".

-He used to date Britney Spears. You do know Britney Spears, don't you?-

-Is... she an actress?- tried Angel. Harmony and Lorne looked at each other in shock.

-No, Angelkins, she really isn't...- replied Lorne –Watch Crossroads if you don't believe me.-

-Oh my god- was saying Harmony to herself –He doesn't know who Britney Spears is. In what world does he live in? Maybe all that soul has made him become a retard.-

-Anyway, Angel...- said Lorne –ooops you did it again, you turned down Justin and now you need to protect him. And if you will let him die I promise I'll kill you. So... What are you going to do? –

Derek was having breakfast with College Adam. Neither of them mentioned what had happened the night before. Derek had thought that maybe things were going to become weird between them, but they hadn't. College Adam was joking around like always, and Derek was laughing.

They were interrupted by Lilith.

-You have to begin your training- she told Derek, impassive as ever.

-Can't I finish eating first? And I have to get dressed, I'm still in my pyjamas.-

-You will be given a training suit once you're there.- replied Lilith without even move her eyelashes.

-Thanks but I'll pass.- retorted Derek –I'm tired of always following orders without being told anything.-

-That's not an acceptable answer.- said monotonously Lilith, grabbing Derek with unexpected strength and dragging him away.

-Oh well.- said College Adam waving at Derek who was trying to escape Lilith's grab –More bacon for me.-

-Where are you taking me?- asked Derek, giving up on the impossible task of freeing himself.

-In the training room.- answered Lilith –To do your training.-

-No really?- replied sarcastically the boy.

-Yes, really.- said Lilith, emotionless as ever.

She and Derek entered Eve's room. He had never been there. The walls were covered by some kind of mystical symbols, but apart from that it looked like a very expensive hotel suite.

-I don't see much space to train here.- said Derek.

There was a glimpse in one of Lilith's eyes and suddenly all the room changed. It had become a wide room full of what looked like futuristic gym machines and white walls. Eve and the Adams (except for College Adam, who was still enjoying his bacon) were there.

-Where's Adam III?- asked Eve.

-He was eating.- answered Lilith.

-And you didn't bring him here?-

-He wasn't necessary to the task.-

-No, he wasn't.- said Eve –But he could show some interest in the mission every once in a while.-

-What mission?- asked Derek.

-Oh, you're a curious little boy, aren't you?- smirked Eve. –We're just trying to help you. We'll teach how to control the demon inside you.-

-Why?- asked Derek –You said that every important and powerful demon is after me. The police is after me. So why bother and help me?-

-Because your actions will change the destiny of the world. And since we live in this world, it would be nice if you don't destroy it and all.-

-Is it this powerful?- asked Derek –This demons inside me... Is it this powerful?-

-You know, Derek...- said Eve –If you want to control it, you really have to stop calling it like it's not a part of you. Because it is. It's you. And the sooner you learn that the easier will it be for you to control it.-

-Can we just get at it?- said Strong Adam stretching his arms, dressed in shorts and a tank top that showed his muscles –I'm getting bored of all these talk.-

-Of course, probably thinking for more then ten seconds boils your brain, right?- said a voice. Derek turned around. College Adam had appeared out of nowhere.

-So, Adam III, you decided to finally join us.- said angrily Eve.

-the add in tv was right: that bacon was just so irresistible I couldn't stop eating it.- replied Adam, then he sat down –So? Have I missed the show?-

-No- answered Strong Adam –All we've done was talking. I'm bored.-

-Okay, let's start then.- smiled Eve, sitting on a bench with Elegant Adam, College Adam and Lilith. Derek was left alone in the centre of the room, with Strong Adam smiling in a menacing way.

-So... You're going to train me?- asked Derek.

-I'm going to train you indeed.- said Strong Adam, and then punched him right in the face.

It was such a strong blow that Derek found himself flying through the room until he hit a wall and fell to the floor. His face was a mess, all covered in blood, and his nose was probably broken.

-Are you completely crazy?- he screamed, covering his face with his hand –Shit!!!!- then he turned to Eve and the others –Are you just going to watch?-

-He's right, Eve- said College Adam –Adam II shouldn't have hit him with such a strong punch.-

-It's not my fault he's so lame. You told me he was going to be strong- said Strong Adam.

-Oh, he is- smirked Eve –He just doesn't know it yet.-

-I want to stop this right now!- shouted Derek –Let me go!-

-That's just pathetic- said Strong Adam, getting to Derek and lifting him up with just one arm –You're pathetic- then he hit him in the stomach.

Then Derek felt it again. The anger filling his body. He was losing control, like he had done against that hooded demon in the motel. The fangs started growing again.

-Oh, no, no, you're doing this all wrong- said Eve rolling her eyes –You need to control the demon, not to make him control you. You just need his strength, not to turn into him.-

The demon Derek had just turned him roared. And Derek couldn't do anything: he could still hear and see, but he couldn't control any part of his body. It was like he was trapped inside the demon.

He charged against Eve. But before he could hit her, Strong Adam grabbed him from behind.

The demon turned around and punched him hard in the stomach while keeping him steady with the other arm. Blood spilled from Strong Adam's mouth, but he didn't seem worried at all Actually, he smiled and cleared off the blood.

-Now that's what I'm talking about- he grinned, before kicking the demon full force. Demonic Derek stumbled a bit but this time he didn't fly across the room. He took Strong Adam by his neck and lifted him in the air. The boy couldn't breathe and his veins were pulsing. That demon realy was going to kill him.

-Eve, you've got to stop Derek- said calmly Elegant Adam –He's going to kill the three of us- Then he cleaned the blood coming from his mouth, just like the one coming from Strong Adam's one. His veins too were pulsing are swelling like the one of the other Adam and he couldn't breathe. The same was for College Adam.

-As you wish- said Eve –Lilith, start procedure 13.-

-Yes, ma'am- said obediently Lilith. From underneath one of her nails came out a sharp of needle, with a black liquid dripping out of hit. She ran to the demon and pushed the needle in his skin.

Immediately the demon turned back into Derek, who fell on his knees feeling weak.

-This is going to take more time than I thought- commented Eve –I'll see you all back in this room this evening. Now Derek you should rest a bit.-

The she left with Lilith and Strong and Elegant Adam, living Derek lying exhausted and bruised on the floor, alone with only College Adam waiting for him.

-Are you okay?-

-Do I look okay to you?- shouted Derek in response –What the fuck is this place? What the fuck do you people want from me? Why can't you just let me go?-

-We're doing this for you- said Adam in a kind voice –I know it looks like we're keeping you trapped and torturing you, but we're doing this to protect you. A lot of bad guys are looking or you outside. And you're also wanted for murder, we saw that on the tv today.-

Derek didn't know how to answers. He could feel tears forming in his eyes.

"No" he thought "I'm not gonna let them see me cry. No. They already think I'm weak."

-I want to get away from here.- eventually said Derek –Not forever... It's just... I need I break, okay? Could you let me get away for a bit? I'll come back.-

-I... I don't thin... The others would get mad and...-


-Okay. But we got to be stealthy. Metal gear solid like. And only for a little bit.. And keep your cell phone on all the time.-

-I don't have a cell phone.-

College Adam took a phone from his hands and gave it to him.

-You have it now.-

Justin Timberlake was back at his mansion. And what a mansion. It was big, rich, and accessorized with all the latest comforts. He was now lying on his floating mattress in the middle of his cd-shaped swimming pool in his swimming shorts. Suddenly his hunky butler, Nick, turned up, wearing just a black thong.

-Hey, Just, you've got visitors.- he said, kind of annoyed –They interrupted my cam session.-

Nick had a second job as a pornstar on the internet.

-Who is it?-

-Why the fuck should I know?-

-Because you're my butler. It is your job to know this things.-

-Bullshit. Anyway, they're waiting at the door, you'd better move you fucking ass and meet them, or they'll get pissed. And they don't look like the kind of people to piss. Well, actually, there's one with really bad skin problems that looks kind of gay and weak. But he does have to horns that could be dangerous.-

-Lorne- understood Justin –I'll be right there.-

Ten minutes afterwards, Justin greeted Lorne and Angel in the beautiful living room of his mansion with an annoyed look on his face.

-So... What are you doing here?- he asked.

-I changed my mind- answered Angel, giving a long look at the popstars's pecks and six pack. He was so hot in just his swimming trunks. His cock got hard again. –I want to help you-

-Why I'm I not convinced? Oh wait, I know why. Because like three hours ago you told me no way.-

-I don't know what to say... You are...

-You are his model in life.- interrupted him Lorne. Angel gave him an angry look. -It's just that he is... a big fan of yours.-

-Wouldn't that make him wanna help me?-

-Because I wasn't a big fan of yours before. Then... I listened to your songs on the radio two hours ago. Wow, they are great- lied Angel –"La vida loca" is wonderful.-

-That's Ricky Martin's.- replied coldly Justin.

-Right. Sure.- assented Angel –But, plus, you dated Britney Spears... And god, she's the hottest.-

-She's bald and psychotic.- remembered him Justin.

-Always had a thing for bald chicks.-

-Okay.- said Justin –I'll pretend we'll never had this conversation, and we'll skip to the part where you'll help me. Let's go to the Hyperion Hotel, we can talk there, it's more private.-

When Justin was a bit distant, Angel whispered to Lorne's ear

-Why couldn't we just tell me that Harmony had a vision where he was going to die?-

-Because we would have scared him, or he would have thought we were crazy.-

-Oh yeah, because in that conversation I passed as such stable and sane person.-

They followed Justin in Angel's viper until they got to the Hyperion.

Once inside, they found the whole gang: Illyria bored had destroyed the rose buch and was now busy putting in order all the books in the hotel by their colours and shape; Faith had got back from Spike's and was now talking to Liz and Harmony in the hall.

-Harm, are you kidding me?- was screaming Liz –Justin Timberlake really was here?-

-Duh! Wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. Nothing this cool has ever happened before.-

-Well, I've just had sex with spike. That was pretty cool- said Faith. Harmony opened her mouth scandalized.

-You did what?!!! Oh my god I can't believe it!!!- shouted the vampire –Probably he's just sleeping with as much girl as he can to forget me.-

-I don't really care- replied Faith –I just really needed to have sex... I'm just so horny lately.-

-I know, me too.- agreed Liz –I just hope Tom will come and visit, I gave him the address, and I really need a release.-

-Yeah, I've been horny too- admitted Harmony –I actually had sex with the horn of my stuffed unicorn.-

-I've been experiencing strange sensations too.- intervened Illyria, taking a pause from ordering the books –I feel a tingle in my vagina and I feel the urge to reproduce by getting a stranger tool inside me so we can exchange liquids.-

-Wow, you make it sound really sexy- said Liz slightly disgusted.

-You know what's sexy?- said Harmony giggling –Justin Timberlake. And he's been here.-

-You're joking!!!!- cried Liz –He's been here and I've missed him? That would have been, like, the highlight of my life!!-

-And that's really sad- commented Faith.

-Sad?- said Harmony –He's like the hottest!!! I'd like to ride him all day long.-

-I'm flattered- said Justin Timberlake, who had just walked in with Lorne –I'll leave you my number... You never know.-

At first Liz and Harmony just stared at him, too surprised to speak. But then they started bouncing, giggling and screaming.

-Omg he's back!!!- shouted Harmony, and practically jumped on the popstar.

-Will you sign my ass, which by the way rocks, please?- she asked, lowering her mini skirt and exposing her butt cheeks to Justin Timberlake. The singer took a pen from his jacket pocket and did as he was asked.

-Thank you- smiled Harmony.

-No, really, thank you- said Justin, looking for one last time at Harm's ass before she covered it again.

-Okay, let's stop all this Justin's worshipping, please.- said Angel –He's here for a serious reason.-

-That is to say...?- asked Faith.

-A pimp is blackmailing him with a sex tape.-

-I thought you said serious.- said Faith.

-It's a demon pimp.-

-Sex tape?- said Harmony excited –I'd like to see that.-

-Yeah, that's why you're not going to be part of "retrieve the tape" mission.-

-That's not fair!!!- cried the secretary –I mean... This is a demon pimp, right? So he's probably looking for prostitute. And I could be a perfect one. I mean, I'll just get something from Faith's wardrobe.-

-When do I get to slay her?- said Faith looking at Harm.

-You know, Harm, for once you had a very good idea.- said Angel.

-Really?- shouted Harmony in surprise –Omg, so, am I like part of the mission?-

-No. But Faith and Illyria will pretend to be the prostitutes. In case there's need to fight.- planned Angel –And Liz... You're good with math, are you good with computers too?-

-Well... Yes, but please don't tell anyone.- answered Liz with pleading eyes.

-Ok, then you'll be a prostitute too.- explained Angel –The sex movie is probably going to be archived in a computer protected by password. You'll need to get all hackery.-

-What's a prostitute?- asked Illyria.

-It's a woman who... sells her body to strangers.- explained Angel.

-Like a cow to a butcher.-

-Not exactly... Oh god this is going to be hard to explain...-

Ever since he had met those two guys, Angel and Lorne, Nick had been horny. Probably that Angel guy had made him hot with broodiness. Nick didn't usually like guys but that Angel had... something that had got him excited.

That was good, it made his work easier.

Nick was in a dark room, in front of his computer, with his webcam on. He slowly lowered his thong, showing his eight inches cut dick to the camera. He was so horny that he didn't even need to stroke it to get it hard.

Now naked, he sat on an armchair and spread his legs. He spat on his hand and then put it on his cock and started stroking it. Once he really got into the rhythm he started massaging his balls with his left hand. Then he lowered his hand, putting his fingers at the entrance of his hole. He slowy pushed one finger inside. He had never had sex with a guy, and he didn't want to, but he liked the feeling of having something up his ass. He stroked himself faster, feeling the cum arriving.

And he was just about to shoot his spunk when doorbell rang. Annoyed, Nick turned off the camera and put on a pair of jeans, then went to open the door.

Waiting at the door there was this big, muscley man, looking like a white rapper. He was with two almost undressed girls. One was wearing a bra and a miniskirt, while the other was a blonde that only had a pair of panties and covered her enourmous breasts with a big, alive snake.

-Ciao, my name is Big Daddy- said the man with an Italian accent.

-Yeah, I really don't care- replied Nick, and closed the door.

But the blonde girl stopped the door from with her snake.

-Grazie, Medusa- thanked her Big Daddy, opening the door again, and turned to Nick –You know, that was very rude of you.-

-I don't give a fuck about rudeness.- replied Nick.

-Now that is really rude.- said Big Daddy –Will you call your master and tell him to come, per favore? We have unfinished business.-

-My master? Justin's not my "master". And anyway, he's not in the house.-

-And when is he coming back?-

-I don't know, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you and your whores. Now fuck off.-

-Tsk, tsk, tsk...- smiled Big Daddy –That wasn't the right answer. Medusa, will you please teach this butler a lesson in manners?-

Medusa walked towards Nick, smiling in threatening way and stroking her snake.

Big Daddy closed the door, so not to disturb the neighbours with the sound of Nick's screams.

End of part 1.

There's not all the sex I promised there was going to be. But only because this is the first part of the episode. Stay tuned for Sweet dreams part 2.


-When I decided Milo Ventimiglia was going to be Derek (in the beginning he was meant to be Sean Ashmore) I hadn't even seen or even heard of heroes (which is now one of my favourite shows)...

-At first I thought of Hayden Panettiere for the role of Liz, but since she was already with Milo in Heroes I decided to cast first Kaley Cuoco (but she just didn't feel right) and then Rachel Bilson (but she had already been a slayer in Buffy), and finally Kristen Bell (I love Veronica Mars)... And a bit after I found out that she was going to be in Heroes too (in the second season!!!)

-I didn't want Angel Investigations to be back at the Hyperion but since I didn't want to describe a new place (I know, I'm lazy) I decided to make the Hyperion their headquarters again.

-In my first idea of season six I didn't think of bringing Eve back, but now she's one of the most important character in the plot.

-And yes, as some as asked me, at first I wanted to kill Liz in the second episode, that's why she's not one of the regulars...But even I still don't know how much she's going to last!!!

-I had another idea for season six which was going to be set in two hundreds years from now, in a future society ruled by demons that Angel and Spike tried to fight.

-Elegant Adam was going to be Wentwoth Miller, but then I remembered she had already been (and died) in the second season of Buffy.

Next: Chapter 4

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