Angel Season Six

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Oct 24, 2007


Disclaimer: I don't own Angel (it's a Fox trademark, I think) and I don't know the true sexuality of all the celebrities mentioned.

Episode 2 "reunion" Part 2

In this episode there isn't any sex (sorry!!! But in the next episode there will be a lot, to make happy all those horny readers!!!!) and this episode was at first supposed to be together with the first one, so it's kind of slow because I needed to introduce all the characters... But now I'll leave you to the fanfic.

Liz and Harmony were really having the time of their lives... Well, death in Harmony's case.

They had been shopping at a 24/7 mall, and now they were wildly clubbing.

They were now in one of L.A.'s hottest clubs, the Sunset, and after having been dancing for hours with the sexiest boys, they were resting at the bar.

-All those boys made me thirsty.- sighed Harmony.

-Why don't you drink then?-

-I've promised Angel I would never drink again in my life.-

-Oh, you were an alcoholic?-

-No, I'm a vampire.-

-Oh, you too? Everybody is a vampire or a vampire slayer around here. Or a demon.-

-Those two guys looking at us don't seem like vampires...-

The two cute men approached the girls.

-Hey... Are we disturbing?- asked them the taller one, with black hair and piercing blue eyes.

-Totally not!!!- said smiling Harmony. --I'm Harmony-

-And I'm Liz.- said Liz with a smile.

-Tom- said the one with black hair.

-Chad- introduced himself the other one, a hot blonde.

-So, would you girls like anything to drink?- asked them then Tom.

-Oh, yes please.- answered greedily Harmony, staring at Chad's jugular.

Liz frowned her with one of hers bad looks.

-I meant that I want a bloodymary- said annoyed Harm.

Liz looked relieved.

-And an orgasm for me-she said with a sexy smile.

Tom smiled back at her.

-I'll do my best- he said.

-Just go- giggled Liz.

He and Chad went to get the drinks.

-Omg, they're like so cute!!!- exploded Harm when they were out of reach.

-Yeah, I saw you putting your eyes on Chad's neck.-

-I'm not going to drink him, I promise. Talking about drinking... Are you eighteen?-

-Well... I'm... uh... actually-

-don't worry, I don't care!!! Let's get drunk!!!!-

Chad and Tom got back, and they started drinking and dancing.

-Where are we?- asked Derek looking around him.

Eve had took him in what looked like an abandoned site.

-This is an archaeological site. It was abandoned in the seventies, when people working here started disappearing in mysterious circumstances.-

-And so I repeat my question: what the hell are we doing here?-

-There was a reason they disappeared. There's portal here to another... Ok, stop right there- said Eve stopping in front of a large and deep hole full of rubbish and old machines.

-This is the place-

-Oh wow a dumpster, how nice... Can we go now? I don't even know why I followed you, you must be just one looney and...-

Suddenly Eve, without even blinking her eyes, jumped into the hole and disappeared in the rubbish.

-Oh shit...-screamed worried Derek --Holy shit, Eve, are you all right? I'm... Going to call help...-

But who was he going to call? He probably was a wanted fugitive by now, he couldn't really go to the authorities.

Derek looked at the hole, and sighed trying to get courage.

"Hey, after all I'm a demon, I must have some superpowers..." he thought,

The he closed his eyes and he jumped.

He didn't open his eyes until he felt the ground under his feet.


David Boreanaz ... Angel

James Marsters ... Spike

Amy Hacker ... Illyria

Mercedes McNab ... Harmony

Milo Ventimiglia ... Derek

Andy Hallet ... Lorne

And Eliza Dushku as Faith

Guest starring: Kristen Bell as Liz, Sarah Thompson as Eve, Tom Welling as Tom, Chad Michael Murray as Chad, Jared Podalecky as Emmanuel, J. August Richards as Gunn, James Lafferty as Strong Adam, Adam Brody as College Adam, James Franco as Elegant Adam, Carly Pope as Lilith

Special Guest Star: Evan Rachel Wood as Elizabeth Powell

The fall didn't take a lot of time. Actually, it took only a fraction of second.

-You can open your eyes now, you've arrived.- he heard Eve say. He slowly opened his eyes.

-Arrived where? What is this place?- he asked looking around him.

They were on the top of a small rock cliff surrounded by a sea of fog and it looked like there wasn't anything else apart from some other deserted rock cliffs coming out of the fog.

-Come here- said Eve, climbing down some steps on the cliff followed by Derek. She stopped just before the fog started, in front of a cave carved inside the cliff. She and Derek walked in and suddenly light came out of nowhere and illuminated the cave.

It was a small cave, but it looked kind of... comfortable. Well, at least, as comfortable as a cave can be. There was a small old bed with rugged sheets and a statue of a beautiful woman with a snakelike tongue. Other than that, it was empty.

-This is the Sanctuary of Erinne, the goddess of thieves and deceivers.- explained Eve --It's a kind of dimension hidden within dimensions.-

-Dimension as in... Plane of existence?-

-Or plane of non-existence, in the case of this dimension. This is a place that doesn't exist. It's a safe spot, here, created to hide. They won't find us.-

-They? Do you mean the police?-

-Yeah, they are probably after you. But they're the one we should least be worried about.-

-What do you mean? Who's after me?-

-Soon all the demons that have some kind of relevance n the underworld of every dimension will be looking for you. But now it's not the time for explanation. We're both tired, so how about we have a good night sleep and talk about it tomorrow?-

-I'm not tired.-

-Well, I am, so good night.- she said, laying on the bed. --Oh, and one last advice: stay away from the fog-

-What... Why? What would happen if?-

Eve just gave Derek her usual sinister smile and closed her eyes.

-So, where are we going?- asked Faith.

She, Angel and Illyria were walking down one of the many dirty roads she had seen that day, except that now it was dark and they were even creepier.

-We're looking for an old friend. Her name's Eve, she was our liaison to the senior partners, maybe she knows something. --answered Angel.

-She's a traitor.- growled Illyria --She's scum. A good ruler would have killed her long ago...-

-Yes, Illyria, you already told me your opinion many times. But right now Eve is our only hope to try to understand what's going on.- replied Angel.

-In my times, I would have just walked to the Wolf, the Ram, the Hart and squashed them with my very hands.-

-Yeah, everything was better in your times, except for the suffering, the maiming and the killing.-

-Is that very different from what's going on now? At least in my times there were open and fair wars.-

-We're not here to discuss politics. This is the place.- Angel concluded as they got to another sad flat. They entered and found themselves in a small corridor where an old lady was cleaning, with her gaze lost into nowhere.

-Ehm... excuse me, miss... Are you the housekeeper? Do you know someone named Eve? Do you know if she's here? She's petite, with light brown hair, and...- tried to ask Angel, but the lady didn't even answer, and she just kept on staring in front of her.

-Well, thanks for nothing.-

The trio climbed some stairs until they reached one the apartments. There was no name on the door.

-Last time I heard of Eve she lived here. We can hope she hasn't moved out.-

He kicked the door down and they got in.

All the rooms were full of magic symbols to hide from superior forces.

-Yes, this is so like our Eve- said Angel with a smile, looking at the symbols.

-But where is she?- asked Faith.

-Maybe she knew we were coming. Maybe she was the one to send the C'Tomlyn.- murmured Illyria. --She desires revenge more than anything.-

-What do you know about revenge?- said Angel.

-I know what it is. I craved for revenge when Wesley was murdered.- she explained in her usual indistinct tone.

-Well, then, Illyria, maybe she was. This still means we have to find her.-

-You won't find her here.- Angel, Illyria and Faith turned around.

It had been the lady that had been cleaning the floor before to speak, now standing on the door with an apathyc voice ad the gaze still lost in the distance.

-You know where she is?- Angel questioned her.

-She's not here, she's not there. She's nowhere.-

"Oh , good, another one gone nuts... Just what we needed" thought Faith.

-She must be somewhere- she said to the lady, like she was talking to a little child.

-No, she isn't anywhere, you silly girl. Why would I lie?- the lady said. Then she gave a strange, empty smile, turned and started to clean again.

-Ehm... Miss?- called her Angel. This time she didn't answer. --Well, thanks for nothing again. That really was helpful, if you're a psychiatrist I mean, because analysing you would be very interesting and...-

-Erinne...- murmured Illyria in a disgusted voice -I know where Eve is- she added.

-What?- asked both Angel and Faith.

-Erinne was one of the ancient ones. But she wasn't like us. She was much more similar to humans, she was fraudulent and a thief.-

-Just the goddess for Eve, then. So, where do you think we could find her?- asked Angel.

-Erinne was defeated and banned from her kingdom, and all the ancient ones were after her. So she created a new plane where she could hide in all her cowardry, a new hidden dimension of non-existence. That's where Eve probably is right now.-

-And how do we find a dimension that doesn't exist?-

-We never found the dimension to give Erinne the castigation she deserved.-

-Maybe we could do a ritual or something...- suggested Faith.

-But how? I don't know any witches in L.A.-

-Hey! I've lived with Willow for a bit, I must've caught up something.-

-You lived with Willow?-

-Yeah, you know, when there was the First in Sunnydale, and a little bit afterwards. We all lived together... It was a bit like Seventh Heaven, just with more death and destruction. And without the annoying father, which was nice. Well, there was Giles for that.-

-You were in the Heavens?- asked Illyria --And you dare saying they were not superb and...-

-Not the heavens, Seventh Heaven, it's just a stupid series on tv...-

-Tv is the box that humans waste their time on, isn't it?- said with superiority Illyria.

-I practically never watch it... Except for those cheerleaders movies, Bring it on 1 2 and 3, what can I say? Nobody can resist a good cheer.- smiled Faith. Illyria just gave her a cold look.

-Your slayer friend- she told Angel --She's annoying. When can I eliminate her?-

-Okay, I get it, you're not much for jokes- replied Faith --So, what do we do now?-

-We could try to go back to the Hyperion and look for some books.- said Angel.

-Don't we have some kind of Giles or Willow or even Dawn or Andrew to do that?-

-It's just us. And Harmony, but she's not really good with books. I'm not sure she even knows how to write.-

As David Guetta's "Baby when the light" played Harmony was dancing real close with Chad and Liz with Tom.

Tom leaned his face closer to Liz's.

-Has anyone told you look just like... Oh my god... What is the name of that show...-

-Veronica Mars?- suggested Liz --Cause I've heard it a couple of time...-

-Veronica Mars? Nah, she's shorter, and you're hotter. Actually I was going to say Chloe, from Smallville.-

-Smallville? That show's crap...-

-Hey! It's my favourite!!!- replied Tom.

-Oh, shut up and dance- smiled Liz, holding him closer.

-So... Are you a senior too?- asked Chad. Harmony started laughing.

-Why are you laughing? Oh my god, you're not underaged, are you?-

Harmoy laughed even more. --Underaged? Hahaha, no, I'm 27!!!-

Chad frowned.

-You're 27? Holy shit, I was hitting on an old lady.-

Harmony's laugh disappeared all at once.

-What did you just say?- she growled.

Tom caressed Liz's hair and leaned in to kiss her.

-I mean, you're kind of an oldy...-

Next thing Chad was flying through the club after one of Harmony's punch.

Tom face was less than an inch apart from Liz's when Harmony, angry, took Liz by her arm and abruptly pulled her away.

-Liz, we're leaving. Apparently, I'm too old to be in this club.- she said and stormed out of the club, dragging Liz with her.

-Call me!!!!- managed to shout Liz to Tom before disappearing out of the door.

Just as they left, a very smart man in a suite with sunglasses came in.

His face was very serious, and when he got in he immediately looked around like he was looking for something.

-Hey sexy, are you looking for some girl?- asked a drunk blonde girl in the club approaching him with her giggly brunette friend behind.. --`Cause if you did, well, you've found her. It's me.-

The man examined her from head to toe, his expression as serious and severe as before.

-What's your name?- he asked.

-Elizabeth Powell. But you can call me Liz.-

"Liz." He thought "And she is blonde." Was she the girl he was looking for?

-What about you? What's your name?- asked Elizabeth.

-My name is Emmanuel- he answered calmly. He decided to go for it... If the girl was really her, well, he had completed his task. If she wasn't... There were many casualties in the Lord's way.

-Emmanuel? That's unusual.-

-It means "Sent by God".- he explained, then decided to quickly cut to the chase --Hey Liz, do you wanna go somewhere more private?-

-I was waiting only for that.- she agreed with a smile, the turned to her friend --Hey, Cassie, see you later... Tomorrow, if I'm lucky. Bye.-

-Bye Lizzy!!!- said Cassie as her friend followed Emmanuel out of the Sunset, into a dark alley empty except for the drunk kids and the occasional smooching couple.

-Brrr, it's cold out here...- said Lizzy trying to get closer to Emmanuel, but he kept on walking in a fast pace.

-I'm not surprised, since you're wearing those clothes. The clothes of Eve, and the whore of Babylon.-

-I'm sorry?- said offended Lizzy, stopping.

-What? You wear those clothes to tempt men into sin, don't you?-

-You know, I really think I'll go back into the Sunset, thank you- she said, turning around.

-I don't think so- cried Emmanuel, grabbing her violently by her arm.

-What are you doing? You let me go, you freak!!!- exclaimed Lizzy, half angry and half frightened.

-You don't order me around, bitch- replied Emmanuel, slapping her in the face and not letting her go.

-HELP!!!!- shouted the girl --SOMEBODY!!!! PLEASE!!!-

-Nobody hears you, bitch.- told her the man --And even if they did, they wouldn't care. Who would, for a slut like you?-

-WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!!!!- cried Lizzy trying to free herself.

-You know exactly what I want, Liz.- answered coldly Emmanuel.

Lizzy finally managed to kick him in his balls and started running away.

She was so scared she didn't care in which direction she was running, and soon she found out to be all alone, there was noone she could ask for help. But at least, she had outran Emmanuel.

She took her cell from her purse, and started desperately dialing 911.

But just as she pushed the "Call" button, the cell flew away from her hand.

-What the fuck?- she said. Then she saw it. Her cell phone was floating in mid air, without anyone holding it. And, not too distant, there was Emmanuel, with a cold smile on his face. His sunglasses had fallen when Lizzy had kicked him, and now she could see his eyes.

And so she realized there was something really wrong with that guy. Not because his eyes were purple and shiny, which would have been shocking enough, but because they were pure evil. There was no trace of kindness or mercy in them. And Lizzy understood she didn't stand a chance. He wasn't going to spare her for anything in the world.

So she didn't even tried to plead him as he lifted her in the air with the same force he was making the cell phone float, and then broke her neck with just the power of his mind.

Harmony was still walking very fast dragging Liz with her.

-Harm, can we stop? I'm tired, these heels are destroying me!!!- implored Liz.

-He said I was old!!! Me!!! I mean, I'm a vampire, I have the gift of eternal youth!-

-Well, he thought that you were eighteen at first, didn't he?-

-Hey, you're right!- smiled Harmony --I'm feeling like so much better now! Thanks Liz!!!- Then her expression turned sad again.

-Hey, wait a second. It's kind of sad. I look eighteen only because I was killed when I was eighteen. But I'll never be twenty, and thirty, you know, the age of work and success.-

-No, you'll be, You'll just keep looking eighteen, and that's the best part.-

-Oh my god, you're like so smart, it's true!!!- said relieved Harmony --So, where do you want to go now? I don't wanna go back to the Sunset, it would be like so embarrassing.-

-Now that I think about it, I saw a club near her when I was with Faith. The drunken Turok something. Ever heard of it?-

-No, but every club that has "Drunken" in its name is the club for me. Let's go-

Liz took her hand, they giggled and decided to go.

But suddenly a girl's scream came to their ears.


-What was that?- asked Liz

-Don't worry, it must be a spat between a couple- explained Harmony --You know, people get really drunk in the Sunset and things that shouldn't happen happen, and so they fight. It happens all the time.-

Just a little after she had said this, a blonde girl passed the by running, without even seeing them, with a terrified look on her face.

Liz looked worried. --Maybe we should have helped her.-

-Liz, darling, we help the helpless, not every drunk we meet on the streets- laughed Harmony, as they turned into another dark alley.

-Is Los Angeles just a big dark alley after another or is it just my impression?- said Faith as the Hyperion Hotel came in view.

-It's better to use unknown streets, if there are some C'Tomlyns after us they won't find us so easily.- explained Angel.

-So isn't it a bad idea to go back to the Hyperion? That's probably the first place they'll go looking for us.-

-Yes, but all the books are in there. And we have to wait for Harmony and Liz before leaving. We can't let those two be alone, they wouldn't last a second.-

Fortunately there was no C'tomlyn or killer waiting inside the hotel.

-The books are upstairs- said Angel guiding Faith and Illyria. He looked sad when he said it.

-Is something wrong?- asked Faith.

-No, it's fine, really, it's just... I haven't been in this room for a long time.- he answered opening a door. The smell of dust immediately hit their nostrils.

-This was Wesley's room- said Illyria with grief -These books are filled with his essence. I can almost smell him in them.-

-And that's kind of disgusting. And creepy- intervened Faith.

But Illyria didn't even bother. Memories had taken over her.

-Why do I feel like this, Angel?- she asked, almost desperately --Why haven't I forgotten him yet? I had much more valuable warriors than him in my army, but I've never grieved over them.But he...I feel something in my stomach whenever I think of him. Like something has carved inside me.-

-It's only human.-

-It's so stupid and useless. Losing precious mortal time remembering the lost ones. It's so... human... I can't stand it- added Illyria. She was almost crying.

-We should look for the book- stopped her Angel.

-So... what are we looking for... "Magic for Dummies"?- asked Faith, giving quick looks at the books. --Or "Hogwarts's guide to magic" perhaps?-

-Wesley was the one good with books... I don't know, let's look for interdimensional travelling, or portals or something like that.-

Faith and Angel immediately started going through piles of books, while Illyria simply stared at them.

-Giles made it look so simple...- sighed Faith, opening yet another book. --And we could do quicker if the "king of all creatures" helped us reading.-

-I don't need to read books- retorted Illyria --They talk to me. How can you not hear them? They are practically shouting.-

-Fred had a way better sense of humour.- commented Faith.

-I found the book that we are looking for.- said Illyria ignoring her. --It explains how to open a portal to every dimension we please.-

-Oh, so I guess Big Smurf isn't just completely nuts after all.- said Faith grabbing the book Illyria was pointing at --Let's get to work.-

Not many minutes after, they were in the hall of the Hyperion where they had gathered everything they needed.

-Okaaay...- said Faith --Now we should lit the black candles and turn off the lights.-

Angel did as she said.

-And now we have to sit in a circle and hold our hands.- she continued, sitting down on the floor.

When they were ready, Faith closed her eyes.

-Okay, isn't this nice and cosy?- she said, before starting the chanting.

-Oh mighty Kronos, ruler of all spaces and times, we humbly call on thee. Give us your blessing, and show us the path to the place that is nowhere.-

There was a rumble, the earth trembled, and there was a flash of light, but when they opened their eyes, nothing had happened.

-Mmm...- mumbled Faith disappointed --Who wants to try Latin?-

Derek was absently staring at the fog beneath him. Maybe he should jump, disappear in that cold mist, and all his problems would disappear with him. What was the sense of still being alive when the person he loved most was gone, and he was the one who had killed him?

He slowly put one hand into the fog, and he felt it surrounded by cold. But then the fog started crawling up his arm, and pulled him into itself.

-What the fuck?- cried Derek, trying to pull back and free himself.

But then that cold mist was all around him, and he couldn't even breath as he was dragged into that sea of despair... But suddenly a smooth hand pulled him out, and he could breathe again, and see the rock around him.

-I told you to stay away from the fog.- was telling him Eve, taking him inside the cave.

-What... What would have happened to me if you... if you hadn't saved me?- he asked her.

-You would have got lost forever. You would have kept on falling through infinite unknown dimensions. For all eternity. Not exactly a trip to Disneyland.-

-I want to leave this place immediately.-

-And go where? We'll stay here until some friends of mine we'll come to get us.-

-Who? Why? Why can't you just tell me what's going on?-

-Okay, okay, you're right. I'll tell you what I know.- agreed Eve --But then, you'll have to do as I say, okay?- Derek nodded --You're a demon. A very powerful demon, in fact. A demon so strong that the faith of all universe depends on you. You can save it all, or destroy it. That's why you don't have to do anything reckless, or it could end up like with Sean.-

-How do you know about Sean?-

-We've been watching you for a while. I'm sorry we couldn't help. I know how it feels like to lose someone you love.- And with that she gave him a sad smile, and stopped talking.

-That's it!!!!- screamed happily Liz --I recognize it!!!-

-That's the Drunken Turok-something? It looks kind of cheap.- snorted Harmony.

-Cheap is the new glamour, haven't you heard?- replied Liz, stepping inside the club with her friend.

-Oh shit- she said just as she got in and saw all the demons surrounding her --A star trek convention. Wonderful, we'll be surrounded by nerds.-

-Liz, darling, they're not star trek fans.- trembled Harmony --They're demons.-

-Oh. That's better.-

-Yeah, Liz, how about we start running now?- suggested Harmony slowly stepping back.

But then a voice came from behind the bar desk.



Then a blonde vampire stepped forward.

-Harmony? Lorne?- he asked in surprise.

-Spike?!!!- said Lorne.




-Liz- intervened Liz.

-Liz, this are my friends, Spike and Lorne.-

-I'm not your friend, you betrayed us all.- retorted Spike.

-Oh, yeah, well, sorry about that. But that Hamilton was so hot.-

-Harm, you're such a nymphomaniac.-

-Is it some kind of demon?- asked Harmony confused.

-Oh my god!! Honeys, what are you doing here?- asked Lorne pulling Harmony and Spike in a hug. Spike immediately pushed him away.

-Let's not get too sentimental, shall we.-

-C'mon Spike, it's just a hug!!!- Spike surrendered to the hug with an annoyed look on his face.

Liz examined Lorne. --Is he gay?- she asked Harmony --I didn't think there were gay demons. I don't know, I've always thought of demons as big cruel macho yetis. Instead he's just so...stylish-

But Harmony was too excited of having found her two old friends to answer.

-Isn't it like so weird? I mean, finding you two in here.-

-The world is full of coincidence- said Lorne.

-Bollocks- interrupted him Spike --This is too weird to be just a coincidence. It feels like someone had set us up, or maybe it's a...-

And just then he saw it, coming towards them with the scythe hidden in its rob.

-...Trap.- he concluded. --Harm, Lorne, Liz, get down!!!!-

-Oh, not another one...- sighed Liz seeing the C'Tomlyn.

The C'Tomlyn tried to hit Spike with his scythe, but he turned left and the scythe crashed into the bardesk, and got stuck in there.

Some demons all around had started running away scared, while others watched happily the fight, cheering for the C'Tomlyn or for Spike.

-No more weapons, big boy- said the vampire with a smile to his enemy --It's just you and me now.-

The C'Tomlyn smiled and pulled another scythe from under his robe.

-You're really not one for fair fights, uh?-

The C'Tomlyn disappeared and rematerialized behind the blonde vampire. Then it pushed him to the ground, pressing on top of him. The blade of the scythe was only a few inches away from Spike's throat, and the vampire was putting all his strength in keeping it away.

-Harm!!!- he screamed as the blade got nearer and nearer --Do something?-

-Why me?- asked Harmony panicking.

-Cause you're a bloody vampire!!!!!-

-Oh yeah right... Sorry I forgot- apologized Harmony, and then started slapping the C'Tomlyn on the back with the same strength of a grand mother taking sleeping pills.

The C'Tomlyn turned around and sent Harmony flying across the club with a single blow. Harmony hit the wall and fell to the floor.

-Oh no- she said --I've broken my nail.- Then she fainted.

Luckily, Harmony attack had been a distraction and Spike had managed to free himself from under the C'Tomlyn.

He tried to hit the C'Tomlyn from behind with a chair, but the demon once again disappeared and reappeared in front of him and punched him right in the face. Spike was thrown across the bar too, and fell on top of the unconscious Harmony.

The demon then turned to Lorne.

-There's no way to discuss this in front of a good cup of tea, right?- tried Lorne stepping back.

The C'Tomlyn materialized in front of him, holding his scythe high upon his head.

-Hey sweetiekins- whispered Lorne to Liz --Cover your ears.-

-What?- asked confused Liz, but did as she was told.

She didn't quite hear the high note Lorne screamed, making all the demons in the bar, including the C'Tomlyn, let go of everything they were holding and cover their ears.

Lorne quickly grabbed the scythe and stabbed the C'Tomlyn, dusting it.

-Not bad for a gay demon!- cheered him Liz.

-And you didn't die, which is good for a teen blonde bimbo. You know, you blondes usually end up all dead and stuff in this fights.- replied Lorne --Now, help me get Harmony and Spike and leave, there could be other C'Tomlyns coming.-

Angel and Faith had tried every variation they could on the spell. They had even tried speaking in ancient Chinese, and Faith had spilled some of her blood as a sacrifice to Kronos. But nothing. There had been earthquakes, thunders and all kind of mystical smokes, but not a single portal had opened. Even Illyria was getting bored.

-I don't understand- muttered Faith --We've done everything we were meant to. God, I suck at magic.-

-You know what I don't understand?- said Spike, walking in helped by Lorne, followed by Harmony and Liz --How Harmony still hasn't learned how to fight.-

-Yes I have!!!- replied Harmony upset --I slay vampire all the times, like... twice!-

-Spike?- asked Angel in surprise --Lorne? What are you two doing here?-

-Don't sound too excited...- said Lorne.

-No, I am, really, it's just... unexpected. And why are you so beaten up? What has happened?-

-Another one of those G'Momblyns- answered Liz.

-You mean C'Tomlyns - corrected her Illyria.

-Whatever, blue king of all creatures. So, what are you doing? Because black candles and all this Marylin Manson stuff have gone out of fashion like in the nineties.-

-We're trying to open a portal to a place that doesn't exist, but it's not working.- explained Faith.

--There must be something wrong in the chanting, but I don't get what.-

-Let me see...- said Lorne grabbing the book. Faith had annotated the chant for the portal in the top of a page. -- "Oh mighty Kronos, ruler of all spaces and times, we humbly call on thee. Give us your blessing, and show us the path to the place that is nowhere." Maybe Kronos doesn't open the portal because this is so pathetic. Gods have a certain dignity, you know. They're not Britney. They don't like bad written chants.-

-The book said it was meant to be written like this.-

-The problem's not with the style of the writing- said Liz looking at the page --The problem is with the choice of words.-

Everyone stared at her in surprise.

-No, I'm not a witch, don't look at me like that. It's just... You said this place doesn't exist? So this place is not nowhere, it's everywhere. I'm not crazy, it makes sense. Think of numbers. What numbers are the ones that don't exist? Every number divided by zero. This means every single number. So this is place is not nowhere, is everywhere.-

-Oh my god, my brain hurts- commented Harmony completely lost.

-Liz, you're a genius!- smiled Faith.

-I do my best to hide it. You know, you can't really be a cheer leader if you have good grades in math.-

-Don't worry, you hide it pretty well- said her Faith --So... How about we try the new version? And then we'll come back with this Eve and we'll have all the time to chat with Lorne and Spike about what they've done all this time?-

-Nothing particular, actually, I've been looking for Buffy but...- started Spike, but was interrupted by Angel.

-You'll tell us later, we don't have time to lose, Eve could go away from that dimension at every moment-

-You're still the same old ponce.- snorted Spike.

-And you're still the same annoying peroxided idiot.- responded Angel, before sitting down in a circle with Illyria and Faith and taking their hands.

  • Oh mighty Kronos, ruler of all spaces and times, we humbly call on thee. Give us your blessing, and show us the path to the place that is nowhere- they recited. Then there was a loud bang and they disappeared.

-What was that?- was asking Liz --It looked like those bad special effects from the Fantastic Four movie... By the way, Jessica Alba really has lovely hair and...-

But then she shut up in surprise. She wasn't in the Hyperion anymore. She was on the top of a rock cliff surrounded by fog, and Angel, Faith and Illyria were looking at her quite astonished.

-What are you doing here?- asked Faith --You weren't in the "magic circle", you should still be in the Hotel.-

-Yeah, I noticed that.- said Liz --Well... Whatever. I'm here now, so let's fine this "Eve" and get out of here as soon as possible. It's too damp in here, my hair could be ruined.-

-There's noone here.- noticed Illyria looking around.

-Maybe you were wrong- said Faith.

-I'm never wrong. This is the place that is nowhere. Maybe that woman was wrong.-

-Yeah, but you were the one who said that she wasn't just a normal cucu case. So you were wrong-

-Hey, you two, shut up.- interrupted them Angel --Look, there are stairs.-

-Oh pretty- said Liz, starting climbing them down --Oh look, there's a cave. Maybe there's someone in there. HEY, ANYBODY THERE?- she yelled. Faith shut her up with her hand.

-Ever heard of being stealthy? Eve is hiding from us, I don't think that yelling at her is such a good idea.-

Derek was bored of being in that stupid cave.

-When are you friends coming?- he asked impatiently Eve.

-When the time is right.- was the calm answer.

-And when would that be?-

-Soon enough.-

Derek said but didn't say anything else. That fog had freaked him out, he didn't want to stay in that place another moment. Then suddenly they heard it.

A girl was yelling at them.


-Oh shit- muttered Eve --Quickly, we have to go.-

-Go where?- he asked as Eve dragged him out of the cave.

Once out he could see a very strange assortment of people on the cliff: there was a woman that looked like a blue pornstar, then a dark, handsome man, a girl with a "bad-girl" look, and, for last, a blonde teen bimbo.

His eyes met the one of the man. "Angelus..." said a voice in his head. He couldn't stop staring at those deep eyes.

-Eve!!!- screamed the blue one. --You won't escape us this time!-

-Quick, Derek, we have to jump!!!!- yelled Eve at him. But he wasn't even listening to her. He was lost in those beautiful dark eyes, and the same was for Angel.

Eve annoyed jumped and pulled Derek in the fog with her.

-What? No!!!- screamed Derek as the cold surrounded him once again.

-Oh shit, they're gone- said disappointed Faith.

-Angel. What was wrong with you? You just froze and kept on staring at the boy!- said Illyria taking Angel out of his trance.

-I'm sorry, it's just... I felt like I knew that boy- answered Angel --Probably I've seen him at Wolfram and Hart or something like that... He must be one of Eve's evil and scheming friends.-

-Okay, but what do we do now?- asked Faith --We didn't look for a way to go back.-

-We could try clapping our feet three times and say "There's no place like home"- joked Liz.

-They jumped, didn't they?- said Angel, and then jumped into the fog.

-Angel, no!!!!- screamed Faith, but he was already gone. Illyria quickly followed him.

-This things never end up well- sighed Faith, and then jumped as well.

-There's no place like home...- mumbled Liz, then she closed her eyes and jumped too.

Derek felt like he was being torn into a vortex of colours and imaged. Everything around him was spinning, and he was falling at great speed. It was so confusing... Then he felt Eve's hand on his.

-we've arrived- she said, and then everything has stopped spinning around him, and he was in a very fashion designer couch in a glamorous and sophisticated penthouse of a high building. From the enormous windows he could see the shiny stars of the sky.

-Hey, he finally woke up!!!- said a guy who was staring at him, sitting on the arm of the couch where Derek was sleeping. He looked like a skater college student, with roughed hair and a white short sleeved shirt with the first buttons open and a tie. He has a boyish and funny face, and was kind of cute.

-So this is the great Derek?- said another guy, a very muscley and hunky boy who looked full of himself. He had slightly spiked hair, and was wearing a wife beater and a pair of jeans.

-He looks so fragile.- he added, taking a coke in his hands and squashing it without making particularly effort.

-Oh, you stop it, you're going to scare him- said another man, who was curiously looking at Derek from his armchair. He was very smart and was wearing a suite.

-Yes, guys, you are going to scare him- intervened Liz, coming from another room --Hey, Derek, sorry you had to wake up with just this three.-

-How long have I been sleeping?- asked Derek, still giving suspicious looks at the three guys in the room.

-Just a couple of hours, don't worry.- answered Liz --Anyway, this three attractive young man are Adam.-

-They are all called Adam?- asked Derek confused.

-Oh no- explained the boy sitting on the couch where Derek was laying --We all are Adam. We are three aspects of the same entity.-

-What? I don't get it!-

-Why?- asked a girl that Derek hadn't notice, working on a computer in the room --The concept of trinity is very common in human religions. Just take the Christian one: god is at the same time the Father, the son and the holy ghost. And practically every religion as a trinity, the Induh, even the ancient Egyptian one had a similar concept.-

-Oh, and that's Lilith- introduced her Eve --She's our personal Bill Gates, without all the money. --

Derek turned back to the three Adams.

-So, you three are... The same person but totally different at the same time?-

-Yes...- started the one Derek had started calling College Adam in his head, the one sitting on the couch.

-That pretty much...- continued Strong Adam, the one that had squashed the coke.

-Define us- concluded Elegant Adam, the one sitting on the armchair.

Derek felt his head spinning and fell asleep again.

-Oh god...- sighed College Adam.

-...We freaked him out...- that was strong Adam.

-...Again.- finished Elegant Adam.

-Have I already told you how I much I hate when you finish off the other's sentence?- said annoyed Eve --So please shut up until mr Fainting here wakes up again.-

Everything went black for Angel and the others, and when things got clear again they were back at the Hyperion.

-Well, that worked out well- announced Liz --Now I really need to go change my clothes. Where's my room.-

Angel was still too confused to answer and just stared at her blankly.

-Oh, I'll just found one myself.- Liz told him --Harm, will you help me take the clothes we bought before up? And I'd really like to stay in the suite.-

-Yeah... So you'll stay here? That's so cool. You're gonna be like my little sister!- beamed Harmony getting their shopping bags --I used to have a little sister, you know. Then I ate her.-

-Wow. That's encouraging- replied Liz.

-Don't worry, I'm not gonna eat you. Unless I get really drunk and kill and then forget about it. It happened once. Well, it actually hadn't been me to kill that guy, but...-

Harmony's voice drifted away as they disappeared out of the room and up the stairs.

-So that's girl staying here?- said Angel mostly to himself.

-Well, she's got nowhere else to go- answered Faith.

-But I'm a terrible parent. I mean, I had to give up my son after he tried to blow up a shopping mall.-

-Well, I like her- said Lorne --The girl's got a grip.-

-She's annoying and she talks too much. I would very much appreciate to kill her.- said Illyria.

-All this discussion about keeping or...- Spike gave a glare to Illyria --Kill the nibblet is very nice, but I've got to get going.-

-But we've got all this catching up to do!!!- stopped him Faith --Tonight you and Lorne are staying here. I want to know everything that has happened. I mean, last time I checked you were a pile of ashes under Sunnydale.-

So the night passed by with the tales of how Lorne had opened his own demon bar again, Spike had become a famous singer in the underworld and Angel had reopened Angel Investigation with his new seer, Harmony.

But in another part of Los Angeles, people weren't as happy and cheerful.

Emmanuel entered the White Room. If he had been called there, it meant that nothing good was going on.

The light in there was so bright he couldn't see anything at first. But Emmanuel knew he had to grateful for it: it was God's light hitting him.

-Emmanuel, Emmanuel...- said in a disappointed tone the male voice he had heard so many times --What have you done? That wasn't the girl you were meant to kill. You just killed an innocent.-

A tear fell from Emmanuel's purple eyes.

-I'm sorry, Lord.-

-Don't call me that. I'm nothing compared to Him, I'm just one of his messengers. I'm His voice, just like you are His hand. And as His hand, you mustn't mistake anymore. Find Liz and kill her, and you'll be forgiven.-

-Yes...- swore Emmanuel with a last tear, as a black man emerged from the light.

-You may go- said Gunn, patting him on his shoulder.

-Thank you...- said Emmanuel as he left the room. He had to punish himself for what he had done. Not because he had killed the girl, but because of the reason he had done that. He had always known that she wasn't the Liz he was looking for, but he had killed her anyway. Because he enjoyed the killing, and having an excuse to do it... But of course God really knew what he was really thinking. He wouldn't let his blood thirst take over him again.

Gunn smiled as Emmanuel left the room. Religious people were just so easy to use.

End of the Episodi.

Author's note: if you got any suggestions or even if you just like this story (or if you don't), please e-mail me at!!! Feedback is always appreciated!!!!

Why does Gunn want to kill Liz? Who sent the C'Tomlyns? What is Eve trying to do with Derek? Why do Angel and Derek feel like they know each other? Discover this on the next episodes!!!

Next Episode: Sweet Dreams. (And in this episode I'm going to make up for the missing sex in this episode)

Next: Chapter 3

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