Angel Season Six

By clio cazzimiei

Published on Oct 9, 2007


Disclaimers: Angel is a trademark of WB (I think) or maybe CW or whatever, who cares. I don't own it (I wish I did!!!) This story contains explicit sex scenes between Milo Ventimiglia/Zac Efron and in the next chapters will have a lot of David Boreanaz and James Marsters' slash. Don't read it if you don't like it. Also I don't know the real sexuality of the celebrities metioned and this is just a work of fiction

Angel season six Episode 1 Reunion

She was just a girl. A helpless girl in a dark alley. A helpless girl in a valley with a big strong vampire coming after her. Nothing new. Whan she realized she couldn't run away she stopped and she just punched him with all her strength. -Oh, I love it when they fight- he laughed -It makes'em tastier- She punched him again, and still he went on laughing. -C'mon, lil girl, in case you didn't notice, I am a demon. Even heard of superstrenght?- And then, suddenly, it happened. The vampire had a painful expression for a second, then it turnt into dust, revealing a brunette with a stake behind him. -Ever heard of Faith, the vampire slayer?- she said.

Credits David Boreanaz ... Angel James Marsters ... Spike Amy Hacker ... Illyria Mercedes McNab ... Harmony Milo Ventimiglia ... Derek Andy Hallet ... Lorne And Eliza Dushku as Faith Guest starring: Kristen Bell as Liz; Sarah Thompson as Eve Special guest star: Zac Efron as Sean

The girl just stared at Faith for a couple of minutes. Then she finally talked. -So... You're a vampire slayer?- -You know about vampire slayers?- -Everyone does... Sure, the government says you are only a bunch of terrorists that destroyed Sunnydale, but there are rumors, you know? Well, I always thought it was just an urban legend but... wow, vampires really do exist. That's like, kinda freaky... So, you're Faith right? By the way, what kind of a name is Faith? Oh, and, I'm Liz- Faith was starting to get annoyed. -So... Liz, Shouldn't you go home, or somewhere?- -Yeah, that would be nice... Expect my home went all boom and stuff.- -Excuse me?- -Well, yeah, you know, my dad was like a warlock, I guess... I mean, I didn't know, until this group of vampires showed up at my house this evening and said that the spell he prepared for them didn't work... My dad told me to run away and next thing I know there is no more home for me. Just a bunch of dust and ashes.- -Don't you have friends... I dunno, relatives to go to?- -Nope- "Oh god" thought Faith "My destiny is to save the world from vampires, not to babysit a sixteen years old who looks like she's just come out of Cosmopolitan" There was some an embarrassing silence for a bit. Then Faith finally said: -Well... I guess you could stay with me for a while- -Hey, thanks!!!! Really... And... I forgive you not to sound to enthusiastic when you said that. Because you still don't know me and all the fun we're gonna have together!!!- Liz was practically in heaven. You really wouldn't have said that her father had died only some hours early.

Derek was at the "Luxury Motel", a squall motel in the middle of nowhere, that didn't really have anything luxurius expect for the obese old men going at it with hookers. It wasn't the place a popular and attractive eighteen years old should have been. But he couldn't be anywhere else. Because everywhere else he could have been seen, and that he didn't want. Every night he prayed for his secret not to be discovered. There was a knock on his door. "Finally" Derek thought, and opened the door. On the door was standing a seventeen years old boy from his school, well built with spiked dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. -What took you so long, Sean?- Derek asked him while letting him in and hastily closing the door. -Hey, chill, I'm here, ain't I?- answered Sean in a calm tone. Then he grabbed Derek's crotch. -And I promise I'll be worth the waiting- he added whispering sensually in Derek's ear. -You're lucky I love you so much...- said Derek, kissing him on his lips. Sean immediately invaded the other boy's mouth with his tongue. He stopped kissing after some time, and got on his knees. He unzipped Derek's jeans, and took his cock out of the briefs. For a moment, he just stared at the beautiful dick in front of him: seven and a half inches long, cut, with that enormous mushroom head... He simply licked it at first, while stroking it slowly with one hand. Then he took the head in his mouth, gently sucking on it. He knew it made Derek mad. He took the first inches in his mouth, tickling the head with his tongue, and his head started bobbing up and down, every time engulfing more of that tasty cock, until he was deepthroating it. Derek put his hands on Sean's head, pushing him slightly to increase the rhythm of the blowjob. He also started thrusting his hips back and forward, to meet with Sean's mouth. Soon Sean had stopped bobbing at all. He just stood still, letting Derek fuck his face. After ten minutes of the face fucking, Sean let go of the dick. -Hey, lover, why don't we take it to the bed?- Derek didn't need to be asked twice. He lifted Sean on his arms and he slowly laid him on the bed on his back. He got on top of him, between his legs, and kissed him and hugged him. Then he started kissing his neck while unbuttoning Sean's shirt, as Sean was nibbling his ear and taking off his t-shirt. When both of their muscular chests were exposed, Derek started caressing Sean's sexy torso, and licking his erect nipples. -Oh, yeah, Derek, I love you so much- moaned Sean. Derek kissed him down his treasure trail, until he found his jeans. He unbuttoned them with his teeth and took them off, leaving Sean with a pair of white boxers briefs, that did nothing to hide the pulsing erection. He took off his own pants too, remaining with a pair of black briefs, and kissed Sean again, -Fuck me, Derek, I've been wanting this all day- moaned Sean. Derek turned him on his stomach and lowered Sean's boxer briefs, exposing his hard butt cheeks. He spread them and revealed the hairless pink little hole. He couldn't resist but lick it. Sean groaned in approval. Derek went on with the rim job until Sean stopped him. -Quit playing with me, I want you inside me- Derek quickly took his cock out of the briefs and shoved it in Sean's ass all at once. Sean screamed in pleasure, feeling the hard rod inside him hitting his prostate. -Oh, yeah, you're so tight- grunted Derek, giving Sean time to adjust to his cock. They had done this an hundred times, but Sean still felt so tight around his dick. When he felt like Sean was okay, he started thrusting in and out, slowly at first. Then he took all his cock out except the head, put Sean on all fours and then slammed it all in with one hard push. -Oh god- whimpered Sean feeling Derek's hairless balls slap against his butt. Derek now started fucking Sean doggystyle, hard and fast. There was no sound in the room, except the one of the slapping flesh and the occasional gruntings. As he continued fucking Sean's brains out, Derek put an hand between his lover's thighs and felt the briefs clad crotch. He pushed the boxer briefs down and took the hard cock in his hands. He jerked it at the same pace he was fucking Sean. Sean was in ecstasy, feeling Derek's hand on his six inches cut cock and his big cock in his ass. It had hurt a little at first but now he could only feel pleasure. After another ten minutes fucking doggy style, Sean and Derek changed position. Derek was lying on his back, his cock straight up, and Sean got rid of his boxers and then impaled himself on the cock. He started bouncing on that beautiful cock, fast and hard. He almost took it all out and then all in at once. At first Derek just stood still, moaning, letting Sean do all the work, but then he began thrusting his hips up, meeting with Sean's movements and impaling him harder on his cock. -Oh yeah- whimpered Sean riding Derek's cock. Derek reached out for Sean's dick and started jerking him off. Sean couldn't take it anymore: he was going to cum soon. Derek felt Sean's cock throb in his hand so he pushed him on the bed, on his back, and got on top of him, without ever taking his cock out. He took Sean's legs on his shoulder and started fucking him faster then ever, pounding his ass like an animal. Sean wasn't even able to speak. It wasn't long before he came, although he wasn't even touching his cock. The first spurt hit him on his chest, and the second one on his abdomen. His ass tightened around Derek's cock, who immediately came too. Sean felt the cum invading his ass. Derek collapsed on top of him and kissed him. They just drifted to sleep like that, with Derek still inside him.

Faith had taken Liz to a squall apartment with one room and a bathroom. -Ehm... So you live here?- asked Liz trying to hide her disappointment. -Yeah.- -Ehm... Wow... It is... Comfy, I guess...So... Can I ask you why you live here? I mean, you're a slayer, you save the world, shouldn't you be like a millionaire?- -Yeah, I wish... The government doesn't really like slayers, you know. So you'll just have to stay here only for a little while, until we can find somewhere else for you... So, are you sure you don't have any relatives?- -Well... Actually I have a cousin of my grandmother still alive. I've met her once, she's like this crazy lady with a lot of cats.- -Okay, where does she live?- -Los Angeles-

In Los Angeles, the Luxury Motel, Derek had just fallen asleep next to Sean. He had just realized something very important... He really loved Sean. He didn't care if people thought that was weird, or unnatural. And he didn't care what his team mates or his parents were gonna say, he really loved Sean, and he was gonna tell the world. He was going to come out. And yes, he would've probably done, but suddenly things went terribly wrong. One minute they were wonderfully asleep. The next, they had been woken up by an enormous hooded demon. It was a grey skeleton, wrapped in a black robe, and it was floating in the air, spinning around a big scythe. -What the fuck?- Derek didn't even have the time to finish the sentence when the scythe hit him on his shoulder. -You let him go!!!!- yelled Sean, jumping on the demon. The demon just took him and threw him on a wall of the room. Sean lost consciousness and collapsed on the floor. The demon growled and fixed his attention back on Derek, who had got out of bed just in his briefs and had taken a lamp to defend himselves. Derek looked at Sean. -You bastard!!!- he yelled against the demon, and attacked him with the lamp. The demon just laughed when he hit it. Then it lifted its scythe again upon Derek. But then something happened. Derek felt something grew inside him, and the next moment he had completely lost control. The demon hit him with the scythe, but the weapon just got destroyed hitting the hard skin of the boy. The demon now looked kind of worried. And he had every reason to. Derek didn't even look human anymore. He was two times as big, and his well developed muscle had now become comparable to rocks. Derek's eyes had turned red, and big fangs had grown in his mouth. The demon desperately attacked him again with a fist. Derek stopped it with his hand. Then he simply took the skull of the demon in his hands and squashed it. The demon disappeared into dust. Just then Sean regained consciousness, and saw his boyfriend in the middle of the room, looking like some kind of demon himself. He approached him slowly and carefully put a hand on his shoulder. But he wasn't touching his boyfriend shoulder. He was touching the shoulder of a demon. A big, angry, demon. And then everything happened so fast. Derek turned around, furious and crazy. He hit Sean in the stomach with his fist. It was so strong that the hand got inside and came out from the other side, impaling Sean on his arm. And suddenly Derek realized what he had done. He returned to his human form, and put Sean on the floor. That couldn't be real... But he could feel the blood on his arm, and he could see the hole in Sean's abdomen, and he could hear him breathing heavily as the life was leaving him. -Sean? Sean, baby?- he managed to say, trying to fight back the tears in his eyes. -I... Derek... What? What... is going on? Why is everything so... So bright?- -Sean... Don't leave me... You can do it, Sean...- -Derek... It... It hurts- And then Sean wasn't breathing anymore. And all Derek could do was hoping to wake up and find out that it only was a bad dream. But deep down he knew that it wasn't going to happen. He knew it was all real. He hugged Sean, one more time, knowing it was only a body he was holding, only a dead body. He cried in pain. He felt like something was tearing him up from inside. What was he supposed to do? He had just killed his boyfriend... What was he going to tell the police, that he didn't murdered him on purpose? That he was... Possessed at the moment? There was nothing he could do. He was completely helpless. And just them he remembered that card he had seen not too long before... "Angel Investigations: we help the helpless"

Los Angeles: had Faith missed it? Not at all. Last time she was there she had almost died and had faced Angelus. Not exactly her idea of fun. She couldn't believe she was going back. She was in a train, looking out of the window, trying to ignore Liz who just couldn't stop talking. Why was she being so protective with that girl? Why didn't she just give her a ticket to Los Angeles and leave her? Faith didn't know why, but she had the weird feeling she had to help that girl in her journey. Umpf. She was making it sound s heroic. After all, she was just getting Liz to her cousin, that wasn't exactly epic. Finally, just as Liz was babbling something like "Oh my god, look at his ass, it's like, soooo cute..." the train stopped. -Liz, stop staring at his ass, we're in Los Angeles- -Damn it... I'll have to get this train more often...- Faith wasn't listening to her anymore. She was looking at the city in front of her. She had often wondered who gave it that name. Los Angelese really wasn't appropriated. Hell City was the name she would have given it. -Hey, is everything ok? You've been acting weird ever since we got in Los Angeles..- asked her Liz. - Yeah, I Know, I'm sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me, it's just... It doesn't matter, god, I'm acting like Buffy...- -What's a Buffy?- -Just one of the most boring people I've ever met... So, where does your aunt leave?- -And you're asking me? You're the one with superpowers and stuff, I thought that you were good at finding people and stuff like that.- -No, I'm good at slaying demons, that's why I'm called the "slayer"- replied Faith annoyed -What made you even think I was good at finding people?- -Well, you found me...- -Lucky me...- sighed Faith rolling her eyes, while they got off the train.

Derek had run as far as he could from the motel, he had run until he didn't have anymore air in his lungs, and even after that. What had just happened couldn't be real. A monster had just attacked him, and he had turned into a monster as well and then he had... here it was the hardest part... he had killed Sean. What was he gonna do? The police was going to find him! He didn't really care. Nothing mattered, since Sean was.... He still couldn't believe. Not Sean. Derek now was in the probably cheapest part pf L.A.. It actually somehow looked like the streets outside the Bronze, the club Derek used to go when he stil lived in Sunnydale. He had left Sunnydale four years before, and a couple of days after the town had collapsed onto itself. He looked again at the dirty street he was in. And he saw a club. "The drunken Turokhan". Derek didn't know exactly what a turokhan was, but it looked like one of those cheap bars where he could hide without raising too many questions. So he got in. And he saw them: the club was full of demons, and they were all staring at him.

Faith and Liz were now totally lost, probably because of the indications Liz was giving... -Hey it's that way, yeah, I remember that street... No, wait, who put that skycraper there? I'm sure it wasn't there last time.- -But in the Los Angeles guide it's written that this skycraper was built in the 70's.- -Well, clearly the person who's written that guide is so ignorant.- -Did I tell you I was a slayer? Well, if you don't find this house soon I'll be slaying you.- -Okay, like, chill out, sista.- -I'm not your sister, luckily for you, or you would have been dead a long time ago.- -I thought you might have liked the ghetto slang.- -Liz, you're not black.- -So? You're just going to judge me by the colour of my skin?- -Whatever, Liz, just find that house and...- But Liz was distracted. -Hey!!! Look at that!!! A club!!! "The Drunken Tu..." Turokhan? What's a Turokhan.- -Believe me, you really don't wanna know.- answered Faith, and she grabbed Liz and they disappeared into another unknown alley.

The demons kept at staring at Derek in silence. Derek was tense, preparing himself to fight. But noone did anything until finally the red-horned green demon sitting behind the bar talked. -Hello, sweetiekins. Do you want anything?- Derek didn't know what to say and just babbled a "No thank you". The bartender demon looked at the others demons. -Hey. What are you staring at? Have you never seen a human before?- The demons slowly stopped staring at Derek and started doing what they were doing before, chatting, playing cards and, of course, drinking. Derek shyly got to the desk. -Hey, cutie- approached him a sexy blonde girl -Do you want anything to drink?- and then suddenly her face changed and fangs appeared in her mouth -Or I could drink you, if you prefer.- -Get your slutty fangs away from the boy, Jessy!!!- shouted the bartender demon, and Jessy walked away with a disappointed look on her face. Then he turned to Derek. -Sorry about her, she's always hungry... And she's also a bit of a nimphomaniac. But deep down she's good. Apart from that soulless thing of her of course. I'm Lorne, by the way.- -Oh.. Ehm.. Hi. I'm Derek.- -What is a boy so.. mmm... human doing here?- -I got lost.- -Then I can help you find the way- said Lorne with a smile -All you've got to do is sing.-

Faith looked at the squall building in front of her. She and Liz were in dirty and desert street, loking at what looked like an abandoned building. -So...- said Liz with a disgusted look on her face -This is what I'm going to call home sweet home I guess.- -Are you sure you're... what was it again?... Your grandma's cousin lives here?- -Yeah, I recognize the smell of cat pee. And this horrible street.- -C'mon, it's not that bad... If you don't mind the smell, the dirt and those rats I've seen before.- -Let me just say it's not my idea of a dream house.- -Anyway, here we are. Do you want me to come with you to your grandma's... what was it again? Well, your somewhat relative? -No, thank you, I think I can handle it.- -Okay, then. I guess this is goodbye.- -Shouldn't you give me some very wise piece advise before you leave?- -Yeah, you're right... ehm... . Stay away from drugs and don't eat too much mcdonalds.- -Okay. Thank you- Faith gave Liz a last goodbye smile and walked away. She felt kind of sad. She was almost starting to like that girl. As for Liz, she had just sighed looking at the house in front of her. She couldn't believe she was gonna spend the two years that missed until her eighteenth birthday in that squall place. She got to the door. It was open. She got in, and find herself in a dark hall. -Hey, is anywhere there?- no answer. Wonderful. If she was not mistaken her "somewhat relative" lived on the third floor. But how was she going to find the stairs? It was too dark to see. -Please, could someone turn on the light?- she shouted again, this time also knocking at a door near her. Again there was no answer, but this time she heard the door where she had came in from shutting up with a loud bang. It was getting almost creepy. -Hey? Please, will someone just give any sign of life?- But there was only silence. Liz finally decided to find the stairs by herself. She finally managed to get to the floor her "whatever relative" lived in. She opened the door and had the sudden urge to throw up. Te house smelled like there was something rotten in it. There was so much light in there that Liz couldn't see anything at first, but when she could finally see she just wished she never had. There was dirt everywhere, rotten corpse of cats and, sitting on an old dirty armchaird, there was the fat dead body of Liz's "whatever relative", with a terrified look on her face. Liz turned around and screamed. There was a hooded demon behind her, staring at her with some kind of grin on his skull-face and a big scythe in his hands.

Faith was walking away from the building. Why was she feeling so sad? She had known that girl from less than a day, and she didn't even particularly like her... Faith then realized what it was. Helping that girl had helped finding her way again. Her destiny. Ever since they had defeated the First and Robin had died, she had become nothing but a shadow of herself. Living in a cheap apartment and killing vampires all the time. But that girl had awaken a part of her that had been asleep for so long... And she felt it was way too soon to say goodbye. And just then she heard Liz screaming. She immediately turned back and started running towards the building.

One moment the demon was staring at Liz a few feet away, and the next it was right in front of her, his horrible skull almost touching with Liz's face. -Please- pleaded the girl -Please don't hurt me... I'd do anything... Please...- The demon raised his scythe with a cold laugh. Liz was already picturing herself dead when someone hit the demon from behind. -You know, I'm getting really tired of saving you- said Faith hitting the demon with another punch in its face. -Faith!!!! You're back!!!- -Liz, this really isn't a goof time for talking!- replied Faith, ducking in order to avoid a blow from the demon. She was ready to kick him, but the demon suddenly disappeared a reappered behind her. -Oh shit, it's fast- cried Faith avoiding another blow. The he tried to punch him , but the demon was already gone. -Where is it now?- asked Faith looking around her trying not to lose her guard. Liz finally saw it, floating just above Faith. -Faith!!!! Be careful!!! Look up!!!- Faith looked just in time to protect herself with her right arm from that terrible scythe. The blade cut deep into her arm. -Shit...- she managed to say, trying not to think about the pain. How was she gonna defeat the demon now with such a serious injury? She had no chance. -Liz, you run away!!! A friend of mine used to live in L.A., dunno if he still does Go look for him... His name is Angel, he'll help you!- she cried, trying to fight back the demon who was just hitting her blow after blow. -No, Faith, I won't leave you here...- -Just go!!!! I don't know how much more I can resist against him!!!- The demon striked again with his scythem this time cuttinh Faith on her belly. Faith fell to the floor panting heavily. The demon raised its scythe, getting ready for the final hit. Liz just couldn't let that happen. She took a chair and throw at the demon, who stopped and turned to face the girl. -No!!! Liz!!! Just leave!!!!!- The demon walked towards the girl, real slow this time. Liz didn't even try to run. The demon gave her a victory smile, but then something else happened. A handsome blackhaired gay came in from a window, disarmed the demon and killed him with its own scythe. -Angel!!!!- screamed happily Faith, getting up. -Faith, you're hurt!- said Angel, running to help her stand up. -Oh, it's nothing, I get this kind of bruises all the time and...- And then Faith lost consciousness.

Derek was standing on the stage, embarrassed like he had never been before. He founded hard to sing by himself while showering, and now all this demons were looking at hi,- -C'mon sweetiekins, you don't have to be shy. Most of this demons can't put more then two notes together, you'll sound like Ricky Martin compared to them- reassured him Lorne. -So, what are you going to sing? You should try something of Justin Timberlake, you know, he is one of my favourite singers...- -Actually I kind of prefer Halleluja... Jeff Buckley...- -Oh, aren't we depressed... Halleluja it is, then...- Derek started singing, really emberassed. He had quite a good voice, but it was trembling for the embaressment. -I heard there was a secret chord, that David played and it pleased the lord...- Lorne listened very careful. There was something strange in that boy. -But you don't really care for music, do you...- And then Lorne felt it all in its head. All the violence, the pain, the sorrow. It was too much. -And it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth...- And Lorne saw it. It was big, it was strong, it was angry. And it was part of the boy. Lorne stopped the music. -What's wrong? Was I that bad?- asked Derek. -You have to leave. Now.- answered Lorne, with a scared look on his face. -What?! Why? What's going on?- -Just go. I'm sorry, Derek, I can't help you. Look... Look for Angel, see if you can find him. He used to live in Los Angeles, I don't know if he is still here.- -Can you please tell me what's going on?- -No, I can't, now just leave, please.- Derek did as he said, a bit angry, a bit worried, a bit even sad. Lorne looked at the boy leaving. Was he doing the right thing? Shouldn't he try to figure out what was going on and maybe help that poor boy? No. It was too dangerous, and Lorne had decided to stay out of this kind of stuff long before.

When Faith woke up she was in a familiar place. It didn't take long for her to recognize where she was: the hyperion hotel. -Hey!!! She woke up!!!- she heard Liz say. -Good... Faith, how are you?- asked her Angel, concerned. -Pretty well, for having just been stabbed by a demon.- -it didn't technically stabbed you, you know- sad Liz -He more kind of.. cut your stomach open. Eeew, by the way.- said Liz. Faith pretended she didn't hear her and turned to Angel. -So... How did you know we were there, in danger?- -A friend of mine had a vision- -Yeah, of course, forgot about those... So I guess Cordelia managed to destroy that evil thingy possessing her, uh?- For a moment, a sad look came on Angel face, but he hid it immediately. -Well... Actually, no, it wasn't her to have a vision, it was...- Harmony appeared at the door. -Hey, bossy, aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?- Then she gave a long look to Faith. -Hey, weren't you one of Buffy's freak friends in high school?- Faith looked perplexed. -Why did the Powers That Be choose her?- she asked. - Because of my stunning fashion sense, of course- -I don't know, actually- intervened Angel -We think it probably was some kind of magic mistake- -We?- asked Faith confused -Who's we?- And just then Illyria walked in. -Fred?- now Faith was really confused -Woah, what's with this new Joanna queen of bondage look, and last time I saw you were less... Blue.- -Is she a demon? Shall I kill her?- asked Illyria. -No, you shan't... I mean, no, don't kill her, Illyria, she's my friend.- -Illyria? Did I lose something?- asked Faith. -You have no idea- was Angel's answer. -Oh, and by the way, since Faith doesn't look like she's going to introduce me anytime soon, I'm Liz- said Liz tired of waiting. -Angel- -Harmony- -And I am Illyria, kings of all creature and...- Harmony sighed of boredom. -I'm like so tired of hearing this speech every time someone asks her name- -You'll pay for this, impertinent lower being- growled Illyria in anger. -Yeah, whatever, I'm going to get changed into something a little more comforting, I expect will have to fight demons soon.- -Another vision?- asked Angel concerned. -No, it's just that every time someone you know shows up, there's always some demon to kill. You really need to get out more and get more normal friends, boss-. Harmony was ready to leave when Liz stopped her. -It's such a shame that you have to get changed- she told her -You are wearing such a nice dress- -Oh, thank god, finally someone that understands something about fashion!!! We have to go shopping sometimes- -Definitely, all my clothes were destroyed when my house exploded- -Hey, why don't we go right now? I mean, they are a slayer, a vampire and a "king of all creatures" I'm sure they can handle a couple of demons by theirselves- -Yeah, I'd so love that!!! But I don't have money...- -Don't worry about that!!! See you later, everyone!!- And the two girls disappeared down the stairs. -We'll just use my Boss' credit cards- said Harmony. -Hey!!! I heard that!!!- yelled Angel, but the two of them were already gone. -So... Wanna tell me what's happened?- asked Faith -Starting with why Fred is blue- -I am not that pathetic creature once knowed as Fred, for I am Illyria, the mighty ruler of demons- -I told you that staying too much in front of the computer was going to affect your brain, Fred- -No, Faith, she really is Illyria.- stopped her Angel -Fred is gone- Faith looked embarrassed and gloomy at the same time. -What happened? And where are Cordelia, Wesley, Lorne and Gunn?- -Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn didn't make it. And Lorne... Well, after Fred's death he simply couldn't handle it anymore. Fighting demons was never his ambition in life.- -But... How did this happen? How can they all be gone...- -We decided to fight Wolfram and Hart in the end. We declared open war And it didn't turn out well. For us.- -What happened?- -Gunn was already wounded badly, he was the first to die. And... We were gonna be killed too, soon, but...Well, it's really embarrassing, Harmony saved us. - -So, is she like, another vampire with a soul?- -Oh, no. She's soulless. Kind of evil, actually, but not really. Just the old Harmony you use to know back in Sunnydale.- -Oh god no.- -Well, you get used to her after a while- -How did she save you? She doesn't exactly looks like superchick.- -Apparently, the Powers That Be couldn't afford to lose me. They made a deal with Wolfram and Hart.- -What deal?- -I... I don't know.- -And Wolfram and Hart just was okay with it? Something doesn't convince me here.- -Yeah, you're right, they probably are planning something evil right now as we speak...- -Something like send a demon to kill me and Liz?- -You think it was Wolfram and Hart?- -I've done my homework, that was a C'Tomlyn, a mercenary demon. Someone must have hired him to kill us. Someone who knew that we were going to be there.- -And who better then Wolfram and Hart with their department of psychics and a lot of money to hire a C'Tomlyn?- -Exactly.-

Derek was completely lost, wondering around the bad streets of L.A.. Angel. That wasn't the first time he had heard that name. Suddenly he remembered. "Angel Investigations: we help the helplessa"... But it was something more... He felt like he knew this Angel. He had a clearly image of him in his mind: tall, black hair, pale.... Quite a hunk, actually... But he had never seen him before!!! And thinking about him he had a weird feeling... A feeling of evil, and rotten. And a name came to his mind: "Angelus". But why would have Lorne sent him to someone evil? Well, after all he was a demon... Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to look for this Angel. "But I'm demon too" thought Derek "Maybe I should be evil and help Angelus to rob old ladies or whatever evil demons do". Suddenly a voice came from behind him. -Hey, you look like you've got a problem- It was a short girl, with brown hair and an eerie smile on her cute face. -Who are you? Did Angel send you?- he asked her, concerned, stepping back. -Angel? Definitely not.- she answered -Don't be scared, I'm here to help you, Derek.- -How do you know my name?- -Oh, I know many things.- she said, her smile turning into an even eerier grin -And by the way, I'm Eve.-

End of part 1.

I hope you liked it. I know there wasn't a lot of sex (except Milo Ventimiglia/Zac Efron, wich is a thing I've always dreamed to read) but plenty is coming in the next episodes, and Spike is coming back too, so expect a lot of David Boreanaz and James Marsters action. And the plot gets better, I promise... If you liked please send me an email at Thank you!!!

Next: Chapter 2

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