Angel of Mine

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on Jan 31, 2003


Note: This is the last chapter of the story. I know it's been a while since I updated this story but hopefully all of you will like this story.

************* Angel of Mine 7 *************

*********** Jason's POV: ***********

I can't believe I'm back here in Dayton. After that episode with Ryan in the subway, Alecx and I decided that we should come clean to her parents. Alecx was still hesitant but I told her that her parents deserved to know the truth. We never should have lied in the first place.

"Alecx, is that you?" Mrs. Masters exclaimed when she went out of the house and saw both of them standing in the porch.

"Hi, mom," Alecx said in a weak voice.

"Who is it, honey?" Mr. Masters followed his wife to check who arrived.

"Jason and Alecx," Alecx's mom replied.

Mr. Masters was surprised to see the two out in the porch. "What are you two doing here?"

"Ummm---" Alecx stammered out an answer but words failed her.

"We need to talk, sir," Jason said in a mellow voice. He looked around and added, "Where's . . . Ryan?" Jason blushed a bit when Mr. Masters gave him a quizzical look. He knew it was weird that he should ask for Ryan's whereabouts but can't help himself.

"He's in his room," Mr. Masters answered. He turned to his wife and said, "Go, ask Ryan to come down. I think your daughter has an important thing to say."

Alecx and I followed Mr. Masters into the living room meekly. I had a feeling that Mr. Masters has an inkling as to the purpose of our visit. We both sat down on the couch as Mr. Masters fixed himself a scotch.

I was looking at the floor for the longest time when I heard a very familiar voice. Unfortunately, the warmth in that voice is gone.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!!!" I looked up and saw Ryan standing by the doorway.

"Ryan!" Mrs. Masters reprimanded her son.

"I know why this bastard is here mom!" Ryan was seething in anger as he glared at Jason. "He's just gonna lie again and again to cover up his sexuality."

"What are you talking about son?" Mr. Masters looked puzzled at his son's outburst.

"Ask that fucked up bastard!" Ryan, unable to control his anger, flees from the room to his parent's astonishment.

"Ryan---" Mrs. Masters started to follow his son but Alecx called out her name.

"Mom," Alecx stood up and looked at her mom and her dad. "I-I think I can explain why Ryan's so angry at Jason and me." I half-listened to Alecx as she explained the whole situation to her parents. But my mind was still on Ryan. He looked so angry and pissed off at me.

********** Ryan's POV **********

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Why the fuck did that bastard come here after what happened! He had already fooled Alecx and my parents. What does he hope to accomplish going here?

I shouldn't have just left New York without explaining to Alecx what happened in the subway. I shouldn't have just left her that note. That bastard must have thought of some stupid alibi to cover up the truth.

I gulped down the rest of my beer and climbed into my truck and drove home. I was ready to beat the crap out of that bastard if he was still there. But at the back of my mind, I can't help but wonder if the anger I felt was because Jason fooled Alecx or if I was angry because I had this attraction towards Jason I knew I can't act upon.

It was probably after 10 PM when I got back to the house. I was ready for a fight. But I was surprised to find the house dark and quiet. I clumsily opened the door and stumbled into the hallway noisily. I made my way up the stairs and to the guestroom. I expected to find Jason there but it was empty.

"Ryan?" Mom's voice asked me from behind. I turned around and saw my mom looking at me worriedly.

"Where is Jason?" I said with hostility in my voice.

"He and Alecx already left," My mom informed me.

"He told you how he knocked up Alecx just to prove he is straight, right?" I said with contempt.

"What are you talking about?" My mom looked puzzled. "Alecx is not pregnant."

"What?!" I couldn't believe what my mom said.

"Alecx already told us the truth," Mom explained to me. "She asked Jason to pose as her boyfriend so that your father won't push her into marriage. Jason didn't even know that Alecx would pretend to be pregnant when they got here."

"Wha---What?" Ryan stammered.

"Alecx told me that you thought that Jason used her," mom continued. "But you walked out before they could explain what really happened."

"Jason's not gay?" My mind was swirling with this new information.

"He's gay, son," My mom had an understanding look in her eyes. "He is Alecx's best friend. That's why he went along with your sister's insane plan."

I stood there unable to speak. I started to remember the times I spent with Jason, the way he looked at me. The way he smiled at me. The way he touched me. The way he laughed at my jokes. The way he would listen at my stories. Maybe I was right when I thought that Jason likes me. But with the way I treated him, does he still feel the same? Maybe. Maybe not. But I would do everything to find out.

*********** Jason's POV ***********

Why is everything I see and everything I do so boring right now? After Ryan, everything just seems so mundane. I hate that! God! Why does being in Love feels like you're drugged. When the drug is in your system, everything seems so alive and so vibrant. But once the drug is gone, everything just seems Not that Normalcy is bad. It's just that normalcy is just so normal. I guess the only ones who can truly understand is those who had fallen in and out of love.

"Fuck!" I cried out in frustration as I threw a book against the wall. I can't even concentrate to read a stupid book. When will I be able to get over this absurd emotion. I stood up and just paced around my apartment. I tried hard not to think about Ryan but his face always flashed before my eyes no matter what I do.

"Good afternoon," Alecx greeted me when she entered my apartment.

"What's so good about it?" I muttered out to her as I waited impatiently for the water to boil so I can fix myself a cup of coffee.

"You been in a bad mood for over a month now," Alecx sighed out deeply as she sat down on the dining table. "And everytime I ask you about it you just tell me you're tired. So, guess what I did?"

"You thought of another stupid plan to humiliate me in front of your family?" I replied a little sarcastically.

"Nothing like that," Alecx giggled a little bit. "I thought we could get out of the city for the weekend. I have a friend who owns this farm upstate. He's inviting us to see his farm."

"I'm not in the mood to drive upstate," I said tiredly. "You go."

"You have to go Jason," Alecx said to me. "I mean, this just might bring a smile to your face again."

"I doubt that," I said pessimistically.

"We are leaving at 7 tomorrow so you'd better pack up now and go to bed early," Alecx said in spite of my reluctance. I really hate it when she gets so bossy. I had a mind not to go but I know that taking a trip might help me get over Ryan.

"Isn't the view beautiful?" Alecx said happily as we drove along the countryside.

"It has it's charms," I grudgingly repleid to her. The view is really beautidul but I really can't appreciate the view since my mind is filled with only Ryan.

"We're almost at my friend's farm," Alecx said to me.

"Who's this farmer friend of yours anyway?" I sat up straight and looked at her quizzically. I was too focused on my depression that I forget about everything. Maybe it's time for me to forget about Ryan or what we could have shared and just focus on what I have right now. "Don't tell me it's that Emil guy that I really hate."

"It's a surprise," Alecx gave me a smirk. I prodded her to tell me who it was but she just continued to give me this teasing smile. She drove up a dirt road and stopped infront of a nice looking country house. We both got out and walked up the porch. I just reached the top steps when the front door opened and to my great shock, there was Ryan giving me a huge smile.

"Glad you had a safe trip," Ryan said in a warm voice.

"Ry-ryan?" I stammered out like an idiot. "What are you doing here?"

"I own this farm," Ryan explained to me. "Didn't Alecx tell you I invited you over for the weekend?"

"She---just said we were gonna visit a friend of hers," I still can't believe that Ryan was standing in front of me.

"I'm really tired from the drive," Alecx said to her brother. "You mind if I lay down for a while?"

"I already got your rooms ready," The two of us followed Ryan to our rooms. I put down my things in my room and then headed back down. I saw Ryan seated in the couch in the living room.

"I hope you weren't bored on the trip," Ryan stood up as I joined him. "This is kinda far from the city, huh?"

"A little bit," I answered him softly. We both sat down on the couch. I looked around uncomfortably because I didn't want to stare at his eyes. "This is a pretty nice farm. You really own this place?"

"I have this trust fund and a friend of a friend gave me a nice deal on this place," Ryan replied back. "I figured I could finally put to good use what I learned in the University. Plus I got an agent that would sell the furniture I make. You told me I should sell the rocking chairs I made, remember?"

"That's great," I said to him positively. "I'm sure that you'll make a lot of money selling your furniture. But what about your family ranch in Texas?"

"I..I don't really belong there anymore," Ryan said in a weak voice.

"What do you mean?" I looked at him quizzically. "Anything bad happened there?"

"I-just don't belong there anymore," Ryan said after a pause.

"And you belong here?" I laughed softly a bit. "I hope you don't take this the wrong way but this is a pretty dead town."

"But it's only three of hours away by train to New York City," Ryan looked at me in the eyes as he spoke. "That's where my heart is right now."

"Your...heart is in New York City?" I was flabergasted at that. What the fuck does that mean. He couldn't mean me, can he?

"My heart is in NYC," Ryan repeated to me again. I just sat there in silence, not sure how to process this in my mind. Ryan stood up and said he was gonna show me around his farm. I felt myself standing up and following Ryan. But I still can't help but wonder what he really meant by what he said.

"Alecx?" I looked at my friend as we drank our juice and watched Ryan working on a chair in the barn. "Why did your brother leave Texas to live in this town?""

"Where's the fun in telling you the reason?" Alecx said impishly. "You have to figure it yourself."

"I don't have time for games Alecx," I cried out in frustration.

"I think that deep down in your heart you know the answer to your question Jason," Alecx's eyes were twinkling a bit as she touched my chest. "You just have to find the courage to act upon it."

"What if I'm wrong?" I said in a hoarse voice.

"But what if you're not?" Alecx replied back to me.

"I'm really really tired of being positive when there's no possibility of happiness in my life," I hung my head low. "At least if you don't expect anything, you don't get hurt. Once you entertain the notion that there might be a chance of happiness and you get burned, it's a hundred times worse."

"You need to take a chance to find your own happiness," Alecx squeezed my hand. "If you don't take a chance then you will always wonder what might have been. You might get hurt but you will get over that sooner or later. But you can't get over a missed chance. It will haunt you for the rest of your life."

I didn't bother to answer her. I knew she was right. I stood up and walked to the barn. Ryan was barechested as he worked on the chair. I entered the barn as I tried to control my beating heart. I can't believe I was gonna ask this fine specimen of masculinity if he was gay and if he was interested in me.

"Hey," Ryan greeted me as I entered the barn.

"Want some juice?" I asked him as I offered my half-filled glass of lemonade.

"Thanks," Ryan wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand as he reached for the juice. He gulped it down quickly and then put the glass on a table beside him.

"Nice chair," I said as I inspected the chair Ryan was making. It has a lot of intricate design that made it look like an antique.

"I'm glad you like it," Ryan grinned at me. "I'm making it for you."

"For me?" I looked up at him in surprise.

"Jason, I need to tell you something," Ryan whispered to me. "When I told you that my heart is in New York City, I was lying."

"Oh," My face fell when I heard that from him.

"Actually my heart is here right now in this barn with me," Ryan said softly as he gave me this intense look. I couldn't breath as I heard those words. I slowly smiled at him and he smiled back. At that moment I realized that I wouldn't have to be alone anymore. At that moment I realized that I was glad that I listened to Alecx and took a chance.

And just like that the colors came back into my life.

******* The End *******

Note: I hope you guys like this story. I can't believe I finally finished it. Thanks to River for the help he gave me.

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