Angel of Mine

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on May 24, 2002


**************** Angel of Mine 4 ****************

*********** Jason's POV ***********

"So, you're father told me you are pregnant Alecx," Father walked said as we sat down in front of his desk. We were alone in his office. Alecx's Dad and Ryan was waiting out for us in the lounge area.

"Yes, Father I--" Alecx said in a halting voice.

"Alecx," I sighed out deeply as I gave her a look.

"Fine," Alecx muttered out under her breath. "It's not true father. I'm not pregnant. I just told my dad that so I can break up with Mike."

"I see," Father walked looked at us calmly. "Why not just tell your dad the truth then?"

"He wouldn't understand father," Alecx gave him a knowing look. "You know my father as well as I do. He can be very stubborn sometimes. He already arranged for me to marry Mike and there was no way he would let me break up with him unless I got pregnant by another guy. So I asked my friend here to pretend to be my boyfriend."

"But now he's expecting that Jason here marry you," Father Walker said in amusement. "You want my advice Child? Tell your dad the truth."

"He'll hate me," Alecx whispered to him.

"Your father loves you," Father Walker said simply as he stood up. "Here's what we are gonna do. We'll tell your dad that you two need some more time to think about this marriage more seriously. That will give you enough time to tell your dad the truth."

"Thank you father," I said as I stood up and shook his hand. We all exited his office. Alecx was a little subdued now as Mr. Masters and Ryan approached us when he came out of the office.

"So, when can we schedule the wedding Father?" Mr. Masters asked him quickly without beating around the bush.

"I told your daughter and her friend talk about it some more," Father smiled at Alecx and me with a warm understanding smile. I was feeling a little bad that the nice priest was covering up for us.

"But father, Alecx is-" Mr. Masters started to argue.

"Your daughter is old enough to know what's the right and wrong," Father walker said as he looked at my friend in the eyes. "You will do the right thing, wouldn't you Alecxandra?"

I wanted to laugh just then as I saw Alecx blushing as he nodded her head at the priest. I haven't heard anyone call her Alecxandra in such a long time now and it still makes me laugh to hear someone calling her by her real name.

Mr. Masters asked to speak to the priest in private so the three of us ended up waiting in the lounge room for him. I sat down next to Ryan on the couch while Alecx went to get a drink of water.

"So, you guys aren't going to get married?" Ryan whispered to me.

"I don't know," I sighed out deeply. "I honestly don't know Ryan."

"Alecx is very beautiful," Ryan gave me a weird look now. "She's very nice, funny and intelligent. You should be very excited to marry her."

"It's not as easy as that," I shook my head at him. "There's something we haven't told you."

"What?" Ryan said to me worriedly. "You don't have any other girlfriend in New York, do you? Or maybe you knocked up some other girl? What? What's wrong?"

"I'll get a drink of water too," I stood up and walked out of the lounge area without looking at Ryan. I really wanted to tell him that problem was that I was gay and that I had fallen in love with him. That was the reason I didn't want to marry her sister.

"Hey dad," Ryan said as we walked to the cars. "I promised Jason I'd treat him to lunch at Steaktown in Rocky Falls. You mind driving Alecx home?"

"No," Mr. Masters shook his head. "And I wanted to speak to your sister in private anyway." I gave Ryan a weird look because he never once told me about treating me to lunch today.

"Hope you like steaks," Ryan smiled at me as he started his truck and we went on our way to the neighboring town.

"I love them," I answered him half-heartedly. I was worried about Alecx. I knew she still wouldn't tell his dad the truth. Not yet. They'll just going to get into a shouting match again. She was worried that if her dad found out about her fake pregnancy, she'll be forced to get back together with Mike.

We didn't talk for a while until Ryan started to talk about his college days in Houston. I wasn't really in the mood to talk but Ryan just kept on talking and somehow I started to listen to him intently. I really like Ryan and I like hearing things about him. From the stories he told he, he seems to be a very simply, very responsible guy. The kind of guy I had always wanted.

We reached Steaktown in an hour and then we both ordered T-bone steaks. There were a lot of cowboy-type guys in the restaurant and I felt a little uncomfortable. Some of them were giving me looks. I guess I really stick out in my Dockers and Lacoste shirt.

"Are you gonna tell me what's really wrong between you and Alecx?" Ryan suddenly asked me in the middle of lunch. I almost choked on the piece of meat I was eating. I had to grab the soda I ordered and gulped it down to keep from choking.

"Wh-what?" I looked at Ryan as I wiped my mouth with some napkins.

"There is something that is keeping you from marrying my sister," Ryan said to him point blank. "Tell me about it. I might help you out."

"Just drop the subject Ryan, okay?" I sighed out deeply and looked into his deep brown eyes. Then I forced a smile and said, "You're Mexican, right?"

"My great-grandparents were," Ryan nodded his head. "I'm about 1/8 Mexican. Dad tries to teach us some of the traditional customs of our great-grandparents but I guess Alecx and I aren't really Mexicans anymore. Heck, I haven't even been to Mexico yet."

"Maybe you and Alecx can down to Mexico during the summer," I said as I tried to change the subject. "I heard Acapulco is nice."

"I wanted to go down to Mexico but Alecx said she'd rather go to Italy," Ryan said to me wryly. "Maybe---you'd like to go down with me instead?"

"Me?" I was taken aback by his offer.

"You said Acapulco was nice, right?" Ryan shrugged his shoulders casually but I could sense he was a little tense right now. "I thought you might enjoy the trip also."

"My Spanish is a little rusty," I said with a laugh. "I've always wanted to visit Mexico but I was afraid I might not understand what people down there is saying."

"Well, I speak Spanish pretty fluently," Ryan smiled at me broadly. "If you down to Mexico with me, you wouldn't have to worry about anything."

"Let's see what happens," I forced a smile at him. I knew that if he ever figured out what's really going on between me and Alecx, he would hate me because I lied to me.

"I wish--you'd marry Alecx," Ryan whispered to me. "I think I'd really like you to be my brother-in-law."

"That's all you want me to be? Just your brother-in-law?" I whispered back to him. I looked into his eyes, a little hurt that all he wanted was for me to be his brother-in-law.

"It's not like I have any choice," Ryan looked back at me with the same intense, pained look I was giving him. "You're my sister's boyfriend. The father of her baby. It's not like---you can be something else to me, can you?"

" you want me to be in your life?" I asked him in an unsteady voice. "Forget Alecx, forget anyone else. What do you want me to be?"

"I---" Ryan trailed off as he forced his eyes away from me. He cleared his throat and then cleared his throat and called the waiter. He asked for our dessert now. When he looked at me again, he started talking about stuff involving Alecx. Like how he used to make her cry everyday and stuff like that.

I hung my head low and tried hard not to cry. There! I looked like a complete moron. Ryan wasn't feeling anything for me. All he cares about is Alecx. The reason why he was just being so damn friendly towards me was because, to him, I was his sister's boyfriend and the future father of his nephew or niece. Fuck!

********** Ryan's POV **********

I want to be your boyfriend. Fuck! That was what I wanted to say when Jason asked me that question of his earlier. But I was too damn shocked and surprised by what he said to answer him.

I just tossed and turned on my bed for hours, wondering if I had answered his question truthfully, would he be sharing my bed right now? I've never really regretted anything before in my life but now I'm starting to wish I could turn back time. I got out of bed to get a drink of water. As I passed by Alecx's room, I heard giggles. I knew I shouldn't do it but I found myself eavesdropping. I can't hear much but Alecx and Jason seem to me laughing and giggling at something.

I went downstairs and got the glass of water and then I went out to the porch to get some fresh hair. Thirty minutes later, I heard someone coming down the stairs. I looked into the kitchen and saw Jason getting a drink of water also.

I walked back in the kitchen and Jason almost dropped his glass when he saw me. I saw him cringing as he looked at me. I wanted to tell him so much that I wanted him to be more than my brother-in-law. I wanted him to be my boyfriend. But I didn't really know how to bring up the topic again.

"Pretty hot night, huh?" I said to him dumbly.

"Yeah," Jason nodded his head slowly. "Umm, I'd better get back to bed. Alecx and I have to leave early."

"Leave early?" I looked at him in surprise. "Where are you going?"

"New York," Jason whispered to me.

"What?!" My eyes grew wide in shock. "You're going home already?"

"We need to go back to work," Jason smiled at me weakly. "Or else we will get fired."

"What about your marriage?" I couldn't really think straight anymore as I still looked at him in shock.

"Is that all you can think about?" Jason looked a little hurt at me. "Me marrying your sister?"

"Jason---" Why the fuck am I always so damn speechless whenever he is around? I should be telling him how much I love him, how much I like his company. I should tell him that the reason why I punched him the first time I saw him was because I got so damn jealous that he turned out to be Alecx's boyfriend. But all I can do was stand there and watch him turn around and walk back up to my sister's room.

"You think it was a good idea to let her fly back to New York without knowing if they are planning to get married or not?" Dad asked mom while we were driving back to the house.

"She's old enough to know what she wants," Mom told dad simply. That was that. End of discussion.

"And what about you Ryan?" Dad said as he turned his attention to me.

"What about me?" I said, feigning ignorance. We had been here a lot of times before. He can't figure out why I wasn't dating girls.

"You know what I mean son," Dad sighed out deeply. "When are you planning to get married?"

I wanted to get married real soon dad, the only problem is that the guy I want to marry is my sister's boyfriend. "I haven't found the right one yet dad," I said with a laugh.

"Well, how can you find the right girl if you don't date," Dad said to me a little dryly.

"I'm just busy at the farm dad," I said defensively. "Besides, I'm not really interested in anyone here." Yeah, I'm really interested in this wonderful guy in New York.

"You're not getting any younger son," Dad warned me. "Better find the right girl soon or else you might end up growing old and alone like your Uncle Joshua."

"Joshua's not alone," Mom said in defense of her brother. "He's with Matthew in L.A., remember? I think they are planning on adopting a baby this year."

"They seem to really like each other," Dad said grudgingly. Although dad was a redneck, he wasn't as close-minded as some of the people in Texas. He would even invite Uncle Joshua and Uncle Matthew to spend some time with us in the farm. But I'm really not sure how he would take it if his own son is gay.

The next month was pure hell. All I can think about was Jason and his wonderful smile. I would even sometimes go out on the porch and watch the sun rise because Jason and I had a great time doing that every morning. I have it really bad. Every minute, every second, all I can think about is Jason.

That was why I decided to go and visit Alecx after a few weeks. I told dad and mom that I wanted to surprise Alecx and see how she was doing. They agreed to let me leave since they also wanted to know how things are going between Jason and Alecx.

I arrived in New York pretty late and I took a cab straight to her apartment. I was sort of nervous since I was going to see Jason again and I didn't really know if I could tell him now how I really felt.

I was staring at the building we were passing by. Then to my great shock, I saw Alecx standing outside an apartment building, a black haired guy holding her close and giving her a kiss!

"Stop!" I yelled at the driver. I quickly gave him the cab fare and got out with my bag. I walked back to where I saw Alecx and now the guy was really frenching my sister. I walked up to them and said, "Alecxandra?!" Alecx quickly pulled away from the guy and looked at my direction. She saw me and I know she almost fainted in shock.

"Ryan?!" Alecx stammered out in shock. The guy just stared at me and my sister in bewilderment.

"What the fuck are you doing kissing this guy?!" I stepped a little closer, my eyes burning in anger. How dare she cheat on Jason like this? I would have given anything to be with Jason and yet Alecx was kissing another guy?

"Who's this guy?" The guy said as he stepped in front of Alecx protectively.

"This is my brother Jack," Alecx sighed out deeply. He made Jack face her and then gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll just call you tomorrow, okay?"

"You're not going to call-" I started to say angrily.

"Not now Ryan," Alecx cut me off as Jack hugged my sister and then walked in his apartment building as he glared at me. I just folded my arms and waited for Alecx to explain what the fuck I just saw.

************* ToBeContinued *************

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Next: Chapter 5

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