Angel of Mine

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on Apr 23, 2002


Note: Thanks for everyone who had emailed me and told me they liked the story. I haven't written a story for a while. For the first time in a long while, I actually feel happy so I was in the mood to write a romantic story again. Thanks again for all the emails I received.

**************** Angel of Mine 2 ****************

*********** Jason's POV ***********

I can't believe the situation I was in. I only agreed to pretend to be Alecx's boyfriend. I never imagined I'd meet such a hot stud or that he would give me a huge black eye. And I also never imagined that I'd end up being the father of Alecx's make believe baby. When I asked her why she said something stupid like that, she told me that she only said that so that her parents would have no choice but to agree to end her engagement to Mike.

As I was sitting on the back porch stairs, looking out the huge track of land that was the Master's ranch, I can't help but wish I was back in New York City. At least, I was very sure of how the people back there would react. I'm in an unfamiliar territory and the worst part is that it was rural Texas. Somewhere that a gay man like me wouldn't want to visit.

I hugged myself as I felt a cold breeze blowing. I heard the door creaking open. I looked back and saw that it was Ryan. Ryan seemed very surprised to see me there.

"You're up early," Ryan whispered softly as he sat down beside me and sipped a cup of coffee.

"I really can't sleep that well in a strange bed," I told him.

"You want me to fix you some coffee?" Ryan offered me.

"I'm really not a coffee person," I shook my head no. "Thanks anyway."

"I hoped that the blackeye I gave you wasn't the reason you couldn't sleep," Ryan said in a trembling voice.

"Well, It didn't help," I smiled at him wryly.

"I'm sorry," Ryan apologized to me again. Ryan put down his cup and faced me. He reached out and inspected the black eye on my face. "I'll take you to Doctor Phillips later."

"It's just a bruise," I felt his touch on my skin again. I loved the way he touched me last night and I love the way he was touching me right now. But at the back of my mind, I knew I should pull away. I didn't want to blow my cover in front of Ryan.

"But I caused it," Ryan said as he pulled his hand back. "I can't help but feel responsible."

"Fine," I smiled at him. "You want to make it up to me?"

"Of course," Ryan nodded his head. "I'll do anything."

"How about letting me milk some cows this morning?" I haven't been on a farm before and all those movies I've seen with people milking cows seem pretty cool to me.

"Do you even know how to milk a cow?" Ryan was surprised at my request.

"That's what you're here for," I put an arm around his shoulders casually. "You are gonna teach me all I need to know about milking cows."

"You do know that even if we are in a rural hick town, we do have a modern farm," Ryan said with a laugh. "All the milking is done by machines now. But if you really milk a cow by hand, I guess we can do that."

"Come on then," I stood up and walked down the porch. If I have to be here, I am gonna enjoy my stay here in spite of that stupid plan of Alecx. Ryan left his coffee mug on the porch and showed me to the barn. Ryan had toured me around the barn, showing me the milking machine before leading me to where the cows were being kept.

"I haven't milked a cow like this for years," Ryan said impishly as he watched me pulling on the udder of the cow. I didn't know it was this hard and I barely got a glass of milk out of the cow.

"I think there's something wrong with this cow," I said to Ryan, frustrated.

"You're just not pulling on the udder right," Ryan said as I felt him kneeling behind me. His arms encircled me and I felt his hands on top of mine. Ryan whispered in my ear, "Do it like this." I let him guide me for a few minutes.

"I think I know now why you guys bought that milking machine," I said to Ryan with a laugh. "I'd rather buy my milk at the supermarket than milk it out of a cow like this."

"Life on a farm is pretty hard but you'll learn to love it," Ryan rested his chin on my shoulders as I was sitting on a low stool and he helped me milked the cow.

"I'm a city folk not a--," I turned my head a little to face him. I felt my heart beating faster when our lips almost met. My lips just an inch away from his. I could feel his hot breath on my face as we stared at each other's face for a few minutes. I didn't even notice that we had already stopped milking the cow. I already forgot what I was saying as I drowned in his deep brown eyes.

I didn't know what could have happened. We might have end up sharing a kiss or maybe something more but then we heard his father's deep voice calling out his name. He quickly pulled away from me and we both stared at each other in embarrassment.

"There you are," John Masters said as he found us. "Jason? What are you doing up so early?"

"Ryan's teaching me how to milk a cow sir," I stood up and tried to remain cool but I knew my face was a little red. My body was still trembling from closeness I had just shared with Ryan.

"I know this isn't the time for this Jason but I want you and Alecx to go and talk to Father Walker today," It was more of an order from Alecx's father than a request. "He'll know what to do."

"Yes sir," I can't help but agree with him.

"You two better hurry up with that milk," John said to use before leaving. I looked at Ryan, very self-conscious at what almost happened between us. I told Ryan that he'd better milk the cow so we'd finish faster. I didn't dare talk to him anymore because I just might say something stupid and I'll blow my cover.

********** Ryan's POV **********

I just stared at Jason and mom uncomfortably. We were in the living room as we heard Dad and Alecx 'talking' inside his den. Alecx didn't want to go to Father Walker and told us she and Jason would discuss what would happen once they go back to New York.

Frankly, I don't know why Alecx was acting this way. Jason was very handsome; looks like he has an incredible body, very intelligent and very funny. If she didn't want him, I'd be more than willing to have him.

"Umm," Mom stood up and looked at me. "Why don't you show Jason around the farm while I go see what's happening with your dad and sister?" She immediately headed to dad's den, leaving Jason and me alone again. I kinda got the feeling that Jason was avoiding me since the incident at the barn this morning. But I didn't blame him. I couldn't believe I had almost kissed my future brother-in-law! What the hell was I thinking pulling a stunt like that?

But I knew the answer was in front of me. As I watch Jason smiling at me uncomfortably, I knew that all the logic and all the reason in my mind just magically disappear when I'm around my sister's fiancée.

"You want to go on a picnic?" I asked him stupidly. I didn't really know why I asked him on a picnic but it was the first thing that was out of my mouth when I spoke.

"Okay," Jason agreed with me. We went to the kitchen to see what kind of food we can take on our picnic. I was more than ready to just go out with some beer and chips but Jason surprised me by fixing some food for our picnic.

"Where did you learn how to cook?" I asked in amazement as he fixed a salad. "I can't even make a good salad."

"My parents pretty much left me alone when I was a kid," Jason shrugged his shoulders. "They were trying to make a lot of money so I had to fend off for myself."

After Jason had fixed the salad and chicken sandwich, we left. We took my jeep and headed to a hill overlooking the river that runs through the farm. I had always loved this place and I wanted Jason to see how beautiful the spot is also.

We set up the blanket under an old tree and we played some cards for a while before we got hungry and decided to eat our food. It as amazing that neither one of us had really spoken much yet since we left the house. But somehow I felt so at ease and so comfortable being with Jason even if he hasn't conversed much.

"By the way," Jason looked at me nervously as he drank his beer. "I haven't thanked you for this morning yet. Thanks. I really had a great time. I'm still having a great time with you."

"Don't mention it," I grinned at him goofily. I thought he wouldn't even acknowledge what happened this morning but he said he had a great time. A lot of stupid thoughts ran through my mind just then. Maybe Jason liked the closeness we shared earlier.

************* ToBeContinued *************

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Next: Chapter 3

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