Angel of Mine

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on Apr 16, 2002


**************** Angel of Mine 1 ****************

*********** Jason's POV ***********

"Please Jason, Please?" Alecx Masters looked at me pleadingly while we were sitting on a picnic blanket. It was a nice Sunday afternoon and the two of us decided to have ourselves a little picnic.

"Are you insane?!" I hissed out at her. "You want me to pose as your boyfriend? Hello?! I'm gay, remember?"

"My family doesn't know that," Alecx replied back to me sarcastically. "And unless we tell them, they wouldn't know that."

"Why don't you just tell your parents you don't want to worry that stupid guy?" I muttered out to her. "They'll understand."

"They made this stupid pact with their friends that I was to marry their son someday," Alecx sighed out deeply. "I'm afraid that if I come back home, they won't let me go back here. It would just be a lot easier for everyone if I pretend to have a boyfriend."

"You told me your family is a very traditional one, right?" I asked her slowly. Alecx's grandmother was Mexican and they lived in a town in Texas that has a lot of families that traces its roots in Mexico. "How will your family react when you just show up with a boyfriend when you're already almost engaged to another guy?"

"Let me handle them, okay?" She again looked at me pleadingly. "Please? I won't ask you any other favor ever."

"Fine, but you're gonna buy the tickets, not me," I sighed out in defeat. I knew Alecx back in college and we ended working for the same advertising firm afterwards. She has become a good friend of mine and I really didn't have the heart to say no to her.

"Thanks!" Alecx gave me a very tight hug. "We'll have a lot of fun in Santa Ana, you'll see."

It was a two-hour drive from Houston to Santa Ana. It was one of those rural towns that were pretty developed. Families own huge lands and huge herds of cattle. The town proper itself was pretty lively. It even had a movie house.

"Fuck," I muttered out to Alecx as she drove to their farm. "Every guy in this town seems to be homophobic bastards."

"They're pretty nice," Alecx said defensively. "And you can't tell if someone if homophobic or not with just the way they look."

"I'm starting to think this is a bad idea," I started to get worried as I pictured her father and brother beating the crap out of me when she tell them I'm her boyfriend. As far as everyone in this town knows, she was engaged to Mike Black.

"How about I treat you to some sundae first before we go to the farm, okay?" Alecx said as she parked the car in front an ice cream parlor. We both got out and went in the establishment and ordered two ice cream sundaes.

"See, I told you this was a nice town," Alecx grinned at me. Almost everyone had greeted her there and even smiled at me though they didn't know me. I was glad that she introduced me as her friend from New York City.

"Let me ask you this," I looked at her in the eyes. "What kind of person is this Mike Black?"

"He's pretty nice, I guess," Alecx shrugged her shoulders. "You know, the typical farmer's son. I wouldn't mind marrying him except that I want to live in a big city and he's very happy just being a farmer. I don't think I'm the type of girl that would be suited for farm life. Maybe before but not anymore."

"Your family?" I asked her as I started to eat my sundae.

"My mom's pretty cool," She said with a grin. "I wouldn't have any problem with her but my dad's pretty set in his ways. My brother's very cool too. But he seems to love this whole farm thing way too much. He even studied agriculture in Houston so he could modernize our farm."

After eating our sundaes, she toured me for a while around the town before we headed to their farm. Alecx had told me that they grow corn and raise cattle. They have one of the largest farms in town.

"It's pretty big," I said in awe as we got closer to the house.

"My dad has three brothers and two sisters you know," Alecx said with a laugh. But I could detect some nervousness in her voice as we got closer to the house. "But all of them had moved out of Santa Ana. My dad's the only one who decided to continue with the farm."

She parked the rented car in front of the house and we both got out. Before I could say anything, the door opened and a very very handsome guy came out of the house. Damn! If this was Mike, I'd have to hit Alecx on the head for not wanting to marry him. I'd marry him in an instant if he proposes to me.

"Ryan!" Alecx screamed out as she ran to the guy and gave him a very tight hug. I just stood there and continued to look at the very handsome Latino guy. My mind was blank as I stared at this angel in front of me.

"Look at you," Ryan laughed out as he pulled away from Alecx and looked at her from head to foot. "You've grown taller!"

"I missed you," Alecx hugged him again. It was then than some more people came out of the house. A couple looked like they could be Alecx's parents. The young guy must be Mike and the other older couple must be his parents.

"Mom! Dad!" Alecx looked very very happy as she was reunited with her parents. I felt kinda jealous that she seems to be very very affectionate towards her parents. I'm not that affectionate towards my parents but that doesn't mean I love them less. I'm not just a very affectionate guy.

"And you are?" Ryan finally looked at me and gave a very warm smile. He put up his hand for me to shake. "One of Alecx's friends from Columbia University?"

"I..umm....I'm Jason, Jason Brooks," I croaked out weakly as I shook his hand. I just continued to stare at his deep brown eyes as we shook hands. Fuck! What is this I'm feeling? I've never felt anything like this before. I've never believed in love at first sight. But right now, I could believe in anything.

"Oh, by the way," Alecx walked back to my side and put an arm around my waist casually. "This is Jason, my boyfriend."

"What?!" Everyone looked at us in shock. I saw Ryan stepping back a little bit, a look of pure shock all over his face.

"He's your boyfriend?!" Ryan said in disbelief.

"Wh-what about Mike?" Mrs. Masters stammered out.

"Young man," Mr. Black walked down the stairs half-way towards us. I could see his eyes were burning in anger. "I'd like you to know that Alecx here have been engaged to my son even before she left for New York. They're going to be married and I don't care if you think you could---"

"I'm sorry Uncle Phil," Alecx cut off her dad's best friend. "but..I..I can't marry Mike. I...I have to...marry Jason. I...I'm carrying his baby."

I pulled away from Alecx and looked at her in shock. We never talked about this and it came as a complete shock to me also. That's the reason I didn't see Ryan stepped closer to me. I just felt him turning me to face him and I felt his huge hard fist on my face as he punched me hard.

"You Bastard!" Ryan yelled out angrily. I fell back on the ground as Alecx stepped between her brother and me.

********** Ryan's POV **********

When I first saw Jason, I felt my heart doing back flips inside my body. I never knew they made guys this beautiful before. And he had this radiant smile on his face that just made me want to pull him into my arms and kiss him hard. And they way he was looking at me, I thought that he might be gay and might be interested in me.

But when Alecx told us that he was her boyfriend and was the father of the child she was carrying, reality came crashing down hard. Why do I always do this to myself? Get myself work up over a guy only to find out he's straight.

Maybe it was more of my frustration than my anger that made me punch him. I was just so pissed off that he was straight. I could have almost tasted his lips on mine. I could have almost felt his arms around me. I could have almost tasted forever in his eyes. But then my sister has to announce to us he was her boyfriend and the father of her child. Fuck!

I got out of the bathroom when I calmed down a bit and saw Alecx, Jason, mom and dad in the dining room. The Blacks had already left after Alecx had announced she was pregnant. I pulled up a chair next to mom and sat down. I saw that Jason had his head hung low as my dad was asking him a question.

"So, do you have a job Jason?" Mr. Masters said in a calm cool voice but we could all hear the anger in his voice.

"Yes sir," Jason looked up at my father. I couldn't help but curse softly as I saw that Jason had this huge bruise around his left eyes. I knew that it would result in a very bad black eye. "I...I'm an advertising executive in the same company Alecx works for."

"You just have to marry Alecx," Mr. Masters said to them. "Immediately. I wouldn't want my first grandson to be a bastard. We'll call up Father Walker tomorrow and---"

"Dad," Alecx sighed out deeply. "Let's not talk about that right now. It was a pretty long flight and we'd like some sleep."

"Fine," Mr. Masters said as he stood up. "Let's talk tomorrow. Ryan, help your sister and Jason up to her room."

"Wait a minute," I looked at dad in surprise. "They're gonna sleep together in Alecx's old bedroom?"

"I think it's too late for that, don't you think so?" Mr. Masters said a little sarcastically as he walked towards his den. I sighed out deeply and help carry Alecx things up to her room. Then I quickly went to my bedroom and took a long hot shower. Afterwards, I tried to read a book but I couldn't concentrate so I just went down and found everyone had already gone to sleep. I went to the living room and watched some late movie. An hour later, I heard someone walking down the stairs. I stood up and saw that it was Jason.

"Umm, hey" Jason cringed a little when he saw me. He said nervously, "I just wanted to get a glass of cold water if I could."

"Over here," I lead Jason to the kitchen and got him a glass of water. I watched him drink the water and he handed the glass back to me. I smiled at him wryly and said, "I'm sorry about punching you earlier."

"I understand," He replied weakly as I put the glass down. "I know how much you love Alecx and I know the last thing you wanted was for her to get knocked up by a bastard like me."

"You're not a bastard," I looked at him in embarrassment. I didn't know he thinks I think he is a bastard. "Accidents happen. And you do love my sister, right?" Please say no, Please say no. Please say that it was just a stupid mistake and that you're really gay and that you like me.

"Of course," Jason smiled feebly. Then Jason winced a little as he felt the bruise in his face burning a little bit. "fuck!"

"Oh, does it hurt?" I can't help but reach out and touch the bruise gently. I saw Jason nod his head so I went to get a small towel and some ice. I wrapped the ice around the towel and gently pressed it against the bruise. "Sorry about punching you like that."

"I told you in understand," Jason giggled a little bit. "Are you gonna apologize to me again or what?"

"I don't want you to think I'm a violent guy because I'm not," I whispered to him as I stepped closer and gently massaged the bruise with the towel. Neither of us spoke for a few seconds as it massaged the bruise with the towel. Then I put the towel down and saw that the swelling had gown down a bit.

"There," I said to him with a smile as I reached out and gently caressed the bruise. "I hope that it's better."

"It is," Jason grinned at me. "Thanks." I didn't know why but I just continued to gently caress his face. First it was just the bruise but my fingers slowly traced his jaw line. My trembling hand was about to trace his lips when I heard someone clearing her throat. I jumped back in shock and saw my Mom by the doorway.

"Mom!" I stammered out in shock.

"Is there any problem down here?" Mrs. Masters walked in and got between Jason and me.

"I just asked Ryan for some cold water and he put some ice pack on my bruise," Jason said to my mom. "I'd better go back upstairs. See you tomorrow Ryan." I watched Jason walk out of the kitchen and my mom and I didn't speak as we listen to Jason walk up the stairs.

"I...ummm..I was just-" I said to my sheepishly. She was the only one I had told about my sexuality.

"Just remember that he is your sister's boyfriend and the father of her child," Mom spoke softly to me. "Remember that."

"How can I forget that?" I said to her, lying. For a second back there, I had completely forgot Jason was Alecx's boyfriend. The way he was looking at me, I could swear he feels something about me too.

************* ToBeContinued *************

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Next: Chapter 2

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